

Howard High School


PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: Business Education & Computer Science CAREER PATHWAY: Computer Applications is a prerequisite for all CTAE Pathways

COURSE TITLE: Computer Applications

Teacher: N’Yasha Email: [email protected] Room Number: 404 Phone Number: 478-779-4927 Semester: Spring 2012 Tutorial Day: Monday – Thursday Textbook: MS Office 2010 by Pasewark Tutorial Hours: 3:00 – 4:00 Textbook Price: $82.25 Tutorial Location: 404

Department Philosophy: The Career Technology Education Department believes that education’s most important function is to provide all students with the skills needed for post-secondary and careers. This is accomplished by providing interest-based programs that meet industry standards. Course Description: The goal of this course is to provide an understanding and application of social, ethical, and human issues related to technology. The course will also provide an introduction to computer technology, decision-making, productivity, communications, and problem-solving skills. Areas of instruction include computer applications and integration of word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software as well as use of emerging technologies. In this course, high school students can acquire skills required to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate documents. Areas of study will also include oral and written communications and information research for reporting purposes. Competencies for the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of both the core employability skills standards and technical skill standards. Articulation: This course is Bibb County approved and articulated with Central Georgia Technical College’s Introductions to Microcomputers* & Advanced Word Processing & Desktop Publishing Techniques**. * Computing in the Modern World must be taken, in addition to Computer Applications to articulate with Introductions to Microcomputers ** Computer Applications II must be taken, in addition to Computer Applications, to articulate with Advanced Word Processing & Desktop Publishing Techniques Course Prerequisites: None Career Pathways: Computer Applications serve as a prerequisite to all CTAE Pathways.

Bibb County CTAE Pathways Administration/Information Graphic Communication

Architectural Drawing & Design Interactive Media Basic Agricultural Science & Technology JROTC

Broadcast & Video Production Law & Justice Computer Systems & Support Marketing & Management

Computing Nursery & Landscape Construction Nutrition & Food Science Culinary Arts Small Business Development

Early Childhood Education Teaching as a Profession Financial Management – Accounting Therapeutic Services – Medical Services

Financial Management – Services Therapeutic Services – Nursing Flight Operations Transportation Logistical Support (Automotive)

General Horticulture & Plant Science

Course Schedule Week 1 Introductions/Syllabus Week 10 Excel Week 2 Word Week 11 Excel Week 3 Word Week 12 Access Week 4 Word Week 13 Access Week 5 Word Week 14 Access Week 6 Word Week 15 Publisher Week 7 Word Week 16 PowerPoint Week 8 Excel Week 17 PowerPoint Week 9 Excel Week 18 Finals

Internet Acceptable Use: Use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the Bibb County School System. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. Any student user not complying with the Bibb County School System Internet Acceptable Use Agreement shall lose Internet privileges for a period of not less than one week. FBLA: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a co-curricular national student organization designed to offer students the opportunity to participate in leadership activities both in and out of the classroom. Members have the opportunity to go on field trips, participate in competitive events, perform community service, interact with the business community, and attend state and national conferences. Grading Scale*

Area Percentage Area Percentage

Daily Assignments 40% Final Exam 100% Tests 35% Projects 25% Total 100% Total 100% Daily assignments, tests, and projects comprise 85% of your final grade.

The Final Exam comprises 15% of your final grade.

Required Material: Pencil/pen, paper, and notebook/folder/binder/etc.

Classroom Expectations: Give Respect, Get Respect.

All rules included in the Bibb County Code of Conduct Book will be enforced. Additionally, students will abide by the normal practices of the classroom. These practices include:

‐ Students will respect the teacher, their fellow students, and their environment. ‐ Students will not get up out of their seat during class unless called upon. ‐ Students will take care of all necessities prior to the beginning of class (sharpening pencils, finding

materials, etc.). ‐ Students will enter class and immediately begin their Activation Activity. No exceptions. ‐ Students may talk quietly during designated time-frames. Under no circumstances should students talk

while the teacher is instructing. ‐ Students will sit in their assigned seat each day. The teacher reserves to right to redesign the classroom

seating chart at any time. ‐ Students may not leave the class during the first 20 minutes nor the last 20 minutes of class. ‐ Students will not misuse the computers in class in any fashion (Facebook, hacking, games, etc.). ‐ Students should come to class prepared with notebook, paper, and writing utensil every day.

Make-up Policy: It is the responsibility of the student to retrieve make-up assignments for missed school days from the teacher. Students have five (5) school days to make up missed work. After-school work can be done via appointment or Monday – Thursdays by appointment from 3:00 – 4:00. Re-Work Policy: Students who make a 69 or below on a project or text can re-do the assignment within five (5) school days. Students will receive a 70 if they pass the assignment on the second attempt. Students will not receive a grade higher than a 70 for a re-work. After-school work can be done via appointment or Monday – Thursdays by appointment from 3:00 – 4:00.

* This course does not have an End of Course Test (EOCT) * * All rules included in the Bibb County Code of Conduct book will be enforced *

The course syllabus is a general plan for the course; all information contained in the course syllabus/calendar is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class and a revised syllabus distributed to students to be shared with their parents/guardians. Acknowledgment of Receipt: By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and understood the contents in the 2012-2013 Computer Applications syllabus. Student Name (Print)_________________________________________ Date________________ Student Signature___________________________________________ Date_________________ Parent Name (Print)__________________________________________ Date________________ Parent Signature____________________________________________ Date_________________

Pacing guide

Computer ApplicationsInstructional Focus Calendar

Spring 2013

Instructional Day #

Calendar Date

Standard Addressed Project-Based Instruction FBLA in the Classroom Current Event

1 7‐Jan CTAE-FS-3Efficacy - Strong Side/Weak


2 8‐Jan CTAE-FS-3Efficacy - GET SMART vs.

Brain Theory3 9‐Jan CTAE-FS-3 Efficacy - FADAF & POLO4 10‐Jan CTAE-FS-3 Efficacy - D/F/S

5 11‐Jan CTAE-FS-3RSW - Intro to Unit/Current

EventRSW - Intro to Unit/Current


6 14‐Jan BCS-CA1-3Word Lesson 1 Step-by-


7 15‐Jan BCS-CA1-3Word Lesson 2 Step-by-


8 16‐Jan BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 3 Step-by-Steps9 17‐Jan BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 3 Projects10 18‐Jan CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article FBLA Scavenger Hunt RSW - Lesson/Article

11 22‐Jan BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 4 Step-by-Steps12 23‐Jan BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 4 Projects13 24‐Jan BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 5 Step-by-Steps13 24 Jan BCS CA1 3 Word Lesson 5 Step by Steps14 25‐Jan BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 5 Projects15 28‐Jan CTAE-FS-3 Career Lesson Plan FBLA Flyer Activity #1 RSW - Lesson/Article16 29‐Jan CTAE-FS-3 Career Lesson Plan17 30‐Jan CTAE-FS-3 Career Lesson Plan18 31‐Jan CTAE-FS-3 Career Lesson Plan19 1‐Feb CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article FBLA Letter Activity20 4‐Feb CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Seminar #121 5‐Feb CTAE-FS-3 Mock Interview22 6‐Feb CTAE-FS-3 Mock Interview23 7‐Feb CTAE-FS-3 Mock Interview24 8‐Feb CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article FBLA Flyer Activity #2 RSW - Lesson/Article

25 11‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 6 Step-by-Steps26 12‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 6 Projects

Computer ApplicationsInstructional Focus Calendar

Spring 2013

Instructional Day #

Calendar Date

Standard Addressed Project-Based Instruction FBLA in the Classroom Current Event

27 13‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 7 Step-by-Steps28 14‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 7 Projects29 15‐Feb CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article RSW - Lesson/Article30 19‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 8 Step-by-Steps31 20‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Lesson 8 Projects32 21‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Unit Project33 22‐Feb BCS-CA1-3 Word Unit Project

34 25‐Feb BCS-CA1-4Excel Lesson 1 Step-by-


35 26‐Feb BCS-CA1-4Excel Lesson 2 Step-by-


36 27‐Feb BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 3 Step-by-Steps37 28‐Feb BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 3 Projects

38 1‐Mar CTAE-FS-3RSW - Writing #1 -


39 4‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 4 Step-by-Steps FBLA Budget Activity40 5‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 4 Projects

41 6‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 5 Step-by-Steps42 7‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 5 Projects43 8‐Mar CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article RSW - Lesson/Article

44 11‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 6 Step-by-Steps45 12‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 6 Projects46 13‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 7 Step-by-Steps47 14‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 7 Projects48 18‐Mar CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article RSW - Lesson/Article

49 19‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 8 Step-by-Steps50 20‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Lesson 8 Projects51 21‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Unit Project52 22‐Mar BCS-CA1-4 Excel Unit Project

Computer ApplicationsInstructional Focus Calendar

Spring 2013

Instructional Day #

Calendar Date

Standard Addressed Project-Based Instruction FBLA in the Classroom Current Event

53 1‐Apr BCS-CA1-5Access Lesson 1 Step-by-


54 2‐Apr BCS-CA1-5Access Lesson 2 Step-by-


55 3‐Apr BCS-CA1-5Access Lesson 3 Step-by-

Steps56 4‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Lesson 3 Projects57 5‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 RSW - Seminar #2

58 8‐Apr BCS-CA1-5Access Lesson 4 Step-by-

Steps FBLA Database Activity59 9‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Lesson 4 Projects

60 10‐Apr BCS-CA1-5Access Lesson 5 Step-by-

Steps61 11‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Lesson 5 Projects62 12‐Apr CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article RSW - Lesson/Article63 15‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Lesson 6 Step-by-Steps64 16‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Lesson 6 Projects65 17‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Unit Project66 18‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Unit Project67 19‐Apr BCS-CA1-5 Access Unit Project

68 22‐Apr BCS-CA1-6PowerPoint Lesson 1 Step-by-


69 23‐Apr BCS-CA1-6PowerPoint Lesson 2 Step-by-


70 24‐Apr BCS-CA1-6 PowerPoint Lesson 2 Projects71 25‐Apr CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article RSW - Lesson/Article

72 26‐Apr CTAE-FS-3RSW - Writing #2 -


73 29‐Apr BCS-CA1-6PowerPoint Lesson 3 Step-by-


74 30‐Apr BCS-CA1-6 PowerPoint Lesson 3 Projects

75 1‐May BCS-CA1-6PowerPoint Lesson 4 Step-by-


Computer ApplicationsInstructional Focus Calendar

Spring 2013

Instructional Day #

Calendar Date

Standard Addressed Project-Based Instruction FBLA in the Classroom Current Event

76 2‐May BCS-CA1-6 PowerPoint Lesson 4 Projects77 3‐May CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article RSW - Lesson/Article78 6‐May BCS-CA1-6 PowerPoint Unit Project79 7‐May BCS-CA1-6 PowerPoint Unit Project

80 8‐May BCS-CA1-3Publisher Lesson 1 Step-by-


81 9‐May BCS-CA1-3Publisher Lesson 2 Step-by-

Steps/Projects FBLA Tri-fold Activity82 10‐May CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Lesson/Article FBLA Tri-Fold Activity RSW - Lesson/Article83 13‐May CTAE-FS-3 RSW - Writing #3 - Journal84 14‐May BCS-CA1-9 Office Integration Project85 15‐May BCS-CA1-9 Office Integration Project86 16‐May BCS-CA1-9 Office Integration Project87 17‐May BCS-CA1-9 Office Integration Project88 20‐May BCS-CA1-9 Office Integration Project89 21‐May BCS-CA1-9 Office Integration Project

Class Projects

Project Based Instruction Spring 2013 


What the students should


What the students should

have done….


#1- Word Project 4-4

Students will learn to use various formatting features in Word such as font color, styles, etc.

Students will recreate poster using a variety of font colors, styles, etc.

BCS-CA1-3. Students will use word processing and/or desktop publishing software through a variety of input technologies to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate documents.

#2- Word Project 6-2

Students will learn to use various features related to shapes in Word.

Students will create a flyer using shapes, formatting them appropriately.

BCS-CA1-3. Students will use word processing and/or desktop publishing software through a variety of input technologies to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate documents.

#3- Excel Project 2-3

Students will learn to format cells, fonts, etc. in MS Excel (font color, cell color, cell format, etc.)

Students will recreate a budget sheet using a variety of fill colors, font colors, etc.

BCS-CA1-4. Students will use spreadsheet software to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate files.

Class Project


Student Work


Stop and Think

HHooww ccaann II bbuuiilldd aa ggoooodd rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp wwiitthh mmyy SSuuppeerrvviissoorr??

Be reliable Show you are willing to assume responsibilities Be loyal to your company Do not let personal problems affect your work

HHooww ccaann II bbuuiilldd ggoooodd rreellaattiioonnsshhiippss wwiitthh mmyy ccoo--wwoorrkkeerrss??

Treat others with respect Treat co-workers’ property with respect Use good manners, not bad language Avoid unnecessary conversations at work

Julianne Register

Stop and Think HHooww  ccaann  II  bbuuiilldd  aa  ggoooodd  rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp  wwiitthh  mmyy  SSuuppeerrvviissoorr??  

Be reliable Show you are willing to assume responsibilities Be loyal to your company Do not let personal problems affect your work 

HHooww  ccaann  II  bbuuiilldd  ggoooodd  rreellaattiioonnsshhiippss  wwiitthh  mmyy  ccoo‐‐wwoorrkkeerrss??  

Treat others with respect Treat co‐workers’ property with respect Use good manners, not bad language Avoid unnecessary conversations at work 

JaQuerry Walker 


Class Project


Student Work


Jackson Moore  



8514 Joliet Avenue 



8514 Joliet Avenue 


Class Project


Student Work


The Technology ShopCurrent InventoryMakayla Franks

Quantity Retail ProductItem in Stock Price Total83748iz Camera 26 $439.99 $11,439.74L837f‐88pq MP3 Player 37 $329.99 $12,209.63Z9210‐bbx Gaming Console 41 $389.99 $15,989.59RT9837s Widescreen 14 $249.99 $3,499.86




The Technology ShopCurrent InventoryBrandon Brantley

Quantity Retail ProductItem in Stock Price Total83748iz  26 439.99 11439.74L837f‐88 37 329.99 12209.63Z9210‐bb 41 389.99 15989.59RT9837s  14 249.99 3499.86


Current Event


Current Events  20122013 


Class Current Event  Computer Applications  RSW Activity on 2/8 



Name Error! Not a valid bookmark self-refe e. _ _____________renc _____ _____ Score ____/ 12


ource Error! Not a valid bookmark self-

Title of __________________________________________________________________


HO is this article about?

T is this story about? List four facts and/or opinions related in your

. Fact or Op


HEN did this story take place?

W WHAarticle and identify them as facts or opinions by circling the correct term. 1. Fact or Opinion? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2. Fact or Opinion? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 3 inion? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4. Fact or Opinion? ______________________________________________ W

WHERE is this event or issue occurring? (Specify city, country, region, etc.)

HOW is this news important to you? Who is likely to feel the impact of this ews? How would life be different if this event did not happen?

ersonal response to this news? How does this information change your understanding of this topic? What would you like to ee happen next and why?

te a well-developed and thoughtful question that the class can nswer from information on this page. It should not be a YES or No


REACTION: What is your p


ASK - Wriaquestion.

NSWER – Write, in complete sentences, a thoughtful response to your uestion.


Please attach your article to this worksheet.

Current Event Work


Name Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.____ _ n_ Savan ah Tomberlin__________ Score ____/ 12


Title of Article: ___Immigration debate: high-stakes political poker _

Source Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference. WHO is this article about? immigration WHAT is this story about? List four facts and/or opinions related in your article and identify them as facts or opinions by circling the correct term. 1. Fact or Opinion? __ The draft plan reported over the weekend by USA Today and confirmed to CNN by an administration official included a possible path to coveted permanent residency in eight years for most of the nation's estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants. 2. Fact or Opinion? Others accused Obama of deliberately floating an unacceptable plan so that Republicans would reject it, 3. Fact or Opinion? Regardless of how it happened, the leak of Obama's plan "plays into the fears" 4. Fact or Opinion? Administration officials insisted Obama wanted Congress to work out an agreement that can win support from both parties. WHEN did this story take place? February 19

WHERE is this event or issue occurring? (Specify city, country, region, etc.) america

HOW is this news important to you? Who is likely to feel the impact of this news? How would life be different if this event did not happen?


REACTION: What is your personal response to this news? How does this information change your understanding of this topic? What would you like to see happen next and why?

It doesnt ASK - Write a well-developed and thoughtful question that the class can answer from information on this page. It should not be a YES or No question. If you were an immigrant would you be scared? explain ANSWER – Write, in complete sentences, a thoughtful response to your question. Yes because I wouldn’t want to be deported Please attach your article to this worksheet.


Name Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.____ _ _ ________ _____ _____

Score ____/ 12

Title of Article: ____Apple's $1B award from Samsung reduced to $600M ______________________________________________________________

Source _____________________________________________________ WHO is this article about? Apple WHAT is this story about? List four facts and/or opinions related in your article and identify them as facts or opinions by circling the correct term. 1. Fact or Opinion? _Apple $1.05 billion in its landmark patent infringement suit against Samsung,_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2. Fact or Opinion? _Apple can now demand that Samsung pay the nearly $600 million of the award that the judge let stand_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 3. Fact or Opinion? There is a new trial to sort out how much Samsung should pay for 13 devices where the jury's math is in dispute.______________________________________________

______________________________________________ 4. Fact or Opinion? _On Friday she did both, reducing Apple's award to cover 14 of the devices at issue and ordering a new trial on the other half._____________________________________________ ________________________________________________ WHEN did this story take place? March 1, 2013 WHERE is this event or issue occurring? (Specify city, country, region, etc.) U.S.A.

HOW is this news important to you? Who is likely to feel the impact of this news? How would life be different if this event did not happen?

Its important to me because I like products that Samsung makes

REACTION: What is your personal response to this news? How does this information change your understanding of this topic? What would you like to see happen next and why?

I did not like this news because I believe that it is wrong for apple to sew samsung

ASK - Write a well-developed and thoughtful question that the class can answer from information on this page. It should not be a YES or No question. How much was the original amount that Samsung was supposed to pay apple? ANSWER – Write, in complete sentences, a thoughtful response to your question. 1 billion Please attach your article to this worksheet.

Apple's $1B award from Samsung reduced to $600M By Philip Elmer-DeWitt March 1, 2013: 4:05 PM ET

• • • • • EmailPrint

But the new trial ordered on 13 disputed Samsung devices could restore the full award

Judge Koh FORTUNE -- Six months after a jury awarded Apple (AAPL) $1.05 billion in its landmark patent infringement suit against Samsung, the judge in the case finally sorted through the paperwork and issued what amounts to a split decision.

In a 27-page order released Friday, Judge Lucy Koh vacated $450 million of the original award and ordered a new trial to sort out how much Samsung should pay for 13 devices where the jury's math is in dispute. "When a Court detects an error in the jury's damages verdict," she wrote, "the Court has two choices: the Court may order a new trial on damages, or the Court may reduce the award to a supportable amount." On Friday she did both, reducing Apple's award to cover 14 of the devices at issue and ordering a new trial on the other half. Apple can now demand that Samsung pay the nearly $600 million of the award that the judge let stand, plus whatever the court decides to add in terms of interest and supplemental damages from Samsung's sales. But since the case is headed for an appeals court, both the new damages trial and the $600 million check may have to wait. FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller, as usual, has the most detailed analysis. The full ruling, via AllThingsD. Posted in: Apple, Judge Lucy Koh, Samsung

FBLA Activity

Scavenger Hunt

Name: ______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Period: ________

Future Business Leaders of America Purpose: To explore and learn about Future Business Leaders of America Instructions: Using the Internet, answer the questions below. Go to the FBLA-PBL National web site: (You may have to type this address in your address bar!)

1. From the National site, click on “About FBLA-PBL”. Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. What are four divisions of FBLA-PBL, Inc?

1. 2. 3. 4.

2. Click on GOALS under the main navigation on the left. Write 4 Goals of FBLA.

1. 2. 3. 4.

3. Click on MISSION & PLEDGE under the main navigation on the left What is the mission of FBLA?

4. Move your mouse to the top of the page. Hover over the word FBLA until the menu appears. Click on Business Achievement Awards. What are Business Achievement Awards?

5. What are the four levels of the Business Achievement Awards? 1. 2. 3. 4.

6. The Future Award Focuses on what?

7. Click PREVIEW FUTURE AWARD ACTIVITIES. Complete the following on the Future Award Level.

SERVICE: Write the 2 required activities.. 1. 2.

Write 2 other activities that you could complete for this area 1. 2.

EDUCATION: Write the 2 required activities. 1. 2.

Write the 3 other activities that you could complete for this area. 1. 2.

3. PROGRESS: Write the 3 required activities. 1. 2. 3.

Write the other 3 activities that you could complete for this area. 1. 2.


Now, how easy was that? You can earn your FUTURE LEVEL AWARD! Then, move onto your BUSINESS LEVEL! Explore what the Business level award has its requirements! Work your way up and you can earn a scholarship for after completing LEADER and AMERICA level! 7. Click on Competitive Events on the links on the left side of the screen. The FBLA-PBL

National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills at the region, state & national level. Competitive events fall into three categories. What are they and what is the focus of each category?

1. 2. 3.

8. Click on the COMPETITIVE EVENTS GUIDELINES. A pdf file will open. Wait for it.

Once it opens, read the first page which is a list of the competitive events offered through FBLA (details begin on page 12). Find 3 events that you feel you could compete in based on your grade level, eligibility, and skills! Write the event name for 3 areas that you could win in (or that grab your attention)! State individual, team, or chapter event for each event along with a write the description of the event category.

Event name Select one: Include a description of the event 1. Individual Event

2. Individual Event

3. Individual Event

Explore the National FBLA site more if you wish, but now it is time to move on to the GEORGIA FBLA site. Click

9. Who is the STATE PRESIDENT of FBLA?

10. Let’s explore the CONFERENCES offered by Georgia FBLA this year. CLICK CONFERENCES at the top of the page and answer the following questions.

1. When and where is Fall Motivational Rally?

When Where

2. When and where is State Leadership Conference 2010? When Where

3. When and where is National Leadership Conference? When Where


Scavenger Hunt

Name: Jemmerio Jackson Period: 1st

Future Business Leaders of America Purpose: To explore and learn about Future Business Leaders of America Instructions: Using the Internet, answer the questions below. Go to the FBLA-PBL National web site: (You may have to type this address in your address bar!)

1. From the National site, click on “About FBLA-PBL”. Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. What are four divisions of FBLA-PBL, Inc?

1. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for high school students 2. FBLA-Middle Level for junior high, middle, and intermediate school students 3. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) for postsecondary students 4. Professional Division for businesspeople, FBLA-PBL alumni, educators, and parents who support the goals of the association

2. Click on GOALS under the main navigation on the left. Write 4 Goals of FBLA.

1. Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals 2. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty 3. Encourage and practice efficient money management 4. Develop competent, aggressive business leadership

3. Click on MISSION & PLEDGE under the main navigation on the left. What is the mission of FBLA? Is to bring business and education together in a positive relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

4. Move your mouse to the top of the page. Hover over the word FBLA until the menu appears. Click on Business Achievement Awards. What are Business Achievement Awards? The Business Achievement Awards are an aggressive, self-directed, results-based business and leadership program designed to compliment academics while accelerating a student’s leadership skills

5. What are the four levels of the Business Achievement Awards? 1. Future 2. Business 3. Leader 4. America

6. The Future Award Focuses on what? It focuses on basic business skills, introduction to community service, and FBLA involvement at the local level.

7. Click PREVIEW FUTURE AWARD ACTIVITIES. Complete the following on the Future Award Level.

SERVICE: Write the 2 required activities. 1. Helping tomorrow’s Future Business Leaders 2. Monopoly team and Bingo for Babies Tournaments

Write 2 other activities that you could complete for this area 1. Feed Georgia Campaign 2. Giving Back One Hour at a Time Write the 3 other activities that you could complete for this area

EDUCATION: Write the 2 required activities. 1. Complete the advertising slogans worksheet. 2. The Real World

1. Dollar $EN$E 2. Main Street FBLA 3. The Peach Project.

PROGRESS: Write the 3 required activities. 1. Membership Campaigns 2. Chapter of the Year 3. Governmental Awareness Project

Write the other 3 activities that you could complete for this area. 1. Connecting Chapters 2. Georgia FBLA Sweepstakes

3. Membership Campaigns

Now, how easy was that? You can earn your FUTURE LEVEL AWARD! Then, move onto your BUSINESS LEVEL! Explore what the Business level award has its requirements! Work your way up and you can earn a scholarship for after completing LEADER and AMERICA level! 7. Click on Competitive Events on the links on the left side of the screen. The FBLA-PBL

National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills at the region, state & national level. Competitive events fall into three categories. What are they and what is the focus of each category?

1. State Leadership Conference 2. Institute For Leaders 3. National Leadership Conference

8. Click on the COMPETITIVE EVENTS GUIDELINES. A pdf file will open. Wait for it.

Once it opens, read the first page which is a list of the competitive events offered through FBLA (details begin on page 12). Find 3 events that you feel you could compete in based on your grade level, eligibility, and skills! Write the event name for 3 areas that you could win in (or that grab your attention)! State individual, team, or chapter event for each event along with a write the description of the event category.

Event name Select one: Include a description of the event 1. Individual Event

2. Individual Event

3. Individual Event

Explore the National FBLA site more if you wish, but now it is time to move on to the GEORGIA FBLA site. Click

9. Who is the STATE PRESIDENT of FBLA? Sara Beth Marchert

10. Let’s explore the CONFERENCES offered by Georgia FBLA this year. CLICK CONFERENCES at the top of the page and answer the following questions.

1. When and where is Fall Motivational Rally?

When: Nov. 8-9, 2013 Where : Lake Grapevine(Dallas/Fort Worth Area

2. When and where is State Leadership Conference 2010? When: Where

3. When and where is National Leadership Conference? When: June 27-30 Where: Anaheim, California

Scavenger Hunt

Name: Tierre Holloway Period: 1st Block

Future Business Leaders of America Purpose: To explore and learn about Future Business Leaders of America Instructions: Using the Internet, answer the questions below. Go to the FBLA-PBL National web site: (You may have to type this address in your address bar!)

1. From the National site, click on “About FBLA-PBL”. Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. What are four divisions of FBLA-PBL, Inc

1. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for high school students; 2. FBLA-Middle Level for junior high, middle, and intermediate school students; 3. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) for postsecondary students; and 4. Professional Division for businesspeople, FBLA-PBL alumni, educators, and parents

who support the goals of the association.

2. Click on GOALS under the main navigation on the left. Write 4 Goals of FBLA.

1. Develop competent, aggressive business leadership. 2. Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise 3. Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism 4. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty.

3. Click on MISSION & PLEDGE under the main navigation on the left What is the mission of FBLA? Our mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs

4. Move your mouse to the top of the page. Hover over the word FBLA until the menu appears. Click on Business Achievement Awards. What are Business Achievement Awards? The Business Achievement Awards (BAA) are an aggressive, self-directed, results-based business and leadership program designed to compliment academics while accelerating a student's leadership skills. The awards focus on the words surrounding the FBLA Crest: Service, Education, and Progress. There is a heavy emphasis on education with integrated classroom projects.

5. What are the four levels of the Business Achievement Awards?

1. Future Award 2. Business Award 3. Leader Award 4. America Award

6. The Future Award Focuses on what? This award focuses on basic business skills, introduction to community service, and FBLA involvement at the local level.

7. Click PREVIEW FUTURE AWARD ACTIVITIES. Complete the following on the Future Award Level.

SERVICE: Write the 2 required activities.. 1. Donate five (5) hours of service to an educational or service organization 2. Prepare a bulletin board or display promoting FBLA Write 2 other activities that you could complete for this area

1. Help your chapter adviser(s) with activities to celebrate American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week.

2. Participate on your chapter's community service project committee

EDUCATION: Write the 2 required activities. 1. Complete the FBLA Knowledge Quiz with a score of 92 percent or higher.

2. Complete the advertising slogans worksheet.

Write the 3 other activities that you could complete for this area.

1. Using a spreadsheet, create a one-month budget for yourself or for your local chapter.

2. Write a one-page paper on a business career.

3. List at least 5 goals (related to school, career, and personal) and include a description of how you plan to accomplish each one.

PROGRESS: Write the 3 required activities.

1. Bring a friend who is a nonmember to a

local chapter FBLA meeting. 2. Attend at least three (3) local chapter

meetings and prepare a one-page paper that includes the date of each meeting and a bulleted list of meeting highlights

Write the other 3 activities that you could complete for this area.

1. Prepare an invitation inviting students to attend the next FBLA meeting

2. Complete the programs worksheet

3. Prepare an invitation inviting students to attend the next FBLA meeting.

Now, how easy was that? You can earn your FUTURE LEVEL AWARD! Then, move onto your BUSINESS LEVEL! Explore what the Business level award has its requirements! Work

your way up and you can earn a scholarship for after completing LEADER and AMERICA level! 7. Click on Competitive Events on the links on the left side of the screen. The FBLA-PBL

National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills at the region, state & national level. Competitive events fall into three categories. What are they and what is the focus of each category?

1. Individual 2. Team 3. Chapter

8. Click on the COMPETITIVE EVENTS GUIDELINES. A pdf file will open. Wait for it.

Once it opens, read the first page which is a list of the competitive events offered through FBLA (details begin on page 12). Find 3 events that you feel you could compete in based on your grade level, eligibility, and skills! Write the event name for 3 areas that you could win in (or that grab your attention)! State individual, team, or chapter event for each event along with a write the description of the event category.

Event name Select one: Include a description of the event 1. Individual Event

2. Individual Event

3. Individual Event

Explore the National FBLA site more if you wish, but now it is time to move on to the GEORGIA FBLA site. Click

9. Who is the STATE PRESIDENT of FBLA? Nikitas Kanellakopoulos

10. Let’s explore the CONFERENCES offered by Georgia FBLA this year. CLICK CONFERENCES at the top of the page and answer the following questions.

1. When and where is Fall Motivational Rally?

When: January 14 – February 1 Where Held throughout the state

2. When and where is State Leadership Conference 2010? When: March 15-16 Where: Hyatt Regency Atlanta

3. When and where is National Leadership Conference? When: Where Anaheim , California



Student Presentations  20122013 


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Computer Applications – Spring 2013  PowerPoint Project 3‐4 

Computer Applications – Spring 2013  PowerPoint Project 4‐1 




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