Page 1: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using



This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of

Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (Computer Engineering) With Honours

Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

April 2009

Page 2: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using



Tajuk Projek : Data Encryption and Decryption Using Java

Sesi Pengajian : 2008/2009

Saya NG BOON LOONG mengaku membenarkan Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda ini disimpan di Perpustakaan dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut:

1. Laporan adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

2. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja.

3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan laporan ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi

pengaj ian tinggi.

4. Sila tandakan ( .\I ) :

(Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau SULIT* kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA


TERHAD* (Mengandungi maklumat terhad yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasilbadan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan)



Disahkan oleh:

Alamat Tetap: 24, JLN PANCASlLA 1, DAVID YAP FOOK WENG TMN PANCASILA, SALENG, Pensyarah 81400 SENAI, JOHOR. Fskuki Kqunderaan Elektronik Dan Kejwrteraan Komputsr

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Mekka fUTeM) Karung Berkunci No 1752

Pejabat Pos Durian Tunyga~ 76109 Durian Tunggai, Meiaka

Tarikh: 22 April 2009 Tarikh: 2PApril2009

Page 3: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

"I hereby declare that this report is the result of my own work except for quotes as

cited in the references."

Signature : ............................................ Author : NG BOON LOONG

Date : 1 0 April 2009

Page 4: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

"I hereby declare that I have read this report and in my opinion this report is

sufficient in terms of the scope and quality for the reward of Bachelor of

Electronic Engineering (Computer Engineering) With Honours."


Supervisor's Name : DAVID YAP FOOK ' ~ E N G

Date :3O April 2009

Page 5: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

To my parents and my sister

Page 6: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using


I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and

deepest regards to those who had given me support to complete this PSM. I am

deeply indebted to my Project Supervisor, Mr. David Yap Fook Weng and wish to

express a million thanks for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant

encouragement throughout the development of this project. The blessing, the help

and guidance given from this experience will carry me through a long way in the

journey of life on which I am about to embark on. I also extend my sincere

appreciation to all of my friends for their guidance, help and cooperation in my

project. You have helped in so many ways, be it sharing knowledge, providing

opinions or just being a listening ear. Lastly, to all who have helped me both directly

and indirectly, I fall short of words to express my gratitude, simply thank you very


Page 7: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using


The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using JAVA. The

purpose of this project was to develop the program to encrypt and decrypt the special

database that is .txt file. This project has been used the built-in feature and functional

class of JAVA to provide the data for program development. Therefore, the major

concentration was focused on application of data encryption and decryption system

development. The program coding was written by using the JAVA programming

language. The security systems may establish for enhance the protection on the

special database's information by encryption. Meanwhile, the decryption system of

this software is used as a decoding tool for reconstruct and recover the encrypted

information of database. In addition, this project is also complete with database to

receive and send the information after encryption and decryption system. Finally, the

security level is improved via the Data encryption and Decryption system. This

project can be applied for by various systems' databases that need to be updated

regularly such as library book details, kiosk prices and etc.

Page 8: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using


Tajuk untuk projek ini adalah Data Encryption and Decryption Using JAVA.

Projek ini bertujuan membangunkan program yang berfungsi encrypt dan decrypt

kepada pangkalan data yang khas iaitu .txt. Projek ini telah menggunakan fungsi and

kelas fungsi yang telah disedia dalam JAVA sebagai rangkaian untuk projek

pengembangan. Jadi, penurnpahan utama adalah menurnpukan pengbangunan data

encryption dan decryption system aplikasi. Program koding adalah ditulis dengan

menggunakan bahasa JAVA. Sistem keselamatan dapat dibangunkan untuk

menambahkan perlindungan kepada maklumat daripada pangkalan yang khas setelah

melakukan encryption. Oleh itu, sistem decryption yang dalam software ini

digunakan sebagai alat menterjemahkan untuk membanguankan semula dan memulih

maklumat daripada pangkalan data yang telah melakukan proses encryption.

Tambahan pula, projek ini telah siap sedia dengan pangkalan data untuk menyambut

and megirim maklumat yang sudah melakukan proses encryption dan decryption.

Akhirnya, paras keselamatan dapat dimajukan melalui Data encryption dan

Decryption system. Projek ini juga dapat digunakan dalarn pelbagai sistem yang

maklumatnya sentiasa perlu memperbaharui seperti maklumat buku perpustakaan,

harga kiosk dan selbagainya.

Page 9: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using
















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1.1 Project Objectives 2

1.2 Scopes of Work 3

1.3 Problem Statements 3

1.4 Methodology 4

1.5 Advantages of Data Encryption and Decryption 5

1.6 Thesis Outline 5

Page 10: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using


2.1 Encryption

2.1.1 Decryption

2.1.2 Advantages of Data Encryption and Data


2.1.3 Disadvantages of Data Encryption and Data


2.2 Blowfish(Cipher)

2.2.1 Blowfish Algorithm

2.2.2 Cryptanalysis of Blowfish

2.2.3 Blowfish in Practice

2.3 JAVA

2.3.1 Brief History of Java (Programming Language)

2.3.2 The Features of Java

2.4 C++ Language

2.4.1 History of C++ Language

2.4.2 Features of C++ Language

2.4.3 Features of Java Language Compared

to C U language

2.5 Eclipse

2.5.1 Architecture of Eclipse

2.5.2 History of Eclipse



3.1 Introduction

3.2 Project Methodology

3.3 Project Flow

3.4 Functional Block Diagram

3.5 Data Encryption and Decryption Flow Chart

3.6 Application Design Flowchart

3.7 Steps in Developing GUI

Page 11: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Eclipse V3.1.1 Being Used as a Development


4.3 Encryption and Decryption Program

4.4 Discussion


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendation


Page 12: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using



Encryption-Decryption Flow

Project functional block diagram

The Feistel structure of Blowfish

The round function (Feistel function) of Blowfish

Project functional block diagram

Visitor's data encryption process flow chart

Web server's data encryption process flow chart

Overview of the process encryption and decryption

in between visitor's computer and web server

Application design flowchart

Main GUI of Data Encryption and Decryption

GUI of Select File For Encrypting

GUI of Enter Key

GUI of Messagedialog

Status of Program

GUI of warning massage box

Enc file created after encryption process

Content data of .doc file before encryption process

Content data of .enc file after encryption process


Page 13: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

. . . Xl l l


BCPL - Basic Combined Programming Language

CVS - Concurrent Versions System

DES - Data Encryption Standard

DOS - Disk Operating System

GLBA - Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

GPL - General Public License

GUI - Graphical user interface

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

IDE - Integrated Development Environment

IET - International Electrotechnical Commission

IT - Information Technology

ISOIIEC JTCl - International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the

JRE - Java runtime environment

JVM - Java virtual machine

J2EE - Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition

J2ME - Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition

J2SE - Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition

MAC - message authentication code

MMC - Multimedia Card

OSGi - Open Services Gateway initiative

OTI - Object Technology International

PASCAL - Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning

PSM - Project Saujana Muda

RAD - Rapid Application Development

SD - Secure Digital

Page 14: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

SDK - Software Development Kit

SWT - Standard Widget Toolkit

TEMPEST - Transmitted Electro-Magnetic Pulse / Energy Standards & Testing

UML - Unified Modeling Language

WORA - Write Once, Run Anywhere

Page 15: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using



A Mainclass Program Coding :

B Subclass Program Coding :

C Subclass Program Coding:

D Subclass Program Coding: MessageDialog-java

E Subclass Program Coding:

F Subclass Program Coding:


Page 16: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using



Data encryption is a process to transforms information from a form that is

readable to a form that is not. Decryption reverses this process. Ideally, it should not

be possible to perform one or both of these operations without knowing some secret

key, which generally takes the form of a string of 1's and 0's. [Jon M. Pehal,

Encryption Policy Issues, Section 2, October 19981.

The important of this project is encryption makes information systems

trustworthy in a variety of ways. First, encryption can protect information

confidentiality. If information is encrypted before it is transmitted across a telephone

network or stored in a database, eavesdroppers or hackers may capture the encrypted

information, but they won't understand it. Second, encryption can be used for

authentication, i.e. to verify the identity of other parties. For example, if only Ann

holds the key to encrypt a message, then by performing this operation on an

encrypted message, Ann can prove her identity. This is the basis of a digital

signature, which can be used to authorize payments or sign contracts. Third,

encryption can be used to protect the integrity of information. Consider a case where

only Bob can encrypt a message, but anyone can decrypt it. Bob records the message

and an encrypted version of the message. If decrypting the latter still produces the

former, then the message could not have been altered by any one except Bob.

Page 17: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

The purpose of this project is to create and develop software of data

encryption and decryption for special database by using Java Software. The security

systems may establish or enhance the protection on the special database's

information by encryption. Meanwhile, the decryption system of this software is used

as a decoding tool for reconstruct and recover the encrypted information of database.

Figure 1.1 shows the simple flow of commonly used encryption algorithms.

8 ' . . . $.f +& ; I Encryption ie; Becryption A ?='- ,

G - 3. - -- I -. Plain Tea

- c1---i

I Cipher Text. Plaln Text

Figurel.1: Encryption-Decryption Flow

Project specification is the database that undergoes the encryption and

decryption process is under .txt form. The output/data can be saved in external

memory devices such as hardisk, Secure Digital(SD), Multimedia Card(MMC) and


Software Specification: Eclipse (Version: 3.3.2)

Language Specification: Java

1.1 Project Objectives

These are several objectives of the project.

to create and develop software for data encryption and decryption for

special database by using Java Software. i

to establish a security system for enhance the protection on the special

database's information by encryption.

to create a decryption system as a decode tool for reconstruct and recover

the encrypted information of database.

Page 18: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

1.2 Scopes of Work

The scope of project is mainly focusing on the development of application of

data encryption and decryption system. Eclipse is used to design a software

application of data encryption and decryption system for special database such as .txt


The function of data encryption and decryption is familiarized before

intergraded into an installer package file and applied into other computer. JAVA

language is used as default language for developing and coding for this data

encryption and decryption system. This project will be tested after the software was

designed. Testing and trouble shooting on the application will be done to ensure the

functionality of data encryption and decryption.

The encrypted database will send and decrypt at server through the external

memory device such as Secure Digital(SD) or Multi Media Card(MMC).

1.3 Problem Statements

The incredible growth of the Internet has excited businesses and consumers

alike with its promise of changing the way we live and work. But a major concern

has been just how secure the Internet is, especially when user are sending sensitive

information through it.

There is a whole lot of information that we don not want other people to see,

such as:

Credit-card information

Social Security numbers

Private correspondence

Personal details

Sensitive company information

Bank-account information

Page 19: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

Some of the databases that need to be updated regularly are library book

details, kiosk prices and etc. These databases are needed to update under secure form

that is encrypted form. Therefore, the data encryption and decryption system is

created for protecting the privacy of user and to secure the personal details from

being accessed by others.

Another specification of this project is outputldata can be transferred by using

external memory devices in term of enhancing the convenience of the system to

allow it to be easily updated. The reason behind this transfer method is that the

encrypted data can be easily applied without being attached to the hardware. Those

hardware are referred the network cable and etc. Therefore, no network cable and

hardware connector is required in order to update the database.

1.4 Methodology

Data encryption application is to reverse the transformation of data from the

original (the plaintext) to a difficult-to-interpret format as a mechanism for protecting

its confidentiality, integrity and sometimes its authenticity. Encryption uses an

encryption algorithm and one or more encryption keys. Therefore, the encryption

keys are initialized in a table as a reference to encode or encrypt the source .txt file.

Meanwhile, this tables can also be as a reference to decode the encrypted file into

encrypt file while design the data decryption application. This application is designed

by using JAVA software. By using JAVA software, the designed application can be

integrated into package installer file for publisher purpose for other user.

Encryptton b Unreadable ~~~ R, Data Base user!destination Recovered file)

Figure 1.2: Project functional block diagram

Page 20: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

1.5 Advantages of Data Encryption And Decryption

These are several advantages of Data Encryption and Decryption.

It separates the security of data fiom the security of the device where

the data resides or the medium through which data is transmitted.

It prevents the data breach disclosures, provides strong protection for

intellectual property, and fulfills the myriad regulatory compliance


It can be used for authentication by verifying the identity of other


It protects the confidentiality of information of enterprises and meets

the requirements of regulations such as HIPAA, GLBA, or Sarbox that

require the implementation of measures to keep sensitive data secure.

1.6 Thesis Outline

This thesis is a document that delivers the idea generated, concepts applied,

activities done and the final year project produced. Generally, it consists of five

chapters that are Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Result and

Discussion and Conclusion and Recommendation.

Chapter 1 is the delivering the introduction of project. Its contents are the

objective, problem statement, scope of work, methodology and thesis outline of this


Chapter 2 i$ the discussion the literature review of this project. The features

of JAVA are studied. The application and simple concept of Data encryption and

decryption is learned in this chapter.

Chapter 3 is briefly described the project flow and project functional block

diagram. It also covered the methods used in this project and the reason of choosing

these methods.

Page 21: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

Chapter 4 is about the result and discussion of this project. It shows the result

achieved in this project. This chapter discusses more details about the result and

analysis for the GUI program and also the problems faced during completing this

project. It also deals with results at the final stage that is completely designed and

applied into Java language. The data encryption and decryption source code is

written by using Eclipse V3.1.1.

Chapter 5 describes the conclusion and result of the project at the final stage.

The recommendation and future development of this project is discussed in order to

upgrade the Data encryption and decryption using Java.

Page 22: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using



2.1 Encryption

In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information

(referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to

anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The

result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as

ciphertext). In many contexts, the word encryption also implicitly refers to the

reverse process, decryption (e.g. "software for encryption" can typically also perform

decryption), to make the encrypted information readable again (i.e. to make it


Encryption has long been used by militaries and governments to facilitate secret

communication. Encryption is now used in protecting information within many kinds

of civilian systems, such as computers, networks (e.g. the Internet e-commerce),

mobile telephones, wireless microphones, wireless intercom systems, Bluetooth

devices and bank automatic teller machines. Encryption is also used in digital rights

management to prevent unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material and

in software also to protect against reverse engineering.

Page 23: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

Encryption, by itself, can protect the confidentiality of messages, but other

techniques are still needed to protect the integrity and authenticity of a message; for

example, verification of a message authentication code (MAC) or a digital signature.

Standards and cryptographic software and hardware to perform encryption are

widely available, but successfully using encryption to ensure security may be a

challenging problem. A single slip-up in system design or execution can allow

successful attacks. Sometimes an adversary can obtain unencrypted information

without directly undoing the encryption. (e-g., traffic analysis, TEMPEST, or Trojan


2.1.1 Decryption

Decryption is simply the reverse of encryption, the process by which ordinary

data, or plain text, is converted into a cipher. A cipher, often incorrectly identified as

a code, is a system in which every letter of a plain text message is replaced with

another letter so as to obscure its meaning. To decipher a message requires a key, an

algorithm that provides the method by which the message was encrypted.

2.1.2 Advantages of Data Encryption and Data Decryption

One advantage to encryption is that it separates the security of data from the

security of the device where the data resides or the medium through which data is

transmitted. This is said by Bruce Schneier, Chief Security Technology Officer at BT.

When data itself is encrypted, adds Schneier, it allows administrators to use

unsecured means to store and transport data, since security is encompassed in the


Other key advantages to implementing encryption include the elimination of the pain

that comes with data breach disclosures, the provision of strong protection for

intellectual property, and the fulfillment of myriad regulatory compliance

requirements, says Gretchen Hellman, senior director of marketing for Vormetric .

Page 24: DATA ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION USING…ABSTRACT The title of this project is Data Encryption and Decryption Using

Hellman says that encrypting of sensitive information is an important component of

any defense-in-depth model because it places security measures directly on the data

itself. In other words, no matter where encrypted data travels, it is always secure

because the encryption travels with it.

Beyond encrypting data at rest, businesses must also consider the transmission of

data via various transmission means, such as email. Kevin Kennedy, product

manager for Ironport, says companies should keep in mind that standard email is not

secure and is in fact tantamount to writing sensitive information on postcards that are

sent via the mail.

By using encryption, enterprises not only guarantee the confidentiality of information

but may also meet the requirements of regulations such as HIPAA, GLBA, or Sarbox

that require the implementation of measures to keep sensitive data secure, says


Scot Palmquist Senior Vice President of Product Management at Cipheroptics

equates encryption with confidentiality. According to Palmquist, encrypted data that

can only be read by a system or user who has the key to unencrypt the data means the

system or user is authorized to read the data. And, he adds, encrypted data cannot be

accessed by third parties, who only see random strings of bits when they intercept

data packets.

Kern feels that removable storage, by its very nature, can leave the premises and the

control of a company and be compromised. Encrypting this information is an

excellent insurance policy and is mandated for some types of information based on

their regulations.

So, using encryption comes with numerous advantages to enterprises that need to

protect both data at rest and data in flight. At the end of the day, however, the

advantages behind encryption all boil down to one simple fact: It is protecting data

from prying eyes, even when systems such as storage devices or networks are

compromised. It is the last line of defense.

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