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    Cylinder is linear actuator which converts fluid power into mechanical power. They arealso known as JACK or RAMs. Here we are using pneumatic air cylinder.

    !". CR#$$%$&CT!#'A( )!&* # +A$!C C,(!'-&R

    !".!'T&R'A( $TR CT R& # +A$!C C,(!'-&R.

    A pneumatic cylinder is a type of device used to generate force from the energy of pressuri/ed gas. The 0asic pneumatic cylinder consists of a cylindrical cham0er with amova0le piston and intake and e1haust channels. *hen compressed air or other gas is

    pumped into the 0ottom of the cylinder2 the gas e1pands2 pushing the mova0le pistonupwards and generating force. 3neumatic cylinders2 also known as air cylinders 2 haveadvantages over hydraulics in some cases and are used in a wide variety of applications.

    !n order to operate the cylinder2 a gas2 such as air2 must first 0e pressuri/ed. This can 0edone using a pump or compressor. $ince air usually e1ists at atmospheric pressure2

    pumps are used to force a certain volume of air into a smaller space2 causing its pressureto increase to a0ove the atmospheric level. The pressuri/ed air stores the energy used in

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    compressing it. *hen allowed to e1pand2 this air will tend to depressuri/e 0ack to itsoriginal atmospheric pressure.

    A pneumatic cylinder operates 0ased on this principle. Air is compressed and then routedinto the cylindrical cham0er 0eneath a mova0le piston. The pressuri/ed air e1erts force

    against the 0ase of the piston2 causing the piston to move upward through the hollowcylinder. A rod e1tends from the 0ase of the piston up through the top of the cylinder.*hen compressed air e1pands into the given space and moves the piston upwards2 thisrod also moves2 providing a way to move other mechanical elements.

    The position of the piston in a pneumatic cylinder is controlled 0y a valve that routes

    compressed air into either the top or 0ottom of the cylinder. *hen the rod end2 or top2 of

    the cylinder is filled with pressuri/ed air2 the piston moves downwards2 and air 0eneath

    the piston is vented out through an e1haust pipe. 3ressuri/ed air entering the 0ase moves

    the piston up2 and the air a0ove the piston is vented out. This system allows the cylinder

    to 0e operated repeatedly to generate force.+ecause the operating fluid is a gas2 leakage

    from a pneumatic cylinder will not drip out and contaminate the surroundings2 making

    pneumatics more desira0le where cleanliness is a re4uirement.

    There are two types of cylinder we have used5

    6. $ingle acting cylinder

    7. -ou0le acting cylinder.

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    ig. Cross section view of $ingle acting cylinder

    $ingle acting cylinders are used where force is re4uired to 0e e1erted only in onedirection. $uch as clamping2 feeding2 sorting2 locking2 e8ecting2 0raking etc.

    $ingle acting cylinder has one working port. orward motion of the piston is o0tained 0ysupplying compressed air to working port. Return motion of piston is o0tained 0y spring

    placed on the rod side of the cylinder.

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    !" . 9A: $!'"(& ACT!'" C,(!'-&R 9+: 3'& MAT!C $,M+#( #$!'"(& ACT!'" C,(!'-&R


    These cylinders have only one compressed air connection. The incoming compressed air moves the piston in onedirection2 and the cylinder force is 0uilt up in this direction. !f the piston needs to returnto its initial position2 the air is simply e1pelled from the cylinder.The mechanical spring pushes the piston 0ack to its initial position. This part has aventilation;e1haust hole so that no e1cess or low pressure is generated through the pistonmovement in the second cylinder cham0er.

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    $ingle acting cylinder is usually availa0le in short stroke lengths mm? due to the natural length of the spring. $ingle Acting Cylinder e1ert force only inone direction. $ingle acting cylinders re4uire only a0out half the air volume consumed

    0y a dou0le acting cylinder for one operating cycle.


    ig. Cross section view of -ou0le acting cylinder

    -ou0le acting cylinders are used where force is re4uired to 0e e1erted only in 0othdirection.

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    ig. 9a:-ou0le acting cylinder 90:3neumatic sym0ol of dou0le acting cylinder


    -ou0le Acting Cylinders are e4uipped with two working ports% one on the piston sideand the other on the rod side. To achieve forward motion of the cylinder2 compressed airis admitted on the piston side and the rod side is connected to e1haust. -uring returnmotion supply air admitted at the rod side while the piston side volume is connected tothe e1haust. orce is e1erted 0y the piston 0oth during forward and return motion ofcylinder.

    -ou0le acting cylinders are availa0le in diameters from few mm to around @>> mm andstroke lengths of few mm up to 7 meters.

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    Cylinder end cus ions:

    A0ove figure shows the construction of actuating cylinder with end cushions.-ou0leacting cylinders generally contain cylinder cushions at the end of the cylinder to slowdown the movement of the piston near the end of the stroke. Cushioning arrangementavoids the damage due to the impact occurred when a fast moving piston is stopped 0ythe end caps.

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    -irectional control valves ensure the flow of air 0etween air ports 0y opening2 closingand switching their internal connections.

    Their classification is determined 0y 5

    • The num0er of ports

    • The num0er of switching positions.

    • The normal position of the valve.

    • !ts method of operation.

    Common types of directional control valves include 5 7;72 @;72 ;7.

    The first num0er represents the num0er of portsB the second num0er represents thenum0er of positions. A directional control valve has two ports and five positions can

    0e represented 0y its own uni4ue pneumatic sym0ol.

    The solenoid valve is used to control the air flow direction. ;7 dou0le acting solenoidvalve is the direction control valve in our pro8ect.

    A solenoid is an electrical device that converts electrical energy into straight line motion

    and force. These are also used to operate a mechanical operation which in turn operatesthe valve mechanism. $olenoids may 0e push type or pull type. The push type solenoid isone in which the plunger is pushed when the solenoid is energi/ed electrically.

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    ig.9a: -irection control valve 90: $ym0ol

    *orking principle5

    Here we are using JA'AT!C$ valve -$7 $$D> 3R Range 7 E = 0ar whichis-ou0le solenoid pilot operated valve.

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    Here we are using pro1imity sensor which is inductive in nature. An!nductive pro1imity sensor is a type of non%contact electronic pro1imity

    sensor that is used to detect the position of metal o08ects. The sensing rangeof an inductive switch is mm. #ur pro1imity sensor is '3' sensor.

    . This type of sensor consists of four stages.

    Oscillator Stage

    Demodulator Stage Trigger Stage

    Output Stage

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    Oscillator stage

    The oscillator consist of capacitor that stores energy in

    its electrical eld and an inductor that stores energy in

    magnetic eld.

    Demodulator stage

    As the current ows back and forth between the

    capacitor and the coil, a sine

    wa e is produced, which is ampli ed and fed to the

    demodulator stage.

    Trigger stage

    The D! oltage from the demodulator is fed into the scmitt

    trigger. A primary function of this trigger is to produce two

    di"erent oltages that transition from one to the other ery


    Output stage

    The primary function of the output stage is to pro ide a

    sensor output signal that is su#cient enough for the load to

    which it is connected. Also, two of the output terminals are

    used for the power supply connections for the sensor.

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    Advantages of inductive pro1imity sensor5

    ; 'o physical contact with the o08ect to 0e detected2 thus avoiding wear and ena0lingfragile or freshly painted o08ects to 0e detected. ; High operating rates. ; ast response. ;&1cellent resistance to industrial environments 9ro0ust products2 fully encapsulated inresin:. ; $olid state technology 5 no moving parts2 therefore service life of sensorindependent of the num0er of operating cycles.

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    !n our pro8ect 3(C is the heart of F$tamping machineG. *e are using 3(C of Allen+radley i.e. Micro =6>. Micro=6> 67%point controllers andsupport a $+ adapter2 and an (C- module2 which can 0e used as a 0ackup

    Memory module.

    Micro810 12-Point Controllers

    C#'TR#((&R -&$CR!3T!#'5

  • 8/16/2019 Data Collection Tools and Platform Used


    These are the smart relays with high current relay output models and can 0e configuredthrough em0edded (C- display without programming software.!t can 0e function asmicro%3(C or micro%controller. !t re4uires power supply of 7 )-C.

    Con*igur+,ion o* $icro %&' "LC

    • $mart Relay function 0locks using the 7>=>%(C- display 9and without the use ofConnected Components *ork0ench programming software:.

    • 3rogrammed as a full feature microcontroller using Connected Components*ork0ench.

    M&M#R, A((#CAT!#'5

    Availa0le memory in M!CR# =6> !$ $H#*' !' +&(#* TA+(& 5

    Attri0ues Micro =6> 67%point

    3rogram steps 7K

    -ata 0ytes 7K+*hen a pro8ect is created for Micro=6>2 memory is dynamically allocated as either

    program or data memory at 0uild time.This fle1i0ility allows ma1imum usage ofe1ecution memory.

    (C- -!$3(A,5

    • This module 97>=>%(C-: also functions as a 0ackup memory module for theMicro=6> controller.This module offers an afforda0le and simple method ofviewing status and configuring the Micro=6> Controller.*ith this (C- module2we can also modify core $mart Relay function 0locks. The (C- -isplayinstructions can 0e used to display custom messages as well as to read

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    keystrokes.This module may 0e inserted or removed when power is applied to thecontroller 2 0ut only in non%ha/ardous locations.

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    T 8oint

    A joint between two members located approximately at right angles toeach other in the form of a T.

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    RS232 Cable

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    "us Bu,,onA push%0utton or simply 0utton is a simple switch mechanism for controlling some aspect ofa machine or a process. +uttons are typically made out of hard material2 usually plastic ormetal. +uttons are most often 0iased switches2 though even many un%0iased 0uttons 9due totheir physical nature: re4uire a spring to return to their un%pushed state. This 0uttons comes

    to there early state when we release it.


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    A light%emitting diode 9(&-: is a two%lead semiconductor light source. !t is apEn 8unctiondiode2 which emits light when activated. < ?*hen a suita0levoltage is applied to the leads2electrons are a0le to recom0ine with electron holes within the device2 releasing energy in theform of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence2 and the colour of the light9corresponding to the energy of the photon: is determined 0y the energy 0and gap of the

    semiconductor. !n our pro8ect it is used for testing and indicating purpose.


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