


Class Procedures
Come into class silentlyPut our belongings into the cubbies and get prepared for classComplete the whole warm-up silentlySit on our dance dance spotsStretchBe ready for the warm-up

The warm ups and stretches helped with a goal of mine which is to be more flexible. It also helped with getting use to different movements that I was never used to.

They warm ups and stretches also helped me with learning the ways that professionals prepare before they dance.

Choreography Projects/Group Work
Each year Ms. Brown chose specific music and she made choreography to certain amount of musicMs. Brown then had the class get into groups of four or five sometimes even six and we had to come up with about 4 counts of eightMs. Brown gave us specific elements to use for our choreography such as rotation, locomotive, and jumps, etc.

4. After a couple classes of working with our groups it came to the day where each group performed in front of the whole class Ms. Brown's part and the part that they made. The rest of the class sat in the audience but really it was downstage of the dance studio.I learned to just feel the music and just let your body move. When I freestyle I sometimes just swipe everything that is around me and all I see is the shining light and all I hear is the music.

Dance Technique/ Skills Learned
Some techniques I learned were:ArabesqueAttitudeBalancBattementChassCoupDegagDemiDveloppETC.

In the sixth grade I didn't even know what a Pli was. Now that I have done so many things to improve my dance techniques I now know how to do more things and I can now challenge myself. These skills that i've learned these past three years will help me when I go to high school and to college because I am not giving up on my dance career I will get there and I will dance as if no one is watching.

After School Dance Companies
Alvin Ailey Dance ProgramFusion Dance Program8th Grade Select Dance Company

I have learned so much from all these different programs. In each program there are different genres of dance we do; such as Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Contemporary, West African, etc.

It has been an amazing journey to work in these programs with different people who have different styles. I've learned not only from my teacher but from the students as well and I have to say it has really helped me.

Dance Awards/Bees earned
I have received a couple bees from doing what i'm suppose to do in class such as stretching instead of talking. During an award ceremony I received a dance award for behaving good in class and having a 90 or above average in Ms. Brown's class. Not too long ago I received an award for having a 90 or above average in my class and for my character, academic excellence, and an achievement in dance.

It felt amazing to receive acknowledgement for positive work because I put everything I have into my dancing and it feels really good to word hard and achieve goals and get known by the achievements.But, I don't try hard and do everything I do because I want an award, I do it because I love dancing and it is something that I want to stay living in me.

One thing that i'm going to miss about the dance studio is Ms. Brown! She is a beautiful and unique dancer that has helped me develop in my knowledge of dance and in my dance techniques. I am also going to miss working with my classmates and trying hard to accomplish something before it's due. I will miss preparing for the end of the year show that we call the" Spring Performance"! Each year there was a different theme and so Ms. Brown chose our songs according to the theme.

For example, this years theme is " Soundtrack". The song that my class is dancing to is called " Hot Lunch" and " Fame Theme Song" by Naturi Naughton & Collins Pennie from the movies Fame (1980) and Fame (2009)

One thing that i'm going to miss a lot is the relationships that we had between friendship and between students and teachers. Ms. Brown always tried and still tries to help students and she treats her students with care and love.

Dance Homework
About every week Ms. Brown assigned a homework that is on her website https://danceprogram.wikispaces.comShe separates the homeworks by grade(6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade)We go to her website and go to Ms. Brown's Dance Blog and there is where all the homeworks are

Examples of a Homework Blogs
8th "Support" and Merce Cunningham: 1. In video one the dancer show support my holding on to each other and helping each other with their balance so that they don't fall.2. In video 2 they show each other support by again holding on to each other and they pull each other. 3. The differences between video 1 and video 2 is that they support each other differently and the dance phrases are different. The similarities in video 1 and video 2 is that they both support each other.4. The images that come to mind when I see support in dance is helping each other, giving a hand out to hold on to so that they won't fall. I would like to use support in our dance because that is something that we can do together and it shows kindness and it shows us helping each other. Annabelle Garcia class 802At the end of each blog we are suppose to write our first and last name with our class numberThis helps with learning more about dance history

8th "Biped" Analyzing Merce Cunningham
1. He was 80 years old and he choreographed a dance, Merce got turn out from ballet, Fourth position is in a lot of Merce's dances, He likes asking dancers to do 2 or 3 things at one time with their body.2. Actual live people doing the dance and an actual person without skin and just bones.3. Great adventures are when your are dancing alone as a soloist. Merce taught his dancers to be soloist even if you're dancing in a group you are one person and all the dancers in the group are connected in a way.Annabelle Garcia/Class 802

This helps dancers to learn about the dancer/choreographers' techniques

8th Merce Cunningham's Dance Class
1. The word " Dance Technique" is important in dance because everyone has a different way of dancing and the way they move their body! 2. One thing that I noticed the dancers in class is they point their feet, arch, and last but not least they do flat backs.3. The similarities that I noticed between the Cunningham's dancers and our warm up is we use head movement, point our feet as said before, and we have a professional instructor!4 One thing that stood out to me was when "Jennifer Goggans" said that she feels that when Merce says that they can do anything he asks it really puts a strong power in the dancers. This stood out to me because all my life my family tells me that "I CAN DO ANYTHING OR BE ANYTHING!"Annabelle Garcia-802

This also helps with learning about the choreographer and dancer Merce Cunningham

Dance History and Culture Investigated
Learning about different techniques/genres/and styles of dance affected my learning in dance because it showed me that there are many different ways to dance and there are also a lot of moves that dancers madeSome dancers/choreographers are known because of their moves and techniques

Dancers and Choreographers Studied
Martha GrahamMerce CunninghamJerome RobbinsLin Hwai-MinWe were assigned a research project for each of these dancers and/or choreographersWe learned about them because they are part of dance history and it also encourages us to try hard and to learn that if we put our mind to do something we can do it if we want to.

How I Feel About Dance
My passion for dance is something so great that I can't explain or even try to put into words. Its something that no one can understand. When I dance I feel like I can do anything and/or everything. When i'm up on stage I have that feeling that anything is possible. I get into my dance and I use emotions in it as well. When I dance I feel free! I feel alive! I always like to challenge myself even when I feel that I can't do it but when I dance I start to think otherwise. Dancer is a word that describes me. The happiest that anyone will see me is when i'm dancing. DANCING IS MY LIFE!

Thanks for watching and learning about my three years at Bea Fuller Rodgers Intermediate School of Fine Arts!

7th Graders During an Alvin Ailey Rehearsal in Ms. Brown's Dance Studio

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