  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    (This issue, our UK steroid d ealer elu-cidates on: the UK eterinary steroidscene.) All prices converted t o US dol-lars.ANDROJECTby Inte rvet: Testosterone phenylpropri-onate; 1Omglml, 10 ml. rice is $32. Atthe orice of $32 for only 100mn, theblac'k market wholesale bn 10 amps of 2- fq@lOOmg Virorm one (anoth er TP) is only$60 . ~ t ' she better buy, SO there is no TheAnabolic-CatabolicDicfi$s.ii* "P;FIway that Androject will ever be avail- ~ h ~ k h ~able. IC H O R U W Nby Intervet: HCG; 1500iu per 2ml am-pule, 51box. Price $37 ($ 180 for 25 am -pules). HCG is becoming harder to find.The w holesale price is currently about$24 for a 3 pack, so it doesn't seem toobad for a

    I continued on page 4

    Dan's Deviant Delights....................... Duchaine ..7Hi-Tech MRP's ........................ Duchaine 5Steroid Basics Part 5........................ill Roberts 3The A nabolic/Catabolic DietDharkham ..........................1

    training routine constantly inorder to surprise our muscles and forcethem to grow. But we keep eatin g thesame way and the same food year in andyear out.Why not su rprise our muscles by radi-cally and constantly altering our diet?Thifiswhat*tssnchastheRebound diet, the&wf-

    The ABCD E diet is great for people whodo not easily gain fat or who easily losefat. But what if you rapidly gain fat andcannot seem to be able to get rid of it?What will happen is that by feasting for 2weeks you will accumulate a tremendousamount of fat.This accumulation will occu r in twoI orms:I Updates from theUnderground ...............................1 1. Each fat cell will hypertrophy. OnceIfro* th e desk O F

    some fat cells have reache d a critical size,they will secrete growth facto rs which willbuild up new fat cells. This hyperpla siawill occur in a matter of days if youradipocy tes are already big en ough, i.e; asyou are fat in the first place. OK -- youwill diet down the fat hypertrophy. Butthere is no way of losing the new fat cellswithin 2 weeks. As you repeat the cyclesyou will add new fat cells. Intense training(because of cortisol) plus a high carb andhigh fat diet is a great way to induce adi-pose tissue hyperplasia in people who areprone to gain fat.Your body fat perc entage is the reflectionof the size of the fat cells multiplied bythe ir number. You can shrink fat cell size1 but only up to a point. You're not be able

    1 to lose fat cells. In other words, as youstart a low calorie diet, you w ill only havea single variable to play with (red ucing fatcell size). But once you have reduc ed fa tcell size up to a point (which is quicklyreached) they won't shrink anym ore. Soyou will not have any variables left.The diet stops working and you are stuckat a high bodyfat percentage. T he onlyways to lose fat cells is to use weird

    continued onpage 2

    DsmZalDuchaine, .PZili"XIPF PRFSS.1nc.@998 - I

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    l~a tab o l ic iet(continued)drugs, or to undergo liposuction. Ithink the concept of the ABCDE dietis valid but not appropriate for fatpeople or drug users. For those peo-ple I propose a variation of this dietthat I have been using for some time. Icall it the anabolic/catabolic diet (let'scall it AC D diet).It is based on the fact that there is aconstant turnover of protein in ourmuscles. W e are constantly addingprotein (anabolism) but also losingprotein (catabolism). It is the balancebetween the two which determines thesize of our muscles.

    So whenever some one complains ofonly gaining 5 pounds a year, this isnot strictly true. H e gained maybe 200pounds of muscle but he a lso lost 195pounds. This (contrived) examplepoints out that we are able to gain atremendous amount of muscle everyyear. As we cannot hold on to those100pounds, it means we are doingsomething really wrong. As its nameimplies, the ACD diet is composed oftwo distinct phases.An anabolic phase lasting 1 0 to 20days and a catabolic phase lasting 5 to10 days. When 1sav a catabolic phase,I really mean it: we do whatever ittakes in order to lose m uscle. Ou r bodywill detect something is very wrongand will attempt to stop this rapid mus-cle loss. It will deactivate the ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway. So far,almost no drug can do this.The more catabolism you seek, themore yo ur body will fight it. After thecatabolic phase, we will be in a posi-tion where both anabolism andcatabolism ar e very low. But an-abolism is ready to be accelerated tocatch up growth while catabolism isreduced to a minimum for a while nomatter what.During the anabolic phase, we will tryto boost anabolism as much as possi-

    f v o r t h e desk O F1 Dan:& Dachaine, .PI

    ble. During the first week, catabolismwill stay very low. So , there will not bean anabolic catch up , there will be anovershoot. How do we d o that? Duringthe catabolic phase, the go al is to loseas much f at as possible no matter whatthe cost is for the muscle mass. I meana low carb, low fat and low proteindiet.If you are using creatine stop it. Oralanabolics will be stopped 48 hours be-fore the beginning of this phase while 5days before the injectables are stopped.Thyroid me dication will be started atday one. Clenbuterol will be used atday one and maybe on day four or fiveat massive doses (15 to 20 tablets). Ofcourse , if you are new t o clenbuteroldo not use that much. At that dose,used acutely you should feel sore allover which will only enhancecatabolism.

    Overtraining is a must and don't forgetabout the daily (at least) one hour ofaerobics. During your first fewcatabolic cycle, please d o not play w ithso many variables. Avoid too muchaerob ics and don't be too hard on thediet. Make it last only 5 days. As youget use to it,add days and variables.The following anabolic phase will startwith either a carb load o r a fat loadlasting only one and a half days. But becareful about not eating too much.Many peop le get sick whenever theytry to load on food after starving them-self. On the other hand, one or twodays sick in bed is a good way to endup the catabolic phase but only if youare very advanced. The fat load con-sists of the following: on the last day ofthe catabolic phase do 2 hours of lowintensity aerobics. I like the rowingmachine since it involves the upperbody as well as the lower body. Repeaton an em pty stomach before the fatI oad..4s its name im plies the fat load con-sists of eating fat with som e proteinsbut no c a b s at all. This will direct thefat inside the aerobically trained mus-cles not in the subcutaneousad i ~o cv t e s .When ever you are eatingcarbs a long with fat, this fat will tendcontinued on page 6

    .r, 0XIPE PRESS, nc.' 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    Steroid Basics Part 5Bill Roberts complicated thing. Just as musclhas androgen recep tors, which ifD supplied with androgen will causesigning a cycle that cells to produce more protein, anwill produce good the testes have L H receptors,gains is not difficult. which if with LH willW e could almost say, "More is cause them to produc e testos-better," and leave it at that.&- terone.signing a cycle that will producegood gains which shall mostlv be The pituitary ha s gonadotropin-retained after the cycle is a more releasing-hormone (GnRH) recepchallenging problem. The most tors. If supplied with GnRH, alsobasic solution is simply to avoid known as LH RH , the pituitary isusing the strongest anabolic/ an- stimulated to produce LH as welldroge nic steroids, and to stick with as another hormone, FSH, whichmoderate doses of the mildest is involved with spermatogen esis.steroids, such a s Primobolan. Howev er, the amou nt of LH pro-duced is dependent on man y fac-The more advanced bodybuilder, tors.however, has gone beyond theeffective. His max imum gene tic ness of the pituitary is affectedpotential at9 say, 400miZ/week of by androgen, estradiol, proges-Primobolan, might be only negligi- terone, prolactin, and mela-bly bigger than his current size, tonin, as well a s thefrequencyand well below his maximum PO- and intensity of s timulus oftential with a more serious stack. GnRH.Th e problem is that the more Too much Gn RH w ill shut down"serious" the stack is. the more LH production. GnRH is pro-problems w ill be had w ith inhibi- duced by the hypothalamus. Thetion of natural hormone produc- amount that is produced is &pen-tion after the cycle is over. We dent on the amount of androgen,will look at the problem in reverse estradiol, progesterone, melatoninorder- The testes are responsible corticosteroids, opiates, and stimufor producing testosterone. They lation by certain neurons.are stimulated to do s o by luteiniz-ing hormone (LH) receptors, To review: the hypo thalamus con-which also can be stimulated by trols the pituitary via GnR H, andhuman cho rionic gonadotropin the pituitary then stimulates the(HCG.) No other hormones are testes via LH. H owever, both therequired. How ever, if the testes hypothalamus and the pituitary arhave not been producing testes- affected by a variety of factors,kr on e for many weeks or months* including levels of steroids. Andand are atrophied, time as well as generally, both are inhibited bystimulation by LH o r hCG will be heavy use of anab olic steroids.required: perhaps w eeks or Most people probably feel thatmonths. they know the effect of estradiol(estrogen.) It is bad! A nd this isLH is produced by the pituitary- why drugs such as clomipheneNow this is a considerably more continued on page 4

    f v o r the desk aC

    'XIPE PRESS, nc." 1998-


  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    about the same per hundred asblackwholesale, but this would be a verynice container to ship it in.product of guaranteed quality, and theidea of a monster 25 amp box makesmy dick hard.DURATESTON by Internet: Testos-terone proprionate 6mg, phenylpropri-onate 12mg, isocaproate 12mg, de-canoate 20mg (in each millimeter).Price $22 for 10ml. You would need totake the whole 5mls to get the effect ofa human lml Sustanon 250. Price wiseit sucks, but the 5ml amp looks awe-some.LAURABOLIN by Internet: Nan-drolone laureate; 25mglml. Price is$36.50 forloml, $66 for 50mglmlstrength. This is probably the only vet-erinary steroid available worldwide.It's no bargain by our black wholesaleprices, but for a novice who is paranoidabout using a fake, it might be appeal-ing. Laurabolins are the #1 steroid formaking counterfeit injectables.NANDORAL (tablets) by Internet:Ethylestrenol; 0.5mg per tablet,5001tub. Price $96. I was very excitedwhen I heard this veterinary Maxibolwas available until I saw the tabletstrength. You would need to take 50+per day just to get a 25mg dailydose. And even then it's a veryweak steroid.NANDROLIN (injection) by Intervet:Nandrolone phenylproprionate; 25 or50mglml. Price is $30.50 for the lOml,25mg, and $125 for the 25ml, 50mgbottle. Durabolin has always been adesirable product due to its lack ofavailability. Here is a product offeringthe same strength as human versions.The 50cc bottle is a work of art andputs human products to shame. This isthe only UK veterinary product I'd buybut I'm not sure if I'd bother to use itmyself; I'd probably find an old man ora lady to give it to.ORANDRONE (tablets) by Internet:Methyltestosterone; 5mg, 500Itub.Price is $107. With this product name,I was hoping I'd found oxandrolone butit's only methyl test. The price is

    RETARBOLZN by C-Vet: Nandrolonecyclohexylpropionate; IOmglml, lOmlPrice is $30. This is a rare form of nan-drolone and at this strength a completewaste of time and money.SESORAL (tablets) by Internet:Methyltestosterone4mglethinyl oestra-diol O.OOSmg, 5001tub. Price is$76.50. This oral is cheaper than Oran-drone but slightly weaker and contami-nated by a tiny amount of estrogen.VENTZPULIN (oral granules) byBoehringer Ingelheim: Clenbuterol;16mcg/g, 500gltub. Price is $41. Thisis equivalent to 4000 tabs (!!!) of hu-man clenbuterol. This is the bargain ofthe veterinary world. I have a sneakingsuspicion that this is the clenbuterolpowder being found to manufacturehome-brew tablets. I'll be trying to pur-chase some shortly as soon as I'vemade sure there are no undesirable ad-ditives.

    f v o r t h e desk OC

    Steroid Basics Part 5(continued)(Clomid) are used. Supposedly,blocking estroge n receptors in thehypothalamus and pituitary will cureall.It is true that estradiol will cause thehypothalamus to produce lessGnRH, and in this regard,clomiphene is h elpful, so is reduc-tion of serum estrad iol levels by aro-matase inh ibitors such as arninog-lutethimide (Cytadren.) And estra-diol does reduce the transcription ofmRNA encoding LH, which is a badthing.What is not generally realized, how-ever, is that estradiol alsogreatly upregulates GnR H receptorsand dramatically improves responseof the pituitary to G nRH. S o, there-fore, while clomiphene c an result inmore GnRH being produced, it alsoresults in lower response to GnRH.Estradiol can in fact improve the re-sponse of the pituitary to GnR H byeight times or more. Mv recornrnen-dation. then, is that on e should notimagine that estradiol activityshould be reduced to levels far be-low normal. Doing s o may actuallyimpede recovery. There is no pointin continually trying to stimulate thehypothalamus to produ ce moreGnRH by blocking estradiol whenthe pituitary c an't use it efficientlybecause of a lack of the samesteroid.Progesterone or other progestins ac tin an interesting way on thehypothalamus. Over the long term,they downregulate production ofGnRH and severely inhibit response.Also, progestins decrease the pu lserate of GnRH, which tends to shiftthe pituitary's production aw ay fromLH and towards FSH. And likeestradiol, progesterone reduces the

    continued on page 5

    Dan22Dachaine, . E iD'XIPE PRESS.1nc.@998

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  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    --Steroid Basics Part 5(continued)have a beneficial effect on the pitu-itary, however, enhancing the produc-tion of LH. Unfortunately, when an-abolic steroids are used, naturalepitestosterone levels fall. It should bebeneficial to replace epitestosterone atleast to normal levels, or perhaps t o thenormal ra tio with testosterone.For those w ho might wish to make it,this may be do ne by inversion ofthe -17 hydroxyl after tosylation. It is,however, a controlled substance,even though it is not an androgen.A second drug to be considered, not inthe taper itself but during the heavyphase, is RU486 (mifepristone.) Thisanti-progestin blocks the long-term in-hibitory activity of progestogenic an-drogens such as trenbolone. It is un-known, though, whether the full an-abolic effect would remain or not.Nalbuphine (Nubain) in certain in-stances could be very valuable inrecovery. Wh ere GnRH secretion is atan excessively slow pulse frequency,nalbuphine should correct this. Nalox-one is the drug which has been studiedfor this, but nalbuphine, a delta opioidantagonist / kappa agonist, should workabout a s well o r better. LH release canbe increased by progesterone, as men-tioned before, but also by deoxycorti-costerone (cortexone, descortexone.)This drug is a mineralocorticoid, likealdosterone. Triamcinolone acetonidealso increases LH release; this drug is afairly commonly used glucocorticoid.T o renormalize the pituitary at the endof the cycle, these drugs would not beused continuously, but in a pulsatilefashion. Sublingual delivery wouldprobably be best.Tetrahydroprogesterone seems promis-ing. This m etabolite of progesteroneincreases the release of GnRH fro m thehypothalamus via action at the GAB Atype A receptor. It is quite possible, bulnot yet known, that it may not havethe long term inhibitory propertieswhich progesterone itself has, or not tothe same degree. Melatonin, in a low

    dose, such as 2 or 3 mg before bed,might be of som e value and wouldnot be of harm. M ore would not bebetter, however.All too freque ntly, a bodybuilderwill begin dieting hea vily at thesame time that he en ds his steroidcycle in an effort to lose fat gainedduring bulking up. T his can be aserious mistake. Recovery of nat-ural hormone production is con-siderably more difficult with alow calorie diet.Yohimbine should probably beavoided at the end of a cycle. Th isalpha-2 adrenergic antagonist canreduce the pituitary's ability to pro-duce LH surges. I know of no evi-dence that this has any relevanceunder normal conditions, nor that itdefinitely can be a problem forbodybuilders at the end of a steroidcycle. But nonetheless it is probablywise to minimize all possible obsta-cles to recovery of the natural hor-monal axis.Comments DD : A few more factsabout progesterone. Progesteroneincreases the amount of 17B hy-droxysteroid dehydrogenase, whichis the enzyme that converts an-drostenedione into testosterone. Italso increases sulfotransferase,which sulfates estrogen, making itless active to the estrogen receptor,and increases its excretion from thebody.Progesterone also down-regulatesestrogen receptors. It is thermo-genic, as it acts as an uncoupler ofoxidative phorsphorlation (like DNPdoes). Unfortunately, progesteronecauses hyperglycemia, from lower-ing insulin senseitivity. Th e result isbodyfat deposition, and for somereason, it happens in the belly area.The synthetic progesterone,Megace, was the first drug used totreat wasting syndrome. Th e in-crease of bodyweight is calledamong PWAs as the "pot-belliedlook. Patrick Arnold has postulatedthat lOOmg of oral pregnene lonewould be converted mostly to pro-gesterone.

    The Anabolic/CatabolicDiet (continued)to be esterified in the subcutaneous adi-pose tissue not inside the muscles. Iknow the A BCDE diet tells otherwise,but oh well ...Even though you are noteating carbs, don't forget the creatine. Itwill find its way in the muscles withoutinsulin. The oral anabolics will bestarted during the first day while theinjectab les will be used as late as pos-sible the day before. Along with thecarb up, use creatine and a sulfonylurea(I like Glipizide: 2.5 mg before the mealif you are new with it). In the first fewdays, eat a high carb, low fat and m od-erate protein diet. The vrotein should beof the highest auality possible to makeU D for the moderate amount. The moreprotein eaten the sooner the ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway w ill re-cover.Of course the thyroid medication, theclen, the aerobics and the overtrainingare stopped. In fact, it is better to reducetraining to a bare minimum in the firstfew days. During the remainder of thisphase, do not eat too much. In fact, youshould just eat over maintenance...unless you want to gain fat cells! I donot think overfeeding builds up muscle.My belief is that the m easuring tech-niques are biased.Whenever you eat too much and gainweight, they are going to tell you havegained muscle m ass along with the fat.But whenever you diet it down, the biaswill take place the other way round. Theapparatus will tell you you have lostmuscle along with the fat. Your over-feeding gains just evaporated.The length of the ana bolic phase is de-termined by the length and the severityof the catabolic phase. The shorter thelatter is, the shorter the former shouldlast. Of course. this kind of radical cy-cl ine is much more a~ ~ ro pr ia teorsteroid users than for drug free bodv-builders. It allows anabolics to keepworking for a long time as it is fre-quently stopped during a short catabolicphase. This will fully restore their po-tency. In case you are a drug free body-builder, it is better not to go to the ex-treme. Shoot for a moderate catabolismnot an extreme one.

    f ror t h e desk O F

    Dan:& Dachaine, .El55'XIPE PRESS,~nc."998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter



    issue, our UK sterolidates on a follow-up about

    wing steroids by mail order.)ost people are more concernedabout the legal ramifications of

    I ocal black-market dealer. IPhilipides&G. GionisMoThe chances of getting busted dur-ing this kind of locker room transac-tion are relatively low. The mainrisk is getting pulled over during thedrive home; so make sure your pur-chases are well out of sight when-ever they are in your possession. It'squite hard to find real products incontinued on page 4

    Dan's Internet SnipsShelly Hominuk................. 3

    Hair Loss TreatmentPart One ..............hilipides & G . Gionis MD 1Poop On You

    ..................ohn Kabranza .5Updates from the

    ................................nderground 1

    bout 90 percent of a per-son's scalp hair is contin-,ually growing, a phasethat lasts between two and six years.10% of the scalp hair is in a restingphase that lasts between two andthree months. At the end of itsresting stage, the hair is shed.

    When a hair is shed, a new hairgrows from the same follicle. Scalphair grows about one-half inch amonth. Natural blondes typicallyhave more hair (140,000 hairs) thanbrunettes (105,000 hairs) or redheads(90,000 hairs). The rate of hairgrowth slows down with age. Thebuilding material of hair is a form ofprotein, the same found in nails.Thus protein builds not only mus-cles but hair too.

    Abnormal hair loss can be due tomany causes.* Childbirth.* High fever, severe flu* Thyroid disease. Both an overactive and underactivethyroid can cause hair

    loss.* Inadequate protein in the diet(bodybuilders are ex-cluded for obvious rea-sons).* Cancer treatment drugs.* Birth control pills.* Low serum iron."Medications (some: bloodthinners, some drugs usedto treat arthritis, depres-sion, heart problems, hy-

    pertension, high doses ofvitamin A, AND... most ofthe anabolic steroids usedin high doses).Hereditary thinning or balding. It's themost common cause of thinning hair.The endency can be inherited fromeither the mother's or father's

    continued on page 2fro* t h e defk OF

    mn?StDmchaine,@EJ$'XIPE PRESS. nc.' 1998 I

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    HAIR LOSSTREATMENT(continued)side of the family. Women withthis inherited trait develop thinninghair, but do not become bald.Steroids accelerate this process.Androgenic alopecia (AGA), thepathogenesis of AGA involves in-creased scalp follicle sensitivity toandrongens. Scalp follicles inAGA contain increased levels andactivity of 5a-reductase, the en-zyme that converts testosterone todihydrotestosterone (DHT).DHT shortens the hair cycle andminiaturizes scalp follicles. Re-cently, two isoenzymes of 5a-reductase have been identified inhuman tissue. The type 1 isoen-zyme is found in scalp skin,whereas 5a-reductase type 2 is thepredominant form in prostate. Dif-ferences in pH optima, substrateKm (it regulates the rate of anenzyme-catalyzed reaction) andsensitivity to inhibitors can distin-guish these isoenzymes.

    Hypogonadol men d o not becomtbald, and hair loss can be in-duced by testosterone (T) inthese individuals. Male pseudo-hermaphrodites with 5a-reductasedeficiency do not exhibit male pat-tern baldness, suggesting that DHTis the active androgen in the devel-opment of hair loss. Increased in-formation of 5a-reduced metabo-lites of T has been shown in baldscalp compared to that in hairyscalp. Topical administration of the5a-reductase inhibitor and antian-drogen N,N-diethyl-4-methyl-3-0x0-4-aza-5a-androstane-7B car-boxamide prevented the develop-ment of baldness in the stumptailmacaque, an animal model of malepattern baldness.

    f v o r the delk O FDan= Duehaine, B?iE

    PROSCAR (finasteride) was intro-duced in 1989and has demon-strated few adverse effects. Sucheffects occur in fewer than 5% ofpatients and usually relate to de-creased libido and a 25% reduction in semen vol-ume can be expected in some Da-tients without anv changes insperm counts. motility. or morpho-logic features. Finasteride lowersserum levels of prostate-specificantigen, a laboratory test used tomonitor benign prostatic hypertro-phy and screen for prostate cancer,since elevated prostate-specificantigen levels occur in both benignprostatic hypertrophy and prostatecancer.Finasteride is a potent inhibitor ofhuman 5-alpha-reductase type 2,yet devoid of antiandrogen activityso the circulating levels of testos-terone are not affected. Finas-teride, manufactured and marketedby Merck Pharmaceutical asProscar, has been shown to be ef-fective in the treatment of benignprostatic hyperplasia. At the thera-peutic dose of 5 mglday, finas-teride lowers serum dihydrotestos-terone levels in men by 6580%compared to baseline levels anddecreases intraprostatic levels ofdihydrotestosterone by 85% com-pared to placebo.Long term therapy with finasteridemay progressively inhibit the type1 isoenzyme, as suggested by invitro studies showing high dose fi-nasteride inhibition of type 1 isoen-zyme. Although type 1 5a-reductase is the dominant enzymeform in the scalp, the fact thatAGA does not develop in men withcongenital 5a-reductase deficiency(defective type 2 5a-reductaseonly) suggests a role for type 2 5a-reductase in AGA.It is not known if inhibition of both I

    0XIPE PRESS,1nc." 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    Alternatively , it is possible thatfinasterid e can effectively inhibit5a-reductase type 1 in vivo afterchronic treatment. Although finas-teride is a more potent inhibitor of5a-reductase type 2, inhibition oftype 1 is seen at higher concentra-tions in vitro.From a study (in 1995). designedto help de termine the optimal doseof finasteride for use in male pat-tern baldn ess, we have some inter-esting results. A six-week trialmeasured concentrations of scalp-skin and serum DHT, using oralfinasterid e at doses of 0.01, 0.05,0.2, 1 or 5 mg per day or placebo.Finaste ride at doses of 0.0 1,0.05,

    5a-reductase isoenzyme types arenecessary to promote hair growth.Finaste ride was shown to benearly as effect ive in animal mod-els of AGA as N, N-diethyl-4-methyl-3-0x0-4-aza-5a-androstane-17B carboxamide, aninhibito r of both isoenzyme types.Prolonged exposure to finasteridemay be necessary for clinical ef-fectiveness;6 months of treatmentis required for maximal responsein benign prostatic hypertrophy,and a sim ilar gradual response pat-tern may occur in AGA.The effect of finasteride on low-ering of scalp skin DHT could bcmediated through one or a com-bination of mechanisms. TheDHT co ncentration in full thick-ness scalp samples may be depen-dent in part on circulating levels o:DHT, b ecause scalp skin is highlyvascularized. Finasteride may ex-ert part of its effect on scalp levelsby lowering serum DHT. ResidualDHT in scalp after finasteridetreatment may represent the localactivity of the 5a-reductase type 1isoenzyme, which is less effec-tively inhibited by this drug.

    Fvo r the desk O F

    @ IPE PRESS,nc.' 1998 Dan21 DPchaine, .PhE

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    I loliver Sta rr I

    Anticatobolic Effects ofKetogenic dietsOliver Starr .............................

    Look It Up YourselfYou Lazy BastardOliver Starr .............................Testosterone andDietary FatLynn Christenson....................

    Last issue we examinedthe physiology behindketogenesis (ketonebodyproduction) during azero carbohydrate diet.To briefly recap, whenliver glycogen becomesdepleted (as a resultof carb restriction andintensive exercise),insulin drops, glucagonincreases, free fattyacids mobilize from fatstores where they areburned in the liverproducing acetyl-CoAwhich is then condensedinto ketones whichfloat around in thebloodstream providingan alternate energysource for the bodysince qlucoseis notavailable.

    Physiology aside, whatbenefits does a cycli-cal ketogenic diet sucas Bodyopus have over normal moderate carb,high protein, low fatdiet?

    The biggest, and theone we'll discuss inthis issue, is the possible anti-cataboliceffects of a ketogenicdiet.

    continued on next pa

    Tmc tho dork OF-Da- Duchaine;@XIPE PRESS. n c * 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    AnticatobolicEffects of

    All diets are inher-ently catabolic.Calorie restrictionlowers levels of an-abolic hormones(insulin, IGF-1, etc.and increases muscleloss, especially iflarge amounts of aero-bics are done.

    The best we can hopeto accomplish is tominimize muscle lossdie. whr (or re-re lostI but I'm getting aheadof myself) .This is generallyaccomplished with su-per high protein in-keske


    SuPFephecaffeine/aspirin stack orclenbuterol.

    Of course, many body-builders use steroidsto prevent muscle losswhile dieting.lother than the hor-re;-

    use-hil-Y cdue what terms,break-down of protein tomake glucose(through aprocess called gluco-neogenesis

    f vo r th e d e f k oC

    which literally means"the making of new glu-cose". Why would thisoccur though? why wouldthe body deliberatelybreak down its own mus-cle?

    As far as the body isconcerned, the brain(which is a major glu-cose hog, using up to25% of the total glu-cose used in the body)is a more importanttissue to maintain than

    So, when calories arelowered (and carbsdecrease by extension),there is less glucosein the bloodstream.But, the brain stillwants its glucose.The difference betweenwhat's available fromthe diet and what thebrain needs is made upby breaking down pro-tein and convertingcertain amino acids toglucose.What about fat? Whywon't the body just usebodyfat to fuel thebrain? Because fatsare unable to cross theblood brain barrier.Simply, the brain can'tuse free fatty acids(FFA) for fuel on adiet.So where does ketosiscome in? As mentionedi n the last article,

    continued on page 4

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    ome of the below re-sources are free, someare on a per use ba-sis, some require member-ships or subscriptions.Prices can vary from aslittle as $12 for the com-plete text of a specificdocument to as much as$1200 per year for a sub-scription to current con-tents.

    IMedline found on the in-ternet at: is an enormousdatabase of medical re-search studies that havebeen published in peer re-viewed journals. It has(at last count, over 14million studies online)searches for titles andabstracts are free, butyou pay between $12 and$24 for each article forwhich you order full text.A service then copies andmails or faxes you the re-quested pages. Many medi-c a l libraries have freeaccess, and you only haveto pay photocopyingcharges for the full text.

    IChemical Abstracts foundon the internet at:http://www.cas.orq/This 1s in some respectsthe holy grail of chemi-cally oriented research.Formerly we had to go tothe medical libraries tou s e this resource, butthanks to the miracle ofthe internet, we can pe-ruse it at our leisure.Searches are on a per"hit" basis, and alsobased on usage time. Justguessing but this is prob-ably Pat's personal fa-

    vorite. One benefit tousing this web site isthat it also has adozen or so links toother research orientedIsitesCurrent Contents: Thisservice requires an an-nual subscription cost-ing roughly $1200. De-spite its cost, it hasnumerous advantages.Subscribers receive anindex CD ROM which isupdated every fewmonths, and a weekly CDcontaining new ab-stracts from severalhundred journals. Thisis by far the most up-to-date informationsource. These same ab-stracts will eventuallybe uploaded to Medline,but generally that re-quires 4 to 6 months,so if I'm onto some-thing really hot thisis where I go first.Again, complete textmust be ordered via in-ternet or fax at a perdocument charge of $8to $12.

    IThe Merck Index: Thisis the most completebook of chemicai com-pounds anywhere. Itemsare listed alphabeti-cally and include vir-tually all pertinentinformation about everycompound. If you wantto know the meltingpoint of androstene-dione, this is whereyou should look first.You can find the Merckat any good bookstore,or at your library.Cost: about $75.

    I ialog: found on the Inter-net at:I is one of those enor-mous databases that coversvirtually every subject.Dialog can help you locateinformation about pharmaceuticals, chemicals, FDA regulations, you name it. Thetwo major drawbacks to Dia-log are refining your searcstrategy and the cost. Dialog is a fee based serviceand costs $24 per hour ofuse. I tend to go here as matter of desperation whenmy other searches are yielding little useful informa-

    The Physicians DeskReference: Another compre-hensive text devoted topharmaceuticals. It con-tains reasonably completedrug information includingprescribing guidelines, contraindications and knownconflicts with other drugs.It's available at bookstorenationwide, you can some-times find it for as littleas $39 but it's usually up-wards of $50. The PDR is revised every year. You havethe option of keeping theolder version and orderingthe updates, or buying thecurrent one. Many bookstorewill sell the previousyear's PDR for as little as$10.The Sports Science Web Sitehttp://uww.sportsci.orq/This site is primarily de-voted to the discussion ofsports science related is-sues. It does occasion-ally continued on page 6

    fvam th e desk of'XIPE PRESS, hc.* qq8 Dan:& Dechalne, . e i E-

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    AnticatobolicEffects ofKetogenic Diet(continued)ketones are primar-ily brain food, es-pecially after thefirst few days ofthe diet.But you contend,aren't ketones justan end-product offat metabolism?

    This is the magicof the state of ke-tosis. Ketones areessentially watersoluble fats whichCAN cross the bloodbrain barrier.Ketones are madeavailable as analternate energysource when carbsaren't availablefor the brain (butonly when themetabolic shifttakes place) .Think about thisfor a second. Un-der normal dietingconditions, thebody breaks downprotein to providefor the brain'shigh glucose re-quirements. Underketogenic dietingconditions, thebrain no longerwants glucose, ithas plenty of ke-

    tones which it canuse for fuel. Also,the high rate of FFAbreakdown producesglycerol which canbe converted intoglucose as well.

    Ihe end result?

    Less bodily proteinIwill be broken downto make qlucose forthe brain. Whichmeans less muscleloss while dieting.There have been sev-eral studies that donot support theanti-catabolic roleof ketones in thebody. Upon closeinspection, thesestudies have flaws.In one, ketones wereinfused via an IV,not generated in thebody. This meansthat blood glucosewas normal and thebody was still usingglucose, not ketonemetabolism. So, ke-tones wouldn't beexpected to spareprotein.In other studies,generally using VeryLow Calorie Diets(VLCD) of 400-800calories per day,ketogenic dietsdidn't do any betterat sparing muscleloss than a highcarb diet (don'tforget that insulinis also anti-catabolic)However, extrapolatingfrom a 400 caloriestarvation diet to a

    slightly below main-tenance calorie levelis inaccurate.In a VLCD situation,some muscle will belost no matter whatthe diet.A study comparing a10% deficit ketogenicto a 10% deficit carbdiet would be mostilluminating but goodluck on ever seeingit. Other studieshave shown that mus-cle loss is relatedto inadequate dietaryprotein intake.A value of 1.5 gramsprotein/kg bodyweight has been es-tablished as the min-imum for a ketogenicdiet to spare muscleloss, especially dur-ing the first weekswhen adaptations aretaking place. Butthat was for seden-tary individuals.Most bodybuildersconsume 2 grams/kg ormore of protein(about 1 gram/lb.anyhow so it's not ahuge issue.Finally, ketones ap-pear to have a slightinsulin-like effectthemselves. This isnot entirely under-stood, simply realizethat ketones in highconcentrations mayexert an insulin-likeeffect on musclecells, helping toprevent muscle loss.

    f v o ~he derk 06

    4 0XIPE PRESS. cP 1948

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    ILOOK I T U PLAZY BASTARD( c o n t i n u e d )have interesting informa-tion about doping and drugcontrols.It also has a somewhatmore useful list of linksthat often yield bits ofotherwise unknown data.Search Engines: These donot have any specificsports or drug orientedinformation, howeverthey can prove quiteuseful if you are will-ing to devote the timeto checking out thedozens of "hits" listedfor any given key word.When I have the luxuryof extra time (which israre) I will occasion-ally do a keyword searchon, for example,steroids. This yieldssome 427,000 odd "hits"listed in order of rele-vance. It's then up toyou to go through anddetermine which ones arelikely candidates forhaving the informationthat you are seeking.The popular ones are:

    Webcrawler: Food and Drug Admin-istration Home Page:http://prrprr.f&.gov/Another fun one (forgood stuff on what'sabout to be banned) Sci-ence and EngineeringNews: tml

    This has miscellaneousscience and engineeringrelated information.Rarely useful for mypurposes, but your needsmay vary, so I thoughtI'd include it.ITrademark Searches!This one can come inhandy when you are look-ing to name a magazineor a product and don'twant to end up in courtbecause you ripped offsomeone else's trade-marked name.

    IThe Herbalist: CD ROM.This is an amazing com-pllatlon of facts, pic-tures and scientific andhistorical informationon herbs. It's one ofmy favorite tools. Itwas available in CD ROM,but it's my understand-ing that it may now beunavailable. Keep youreyes peeled for a re-release, though, I ex-pect one out soon. $75.IThe Material Medica:This book detailing nu-merous herbs and theircurrent and historicaluse. This can be diffi-cult to find, but worththe $45.Your Local Library! Myleast favorite, becauseit means that I have toget in my car and thenwaste 45 minutes tryinq-to find what I want, onlyto discover that it's ei-ther lost, checked out,or they no longer sub-sribe to that journal.Nevertheless, for thoseof you without a computeror without subscriptionsto a number of the majorjournals, this is bothfree and better thannothing. An added bonusis that the research li-brarians in the medicallibaries can be helpfulif you reach a dead end.And I might get a quickbang in the stacks.

    This is not every avail-able way to get data,but I'll wager that ifyou can't find at leastone good solid lead us-ing the above resources,you're either barking upthe wrong tree or youneed to check yourspelling.(Editor's note: The USpatent web site has beenuseful to me, especiallysince the supplement in-dustry has a new trendof using use-patent tomake claims for prod-ucts.) The URL is:http://patents. Oliver mentioned,some of the just-published researchdoesn't make it to Med-line immediately. Usu-ally the major newspa-pers in the country willmention noteworthyhealth and medical ad-vances. Lately, themost interesting medicalstuff has been appearingin NATURE and NATURE GE-NETICS. If you want tocover all the bases,most yellow pages willhave a listing for"Newspaper Clipping Ser-vices"; these companiesclip and mail specificsubjects from numerousnewspapers.

    from the derk OF-an:& Duchaine, .PhE- oXIPE PRESS. 1nc.B 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    Michalovich Dharkam Greutstein

    hould anabolics beused with insulin oris it best to use in-in order to hold on tomuscle mass?

    lso, heavy steroidalso try to provide someclues about their respec-Dan's Internet Snips tive contribution to the steroids, adding in-sulin will make a bigto handle both drugs bet-

    Classifieds.......................I I Here arc

    Questions & AnswersD. Duchaine .............

    some general IInsulin is thus aI observations: lstrono candidate asabolic steroids(which we will indis-criminately refer to

    - - - -~~~ - - ~ ~~ ~~pocenc;acor of an-MbDllCS rucL- I C S . .

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    It's worth repeating:insulin cannot stopprotein catabolismwithout insulinase andthe effects of steroidsare potentiated byinsulinase. It sureeffects of steroids on

    other hand, the musclegains provided by an-drogens do not matchromatase effect aris-ing from insulin. But this elevation in syn-there is still some- thesis. Steroids pro-thing missing. mote anabolism to amuch higher rate thanUsing anabolics plus they make our musclesinsulin will not make

    you much bigger unlessyou weight train. The The reason for thissynergy can only be re- discrepancy is thatthey also stimulatealized if insulin + protein degradation. Iknow many people thinklink between those they are anti-catabolicbut it is not the case.Anabolics stimulate

    protein turnover. Thissulinase. As its name both synthesis andimplies, it is an en- degradation of pro-zyme responsible for teins. They are simplythe destruction of in- more effective at stim-sulin. But we are going ulating synthesis thanto see it does much degradation, which iswhy they make our mus-cle grow but not at asuperfast rate.

    Look at how long it

    muscles. If androgenswere stimulating syn-thesis while inhibitingdegradation,one wouldgrow very, very

    fro? t he d e ~ k cDaCiZ Duchaintr, .el6. OXIPE PRESS, 1nc.' 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    Unfortunately, as bothinsulin and anabolicsneed insulinase towork better, they willcompete against eachothers for this en-zyme. For natural ath-letes, the supply ofmuscle insulinase

    This is where insulincomes in. As we said,it mostly reduces pro-tein degradation rate.It might stimulateprotein synthesisright after training~ u this effect isvery limited in dura-tion.Ideally, using insulinalong with steroidswould allow us toaccelerate synthesis(thanks to anabolics)and reduce degradation(thanks to insulin)This is the best wayto grow muscle fast.

    organ (muscle for exam-ple) the higher the in-sulinase lev1.1 will be.You would ex13ect thatthe body would detectthe shortage of insuli-nase for insulin and soproduce more insulin(or more insulinase)

    some of their potency.What is important tounderstand is that pasta certain dose, anabol-ics will provide theirown antidote againstmuscle growth. The onlysolution (beside usingless steroid.3) is toincrease inslllinaselevel.At least two factorscan accompli.;h thisfeat:The first on,; is in-sulin itself. Thehigher the insulinlevel is in a target

    still be sufficient toallow a fair insulin-induced anti-catabolism.

    should roughly meetthe demand' ifadd anabolics, therewill be less insuli-nase for insulin. Ifyou do not take toohigh a dose ofsteroids, the level ofinsulinase should

    But as you take moresteroids, the insuli-nase available forinsulin will be lowerand lower.

    Unfortunatel:{, thisdoes not seem to be thecase. While insulinaseis crucial for theanti-catabolic effectof insulin it does notseem as impoirtant forglucose disposal.

    Insulin will lose itsanti-catabolic effect.As it will still bindsome insulinase, theenzyme availability f o ~steroids will not beoptimal either.Anabolics will lose

    Insulin's main functionis not to assist inmuscle growth but tocontrol slucose home-ostasis. As a result,it is likely our bodydoes not real-ly careabout a relative short-age of insulinase. Inany case, we are leftwith a less than opti-mal equilibrium. It isup to the bodybuilderto react to this irnbal-ance

    I Ifro* the derk o f

    con t inued on page 4

    "World Wide

    offers several names oiw, ow they rate on ascale of 1 to 10, the ad-dross, city, state. aountry,phone number, hours of oper-ation, cost of visit., w-ity of equipment, atme:sphere, type of crowd,services such as +annjn9,,bodyfat oheeking, juicebag,aerobics eta. Suggestedalso r e p r t personal gym-Dan:& Daehaine, .RIBXIPE PRE55 , I ~ G . @998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    Snipets(continued)dealers, and indi-viduals, which areuncovered counterfeitorganizations.

    SynergycontinuedOne way of increasing in-sulin secretion is to eatmore but you can only doso up to a point. Youcannot increase your carbintake in parallel withthe amount of steroids

    drug will make yourpancreas secrete evenmore insulin beforethe carbs can hit theblood. It makes thehypoglycemia worsenot better.In case of problems,make sure you getsome ready-to-injectglucagon (sold as"insulin emergency'"twilbur/moves. b l

    Here you will find anillustratedguidetoexercises with freeweights.

    is an extensivelist of several (nota few) but -y , myexercises that beperformed for theabs, back, biceps,calves, chest, fore-arms, neck, shoul-ders, thighs and tri-ceps. Covers practi-

    every axerciseknom to mankind.Reacquaint with oldtechniques, learnnew ones, or sinplyjust to add some va-riety back into yourslacking trainingregimine

    Dan:& mchalne, .B:rE 'XIPE PRESS,1nc8 1998

    without getting too fat.Another solution is touse drugs to add or tostimulate insulin secre-tion. This way you getthe insulin without theexcess of calories.

    In any case you now un-derstand why steroidswork better while on ahigh calorie diet whilethey lose their potencyduring a diet or a short-age of insulin.Here is a way of artifi-cially increasing insulinlevel: One dose of longacting insulin firstthing in the morning(this is the only injec-tion). Before each meal(except the pre-workoutone), take a sulfonylurea(an oral anti-diabeticdrug which will boostfood induced insulin se-cretion). I like Glip-izide because of itsshort half-life. In caseyou experience hypo-glycemia, you know itwill not last. This isthe main problem with thelong acting sulfony-lureas. When you are hy-poglycemic, you try tocompensate by absorbingcarbs. But the

    f v o ~he dark of

    kits" in drugstores).An additional thebenefit of Glipizideis, it induces therelease of GH on topof insulin which isbeneficial for nondiabetics.This is a nice way tofix the reduced anti-catabolic property ofinsulin. Unfortu-nately, this will notyet provide the opti-ma1 amount of insuli-nase to have steroidswork better.We said that trainingwas the third key in-gredient in this syn-ergy. This is becausetraining can stimu-late insulinase ac-tivity. Not any exer-cise will do. Thetraumatic ones induc-ing muscle sorenessare the most effec-tive. It is the fae-tors inducing sore-ness which will trig-ger this increase ininsulinase.On the other hand,you do not want tocreate too much sore-ness as it will tem-porarily reduce theeffects of insulinand androgens by

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    i m p ai r ~ ng h e ~ r ffeat the level of the1respective receptorsWhat you want is milbut frequent sorenesalong wlth some veryfrequent pumplnq sesslons.Do not forget bothdrogens and insulincirculate in the blThe more blood you

    CELLULITE? LOVE HANDLinto the muscles (a Y 0-BE-LEANTMthe more your musclwill "drenched" inthose two hormones.

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    steroid topic related publicationsVisit - - or call 24 hrs1-888-797-7729

    f m r the desk OFDan:& Duchalne, .El&

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    printed Pat's formulafor making testosteronefrom androstenedione.If I substituted noran-drostenedione, would Iget durabolin(nandrolone) instead?

    A Yes.What's up with

    that yohimbe cream I sawin the classifieds lastmonth?

    A I always wonderedwhy nobody came out witha yohimbine cream afterthe Greenway study,showing that some topi-cally applied drugs canreduce thigh girth. Allthe thigh creams inyears past were based onaminophylline, whichseemed, in the study, tobest reduce thigh cir-cumference from all thedrugs tried. However,the user feedback fromthe fat chicks that usedthe aminophyllinecreams, was that as soonas they stopped

    using the cream, thethighs got fat-lookingagain. I wouldn't besurprised that the reduc-ing effect might havecome from a local di-uretic effect, expellingsome of the water out ofthe skin and fat cells.And from a marketingstandpoint, it's justgood business sense touse something that re-quires continued use forits effect.Yohimbine did show somesignificant thigh sizereduction, and I feelthat it probably is truefat loss, from a mobi-lization of fatty acidsfrom the fat areas.At least the researchshows that this does hap-pen with injection. OralYohimbine isn't ideal forthis, as fatty areasdon't have much bloodsupply (which is why thefat is not reddish-brownlooking)When I wrote my BODYOPUSdiet book, I put a yohin-bine cream on my wishlist. And eventually, anEuropean cosmetic companyresponded, giving me someexamples of a Yohimbe ex-tract cream. Every per-son using the cream re-sponded positively aboutits spot reduction ef-fects. Some of the usersare me11 who used thecream on their love han-dle areas.

    fro,- the defk 06-anLiLDuchalne, .RlE0I haven't the timeto sell the creammyself, so I ar-ranged for my girl-friend to import thecream and sell it.The yohimbe extractcream now has aname: Yo-Be-Lean.We've estimated thatone jar would lastabout 30 days, witha daily application.So far, most of theinitial buyers ofthe Yo-Be-Lean seemto be reordering thecream, which is usu-ally an indicationthat the user issatisfied with theresult.

    oXIPE PRESS, 1nc6 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    ISO-OPUS Errata Part IVLyle McDonald ............... 1

    Questions & AnswersD. Duchaine.................... 8

    Steroid Basics Part 6Bill Roberts..................... 6


    Lyle McDonald IIw have discussedsome of the Imetabolic goings-on of aketogenic diet (includinca basic sketch of ketonebody production as wellas why ketones may spareprotein loss while diet-IWhat other thinqs must beconsidered before embark-inq on a ketogenic (zerocarb, moderate protein,moderate to high fat)diet?

    Many individuals are fa-miliar with the Atkin'sdiet or others of it'slike (i.e. ProteinPower) which are strictketogenic diets. Bystrict, we mean thatcarbs are restricted in-definitely to low lev-els.While these diets areappropriate for non ex-ercisers, individualsperforming any amount ofhigh intensity activity(i.e. weight training)will lose muscle sincetraining intensity can-not be maintained with-out dietary carbohydrateintake. Most liftersshould consider the

    continued on page 2

    from the delk aC-an&= Duchalne, .B?tT,-XIPE PRESS. nc..1qq8 I

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    -ISO-OPUSERRATA PART Vl( c o n t i n u e d )BodyOpus type ofdiet (generallycalled a CyclicalKetogenic Diet orCKD) which alter-nates 5+ days ofzero carb eating(the ketogenic partof the diet) with 1-2 days of high carbeating (which servesto load the muscleswith carbs, allowingtraining intensityto continue).So, let's look at thepros and cons of theCKD.

    Pros of aC y c l i c a l

    K e t o g e n i c D i e t1. In many people,ketones blunthunger. It's niceto have a diet whereyou're not hungryall the time. Ifthere's a problemwith keto diets it'sthat you get lessfood volume wise be-cause so much of itis dietary fat.So, having hungerblunted is a niceside effect. Amaz-ingly enough, one ofthe early criticismsof the Atkin's dietwas that it bluntedhunger too much.Apparently, the pow-ers want individualsto be hungry andmiserable when theyare dieting.

    --Tip: Taking theephedrine/caffeine/aspirin stack with aketo diet is almostguaranteed to shutdown hunger.2. It seems to helpwomen maintain theirmenstrual cycle. Ican't explain thisone with research,it's just an anecdo-tal observation. Onefemale bodybuilder Ihelped prep kept herperiod all the waythrough her contest(she came in at about7-8% bodyfat) Theother girls in hergym had been withouta period for monthson a low fat, lowcalorie diet. Iimagine the dietaryfat helps keep thehormonal axis normal.CKD also seems tohelp women lose fatin their lower bod-ies. The exact rea-son is unknown atthis time, but lower-ing carbs definitelyseems to makes a dif-ference.3. It helps to main-tain sex drive whiledieting (which cannever be a badthing). I have ahunch this is becausethe dietary fat ispushing testosteroneproduction (or, moreaccurately, keepingit from dropping somuch). In fact, manywomen report an in-crease in sex driveon the diet(which is definitelv~-not a bad thing),again probably due to

    f v o r th e desk of-an:& Duchaincr, .EIE- 0X IPFPRFCC Inr * lWR

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    higher testosterone.Add in yohimbe, an-drostenedione andDHEA to the dietingstack and hang on forthe ride.4 . It's Simple to do.The ketogenic dietonly allows a handeach day (it can geta bit bland though).One study put theBantu Indians on thediet and they wereable to follow itwith no problem. Somestudies found thatsubjects remained onthe diet after thestudy was over be-cause it was so damneasy to follow.5. It allows (hell,requires) a majorcheat dav once a

    abo;e was much mel-lower than the othergirls in her gym be-cause she could eather blueberry pan-cakes and have a mar-garita every weekend.Tied in to this, theCKD shouldn't causethe post-contest foodbinges seen in body-builders. Simply, youdon't feel deprivedsince you get to pigout once every 7

    I week. he cyclical



    C o n s of aC y c l i c a l

    K e t o g e n i c D i e tI 1. Expect everyone I- 0XIPE PRE5S.kc.' 1998

    you know to give youshit about the diet,citing health dan-gers, dehydration,cholesterol levels,etc., etc., etc.The misconceptionsabout the ketogenicdiet abound and are aproduct of ignoranceand a lack of re-search. There is am-ple human research onthe benefits of theketogenic diet, butit's just not widelyknown (we are workingto correct this prob-lem). Simply acceptthat you will getfunny looks at thestore when you buyground beef, heavy-cream, cheese, oiland Diet Coke duringthe week and go in onFriday night to getAlpha Bits cereal.Or when you go to arestaurant and ordera double cheeseburgerwithout the bun.2. Along with I#,don't expect restau-rants or anybody youknow to make it easyfor you to avoidcarbs. Trying to ex-plain to a server whyyou want some cheeseon the side of yourmeal (but no croutonsin your Caesar salad)gets old fast. Ofcourse, it's ulti-mately no worse thantrying to avoid everyounce of fat theymight be used to pre-pare your meals.But, most people canunderstand low fat

    continued on page

    l v o r the derk aFDan:& Duchalne, .B!

    "PhysicalEnhancementwith anEdge"Mexican

    steroids - 5 17

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    I S O - O P U S ER- bly be used as anRATA PART VI event, to prepare fora contest or a poolparty (even a bigdate) but don't staydiets. Low carb? Not on it forever.any time soon.

    6. It's not ideal for3. The diet does get mass. Contrary to theboring during the week. views of some authors,The limited amounts of the CKD is not thefoods you can consume ideal mass building

    diet for most qet really old re- Depleti'3n of liver ATPally fast. It's basi- will negatively affectcally meat and fat, meat hormonal profiles (asand fat. Did I mention detailed by Darkham athe meat and fat? Of couple of issues ago)course, you get to eat limiting growth. Thewhatever you want during CKD should be consid-the weekend carb-up ered a fat loss dietphase and most body- only by most eat the samefoods while dieting any-how so it's probably a Conclusions:4 . Expect your training so, is the CKD for you?

    new innovation weeks. While adapting If you are a womanto the diet, your energy with lower body fatlevels will crash big problems, a reducedtime (at least it does& other steriod carb diet will helpin some people). After with fat loss.that, you'll actuallyhave MORE energy duringthe lowcarb week and If you're a malefeel shitty during the who loses too muchcarb-up. Go figure. muscle dieting, theCKD is worth tryingAll orders receive a 5 . We don't honestly since it seems tomuscle loss.

    examined someone on a If you have theketogenic diet i s about ability to eat thea year (epileptic chil- same foods day in,dren are frequently kept day out (and don'ton the diet for up to 3 mind everythingyears but they aren't a tasting greasy),great model for dieting the CKD is probablybodybuilders). Most

    1-888-797-7729 health problems (i.e.heart disease) takeyears to show up.

    f r o r th e derk ofDada2 Duchaine, .8!G4 o IPE PRESS, nc? 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    STEROID BASICSPart6, .'.. _ _ .. ,. .-' .*-. .. , , ... . . ,.: :.*.g".'. ' . .-, . . . .? , .::.+?. ,,*.?# b - .-!. , . . , . . . . : . ;;. -,.., .'. , . 1 . ' . . . .. . . . :1Bill Roberts(Editor's note : Bill wan ted toa d d r e 9 5 some mccruing qvesrionfrom t he last five installments.)

    Q: People say thatsome steroids are an-drogenic and some areanabolic. They saythat androgenicsteroids are danger-ous, or that the an-drogenic ones give thebest growth. What'sthe deal?A: This word is verymisused. The parts ofthe word, put together,mean "making into aman." The word itself isdefined as, "Of the na-ture of a male sex hor-mone." So this includesall anabolic steroids.Wrong usage of the wordmay be intended to meanthat a drug causesstrong side effects ofany type, that it is ef-.fective, that it causeswater retention, or is virilizing,that it.causes increased aggres-sion, or almost any-thing. It is vague andalmost useless.Q: But you know whatI mean! Aren't theythe strongest steroidbecause they aroma-tizeA: No. If this were true,then adding a little es-trogen to, say, Pri-mobolan would make it avery strong anabolic.

    aXIPE PRESS, ~nc;.' 1998

    This is not so. And ifaromatization reallyhelped growth much,then we'd see muchless growth when aro-matase inhibitors areused with testos-terone. Not so. Excel-lent gains are possi-ble while estrogen is

    It is true that waterretention does helpstrength, and veryhigh doses of addedestrogen have assistedpowerlifters. However,this is at the cost of

    Lastly, and conclu-sively, trenbolone isas strong as anythingavailable, and it doesnot aromatize signifi-cantly if at all. Soaromatization is notthe key to the effec-tiveness of a steroid.It is just a usually-undesired side effect.Q: Actually, whatis aromatization?A : If the ring on theleft end of themolecule has threedouble bonds, as es-trogens do, it iscalled aromatic. Ifcertain groups are re-moved from an andro-gen, for example, the#19 methyl and a #1hydrogen from

    fro? the desk O F

    Dan:& Duchalne, PiiE

    testosterone, it canbecome aromatic andbecome an estrogen.For some steroids thisis possible. For oth-ers, it is not.Q: They also saythat the androgenicsteroids are theones that convert toDHT. True?A: No. There is oneand only one anabolicsteroid that convertsto DHT, and that istestosterone, or itsprecursors.DHT is the samemolecule as testos-terone, except that ithas a single bond be-tween carbon atoms #4and #5, where testos-terone has a doublebond. Primobolan, forexample, can't convertto DHT because it hasan extra methyl groupthat cannot be re-moved. And it has itsdouble bond in a dif-ferent position any-way. A similar situa-tion applies for allother anabolicsteroid:;.Q: What? But manybooks say that somesteroids convert toDHT,and somesteroids are DHTderivatives. Theyeven base their the-ories on this!

    continued on page 6

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    l STEROID and doesn't really I onth, or 25 lbs. inhelp predict the value a cycle. But thatBASICS

    1 (continued)A: They are wrong.Their conclusions mightbe wrong also. As to thederivative issue, it istrue that some steroids,for example oxandrolone,are most cheaply synthe-sized from DHT. But af-ter the chemical synthe-sis, they are no moresimilar to DHT than totestosterone.Q: What i s meant by"anabolic index" or"androgenic index?"A: Years ago, this datawas obtained from test-ing on rats. Skeletalmuscles did not growmuch in rats from an-abolic steroids, but theprostate and a sex-specific muscle calledthe levator ani did growenough to allow easymeasurements.The so-called"androgenic index" sim-ply refers to how muchthe prostate grew in therats. It ought to becalled the prosta-totrophic index instead.It has nothing to dowith many other"androgenic" effects wemight be concerned withsuch as virilization inwomen or anything else.And the so-called"anabolic index" refersto the growth of the le-vator ani, which actu-ally is very dissimilarto human skeletal muscle

    I f a drug to body-builders.Q: I f a l l t h i s i sus e l es s , then whatdo w e do?

    A: Just look at eachindividual effect youare interested in andevaluate each drug onthat basis. Does tren-bolone qrow muscle ef-fectively? Yes. DoesiL Lend Lo increaseagqression? Yes. Doestestosterone (withoutdrugs to block estro-gen) give water reten-tion? Yes. And so on.Forget trying to pi-geonhole everythinginto an anabolic/an-drogenic spectrum.Q: Why do peoplemake good ga in s f o rsome number o fweeks, and then thegains stop? Doesn' ttha t prove th atsomething bad hap-pens t o th e androgenreceptors?A: No, it doesn't. Itsimply is hard or im-possible for the bodyto grow rapidly forany sustained lengthof time. The fastestthe body grows natu-rally is during pu-berty. Even five ibs.per month, if sus-tained, would be 60lbs. per year. Cer-tainly that is notnormal. Such a rate ofgain is not sustain-able. Sure, you canget a spurt of growthand add 10 lbs. ofmuscle in a

    just is not going tocontinue uninter-rupted. The body willpause.

    IQ: Why?A: I don't know thespecific mechanism.But this does takeplace. The more thatone has qrown re-cently, the harder itis immediately there-after to grow fur-ther. This is anotherreason to cyclesteroids. Afteradding some signifi-cant amount of musclemass, some time isneeded before thebody is ready to growmore.Q: Take a steroidn o v i c e . L e t ' s say hehas pretty muchreached h i s g e n e t i cl i m i t with naturalt ra i n i ng . H e w i l l dow e l l w it h a f a i r l ysmall dose of an-a b o l i c s t e r oi d s i nh i s f i r s t c y cl e . Butafter he has addedsay 25 l b s . , hef ind s that he needsbigg er dos es t o makeany further gains .Why?A: I think it is aquestion of homeosta-sis the body's ten-dency to maintainsome equilibrium.Without anabolicsteroids, but withcertain training andcertain genetics, thehomeostasis pointmight be say 200 lbs.

    fro? th e derk of-an:& Dachainis, .BS,lEi" QXIPE PRESS, ncm 998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    ease, who are corti-301 deficient, wouldbe huge. Not so. Andcorti,sol lockingdrugs would be greatanabolics. They arenot.Nonetheless, it istrue that abnormallyhigh cortisol is aproblem and doeslead to muscle wast-ing. Therefore, ifCytadren is being

    its usenot simply be termi-abruptly.Rather it should betapered down overseveral weeks toavoid a cortisol re-bound effect. And itis a :;e?rioLIs mistaketo continue hightraining volumesupon cessation of acycle or during thetaper.The goal at thatpoint is to maintaingains, not to gainyet more muscle. Andmuscle can be main-tained with surpris-ingly little exer-cise. Even two orthree sets per bodypart per week can doit. In the firstweek of the taper, Irecommend a substan-tial reduction intraining volume. Forexample, 30-40 sets/week would be appro-priate, with no"high intensity"techniques beingused.By the time one iscompletely off of

    continued on page 8


    in cut condition. Ifthe trainer is only150 lbs., he is farfrom the homeostasispoint, and willrapidly approach it.By the time he gets upto 190 lbs., he isclose to it, and theapproach will beslower. Of course,with different genet-ics, different numberswould be needed. Witha low dose Ofsteroids, the home-ostasis point isshifted.Now, with appropriatetraining, 225 lbs. formight be the new maxi-mum muscular weight.Does this mean thatnow his body is notresponding to anabolicsteroids as well asbefore? No! With lowdose steroids, hishomeostasis point is25 lbs. higher. But ifhe wants get biggeryet, he will need adose that is suffi-cient to shift thispoint yet higher.This is simply a the-ory based on the typi-cal behavior of bio-logical systems andobserved effects ofanabolic steroid use.The homeostasis pointI refer to is notsomething that can ac-tually be measured.But it can be observedthat a certain maximumis achieved beyondwhich one cannot gowithout chanqing thecircumstances. Thatmight be usinghigher doses ofsteroids or adding inother drugs such asinsulin and GH.

    fro?-XIPE PRF55 . In c 1098Q: What are anti-estrogens? m d hat areestrogens, anyway?A: Estrogen is a genericterm which includes all-hormones that act likeestradiol, the most po-tent natural estrogen.Other natural estroqensare estrone and estra-triol. There are syn-thetic estrogens too.There are two means bywhich the effects of es-trogen can be reduced.The first is that a drugcan inhibit aromatase,the enzyme which convertstestosterone to estra-dial. Cytadren and Arim-idex are anti-aromatases.These result in lower ac-tual levels of estrogen.Proviron and DHT are ef-fective antiaromatasesalso. The second is thata drug can bind to theestrogen receptor, butwithout activating thereceptor. Estrogen isthen blocked from the re-ceptor. Nolvadex and Clo-mid are hormone antago-nists of this type.Q: There's a lot oftalk about cortisol,and that one shouldkeep cortisol levelslow. It has even beenclaimed that anabolicsteroids really work byblocking the cortisolreceptor- 1s this true?HOW should cortisolconsiderations affect acycle?A: It isn't true thatthe blocking of cortisolreceptors is the key tohow anabolic steroidshelp build muscle. Ifthis were true, then peo-ple with Addison's dis-t h e detk o c

    Dan:& Duchaine, .B!lIi

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    STEROIDBASICSPart 6(continued)anabolics, the volumemight be only 20-30sets/week. Once it isfelt that the bodyhas renormalized,higher training vol-umes would again beemployed.The exact numbers arenot important, andwould vary accordingto the exercisesdone. It is the trendthat is important. Inmy opinion, the re-duction in catabolismafter the cycle thatcan be obtained byusing lower volumemore than offsets thereduction in growthstimulus, especiallysince further growthis really not ex-pected at thispoint anyway.

    Q. W i l l you pleasef i n a l l y t e l l me howto take the e s t r a -diol from the Syn-ovex pe l l e t s ?A Ether. But not withengine starting fluid,which has an added sol-vent that isn't easilyevaporated. Good luckin finding a chemicalcompany to sell it toyou. It smells like'felony drug manufactur-ing", and knocks you outif you sniff it.

    fro* the derk O FDarCiL Duchaincr, .El1Y

    Q. In Pat's arti-cle in making in-jectable steroids,can I use thisprocess for anyother drug?A Ye:;, ChemicalSellers of SantaBarbara sells pow-dered Yohkmbine HCL,which is soluble inwater.. You couldtreat the YohimbineHCL with lye to re-move the hydrochlo-ric acid, and theresultant precipi-tant would bepretty-much pureYohimbine powderwhen dried. In thisform, you could dis-solve it into the 3solvents (benzyl al-cohol, polyethylene,and p:ropylene gly-col) Theoreti-cally, you should beable to inject smallamounts of thisYohiml3ine solutioninto :stubborn fatareas, and the sol-vents would dissi-pate, depositingfine crystals ofYohiml3ine in the

    i fat, ,allowing a very1 slow release into, the inmediate area., Keep in mind, toomuch might put you

    ~into cardiac arrest.So the usual "don'ttry this on your-

    ! self' applies. ButI'll -try it on my-self, and let you1 know (if I make it).

    OXIPE PRESS.~ n c ?998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    This is your Brain onAndrogens

    John Gulfsrream ........... ...

    SynephrineLynn Christenson ...............5

    Classifieds...................................... 3 . 4 8

    John GulfstreamDespite the wishes ofbodybuilders, anabolicandrogenic steroids dohave direct influenceson the brain that cancause an increase inaggression.Among the many effectsof androgens on thebrain are increased ag-nressinn and h e i o h t e n e d> ~~ ~ ~ ~ > ~~~~~arousal used in situa-tions of fighting andalso for sex. On theother hand, the claimsof some scientists in-dicating that androgenscan make someone psy-chotic are far over-stated. What are thea ff e c ts of androgens onthe brain? I s theresuch a thing as 'roidraqe?

    How can we use these affect:to our advantage? Testos-terone is thought to be re-sponsible for both the sex-ual characteristics and be-havioral patterns of males.Interestingly, this affectmay be brought about throughestrogen, once aromataseconverts testosterone to es-trogen.

    I - I continued on page 2fro? the derk OF

    'XIPE PRESS. I ~ L *998 Dan:& Duchaine, .B?IE-

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    h his is YourAndrogens(continued)Male and female miceshow little fightingbehavior when raisedtogether. However, ifadult mice are isolatedfor 3 weeks, then puttogether, males show agreat deal of fightingbehavior. This fight-ing only occurs if themales have their testeswhen they're put backwith the females. Ifthe males are castratedbefore they are pairedback with females, thefighting doesn't occur.If castrated males aregiven testosterone,then the males willcommence fighting. Ifthe females are giventestosterone at birthand again when they areadults, then they willfight like males.Therefore , it appears ex-p o su re t o t e s t o s t e r o n esoon a f t e r b i r t h e nc ou r-ag es f i g h t i n g b ehav io r a tl a t e r t im e s a s l on g a st e s t o s t e r o n e i s stillp r e s e n t .Testosterone-inducedaggressive behavior wasalso seen in a studyusing castrated malerats, the study foundthat rats without en-dogenous testosteronedemonstrated normal,male aggressive behav-ior when supplementedwith either testos-terone propionate ormethyltestosterone.However, Winstrol wascompletely ineffectiveat eliciting aggressivebehavior. The authorsconclude that "the het-erogeneity of anabolic-

    f v o r the desk aC

    Dan:& Duchalne, .B?IE-

    androgenic steroid ef-fects on the nervoussystem and behavior in-dicate that the psycho-logical effects reportedby human anabolic-androgenic steroid usersmay depend upon the dis-tinct chemical struc-tures of the abusedsteroids."This is a very important&"quecacseu;cares wt~a:. s:erz:c usershave been sayinq allalong: D i f f e r e n ts t e r o i d s have d i f f e r e n te f f ec t s o n t h e i r moodand t r ai ni ng . Read ont o f i n d o u t what t h o s ee f f ec t s a re and how t ou t i l i z e them f o r maximumb e n e f i t .Enough about mice andrats, what about humans?A study using hypogo-nadal adolescent malesfound that testosteroneinjections significantlyincreased physical ag-gressive behaviors andaggressive impulses.Based on this studyalone, it may only meanthat low testosteronelevels causes a decreasein aggressive impulses,and that the converse(testosterone levelsabove the normal rangecause an increase inaggression) may not nec-cssarily be true.Another study using hu-niarls fou~id hdt rxoge-nous steroids may havepsychological and behav-ioral effects in somepatients and athletes.But the effects werevariable, transient upondiscontinuation of sup-plementation, and appearto be related to 1 7 -alpha-alkylated ratherthan 17-beta-asterifiedanabolic androgenicsteroids.G e n e ti c f a c t o r s , p e e r

    OXIPE PRESS,1nc.' 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    influence, medical his-tory, expectations and ahost of other factorsdetermine the nature andthe extent of effects.This study showed a lotof variability betweenpatients, but 17 alpha-alkylated androgens werefound to have thc potcn-tial to cause an in-crease in aggression.To further investigatethe potential link be-tween mood and aggres-sive behavior, healthymen were given 600 mg/week testosterone enan-

    Testosterone injec-tions cause an in-crease in aggres-sion and aggressiveimpulses in somestudies, but notothers.

    What is the take-homemessage on androqensand behavior? Andro-gens are capable ofincreasing aggression,but it is highly de-pendent on which an-drogens are used andthe conditions associ-ated with their use.

    However, one limitationof this study was thatit used such a smallnumber of subjects.Larger samples may benecessary to elucidateneurological effects ofsteroids on human behav-ior.

    thate to assess anychanges. The studyfound no change inaggressiveness beforeand after treatment norwhen compared to un-treated controls. Thisis not what most peoplewould have predicted fortestosterone and otheraromatizable androgens.

    To summarize the studiesexamininq androgen in-fluence of behavior:

    To understand how an-drogens manipulate be-havior and the propen-sity for aggression,it is important to un-derstand a littleabout the region ofthe brain involved inaggression and otheremotions.

    Testosterone causesaggression in mice(even female mice)

    Testosterone propi-onate and methyl-testosterone causeaggression in ratswhile Winstrol doesnot.In humans, 17 alpha-alkylated androgensare more likely to beassociated with in-creases in aggres-sion.

    One of the ways thatscientists study thebrain is to damage aregion of the brain(or examine humans,animals, or both withaccidental brain dam-age) and then see howthe human or animalbehaves and functionswithout that brain re-gion. The brain dam-age is often referredto as a lesion. Somemedical doctors pur-posely cause brain le-sions or damage a spe-cific region of thebrain attempting toalleviate a medicalproblem.For example, in the1950's doctors triedto treat epilepsy byremoving portions ofthe brain. In the1960's doctors triedto treat psychoses byremoving or lesioningportions of the brain.Patients were

    continued on page

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    This is Your


    Brain onAndrogens(continued)

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    often cured of their ill-ness, but they lost thebrain function that was car-ried out by the removed ordamaged cells. These havebeen some of the most usefulstudies for learning how thebrain functions. The absenceof a function following alesion gives strong evidencefor the purpose of the miss-ing brain region.The amygdala is a brainregion long believed to beinvolved in emotion, arousal(for fighting and for sex)and aggression. Very earlyexperinrents using cdts foundthat when thev wut an elec-I trode in a cat'; braln andOn "gray mar- stimulated the amygdala,then the cats would hlss andsclentlsts had good reasonnew innovation to suspect that the amygdalawas involved in devices, When patients demonstrated

    & other steriod I Idisorders of aggression,doctors attempted to curetopic relatedpublications.

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    the problem by removlng theamygdala, or damaglng por-tlons of lt.In one such study, 15eplleptlc patlents showlngabnormally aggressive behav-ior were given small lesionsof their amygdala. Half thepatients sliowed reduced ag-gression following thesurgery.

    IAnother study found thatlesioning the amygdala willI Visit I II esult in a loss of emo-tional resDonslveness in manW W W . ~ ~ ~ C . C O ~nd monkey. The thresholdfor emotlonal responses be-I I or call 24 h r ~ comes h ~ g h ~ rollowing le-11 1-888-797-7729 I I I lon of the amygdala. Theemotlonal responses couldst111 be d ~h le ve d, ut it

    In 1963, 60 aggres-sive, hyperactive pa-tients received smalllesions damaging 1/3of the amygdala. 85%of the patients showedreduced emotional ex-citability and a nor-malization of socialbehavior. The pa-tients became calmer,but not apathetic.They could become an-gry and excited whenappropriate, but theylost the lnappropriatebehavior7.


    More extensive lesionsof the amygdala wereperformed in otherstudies. A more re-cent study (1988) in-volved lesioning 2/3of the amygdala on 481patients (most of themwere aggressive anddestructive psychoticpatients). They foundthat about 70% of pa-tients showed a reduc-tion in destructive-ness and restlessnessand that 50% remainedcalm and quiet even inthe face of provoca-tion.

    took dramatic events toevoke the emotions.

    This surgery was oftenreferred to as"sedative surgery"because the patientswere so calm they ap-peared to besedated.One patient (known byhis initials HM) whohad his entire amyg-dala removed rarelycomplains about any-thing, even if he isunwell. He appears tobe content and placidall the time. Ofcourse, this guy alsolost an additionalpart of his brain thatwas used for memory -the hippocampus.Despite this, it isstill a good argumentfor the role of theamygdala in

    continued on page 6

    fro+ tho desk OFDan&; Duchalne,-OXIPE PRESS. lnc,.' 1998

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    ronotrophic effeca result of itsFurther PD

    has been shown torease the contrac-

    and sources to synephrine or

    shock in lab anShi (fructus auran-

    e Zhi Shi herb in-

    in citrus au-and otherfruits. The

    ephrine stimulates an inhibition o

    s system, leading to exact) inhibit cylicipheral vasocon- production. Appar-iction. This action ly results variedsimilar to other ng different testrmogenic cormpounds jects due to recep-e caffeine, kola r specificity of mus-and organs.

    continued on page

    I f r o r the dDfk o f

    'XLPE PRESS, Inr;.' 1998 Dan:& Duchsine, Q?iIi-

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    This is YourBrain onAndrogens(continued)aggression becauseother patients losingtheir hippocampus showno changes in aggres-sion. Additional dam-age to brain regionsnear the amygdala maybring about a more com-plete effect. In ad-dition, numerous otherreports have shown thatlesioning of the amyg-dala can reduce levelsof rage and aggression.Not only is the amyg-&la involved in ag-gression but it is theregion of the brain re-sponsible for arousaland the desired height-ened arousal which canbe quite useful to pow-erlifters and footballplayers. This height-ened arousal is oftenfelt just before aheavy lift and right atgame-time for thecompetitive athlete.Interestingly, theamygdala is loaded witharomatase, 5-alpha re-ductase and it doescontain androgen andestrogen reccptors. Astudy on aromatase ac-tivity in the mousebrain found that thehighest levels of aro-matase activity occurin the amygdala. Sincetestosterone levelshave been linked to ag-gression and the amyg-dala (with high aro-matase activity) hasbeen linked with ag-gression, this raisedthe possibility thatmany of the effects oftestosterone on aggres-sion are carried out bqestrogen.A study using quailtested Lhis very idea.The researchers found

    that testosterone-induced aggression canbe prevented by an aro-matase inhibitor indi-cating that estrogenlevels actually mediateaggressive behavior.In addition, they foundthat dihydrotestos-terone (non-aromatizingandrogen) does not in-duce aggression liketestosterone. These re-sults indicate that es-trogen is the primarymediator oftestosterone-induced ag-gression in the brain.Along those same lines,a study using rats foundthat androstenediol isreadily converted totestosterone, which isreadily converted to es-trogen, in rat brain.This finding is inter-esting in light of themechanism by which manyGerman athletes weretaking androstenediol.The German patent forandrostenediol indicates

    --causes a qreater rise inserum testosterone thanoral inqestion. Thenasal inaestion avoidsthe tlrsf pass effect ofliver detoxificationwhich allows for muchsmaller doses of an-drostenediol to be usedto achieve effective in-creases in serum testos-terone. In addition,nasal entry of an-drostenediol allows fora much more rapid accessof the steroid to thebrain. Therefore, it islikely that nasal inges-tion of steroids couldlead to a significantenhancement of aggres-slon compared to othersteroids and methods ofdellverq.What is the take-homemessaqe about aqqressionand the brain?

    from t h e derk o fDan:& Duchsine, .B

    The amygdala is the re-gion of the brain respon-sible for aggression andheightened arousalbrought about largely dueto estrogen binding toI .~ t seceptor in the amyg-&la.

    Everything would be sim-ple if androgens only ac-tivated androgen recep-tors and the effects ofevery androgen were con-sistent. However, someandrogens activate otherreceptors in the brainand not every androgen isequal. Bodybuilders knowthat androgens are dif-ferent, but scientistsare just beginning tofind out some of the rea-sons why.A recent study found thatDianabol and androstene-dione could bind to GARAreceptors in the brainincreasing chloride in-flux in a similar mannerto alcohol and Valium.Many of you may alreadybe familiar with GABA(Gamma-amino-butyr cacid). It is a neuro-transmitter in the brainthat is inhibitory. Ittends to prevent neuronsfrom firing their elec-trical impulses. Sometime ago, GABA was pushedas a supplement to in-crease Growth Hormone re-lease. While it failedat that task, it suc-ceeded in putting body-builders to sleep.The reason is that largescale activation of GABAreceptors will inhibit alot of brain activitycausing a type of seda-tion. Alcohol and Valiumexert their influence onthis same recep-

    OXIPE PRESS, nc.' lW8

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    tors. The sedative andeuphoric effects ofthese drugs mediatedthrough GABA receptors.This finding, showingthat androgens can ac-tivate GABA, receptorssuggests that steroidscould have a sedativeor calming effect underthe right circumstance.Few people report feel-ing calmer after in-gesting Dianabol sothis result is somewhatparadoxical. However,I suspect that any in-hibitory effect of Di-anabol binding to GABAreceptors is outweighedby its potential exci-tatory effect on theamygdala.Another study foundthat Winstrol andtestosterone cypionatewere capable of bindingto a similar class ofreceptors in rat brain.This means that thegood feeling often re-ported when taking Win-strol or testosteroneoould be explained bythe binding of theseandrogens to GABA re-ceptors as if you werefeeling the effects ofalcohol or Valium, al-though to a much lesserdegree.Interestingly, thatsame study found thatmethyltestosterone anddeca-durabolin were in-capable ot binding tothese receptors. Thisis a novel finding forthe scientific commu-nity, but not for body-builders. Bodybuildershave been saying allalong that differentsteroids effect themdifferently while thescientific communityhas stated that andro-gens are androgens andthey all make you ag-gressive.

    testosterone are capableof activating receptorsthat can decrease arousaland aggressiveness - some-thing you don't necessar-ily want to happen whenmoving heavy weight. How-ever, thcrc may be somesituations where this isbeneficial.

    What is the take-home mes-saqe for androqens and th ereceptors they activate?Winstrol, Dianabol and

    For example, testosteroneor Dianabol activation ofGABA receptors may providea slight euphoric feelingthat overrides some painsignals while relievingsome inhibitions at thesame time. In addition,we stated earlier thataromatizing androgens and17 alpha-alkylated andro-gens tend to increase ag-gressiveness which meansthat inhibitory effects ofGABA receptor activationmay be very small comparedto the arousal and excita-tory effects of activatingthe amygdala.

    What pharmacologicalmethods aid in the en-hancement of arousal andaggression?

    So, what does it all meanwhen we put ittogether?

    Any competitive ath-lete, whether. power-lifter, footballplayer, or what haveyou, can benefit fromaggression and height-ened arousal duringcompetition.In addition, body-builders can benefitfrom enhanced aggres-sion and arousal intheir workouts allowingthem to work with moreintensity on a dailybasis.Pharmacological en-hancement of aggressionand arousal should ben-efit any iron athlete.

    Aromatizing androgens,17 alpha-alkylated an-drogensnasal ingestion of an-drostenedione or otherandrogens can all beused to enhance ag-gression and arousal.In addition, aggres-sion and arousal canbe enhanced by

    4) avoiding Winstrol5) and avoiding aromatase

    inhibitors.The bottom line is thatandrogen influence ofbrain and behavior isvery complex and poorlyunderstood. In addition,your genetic makeup andenvironmental influencesplay a huge role in howyou respond to androgenspsychologically and howyou deal with arousal andaggression.For example, if you're sotimid that you can walkthrough a cafeteria llnewithout receiving a sin-gle dish, then you mightbenefit from some testos-terone or Anadrol. How-ever, if you have alreadyattempted to murder yourlifting partner, youwould probably beneilt bysticking with Wlnstroland Deca.Cotman, CW and McGaugh, JL 1980Behavioral Neuroscience, Aca-demic Press New York.Clark, AS, an d Barber, DM 1994No". Anabolic-androgenicsteroids and aggression in cas-trated male rats Physiologyand Behavior 5615):1107-13Bahrke, MS. et a l . 1990 No".Psychological and Behavlouraleffects of endogenous testos-terone levels and anabolic-androgenic steroids among malesS P O ~ ~ Sedicine 10(5);303-37.

    I from t h e desk O F I D8nTiZ Duehalne, Q?i6 i

  • 7/22/2019 Dan Duchaine - Dirty Dieting Newsletter


    I clin Endocrinol Metab I SYNEPHRINE I inally, synephrine82 (81 z433-2438 has been shown to re- II Ticker, R et al. 1996 Oct. JClin Endocrinol Metab81110) 3754-3758 IHitchcock, ER and Cairns, V1913 Amygdalotomy. PostgradMed J 49:894-904~ ~ r a b y a s h lt al. 1963 Stereo-taxic amygdalotomy for behav-ioraldisorders. Arch Neurol 9:l-16Ramamurthi 1988 Stereotacticoperation in behaviour disor- IdersAmygdalotomy and hypothalamo-tomy. Acta neurochir ISuppl)4

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