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Welcome to Daisy Girl Scouts! Girl Scout Daisy, grades K-1

The First Step in a Lifetime Adventure

Girl Scout Daisies meet in groups of five to 12 with two or more adult leaders in a nurturing, inclusive environment. They go on trips, learn about nature and science, and explore the arts and their communities. Girl Scout Daisies can also earn Learning Petals, Journey Awards and receive participation patches.

We have put together this packet of information to help you get started with your Daisy troop. It has six sample meetings, resources and traditions all built in. You may use it as written or change it to make it more your style.

It is recommended that you read the Girl Book of your Journey cover to cover before you start meeting with the girls. This gives you a real feel for the Journey and what the girls will be working through in their books .

Some Daisy Traditions:

Daisy Circle-This is when the girls become part of a formal group decision-making and discussion process. This is an organized time for girls to express their ideas and talk about activities they enjoy. It’s also a time to share or collect permission slips, dues, etc.

Do it-Done it Bags- These are either two envelopes or two bags with each girls’ name on a slip of paper, popsicle stick, clothes pin or anything else you want to use. Put them all in the Do It bag and as you choose girls to do something or help with something, their paper or stick goes in the Done It bag until, over time, all girls have done something special. Then you return all names to the Do It bag and start over. This can be used for picking buddies, clean up, help the leader, lead the promise, etc..

Troop Dues-Some troops collect troop dues in addition to the $12 GSUSA national membership dues. Troop dues can range from 50 cents to $2 per meeting and can be collected at each meeting or paid by the parents once or twice a year. Some troops just use their Fall Product Sale and Cookie Sale profits to support the troop. The leader should not pay for expenses of the troop out of personal funds.

Buddy System- Girls must have a buddy when leaving the regular meeting location, even if it’s to get a drink or use the restroom. These buddies are responsible for staying together. This system is used at troop meetings, trips outside your normal meeting area, service unit and council events, and at camp.

Friendship Circle-All girls stand in a circle. They place their right arm over their left arm. Hold hands with the girls next to you.


"I love being a Daisy!—it's hard not to when you have so much fun! I've made so many new friends."

—Hannah, 5

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Friendship Squeeze-This is done in a Friendship Circle. One girl starts. With her right hand she squeezes her neighbor’s left hand. Then that girl squeezes with her right hand. One by one, each girl passes on the squeeze until it travels all around the circle.

Resources- Below you will find some resources and websites referred to in the sample meetings. Some of these may be available for check-out/loan from your service unit. If not, they are available to purchase from the Girl Scout council office. It is acceptable to purchase these from troop funds and we encourage you to pass them on to another troop when you are finished using them.

How-to-Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Garden (LG)

Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden Journey Girl Book (GB)

Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting

Daisy Journey and Learning Petal Record

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Girl Scout Troop Planner Meeting #1


Recommend that a parent/guardian attend the first meeting with their girl. Have copies of:

Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden” girl book (GB) Promise Pictograph (see attached),

How To Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden (LG)

paper plate

Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting glue stick

Year Long Parental Permission/Troop Health Form safety pins

Do it/Done it envelopes or bags crayons or markers

Daisy Nametags (see attached) plain white paper

Daisy Petals (see attached) animal crackers and napkins for snack

Do it/Done it envelopes or bags with each girls’ name on a slip of paper or popsicle stick. Put them all in the Do It bag and as you choose girls to do something or help with something, their paper or stick goes in the Done It bag until over time all girls have done something special. Then you return all names to the Do It bag and start over.

Start-up Activity:

Have the girls color and put their names on their nametags and petals with a parent/guardian. Have the adult cut both out and pin on their name tags.


Explain the Quiet Sign (whole hand-fingers straight up). When you see the quiet sign, you are quiet and you put up your quiet sign until everyone is quiet. Introduce the volunteers. Have each girl say their name and favorite color. Sing “Make New Friends” (see below or page 9 of Daisy The Girl Guide to Girl Scouting). Introduce the GS Promise using Pictograph (see attached) and recite together.

Snack and Clean-up:

Draw a name from the Do it bag to help pass out, and another to make sure everything is cleaned up. Ask parents to sign up to bring a healthy treat and napkins to future meetings. Start a list of who will bring treats and when.

Business and Circle Activity:

Sit in a Daisy Circle (see page 36 of the How To Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden) and form a “Group Agreement” with the girls. Suggestions would be positive rules about how they should behave while at their meetings - such as bathroom permission and staying in the room, walking and not running, etc. The buddy system is always used. Girls must

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have a buddy when leaving the regular meeting location, even if it’s to get a drink or use the restroom. These buddies are responsible for staying together. Collect registrations & troop dues. Take attendance. Hand out Yearlong Permission Form/Troop Health Form.

Major Activity:

Have each girl glue her Daisy Petal (see attached) around the paper plate, making a daisy. Explain that everyone here is very special and together make this troop of Daisy Girl Scouts. Continue sitting in the circle, and begin the sharing activity. Pull a name from the Do it bag. This girl starts the sharing of her favorite color. Then draw another name. Read pg 6 of GB (girl book) The First Girl Scout Daisy to teach the girls about our founder, Juliette Gordon Low. Have girls color pictures of themselves doing what they would like to do in Girl Scouts.


Gather in a Daisy Friendship Circle pg 20 GB. Remind them Juliette’s nickname was Daisy and they will do some things Juliette liked to do. Explain that we will be passing the friendship squeeze by squeezing the hand of the girl next to you when squeezed. Sing “Make New Friends” (see below or page 9 of Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting). Say you look forward to meeting again.

Leader Evaluation

“Make New Friends”

Make new friends,

but keep the old,

One is silver and the other gold.

A circle is round.

It has no end.

That’s how long I want to be your friend.

From the Ditty Bag by Janet E. Tobitt, by permission of GSUSA.

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Promise Pictograph

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Girl Scout Troop Planner Meeting #2 (Session 1 of In The Daisy Garden Journey)


Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden” girl book (GB) available for parents to purchase


How To Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden (LG)

Bedding pack

crayons or markers Seeds

Promise poster made ahead of time by writing the Girl Scout Promise on it in large enough print to be seen from across the room.

Water can

Promise color pages 8, 9, 10 and 12 from girl book Do it/Done it envelopes or bags with each girl’s name on a slip of paper or popsicle stick

Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting

Start-up Activity:

Have the girls color page 9 in GB (girl book).


Explain Daisy Circle pg 36 LG (leader guide). Introduce the volunteers. Have each girl say their name and favorite animal they wrote down or drew a picture of in their book or on a copy of page 9. Sing “Sandy’s Song” pg 21 GB. Second verse on pg 5 GB. The full song can be found in the LG pg 75.

Snack and Clean-up:

Draw a name from the Do it bag to help pass out and another to make sure everything is cleaned up.

Business and Circle Activities:

Gather girls into the Daisy Circle. Collect registrations & troop dues. Take attendance. Collect Troop Health Form. Ask girls to start learning the Promise on page 15 of GB.

Major Activity:

Return the girls to the tables for the main activity. Girl Scout Promise & Law pg 37 LG or inside front cover and page 4 and 5 of Daisy The Guide to Girl Scouting. Go over pg 14 & 15 GB Promise. Pass out copies or have girls turn to pages 8, 10 and 12 of their girl books. Girls color while you read the short bios of Chandra, Cora and Campbell on those pages. More on this in LG pg 40 Garden Story Time. Read GB pg 17-19, Chapter 1, then ask questions and discuss LG pg 41. Plant mini-garden LG pg 42-43. Read pages 6 and 7 Meet the Flower Friends! In the Guide to Girl Scouting. If time, play Daisy Circle, Garden-Style LG pg 44.

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Friendship Squeeze. LG pg 45. Explain Closing Ceremony in Daisy Circle. Thank the girls for a great meeting. Have them learn their Promise on pg 15GB or pg 5 Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and color their gardens in their books on pgs 62 and 63.

Leader Evaluation

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Girl Scout Troop Planner Meeting #3 (Session 2 In A Daisy Garden Journey & Daisy Center)


Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden” girl book (GB) available for parents to purchase

How To Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden (LG)

Buy Daisy pins

crayons or markers Flower Garden Poster

Promise and Law posters made ahead of time by writing the Girl Scout Promise and Law on it in large enough print to be seen from across the room.

Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting

Troop Daisy Petal color page

Start-up Activity:

Color pages 11 and 13 in GB Me and My Family! And Me and My World! Have the girls share pg 62 and 63 that they colored at home.


Gather all into the Daisy Circle. Go around and say “Hola” to each other which means hello in Spanish. Demonstrate and have girls make the GS sign (pg 12 of Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting) and say Promise together with poster. LG pg 50. Sing “Make New Friends.”

Snack and Clean-up:

Draw a name from the Do it bag to help pass out snack and napkins, and another to make sure everything is cleaned up.

Business and Circle Activities:

Continue in their Daisy Circle for the Business part of the meeting. Take attendance. Start talking about planning a ceremony to pass out Daisy pins and Daisy flower centers when they’ve learned the promise. Review the Law

and discuss what it means to be responsible for what I say and do and what it means to have patience. Introduce the Girl Scout Handshake pg 20GB and

pg 56LG or pg 12 of Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.

Major Activity:

Have the girls return to the tables. Water the GS garden and see questions on LG pg 51. Explain flower poster. Read pg 8-9 LG. Read the Garden Story, Chapter 2 pg 23-31 of GB stopping to have the girls color pg 26 while you finish the story. Go over questions on GB pg 31. Color in the Daisy center on the troop’s Petal Page if they know their promise.


Garden Scamper LG pg 53. Friendship Squeeze. Sing “Sandy’s Song”. Thank the girls for a great meeting. Have them continue to learn their Promise on pg 15.

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Leader Evaluation

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Girl Scout Troop Planner Meeting #4 (Session 3 In A Daisy Garden Journey & Daisy yellow & spring green petals)


Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden” girl book (GB) available for parents to purchase

Troop Daisy Petal color page

How To Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden (LG)

Washable paint in different colors to match petal colors

crayons or markers Purchase Daisy pin to show

Promise and Law posters Folded pieces of paper pre-printed inside with ceremony date, time and place

Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting

Start-up Activity:

Greet the girls with “Bonjour!” Make invitations for “Investiture Ceremony” making thumbprint daisies on the front of the pre-printed pieces of construction paper. Girls draw a yellow circle in the middle, then make petals with her thumb using washable paint. Have each girl put her name on it.


Get into the Daisy Circle and do the GS Handshake and say “Bonjour” to each other which means hello in French. Make GS sign and say Promise together with poster. Sing “I’m A Little Daisy”


(Tune- I'm a Little Teapot)

I'm a little Daisy, dressed in blue I am a Girl Scout, you are too When I go to meetings, I sing and shout I love being a Daisy Girl Scout!

Motions- I'm a little... hands together, at side of face, head tilted. dressed... hands pick up hem of uniform smock I am a Girl Scout...make GS sign you are too... point to neighbor When I go...hands out, palms up I sing and shout...hands cup around mouth I love... point to heart Daisy Girl Scout...clap once on each word

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Snack and Clean-up:

Draw names like a previous meetings.

Business and Circle Activities:

Gather the girls into their Daisy Circle. Take attendance. Girls help plan songs for Investiture for the next meeting. Show girls the Daisy pin. Explain that next meeting they will receive these during the ceremony. Explain France and parts of Africa LG pg 56.

Major Activity:

Water the garden and remind girls about “patience” LG pg 57. Ask girls if they remember what happened in our Daisy Garden Story so far. Then read Chapter 3 while girls color GB

pg 44. Go over LG pg 58 and 59 and Guide for Daisy Leaders pg 22 and/or read and do the activities in Sunny’s Story and Zinni’s Story in the Awards section of Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting to earn the yellow (Friendly & Helpful) and spring green (Considerate & Caring) petals) while girls color GB pg 45. Do activities for the Imitating Nature Game

LG pg 60.


LG pg 60. Friendship Circle and Squeeze then make a Juliette Low Chair by standing in a circle with shoulders touching. Everyone turns left, and on the count of three, each person gently sits down on the bent knees of the person behind her. Thank the girls for a great meeting. Have them learn their Promise on pg 15. Sing “Good Night Daisies” to the tune of Good Night Ladies

Good Night Daisies

Good Night, Daisies, Good Night, Daisies, Good Night, Daisies, We’re sad to see you go.

Leader Evaluation

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Girl Scout Troop Planner Meeting #5 (Investiture Ceremony)


Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden” girl book (GB) available for parents to purchase

Troop Daisy Petal color page

How To Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden (LG)

Girl tunics or vests

crayons or markers Purchase Daisy pins for girls

Promise and Law posters Daisy centers with yellow and spring green petals

Daisy Flower Garden patch and water can for each girl Handout for where to place awards

Poster board with “Welcome Families” written on it Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting

Start-up Activity:

Have the girls make and decorate the Welcome poster for the families.


Gather in the Daisy Circle and do the GS Handshake and say “Hello” to each other in one of the ways we’ve learned. Make GS sign and say Promise together with poster. Say the Pledge of Allegiance. Sing the opening song the girls’ chose last meeting.

Business and Circle Activities:

Take attendance. Have brief discussion about what will happen today. Thank all parents for coming. Explain that the girls have spent the last 4 weeks leaning the Girl Scout Promise and working in their journey books and Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.

Major Activity:

Call each of the girls and a family member up to the front individually. Put their tunic/vest on them, give the girl the GS handshake, hand them their Daisy pin, have the parent pin the pin on the left side over the heart as shown on page 14 of Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. If you have second year Daisy who already have their pin, give the handshake and welcome them back to the troop. That couple sits and you go to the next girl/adult. When done have all the girls come back front facing families. Explain to girls that by being responsible for their mini-garden and deepening their understanding of the Girl Scout Law has earned them their first leadership award, the Daisy Watering Can. By learning the GS Promise, they have earned the center of their Daisy flower and by learning about being “friendly and helpful” and “considerate and caring”, they have earned their yellow and spring green petals. Present these awards and the Garden patch on a ribbon or in some fun way. Have the girls sing the second song they chose for this ceremony last meeting. Read The Oak and the Rose in LG pg 61.

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Snack and Clean-up:

Share refreshments with family members. Remind families that all girls share in bring snacks to the meetings, and all the girls take turns with the clean up.


Friendship Circle and Squeeze, then make a Juliette Low Chair by having the girls stand in a circle with shoulders touching. Everyone turns left, and on the count of three, each person gently sits down on the bent knees of the person behind her. Thank the girls and their families for a great ceremony. Sing “Good Night Daisies”.

Leader Evaluation

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Girl Scout Troop Planner Meeting #6 (Session 4 In A Daisy Garden Journey & the orange and red petals)


Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden” girl book (GB) available for parents to purchase


How To Guide-Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden (LG)

Pine cones

Promise and Law posters Acorns

Troop Daisy Petal color page Seeds

Paper bag New pencils

Blindfold Silk flowers with a stem

Rocks Several rolls of floral tape

Twigs Flower Garden poster

Shells Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting

Start-up Activity:

Greet the girls with “Hallo!” in Dutch which is spoken in Netherland, home of Tula, the tulip and “Salam!” in Iran, where Tula is originally from. LG pg 66. Start a list of different jobs girls could do for a Kaper Chart.


Get into the Daisy Circle Make GS sign and say Promise together with poster. Sing

“Take My Hand and Join the Fun” (Tune: London Bridge)

Take my hand and join the fun,

Join the fun, join the fun,

Take my hand and join the fun,

Girl Scout Daisy

Snack and Clean-up:

Choose who will be in charge of snack and clean up using Do it/done it bag.

Business and Circle Activities:

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Gather girls into the Daisy Circle. Take attendance. Start to plan a day trip outside your normal meeting space, maybe to a garden center or garden. Brainstorm ideas. Fill out a Kaper Chart for the next meeting. A Kaper Chart is a posting of particular tasks that girls can help with (such as opening ceremonies, snacks, supplies, cleanup, etc. Can be used with or instead of do it/done it bag.

Major Activity:

Talk about being Courageous and Strong like Tula (Guide for Daisy Leaders pg 22) and Responsible for what I say and do like Mari (Guide for Daisy Leaders pg 23). Read and do activities for Tula’s Story and Mari’s Story in Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.

Make flower pencils by sliding the leaves up the stem or completely off the bottom. Hold the flower at the eraser part. Wind floral tape around pencil and stem the length of the pencil, leaving room to sharpen. Girl do this while an adult reads Chapter 4 GB pg 47-60. Go over LG pg 67 having the Flower Poster handy. Water their garden. Play What’s In The Bag LB 68.


Friendship Squeeze. Sing Taps. Ask girls to color GB pg 62-63 for the next meeting. Thank the girls for a great meeting.

Leader Evaluation


Day is Done

Gone the sun.

From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky.

All is well,

Safely rest.

God is nigh.

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