Page 1: DAILY FKID MAECH - Chronicling America · CvjT TAi.E--looms, tn line le; air, at Luonc) s Will rent cut-ap-Apply lo..l It H. ront stieet.. lvi Wiliumon si.iel. Applv'to T. H. TL'kl.EV,

II Tlll.VTI K.. M

HAVKV A l!ll..'KSmum k r.MN

IH'NKUfTKMIt;.i:' Til


H N L M Kill .S 1 HI K.N


, ,,. ui tli iil,lltiie"l!.i'aclrr'ui Cuitl-cttA- A.MOiXK. II. the

HOMIIK"' Tiil NT,real

tfatut-i;.)'- 2 Ladies Matlneo,SOLDI iK'S TRUST.

3.UX lay N'ilit- - Grand rouble Bill.DAVID GAHH1CK, MICAWBEH and I KlOTTV.

M(.n1T V:,r,-- t 'i-.Kl!- S M't.rLI.Ol'GH.

ILK :i Ti.' -- i

eoiore.1 mai.- m:'Ji AM c,a, .Intll .iM'llir tii inui iini iiv u,-- l

WAhl'.t l.l l I I i






)'y -;









M a iiiou--ie- :

11 high,ill 1 en uuli.trs

ion i&i'.vr onirs lot the thle t.tlN.

vTliK uv fcLIJ.Mi Il JLor.-siao- ieUlTlAliSi ami eighteen acies of goodrich laud, near Gill s Apply to

W. A MIRES. .V Union

I'Mii fvVI.lJ oit IIf

L two and one-hu- ll Iromjoiilauiliig ten live acies orchard; con-la- .

in J it looms, cistern; outbuildings.'.ii Hit- - .l H. W,

l'AKt.Si 7 yearsHUK.i- t-

Dl.ute oa forehead; bad saddle andon. 1 be owner can have same by calling on

JuNK.- - ChutOHU, colou-d- , let.r Washington.4 vj W A bundle a 4KJ uionm the owiikr can by payin chaigea and proving proiierty. colored. Hit.-.- . two miles tiom

kUfii ir A.MAH1 llt cilh-- i poiiisi:iDM -- A.iv luri





god waier, wllh


Courtacrrs; house




Mnei; itboutwlule


laige cow, with calfold, wnlch

Cuas.rtVetiu, city.

uniu:- -

SKCU.MISr.hid room and gerH:t- -

LY la.tti, or mo men, at Ml LINDEN SST

with good board. Termsruolei,;-..:- . At 1U4 MARKET

"I 6ull?' EUriunt front and back rooms, withJl bo:tid. can be h;id at 4 H SllELBV aTHiET.1) ers aio Uiled.

I units liemrabU'XV rates.

ii leirabie aiil at

Jx".V i) ca


Olio liUA


I .rl



luiiiu.t, wlla board. Hduce!wantf

lM.)Ali5 riui Ktioil board

Jt.Uli- -






Mir. wi'.hor without board, pi'lvalelituilly, gentlemen bo;irue:.lteleren.9 exi.liajiHt'1. Address, 'W.c:ire

Suilof board,la boarders wanted.

Ii'lltr-CLAS- a wilhout boarc.niiKnTHte. Mnllx-rry- .

1 AM)





J r htiaO c 1 Kftt. I .

ioo'i'. bo-.n- i, atJ

bue front loom onIn

or will lake 4 a.s daypitr-ai-


trout rooius, with at 111?ti-e- t.

roiiin.i, Aim orJ? veiy N ).

I II a at It4 Main willXX lie sold at auction on Saturday,giunlnt'al eleven o'clock.









lniiioonded, Hiu.w-.-

KIKH.N. liernanilo road, near the Curve.f HiHLEb-Ti- vo line billiard, newly covetedX and rvlllted: oi the celebrated fbelan Col ien

der n kiiamil'icture, with tuelr uneo,ualed patentcushions. Will be sold at a bargaiu. torparliculais, apply t i (i. HUM A C(J.,;ioti street.ijlAMW-o- ne stclnwa); one ? octave Parloruem

. .4n: Heveial ri octave PlHiios, uu-

ward; two 4-- ,. ctav organs, bbd fc2t allsecond-han- and c chtap.


TiaVloh 6iL.k ioin Apply to"ti.Vt.iS 4 ElaUEK. MO s.

l AND-K- Ml acres of land :jf0 cleared and luiI J proved about seven miles trim liopeheld, near

Memphis and Little hock railroad. Will sell lorMemphis c.ty compromise bonds, gas stock gasbonds, cr less tlntii len dollars ier casn.

.1. 1'. .MELX, 2fS'.t in inn street.hoC'EKY- - A r.tie ch.-nc- lor a man wltu smafl

KJT capital to start In a s Uroceryand locaHon. oatloi.utory cause tiven tor selling. Apply at74 Jefleison J. ijltWAHX & CO.

"OK1CK chipped cheap by nvtror railroad. Leave

U orders at John A. Denie s, ;to3 JrouiLarge concessions will be on orders for goodbalmonunck, suitable lor cliunm-j- or setting noil-rrs-

etc. O. II. '. Pli-E- u.



li-'l- DAY





fromalso, fliO

At "J'.ix Vance street aco, k an experienced nurse,

I J1AN0 - lo e :h fige a bill ding lot in Fort PkkX ering for a Kojd piano Title perfect and txes

Up. AddicssOALE3MAr- - onekj produce




PIANO, oflk-e-

laminar with the giocery andAd licas, giving lull parllculais

and good references, Appeal olln-e- .

BUAoUtKa At ;j per weekJJ S12 pvr n.onib, at the Cincinnati Reslauiantand Saloon, Jo. 12 Adams streeL


Alba. MAhl




aALtallAN lor ea.-- olalo. aalarysi-it-ONE100 per mo tn and expenses. References required. LaBELLK M t li CO , Chicago. 111.

r I EN AN 1' To cultivate fto acres ou lsiand 34 onX shaies; good dwellings and cisterns. Apply toage Fisher. ;jtx Front, or A. Lea Jt Co., Fulton.look A. wbltr cook. Apply atC ; Si? MONROE sr.

lF.d wishing to puicliaseiJAHI Ac BAKER SEWto call at thetr ollice, Main street. Repairingpromptly attended to, and warranted.

1 RS. C. O. V I LEN TINE.riiKALHKK-lo- r the SoiiiervUlo District High

I School, an expericnceulaoy music teacher; ioo.irecommendatior required; saiarv guaranteed. Ad-

dress ti B. SALE, fc'ec'y, Atoka, Tenn.OITL'ATIONkJ glnetr.

By a lirst-clas- s Sawier and Kn.Addiess A. B. J.,

Corner L;t.Rose and Webster streets.I JOARDERS At 12 touit streeL Rales to suitD the times. Front or back rooms. Also day

boarders wantedjEN-- To sell the "Mets Filing Top." For

lormation. address tne niauulavlurer... r . vf.l-.h- . Hocliester. New Y0IK.

O K iXCHANUK street; "JiiJ and alio Union streetOtJ desirable drtel;li:gs. Rent low. Apply toai'l Main street. STLRM & H'RdCH.

rtl FOURTH street; 211 and 21:1 HernandoJiJ stn et-n- tat LOttages. Apply to 'Jin Malt

stieet. ST LRU & HlRSClt.-- At Henry bouse, 07 Adams street, from

: each.LOit Furnished loom.

XV single guiUeiucii,

tTKr-KT- .

A. YOUNH.suitable for one or

at j7NO. 414 SHELBV STREET. ?1

tfll- 'N r SIRf.Kr T OUb -- Next doo. north ofJD Eckerly ,; Co.'s; l iteiy occupied by H. Beat tus.A pt'ly lo JEROME liiLL, at liill. Fontaine Oc Co.

N" KW coTT.i i E - Bay winuow; sU rooiusTDR. LAI llENClr. Setei.lh arid hioadway.

I AUE CHANCE Very t'esiiabie sevenft rovius. servants stable, snioKehoue, etc ; yiurtioichard wllh variety ( t milts; j;uud garden withgripes and a vailetyoi berries; the place has isacies of good, at Cherry Station, H miles fromMemphis, on M. and C. R. R. ()r lurther inioima-lio-

aid lo V. a. HALL, r.'S Vkiko street, or loW. 1. BERLIN 6i CO.

H"oVch"-- u


cir. Oilcans w';iih'':i!- -.d-- rn iiii;ii.;v-:!:i- . nts. Washington.

CvjT TAi.E- - looms, tn line le; air, at Luonc) sWill rent cut-ap- Apply lo

. .l It H. ront stieet.. lvi Wiliumon si.iel. Applv'toT. H. TL'kl.EV, VH Madison it.

VALUABLE tAUM Very cheap, in tL Franc:oi liHU acres ot class land;

good outiiOnses. etc ; will iu quanti-ties of ,"u cities or mine. Aiidrvss me ;tt Whltc-liae-

Trim., or Tlios. V.e , at hoire-- t City. Ark.1 1IOS. J. BEAsLEY.j

LjHiC 1 1' S I'oRKAND CON t EC 11UN ER i Si AN U--S?

Stores, :',us .jll) Second stieet, at piesentuccnplesl If R. Stntz A Ufo. n givenof March. Apply lo R. DUDLEY FRaYSEH,

Attorney Law, Madison street.II OUaK The desirable iwo-sto- iy

1-- bouse, Iso. 44-- i


In good convtnlei.1 to e.lh--or Beale cars. ybo

J. 11. StlEl-LU.riD- 10 Midison-- L

No. nvo outXX bon

l Pie

OO.Ylr- i- Fiirnwiif.llainliies

(.iLRNl.-- I











stun and;i.;s

H.h ztiS



at si

Irame uwellltig- -

ontotoc street. Just eastnileiins; lepair, and

ante et App

llol.--E ;7i Irion: and

IM- S-



V: itdlsoii. J. .


inr to Pn









t h

1 ol

i k isr. st-


Maoli-o- n sL; lii rf.vms olii.s.

Madbon.r uiifuiiil.shed: suitable also

lsrt-e- p 101iED Roo.Ms U lib or without boaiu

No. L'I'li I'llird stieet.



H b'MllFD to geni V-t- Puck Imnse. :4 Mullierry streeL




l.OOMS-C'he- ap



WILL BE SOLD ACCORDINGLY:( Retire lii miinii,4 h(:lre. Oi'imsrH.U lilituker Hums,.Yiaaniitiu liums.Ariiiuut it llauis,

WHITE SWAN FLOURTin- - liius Flour.'mr Kasli- - Hour,sveir-ltmi- ii f lour,sseli-ltii-ni- t; Itui knlitut.Loire Mulaaseii,Choice Wuar.holee (oilili u H)rai,enalne .Tlapte Nyruii,.emiue .Vtaple husnr,'isiie 'fl'eef.Frfnii I'urelieU 'offi-e- .f. ulrnuiiUK'x l.ard.




fneriiimi National IZankOF

II A h for sale the 4 r eiif I. K.1 A. for Immediate dellverv.

Bond t;tken In eTchnrare.


orItV A. K. KltAKLA.l.


Parlor, Bed room and I.'lnlug-roo- m Furniture,

ftoves, Cnnnten, Fixtures, Sundries,

Friday .7Iornioic. IU O'clock.MAKCH 17H.




- HE WARD will be ild lor ;

mule that from I! nLake, bald mule Is'and.bllnd In right eye. 1 li- - ..!..-pai-

by A. H. S ! RATM .V I o t :

YuUNU.on Heo. E. Morrlsuii - p .

IJ OR r Aray-hors-e. :, 2 .

i X mane and tall; about m-- ,pted lo bave gone In the dP ettioi. o:

jri.atlon wlier-r-bM- iit rewarded,(dressing JOHN ChaNAN. Colllervllle.

Light brand-figure reward

berretumtoWHP-iHT'S- .

BULL bull,

curly Inquire I'nlon



other ties



thini old:

in! as to bis w li beby a Dr. Bt

x;W wlih u.i.j endV ed with a "2 " 1" v, . for

."::') it 'nue.A red one n

out to the sidin

All Is of



hair. at las street







Cotton quoted steady front.Spring fashionable

Fruit treesbudding, already.





above water



b'oomirg, rather

UopeCeld sandbar begins appear

App-Hacke- tt murder jurytangs outer edge a verdict

id will



the otherUie

is as on theare at pre- -

or are

The to

The case stillon the ot



fete Ewing, colored, charged with lar--ecny, was arrested by the police on yesterday,

I he Riversides and Ellick pickednine will play at Central pai k next Sundayaiternoon.

The mud in the city and country hasturned into dust, and ia carried by the windsin every direction.


The health and assistants are atwork inspecting the premises ot all citizens. Ibis is ail right.

The sale of seats for the M'Cullough engagement will take place at Ilollenberg's today at ten o ciocir, as usual

Warm from the south bring warmweather. Ihe temperature becomes tne signal service man would say,


-- mphls.



a. At criminal court on yesterday a jurywas being impaneled in the fioleman case otobtaining money undi;r false pretenses.

Says an exchange: "The leading Danewor Mississippi are discussing the propriety otsending Mr. Jttf.jrson Davis to the UnitedStates senate to succeed Bruce."




i ne giving drinks in saloonsis a subject worthy of consideration by ourTaxing-Distric- t authorities, and we mightadd, tne admission ot Eaid minors into gambung dens and nouses ot




After a long aid.troublesome settlement.Trustee Kawiinga has arranged

everything with the old city authorities, andfinally closed all accounts with the State,

county and city, and has paid over the lastC3nt collected by him as trustee.

There are several people in this city whoimagine that the came they bear, madfamous not by them, but by some other member of the family duricg the late Inir, havemore rights and privileges than other people,Ihis is a big mistake on their part.







Yesterday, in the chancery proceedingsof Buebpnpn vs. Waiker and otuers, trusteesof Harmony lodge, 1. 0. O. h ., tne defendants having purged themselves of contemptby replacing the fixtures, etc., removed fromtheir hall, were allowed to file their answer

The amount collected by Receiverof Baxter's United Slates court, is

soruo seventy thousand h'vs hundred andtvvel.e tioliars and six cents. 1 be money isdeposited m bark to Ihe credit of the UnitedSuites circuit court, but neither th receivernor theck'rk has the r.'ht to pay cut a singlecent ot the funds.

Yesterday, at the chancery court, WniMoore, defendant in a divorce proceeding,was allowed to be brought out of iail for thepurpose of swearing to his plea and answerpending in chancery. Divorce was grantedto the wife in this controversy some weekiago, but was subsequently annulled and setaside lor Bullicient reasons to the court

The cow boys who drive droves of wildmules along Second street must stop. Thecow-boy- s who do these things and then abusepeople who protest against it. should be arrested and punished as "vagf." Thfre is noTexas bushu-t- permitted in this city. Lotthe drunken and cow-boy- s be ar- -

recteu and punisned to the exted ot the lawIhe new government proposes to pave

the east side of Man street from the Louis-ville depot to the Mississippi and Tennesseerepot, with stone, as early a3 possible. Thewest side ot the street is already paved withstone, and when the cast side is put in thesame condition the street railwav comnanvwill have to improve the street between theirtraCKs and for two feet outside of the same.

Our respected cotempcrarv. the WesternMethodist, on the Sunday law, says: "Ourdaily papers, all ol them, we believe, opposeas strongly as possible, the laws against Sun-day tratlic now being enforced in Memphis.The strongest objection to these laws seemto be the alleged dilliouity of enforcing them

ben one bears in mind that there are always s, some ct whom escapepur.ishmi nt, the weakness of this objectionot the city press is mauilest it applies quiteas well to criminal l.iws in general. Let theauthorities be tirm they can enforce theSunday law as elloctually as other laws of thesame class."

Tue Somei viile ( l'enu.) Falcon, of thethird, says: ' Chief Athy telegraphed yes-- t

rday evening to C. W. Rives, sheriff cfKayette county, stating that TheodoreM'Coyle (c ) had just been arrested here andasking if he wanted him. L est night a tele-gram was received Irom the sheriff statingM'Coyle was badly wanted, on a murdtrcharg?, and he will be kept here until theFayette county authorities come alter him.Aralar.che. Sheriff Rives informs us thatthe man spoken of in the above is Mac Mor-row, who murdered Steve Macon about twomonths ago on Dr. Cinuon's plantation. lieu;i sent for him and will have h:m in Sonier-vill- e

to night. Since the above was writtenUie prisoner has been brought to Souit rvilleand lodged in j at . ihey have ihe rightman this tinv, uo mistake."

If tins is not good poetry, and eventhough it din s hit Memphis a "hard lick,"yet tor all that we will transfer it from the



Somerville Falcon our column asreccrJ in verse:

When ambitious cities strive to beatTheir envious rival In dtsplar.

And dud too late they cannot meetTheir debts, or e'en tue Interest pay.

What charm can cr ill tors b;go!leFnm mandamuslng every day?

What art chii make the citizen smilei nd evea wash those debts away ?

The only way this thing to doTo get the start of this vile crew,And wring their breasts with anguish, to-olsnot to die and act the martyr-B- ut

straightway to repeal tbelr charter.Now let the critics howl! Yes. and the

bondholders, too, for that matter.The Little Rock Gazette, of the filth

instant, says that yesterday morninu amongthe nnsoners before the rolice judge wanMrs. Wood. Mrs. Wood is a Memphis womah, and says that she nrrsed yellow-fev- er

patiorjts tbrouph the euMre epidemic. "Thiswas the worst diuok 1 ever had anything todo with," remn'ked Mrs. Wood before courtopened. "Why, I lost my basket and wasrobbed of fifty-fiv- e dollars." She laughed soincessantly tnat the police are of the opinionthat if the .Memphis people had seen the sunnv side of her nature they would cot haveallowed her to leave that city or Districtrather. When was called up beforeJudi;e Morrison, after the jude had plea.antly reminded her that she had been up theday before, she asked tor just a nttie nympathy. "Sympathy, sia the judge,very cood. but we exhausted our yesterday. I'll fine you five dollars, knowingthat 1 should make it ten. "Well,! wongrabble," baid Mrs. Wood, laughing, "buif I wasn't a stranger iu this city, I do belitve it would kill me."



Ribbons and featuers at Laviyne'a.

Fresh Savannah river shad. Lake ErieKeelfoot trout and perch. II. Sees'

tel, Sr., Son, corner ot Second and Jeffetson streets.

Messks. Arthur White and Lawrenc6Wooten have returned from the medical college, to spend, theirvacation in Memphis.

victor D. tuciis is in receipt ot a verykirii'j 1 t ot Potomac river snad and redsnapper from the eu'f. lor sale low, at INOS.o'J and 41 Jtlrerson street.

Tub Grays dramatic company are rehearinr (lilii'ectly taut chaste huflibli piay,love's Sacrifice, which will be presfuted atthe Ne Memphis, after Lent. We haverarely seen such an array of talent in anyamateur c rps certainly not in Memphis.

The Memphis WesUTH Methodist, refer- -

riug to a very touching letter from Ilav. Dr,luoruas U. bummers, ot JNashville, says"When a strong myn, who has long enduredwithout a word, breaks down, as it were, nnder a load too heavy for him, and by no outcry reveals his heartache, we respond innocd-tid- e ot emotion and with expressions otsympathy very he'pful to him and to us alsowho suiter with bim it is more uless-.-- togive than it is to receive sympathy. Manywill say with us: May Uod bless Dr. bumniers, the learned theologian of southernMethodism, the scholarly professor, the ableeditor, the pure man. And let all the people say ameo. V e, with many others, sadlymiss his weekly visits and the wise, strong,yet very tender words he brought us for yearsand years; but he is still doing good andgreat work for the church, the fruit ot whichwill remain long f.fter he shall h?ve passedfrom labor to rest.



Chancery Conrt 31'OoweIl, Judge.This is motion day. The court, before

talcing up tbe motion uocKet, win can tnefirst one hundred cases on the hearing docket.and will be placed on a retired or orderdocket all such cases as bave been disposedol on their merits.

I'nited Mtates Conns Hon. K. , Ham.mond. reslulnsr.

United States vs Memphis and Charlestonrailroad, adjourned till Monday; Stacey vssteamer Coal Hill, bearing resumed, notconcluded ; in re. John P. Wade, in bank-ruptcy, discharge granted; in re. C. C.Jones, in bankruptcy, discharge granted; inre. N. J. H. M'Kenzie, m bankruptcy, dis-charge granted; in re. Jobu S. Irwin, inbankruptcy, discharge granted.

Judge s calendar tor bjy, Stacey vssteamer Coal Hill; 216, Blackburn vs Selmarailroad; SSI, Wooldridge, assignee, vsMoore et a!.; 2S;, Oram Brothers vs Jarrett;25, same vs Cobb; 261, Cochran vs Knick-erbocker fire insurance company; 22'J, Cal-houn vs Paducah railroad, Petition of Fisher;2140, Rainer vs Lauderdale fe Co.;2490, Green vs Dyersburg; 2173, Martin vsConnecticut mutual life insurance company;2278, Behr vs same.

Circuit Conrt Hon. J. O. fierce. J ndse.Calendar for :5891, Eve'ina P. Har

ris et al vs Elizabeth M'Dermott et al; 062:5,John T. Macon vs J. Buhler; 5627, W. L.Vance vs Lizzie Neil; 637, I. Morrison, jr.,vs Ed R. Hart; 5668, Ed W. Munford vsMemphis and Charleston lp'lroad company;5699, State of Tennessee vs John Nitzen;6700, SHt3 of Tennessee vs John Nitzen &Co. et f'; 5708, C. W. Harbert, administra-tor, vs D. C. Harbert; 579-5- , J. and G. Meakmvs Charles N. Erich; 5809, Heiskell & Heis-ki- ll

vs James Edmondson et p executors;5815, James M'Murray vs city of Memphis;5816, Margaret Doylo vs A. Barnes et al;5840. Thomas Madden et al vs A. Karr et al:5tl2, Louisville and Nashv die railroad com-pany vs Nick Hooth; 58J3, J. K. Spence vsS. Vendig; 5844, Joseph K. M'Cormick vs D.C. M'Dougal A-- Co.; 5846. J. J. Monahan vsMrs B. Jamison; 5851, J. H. Nut-il- l vs Ed LConnell; 5853, John Overton vs John W.Walker; 5854, John Overton y John W.Walker.

Decidedly the greatest success of theseason are the splendid dinners given by theLadies christian association tor the benefit otthe destitute and unfortunate. The benevo-lent object and the low price should securethem aa extensive patronage. They haveample accommodation for all, and ask everyone to take d'uner with them Pricefor fail dinner, only fift' cents.

lOOO I'onnrJCholco like Hstt, jast received, andti 111 be sold cheap by (Steve Clement,8 Iteale street.

Senrll Cures .Neuralgia Instantly.New size, 50 cents.

G. W. Jones & Co., agents.

How to Save Jloney!Buy a good hat for yourself or son. Go to

Leidy's, where you get them. Style, quality

ami price not to b2 excelled. Lght-iceigh- ts

of the finest textures. leidy CO.,Opposite Court square.

Embree's iviver 3Ielicine.Price, 60 cents.

G. W. Jones fe Co., agents.

Sltmunient.Ve have just received, during the rat

week, a large lot ot new designs of marblework direct from Italy, ria New York, whichwe have in store at our ware-room- s. No. iJOO

Second street, making, in connection withthe stock already on hand, the largest andfinest display ot monuments, tablets, head'stones, figures, urns and crosses ever beforeexhibited in the south, and which we offer atprices unheard ot until now tor cheapness.Call and examine.


Floyd' CamlieAre often imitated but never equaiod.

Tlie 3IammotIi Weekly AppealIn wrappers, ready for mailing, can be hadfor five cents per copy. It contains morethan double the quantity of readinir matterpublished in any other Memphis weekly. Itsnews and commercial reports are the fullest,latest and most accurate. The weekly is t'lper year, postage included.

The latest HtjIeM of apring Malta madeto order, at reasonable prices by .etlager, 50 Heeoud street

Knights of Innisl'ailgive a grand ball on Monday evening.

March 17th, at the ilanna-rcho- r hall.

Uueer, Isn't fast all smokers are learning that "Duke'sDurham" smokinc tobaem is h lKf-.- Askyour dealer.for it, and take no other.

German millet. Uausarian millet,ailMsouri millet, for dale b OttoMr h will Jk. :o.. Heeilsmeu. Slain.

Mississippi rives ealmou, red snapper andfresh Savauuau shad, at S. Clement's, 86Lteaie street.


Tke Receipts and Expenditures of theCounty or She) by Ihe Money Col-

lected In Memphis from TaxPayers Expended Outside

the City Limits.

A Big Elephant of the ConstitutionalKind, which will have to be Gotten

Rid of some Way or Other In-

teresting Reading for Op-

pressed Tax-Payer- s.

Among the many institutions at this endcf the State which needs revisement and im-provement, is the county courtsytem. In counties wherein no city exists,th old sjstetu works probably well enough,but in Shelbv countv. where a citv like Mem- -

nhis h.ia existence, containing a populationof neariv filtv thousand inhabitants, the oldcounty court system of doing business is analmost intolerable humbug. Memphis hasgotten rid of the circumlocution office! knownas a mayor, the a'dermen and twenty coun-cilme- n,

besides a vast number of barnacleswhich stuck to the bottom and sides of theold incorporated hulk, men who lived off thecity and believed that it was their birth-righ- t

f do so. We have hapily gotten rid of thisdead weight, and the barnaclesjhave to makean honest living in some other manner, inecountv court svst 3m at present in vogue isan old circumlocution system which couldbe gotten rid of without the people of Mem-phis berinrug weary or soirowfu!. Anysen- -

sible citizen who examines inti it will cometo that conclusion from the following array offacts placed before h'n for consideration.It is true the county court system of thisState is a system recognized by the constitution, but what of that? Whenever any localsvsteui of BTOvernment becomes a bore or aclog on a community, it follows that it shouldbe abolished as a nuisance as soon as possible. The countv of Sheibv. in which Memphis, the most important city of the State issituated, is governed by some twenty orthirty magistrates, who meet in solemn session to consider county atfaiis four times ayear. Y hat do they do at inese meetings t1 hev legislate tor the county ot Shelbv.Memphis included. Many years since, underRadical rule, a Eelfct lot of commissionerssuperceded the county court of magistrates,but the supreme court of the State properlydecided that such a commission was illegaland unconstitutional, and that the countycourt, composed of a I the magistrates of thecounty, ws the only body recognized as au-thority under the constitution. The cumber-some legislation wherever thirty or more menmeet, the vast majority ot whom live outside the city, is a big elephant in this end ofthe State, so far as Memphis is concerned.The financial condition of Shelby county fortbe last year, up to April 1, 1878, was as

County warrantsillss. river K. a. Donns ana coupons. . .

aelma, Marlon and Memphis railroad

Memphis and Ohio railroad bondsBills payableJudgments


Amount of llablltlesAssets over liabilities

In ot B. F.




Total 8H53.480 00

Venditioni exponas bands


Coleman $318,989 91venditioni exponas in bands ot 1. f.

Anderson 11)9.851 68Tom Ilolman. jr 150 OOJames Hellley. trus'ee of Mississippi

liver railroad tax 248 38Jobn Me. Broons 3o4 17Herman national bank 145 07Win. M'lean and sureties 34.159J. J."3and dlsb. 10,771 riwCounty tax uncollected for 1 877 44.399 97Judgment tax uncollected for 1877 81Memphis and Ohio railroad tux uncol-

lected for 1877 6,342Poor and Eestliouse tax uncollected lor

187 i 11.342 85tax uncollected for 1877 6.34a 85

U. Bledsoe 20


Mem-hi- s and Ohio railroad bonSa. due

Memphis railroad bonds,

Memphis railroad bonds,


ADiil 1. 1884 00and Ohio due

April 1. 1885 OUand Ohio due

April 1, 1SKH 00und fauticau railroad bonds.






Uue JU1J 1, JSSf 37.5UU uo

Amount ot bonded debt 00For the levy of taxes for 1878, the follow

ing basis wai settled except as tobridges, which for 1S77 cost thirty thousanddollars, but all tbe bridges being new, theexpense ol retHinog and material tor the

me is at two thousand dollars:Costs of or.niinal court S 21.J197 9Jurors In criminal court 14,882Jurors In circuit couil 5,314 50

urors Iu chancery court 390 00Feeding pi isoners, lael ana engineer

at jailSlierltl. waiting on jurtsandex-olllcl- o

servicesBooks of recordCounty couit cleric, fees of office and


ssessorsBai tlelt court, Including salai y of judge.

salaries ot cnalrmau.couuty attorney,per diem of justices, janitor, engi-neer at courthouse, night watch-man, fuel and lnsuranc:

Poor and pest houseBurring paupersMaterial lurnlshi d road overseersMiscellaneous expensesBridges

Amount of general expensesJudgments uui rovlael forMemphis anil ehio railroad coupons. .

Memphis aud haielgh R. K. coupons..

Total $150,084COL'NTY EXPENSES FOR 1878.

The expanses the county fiscalyear 1378, Jinua-- y 1878,December dl, estimated follows:

Amount paia ouican in atteuuance oncourts

Amount paid justl. la attendanceiiuorum cjurt

Judges' salariesJail and prlnnnsInquests end m examina-

tionsand making tax-boo-

Books for couit oltkersRoads and bridgesConveying and keep'ng lunatics

d bills coststias, coal and woodJanitois and watchmenSundries, including Interest on Judg-

ments, .

amount 8188,159income tbe 1878,

December olst, is as follows:Poor and pesthouse taxJudgment


offensesDoiFound on dead personsUnclaimedKent of pesthouse landEstraysCounty taxPoll taxBartlett courthouse taxCourthouse Improvement taxLitigationLand salesPrivileges

and Ohio railroad coupons.and Ohio railroad coupons.and Seluia railroad

Workhouse huesSchool taxCouithouse

Totalexpenditures, as per esti



13,380 00...


. 376,851 48



SrtiVi 4K0











18 OOO 0000


of for theof or 1, to

is as$16,895 50

es on











ffl.584 89lia.500





4,9(35 65

221 303,4;-(- 3

10,494 70

817 852,570 12

2H4 0328.515 85

1,499 9420 501 20

2,882 05KU.IS61 19

59,rl84 95

Total 11T'ie tctal for year up to







12,38rt 3747,174 835,5 lrt 60

354 55400 00

9 20255 02100 0027 50

92.329 HI707 4

5.48H 004:1,391 00

141 153,817 4S2,458 85

14,5ort 9338,298 00

1,590 844 95

37.971 K75,381 S2

S250.317 79

t'2,158 06The above report will be presented to the

county quarterly court meeting to be held inApril next. The bonded and floating debtot bueiby county has not materially changedsince the report up to April, is, which wefurnish above; but, although the showingappears all right, and the balance is on theproper side ot the baiance-sheet- , the question arises, what becomes oi all tbia moneyyear by j ear? Does Memphis or the countyoutside set lue benefit ot it is wellknown that three-fourth- of the taxes paidto the county are paid in Memphis. ThenAlempbis should, by right, have the sameproportion of tax collections spent within berlimits by the county quarterly court. Butwhat arc the f act3 in this connection ? Theonly things that Memphis proper has tosuow ior paying an inese county taxes is ajail and a county courthouse. The jail wagbuuc uy tne county commissioners under .Radical rule, and cost three times more than itought to have done, owing to big contracts and personal favoritism. Thecounty courthouse (the old Overton hotel)cost an immense amount cf money, and sofar as courthouse purposes are concerned, itis an auoiuon. it is not nttea ior a courthouse in any respect, although verv larcesums oi money nave oeen spent in at temp t- -ng to arrange it for teat purpose. F.irerv

judge and lawyer knows this to be a fact.Ihe truth is that the county court of Shel

by county, composed as it is of some thirtyor more magistrates, but tew of whom re-side in Memphis, do not disburse cnnnllvthe money colli ct d in taxes or put it in thevie nity ol the place where such taxes arepaid. The county taxis sixty five cents onthe one hundred dollars and ndl-ta- rfor State and county, the State tut getting

ten cents on the one hundred dollars, whichwould make a total of seventy-fiv- e centaonthe one hundred dollars. It is truethutT.becounty has to pay about five hundred dollarsper week for the juries and other employes oithe criminal court in misdemeanor cases andhas to pay the expensts incident to tfcecounty poorhouse and pesthouse, b tyet when it is remembered that overthree-fourth- s of the taxes collected by thecounty are collected in Memphis, it remainsa mystery why not a dollar of all this money,tor many years, baa been spent wirnm mecorporate limits of Memphis for street orbridging purposes. Ihe entire amount nasbeen spent outside of Memphis, and why tVt e would like for somebody to answer tnequestion. Memphis is and has been payinga countv tax of sixty-fiv- e cents on the hundred dollars, and has not received any returntor the same so tar as her internal improve-ments are concerned. All this shows thatthe county court system, when it embraces acity like Memphis, is a humbug and a fraudupon the community, although it is a consti-tutional court. The old Latin motto comesin here with force: "The times change andwe change with them."


aiemohls Theater.Last evening Mr. George C. Boniface and

company appeared at the Theater, and inThe Soldier's Trust, a drama of the Frenchschool. The play wts well pr?sented, andwas enjoyed by the audience. It will be re-

produced to night by special request, andagain at tbe matinee on Saturday.- - Saturdaynight David Garrii k, Micauber and Feg-got- ty

will be the attractions.Jobn H'Cullouch.

Next week this famous actor of the Romanschool will commence an engagement at theTheater. He will be supported by a strongcompany, many members of which are wellknown to Memphis theater-goers- . At JNewOrleans, rcntly, bs representation of

Othello attracted reversal attjntion. IheTimes, at that city, contains the following:"A long time has elapsed since New Orleansplay-goe- rs have seen a bett2r performance ofOthello than was given at the Academy ofMusic last night, and it is a pleasant fact torecord that a large audience assembled towitness it. Shakespeare's plays, well acted,should always be attractive. Indifferentlyacted as a play must be, in which one star,however good, is badly supported they aresimply dreary torture, so far as the tragediesare concerned. Ihe stir last night was Mr.Jobn M'Cullough, and his support was of thebest order. Mr. M Cullough is certainly agrand 'Othello; in no other part hashe shown such marked improvementsince he was here last, as in this. He ap-pears to have ventured away from the traditions of bis great master, Forrest, in thepart, and is less boisterous. His impersona-tion nowhere lacks strength, yet it is markedwith fine touches of art worthy of Salvini.An instance is the reading of the lines 'Fire-wel- l

the twoqail mind; farewell content,'etc., which were not bellowed to the gods,but softly and sadly spoken, as if the mancommuned with himself, and felt the griefhis words expressed. The jealous scene, too,was admirably acted, where the mind of'Othello' is gradually poisoned by the crafty'Iago' until with a wonderful burst of passion be burled the villain to the floor, itmay be safely said that John M'Cullough isnow the 'Othello' of the American stage.His costumes are fine, and his make-u- p istruly oriental and picturesque, evento the peculiar beard and earrings he wears.He is colored to be the tawny Moor, and notthe black man to be repulsive to 'Desde-mona- ."

Mr. Charles Barron made his firstappearance in this city as 'Iago,' and at oncefound favor at the hands of a criticalaudience. Mr. Barron is the prime favoriteof teMtbetic Boston. As a general actor inlight comedy, emotional drama, and tragedywhen occasion requires, he is excelled by noother actor on the stage, all things consid-ered. His 'Iago' ia a remarkably clever performance, being of tbe quiet, insinuating,plausible kind of villainy that did not unmask itself to 'Othello,' yet was so potentand clei r cut as to leave nothing lo be de- -ireci."

The impunity with which some itinerantvendors of medicines take advan-tage of the good names of standard proprie-tary medicines, is simply disgusting. Hencethe necessity of cautioning the public onpurchasing lJr. C. M'Lane's celebrated liverpills, which have served the public with un-limited satisfaction for nearly half a century.These invaluable pi!l3 are prepared only by"Fleming Ltros., Pittsburg," whose signa-ture is on every box. Without which allsimilar packages are a fraud.


Invalids requiring a stimulant made frompure grain and free from fusil-o- il should pur-chase Green Brier.

Slager & Goi.dbal'.m, the tailors, invitethe public to call and examine their springpatterns and their extreme low prices.

Call at 2t2 Second street for Wilsonand repairs.R. J. iONOVAN 4 t'O., Agents,

Crescent baking Dowder makes awee.t.light, nutritive bread, biscuits, rolls and pas-try. Try it. For sale lo the trade by Llad-de- n

A: Avery.Carboline. a deodorized extract of petro

leum, is now presented to the public as thebest restorative and beautifier of the hair theworld has ever produced. It performs whatOthers only claim for their preparations.

R. J. Donovan, former agent for theurover x rsaicer sewing-machin- e company,is tbe only one in Memphis that can repairthat machine properly. All kinds ofmachines promptly repaired at 2ft Seconditreet.

AovelHpmin jet, fancy and gold-plate- d iewelrv. receiveddaily at Jet Palace, 385 Main street.

The l'lionograpli.How wonderful, hew perfect'y incielable

seemed the stories of the phonograph whenwe first heard them. The theory of its work-ings is explained. "How simple!" "Straneewis thing never was thought of before!" new and strange ideas are alwavsreceived thus. Another simple but marvel-ous article is Benson's capcine porous plaster.The best known remedy for lameness andweakness of the back, kidney disease, femaleweakness, rheumatism, ociatica. lumbaco.neglected coughs and colds, or any local acheor pain. It will seem very plain that thismust be so, when you consider that Benson'scapcice pcrons plaster is a new and powerfulcombination of vegetable ingredients derivedespeciall Wor the above class of ailments, in-

corporated with an Indian rubber porousplaster, that goes right lo the spotwhere the pain is lelt, acts throughthe pores of the Bkin, and continuesto act until a cure is effected. It is farsuperior to the slow-actin- g ordinary porouspiaster. It acts quicker, relieves pain atonce, and cures where other plasters will noteven relieve. Ask your druggist for Ben-son's capcine plaster, and take nothing else.Sold by all druggists. Price, 25c.

Down ioes Fresh Oyster.Extra select. 40c.: select. 30c: medium F.

25c; prime. 20c.: 25a extra on every dozen forshipping, at .r. a. bignaigo's. 278 Second,

Horse and Stales.J. A. Forrest & Co. are in receipt of mules

and horses every day. Buyers will find it totheir interest by calling to sec them beforepurchasing elsewhere. A new lot of saddleand harness horses just arrived.

It is eccnomv to use Crescent baking powder. It is of superior strength. Try it. Forsale by b. m. stkatton & Co.

1000 cans of choice fresh oysters, just received, at S. Clement's, 80 Beale street. Hewill sell them at 25c a can, to close

Down 2 oat.Choice article of veal at 10c a pound, beel

at 10 to 12c a pound, can bo had at the well-know- n

No 99 Beale street market, andstore. No. 79 Madison street. Enough for all.Come and seo me. cuas. smitii.

Floyd.Have now enlarged the saloon, and

fully prepared to accommodate all myfriends. 1 hanking tbe public lor so liberal apatronage m the past, hope to merit it in thefuture, by having everything lirst-clas- s. Theladies ate to call and inspect the newsaloon.





From Eminent Dr. Hopsou, Memphis.Ibis is to certify that 1 nave made use ol

Colden's Liebig's liquid beef and tonic invig-orat-

in several cases of consumption andgeneral debility, and have found it to act admirably in such cases as a nutritive foodtonic und stimulant."

FltliSH Savannah river ahud, Lake F.riasalmon, Keelfoot trout aud ierch. 11. Seea-se- l,

sr., & Sou, corner of becoud aud Jefferson streets.

Two Confederate Heroe.From Mrs. Phele Yates 1'eniber's South-

ern Wotnan'tt Story: Atter tbe bait!-- ; ofFredericksburg, whiUi giving snia!! s ofbrandy t t a dying man, a low, pleasant voicesaid, "Madam." It came from a youth notover eight'-c- years of age, very illbut so placid, with that earnest, faraway ca.eso common to the eyts of those who arelooking their last on this world. Does Godin his mercy give a glimpse of coming peace,past understanding, that we see reflected inthe dying eyes into which we look with suchstrong yearning to tut .oiu what they seeHe shook his head in negative to oil oilers offood or drink or suggestions of softer pillowsand lighter covering.

"I want IVrry," was hi only wi-l- i.

On inqu r, I found thut Terr wasthe friend and companion who marched byhis side in the field ind slept next to him incamp, but ot whose whereabouts I was ig-norant. Armed with a requisition from oursurgeon, 1 sought him among the sick andwounded at all the othir hospitals. 1 foundhim at C.imp Jackson, put him in my ambu-lance, aud, on arrival at my own hospital,found my patient had dropped asleep. Abed was brought and placed at his side, andPerry, only slightly wounded, laid upon it.Just then the sick boy awoke wearily, turnedover, and the eye fixed it-self. He mut have been dreaming of themeeting, for he still distrusted the reality.Illness had spiritualized the youthful face;the transparent forehead, the delicate browso clearly defined, belonged mere to heaventhan earth. As he recognized bis comradethe wan and expressionless lips curved intothe happiest smile; the at gel of deatn hadbrought the light of summer skies to thatpale face. "Perry," he cried, '"Perry," acdnot another word, but with one last effort hethrew himself into his friend's aims, the ra-diant eyes closed, but the smile still re-

mained he was dead.Private Fisher had remained through all

his trials stout, fresh aud hearty, interestingin appearance and so gentle-mannere- d anduncomplaining that we all loved him. Sup-ported on his crutche.-- , he had walked up anddown his ward for the first time since be waswounded, and seemed almost restored. Thatsame r'ght he turned over and uttered anexclamation of pain.

Following the nt'rse to his bed, and turn-ing down the covering, a small jet of bloodspurted up. The sharp edge of tbe splinteredbone must have severed an artery. 1 instant-ly put my finger on the little orifice andawaited the surgeon. He soon came took along look and shook his head. The explanation wa3 easy the artery was imbedded inthe fleshy part of the thigh and could not betaken up. No earthly power could him.

There was no object in detaining Dr. .He required his time and his strength, andlong 1 sat by the bm', unconscious himselfthat any serious trouble was apprehended.The hardest trial of my duty was laid upi nme the necessity of telling a msn in theprime of life and fullness ot strength thatthere was no hopo for him.

It was done at last, and the verdict received patiently and courageously, some di-

rections given ty which his mother would beinformed of his death, and then he turnedhis questioning eyes upon my face.

"How long can I live?""Only as long as I keep my linger upon this

arteiy." A pause ensued. God alone kuewwhat thoughts homed through that heartand brain, called so unexpectedly from allearthly hopes and ties. He broke the silenceat last.

"You can let go"' But I could not. Not if my own life hadtrembled in the balance. Hot tears rushedto my eyes, a surging sound to my ears, anda deathly coldness to mv lips. The rang ofobeying him was spared me, and for th firstand last tune during the trials that surround'cd me tor lour years I tainted away.

spkix cmtiiim;.

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READ!Pork Sides 50,000 lbs. Clear an I Clear Bib,

sale by J. J. 3BY 4Shoulders- -

cut, loaf,Full

reis In store.


for Pi, CO.10.000 lbs. Dry Salt, toe sale bv

Hoxar-Core- d Manits--for sale by

J. J. Bi SBanc O.K.

J. J 4 CO.

350 packages, buckets,for sale by J. J. 4 CO

Kairars-A- ilpowderedCoffees


&CO.Armour brands.

BLSBYl.arl kegs, tierces,



tirades Louisiana; also, tJ. J. cL SI Y 4 CO.

line Rio and Java, In store an ; loJ. J. BUSBY 4 CO.

Moianm-- H 100 barrels and s, S.fair, prime and choice. J. J. BUSBY 4-(jiolden

ranulate-1- ,


Flour None better: 100 bar-- J.


Moss Kooe Flour-1- 00 barrels choice, for '

by J. J. BUSBY t CO

t:aride and Hateliie 2u0 barrels, extra m:dsuperfine. J. J. BUSBY 4 CO.

0Mtera und Cuuued odi A rull line, lorsale by J. J. BUSBY 4 CO.

Cotton 1'liiw LUe-S- O cils (ieoritla make. Iorsale by J. J. B US BY 4 ;

Tobacco and CljcnrM All graces. Inc!-iiln-

Shell Road and Bowles brands. J. J BUSBY LO.Wines and ItranilieH-Includi- ng very suiriorSherrys, Ports and Cognacs. J. J. BUSBY A OO.YVhixLieH Greenbrier and NMson County Bour-bon- s,

and lower grades. J. J. mL'SBY JO.


We have concluded o dinpoeof oar Kiit ire Stork or PiSLYand STAFL.K (.KOCKHIUS atCost for the next Sixty Jays, inorder to liiake room for a l,arjjeand Fresh Mock of Tobaccos,Cigar, Wines and .Liquors

Corner Front and I'nion,

State National BankOF 31K)1IHIM. TIM Si..

DESIGNATED .'leposltory of the l ulled Statesto the Four Per Cent Loan.

Bonds on hand for Immediate delivery at the lowestmarket rate. All other issues of U. S. Bonds takenIn exchange.

T3X1. JS. u3L. rOOJLiIn now giving special attention lo the treatment of

CUHOMC null l'KIVATK IMMKAHfrZMOtUce No. II Mulberry atreet, Memphis.







a aof


&We Invite tlie attention of all MERCHANTS to tbe Unequaled Attritions In

adapted to tlie SPRING TRADE that we are now offering, nnd also to the Unparalleled Inducements we arelioMug forth to hort Tine B ' ""T'- - w are this Season ottering some















Yd-Cord-ed Piques-5-c Yd.COMPLETE LINES LADIES'










Eipl Presents

LEUBRIE BROS.Grand Scheme To Wind Tn Boslaess. Every



rurcuaser oi worm ot is entitled toan interest In the following lOO Valua-ble and Magnificent fresents:




Une eiold Ladles' Watch,r ciegam Bracelets.

Pieces Piated-war- o,

Fine Parlor clocks.Inlaid Writlne Desk-- .Bolt Irish Linen,Plec 10--4 Sheeting,bolts Lonsdale Cambric,Beautiful Table Cover,Barrel Finest Flour,Elaborate Jewel Cases,Pieces Canton Flannel.Fine Crochet Shawls,Handsome a.

10 Barrels of5 Elegant Aibumi.1"Js5f33

Handsome Table CovePair Fine Blankets.Beautiful Toilet Sets,Elegant Bronze Busts,rair tteautuui vases.Handsome Lluuor Sets.Beautiful Work-boxe- s,

Exquisite Coral beta.Coral Neoklaces a d Armlets,Elegant Ottoman Patterns.




21 Elegant Presents-comr-rlsl- ng Fine Plated Jew-elry, Jewelry-Boxe- s, Wrltlng-Desk- s, etctThe Magnificent Presents of this celebrated enterprise are on exnioition at our Store,

247 JIatn ntreet.3SS The Distribution takes nlace m. n.aiiihlaTheater, ot which due notice will be given.We defy any one to sell goods cheaper than we do.

LEUBRIE BROS.247 ZMciiia. St.

r5 To wind up business Come and see u.4(4







13IAN mm;





Xew York to O.ueenatown 4k L.lverpoalEvent TtutrsdiW or Fnturdati.

City of Berlin, 541U tons. Cityof Montreal, 4490 IrsClly of Richmond, 4d()7 City of Brussels. - H77SCity of Chester. - 4ort City of New York. - BiSOO

These magnincent steamers areamonir the strongest, largest and fastest on the Atlantic, and huvaevery iiiooern improvement, inciuaing and coldwater and electric belts In stateroom). nnivinchairs in saloons, baiu and smo s, barbershops, etc For rates of e and other Informa-tion, apply to JOHN . DALE. Agent, 31 Broadway,New York, or to THOS. FISHER.

Kmtnet Bank. MempbK

TRUNK FACTORY,TO :tlH SAIN ST., JIFIII'HIHINCREASED facilities, and will sell home-mad- e

and retail, lower than house,I. Lh'w



HAS now decided lo resume tbe furnishing ofto responsible cotton-see- Pblnner. la alimned extent, and pay lor all prime seed, deliveredat Memphis on or before March 1st next, the oldprice, viz: SKKN DOLLARS PER TON.

JOHN B. GAI.LAWAV. Sec'y and Treas.




For ArktDMM City ana Hay L.andisa.Citllzcns- - Memphis and Arkansas Clly PacketCompany The Elegant Steamer

JIio. B. Davis master I Jno. Gwathmey clergWill leave as aliove every MON lA Y and THURS-

DAY, al 5 p.m. For freight or passage, apply toR. W. LliiHTBI BNK, General Freight Agent,

No. 7 Monroe utreet, opposite Peabbdy hole

JULIUS KURN. I.ate of Bro.




EHi m





CO1879! 1879!








Notice to Shippers.THE new a"d elegant steamer W. P. .t,.K. W. I'uu'cl. ma-il- i Jv--will leave on SUNDAY March t;h. at 4, onher first trip to New Orleans. Fieiuht will be re-ceived tor her at the Anchor Line whai fooat. foot otMon i oe street. lSTHM.

toll CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.For St. Looli aad al) Way l'oin(.The Splendid

Colorado, 3tl3tui M'Pheeters master.Will leave as above SATURDAY. March sth. at5 p.m. tor Irelght or aij.lj at Memphisand St. Louis Packet Co.'s vvhartooal, foot of Mon-r-oe

street. AD STORM. SiiferintendentLEK STEASJKIs."

or Helena and Kriarn Point.The Fine SteamerConlionju, u

Cooper masier I BIHt Smlthers clerkWill leave as above ou THId DaY, March 7th, at5 p.m. For Irelciit or tmssaire, apply on board or toF. V. Vinson. Agenr. No. 4 .lerf-rv- on si reet.

FOIi ARKANSAS KlVEIi.Mempnl and Arkansas Klver Packet Co. For PinBluff, Little Rock, and through to Fort SraUU Theelegant passenger steamer

Katie llooiier. JRVjEd Nowland mater Jis. N. Thorn


Leaves as nbove SATURDAY. March stli. at ii p.m.JOHN X. HARBIN. Sun t. ;'! Front sit.





LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI.oil.atro. Awansville. IkiuIkvII 1 n,tl'inrlB-al- i. The Southern TraLsL-orlalioi- i

Company s Sui erb Steamer

Guiding Star,W. B. Miller, master.

Will leave Glenn's wharflmat a, hn Ci-r- t tDAY. March th, at loam. For freight or -Wi fr'i " r- - r.ii. Kenr. ill nart hoar. -

Memphis and Ohio Klver fnrket CoFor Louisville and Cincinnati.Andy iiaiim, ZZPi

H. J. Vinton masie M. M. Deem. . .. . cierWill leave hi above. SATURDAY, March fclh,at 5 p.m. ior frelglit or psssage. apply toK. W. LIOHTBURN'K. Siip't,

No. 7 Monroe, opposite Pearnxlv Hotel.

FOlt ORLEANS.I'dr.Veit Orleans and the IteudM.The Flue Steamer

Commonweal tli. .jSgjkiGeerge Corve.l. muster,

Will leave as above ou SATURDAY, March Ktb.tt10 am. For or passa-e- , apily at Mempnlaand St. Louis Packet Co.'s wharf aoat, foot of Mon-to- e

street. AD a ream. SuperintendentRegular Htmphix and Xew OrleansPacket for, Natchez and New Orleans..d. liiclinrdsonJohn W. Cannon, .master T. J. Howard . . cleja

Will leave as above on SATURDAY, March set),at rl p.m. For freight or passage apply toJ. T. Airent. R. K. Lee Wharfboaf.

Regular. Fulton.


FOR OSCEOLA.Mail Packet tor Randolph.

Osceola and all way landings, ,'

ine elegant oaf senior su:-.!i.e- r

usceola Jafelle,j. u. anorews .v.asjer i H. o. Mitchell .... ciertoLeaves Memphis every MONDAY, WEDXESD4Y


and FRIDAY, at " p. ni. For freight or passagtanply on board.

FOR VICKSi'.L'UG.For Vifk-bu- ru and all ihe lien da.The Splendid Slearrer

John ss. Claude, jk&MWm Blake, master,

yriii leave as aliove SATURDAY. March 8th. at10 iS1.?-- . or freight or passage, apply at Memphisan J SL Packet Co.'s wts,rfboat. toot of M'.loe streeL AD STORM. Sui erlnteude-- . ,t,Adam U. 4, ilail 1,1 nt nemjihlt andirkabarjc i'arkrm.The Elegant Passenger SleamerOnacliita ISclIe, ISSm

Mark a Cheet...maiiter I A. L. Cti'dmlns derkLeaves every TUESDAV. at s p.m..The F:iegar.t lJaisengfer steamerlleil Wins, .SiZU

Geo. Malone master Kd R. Thomas clerkLeaves every FRIDAY, at 5 p.m..For Helena. Friars Point, Concordia, Terrene. Arkan-sas City, Greenvdle and Vlcksburg, as Bboveat Vlck.-,bur- with the Parisot tAue for Yazoo .

river, and with the famous steamers Robert E Leeand J. M. White for New Orleans, glvtog throuirljbills of lading to all points at lowest ratesshippers can rely on this anangement belaeFreight fo: Lids Line received M R. F Leewnaifboat at al! times.

J. T. WASHINGTON. Agent.h-- K. Lee Wharfhoa..

. W. CROWEI L. 4sent. No. 3 Ma.iUon.

FOR WIIITK RIVER.Kecalar Independent MeniDhla and

White Blver Packet -- For Augusta. JacknonpertSearcy, and way points. The regular IndependmtPacket

iIAlil CASH,ED. C. POSTAL Mauler.

Will leave Memphis every WEDNESDAY.P.m. For freight or tassa:a. apply to

at 5B. w. Llv,H 1 BURNk,

No. 7 Jionroe St.. op. Peal-ou- hotel.R. P. GI.KNN. ou W hart boat.

3IIL.T UAKKY UJI.Hemphis White Itiver and KtlaeK KiverFor Indian Kay, St. Charles. Clarendon. Detail's

BluH, Dea Arc, AugusLI. We.-- Point,Searcy, Bateaivllle, Powbaitaa, and Pocahontas.The new steamer

fosie Harry,M. R. Harry, captain. J D. iloore. cleri"

Leaves Memphis on and after November 2d. erjSATURDAY, at 5 p.m.. rur2ct!iig direct with Itiunew Black river U. S. mall packet MIL r HAHHV lopPowhatun and Pocahontas, and with Hall I akelto Balesvlile and l p.r White river.Through rates to all point.Frelglit consigned to Milt Harry Llnr, Memphis orTerreim will be promptly Freight wiltbe received at all l!3,e ou l;ie H. K. Lee WharlUaU.

J. T. Washington Ageui

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