Page 1: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Daily Current Affairs

17 Sept 2019

Page 2: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

With which Country India has planned to exchange notes

regarding the Lunar Mission?

किस देश िे साथ भारत ने चंद्र किशन िे संबंध िें नोट्स िा आदान-प्रदान

िरने िी योजना बनाई है?

A. Israel


C. Russia

D. China

Page 3: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Which country has opened Southeast Asia's largest solar power


किस देश ने दकिण पूर्व एकशया िा सबसे बडा सौर ऊजाव फािव खोला है?

A. Thailand

B. Cambodia

C. Indonesia

D. Veitnam

Page 4: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

What is the theme of 24th World Energy Congress?

24 र्ी ं कर्श्व ऊजाव िांगे्रस िा कर्षय क्या है?

A. 'Energy for Prosperity'.

B. 'Energy for us'

C. 'Energy outside earth'

D. 'Sources of Energy'

Page 5: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Which university in the world secured top spot in the World

University Rankings 2020, published by Times Higher Education


टाइम्स हायर एजुिेशन द्वारा प्रिाकशत कर्श्व कर्श्वकर्द्यालय रैं किंग 2020 िें कर्श्व

िे किस कर्श्वकर्द्यालय ने शीषव स्थान प्राप्त किया?

A. Standford University

B. Oxford University


D. Yale University

Page 6: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Which city is hosting the 24th World Energy Congress?

िौन सा शहर 24 र्ी ं कर्श्व ऊजाव िांगे्रस िी िेजबानी िर रहा है?

A. Bishkek

B. Dubai

C. Abu Dhabi

D. Doha

Page 7: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 8: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 9: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 10: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 11: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 12: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 13: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 14: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 15: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 16: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 17: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 18: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 19: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 20: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 21: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 22: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 23: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 24: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 25: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

World Ozone Day: 16 Septemberकर्श्वओजोन कदर्स: 16 कसतंबर


Page 26: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

● World Ozone Day is observed on 16

September every year to spread

awareness among people about the

depletion of the Ozone Layer.

● In 1994, the UN General Assembly

proclaimed this day as the

International Day for the Preservation

of the Ozone Layer, commemorating

the date of the signing, in 1987, of the

Montreal Protocol on Substances that

Deplete the Ozone Layer.

● The theme of World Ozone Day 2019

is '32 years and Healing'.

● ओजोन परत िी ििी िे बारे िें लोगों िें

जागरूिता फैलाने िे कलए हर साल 16

कसतंबर िो कर्श्व ओजोन कदर्स िनाया जाता


● 1994 िें, संयुक्त राष्ट्र िहासभा ने इस कदन

िो ओजोन परत िे संरिण िे कलए

अंतरावष्ट्र ीय कदर्स िे रूप िें घोकषत किया,

जो 1987 िें ‘पदाथव जो ओजोन परत िो

ििजोर िरते हैं’ पर िॉन्ट्रर यल प्रोटोिॉल

पर हस्तािर िरने िी तारीख िो याद िरते

हुए िअन्य जाता है।

● कर्श्व ओजोन कदर्स 2019 िा कर्षय '32

years and Healing' है।

Page 27: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Arunachal Pradesh CM dedicates Dikshi Hydroelectric Project to people

of the state

अरुणाचल प्रदेश िे िुख्यिंत्री ने दीिी जलकर्द्युत पररयोजना िो राज्य िे लोगोंिो सिकपवत किया

- DD News

Page 28: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

● Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister

Pema Khandu dedicated the Dikshi

Hydroelectric Project to the people of

the state.

● The 24 Mega Watt Hydroelectric

Project has been installed at Dikshi

Village in West Kameng District.

● It is a Run-of-the-River project

constructed on the river Phudung by

Devi Energies Private Limited.

● It was completed in a record time of

four years with an investment of about

430 crore rupees.

● Government of Arunachal Pradesh is

the sole beneficiary of the power

generation from this project.

● अरुणाचल प्रदेश िे िुख्यिंत्री पेिा खांडू ने

राज्य िे लोगों िो दीिी जलकर्द्युत

पररयोजना सिकपवत िी।

● पकिि िािेंग कजले िे दीिा गांर् िें 24 िेगा

र्ाट पनकबजली पररयोजना स्थाकपत िी गई


● यह देर्ी एनजीज प्राइरे्ट कलकिटेड द्वारा

फुदंग नदी पर कनकिवत एि रन-ऑफ-द-ररर्र

पररयोजना है।

● यह लगभग 430 िरोड रुपये िे कनरे्श िे

साथ चार साल िे ररिॉडव सिय िें पूरा हुआ


● अरुणाचल प्रदेश सरिार इस पररयोजना से

कबजली उत्पादन िा एििात्र लाभाथी है।

Page 29: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Traditional Neermahal Jal Utsav concludes in Tripura

कत्रपुरा िें पारंपररि नीरिहल जल उत्सर् िा सिापन हुआ- AIR

Page 30: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

● In Tripura, the three-day-long traditional

Neermahal Jal Utsav concluded with eye-

catching boat race and swimming

competitions at Rudrasagar lake.

● Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb flagged

off the boat race.

● Neermahal is a water palace built at the

middle of Rudrasagar lake by Maharaja

Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya in 1930 as

his summer resort is inspired by the

Mughal style of architecture.

● कत्रपुरा िें, रुद्रसागर झील िें तीन कदर्सीय

पारंपररि नीरिहल जल उत्सर् िा सिापन

अनोखी बोट रेस और तैरािी प्रकतयोकगताओं

िे साथ हुआ।

● िुख्यिंत्री कबप्लब िुिार देब ने बोट रेस िो

हरी झंडी कदखाई।

● नीरिहल 1930 िें िहाराजा बीर कबक्रि

किशोर िाकणक्य द्वारा रुद्रसागर झील िे

िध्य िें बनाया गया एि जल िहल है, जो

उनिा ग्रीष्मिालीन ररसॉटव हुआ िरता था

और यह िुगल शैली िी र्ासु्तिला से पे्रररत


Page 31: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

‘Great Ganga Run 2019’ flagged off in New Delhi

नई कदल्ली िें ‘गे्रट गंगा रन 2019’ िो हरी झंडी कदखाई गई


Page 32: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

● Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra

Singh Shekhawat and Sports

Minister Kiren Rijiju flagged off

‘Great Ganga Run-2019’ at

Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New


● The event was organised by

Ministry of Jal Shakti.

● A large number of people from all

age groups participated in the


● जल शन्ट्क्त िंत्री गजेंद्र कसंह शेखार्त और

खेल िंत्री किरेन ररकजजू ने नई कदल्ली िे

जर्ाहरलाल नेहरू से्टकडयि िें ‘गे्रट गंगा

रन 2019’ िो हरी झंडी कदखाई।

● िायवक्रि िा आयोजन जल शन्ट्क्त

िंत्रालय द्वारा किया गया था।

● िैराथन िें बडी संख्या िें सभी आयु र्गव िे

लोगों ने भाग कलया।

Page 33: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Justice P Lakshman Reddy sworn in as first Lokayukta of Andhra Pradesh

न्यायिूकतव पी लक्ष्मण रेड्डी ने आंध्र प्रदेश िे पहले लोिायुक्त िे रूप िें शपथ ली


Page 34: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

● Justice P Lakshman Reddy was

sworn in as the first Lokayukta of

Andhra Pradesh.

● The oath was administered by

Governor Biswabhushan


● Justice Reddy will be holding the

position for the next five years.

● He is the first Lokayukta to be

assuming charge since the state

bifurcated in 2014.

● Justice Reddy had begun his career

as an advocate in the district court

and later elevated to the status of the

judge in the High Court.

● न्यायिूकतव पी लक्ष्मण रेड्डी ने आंध्र प्रदेश िे

पहले लोिायुक्त िे रूप िें शपथ ली।

● शपथ राज्यपाल कर्श्वासभूषण हररचंदन ने


● जन्ट्स्टस रेड्डी अगले पांच र्षों िे कलए पद


● र्ह 2014 िें राज्य िे कर्भाजन िे बाद से

पदभार संभालने र्ाले पहले लोिायुक्त हैं।

● न्यायिूकतव रेड्डी ने अपने िररयर िी शुरुआत

कजला अदालत िें एि र्िील िे रूप िें िी थी

और बाद िें उच्च न्यायालय िें न्यायाधीश िा

दजाव प्राप्त किया।

Page 35: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Bangladesh School project wins Aga Khan Architecture Awardबांग्लादेशी सू्कल पररयोजना ने आगा खान र्ासु्तिला पुरस्कार जीता


Page 36: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

● An innovative project for constructing

a floating school for children in

Bangladesh has been awarded the

prestigious Aga Khan Architecture

Award 2019.

● The award was given away in Kajan,

the republic of Tatarstan for the

Arcadia Education Project in South

Kanarchor of Bangladesh.

● The project involved the construction

of a school in an area which is

underwater during the monsoon


● Five other projects from other

countries were also given the award.

● बांग्लादेश िें बच्चों िे कलए एि अस्थायी सू्कल

िे कनिावण िे कलए एि अकभनर् पररयोजना िो

प्रकतकित आगा खान आकिव टेक्चर अर्ाडव 2019

से सम्माकनत किया गया है।

● यह पुरस्कार बांग्लादेश िे दकिण िनारचोर िें

अिावकडया कशिा पररयोजना िे कलए िजान िे

तातारस्तान गणराज्य िें कदया गया ।

● इस पररयोजना िें एि िेत्र िें एि सू्कल िा

कनिावण शाकिल था जो िानसून िे िहीनों िे

दौरान पानी िे अन्दर होता है।

● अन्य देशों िी पांच अन्य पररयोजनाओं िो भी

पुरस्कार कदया गया।

Page 37: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Smith creates a record of scoring most runs in a series this century

न्ट्िथ ने इस सेंचुरी िें एि सीरीज िें सबसे ज्यादा रन बनाने िा ररिॉडव बनाया


Page 38: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

● Australia batsman Steve Smith has now

become the highest run-scorer in a Test

series of this century.

● In the ongoing fifth Ashes Test against

England, Smith went past his own record of

scoring 769 runs against India during the

2014-15 season.

● Smith now has a total of 774 runs in the


● Smith has made his comeback in the

international cricket in the ICC Men's World

Cup after serving a 12 months suspension

for his involvement in the ball-tampering

scandal at Newlands in March 2018.

● Smith recently attainted the number one

batsman spot in the ICC Test rankings.

● ऑस्टर ेकलया िे बले्लबाज स्टीर् न्ट्िथ अब इस

सेंचुरी िी एि टेस्ट सीरीज िें सबसे ज्यादा

रन बनाने र्ाले न्ट्खलाडी बन गए हैं।

● इंग्लैंड िे न्ट्खलाफ चल रहे पांचर्ें एशेज टेस्ट

िें, न्ट्िथ ने 2014-15 सत्र िे दौरान भारत

िे न्ट्खलाफ 769 रन बनाने िे अपने ही

ररिॉडव िो पीछे छोड कदया।

● सीरीज िें अब न्ट्िथ िे िुल 774 रन हैं।

● िाचव 2018 िें नू्यलैंड्स िें बॉल टैंपररंग

िािले िें शाकिल होने िे आरोप िें 12

िहीने िे कनलंबन िे बाद न्ट्िथ ने ICC िेन्स

र्र्ल्व िप िें अंतरावष्ट्र ीय कक्रिेट िें अपनी

र्ापसी िी है।

● न्ट्िथ ने हाल ही िें आईसीसी टेस्ट रैं किंग िें

नंबर एि बले्लबाज स्थान प्राप्त किया।

Page 39: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes
Page 40: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Current Affairs asked in previous papers

Indian Navy SSR

16 Sept 2019

Page 41: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से भारतऔर किस

देश िे बीच संयुक्त सैन्यअभ्यास

‘सम्प्रीकत 2019’ िाआयोजन कियागया ?A. चीनB. बांग्लादेशC. इंडोनेकशयाD. कर्यतनाि

The Joint Military Exercise Sampriti 2019 was conducted between India and which of the following country?A. ChinaB. BangladeshC. IndonesiaD. Vietnam

Page 42: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

• Exercise Sampriti-VIII, a joint Indo-Bangladesh military exercise

concluded at Tangail, Bangladesh on 14 March 2019.

• The exercise was the 8th edition in the Sampriti series, which started

in 2009.

• 14 िाचव 2019 िो बाांग्लादेश के तांगेल िें संयुक्त भारत-बाांग्लादेश सैन्य अभ्यास

सम्प्रीतत 2019िा सिापन हुआ।

• अभ्यास 2009 िें शुरू हुई सम्प्रीकत श्रंखला िें 8 वाां सांस्करण था।

Page 43: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से िौन कबहार

िे र्तविान राज्यपाल है?A. लाल जी टंडनB. फागू चौहानC. आर एन रकर्D. आनंदी बेन पटेल

Who among the following is the

present governor of Bihar?

A. Lal Ji Tandon

B. Phagu Chauhan

C. R.N.Ravi

D. Anandi Ben Patel

Page 44: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

• Lal Ji Tandon: Madhya Pradesh

• Phagu Chauhan: Bihar

• R.N.Ravi : Nagaland

• Anandi Ben Patel: Uttar Pradesh

Page 45: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

भारतीय नौसेना कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से

किस देश से 10 िािोर् -31 हेलीिॉप्टर खरीदेगी?A. चीनB. रूसC. फ्ांसD. अिेरीिा

Indian Navy will buy 10

Kamov-31 helicopters from

which of the following


A. China

B. Russia

C. France


Page 46: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

• The defence ministry has approved the procurement of 10 Kamov Ka-

31 Airborne Early Warning and Control helicopters from Russia for

the Indian Navy.

• The 10 helicopters would be deployed on the aircraft carriers and

warships of the Navy including the INS Vikrant and Grigorovich-class


• रिा िंत्रालय ने रूस से भारतीय नौसेना के तलए 10 कामोव के -31 एयरबोनन अली

वातनिंग एां ड कां ट्र ोल हेलीकॉप्टरो ांिी खरीद िो िंजूरी दे दी है।

• 10 हेलीिॉप्टरों िो नौसेना िे कर्िान र्ाहि और युद्धपोतों पर तैनात किया जाएगा

कजनिें INS तवक्ाांत और तिगोरोतवच शे्रणी के तिगेट् शाकिल हैं।

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कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से किसे

तकिलनाडु सरिार द्वारा एपीजे

अबु्दलिलाि पुरस्कार से

सम्माकनत किया गया है?A. कबिल र्िावB. िे कसर्नC. ओिप्रिाश रार्तD. ए एस किरण िुिार

Who among the following

has been honoured with

APJ Abdul Kalam Award

by Tamil Nadu


A. Bimal Verma

B. K Sivan

C. Om Prakash Rawat

D. A. S. Kiran Kumar

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• In recognition of his stellar work in the promotion of science and technology,

Indian Space Research Organisation Chairman K Sivan was awarded the Dr

APJ Abdul Kalam Award by the Tamil Nadu government.

• The award carries 8 gm gold medal, Rs. 5 lakh in cash and a citation.

• कर्ज्ञान और प्रौद्योकगिी िो बढार्ा देने िें उनिे शानदार िाि िे कलए, भारतीय अंतररि

अनुसंधान संगठन िे अध्यि के तसवन को ततमलनाडु सरकार द्वारा डॉ एपीजे अबु्दल कलाम

पुरस्कार से सम्माकनत किया गया।

• इस पुरस्कार िें 8 िामस्वणन पदक, 5 लाख रुपये नकदऔर एि प्रशन्ट्स्त पत्र कदया जाता है।

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पीएि िोदी िोऑडवरऑफसेंट

एंडर यू द एपोस्टल, कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िेंसे किस देश ने अपना सर्ोच्च

राज्यअलंिरण कदया गया है?A. चीनB. रूसC. जापानD. फ्ांस

PM Modi has been conferred on the Order of St Andrew the Apostle highest state decoration of which of the following country?A. ChinaB. RussiaC. JapanD. France

Page 50: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

• Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been conferred on the Order of St Andrew

the Apostle highest state decoration of Russia.

• In 2017, Chinese president Xi Jinping was awarded the Order of St Andrew the


• प्रधान मांत्री नरेंद्र मोदी िोरूस िे सबसे बडे सम्मान ‘ऑडनर ऑफ सेंट् एां डर यू द एपोस्टल’ से

सम्माकनत किया गया है।

• 2017 िें, चीनी राष्ट्र पकत शी तजनतपांग िो ऑडवर ऑफ सेंट एंडर यू द एपोस्टल से सम्माकनत किया

गया था।

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Important Questions

Page 52: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

World Ozone Day is observed every year on _______.

कर्श्व ओजोन कदर्स हर र्षव _______ िो िनाया जाता है।

A. 13 September

B. 14 September

C. 15 September

D. 16 September

Page 53: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Recently which of the following state has dedicated the Dikshi Hydroelectric

Project to the people of the state?

हाल ही िें कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से किस राज्य ने राज्य िे लोगों िो दीिी जलकर्द्युत पररयोजना

सिकपवत िी है?

A. Assam

B. Tamil Nadu

C. Andhra Pradesh

D. Arunachal Pradesh

Page 54: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Recently, Which of the following ministry organised ‘Great Ganga Run 2019’ in

New Delhi?

हाल ही िें, कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से किस िंत्रालय ने नई कदल्ली िें ‘गे्रट गंगा रन 2019’ िा आयोजन


A. Ministry of Human Resource Development

B. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

C. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

D. Ministry of Jal Shakti

Page 55: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Recently, the Arcadia Education Project has won the Aga Khan Architecture

Award. It is an innovative project in which of the following country?

हाल ही िें, अिावकडया कशिा पररयोजना ने आगा खान आकिव टेक्चर अर्ाडव जीता है। यह

कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से किस देश िें एि अकभनर् पररयोजना है?

A. Sri Lanka

B. Bangladesh

C. Vietnam

D. France

Page 56: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Which of the following Indian state observes Neermahal Jal Utsav?

कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से किस भारतीय राज्य िें नेहरिहल जल उत्सर् िनाया जाता है?

A. Assam

B. Meghalaya

C. Tripura

D. Nagaland

Page 57: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

The Indian Army and Indian Air Force (IAF) will jointly conduct a large

war exercise near China border. It's named as;

भारतीय सेना और भारतीय र्ायु सेना (IAF) संयुक्त रूप से चीन सीिा िे पास एि बडे

युद्ध अभ्यास िा आयोजन िरें गे। इसे नाि कदया गया है;


B. HimVijay

C. Yudh Abhyas

D. Varuna

Page 58: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Which country Sees Decline In Electric Vehicle Sales For Second

Consecutive Month?

किस देश ने लगातार दूसरे िहीने िे कलए इलेन्ट्ररि र्ाहन कबक्री िें कगरार्ट


A. Denmark

B. China

C. Indonesia


Page 59: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Who among the following has been appointed as first Lokayukta of Andhra


कनम्नकलन्ट्खत िें से किसे आंध्र प्रदेश िे पहले लोिायुक्त िे रूप िें कनयुक्त किया गया है?

A. Ramesh Ranganathan

B. Maheshwari

C. Lakshmana Reddy

D. Uma Devi

Page 60: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

What is The Theme of the year 2019 the International Day for the

Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

र्षव 2019 िा कर्षय ओजोन परत िे संरिण िे कलए अंतरावष्ट्र ीय कदर्सक्या है।

A. 32 Years and Healing

B. Keep Cool and Carry On: The Montreal Protocol

C. Caring for all life under the sun

D. Ozone and climate: Restored by a world united

Page 61: Daily Current Affairs 17 Sept 2019 - · Australia batsman Steve Smith has now become the highest run-scorer in a Test series of this century. In the ongoing fifth Ashes

Name the Indian Badminton player who has won the Belgian International

badminton title.

उस भारतीय बैडकिंटन न्ट्खलाडी िा नाि बताइए कजसने बेन्ट्ियि अंतरावष्ट्र ीय बैडकिंटन िा

न्ट्खताब जीता है।

A. Lakshya Sen

B. B. Sai Praneeth

C. Sameer Verma

D. Kunlavut Vitidsarn

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