Page 1: Daily commonwealth (Frankfort, Ky.). (Frankfort, KY) 1856 CORN' AND COB MILL. JT ia well known that lucre Ujr reatecouoiny in


JT ia well known that lucre Ujr reatecouoiny in crushingor rtudin the kernels oi' all grain before feeding ii

lo stock, and that there is much nutriment id the cob"vhen property broken or ground. And the only retsouthat nulls arranged to producethesedesircd results haveaot Deu more generally introduced among planters andfarmers, has been their complex arrangement and hlerhcost.

In the Kentucky Corn and Cob Mill, of which theabo an accural engraving, we claim to hare pro-duced a machine at once etiieient, fubitaatialcnd cheap,

iU arrangement iaso aim pie that the most ordinarybaud can adjust ami operate it. This machine, unlikeany other, Is regulated by means of a single set screw,which 1 easily moved by "hand, and Id applied directlyuiKUr the centre of the mill.

Any one using; these Mills wiil find a clear saving ofohb qdartkr ot their corn over the old plan of feeding.

We warrant thebo MilU to giveentire satisfaction. Pur-chasers may use them for thirty days aud If not satisfied,can return them and et their money.

They will grind Corn and Cob as Hue as desired, at thefollowing rate per hour, with one horse:

No. 1,4 to 5 bushels per hour. Weight 350 Its- - Price825 00.

No. 2, 6 to 8 bushels per hour. Weighted ft.s. Price530 00. Adding freight from Louisville.

The above prices include the complete Mill ready tobitch to without any further expense, and can be set inoperation in five minutes time. For sale by

K. JL. SAMUEL,3ov. 26, 1825. tf. Frankfort, Ky.


WRITING WITHOUT PEN OK INK, copyingFOR fiowers, plants, pictures, paterns for embroi-dery, marking linen indelibly and manifold writing.Tui article is absolutely the best portable inkstand inthe known world, for a ssiall quantity folded and placedin the pocket constitute 9 a treacling inkstand, whicn canaot be broken. No pu is needed; for any stick sharpen

U to a point writes equally ai ell as the best old peno the universe. For drawing It ialndispeustbie. Ills,

iiideed, the whole art of drawing and painiiup, taughtUi the lesson. Any. leaf, plant or tiower can be transfer

d to the pages of an album with a minute and distinctwemb.ance of nature. With equal facility picturesandoenbroidery patterns are taken, and have received theblgbest eulogiums from the lair sex; and, indeed, a moretasteful present for a lady could not be produced.

The Magic Paper will ai&o mark liuea or other articlesso aa to remaiu perfectly indelible. All the washing luthe world fails to bring it out. Any child can use it withease. With this Magic Paper, one or four copies of everylotter written can be secured without any additional laborwhatever, making ittfae cheapest and most convenient ar-

ticle extent. It is used to a great advantage by reportersof the puolic press, telegraphic opera'.ors and hosts ofothers- -

Bach package contains four different colors olack.olue, green and red, with full printed instructions, for allto obtau five hundred distinct impressions. His put upin beautifully enameled colored envelopes, with a truth-ful likeness of the proprietor attacked. Each and everyDftckago wamnte. Price $2 a doien or Ave for $1.Single packages 25 cent. Address, post-pai-

N. fi 0B ft ELL,No. 167, Broadway, New York.

OPINIONS OF TfJE PRESS.HoioELL's Magic Impression Paper. We refer our

leader to the advertisement in another column, settingfprtn the merits of this pleasing aud ingenious invention.The cheapness should induoe all to give it a trial.

Merchant.It is unsurpassed for ne&tnese and utility, and should

Koet with the sale it richly deserves. TVibune.Just what the people has long desired, and recommend

Use If to every individual of ;ate and refinement. Jourad Courier.Oct. 22 185S 3m.

Owon Circuit Court.OEO. W. GARDNER'S Adm'r.

Equit.OitO. W. GARDNER'S keirs k crtd.'ntitt administrator, heirs aud creditors oi ueorgeJL Gardner, deceased, are hereby notified that I will at

Wad at my residence in Owen county, Ky., near Owen-to-

from thi time until first day of March next, to hearproof by the creditors on their claims against Uic deceas-l,'an- d

also to credit and sctlio their claims against the..tate of deceas&d.

By order of the Owon Circuit Court, 'ov. 30, 1855.JOEb HtRSDOK,

C 7, 1355 w4m Masttr Commissioner.

DISSOLUTION.partnership of EVA-'- S 4: SWIGERT wasTai. on the 15th inst., by mutual consent. II. yan

vU settle up the business of the late urm.K. EVANS,

flor. 81. IBM. DAN. SWIGERT.



VS.' WEST & CO. having taken an Agency for thof W. T. SMITH 4 CO'S f'resk Baltimort Oys-t- rt

, which they warrant to be as good If not superior tcany la this city, are prepared to supply all their friendsnod customers, cither by the case or cn.

Dec. 5. Yeotnan copy.

Buck Wheat Flour.received perS. B. Bluu Wing, a fresh supply of

Pennsylvania Duck Wheat Flour, and for sale bySot. 16. OKAY 4 TODD.

Java and Rio BAOS,(00 poctets) Old GoveruineutJuva Coifea;ZM 2U bags prime Rio Coffee. Just received.

Aug. 22, 1B55. W. H. KEENK.

Brandies and Wines., n PCKOS. superior Pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira.IU and Sherry Vv'ice, Just rueolved direct from Boston.

Aug.S2,lB45. W. H. K.EENE.

NOTICE.future no praoa will be admitted within the Come-lor- y

Grounds on the Sabbath unless by written permis-llo- o

of some of the officers of the Company. The lawwill be enforced against all trespassers. Visitors are notpermitted to disturb the Shrubberv, Fruit, or Flowers.

August SO- -tf. U. itiOWS, Prisidnt.

NEW "GOODS.T AM now reeiving my fall stock of ttoou, Buoes,.1 llw, Caps, and Books, which I will take great4usure in showing to all who may favor me with a call.

etn-- 16-- HUMPHREY EVANS.

Sugar and Coffee.B have In store and for sale5 hhds prime N. O. Sugar,

W chests ClariOed Sugar for prsservlnnao bbls Crushed Sugar;5 bbls Loaf Sugar;

30 pockets old Governrneot Java CoiToe.15 bags prime Rio CoOoe;

3 chests prime G. P. Tea;t cuosu prime Black Tea.GRA7 tc TODD.

LIFE INSTTRATfri?t AM prepared to Insure the lives of Kagioes i

on favorable terms. sH. W13GATE, jtftiu. WAag. 10, 1845 tf.

Cider Vinegar. ;

r BBLS. g oo4 Cider Vinegar, for sole nv0 3" GRAV & TODl,. i

Old Crow Whisky.0 "C,ow wtuhy." 1 yara old, f0raci uy !

Brandy Peaches.m BBLS. Pure Spirits for making Brandy Peaches. Justaf ivt.v. duu tut aie oy

8ept. 3. GRAY & TODD.

r,f POCKtTS strickly prime Old Government Java, 'i

cJU CoDoe, Just received and for sale by i

oy- - W. H. KEE5E.


k SD CALF-SKI- GAITERS-.- A new supply by expressil Saturday. These goods have given universal satlsfa.HUMPHREY EVANS'

Dee. J. Boot and Shoe Store.r


CANVASSED HAMS.WE haveln store 900 A. Mack'.in cV Son's extra sugar

canvassed hams, also 124 put up by Herndon.4 Stephens. For sale byCXU5,1855. GRAY & TODD.


Mackerel.BBLS. large No. 3 Mackerel; i

t 4 bbls. large Mackerel:8 kits Largo Mackerel. Received sad for sale by

!"J ft RAY cc TODI),.

DISCLOSURE!TTTE are often asked why wo sell FURNITURE oII mucucheapertnan olherdoalers In the article. For

the benoflt of all we will explain. It Is the Impressionat homo and abroad that

DOXON & GRAHAMkeep everything, and persons wishing an outfit for house-keeping, call on us and find in our s almostevery article necosnarv for from a Roll-ing pin uptoasuKarciired Ham, Table ware, Spices, Ac,Ac. Then they want FURNITURE. "Not calculatingfrom the proceeds of profits," but from the tact thatcomplete outfit can be purchased at our house for house-keeping, relieves the pureha;nr from much trouble &ndmany small bills, we have, for the accommodation ofour customers, recently enlarged our furniture rooms,und can now, and will in future be able to otter iuduce-mon-

to all wishingto purchase proviaed lowest Jig-ur-

bean inducement.It would be an endless undertaking to furnish a com-

plete catalogue of the articles we oiler for saie, in addi-tion to Furniture; but, feeling a desire tobenefltthe pub-lic, we venture to cell attention to a very few, as follows:

The Chain Pump,Decidedly the cheapest and most desirable PuinDeverinvented, and warranted to perform well when put up byus. We ere Drennred to furnl&u Iron and Wood curblne.and Iron, 2ink, and Wood Curbing at very low price.

Atmospheric and Suction Pump.This uescriDtlon of Punm la trenerallv well known;

they perform satisfactorily In shallow wells orcistMaa,but their liability to freeze" renders them troublesome.

The Suction aud Force Pump.A inojt excellent Pueld. oucnthe same of theAtmospheric Pump, capable of lifting waterthlrty-thre- e

feet,and then forcing li fifty or sixty foot, from a shortleather hose; but sllli this numD is ai$o liable to freezeand burst, unless the valve Is opened by elevating tholuaveraftar pumping.

Earthen Tubes,A new invention for sewers and drains, costicjr uoly sircent? per foot easily put down and very durable; certainly ice beat and cheapest drain everlnvented- -


Metalic Burial Casesof ail sizei, from twentv-tw- o inches to sevea feel long.ornamental and plain finish, covered with duo doth andfringe, &c, silver mounted and bronzod.

Having first introduced these Cases iu our city, provenby trial to be most admirably adapted for preserving theraorxl remain, the decided preference given them overthe old fashioned wooden box, the increased demand Inthe city, county, and adjoining counties has induced usto nurehaae a first rate HEARbK, which, together withany number of CARRIAGES ordered, will attend allfuneral occasions desired. We have also a large lot ofWooden aoxeMo enclose the Metalic Cases, which wewill furaisn ai$l for small and 93 for lapses; sizea; andin every iastanco where we furnish Burial Caea, Boxss,or HacJca, we warrant the bills satisfactory, and noeztor- -

Corda?e.Hemp, Manilla and Cotton Rope, Carpet Wnrp, and thebest article of Couon 7 ami, of all and number.

Tar,By the rral.

Mattrassea.Houbie, tloale, Loum-e- . Trundle. and 'Ur flulr.Cotton and Shu-k- .

Axes.IlJht's ujiaso Ax.s, the best article now In use; finru!!:nvi. Hatchets and Hammers.

Nails.Cat, Wrought and Horse Shoe Sails, ol the best Lroods- -

Window GlassOf all sizes, and Putty In larfe and small quiailUea, al-ways on

Ware..Market, Scoool, Key, Bell, Pear, and Traveling Bas-kets; round. Oval and square Clotues Boskets.

Paints.While Lead; Licsetd Oil; White, Copal and Japan Var-nl-

Litharge, and Ochre; water and are proof Paints,ground In oil, an excellent paint for porch Doors, sieps,

Glass Ware.Tumblers of various pacrns and price.,. Glass Bowls,Fish Globes and Flower Vases, Bin! Founts, n

Ware.Ornamental Chamber Setts; plain and JapauneJ TinWare of ever descrlpUoa; and In addition we have alare supplvof

Patent Coffee Pots.Owning the right to manufacture and sell these ines-

timable conee Pots, we take pleasure iu recommendingthem to every family, with a warrantee to give satisfac-tion or no pay.

We cannot in detail give further particulars. By wayof variety, we have always ready for sale, Salt Fish,Bird Cages, Ox Yokes, Ladles' Mending Cotton, WheelBarrows, Patent Medicine, Cotton Floor .Maps, StoneWare, Bird Seed, Ploughs, Family Flour, Meal, Ironingand Preserve Stoves, Ray Carpeting, Cedar and PinoWare, Colognes, Violins, Bugyy, Riding, aud StockWhips, Cow and Sheep Bells, Razors, Pock6t Cutlery,and Victoria Pens, Sweet OUs, Clothes PIds, MinnowSelns, and Partridge Nets.

Please call, axamlne, and buy fromDOXON A:. GRAHAM,

No. 6, StCltlrsL, l'rankfort, Ky.Oct. ai-8- 53.


V,TH3 Liajust returned from the East and CiueinualiIV with

S20,000 Worth of Ready Made Clothiugwhich he promises, to sell npon better terms than can befound In any other establishment In the city. Let every-body, then, remember that 1 am now receiving and amready to sell at prices to suit the most, fastidious, litetuo9t extensive lot of

SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING,of all descriptions, sizes and colors, evor brought toFrankfort. My stoek consists of everything In the Gen-tlemen's Furnishing line. It has beeu soitwted express-ly aud especially forthis market.

I have on hand, and will always keep u complete assortmeDtof

Coats, Fonts, Vests, .Shirts, Drawer,Hats, Caps, 4.C.;

together with every article usually found In a ClothingStore.

Gentlemen desiring to replenish tliuir Clothing wouldjo well to give me a call, as I am saiisne4 they cannotdo better at any other establishment in the city.

Oct. 15, 1855. A. SOfiBEEG.


AKexcollent article of various styles, for sale atM. MLLLS' Drug si ire.

WRITING PAPER.PLr.ln and Fancy, Sole, Letter, anO Cap paper at

Dr. MILLS' Drug Slot .

ENVELOPES,Of ill kinds, plain, fancy, and colored at

Dr. ilLLLS' Drue Store.INK.

Writing ink of all colors, black, blue, and red, atDr. MILLS' Drugstore.

SUPERIOR TOBACCO.article tbstf all lovers of the weed must pioocanc9


Dr. MILLS' Drue Store.

Gum drops of all Savors, candied Flag Root, Loiua-- (gos of various kinds, at Dr. MILLS' Dnur Store.

PURE HAVANA CIGARS,The very best lo the town, flue flavored, Lei ciado

genuine Eavaaa leaf, atDr. MILLS Drw-- Suu.

CRYSTALIZED GINGER.Social &uoUn U called to the nrtUiie a pAetHin


A lotcf iUonMsupertorllacklnjrODl.fuul, uJ Dr. MILLS iruif Sutn

' SNUFF.Tatchtoch,at Dr. iflLLS' Dniir Swre

LEXINGTON MUSTARD.This article is obtained direct frota the manufucturer

and warranted, at Or. HtLLS' lVtig Store.EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING.

All the various kinds used for this purpose. Rose,Lemon, Vanilla, Alsnond.

Dr. i.iiLLS Drugstore.""'vu ij, loo.


Bacon, Lard, &c., Sco.QfiflA lbs SugarOirad Canvassed Haras.-Ol'U-

2U0O lbs Sugar Cured plain Bum1000 lbs Bacon sides;

.VX) Bacon (Shoulders:150 kegsprlme Lard;'

2 dot Beef Tongues;?0 packages jfaekorcl:

S bbls Cue Snsmon. Instoru aud lorsalebyJuly 13. GRAY t TODD.

Dissolution ofTi & J. T. LUCKETT having dissolved partnership,D. the business of the Arm will be settled up. Eitherof the partners Is authorized to use the nam of U.S OralIn settlement, and to receive monev due the firm.

Btjv. LUCijETT.May S3, isjj. jo. T. LOCKJETf.


SFAN C Y A R T I 0 L E S .

DR. MILLSreceived the most elegant and e?;tonsivoHASJuit of FINE PERFUMERY AM) FASCY

ARTICLES ever brought to Frankfort. The stock con-sists ofHair Brushes of every style Fine Colognes,

and price, Extracts for the hundk'f.Cloth Brushes, Extracts for flavorineNail Brushes, Toilet Waters.Tooth Brushes, Fancy Soaps.Hat Brushes, Hair Fins,Powder Pints, Dentrifioes,Hair Pomade, Cosmetics,PuffCoiubs, Smelling Sain,Tucking Combs, Confections,Dressing Combs, Toilet Bottles,

h Coini1, Note Paper,Pocket Combs, Envelopes,Side Combs, Sealing Wax.India Rubber Coinba, Amandine,Wax Matches, Satchels,Violin aud Guiia.-Str- Toilet Powdars,Hair Oils, Drawing Cnyons,Lead Pencils, Curling Brushes,Penoil Points, Pins and Needles.

The selection is lumoand varied, containing articlesof every price and pattern. Among the extracts for theHandkerchief may be found the following:

UPPER TEN,A low fiihlcnjibie perfume that cautot fall iuplease.

Essenoe Boquei, Oriecial Drps, Prairie Flowera,de Califuroie, Buquot de Arabie Violet, Aiagaolia,

luousselice, AshKiad Flower, ard a verr large uumberof others. Kov. H,


iKIS truly celebrated preparation, efficacious alikeX for eacit ani every description of Rhecmatic

ii already too well kuowa acd esteemedthroughout the United States, to require anv lenethv notice ot Hs paramount virtoes. It eradicates this hereto-fore incurable and distressing disease from the system,and stands unrivalled la the pharmacy of medicine.

We do not propose to mate unqualified statements orto force a nostduvi before the public, but simply l.i re-

quest those most interestedSUFFERERS THEMSELVES

to procure from the agent in their vicinity, a circular,and not only read the testimony of those who have

its invaJuaWe curative powers, but to writeto, or call upon, the convalescents, so that the tt&temeutsmay emanate rrota uie rocNTAiK nEin a cours whichwill satisfy the mast incredulous, and otie by which thereputation of the Rsmidy is certain of beinif sustained.

rile also to the proprietors, who will accord eyerv information, &ad furnish names of undoubted churacierfrom every of the union, numoerliig arnonj;them some of the mostemtneni Physicians, Clergymen,Evil tors, and prominent citizens, rtoderinz the reliability and emVucy of tbe remedy beyond the reach of douvtor mist rust.


Is a Vexetahle Extract, an Internal Remedv. Dreoaredexpressly for this one; and thl3 It will cure Inevery form, either Inflammatory (Acute.) or Chronie, nomatter ol ow long standing.

Sold by 1. .!. MILLS,franklort, Ky.

rut asovk has for sallTHE GREAT ALTERATIVE,


BLOOO PURIFIER.Thi invaluable remedy tor every deKrtp:.ion of

iKRVOCB ApnLTioN9, and for diseasesof the Liver andKm keys hag obtained a popularity wherever intro-duced, unprecedented in tho history of any other medi-cal preparation ever brought before the public.

.Many of our mortKminent Pbyii clans have thorough-ly tested its merits, and now prescribe it as the most

Alterative and Blood Purilier ever known.Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, ralpiution of the Heart, tht

Sweats and Affections of the Lungs, will readily ylolu tothe Influence of this unrivaled remedy. PbvsUal

or Irregularities especially with Fmalksproducing debllitv and prostration of thesystom muybe at once obviated and removed by the uso of the

Bitter Cordial and Blood Purilier,which Is a vegetable sprout, pleasant to take and perfect-ly safe to be nsed In any slate of health, even by the icotdelicate female or child.

Price one dollar per bottle.DOWNLXG fc CO., Proprietory

Wo. 1, Barclay street (Asior House. )

Sept. 30, 1855 by.


If the taxes. Interest. and cw&t are not paid on the fol-

lowing lands, on or before the 10th day of Februarynext, the same will be forfeited to the Common wealth ofKentucky:

So. 1S94 Dr. Jobu Simpson, lw3 wree of land, Lo-gan county, liig Farreu River, entered, surveyed andpatented to Y. J. Strung; tax due, amount

No, i59-J-ohn Kamy's heirs, 9,&33. part of 10,500

acres, Washington counn, waters of Chaplin; tax due,lbii-3--4; amount. 101 37.

io. John VVLster, John M. Price, and C.J. Wis-te- r.

2,500 acres of land, iienry county, waters Sand Hippand 6 mile, entered, surveyed, and patented, H. Marshall;tax due, 1352-3-- 4; amount, $12 75.

'o. 2571 Jasper Cope, bOO acres, Butler county.Green River, lax due, 1852-3--4; amount $8 IG.

5o. 2678 Isaac Willis, 630acres. Union county, Trade-wate- r,

patented Will .Mercer; tax due, 1852-3-- 1; amount.

Ao. 2374 Allen Riggs, 118' acres, south udv UrecnRiver; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount, CO cents.

No. 3000 A. J. Brown and D. F. Worcester, 13,333acres, part of 40,000, Greenup and Lewis counties, Ohioaud Kiunacankk, entered, surveyed and patented JohnMarshall; tax due, 1S52-3-- 4; amount, $6 M.

No. 3119 Augustus J. Brown. 90,000 acres of land,Greenup and Lewis counties, Ohio and Klnnacanlck;surveyed and patented John Marshall; tax due,lS52-3-- 4;

amount, $10 20.Ao. 3159 John W. White, 1C0 acroa, Scott county Ea-

gle creek; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount 51 cents.No. 31G3 W. W. Dickinson, 1,U1' acres, Fleming

county, between Kleming3burg and iron Work; tax,ioaz-.v-- 4, amount, 511 1.

No. Chapman, 2,000 acres, Marshallcounty. Military; tax due, 1C21 to 1854; amount, $2o6 84.

No. 3230 J. M. Wassic, 160 acres. Graves county, S. e.fl. a. 29 T. 3 N. R. 2 E; Ux due, 1635 to 1854; amount.$15 30.

No. 3231 Jaa. Hurophrev, li acres. Graves countvS. w. q. s. 14 T. 5 R. 1 E; tax due, 1835 to 1854; amount.

jo.No. Win. H. Farthing, Jno. F. Fanhln, Wui. H.

Bryan and Richard W. Bn an, (two last infant heirs ofaandy rarthing,) 51o, part or acres, Hopkinscounty, Deercreek, patented John Brown; tax due, 1801tolH54; amount, 50 90

o. Unknown heirs 01 Mioses Kouins, deceased.316ft , pan of 1.033 H acres, Hopkins county, Deer creek,patented John Brown; tax 1801 to 1854; amount, $31 17.

utvec unaer my tanu mj am nay 01 uciooer,THO. S. PAGE,

Auditor Public Account.50 per oent interest is due on the first year's taxes.100 per ont on the second year's tax; ar.u100 per cent on tho third year's tax.Costs for advertising, 25 cents on each tract or lot.Oct. 8,

100,000 COPIES SOLD!

LLOYD'S GREAT STEAM BO AT WORK wUI bo rvidythe twenty-Jour- of October


rlrst ApjjlicuUon of S;cam.Life of John Fitch JiDgrevIng of his Brat Boat.LU of Robert i'liluwi tBravliig of his QtA American

Boat oa Uie Hudson Kivvr.Bob't Fultoo an J LivliiKslrja's firs'. Ohio River Boat-Cor- rect

Lifceness Full Particulars.Latrpbe'a First BoatFirstKteubenviUe Boat.First Explosion ou the Wewrn Waters; from an

Maps of the Western Waters; Tovns, Cities aad Dis-tances laid down correctly.

List of Steamboat Explosions sinec Wli; Barnes ofKilled and Wounded; List of Steamboats nowaCoat.

Correct views of Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati,Louisville, St. Loulsand Jiew Orleans, iu Sketchof each biaoe; Population, Business, Ac. &c.

Fast rime of Boats on tho OhioaDd Mlssissijjpl Klvers.List ofSteamboat Olfieers on the Western atcrs.Tne 'e- Steamboat Law With Comments Life

Boats.Disasters on tai.-- Lakes of Lost, Killed nod

Wounded.The High Water ia 1810, 1832, 1847.List oi Plantations on Mississippi Kivcr.Important United States Supreme Court Stea.nLyt De-

cisions.Three hundred page?, with ose hundred engravings;

handsomely bound. Ey remitting One Dollar, (postpaid,i you will receive a copy of the above work.

Orders from the trade solicited, and agents wanted Invery town and city to canvass for the work.Address JAS. T. LLOYD tV COOct. lft-2-m. Post Office Bullding.Clncinnati, O.

HATS AND CAPS.OF the mostfashionable styles, can alwavs be found at

HUMPHREY EVAN'SSov. 21, 1855. Shoe aud Book Store.

FOR THE CHILDREN.VERY large and splendid stock of Juvenile Books

xl for children's Christmas and ew Y'ear presents.and see them, We take pleasure in showing all our

good. Very low at HUMPHREY EVA.VS'uec. 5. Book and Shoe Store

LBS. FRESH BCCH.WBLEAT FLOUR. Just500 rswelTed and for sale byfor. 14- - w. H. KJEEITE.

Louisville and Frankfort and Lexingtonand Frankfort Railroads.


WINTER ARRANGEMENT.0T and after Monday, Ootobor 29, 1865, Passenger

will run as follows, viz:FIRST TKAIN loaves Louisville at 6 o'clock, a. in.,

stopping IS minutes for breakfast at Lagrange, and ar-

rives at Lexington at 11 a.m. Keturning Train leavesLexington nt 1:40 p. m., and arrives at Louisville atC:lr p. tn.

SECOND TRAIN leaves Louisville at 2:15 p. ia., andarrives at Lexington at 7:1U p. m. Returning, leavesLexinson next morning at Cp. m.,and arrives at Louis-

ville at 11:10&. in.Pasaengersby theC o'clock a. m. Train from Louisville

connect, after taking dinner, with Train of Caro for Cov-

ington and Stages at Paris for MaysvlUe, and by Stage atFrankfort for Salvisa, Harrodsburg and Danville. andatLexington by Stage for Mcholaaville, Danville, Lancas-ter, Stanford", Crab Orchard, Winchester, Alt. Sterling,Owingsville, Richmond and Irvine.

Passengeraby the2:15p. m. Train from Louisville re-

main over night at Lexington and resume by morningTrain for Paris, Cynthlana and Covington Siage3 fromall the interior towns of the State and connect at Lex-

ington and Frankfort with the afternoon Trains fromthoqe placea.

117? Tickets through to Cincinnati for $4 good fortwo days.

Passengers will find this a pleasant route,comparatively exempt from the annoyance of dust in the cars, andpar? through some of the richoat and most highly cultiva-ted portions of the State.

JfTFor further information, please cailatthe Bepot,corner of Jetferson and Brook streets.

AT FRA5KF0RT. The morning train for Louisvilleleaves Frankfort at 10 minutes before 8 o'clock; and theafternoon train at 10 minutes past 3 o'clock.

Tne morning train for Lexington leaves Frankfort at35 minutes after 9 o'clock, aud the afternoon train SO

minutes before C o'clock.SAMUEL GILL.

Oct. 24, lriSS. Supt. L. & F- - and L. & F. R. R.


To Buffalo. Niusara Falls, Boslou it '. Y.VIA CLNCLN'NATi, HAMILTON A.ND 1IAYTON'



Sicen Hours Railroad Ride from Cincinnati Zsthe Lake.

ONLY ROUTE FREE ERO.M DUST:Four Dollar Tickets Good on All Trains.

HAMILTON AD DAYTON ROAD, the first to reduce

Passengers leaving on the o A. E. train liaverhreehours at Dayton.

Through from Cincinnati to Sandusky without changeof cars.

Baggage checked to Buflalo.Dopot In tho West eud of the citv. on Sixth sirai.

3 Cheapest and most pleasant route between Cin-cinnati and the Eastern cities.

Passengers leaving Cincinnati bv 3:50 morninir tminnf fMnr-l- nHtl. Hnmiltnn Bnfi llnvtnn lfviin...4 .

Dauuusiiy ai 1 o'uoch, r. ju., ana go lmmsdintely onboard tho splendid and gorgeous steamers

St. LAW Ki..CL, . - - Cant. MeadMISSISSIPPI, - - - Can. Hazard.

Ana arrive in Euffalo next morning, arter a refreshingnight's sleep in time for early trains for Magara Falls,.New York, Boston, &c, arriving in New Yorkforsup-pc- r.

The roads composing this route from Cincinnati to theLake, are laid throughout with heavy T rail, and in con-struction of track, rolling machinery, comfort of cars,general management, and almost entire freedom fromoust, is not surpassed oy any roaa in the West. It passethrou?h the densely Douulated and hiehlv v.i.ley of the Great Miami and Mad rivers; also runninguirouga me large ana Deautiiuitownsol Hamilton. Davton, .Springfield, Lrbana, Bellelontalne, Kenton. Carevand Sandusky.

The stoamers of this line were built eprcsslv for comion, saicu anu speeu, ana no enorcs will be sparedrender comfortable those who may patronize them.

By passoneers have four or Mv hnnn ,(rvlight on the Lake. Each boat is provldod with splendidubmu.i, iui wic vspuv.iu auvjuimuuaiiuu oi pleasure travulers, and every facility anorded to dancing nrti..Reserved State Rooms will bo telegrapnod for by pas-sengers leaving their names at the Ticket Offices.

The following rates of F are including Meals and Stateon iaKe steamers:

FAKE.t rom Louisville to liuffulo, - - $G 50From Louisville to Buffalo and back, - 3 00From Louisville to Niagara Falls, - 700From Louisville to Niagara Falls aud back, 14 00rromi.ouisviue lo .ew York, (all railroad

iroin rsunaio.) 00rrom t.ouisviiie to .ew ork, (by Hudson

river siuamersj ...... 13 00rromi.ouisvuieio ew York, via Niagara,

(all railroad.) - 14 50From LouisvlUe to Boston, via Albany, - . itt io

For throuph tickels and information r.lf, r,,lu tCincinnati, fiamillon and Dayton Railroad Ottlce, Xorth--nc, wuri-- r w oruauway auu r ront streets, nnderUieSnenper Hnni. or !.- J V KHTPIKV ntT - H.II1UMIon ualnut between Fourth and Fifth streets, one dooraomo 01 tne oiosou House, orat.o. Si3, South sideuain, oetween second and 1 nird streets, and nearlv od

""PTake the cars at Jofferson'ville for Cincinnati.For further information please call at the offices, as

nc.xrcr u, sup t.Sept. 1, 1KM. J. W. PA1TEKSON, Agent.


MAKE REDUCED! .New route opened to New York1 all the way by railroad via Cincinnati, Hamilton andDavlon Railroad.

The quickest, choapest, and most pleasant route toPittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. De-pot in the Wost end of the city.

Only route via Pittsburg aud Philadelphia by whichthrough tickets can be obtained from Cincinnati to New

ora.One less change of care than anv other route.Passengers leaving Cincinnati on 6 o'clock Morning

Train of Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad gothrough to Crestline without change of cars, and afternavmg iniriy minutes lor dinner, proceed by the Ohioaud Pennsylvania Railroad, arriving in Pittsburg at 8o'clock, P. M. Leaving Pittsburg via PennsylvaniaCentral Railroad, at 9 o'clock, P. M., and arrive in Bal-timore and Philadelphia at U! o'clock and 30 minutes(ooon) next day, and from thence via Kensington andJersey City, or Camden and Amboy railroads, arriving.., .V...-- I. t f

Sscovd Train Leaves Cincinnati. Hamilton andDayton Railroad 8 o'clock, and SO minutes every morning; arrives at ircstune 4:o, r. M., and Pittsburg 12uxiwi auu iniuubca, uiiuuigui, and alter a comiona-nlght'- s

rest, resume by 7 o'clock, A. M., train, arriving inriniaueipnia anu Eaiumoro iz o'imock and 30 minutes,midnight.

The only office in Cincinnati at w hich through ticketscan be purchased from Cincinnati to New York viannsourg ana rnuaaeipnia is under the Spencer House,

II . ... ..uu .us u,.ui uic uiumu nuuw, ou , aiuui street.FARE.

Louisville to Pittsburg, first class, - $9 0F'roin Louisville to Piusburg, front cars, - - 7 50From Louisville to Philadelphia, ... K soFrom Loulnzllie to Baltimore, .... is 50From Louisville to Iew Yorll via Philadel

phia, all the way by railroad..... 18 50For through tickets and information please apply at

Cincinnati, namuion ana yayton itallroad Utnce, north-west corner of Broadway and Fourth sir ets, under theSpencer House, or to J. W. SHIPLEY. atRailroad Office,on walnut street, Detween fourth and Firth Btreets, onedoor South of the Gibson House, or at No. 555, Southside Main, between Second aud Third streets, and nearlyopposite the Gait House, Louisville, Ky.

iryrcke the cars at Jenersonvllle for Cincinnati.For further information please call at the offices, as

above. HENRY O. AMES, SupXSept. 1, 1854. J. W. PATTERSON, Agent.



Ed. D. Hobbs & J. W. Walker,AT TUE LVLHGREE.V .YIK9EKIL3

Tieelvemiles East cf Louisville, Ky., or. theLoui.'rilie aul Frankfort Railroad.

Sf,',.:?4 Nsiatly printed Catalogue cf ,the Fruits, Ornaments, Trees, ii'- - 'fj.''

(WSVS Vines, Shrubs, dec, at the above tlSiS&V?named Nursery, mav be had bv '' J.application to A. u. Honocs

Franklon, ny.jr7'Ordersmay be addressed to HOBBS A WALKER,

virtiamson Po.; Offlco, Jelfcrsoo countv, Ky.,or toA. G. HODGES, Frankfort, Kv.

Frankforl.Oet. 17, lb54.

Old Copper WMsky.r A BBLS. Old Copper Whisky, from one to eight yearsiiJU old, the best lot of Whisky for sale in Kentucky.

Aug. g, 1655. W. H. KEE.VK.

Domestic BBLS. Domestic Whisky, Brandy and Wine. Just

J received.Aug. 22, 1655. W. H. KEENK.

Sugar.HHDS. prime '. O. Sugar;

10 10 bbls. double refined Vhlte Sugar;

Aug. SJ, 1855. W. H. B1SEN"E

THE WEST GOING EAST.THE points of the compass won't change, but WKST

.ST'Sbas certainly moved on poiut Easiward.

WEST k CO.,Having uicun Uie corner store of Baritow'i nv block,UavooLiened Lhere a flue supply of OrocerU, Liquors,Confectioneries, i'ruii,s, 6.c.y which Uiey offer at mostreasonable prices. I'art of their stock may b uetaias lollowa:

KOCRIES.hhds Prime N. U. Sugrar;

5 bbls Plantation Alolasae."i bbls Sugar House .Myiasis;'I bbls Golden Syrup;2 hhds Claritied Sugur;5 bbls Double Keflned Suar,i bbls Double re II ned Powder! Suar.'2 bbis Sugar,

1 sacks Kio CcCee;5 sacks Java Co flee;i dozbags Table Sail;3 doz bo tes Table Sail;

iKl baps Ruck when'. FIouj.1 Tierce Rice;

10 boxes Star Candle-- ;10 boxes Tallow CaudleIS boxes tng. Dairy Cheeitt,10 boxes Weitern Reserve Cht.w10 boxesSuperlor Rola Soaps:Fine assortment oi Greon &iA Siauk 1

U bbls 2s"o. 3, large Mackerel;2 bbls Butter Crackers;a bbis Waiter Crackers;

i'2 bbis Superior CluerViuagvirboxes h renca Chocolate;

Dec, 7. lfiri.

Confectioneries, Fruits, 2aut8,x DQZ. bottles freiL Pine Applua;u dozjars Canton Gingar;

4 doijara fresh Pickles;2 do2 cuusfresb Strawberries2 doz cans fresh Lobsters;

12 doz aud X cans Sardine.2 doz canssp.cod Ovstera;a baskets fresn Olive Oil;

10 boxes assorted Preserve.5 boxes brandied Fruits;1 bbls aoftshcU AluiOids,1 bbl Pecans;1 bbl Brazil Vu;a;1 bbl English Walnut;1 bblXaplesXY&iati?;1 bbl Cocotcuts:

10 boxes new M, R. Palalu,H boxes Sultana RaiaiEi;2 kegs ante CurrectsiS Quaker Herbs, Ao;2 do2isng-lla- Walnut EaUMi.2 doz Worcestersiilre Sauw:

doz call room Catsup;i doz assorted do;1 box Cayene Pupps:-- ,

I box Shred Isinglass;1 box Cooper's UintCAi,2 boxe assorted JelUo;"2 boxes assorted

20 drums fresh Fig;1 frail fresh Dates.

December7. WE?1 Cj

Liquors.QU.tKTEK caKS tine ptlo ttnd dark BntnJyi

) 3 eltihihcaskssupcrlor pale Otard 3m4dy.12 superior ChainpBjfua;j baskets Heldslet Champi(s a.

cask Sherry Wine;4 caste fine Madeira Tln

t cask old Port Vv'iuo;M bbls tluo Bourbon V.Ti'.sty;

Fine bottled Liquors of all tiuils,Docomber7. AVtl & CO.

Proclamation by th.e Governor.3300 REWARD.

Jnttie nunc aid by the authority of the C&nn9!iie.iit A

KentucJiy.IP" Ht KK AS, It has been made known to motiiat Sa.hlVf H. Duwa, wbo was coouobd iu 'the eocnly jaU of

Spencer oonnty for tho murder of Scrnurl Llndcrman.did, on theSbth October, escape from me J:tU of ifidcounty, and fa now going at laro.

.Now, UiurM'ore, I, Charles S. .Mqr.eueu, Oovvriior ofthe Coma: on wealtb aforesaid, do hereby oCera regardof Three Hundred Doliora for the H.prthentou of theKild Saoiuol ti. Uev9, und Lis delivery to lie Jailer ofSpenoerconnty, within one year from thli date.

J.Y TESTJMO.Yy WHEREOF I have1 Lereuulo set my hand, and cau3ed the set of

? L. S. Uie Commonwealth to be affixed, done atFrankfort, this 1st day of ovember, lAiacdiu the&ith ear of the Commonwealth.

By the Governor: C. S. MOKEHKA1).ios Brown, Secretary of Stale,

DESCRIPTION.Said lews U about five foot two inchos high, heavy

built, argo hands and feet, coarse sandy hair and a Sad-dler by trade.

Proclamation by the Governor.$500 EEWAED.

ti thtr name and by the authority the CwnmimKUUt k 14)

Kentucky.7"HEREASlt hasheen represented tome that JOSEPH

W. McBKAYKKdid, on the night of the 17th of ilay,1654, assault, cut, wound, beat and brube Mrs. EmilyMcfctrayer of Anderson county, of which cuts, wounds,Ac, she afterwards died; that the said Joseph W.

Las since fled from Juatic and Is now goin

Now, therefore, I, LAZARUS W. POWELL, Governorof the Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby oner a re-

ward of Five Hundred Hollar, for the &p prehensionof the aald iicBrayer, and hu delivery to the Jailer ofAnderson county, within one year from thU date.

THTItIOA'Y WttEH.QF, I havehereunto set my hand, and c&used the seal ofUie Commonwealth to be atiBied at Frankfort,mi awn day or August, lnss, and in ti'.e &4tnyoarof the Common wealth.

By the Governor: L. W. POWKI L.Grant Green, Secretary.

By J. V. Tate, Aailstant Secretary.


six feot three inches high; dark though not black hair, ofa sandy or brown cast; sallow ooinplexiOQ; coarse fea-tures; weighs about 1H5 pounds, square built; awkwardmanners; rather slow of speech; sluUh carriage; bendsslightly forward In the shoulders; has very large feot, andlarge cold soft hands. He had on when ho left a strswhat, d tweed frock coat, ond black pants.

Proclamation, by the Governor.REWARD.

In. the name by the authority of the Commonvsalth ofjsenrucrvy.

"T7HEREAS. it has been represented to we by the r

tition of tne county Judge of JelTsrsoo countv, thatiu the month of August CAVINAW didaid aud abet in killing ana murdering ene TukooorcRhodes, and has since tied from jusiloe.

Now, therefore, I, CHARLES S. MOREHEAD, Gov-ernor of tho Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby offera reward of Two Hundred and Fifty Uoltare for theapprehension of said Cavlnaw, and his delivery to theJailer of Jefferson oonnty, within one year.

JV TESTJJwCJfr FrHEXEOFi I have1 1 hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of

L. S. the Commonwealth to be affixed, on this the( ) 22d of September, A. D. 1B65, and In the &4ih

year of the Commonwealth.By the Governor: C. S. .VORKMEAU

Mason Known, Secretary of Stato.

DESCRIPTION.Said Cavlnaw Is a low heavy sot Irishman, about o

feethlph, black hair, dark hazleeyes, mildcounienance,round face, very active In his movements- - Supposed tohave come from near Trenton, New Jorsc-y- .

Proclamation by the Governor.100 REWARD

In the nam and by thi authority of the Common-wwlt- h

of Kentucky

WHEREAS, it has been represented to me thaitiie property of Thos. Reynolds, Esq.,

In September. J&5, dld,ia Jessamtue county, Kcobjciy,kill and murder Horace a slave, and is now goit-- attarge.

Now, therefore, I, CHAP.LSS S. MQRKHEAD,Govern-- 1

or o! saiJ Commonweaith, do hereby oner a reward 01One Hundred Dollar for the apprehension of the saidJarman,and hisdeliveryiotho jaUerof Jea.iamlno coun.ty wi'-h- one year from this date.

.V TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I haveuereuuvi &ei my nana, ana causva u--o iu 01

L. S. the Commonweal:h to be affixed. at( ) Frankfort, tbia sixth day of SpWmber,

r- -' unit in the h year oi the Couicaoti- -

webiia-By the Guventor: t .VOKEHf.Alj

MiSOi Ijrown. of State.

DESCRIPTIOS.Jarman la ao'ul 30 years old, about ioi lil. and j



ihe tuxes, iniere3t,ni cost are not paid on ifcu following land, on or before the lOihduy of February

next, the same will be forfeited to the Commonwealth ofKentucky :

So. LeTl lilnnt'alietM, 100, partofilfiaorei, Oreencounty, waters of Little barren, or.pinally survoytvl forEiua "Summers on headti?ht certificate No. 76, and Da- -tented to LeU liltint, tatesfrom ltvilto ItsA; aaiouut.S3 as.

Given mv hand ttls lOu; day of October. s. ?ag&.Auditor Public Accounts.

50 per cent Interest U due oa liie first year's lux?.100 per cent on the second year's tax; and100 per cent ou the third year's lax.Costs for advertising, 25 cents ou each tractOct. 12, 185i am3mwoitw.

Boys, look Here ! !


ed Tweed Casslnore, vbicii I 2i tUln very eoup.Oct i, isii john js. to5d.


C1TT WlPT!?fMJI1 fnTton.Chartered by the Legislature of the State of ConnecUe

h"- - vunci lumcu iu may,

CAPITAL $200,000,With a large surplus securely htresicj under luo iaaki;.

nn.i approval of Uie Comptroller of Public Accountsof the Stato of Connecticut.

THIS Company is controlled and managed by a BoardOfficers, consisting of men of tlte highest diame-

ter and standing, aud may bo relied upon as aaXe. Thoannexed statement shows the condition aDd responsibili-ty of the Company:

First. The name of Uie Cornpanv Uthe "Charter OatLUe Insurance Company," and i. Iocawd in the City o'Hartford, Slate of Connecticut.Second. The amount of lis Capital Slock is two Udred thousand dollars, say S?00,oo0.Third 'I ho aniounl of its Capital Stock paid up Is outhundred thousand dollars, and the balance of said sloofcMnred to be paid by oblipallont approred by tho Direc-tors of aald Company, and by the Comptroller of PublicAaoounts of Connecticut.Foitrth. The Awcts of the Company, tneludluj

1st. toe ami of cash on hand and In thehands of agents or other persons. Sl".333 li$d- - Tne Company owns no real estate. '

Jd. Bondsowned by the Company oonoMcept bonds and mortgages of real esute, dec.

4ik. b'btsto the Comp'ny, secured by inortgage at 9 per com, Int., first mortgaic- -

Loans on indorsed notes, secured by bondsand mortgages, c, - - ... 27,y&9

5th. Debts otherwise secured, are obliga- -wvu. tur me t. apttai wiock, approved 33aforesaid !uo,uuo a-

Cash loans on Indorsed protcUaory note,in collateral secuntiej, . . - 9,160 9u

flth- - Loans to the Insured at interest, scur- -ed by policies, 10 996 78m

th-- AU other securities are Bank of Hart- -ford County StotK, Odtj sharei, - 08,0 00

City of Kurtford 6 per cent, stock, - - i: ,mx; w

44Fifth. Amount of liabiUtiesdue or notduto

to backj or other u:edltor3, U dividend tomutual members, payabiett the dliie-Uo-- j

of the Company, - 23,3Si' M&stA. Losseaadjustedand due

ione.Seventh. Losses adjusted and

not due, .... 15.J.V tX;

Eighth. Leases unadjustednone.

Ninth. Loss's in suspense wait-ing further proof none.

Tenth. All other claims a'n:uws company none.

Eleventh. Xhe" greatest sm'lInsured in any one risfc, - i,w0

Tne Company hss no rule r&juiatu aatio be insured tn any one city, town, or village.The undersigned herbycertiiy tht vhe foregoing U a

Just and correct statement of tbe affairs of U:e ComputySigned: ALFRED GILL. W,.dwJa. C. Walklev, Secretary.Kartfori, Feb. 6, lffc5.

t. D. UICKEIOIA.N, Oeral JteerU.Application for Insurance received bvJoaw CIielj-now- .

Agent. Frankfort, Ky., who will furnish applicantswiiu pniiipuieis conuuning raies, conditions, vc.The Agency oflhis Company, at Frankfort, Kv.,hnsbii

In existence one year lust .Mav, during which limaooelos had occurred. This risk was that taken by the lateUaac P. Hlackwell, for the benefit of his wiie. Ocemlum only had been paid (about $74 J on 65,0m. Viutwtjole 5,U0U was paid to Mrs. lilackwU, whose adaiowl-edgmen- t

is given below.This presents one of tho many instances in which tie

tooedt3 cf Lite Insurance is fully illustrated. The assur-ed had failed inbusiueasjeft nothing for hia wife, exfiejtwhat resulted from the insurance on his life, wtdot crhad been so thoughtful in making.

J. C. HtllM0, Aeiit,Ik.oemhor 17, lBi5. Frankfort, lis

Oct 31, IBSiJoun C. Herndon, Es.,

Agent of the Charter Oak Lift Insurance Cc;Dear Sir: Allow me, Uirouyh you, to erpresi 01)

gratitude for the receipt of five thousand dollars, thtfull amount of the rink taken for my beocut by my Ukhusband, Lsaac P. Black well. I most hifhiy apcrecUiethe benefit resulting to me from this provident act oi mlate husband, and will ever remember It with graUtiidHoping that the Company may be prosperous in ail tliaato come, and that it may continue to extendto the widow and orphan,

I remain vours &c.SLrSAi ii. BLACK. WELL.



Capital Stock, 3OO,0lXAmount Paid Up, 10,000

rnHK annexed statement of the condition of thopany made 1st January, 1855, shows the oondlUoo axl

reeponslbllity of the Company.1. The name of the Company is the Hartford Fire La-s-

ranee Company, and its location Is at Hartiord,Connecticut.

2. The Capital Stock of the Cornpanv is $3uO,dGO Ou3. The am't of its Capital Stock paid up U (i4. The assets of the Company are as fol

lows:Cash on hand and In the hands of AgonU. S442&4 u:ZX) shares Hartford Kauk stock, - - (JjWj Ow

63 inarei Phoenix Bank stock, - - 760 00li shares B'k of Hartford county sUxi, 10i00 Ou10 shares H'k Hart'fd co. stock (new, 3,t50 ou3 shares Farmers aud .Mechanics Bank

stock, ...... fci u43 shares City Bank stock. - 5.074 U

S00 shares Kxcbaupe Bank stock, ll'j uo5rt shares Mercantile Bank stock, irOO Oo

10O shares Charter Oak Bunk stock, lUiOO tiu100 shares Charter Oak E'k stock (new 550 0(t30 shares Connecticut Kiver Banking

Company stock. .... 1,84000100 shares Hartford., Providence, and

Fishkill Railroad Mock, - - - 5,000 fc20 shares Connecticut River Railroad

stock, 1,290 0050 shares Hartford and Mew Haven K-

R. stock, 5,750 00120 shares Connecticut River Cornpanv

stock, 3(tjo6j CO

Bills receivable, secured approv&dpersonal security or ample collater-al-a

- - . - - ..- - 196,355 7C

5. No liabilities to banks or otheri, due ornot duo.

6. No losses adjusted and due.7. Aninuntof lossosadjustedand not due, 30,400 difi. Amount of losses unadjusted, - L5,UM M9. Losses iu suspense, waiting for further

proof, included In last answer above.10. Ail other claims against Uie Company IQJiCti 00H. Tae rule of the Company is not to exceed SUvlM)

any one risk subject 10 loss by a single fire.12. The amouutlnsured in a city or viiiag-- depends upon

iusLze; generally, all tbo aesirable risks to bt tad,subject to the rule last above named.

13. The amount insured in any cue block of buildingsdepends upon Its size and coastruuUon, subject totho rule above referred to.

14. The act of Incorporation U the same as file! In July,lt(54. C. B. BOVRS, Secretary

Hartford, January 42, I8i5Stth of Connecticut, gft

Haru'ord countv. J

Pearscnally appeared C. B. Bowers, Secretary of theHartford Fire Insurance Company, and made oath thattheoreotnff statement, by him subscribed, is true, according to his best knowledge and belief.

Before me: R. G. DOAH,Justic of the Peace.

Upon application for insurance, all necessary Informa-tion wUI be trivon by J. C. HfcRAuOit,

lec. 17, 1655. Ageut, at Franktort, Ky,

e d v a"r FlTwi s7Tin, Copper, & Sheet Iron Maaafiiotary.


A t ! itt.4: up, hmiJIJ K' yn:i:i., tj:r.

IlHE undersigned would luform blsfriendsacd tie pairthat he has opened a shop and commeoced il

above business in all Its brandies. He will warrant aiiwork done by him to give satisfaction, and hopes by dillgence and promptness In business, to merit and receivea portion of the public patronage. Those persons wish-ing work in his fine are respectfully requested to caJ onhim.

He would also Inform his friends and the public th bewill keep constantly on. hand a general assortment oiCGOKLi! STOV3 and WOB and COAL srOVES,ot the bestquailiy, wbioh he will sell on aocommodatisverms.

Oct 17. ISiiby. XDWABD LEWIS.

Top Related