  • f»AGt POUR D A I L Y 1 T A TUMDAY. A#RIL 18, W5. a—


    ' . • - • • • " I I The b e s t Islasd. Star Pub.l—iiae Compear, e DocaaaUe CorporaUeev e n —

    •ejMiafcea thle newepaper at N o * S t - i l Bur-den avenue. In the Borough aa« ~ P i p la the City cud SfUe of New York.

    C. Ban*«M. President, P. O. Address Nee. I t - i t Borden aveoae. L N | lalaesa Csty. Oeorce B. Hti

    City. N. T. Haaavas , Vloe-Prealdent, P. O. Address, IS-41 Borden arenas ,

    Jen* T. CoHins, city. « . T.

    Le*o* I* amlth. Treaaurer, P. a Addreae No- 11-41 IslandCHy, N, T.

    Job* T, Colikia. Buataaa* Manager. LoRoy L. Smith. Kdlter.

    etary, P. O. Addreae. 11-41 Boraeo avenue. LOB*

    Borden avenue.

    *»-41 BOKDBN A V K H 1 , Publication Ofncrei

    ' 115 Oreennolnt Ateaae, Broehlyo Bnlrahene CaUei

    SIM Haatnr'e Petal, tSOl M-Mae'e


    • Peiaa.

    Entered aa aaoond-aiaaa matter September 17th. lMf, at the Poet Offloa at Long City, node* the Aot of Marsh Id. l i f t

    ADYKBTlBIMa BATK6—I'KH LINK l ' Baa ding notlcee en adltorlni pag-e »ve. . Corporation advertising Ita. Beading notioee on looai pag-e 86e. J Auction announcemeaU . . . . . . . . I t s . Tmt aaaeunaamanu l ie . [Theatres, etc . . . . . l i e .

    Boial advertlaemenu . l ie . | Marriage notlcee, par ooUoe IJ/ev

    Death notices, M eeau per oollce. not axmedtng 10 linen. Waaua Par Sale, To bet. etc. at worda or lean for t Ineirtlenn »*•,; tat one ween.

    ffe.; over II worda, 1c. additional for each word. BltuaUoan. • Mnhom i»n>; eo>o weak,

    Tanrty scjalsisi advertiaing hy anedal coatraa*.

    eokly Star,

    ratee Include . Peeing* added U» oihnr

    r Star. 6 vents per ougjy; Jjm ganM. t g> oontn per cony; by lanB | g a pang. e poatngn) to anynagan aC the Us

    All oommunioatione intended for publication in The 8tar should

    addressed to the odltor.

    Two Men Who Did Not Despise the Day

    of Small Things. Watertown, N e w York, isn't a met-

    ropolis, as cities go. but is entitled to

    fame as the birthplace of two of the

    greatest business concerns In Amer-

    ica. It was In Watertown that Prank

    W. Woolworth opened the II- t of his

    •live-cent stores, and, on a borrowed

    capital of about $300, started a busi-

    ness out of the profits of which he has

    huilt in New York the world's highest

    skyscraper, the fifty - l ive-story Wool-

    worth building, a colossal edifice,

    which I is the architectural wonder of

    the modern world.

    And It was in Watertown years later that George J. Whelan, a Syracuse c igar dealer, opened his llrst branch store, and laid the foundation for a chain of cigar stores that now covers the United States, and which does an annual business of thirty million dol-lars a year. Both of these big suc-cesses were based on original selling plans, together with a recognition of

    the true value of humble nickels and lowly dimes. Woolworth and Whelan were wise enough to know that those little coins, added and combined and accumulated In sufficient quantities, had in them the "makings" of a for-tune. Everybody else in those days pursued dollars—Woolworth and Whe-lan went after tho minted—"chicken



    Seventh Grade Boy*—France* Patterson, John Smith, John Fltoerald, John Ulenn, Edward Morlarty. Harry McKeegan, Joe Sullivan, William Kldd. W. Fltzenrelder. Patrick Waryald, Jnmea Dunn, V. Smith, Edward Lantler, Klwoud Connor*, Arthur Connor*.

    Seventh Grade Oirl*—Josephine Trabold, Elizabeth Morrlaaey, Eatelle Wood, Roue Lynch. Helen Fltzpatrick. Kvelyn Manet, Catherine Tracer, I l i a Leahy, Lillian Not-ion, Mary Kelly. Marion Sheehan. Frances Giles, Helen Tarrant. Klisabeth Kelly.

    6B—Angela Beatti . Mildred Kelly. Mary Merrlgan, Helen O'Brien, Adella HaduRky, Helen Carey, Anthony Cample*, James Fitz-gerald. Anthony Junoako, Cornellu* La-guunlla, Jo*eph McKlrny. Samuel Noller. John Nagte .

    «A—Frances McClaney, Eileen McCarthy, Mary Doraey, Mary Ualvln... Cassia Craig. Joseph Contlno.

    5B—Helen Fox. Margaret Slattery. Jennie Enrlght, Eleanor Creem. Beanie Connor*, Catherine Dooley, h l ta Hlgglna. Catherine Golden, Jennie Burn*. Mary Lawrence, Phl l -omena Pasture, Rose I>e Paulo, Anna Tar-rant, Augusta Norilt, Alice* Butler, Mary Rooney, Alton Mitchell, James Klley, Ger-ardo Agogl la . John Gallagher, Jamea Slc-Kee, J a m e s Higgln*. John Murphy, Joseph Lftgala. Joseph Brick.

    5A—Emmet Giles. Howard Hammarth . George Rourke, John Sullivan, Anthony Munfcluzzo, Mary QIBaj-eiU. UaatrlCB " Margaret MoGlinehy.

    4A and 4B—Mary Tin Id v. Lurlle Cougan. Josephine Delehanty, Mae Devlin, E m m a Dunn, Margaret Foley, Lllllam Harper, Jo-•ephlne Krlchoskt, Margaret Manta, Nel l ie Martin, Mally Husao. Marcella Smith, Fran-ces Cullen, Amato Contln, Jerome O'Brien, Anthony R u u o , John Byrne. Joseph Sulli-van, John .Smith, Owen Sweeney.

    3B—Margrarer Maloney, X*ary Morrlsey, Mary Phelan, Joseph Shut*. Agnes Smith, Mary Vail, Helen Murphy, Francis Carra

    5B2 — Cornelia Klblea, Harry Seliefer, Alexandria Dana, Julius Youxman, Irene Meclan.

    5A—Agnes Murphy, Gertrude O'Connor. r.A2—Charlotte Doschcr. Thurxa Mars ,

    Mabel Stream. 4B—Martha Dnrland. Jennie Lee. Frieda

    Otto, Anna Weber, Klmore Tomklns, Sid-ney Kobln.

    4B2—Helen Uhlendorff. Walter Kolb, Frederick IVchette.

    IB—Alloa Klute, Mildred Howard. 3B8—Martha Jester, Marlon Behack. Al-

    I bert Sharra, Wil l iam Lehnhoff. IA—Goldie Lando, Rdna Shilling, Jran

    I Walker. I IA3.—Frank, Blaha, Otto Blelcher. ! SB—Caroline Preisaler. Hannah Solldkln, ' Beatrice Howard, Walter Klute. ' 2B2—Peter Special*, Violet Blank, Ooorg-' Inn.i Funda, May Olaen, Joseph Darabrose. ! 2A1—William Newberry, Lflliam Murphy. i Evelyn Peterson, Edith Wertz, i 2A2—Marie Stewart.

    l B t — F r e d Rink, Fred Zlmmer. Alice Llndberg. Marlon T*aldwln, Marguerite l'srkhurst. Alfred Blind.

    ! IBS—Albert Blnger, Willtam Foley, Al-bert Kanzler, Ida Chappell, Marie Fred. Marie Gargani, Dorothy cielfand, Alice Har-nett. Augue'ta Kelnlck, Rose O'Connor.

    " 1A1—Carmela Dambrose. Joseph Moder. ! 1A2—Ruth Card, Carolyn Cramer, Mar-jorle Doecher, Edith Laraen, Seraflna Special*, Walter Gerhardt. Saivatore Llt-tlera.

    Miliit. P . M. : 1'AY A V E M I


    (Thorns- M. Hweeney, Principal.) SB—I^iwrence Kllcpera, Alfred Rose,

    Helen Kruse. Albert Frey. William Hall , Lawrence McCoy, Walter Roach, Lil l ian

    . Terhune, Agnes Vopat. 8A—Emma Munder, Agnes McCan, Al -

    l bert Wilson, Henry Dleckhoff. 7B—William Allan, Wlnfleld Hasslacher,

    ! Emil Moss, Harold FruchUr, Paul Muen-necke, Helen Cassidy. Ruth Daw, Catherine

    Pann,—Chnrleii ; O'Connell,—Uslen—Pteffer, sephln*—8««-

    schnelder. 4A—Kdw In Robertson, Reno Darcy, Sophie

    Grimm, Maggie Kacsmarek. 4A—Caroline Kckert, Oo.ievleve Harkena.

    Charlotte Kyle. Virginia Roberts. Isabel Starrs, Walter Beatti, Marcus Dempsey, Ed-ward Sternat.

    4A—Fred Vox*. Edwin Schramm. Mar-garet Mulvey. Pearl Downing, Virginia Green, Florence Petrle, Bena Hester, Juli-et te Maleto.

    IB—Cyril McDermott. Chester Berdeley. Louise Dlnkelacher, Katharine Olllmore. Angelina Nelson.

    SB—Fred Bohrje, Oaarr* Collins, Donald MacWatt. Charles Quell, Alice Oaring. Oer-tru.le Riehl.

    IA—Herbert Grimmer. Dorothy Dononue. Helen Llnbart.

    IA—Milton Knapp. Jane Ilawkin*. Dor-othy Lyon*. Jeanette Mathls, Gertrude O'Brien, Sarah Wllford.

    IB—Walter Ptnkalskt. Marie Bollenrter, Elisabeth Leonard. Alice Knab, Elisabeth Johannson. •>

    SA—illi iabeth Blake, Lydla Burkman, Anna Kaberer, Allan Gately. John Marte-

    2A—George Ball, George Seewagen, Leon-ard Sennits, Jay Travers, Wilbur Brock*, Catherine Leahy. Helen Ponklaskl. Mildred Robinson. Hasel Ryan.

    IB—John Brennen. Will iam Murphy, Lawrence Gay, Agnes Robertson.

    IB—Will iam Forstbauer, Francis Fram-bach, Louia Zaroblnakl, Frances Subik, An-tonot Nepollagno.

    1A—Peter Nyhtkowstti, Marlon He**, Na-talie Ryan.

    KG—Leroy Bardaley, Rudolph Ingrlscli, Albert Mendrlck. William Thetford.

    KG—Paul Travers, Thomas Parrett, Em-ily Bodenaleck, Ruth Buckman, Ruth Stew-art.


    Irene Sanford, Teaelier. 4B—Catherine Vonderheld, Walter Ktlnot,

    Willi am Miller. Ialdpr Bnaanberg, . 4A—Frank Maraehand. Alice Frib#rg,

    Margaret Miller, Catherine Kobb, Emily Sheer, Edna Prime.

    IB—Oeorge Benlseh, Eleanor Mlsd, Anna Miller. Ruth Peterson, Flora Wels*.

    IA—Ruth Nails, Ida Grace Bradley. 2B—Irwin Clark, Br neat Beyer, Olin Shot-

    tier. Frank Meyer. 2A—Hannah Nyholm, Wi l l iam Danlelaon,

    Walter Johnson. Raymond McOrath, George Shear, Holten Weatherbao, Sarah Wahlars.

    IB—Mtltnn Alexander, Robert Burnbnm, -B4nM—ParaHgnpi Sidney—Iteeenbsrg,—Edna,


    _____ •

    "Frult-a-tives" 6ave Complete Relief

    I U D G E T O W N , O N T . , M A Y aist. 1914. " I was laid up for four winters with

    Sciatica and Muscular Rheumatism, and was completely crippled. Some neighbour to ld me that ' ' % ruit-a-tives' • helped h im and I started in to ta ke them. I used "Fruit-a-tives" faithfully as I saw they were doing m e good, and the results were marvellous. I am now completely free of any Rheumatic pains whatever, and I gave " Fruit-a-tives '* all the credit". W. H . R A C H E R .

    " FRUIT-A-T1VES", the medicine made from fruit juices and tonics, acts directly on the kidneys, and also o n the bowels, liver and skin, keeping the system free of impurities and thus preventing the formation of an excess of uric acid which causes Rheumatism.

    50c. a box, 6 for $2,50, trial size 25c, or sent by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ogdensburg, N.Y,

    Chlan. Ethel Pecker. Anna Kuhn. Lily O!-*en, ThereMO. Perrone, Mary Slrlno, Edi th Wood, Eleanor Knott.

    2A1—Arthur. Beck. William Sydon. Irm-gard Broekholt. Mary Crowley, Katherlne Sehlo»*er.

    2A2—John Fuchs, Marlnue Freund, Al-fred Kuhn, Charle* Sasollosy, Magdalena UIOHSI, Veronica Kulcinskl.

    2AI—Thomas Brooks, Julius Hauser, Wil-l iam Mohr, Olga Hazuka, Helen Kappen-bcrg, Mary Sansgr.iber.

    IBl—niy~y'et , ast i i i . Biitni ini i ijihul/.. 1B2—John Colon, Otto Hecht; Edwin

    Ley. He lmar Peterson, Aurlel Petrlgyan. H e y m e n Rothbbart. Dorothy Anderson. Marlon Frese , Wllhelmina Kaltschmldt . Elizabeth Koeckell. Kathleen Wendel .

    1B3—Frank Kleley, Joseph Kleley, Jos-eph Knott, Jacob Bteller. E m m a Belli, Alice Larson, Augusta Llneberg. Marlon Pfeffer, Agnes Ser ine Caroline 8kal*kl.

    IA—Frank Falk, Joseph .Hannlckl. Made-line Helzmann, Anna Jankc, El izabeth Martin. Lillian Uhl.

    tA2—Frances Sundstrum. 1A1—Leslie Bel lman, Alfred Drews, Her-

    bert Fried, Patrick McCnlltn, Adelaide Blanck, Jennie Grazlos*. Mildred Johnson. Julia Martin, Dorothy Netzer.

    Kindergarten B—Lester Baker, Wil l iam Cerney, Joseph Schaefer, Ethel Hutala. Minnie Schaefer. Sophie Sydor, Therepa Oswald. Milly Paul.

    Kindergarten A—Joe Geatani. Hllmer Guatafson. Wil l iam Ley. Walter Mlllpr. William Taylor. Ernest Tnrello. Emil Stoelf-ler. Irene Bogln, Anna PUcosatowk, Mar-garet Seedorf. Annie Wlltrakls. Sarlta Baker. Matilda Heuasler, Mary Meyer, Eleanor Wurtenberger.

    T H E DAILY STAR has tho lorgoat circulation of any nawspapor publiohod

    • n Long Island, outaido of Brooklyn.

    T H E DAILY STAR'8 not, paid circulation Is noarly four t imes that of

    tfco noitt laraost Quoono daily nowspspor.


    T U R N * AND U N 8 0 L D COPIES. '

    Drivers are liable to a fine of $100 and thiry days in jail for stop-ping in front of a hydrant and near enough to it to interfere with its accessibility to firemen. This is news to a lot of drivers. It was sad news to the driver of an auto brewery truck who left his big vehicle standing in front of a hydrant on Crescent street, near the bridge plaza, the other day. His experience cost him $5, which is a gentle hint which ether drivers would do well to keep in mind.

    Hearing From Men "Higher Up." This idea of having officials in the various departments of the city

    government give free lectures to the public on the phases of municipal activity with which they are most familiar serves the very excellent purpose of bringing the people into closer contact with the men "higher up."

    It is well for us to know more about those who administer or help administer the different city departments, and these talks that are being given at Bryant High School in Long Island City afford an opportunity for better acquaintance that seems to be appreciated, judging by the attendance.

    Take for instance, that very interesting and informative talk that was given the other night by Police Inspector J. E. Dillon, who is in charge of the uniformed force of Brooklyn and Queens. Inspector Dillon is a fine specimen of the be. SA—Gertrude Mees. H e l e n ' W a l t e r , Ruth

    Hamilton. Florence Klein, Jul ia Tensler, 4B—Margaret Bohults, Augusta Bartholo-

    mew, Alvln Toole, Wl lhe lmina Rausch, Isi-dore Wlzenberg, John Kaetner, Mildred Brennels. Gershoq Wlzenberg.

    4A—Clara Rumenapp, Dorothy Englert, Edmund Andrews.

    F. 8. NO. t t , COLUOE r o i K I .

    Klster Mary John. Superior. SB—John Calian. Peter Neary. John Rob' , _ _

    ertKon, Edward Hchnell. Joseph Weisscn- I ger. Gertrude Green. Edna tfantii. Agnes Kteln. Amel ia Blaha, Loretta Connor, Agnes , pfelffer, Sarah Pollock, Anna Wagner. Cullen. Elisabeth Ettlnger, Helen Gross. I Jennie Pepltone. Miriam Baker, Henrietta

    8A—reter Craven, Daniel Koonmen, Jo - | Obermeier. Edna Mueller. Mary Horvath, eeph Zoiser, . lames Reardon, Thomas , Emily Peters. Margaret Perkins. Caroline O'Brien. Margaret McLeun, Agnes McV»- ; Flore. Robert Hnnna, Henry Held, Wil l iam mam, Viola Rotzler. Agena, John Kugler.

    7B—Joseph DIppol l to , Edward Flanagan, I SA—Gilbert Bredow, Robert Clsler, Wll-Edward McCloskey. Robert MeLoughlln, i lard Fuller. Catherine Daly. Mildred Klaus-Mary Brennan. Gertrude Carroll, Catherine caseberry, Helen Garland, Julia Farrell, Bernardette Grogan, Helen Marshall, Fran-ces McCristal.

    7A—Will iam Buckley, Joseph Christ, Felix Carneval, Francis Kennedy, Patrick Mullane, Agnes Le .Strange, Ethel Lynch, Margaret Robertson.

    6Z—Raymond Banks, James Dullahan,

    ecker. Ruth Simon. Katie Vaupel.

    P . 8. S3, RAVENSWOOD.

    (Thomas M. Dononue, Principal.) 8B—Irene Clayton, Adele Grenl^er, P e p -

    plnl Prescl. , . . , , , .-' SA—Ethel Tucker.

    George McUauley, Howard Maher. John | 7B—August Blerman, Ir»ne Langerman, Putz. John Shea, El isabeth Brennan, Mar- Marie Morrlssey — garet Jensen, Reglno Junge. Jessie McArdle, 7A—Henry Bier, Charlea Kearney, F lor-Anna Murphy, Helen Murphy, Florence Mc- " e n C ( > McKenna, Ceeella Piatt , Barbara Govern. _ i Wltzgall .

    6A—Vincent Buchner. Thomas Daley, j gat—Marie Benes. May James, Marie Kenneth Gordon, William Hales. *rancl» Latarullo, Katherlne Long. Rose Mlshell, Kemp, Charles McKeogh. Arthur SuUvan , i m e z Quinn, Clara Tognieri. Agnos Bold. Marlon Cansel, Marraret ITano- (5B2—Henry Bchettlnl. Florls Profeta. phy. Grace Haus!-. Mary Kellly. | J A I — G a e t a n o Bartolomei, Joseph H e a -

    5B—Francis Conklln, Charles Michaels, i ther, Dominic I^cclsano. Arthur Scott. E l d a El izabeth Carr, Julia Orlmro, Catherine . Boltrl. Agnes Ranftle. BliwibBth Toner. McNamara. Sablnn O'Brien | BB1—Anna Benes. Anna Fsybick, Minnie

    r,A—George Jenkins. Paul L * Gotutta, Tedesco. Henry Zimbleman. Helen Brennan. Mary ! BB2—William Ktavana, William Mlcha-

    ; (irifflth. Alice McCrlatal, Agnes MeGeary. . lottl. Marie Almerlco. , Jennie Masucci, Kathleen Murphy. Anna SAI—Estelle Jefferson. Concetta Stella.

    (George W. Dnrland, Principal.) ISA—Anna Braman, Edna Fisher, Olive

    Coffin, Wilms Hoeler, Ida Weber, Mildred Dockendorf, Jennie Mewhlnne^f*

    4B—Anna Bronlckl, Alfred Brown, Ruth Llndeke, Arthur Mayer, Edward Bopp, Rudolph Sehoenfeld.

    4A—Lydla Blondl. Marian Mulholland. El isabeth Porea, ETla Wohlfard, Helen Wainwrlarht. Thomas Cummlngs, Charles Jansen.

    3B—Msrorie Allen. Alice Dockendorf, E l -sie Kullman, Viola Madden, Louise Matter, Florence Morrison, Bertha Hoslo, Augusta Bchllchthorl, Lillian Zlegler, Randolph Klein. John Meyer, Harold Thomas.

    SA—Katherlne Daniels. Jennette Dan-koff, Wil l iam Michel, Harry Gilbert.

    P . a NO. %t, COLLEGE POINT.

    8A2—Glorlo Bartolomei, Delphlna Beaate , Helen Burden. '

    4B2—Ronald McKlnnon, TSIvlva Dei

    Canada vot ing a war fund of J100,- | 000,000 shows how close home the great trouble comes, and it also shows that the great British Republic in America :s bravely doing its part. But what an unutterable pity it Is that those splen-did Canadian troops should he sacri-ficed in a senseless quarrel 3.000 miles an ay:—Philadelphia Ledger.

    V Ex-Senator Johnathan Bourne would,

    have all federal offices, the incumbents | or which arr> at present appointed bv j the President, made elective. Most ' Presidents would no doubt be heartily glad if it were done, but it wouldn't be particularly conducive .to efficiency, and it wouldn't eleminate politics.— Schenectady Gazette.

    * . *

    Colonel Harvey having become re-conciled to the Wilson administration, the possibilities of peace in Europe do not seem quite so remote.—Nashville Southern Lumberman,

    * • • over a mililon dollars was given to

    the heathen by the people of this coun-try last year for the purpose of lifting them out of savagery. What a pity It wasn't sent to Europe—St. Louis Re-public.

    * • * If Bernarl Shaw is correct in his

    contention that the way to abolish war is to make It as horrible as pos-sible, we might as well consider the fray In Europe as a farewell perform-ance.— Nashvi l le Southern Lumberman.

    V Business in the United States Is re-

    viving. Ther» is ample capital, our bankers control the International money market. Idleness is decreasing steadily ns the spring advances , with Immigration at a standsti l l .—Spring-field Republican.

    V It Is gratifying to know that General

    Oorgas is to be well paid and hl« f a m -ily protected In the event of his v i s i t -ing Serbia; but he ought to be kept here and Ills unusual talents made profitable to his fellow countrymen as WPII a s to himself ,—New York Sun.

    • a * What Europe needs at this t ime are

    statesmen who can devise a way to wipe out old scores without running up new ones.—Cleveland Leader.

    — H a n d e l .

    The first oratorio of George Fred-

    erick Handel, greatest of all com-

    posers of that style of musical drama,

    was given Its Initial performance 211 years ago today, when Handel was in his 20th year. This oratorio was based on the Passion, and was a work of considerable merit, although not aa great as his subsequent oratorios, "Saul," "Messiah," "Samson," "Israel in Egypt," "Solomon." "Judas Macca-bees" and "Jephthah."

    Handel early developed a passion for music, and at the age of 7 he was placed under the tuition of Jiachau, organist of the Halle Cathedral. His first opera, "Almira," was composed when he was still in his 'teens, Al-though his operas were successful, It w a s by his oratorios that he obtained •his enduring fame, and his "Messiah" is considered by most musicians to be the subllmest work of its kind ever composed.

    Handel lost his eyes ight some years before his death, but continued to per. form In public and even to compose. He died In London 156 years ago to-day, on the anniversary of the first pulhllc performance of his initial ora-torio, and was buried In Westminster Abbey. •»

    Murphy, Marie flhreck, Florence Taggart , . Edna Warga. Anna White, Mary Wlndle. | 4B—Richard Buckley. Henry Eckhardt, i Albert Eifier. Francis Jlar.ophy. Raymond j Zcppo.

    Hehlr, Andrew Lauchalre, Jerome Mullane. | 4A1—Leonard! Alessl, Lisena Barnaheo, John Murphy. Kathryn Blanch. Margaret • Adele Bartolomei, Gertrude Kelly. Kather-Brennan. Helen Collins. Margaret Clay, i ine Roller. Annlna Prlsto . Grace Scuderl, Frances Cooney. Anaslaala xohnson, Marion • Andrlana Zalno, Veronica Branch. Kennedy. Adelaide Kelly, Helen Lynch, An- | 4A2—Andrew Bauer. James Gleaoon, n a Le Strange, Marlon Mulvaney, STary i Thomas James, Kazmler Tomanek, Man-O'Connor. Alice O'Connor, Frances fiacca. I {redo Benate Angelina Beifortle, Louise

    4A—Will iam Borger, John Boyle, Wallace Benes, Florence Collins, Eveleen DIestel, , Doonan, William Guldera, Frederick Hnr- • Mary Basl le .

    rlngton, Raymond Hynee, Henry Lynch. I 3B1—Harold Bitter, Alfonso Cagglano, Margaret Boyle, Anna Colleran, Helen • Marie Lulsl, Mary Marino. Creevy, Jeanette Donnolty, Lydia Donahue, i 3B2—John Desane, Genovese pnsquale, Catherine Dullahan, Caroline Kiel, Ethel Olga Boltrl, Marguerite De Stephano, Yetta McGarry, Grace Munk. Florence O'Hara. Jane Reynolda, Herman Clay.

    SB—Daniel Haley. Frank Le Febvre, An-drew O'Kane, Walter Riehl, Julia Cella, Concetta Dagata, Frances Dagata, Jennie Dunn, Kmma Erny, Una Ford, Mary Hln-

    I chey, Alberta Marshall, Mary McNamara, i Catherine Reld, Mary Shields, Elizabeth 8a-

    ladlno, El isabeth Sullivan. M«r«aret Zelser. 8A—Frank Dl Blasl. Eugene Ferguson,

    Leo Morgan, John Xepamuck, Frank PIteKi, Mary Curry, Rdna Killer. Frances McNa-mara, Anna Mahoney. Ida Masucci, Rose Mary Martin. Alice Murphy, Franklin Klein, Joseph Hamilton. Stephen Valllere.

    2B—Leonard Bllz, Thomas McDermott, Bernard McKeogh. Dennla Mullane. John Mulvaney, Philip Orlando, James Shine, Margaret Blake, Catherine Olllls, Elizabeth Longworth, Madeline Mostler, Ethel Mc-Garry. Muriel McArdle.

    2A—James Brennan. Edward Boland. Irv-ing Conron. John Humphrey. Lawrence Doonan. Joseph Maghlnti, Marie Cunning-ham, Agnea Dougherty. Frances Grimm, Catherine Lawlor, Anna O'Donnell, Anna Winters, Lydla Toell.

    I B — J a m e s Byrne. William Farrell, Daniel Halley. Edward Murphy, Edward Maaterson,

    Public School No. 16. Alburtig ave-nue and Lake street, Corona—Mrs. M. Claire Finney, "An Andean Tour Through Three Zones: From the Is thmus to the Cape." atereoptlcon views.

    Public School No. 57, South Curtis aVenue, near Kimball, Morrlg Park— W. Torence Stuchell , "Switzerland." Stereopticon views.

    Public School No. , 14, Old House Landing road, Litt le Neck—W. Wel-lington Massee, "Cowtboy Life on the Plains."

    Mlshell. Veronica Quinn SA2—Frank Voras, Alfred Taylor, Marie

    Veselak. 2B1—Joseph Holplt. Theodore Samlcola.

    Nicholas Sertso. Joseph Belforte, Josephine Casella, Elena Salamone.

    2B2—John Hipp. John Long. Roeco Trol-ann, Anna Helzanger.

    2A1—America Attanasio, Elsie Busch . Edna DelGuldlce, Adeline Mlgllnrlna, Deo-medo Benate, Joseph Spatola, Edward Sy-ren. Tony Masai, John Teane.

    2A2—Charles Scrra. Numzlo DelRossl. Mildred Clemens, Alice Klvas s , Renata Lupl, Latexes Marino. Clementine Seoul .

    1B1—Louis Conti, Antonlna Scandura, Julia DelSorba.

    1B2—Louis Cattaneo, John Lulsl, Andrew Manzelli, Tony Rozzo, Colcra Almerlco, Ida Carpentlere, Msrgnret Cosgrove. Lncv Mln-nono, Theresa Sacco. Amelia Tomanek, Mary Toner. •

    IBS—Saivatore Albamonte. Eugene Deaeje, Alfredo Borrelll, Loul* Delmnnaro, Joseph Marraro, Fl lomena Fanfgllettl, Antoinette Tortora, Antoinette Xerarla, Antoinette Fablano.

    1A2—Joseph Ardlto, John Bauer, Lorenzo Campltello, Lamberto Franelottl. Dominie Oato. John H s h n . Lucy Catamassolo , Vloli Francis O'Connell. John Bult lvan, Mary S 3 a l l i w s£aV.£a '£&£ttEE?mY5 V L 0 l a

    Berger, Catherine Ewera, B i t * Flaherty, D o 1 'V, . , , 1 ) i n

    V ! r < m , ! X „ $ B » T n , • „ £ " ' £ . S t u m E f ' „ Cecelia Feraco. Josephine FIt .««rald. Mar- ^ J T A " " * 2,l"h,«,»' P , 0 I , B * tfMC0. *>««

    (George W. Borland, Principal.) SB—Hatsunc Hlguchi, Frances Kempf,

    Clarence Orgass. 8A—Lillian Helnze. Frieda Wohlfard. 7B—Emily Soslo, Florentine Klein, Viola

    Kettler, Elsie Sperling, Allan Hesa. 7A—Thomas Barber. Herman Meyer.

    Adele Bornemann, Helen Hoppe, Ruth Koohl, Viola Orgavs, Louise Ruckert,

    *B^—Karen Munch, Georgine Cabot, Lu-cille Henselder. Julia Hoffman. Lena Marl-nello, George Rausch. Alvah Oerrish, Sam-uel Shauer, George Wroldson.

    6A—Elmer Mapp, Mltsuzl Hlgucbl, Sid-ney Rltter, Wllher Dlller. John Baehle, Charles Irarle, Grace Blechoff, Grace Jos-eph. Elsie Soukup. Charles Zwloke, Graoe Hoffman, Anna Wilson, Walter Flnley, E d -Ward Klein. Ferdinand Pfennlgwerth. George Schrntlt*.

    5B—Angelo Plondi. Luke Madden, Oeorge Mahler, Frank Wilkinson. Adam Wohl-fard, Teesle Blondl. Margaret Blschoff, Grace Dletlrker, Ro*e Grossfeld. E m m a Herb Hermlna Hoffmann, Margaret .lockers. Alva Seagren, Rutn Barrett, Margaret Patter-son, Anna Rubin. Dorothea Meyer, Henry 8ehmlt». Henry Bangert .

    8B—Llewellyn Barto. Phil ip Frenz. Clay-ton Lsnge. Charles Newman, Helen Banker, Viola Bosch. Alice Eskholme. Ella Gross-feld, Bertha Schneider, Evelyn Sperling, Hedwlg Clemens.

    SA—George Gictt, Meta Henckel.

    P , S. NO. 4. DUTCH KILLS.

    r. n. NO. «4. BT-mwAY.

    garet Hughes , Mary Lynch, Gertrude Mar-shall, Florence Merrick, Clara Murphy. An-na McAleer, Verntet Noonan, Gertrude O'Connor, Marlon Ryan, Rose Riley. Joseph-ine Robertson,

    1AZ—Gilbert Carr. James Carneval. Bene-dict Schneider, Julius Slmkovlcz, Antoinette Caddie, Winifred Madden, Florence Marino, Anna Verpreck.

    1A1—James Collin*. John Cragen, Walter

    Feehan. John Tucker.


    Almeron W. Smith, Principal. SBB—Carl Engels, Harvey Smedley. Ed-

    *ar Smith. SBtl— Elizabeth Dleckman, Lllllam Gef-

    fert, Florence Pelt*, Dorothea Schroeder, 1A1—James uotuns. ,ionn uragen, w a n e r H , | f _ Vo«»lhark v i « * u i i - . i i .

    D o w d , Anthony D s g a t a , J o h n fia«_. Wll- " V l L i f S ; i f L a l ' ^ ^ r S S Ham I^iughlln. Joseph MftNamara. Thomss Quinn, Joseohine Johnston, Helen O'Brien, Ella Shields, Catherine Shannon, Edith Solltto.


    A. C. Mitchell. PHnclpal. SB—Helen Cappa, Elizabeth Goetz, Har-

    old Hnfflll. SAI—Frank Brltt, Ullian Brennan, The-

    resa Clark. Christiana 'lies. Sophie Ikass, Mary Aama. Evelyn Sweeney.

    SA2—Agnes Kllason, Wllhelmina Stadler. 7B—Emit Erlckson. Robert Perllne, OU-

    hert Volimer, Adellna opedo, Eugenia Plz-lUtOS.

    TBJ—Hazel Horskey, Rosalie Benlseh. E l -sie Ketton. _

    7A—Ada Weiss, Mabel Petersen, Evelyn O'Donnell, Florence Nickel, Elsie Nemeth, Norma Eltom, Trevor Jones, Clarence Ko-r-•tadt . •

    7A2—Ruth Bertson, Ruth Cohen. Beryl Burnham, Emily Sankowskl, Helen Sass.

    r,B—Catherine Caroland, Helena Flel» gione, Fannie Conn. Edith Lambert, Fran-ces Zlegler, Charles Itaum. Andrew Erlck-son, Carl Nelson. Charles Vojel .

    •A — Normn Hansen. U l l l am Nakahoma. Irene Stela. Edward Oeorge, Edgar Jonas.

    «A1— Edith Hellman. Ruth Oerdwagen. SB—Ferdinand Buts, George Helllta, Edith

    . Day, Annabelle Flnley.

    SA—Henry Haupt, Helen Donahue, Helen Jerabek, Emily Neher, Lillian Straueh, Le-roy Buckingham.

    TBB—John Beck, Ger. Ec.kert, Fred Gans-ler. Anthony Helmers, Oeorge Parry Fred Sehmltt.

    7BO—Kathryn McDonald, Deborah S im-mons, Doris Deidrlck. Margaret Marteson, Marjorle Grounoud. Katherlne Walsh.

    7A—Florence Bergemann, Herbert Dexter. Marcel Olorlot, TTurmnn Schulz.

    7A—Gertrude Schultz William Bnesch. Howard Kraun, Geore Mann, I^eo Trotter.

    « — O l g a Hmld. Marie Zschlehang. . «B—Dorothy Harnish. Mary pakowltch, «A—Anna Korb. Ruth Ufley, Pauline z a -

    roblnska. •A—George Schork, Marlon Quell, Ruth

    Sin del ar. SB—Henry Skelton. Wallace Sptlhouse,

    Ethel Knapp, Dorothea Leffer. BB — Theodore Neher, George Wessel,

    Frances Kacsmarek. SB^—Reed Hartel. BA—Henry Knoch, Marjorle Loring, El iza-

    beth Marteson. SA—Edwin Parker, Charles Reese, Dor-

    othy Anderson. Catherine Brennan, Wini-fred Donovan, May Lcddy, Blanche Mathl* Helen WUHsms.

    SA—Eleanor Bruckner, Ida Grelchen. iB—William McDonald, Madeline Forst-

    bauer, Hazel Reidner. 4B—Louis Kemp, Fred Tletjen, Francis

    Worthlngton Teresa Hollander, Elate Jacob-son, Grace Krleer, Adeline Mans, Alice tim-

    (JJohn D. Melville. Principal.) 8B1—Helen Dauphin, Rosalie Poehlandt. 8B2—Stanley Safarlc, W'lllam Jordan,

    Elsie Brink. 8A1—Louisa Beran, Barbara Kull, Gerda

    Lsrsen, Sarah Spence. Dorothy Folkhart. Florence Landaaer. Ida Rappuhn.

    »A2—Ludwlg Hlile, Fred Schneider, Alice Bodle, Caroline Gebert. Mamie Kulozlnsky, Ruth Fttsner, Lydla FItzner

    7B1—Frieda Appel. tXale Helzman. Marie Moron,

    7B2—Lillian Hoffmann, Marguerite Knhl-mey. Frances Mrooxek.

    7A1—Eleanor Herman, Lillian Hogstrom. Anna Uhl.

    SB!—Allan Murrsyfl Alex Prosak, Edgar Praus, Viola Fessler, Madeline Posaer, Kathryn Prowae, Minnie Zlnsmelster.

    6B3—Rudolph Bruch. William Beck, Charles Clooe, Joseph Krlzek, Albert Vldal. John Carroll, Caroline Beck, Elvira Bam-bino, Mildred Johnson, Josephine Mlra-bolla, Pauline Remmele, Grace Ran, Ger-trude Schulz, Minnie Seeber.

    (!A1— HSrry Decker. Harold Rartman. Emerlch Manoyoky. William Schulz, Hed-wlg Bern. Rosla Pellkan, Leonora Ullczny

    SA2—Henry Beyer, Campbell Sales, Cath-erine Qelser, Jennie Petrar.ek, Ruth Wll-trakls,

    r,B2—Ferdinand Armbrust, Richard Coa-tello. Mary Sehllck.

    BB1—William Solowln, Herbert Teider-min. William Weinman, Doris Babcock Theresa Belli, Ross Holland, Bertha Mich-aels, Ella Schneider, Stephanta Slenlnkow-»ki. .

    BA1—Grace Capons. Emily Fuchs, Helen Krclk, Emma Meyer, Oladye Maefarlane Gladys Sundstrom. Mildred Vlx, Henry Schleslnger. Robert Stoohr.

    SA2—Charier Petranek, Selma Knott Aldona Wlltrskls. Mildred Churchill.

    IA3—Walter Tatslaff, Anna Anderson Frederick* Ksltschmldt. Margaret Punch-mann. Msgntellne Thles. Marie West.

    4B1—Charles Drake, Msiirlse Fried Ar-thur Netaer, Alice Appel, ElMe Kuhn. Adele Schumacher. Helen Wendel. Msrle Wnlsh

    4B2—William Belli, Elizabeth Ross. Sarsh Conlen.

    4A1—Ulllnn Callahnn. 4A2—Eleanor Fessler, Helen Strauss

    Elizabeth Boos, Beatrice Mirahella, Anna

    8B1—Edward King, Lillian Ash, Reglna Bern. Evelyn Schaefer. Emily Skauvere. Eleanor Wind.

    SB2—Edmnnd Brock, Fred Elselen, Frieda Er*"**' . . " - i " * ?rtt*> M * ' r Dnmbrovskl. Elisabeth Ehersold.

    »At—An*eIIna Belli, Marie MeClelisn. Ethel .Murrey Elsie Petrlgyan. Mildred Rose, Mary Schugans.

    8A 2—Laurence Seeber, Henry Velehrad-«ky. Margaret SchHck.

    2B1—charier Bouer Arthur Baumann. Henry Brsun. E d « l n Fnche. Charles Ken-nedy, Josephine Adamlc. Julia Armbrust Rosa Belli. Anna Collins, Helen Hoehl Sophie Mi.hler, Henrietta Vr?™, j V n n , , Tedeseo. Helen Lasberg. ""'*

    2B2—Jeaeph Schaub, John Toth. Dorothy

    (Robert W. Conant, Principal.) SB—John Baer. Ethel (.rant, Olga Kre-

    pela, E m m a Makarlus, Christopher Martin, Wil l iam North, Marcella Novotny. Helen Ruzlcka, Josephine Vancura, Ueorgo Gatd-ner, Virginia Judge, Madeline Marino, Henry Ntebergall, Fred Novotny, Henriet ta Thiry, Mabel Vieser, Gertraiic Werner.

    8A—Hugo Anderson. Christina Camlek, Runald Erlckson, Frank McLoughlln, George Metz, Sven Santserg, Pauline Mantey, Kmll Oilva, Charles Rose, Lydia Schaefllcr, A d a m moettl , Charles Vopat.

    7B—ftAwrenco Barrett, . Leon Broderlck, Frank Pasca'c . Lawrence Stnonberg, Flor-ence Bonavoianta, Jane Clafone, Emma. Hendrle. Margaret McPh«rson. . Caroline Nolte, Anna Prudentl, Margaret Roach. Electa Gaudier, William Nelson. Edv.ard Wilson, Minnie Allen, Thertaa Jeffrey, Ver-onica Morris, John Bauman.

    7A—Oeorge Bohtnan. Thomas Keenan, Madeline Crimmlns, Hazel Fisher, Ethe l Fry, Evelyn Poison. George Formatoro. Gil-bert Kane. Roger Larkln, Philip Moskoski. Arthur Solle, Genevieve fjrennon. Lill ian Hamberger, Madeline Hurton, Phl lomena Ivagbezza, Catherine Nevlnti, Viola Sklcnkn, Dorothy Staebler.

    6B—Lawrence Dicksteln, Alice Rose. Frances Maynard. Giovanni Spllotrii. Mollie Brown. Marie Back. Id* Flachotsky, Caro-lyn Heroia. F.dward Diller, Alexander Del Glorno, Edgar D e L a n g c Francis Thiry, Helen Bobstn, Rose Clafone, Mary Desch-ent, Beatrlffe Dolcort, Anna Haslett , El iza-beth Vleoer.

    6A—Frank Novotny, Arvln Wledermun. Theresa Baron, Lillian Huth, Irene John-son, K a t h l e t o Nelson, Kmnnuel Orner, Shannon McArdle, Terence Moran, Anthony Nedved, Catherine Egan, Btta Lundstedt, Gladys Snyder. Marie Armemlola, Elizabeth Bonavolnnta Nancy Bruscne, Jennie Zullo.

    SB—Joseph Ullnian. Edward Carey, Wal -ter Kane, Angelina Clmltale. Marie Cohn.

    , Carrie Furlong, Mildred Occlistler, Hi lda Greefiwald. Emi ly Sap*lto, Katherlne Wuest , George Patterson.

    SA—Frank Amendtrta. Sanford Oreen, John Hafer, Robert MaePhcrson. Peter

    i Masterton, Lester Mazzochl. Edward N e t -j scher. Charle.* Sykora, Joseph Wlll lmek, 1 Frank Wulterln, Anna Blanco, El lta Frey,

    Sophie Heller, Annie Mayer, Alice McCabe. | THIJe Sveo, Margaret Tralnor, Mary Vori-

    »ek. Marcellus LeMonler. Harry Nevlns . | Will iam Stelnmayer, Emily Benes. Marie , Bradley, Florence Crlchton, Rita I.oeb.

    Phl lomena Santora. Helen Sims. Bozena Slabey, Theresa Spllotro, Zaccarla Del Giorno.

    4B=^Chsrles Blase. Arthur Liming. E d -ward Maehata, Marie Green. Huth T.ude-man, Tesste Nagrl, Anas Ullman, May belle Wilson. Peter Fliegel. William Havraila.

    ! Joseph Penczak. John Ulrich, Mary Cepka. Marie Eichorn. Rose Caccnvale. Alice Slck-ler, Adeline Saputo. Ella Staebler, Assunta Vano.

    4A—Walter Baer. Max Dal!. Joseph Flo-rin, Felix Skoskl. Gertrude Kritschska, Edna Hamann, Hilda Martin. Rnee Levlne, Mar-t h a Olsen, Florence Smith, Chnrtes Malay, Michael Penczak, Antonla Tolentl.

    SB—Mary Krs. Frances Yearrnn, Clara Schulthels, Emily Wuest, Margaret Reltzel. Robert Reltzel, Robert Jensen. Andrew Zorn. John Schlebel. Charles Kovarlk, Wi l -liam BuchOmel. Carl Darr,' David Kgloff, (!laude Pickett , Wllllsin Koblnson, Robert Scholz. FranH Zullo. Helen Hules. Martha Sloan, Jennie Murray.

    SA—Lltlle Alles, Catherine Bradley, Jos-ephine Brusco. Olga Dudclt. Ertia Er.ifelcl, Mabel Stelnmayer, Carmella Psssarel ln, Otto Von Llplnskl. Margaret Bronnekant. Catherine Campion. Anna Darrow, Alice Johnson, Ruth Kaiser. Helen Meystrlck. Frances Nevlns, Beatrice Perlmutter. Eu-gene Raupp, Jul ia Utratll, Pauline Zuchne-ky. Lulgl Auletta. Charles Broderlck, Jos-eph Cohn, John Dalton, Louis Lauro, Ed-ward Lundstedt, John Tralnor.

    r . n, it, i . A I R F I . H I L L , —^

    (Mary V. Mooee, Prlnelnal.) 8B—Arthur Devlin Frederick Feller. 8A—Margaret Br-?nkert. 7B—Katherlne Canary, John Kehoe. Ma-

    hel Williams. 7A—Elsie Oerwlner, Rlcnard McMurray,

    Jennie Kellly. Mary Ryan. SB—-Lottie Flnnegan, Anna Kunzmann. 6A—Anna Flood. Frank Januzzl, Robert

    McOuinness. BB—Mamie Dixon. Waltc. Clock. Mar-

    guerite Sullivan. SA—Veronica Breen, James Marlnnn. 4B—Rose Buckmnster. Harriet Moskel. 4A—Theresa Devoe, Msrv Rybaklewlcz. 3B—Adelnid" Breen. Edward Konkoskl,

    Edward Papas. Ma'tha SclyiK SA—Eleanor Druiett, Genevieve Gannon.

    Ma/y Knrnackl. Mary Elten Marlnan. Wil-liam McKeon, Florence Schubert, Arthur Stueck.

    2B—Florence Flnnegan, John Orlffln, Jos -eph Hoebnslnskl, Daniel Laoey.

    2A—Ethel Neary. > IB—Oeorge Alhrecht, Grace Wnlsh. IA—Thomns Dooley, Anna Kornaekl,

    Peler Kuehner. Grace McCormlck. Stanley McMurray, Margaret O'Shea, Catherine Schubert.

    Kindergarten—Delia Coyle. John D a m -mer, Vincent Devoe, Adele'Flood. Frederick Frey, Edgar Hawklna, Charles HlleAski, Joseph Januzzl, Sophie Kornaekl. Anna Lahey. Edward O'Reilly, Mory Reilly. Rufh Schseffer, Dorothy Bchlette, Wi l l iam Stephsn. Mary iTImmona, Mlchnel Walsh.

    L *̂

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