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( I S O 9001-2000 CERTIFIED )

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1. Introduction 03

2. Special requirements 03

3. Coding principle 04

4. Different parts 05

5. Functions of relays:

a) Internal 07

b) External 08

6. Special features of DAIDO block. 09

7. Position and specifications of relays 10

8. Explanation of circuits 12

9. Modification in RE area 18

10. Safety checks 19

11. Overhauling 20

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It is a single line Block Instrument (modified instrument) designed to work on

Modulated frequency (Carrier frequency 1800 Hz or 2700 Hz) and modulating

frequency (65 Hz and 85 Hz) having so many advantage over Token block

Instrument to increase section capacity in single line. A pair of block Instruments

are connected electrically through overhead or cable to control a single line Block


Advantages over token Block Instrument:

1. Operating Time less.

2. No token exchanging time that required in Token Instrument.

3. Physical strain less.

4. Problem like token missing, token balancing, and census of token recoupment

or lost token or damaged token.

5. Avoidable detention is minimized.

6. No question of maintaining normal polarity /Reverse Polarity instrument.


On sections where token less block working is to be introduced, the

following equipments must be provided:

a) One pair of instruments for each block section, fitted with visual indicators

giving the following indications:-

1. When the instruments are normal and there is no train in the block section

“Line Closed” at both stations.

2. When permission to approach for train to leave block station has been

received from block station ahead “Train going To” at the sending station.

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3. When permission to approach for train to leave a block station in rear has

been given “Train coming from” at the receiving station.

4. When a train has entered the block section “Train on Line” at both sending

and receiving stations, in addition to “Train Going To” or “Train coming from”


b) A control to ensure that the last stop signal at the sending station cannot be

taken ‘OFF’ until the receiving station instrument has to be operated to the “Train

coming From” position / condition and the sending station instrument to the “Train

Going to” position/condition.

c) A control to ensue that the last stop signal of the block station is replaced to

“ON” by the entry of the train into the block section and is maintained in that

position until the train has cleared the block section and the instruments are put

back to the “Line Closed” condition and again set as in clause (b) above.

d) A control to ensure that the instruments are set to the “train on line” condition

at both sending and receiving stations when the train passes the last stop signal

and enters the block section.

e) A control to ensue that the Outer and Home or the Distant and Home Signals,

as the case may be, and the opposing last stop signal are proved to “ON” to

receive and dispatch any code except automatic “Train on Line” code and the

bell signals.

f) A control to ensure that the opposing last stop signal of the block section can

not be taken “OFF” at one and the same time.


1. D.C. (-) ve on L1 – Bell.

2. 1800 or 2700 Hz modulated with 85Hz & DC (+)ve on L1

To operate the block handle from line closed to receiving ®, ‘R’ to line

closed and leaving (L) to line closed.

3. 1800 OR 2700 Hz. Modulated with 65 Hz. only to set the other instrument

at TOL.

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4. 1800 OR 2700 Hz. Modulated with 65Hz. & DC (+) ve on L1 to operated

the Block handle from line closed to leaving (L) position.


1. Block Handle:

Block Handle is locked in three positions: in ‘Normal’, ‘R’ (Receiving) and ‘L’

(Leaving) position - It is free to turn between (X-Y), (R-D) & (L-B).

For turning from ‘Normal’ to TCF, check is effective in (X) position.

Initial Position Of B/H

F.M. & D.C. Voltage required On L1

Lock Magnet

Final Position Of B/H

‘N’ 85 Hz. & (+) ve Energized ‘R’

‘R’ --do-- --do-- ‘N’

‘N’ 65 Hz. & (+) ve --do-- ‘L’

‘L’ 85 Hz & (+) ve --do-- ‘N’

2. Galvo: Indicates incoming and outgoing DC current.

3. Push Button PB1:

When only PB1 is pressed

i) DC (-) ve on L1 for Bell

ii) Dc (+) ve on L1 for TOL acknowledgement.

4. Push Button PB2:

PB2 is pressed always along with PB1 to pick up PBPR in turn.

I) Transmitter is connected with local battery to transmit modulated frequency.

II) For sending (+) ve on L1.

5. Single Stroke Bell: It sounds when BLR or NR picks up and used for

exchanging Bell Code.

6. Transmitter: Transmits a frequency-modulated output (1800 or 2700 Hz) it

gives DC output to pick up CR1 or CR2 when connected with local battery.

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7. Receiver: Receivers modulated frequency (1800 or 2700 with 65 or 85 Hz) it

gives DC output to pick up CR1 or CR2 when connected with local battery.

8. TOL Indicator: Display white indication when the Block section is clear and

display Red indication with writing “Train on Line” when the train entered into the

Block section and it holds magnetically.

9. Buzzer: BZ1 – Sounds at both stations when the train entered into the Block

Section and stops after acknowledgement by the pressing PB1 at the Receiving


BZ2- Sounds when the train arrived completely with proper signal and

sequence at the Receiving station and stops by normalizing the Home signal

SM’s slide/lever.

10. Switch-1 (S1) – With counter: S1 is reversed for normal cancellation and

counter offers the next higher number.

11. Time Release Indictor: Normally shows ‘white’ with writing ‘LOCKED’ and

when S1 is reversed for normal cancellation, it changes to ‘green’ with writing

‘FREE’ after 120 seconds.

12. Switch 2 – (S2) with counter: Push Back cancellation is performed

immediately after reversing the S2 and the counter offers the higher number.

13. SM’S KEY: When it is taken out the instrument becomes inoperative except

for: I) Reception of Bell code.

II) Reception or transmission of TOL code.

14. Shunting Key:

I) It can be removed only when instrument is in

i) ‘N’

ii) ‘L’

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II) When the shunting key is out the Block handle becomes mechanically


III) Extraction and Insertion of this key is only possible when SM’s key is IN and


15. Level Adjust Switch: It is provided in the back or Transmitter to adjust the

level low, medium & high.

16. Impedance switch: It is also a three position switch provided on the back of

the transmitter to suit the proper impedance matching.

i) 600 ohms for overhead.

ii) 1300 ohms for cable.

iii) 1120 ohms for optic fiber.

17. Attenuator: One Tough switch and another fine switch are provided on the

back of receiver for adjusting the incoming db loss up to 28 db.

Function of the following Relays housed within the Block Instrument

1. BLR - It is a biased relay and picks up when ‘+’ ve on L2 and –ve on L1 is

received from the line and the single stroke Bell sounds through the pick up

contacts of BLR.

2. NR – It is also a biased Relay and pick up when ‘+’ve on L1 and ‘-‘ve on L2 is

received from the line, single stroke Bell sounds and lock magnet energized

through its pick up contact.

3. PBPR – Picks up when PB1 & PB2 pressed simultaneously or only PB1 with

TOLR pick up condition during TOL code transmission. It connects DC (+)ve on

L1 and (-)ve on L2 and transmitter to the local battery.

4. CR1 (Coding Relay): Picks up when the receiver received FM85 Hz

modulated with 1800 Hz/2700 Hz carrier frequency, it helps to energize lock

magnet for turning the Block Handle from N to R, R to N & L to N.

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5. CR2 (Coding Relay): Picks up when the Receiver received FM 65 Hz

modulated with 1800hz/2700 Hz. It helps to energize the lock magnet for turning

the Block Handle from N-L.

6. TRSR: Train sending Relay: Picks up when the Block handle is turned to ‘L’

position. It maintains the “one line clear one train”.

7. IR: It proves the normal condition of reception signal and last stop signal

levers and SM’s slide.

8. ITPR: This is a repeater of LSS Track Relay (ITR).

9. TOLR: Picks up when ITPR drops i.e, the train occupies the LSS tracks

provided TRSR should be pick up.

10. 2R: Picks up after compete arrival of the train with proper sequence.

11. 3R: Cancellation Relay: When S1 is turned for normal cancellation, after a

specified time (120 sec.) delay it picks up and the ‘FREE’ indicator energized

through its pick up.

12. TER: Once S1 is turned for normal cancellation, the electronic timer relay

gives output of 24 v after a specified time delay (120 sec.) which in turn picks up

the TEPR.

13. Timer Relay: It is an electronic type relay used for pick up of TEPR relay

after 120 seconds time delay in case of normal cancellation.

14. TELR: Telephone Relay type for Resistance 70 ohms, picks up when switch

of hand micro telephone is pressed and in turn it connects the telephone on line

and also disconnect the Tx & Rx from the frequency line.

External Relays:

1. ASR: Advance Starter Relay: It picks up with the picking up of TRSR.

2. HSR: Home Signal Control relay.

3. TAR: Train Arrival Relay: Picks up after complete arrival of the train with

proper sequence. Through its picks up contact 2R picks up.

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4. SNR: Signal Normal Relay: Proving only signal levers normal condition.


1. To ensure that the relays “NR” and “BLR” are not picked up simultaneously,

back contact of NR relay is proved in BLR circuit. Similarly in the PBPR circuit

back contact of CR1 and CR2 relays have been provided to ensure that PBPR

relay will not be energized while receiving modulated frequencies.

2. Front contact of PBPR Relay has been proved in the DC feed circuit of

transmitter, whereas back contact has been proved to the receiver circuit to

guard against receiving its own F.M. output modulated frequency transmitted.

Similarly, back contact of CR1 and CR2 relay have been proved in the DC feed

circuit transmitted to ensure that no code except the code of bell signals can be

generated unless the code relays are de-energized.

3. Since TOL code has to be transmitted automatically as soon as a train

occupies FVT. Front Contact of PBPR Relay is not proved in DC feed circuit to

the transmitter but the same is taken in TOLR Front contact NR Relay back

contact with the block handle at L position.

4. Similarly for the receiver to be in readiness. To receive the TOL code, the Dc

feed circuit is taken via 2R Relay back contact with the block handle “R” position.

5. Pressed contact of the PB2 button in the D. C. feed circuit of the transmitter

proves the positive action taken to energize PBPR Relay for transmitting

modulated frequency along with DC.

6. Block handle contacts (BX) and (DY) are included in the DC feed circuit to the

receiver so that the DC feed to the receiver is switched on only. When the block

handle operation is initiated. Thus minimizing battery consumption.

7. SM’s key contact has not been proved in the DC feed circuit of Transmitter for

transmitting and receiving of automatic TOL code to ensure that the TOL

indicator will display, immediately the block sections occupied irrespective of the

position of the SM’s key.

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8. To ensure that the relay CR1 and CR2 are not be energized at the same time,

back contact of CR1 relay is proved to energize CR2 relay and similarly back

contact of CR2 relay is proved to energize CR1 relay.

9. Cross protection to the lock Magnet is given through the CR1 and CR2 back


10. “Transmitter” and “Receiver” are connected to line through the back contact

of TELR relay, which ensures that during conversation on telephone, no code is

transmitted or received, by the transmitter and receiver respectively at either end.

Similarly, the telephone set is connected to the lines through the front contact of

TELR relay. Feed is taken through the back contact of CR1 and CR2 relays to

ensure that during Transmission and reception of code the telephone is

disconnected. The back contact of TOLR is included in the TELR pick up circuit

to ensure that the telephone circuit is disconnected the moment TOLR pick up to

transmit T.O.L. code.

11. TOLR relay is made slow to release since its energizing circuit is through the

front contact of TRSR. And released stick circuit as through the back contact of

TRSR relay.


T E P R C R 1 C R 2


T O L R T R S R, I T P R

I R 2 T 3 R


1. T E P R

2. C R 1 Style QN1 – 8F – 8B

3. C R 2 Code - 002

4. P B P R SPEC. NO. 930

5. T O L R IRS NO. S-34, 5-23

6. T R S R R1 - 345 ohms

7. 2 R

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8. 3 R

1. B L R ] Style QBA1 – 8F - 8B

2. N R ] Code – 026, spec; BR No. 932

AC immunized biased IRS No. S-34, R-215 ohms

1. T P R ] Style QNA1, 8F/8B, Code No. 022, SPEC BR NO.

931, AC Immunized, IRS No. S-348, S-23

2. I R ] Resistance: 215 ohms

TERs - 24V DC, 1 Hot & 1 Cold contacts, Electronic Timer.

TELRs- Plug in miniature telephone type Relay, 8F/B

R: - 350 ohms.


B24VDC = Battery for token less internal circuit

B24VDC = Battery for IR, ITPR

B x 2 ] Voltage depends on line resistance

B 2 ] Line Battery and adjustment for circulating rated

N 2 ] current of NR relay at other end.



RED - Local Source (+)

BLUE - local Source (-)

BLACK - Block Line Circuit

BROWN - Relays Circuit for Reverser Control

YELLOW - Transmitter and Receiver Circuit

GREEN - Relays and Lock Magnet Circuit

WHITE - Other Circuit

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PARTS Resistance in Ohms Working Current in mA

Working Voltage In Volt

GALVO 18.2 110 2

BELL COIL 310 77 24

L.M.COIL 310 77 24

TER 200 120 24


1) 1st coil 200 + 200 ohms Resistor 60 24 2) 2nd Coil 500 + 470 ohms Resistor 24 24 EXPLANATION OF CIRCUITS A) NORMAL OPERATION: Normally, the block handle is in intermediate position, the SM key,

shunting (SH), cancellation key (S1) and push back key (S2) are all in normal

position, the TOL and time release indicator are white and the Needle indicator

indicates zero position. In this case, all the relays except for ITPR and IR are

dropped away, with no current flowing in the block line and the concerned signals

and levers are in normal position (Fig. 1).

II. When a train is leaving from A station to B station.

1) Turning the SM key at A station completes a circuit. Push Button PB1 is

pressed to give an audio call signal to B station. Then a direct current (-) flows to

B station to pick up the BLR at B station.

With the BLR picking up, a current flows through a circuit, (see fig. 4) the

bell rings even if the SM key at ‘B’ station is not “OFF” position.

2) Upon receipt of a call signals, the SM key is turned on at B station. Then the

PB1 at B station is pressed to issue an answering call to A station. The same

circuit as described operates to ring the bell at ‘A’ station.

3) Arrangements are made between A station and B station over the telephone.

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4) Push-button PB1 and PB2 are pressed simultaneously at A station to send a

code of signal with both buttons being maintained in pressed down position. A

current flows to the following circuit to pick up the PBPR (SEE FIG. 5) with the

PBPR picking up. The NR at B station pick up through the following circuit in the

line circuit (See Fig. 5 to 8).

In this instance, the BLR at B station does not pick up as the current is in

the opposite directions on the other hand with the PBPR at station picking up, a

source voltage is applied to the transmitter (Tx). In the keying circuit of Tx a

modulated current F1 flows to terminals 34, 37 to the line side isolation


Upon the receipt of a modulated current F1 the receiving relay CR1 at B

station picks up (Fig. II).

As the bell rings one time at B station because by the NR picking up as

above mentioned turning the block handle at Y releases said Block handle,

which can be turned to right position (TCF position) (Fig. 10).

After confirming that the pointer of Galvanometer has turned to zero

position (indicating that A station has stopped sending a code of signal) PB1 and

PB2 are simultaneously pushed down at B station to send a code of signal to A

station (Fig. II).

Local and outgoing circuit at ‘A’ (Fig. 12, 13 & 14) local and incoming

circuit at ‘B’ (Fig. 15 to 16).

Upon receipt of a direct current (+) and a modulated current F2 the NR

and CR2 at A station pick up with the bell ringing one time because of the NR

picking up turning the block handle as far as the X point at this time causes the

TRSR to pick up (fig. 17 & 18).

With the TRSR picking up the handle can be released and turned to left

position (TGT position) (Fig. 19). Putting the SM slide in reverse position after

turning the block handle to left position cause a relay IR to drop away. An

advance starter control relay ASR picks up with the ASR picking up a circuit

outside the instrument is completed make it possible to take “OFF” the advance

starter (Fig. 20).

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When a train leaves station and outer, 1T then 1TR and 1TPR drop away,

releasing the stick circuit of TRSR drop away and bring the advance starter

signal to normal (ON) position automatically.

With 1TPR drops away, the TRSR also drops. The TRSR having slow to

release characteristics, TOLR picks up. (Fig. 21).

With the TOLR picking up, a source voltage is applied to the Tx with a

keying circuit being completed a modulated current F2 flows to the line (a direct

current does not flows in this instance) (Fig. 22).

With a modulated current F2 being received at ‘B’ station, the CR2 picks

up because the Rx power source is already available. TOLR and Bz, operates

through the same circuit as in A station to give an indication of train departure.

Local and incoming circuit at ‘B’ (Fig. 23).

With a push button PB1, being pressed to issue a call signal from A

station and a push button PB1 being pressed down to answer said call signal at

‘B’ station picks up through the following circuit. With the PBPR picking (fig. 25)

up a direct current (+) flows to A station through the same circuit as described in

(Fig.6) causing the NR at A station to pick up (Fig. 8).

With the NR at A station picking up a stick circuit for the TOLR is broken

with the TOLR dropping away and a buzzer Bz stops buzz ring (Fig. 21). As the

TOLK is a magnetic stick type, however it is not restored to normal position. On

the other hand, with the TOLR dropping away, a modulated circuit for Tx is

broken (Fig.22) and no modulated current F2 flows to B station thereby de-

energizing CR2 at B (fig. 23) and causing the TOLR to drop away at B with the

TOLR dropping away Bz stop. Buzz ring (Fig. 24).

The home signal is put to Reverse position at ‘B’ station with the home SM

slide being in reverse position and the IR dropping away (IR back contact is

looped in instrument in HSR and ASR circuit if SM’s normal contact is not proved

in IR relay circuit) the HSR picks up through the following circuit (Fig. 26).

When a train reaches ‘B’ station the BTR picks up and a relay 2R picks up

through the following circuit. With the relay 2R picking up the HSR drops away

and the home signal is automatically restored to Normal position. At the same

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time a Buzzer BZ2 produces a buzz ring sound to tell the train arrival restoring

the HS, SM slide to normal position causes the BZ2 to stop buzz ring (fig. 27).

B station transmits a message to A station by pressing down the PB1 and

PB2 simultaneously. In this instance the PBPR picks up at ‘B’ station (fig.5).

A direct current (+) and modulated current F1 flow to A station. The NR

picks up causing a bell to ring (fig. 8 to 10).

Returning the handle to the B point supplies in source voltage to the

receiver through the following circuit (Fig. 29).

With the NR and CR1 picking up an electromagnet is energized making it

possible to restore the handle to normal position the TOLR in turn energized and

restored to Normal (Fig. 31) Pressing down the PB1 and PB2 at A station causes

a direct current (+) modulated current F1 to flow to B station. The circuit is same

as described in Fig. 5,6 &7.

The NR picks up at ‘B’ station causing a bell to ring (fig. 8 to 10).

Returning the Handle to :

a. Point applies a source voltage to the receiver Rx causing the CR1

to pick up (Fig. 9) with the NR and CR1 picking up it is possible to

restore the handle to normal position through the same circuit as

described in Fig.11



The cancellation switch S1 is put to reverse position at “A” station. Putting

the S1 to reverse position energizes the timer through the following circuit

because the TRSR has already picked up (Fig.32). The counter S1 is operated

simultaneously. Upon the lapse of predetermined time, the TEPR is energized

through the output load of the timer and 5 made to stick.

With the TEPR picking up the 3R is energized and made to stick and

disconnect the timer circuit. It being so arranged that the time clapsing before

the energisation of the 3R is two minute, i.e. it takes two minute for relay 3R to

pick up after operated of switch S1 (fig. 32).

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A cancellation signal is issued from A station to B station. Push button

PB1 and PB2 are pushed down at A station to send a signal of cancellations.

With 3R picking up, a modulated current F1 flows through the keying circuit (Fig.

33). The performance of open circuit is as described here in before within a

direct current (+) and modulated current F1 flowing to B station.

Upon receipt of the above-mentioned signal, the block handle is turned

from right position to normal position. Push button PB1 and PB2 are pushed

down at B station to issue a code signal to A station (fig.32). The signal send in

this case which is the same as above mentioned is by means of a direct current

(+) and modulated current F1. Upon receipt of the signal at A station after the

cancellation switch S1 has been restored to normal position, the block handle is

restored to normal position at ‘A’ station. The circuit operates in the same

manner as described earlier.


When a train in the block section push back to departure station A in this

instance, the block handle at A station and ‘B’ station are in left position and right

position respectively. With the TOL buzzer stopping following are confirmed.

Putting the push back switch S2 to reverse position at ‘A’ station actuates

the counter S2. The home signal lever is put to reverse position at ‘A’ station. In

this instance, the Home signal is put to reverse position through the control circuit

of HSR (fig. 26).

Upon the arrival of the pushing back train to ‘A’ station the home signal is

restored to normal position automatically through the same circuit as described

earlier with 2R picking up and the arrival buzzer BZ2 producing a buzzing sound.

Putting the SM slide to Normal position causes the buzzer to stop buzzing.

The signal indicating train arrival is issued from A station to B station and

push button PB1 and PB2 are pushed down. Then a modulated current F1 flows

from ‘A’ station through the keying circuit of Transmitter at B station (fig.35).

Upon receipt of a direct current (+) and modulated current F1, the Block handle

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can be turned from right position to normal position, at B station this is done

through the same circuit as in the case cancellation.

Push button PB1 and PB2 are pushed down at B station to send a direct

current (+) and modulated current F to A station. After restoring the switch S2 to

normal position, the block handle is turned to normal position from left position at

A station. Then the signal for train arrival is issued to B station.


The block handles are put to normal position both at ‘A’ station and ‘B’ station.

A station calls ‘B’ station to obtain authorization over the telephone.

After the SH key has been turned and taken out, it is handed over to the

driver of a shunting train. This locks the block handle. Upon finishing a shunting

operation, the SH key is returned to the station master, who after inserting and

turning the ‘SH’ key to normal position, notifying ‘B” station over the telephone to

the effect.


While modulated current F1 to F2 is being transmitted or received,

telephone circuit is isolated from power line.

While telephone is used, transmitter and receiver are isolated from line.

To explain in detail, telephone relay TELR is inserted in series connection with

relay. CR1 (B), CR2 (B) and TOLR (B) in the circuit (Fig.36). Also TELR (F) is

connected in series in the telephone circuit, Thus telephone circuit is isolated

from signal circuit. Where modulated current is transmitted and received by

TELR, which is inserted between signal circuit and Transmitter/Receiver.

Transmitter/Receiver is isolated from signal line where telephone is used.

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Normally the transmitter/receiver circuit (FM signals) is super imposed on

the same pair of line wires of DC circuit. In RE area it is worked on a pair of

conductor of PET quad of main telecom. Cable and the DC circuit works in two

phantoms derived from the PET quad.

Since diodes are used in the BLR and NR circuits, induced EMF under

earth fault conditions will get rectified and effect their relays. Hence to protect

the BLR and NR from AC induced voltages, a block filter unit is connected

between the block instrument and the line. External relays XR and YR are also

used, as in the case of Neale’s type token block instrument, to prevent

energisation of the line relays due to momentary discharge of condenser in the

filter unit. The block telephone is connected to the other physical pair of the PET


RDSO has examined different ways of reducing the operating voltage of

handle type token less block instrument, to be used in RE area and suggested

the following vide their letter no. STS/E/S-6 dated 2.4.91.


Choke CH1 is provided (in non Re area) to prevent FM signal getting

affected by the local battery, since both DC and FM signals are super imposed

on the same pair of the line wires. However, in RE area, since a physical pair is

used for DC, the choke CH1 does not serve any purpose. Removal of the choke

will result in a reduction of 4 volts in the power supply in view of 100mA current

flowing through the circuit.


Short circuit protection resistant R2 (20 ohms) may be dispensed with,

since this protection is not required and is not, in any case, provided in other

block instruments. This will means, consequently a reduction of 2 volts in the

power supply.

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In the existing circuit, both NR and BLR are of QBA1 type, each requiring

about 100mA current. They are connected in parallel and blocking diodes D1

and D2 have been used to only one relay at a time. The use of these diodes

has, however necessitated the need for use of filter units, which are otherwise

not required. In absence of filter unit the induced A.C. voltage might result in

rectified DC voltage due to the presence of the blocking diodes.

This problem is now ought to be eliminated by the use of Ac immunized

1000 ohms neutral relay instead of QBA1 relay for BLR. This will however, result

in increase of line current from 100mA to 112 mA. In such case, filter unit can be

dispensed with, resulting reduction in the power supply.

Replacement of two numbers of QBA1 relays for BLR and NR with one

number of polar relay and relaxation for use of earth return circuit are also being

considered by RDSO.


1. Ensure that the lock and seal are intact.

2. Operate the instrument without co-operation and see whether the handle goes

to receiving or leaving position. The block handle should not go to ‘L’ or ‘R’.

3. Both the instrument is in line-closed position. Try to operate any one

instrument with co-operation and see whether the handle goes to ‘L’ position.

The lock handle should not go to “L’ position.

4. Operate the instrument with co-operation and turn to “L” with a momentary

feed, see that the “L” lock is force dropped in check lock notch and the block

handle cannot be turned to “L” position.

5. Try to close the instrument with co-operation with a train in block section and

see whether the handle goes to line closed position. The Block handle should

not go to line closed position.

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1. Try to take ‘off’ the LSS without line clear (“L” position of block handle), the

signal will not clear.

2. Shunt the LSS track; the LSS shall go back to danger automatically.

3. The signal will not re-clear again unless a fresh line clear is received.


1. Ensure overhauling is not due – once in 7 years.

2. Failure analysis, observations and suggestion as per Letter No.

SIG/465/182/Pt. 7 of dtd .01.95 at BSP DIVN.

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