Page 1: D9647 Kilmersdon STW Quality EIA Screening Opinion Letter · Dear Mr. Higginbottom, D9647: Kilmersdon STW Quality – WFD No Deterioration: Environmental Impact Assessment Screening

Dear Mr. Higginbottom,

D9647: Kilmersdon STW Quality – WFD No Deterioration: Environmental Impact

Assessment Screening Opinion Request

I am writing to notify you under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact

Assessment)(EIA)(England and Wales) Regulations 2011 that Wessex Water proposes to

install a new rising main (approx. 1.5km) and gravity sewer (approx. 323 metres) to divert the

flow from the Kilmersdon Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) (NGR 369669, 152547; Nearest

Postcode: BA3 5TA into the Radstock Catchment. The Kilmersdon Sewage Pumping Station

currently pumps into the Kilmersdon Sewage Treatment Works (STW) (NGR: 369753,

152699; Nearest Postcode: BA3 5TA). The STW does not meet EA regulatory requirements,

so on completion of the new pipeline construction the STW is to be abandoned. A location

plan showing the area of works is enclosed (D9647/ENV/300/REVA).

This scheme would have previously been undertaken as permitted development under the

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (GPDO).

Regulation 35 of the 2011 EIA Regulations amends the GPDO to the effect that Schedule 2

Development is not permitted development unless the local planning authority has adopted a

screening opinion and determined that the scheme proposed is not an EIA development.

We believe that the pipeline may be considered to be a ‘long distance aqueduct’ and therefore

may be a Schedule 2 Development in that the threshold contained in column 2 of Schedule 2

to the 2011 EIA Regulations (where the area of works exceeds 1hectare) is exceeded. The

rising main and gravity sewer combined is approximately 1823 metres long and including the

temporary working area (15m working width) will have a temporary impact on area of 2.74

hectares. The pipeline is to be installed using a traditional open-cut methodology, with the

exception of one ordinary watercourse crossing, which will be installed using a directional

drill methodology.

We believe that Somerset County Council is the appropriate Local Planning Authority to

adopt the screening opinion under Regulation 5 of the 2011 EIA Regulations, however a

small proportion of the rising main is located within the Bath and North East Somerset

Our ref: D9647

Phil Higginbottom

Team Leader Minerals and Waste

Somerset County Council

County Hall



TA1 4DY 07/06/16

Page 2: D9647 Kilmersdon STW Quality EIA Screening Opinion Letter · Dear Mr. Higginbottom, D9647: Kilmersdon STW Quality – WFD No Deterioration: Environmental Impact Assessment Screening


Catchment, therefore the screening opinion has been issued to both Local Planning

Authorities. Please can I request that the two LPA’s consult each other in order to decide who

will lead the response to this screening opinion in relation to the proposed works outlined


Requirements for the Development

A recent review of the Kilmersdon Sewage Treatment Works site by the Environment Agency

identified that the capacity of the treatment works was not adequate for the connected

population. The EA requested for improvement works at the treatment works to meet the

regulatory date of 31st March 2018. Investigations undertaken by Wessex Water concluded

that it was a better option to divert the flows arriving at the treatment works into the Radstock

Catchment and abandon the treatment works.

Proposed Development

In order to divert this flow of waste into the Radstock Catchment , a new rising main and

gravity sewer is to be constructed, running from the existing Kilmersdon Sewage Pumping

Station heading north through a network of fields before connecting into the existing

sewerage system in Haydon Hill. The existing pumps located in the wet well within the

Kilmersdon SPS building are to be upgraded in order to divert this flow.

On completion of these works, the existing Kilmersdon Sewage Treatment Works will be

abandoned. All structures within the site are to be demolished to 1 metre below ground level.

The scheme is programmed for a period of 6 months beginning in December 2016.

Plan D9647/ENV/100/REV C identifying the scheme is enclosed.

Environmental Screening

Environmental screening of the scheme has been undertaken and the following information

outlines the results. Plan D9647/ENV/100/REVC provides an overview of the environmental

constraints and is enclosed.


A Phase One Ecological Survey was conducted on two separate occasions in 2015 and 2016,

the initial survey on the pumping station and pipeline was conducted on 17th

September 2015

and the STW on the 24th

February 2016 by James Mitchell, Wessex Water Ecologist.

Kilmersdon STW

This small STW is located within an arable field, surrounded by a disused railway line,

broadleaved woodland and semi-improved poor grassland. The site is bounded by security

fencing. The site consists of hardstanding, operational plant/equipment, a small building and

semi-improved poor grassland. Surrounding woodland trees overhang into the site boundary

which will require pruning to facilitate the demolition of the site. All impacted habitats are

deemed to be of low conservation value. There are also several planted larch and spruce trees,

Page 3: D9647 Kilmersdon STW Quality EIA Screening Opinion Letter · Dear Mr. Higginbottom, D9647: Kilmersdon STW Quality – WFD No Deterioration: Environmental Impact Assessment Screening


the extent of the removal of these is currently unknown, checks for nesting birds will be

completed before removal.

Kilmersdon SPS

The SPS is located within the confluence of two small, tree lined watercourses, surrounding

by a yard and storage area from residential properties. The building is a small, single storey

breeze block building with a pitch and tiled roof. The roof is in a poor state of repair with

missing tiles, damaged ridge tiles and soffit boards, providing access and egress points with

suitability for bats.

Rising Main/Gravity Sewer

Nine field habitats are to be affected by the proposed pipeline, however these are considered

to be of low conservation interest. There are however various mature trees close to the

working area which are of significant aesthetic and ecological interest and value, it is unlikely

that works will have an impact on these trees.

No statutory or non-statutory designated sites will be affected by the proposed works. There

are two statutory designated sites (geological SSSI’s) within 500m of the proposed works

however it is considered that the works will not impact on these sites.

There are historic records of Bat, Otter and Barn Owl located within the vicinity of the works

during the desk based assessment


Mature trees located along the route of the rising main/gravity sewer and surrounding the

existing SPS show high potential for roosting bats due to a number of cracks, crevices and rot

holes being identified. However, these are not expected to be impacted by the proposed

works, so no further surveys are to be completed.

The SPS is deemed to be of high suitability for roosting bats as the building is in a poor state

or repair with missing roof tiles, damaged ridge tiles and soffit boards. However, no works

are proposed to impact the existing structure of the SPS building. The works within the

building are to be contained within the existing wet well underground. As a result of this, it is

deemed that there will be no impact to Bats and no further bat surveys are proposed.

Otter/Water Vole

The section of rising main crossing the Wellow Brook is to be constructed using a directional

drill methodology. Therefore there is unlikely to be any impact to the watercourse or its

banks, it is considered that there will be no impact to this protected species.

Trees and Hedgerow

There are a maximum of 9, five metre sections of hedgerow to be removed in order to allow

for access to construct the rising main and gravity sewer. It may be possible to route the rising

main through existing gateways/gaps in hedgerow, reducing the number of removals required.

These hedgerows were analysed as part of the ecological survey, which determined they are

not considered to be ‘important’ under the Hedgerow Regulations 1997. A Hedgerow

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Removal Notice Application will be submitted to the Local Planning Authority prior to the

commencement of the works. On completion, these hedgerows are to be reinstated as per

Wessex Water’s Standard Drawing STD/836 (please see attached). A mix of species to match

the surrounding hedgerows will be planted.


The scheme does not affect any areas of landscape importance. Due to the nature of the

works, with the rising main and gravity sewer being located underground, the visual impact of

these proposed works comes during the construction phase.

The main visual impact of these works will occur through the top soil stripping of the

working easement along with the removal of several sections of hedgerow. This is to be

reinstated and returned to its original state on completion of the works.

As a result of this, the landscape impact is considered to be short term and temporary. The

project is also not in a location where the temporary construction impacts are likely to be

highly visible to many people.

Archaeology and cultural heritage

The proposed works are partially located within the Kilmersdon Conservation Area including

the works to the SPS. There are no works to walls or trees within the Conservation Area

proposed, however if works are required, then the appropriate consents will be obtained prior

to commencement of the works.

There is one Grade II Listed Buildings within close proximity to the rising main towards the

southern end of the pipeline. No works to this Listed Building or within its curtilage are


The area of works has been identified as archaeologically sensitive. The County

Archaeologist (Tanya James, Historic Environment Officer) has been consulted who has

outlined that the works runs very close to an area known to contain a buried prehistoric and

Roman landscape, including Roman settlements, a Roman villa and a series of enclosures.

It has been advised that archaeological monitoring of the top soil strip will be required.

Dependant on the results of this, further monitoring of the rising main and gravity sewer

trenches may be required. An approved archaeological contractor is to be appointed to

conduct the monitoring of the top soil strip. Close liaison between the contractor and the

Historic Environment Officer will occur in order to determine the need for further monitoring

throughout the rest of the construction phase. A Written Scheme of Investigation will be

prepared and submitted for approval to the Historic Environment Officer prior to

commencement on site.

Noise and odour

On completion of the rising main/gravity sewer construction, there will be no associated noise

or odour impact.

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Soil Contamination

A preliminary risk assessment has been conducted which confirms that there is a low risk of

soil/water contamination on site. Further to this a site investigation will be carried out to

confirm appropriate mitigation and waste disposal requirements.

Waste Management

Waste production will be minimised wherever possible. A ‘Zero Waste to Landfill Design

Checklist’ has been set up to identify, minimise and document waste management methods

throughout the design stage of the scheme. Excavated material will be reused on site and any

surplus waste/spoil will be recycled.

Public Right of Way

No PRoW’s are affected by the proposed works.


There will be additional traffic movements during the construction period. On completion of

the scheme, access will only be required to the pipeline for maintenance purposes.

Environmental Permitting – Flood Risk/ Land Drainage Consent

A section of the works lie within flood zones 2 & 3 as defined by the Environment Agency

(EA). The proposed works are not considered to be a flood risk activity as the works do not

impact on any main rivers.

The rising main/gravity sewer has one ordinary watercourse crossing, however it is proposed

that this section will be installed using a directional drill construction method, therefore

meaning there will be no impact on these watercourses.

Pollution Prevention During Construction

Wessex Water has a number of procedures in place to ensure that the activities associated

with the construction of the proposed pipeline do not give rise to pollution. Copies of these

are available on request.

Environmental Compliance

Design and construction of this scheme is being carried out in accordance with our

environmental management system which is accredited to the ISO14001 environmental

standard. A scheme specific Environmental and Third Party Management Plan (E3MP) has

been produced for the scheme which summarises environmental actions and permissions to be

obtained. Environmental actions relevant to the construction phase of the project will be

transposed into a Construction E3MP which will be briefed out to the construction team by

the scheme Environmental Scientist at the pre-construction meeting and will be stored on site

during the construction period. The site will be audited for environmental compliance with

Wessex Engineering and Construction Services policies and procedures during the

construction phase of the project.

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All potential impacts from the proposed scheme have been identified through a desk based

environmental screening assessment and site walk over. Potential temporary impacts as

identified in this screening opinion letter have been minimised through design as much as

possible and all other potential impacts relate to the temporary construction works.

The proposed works are partially located within the Kilmersdon Conservation Area, however

due to the nature of the works, upon completion, there will be no impact on this environment.

No other ecologically or historic designated sites are impacted by the proposed works.

The potential impact on archaeology within the area will also be reduced through the

implementation of archaeological mitigation, the scope of which is to be agreed with the

County Archaeologist prior to the commencement of the works.

All relevant consents will be obtained before construction begins.

In summary the proposed rising main and gravity sewer will not have a permanent effect on

the local environment and any potential temporary impact on the natural environment due to

the construction of the rising main and gravity sewer will be adequately mitigated.

We trust that we have provided an adequate description of the nature and purpose of the

scheme and its possible environmental effects and their likely scale to indicate the broad

significance of the likely environmental effects of the scheme. We look forward to receiving

your EIA screening opinion within the three week period set out in the EIA Regulations.

If you have any queries on the above matter please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Fell

Assistant Environmental Scientist

Wessex Water Ltd.

Enc: Site Location Plan (D9647/ENV/300/REV A)

Environmental Constraints Plan (D9647/ENV/100/REV C)

Wessex Water Standard Drawing - Reinstatement of Hedges (STD/836)

Available on request:

Ecological Survey Report

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Document control

Issue Prepared/ amended by Date Comments Approved by Date

1 Andrew Fell 25/01/16 FOR ISSUE RH/WO-M/RC 07/06/16

Page 8: D9647 Kilmersdon STW Quality EIA Screening Opinion Letter · Dear Mr. Higginbottom, D9647: Kilmersdon STW Quality – WFD No Deterioration: Environmental Impact Assessment Screening

Grid Reference:369127 153215 (centre)

Reproduced from the Ordnance SurveyMap with the permission of the Controllerof Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crowncopyright reserved. Licence No. 100019539

Drawing NumberD9647/ENV/300/REV A


Kilmersdon STW Quality WFD No DeteriorationSite Location Plan (A4)

LegendSite Location




Site Location

Site Location

Page 9: D9647 Kilmersdon STW Quality EIA Screening Opinion Letter · Dear Mr. Higginbottom, D9647: Kilmersdon STW Quality – WFD No Deterioration: Environmental Impact Assessment Screening

Pro po sed Rising Ma in

Kilm ersdo n Co nservatio n Area


Gra de II L B: T he Old Sc ho o l Ho use,Fo rec o urt Wa ll, Gate Piers a nd Ga tes

Flo o d Z o nes 2 & 3: Kilm ersdo n Strea m(o rdinary wa terc o urse)

Fo x Hills CWS

Pro po sed Gra vity Sewer

Kilm ersdo n ST W - T o b e a b a ndo ned

Kilm ersdo n SPS

PRo W: FR 7/5


Kilm ersdo n

Cha rlto n Park

Ha ydo n



T yning Fa rm

C o f E

Cyc le Wa y

Pla y Area

Co urt








Wo rks

Cattle Grid




L entney

Prim a ry Sc ho o l

Wo rkings



T CB132.0m













99.3m86.6m 86.6m






Ward Bdy

Co Co nst & U A Bdy

Co Co nst & UA Bdy

Co Co nst & U A Bdy

Sto ne

Sto ne

0.91m RH

0.91m RH

0.91m RH

0.91m RH

Sewa ge

T rac k

T ra ck

T ra c k

T ra c k

Tra c k

T ra c k


Pum p Ho use

L yc h Gate

St Peter & St Paul's

Pla ying Field

Pla ying Field

Cattle Grid

Cyc le Path

Cyc le Path

Ca ttle




L a y-b y

Churc h

U nd

U nd

U nd

Ca r Park


Ma st

Path (um )

Path (um )

Path (um )


L o dge



Ha ll

B 3139

Am es


T um b lers

T he L im es

Bo tto m

T he Ta lla t



T ro ugh

T he


T hree

Parso ns Pa ddo c k

T he Co lliers

T he Old

Ga llis Ash

Sc ho o l Ho use



T he Byres

Ra gg Ho use


Ca b b ells Mea d


Ho use

Ho use

T he Old Chapel

Farm ho use


Kno ll Ho use

Ora nge

L a neHeights



T he Bunga lo w

Ha m ilto n's

Ha yes

Ha ydo n Farm

Barn Oa ks

Huish Farm


Allo tm ent

Pla ying Fields

Industria l Estate

Ga rdens

Depo t

Gro ve Wo o d


3 4

































Kilm ersdo n

Ha ydo n

Ha ydo n

Cha rlto n

Ha ydo n

Grid Reference:369231 153129

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown copyright reserved. Licence No. 100019539

Drawing NumberD9647/ENV /100/REV C

Scale@ A3

County Wildlife Sites :The County Wildlife Site Project is provided by the Environmental Records Centre. Further information on these sites are available from the relevant Records Centre.

Kilmersdon STW AbandonmentEnvironmental Constraints Plan (A3)

This map may be used for Wessex Water Projects only1:6,500

EnvironmentalServices Team

Info rm atio n in this pla n is pro vided fo r identific a tio n purpo ses o nly. No warra nty a s to a c c ura c y is giveno r im plied. T he prec ise ro ute o f pipe wo rk m a y no t exa c tly m atc h that sho wn. Wessex Water do es no ta c c ept lia b ility fo r ina c cura c ies. Sewers a nd la tera l dra ins a do pted b y Wessex Water under the Wa terIndustry (Sc hem es fo r Ado ptio n o f Private Sewers) Regulatio ns 2011 a re to b e plo tted o ver tim e a ndm a y no t yet b e sho wn. In c a rrying o ut a ny wo rks, yo u a c c ept lia b ility fo r the c o st o f a ny repa irs toWessex Water appa ratus da m a ged as a result o f yo ur wo rks. Yo u are a dvised to c o m m enc e

exc a vatio ns using ha nd to o ls o nly. Mec ha nic a l digging equipm ent sho uld no t b e used until pipe wo rkhas b een prec isely lo c a ted. If yo u are c o nsidering a ny fo rm o f b uilding wo rks a nd pipe wo rk is sho wnwithin the b o unda ry o f yo ur pro perty o r a pro perty to b e purc hased (o r very c lo se b y) a surveyo rsho uld plo t its exa c t po sitio n prio r to c o m m enc ing wo rks o r purc ha se. Building o ver o r near Wessex

Wa ter’s a pparatus is no t no rm a lly perm itted.

LegendPro po sed Gra vity SewerPro po sed Rising Ma inWessex Water SitesPub lic Rights o f Wa yWo rld Herita ge SiteSc heduled Anc ient Mo num ent (Po int)Sc heduled Anc ient Mo num ent (Po lygo n)Co nserva tio n AreaL isted BuildingHisto ric Park a nd Ga rdenKno wn T PO'sT PO (No rth Do rset/ Weym o uth + Po rtla nd)Area T PO (No rth Do rset/ Weym o uth + Po rtla nd)Ra m sar SiteSpec ia l Area o f Co nservatio n (SAC)Spec ia l Pro tec tio n Area (SPA)Site o f Spec ia l Sc ientific Interest (SSSI)Natio na l Pa rkNatio na l Na ture Reserve (NNR)Co unty Wildlife Site (CWS)L o c a l Na ture Reserve (L NR)Anc ient Wo o dla ndWo o dla nd T rust SiteRegistered Co m m o n L a ndCROW Open Ac c ess L a ndMa rine Co nservatio n Z o ne (MCZ )Green BeltArea o f Outsta nding Natura l Beauty (AONB)Herita ge Co a stOther Co nstra intsS41 SiteWessex Water Bo undaryDistrict Co unc il Bo undaryMa in RiversFlo o d Z o ne 3Flo o d Z o ne 2Z o ne I - Inner Pro tectio n Z o neZ o ne II - Outer Pro tec tio n Z o neZ o ne III - T o ta l Catc hm entZ o ne o f Spec ia l Interest

Ra dsto c k Co nservatio n Area

BANES Co unc il

Mendip Co unc il

Page 10: D9647 Kilmersdon STW Quality EIA Screening Opinion Letter · Dear Mr. Higginbottom, D9647: Kilmersdon STW Quality – WFD No Deterioration: Environmental Impact Assessment Screening

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