  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    TANDBERG IBM LotusNotes Integration

    V 11.1

    Installation Manual

    Getting Started

    D356 Rev.

    This document is not to be reproduced in whole

    or in part without permission in writing from:

    TANDBERG offers an optional component to integrate booking be-

    tween the TANDBERG Management Suite (TMS) and IBM Lotus

    Domino. This integration gives the users the ability to schedule vide-

    oconferences, book meeting rooms and invite participants using their

    Lotus Notes client. The videoconferencing systems are registered in

    a resource database on the Domino server, allowing end users to

    view their availability when making the booking.

    Functional overviewThe integration utilizes software components installed on the Lotus

    Domino server itself, negating the need to modify client machines

    giving you a centrally deployed and maintained solution. Lotus Inte-

    gration is an optional component to TMS enabled through purchase

    of Application Integration Licenses for your TMS server. The installa-

    tion les required are found on the TMS installation CD. Please see for more information about Lotus Domino and


  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Table of ConTenTs

    License agreement 3

    Server 7

    Supported Clients 7

    TMS requirements 7

    Technical Description 8

    Installation 9

    Upgrading 19

    Post installation setup 23

    Installation Verication 24

    FAQ 27

    Appendix A 29

    Appendix B 31

    Appendix C 33

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    By installing, copying, or otherwise using the software program of TANDBERG

    and/or its afliates (TANDBERG), or of its Licensors, provided hereunder

    (Software), You (Licensee) agree to be bound by the terms of this Shrink -

    wrap License Agreement (Agreement). If You do not agree to the terms of

    this Agreement, do not install or use the Software, and return it and all related

    documentation (Documentation) to Your place of purchase within ten (10)

    days for a full refund.

    TANDBERG, or its licensors, owns all intellectual property rights, including pat-

    ent, copyright, trade secret, trademark and other proprietary rights, in and to

    the Software and Documentation.

    Your rights are limited to those expressly granted in this Agreement. This Agree-

    ment grants You a perpetual, nontransferable and non-exclusive license to use,

    solely for Your internal business purposes, the Documentation and object code

    version of the Software, for up to the number of licenses, users, applications,

    transactions, and/or CPUs, as applicable to the particular Software, all as or-

    dered and paid for by You and identied in the invoice for the Software, under

    the terms and conditions set forth herein.

    You may:

    install the Software, in the country in which Your order for the Software isplaced, on a single machine (Designated Computer) in the building in which

    the Designated Computer is located at the time of initial installation (Site);

    use the Software at the Designated Computer under the scope of license

    granted herein;

    permit third party service providers to utilize the Software at the Site on Your

    behalf within the scope of license granted herein and provided such third

    party service provider agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this


    make a copy of the Software for backup and/or archival purposes;

    copy and use the Documentation as reasonably necessary in connection

    with Your authorized internal use of the Software.

    You may not:

    modify, adapt, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software,

    except to the extent that the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by

    applicable law;

    create derivative works based on the Software;

    make unauthorized copies of the Software;

    allow any unauthorized third party to use or have access to the Software or


    use the Software to provide services to any third party, including afliates orsubsidiaries of Licensee;

    to the fullest extent permitted by law, use the Software as an add-in product

    to any third party product without TANDBERGs prior written consent;

    use, evaluate or view the Software or Documentation for the purpose of

    designing, modifying, or otherwise creating any software program, or any

    portion thereof, which performs functions similar to the functions performed

    by the Software; or

    without the prior written consent of TANDBERG, transfer or assign Your rights

    under this Agreement, including an assignment by operation of law.

    You acknowledge and agree that:

    License agreement

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    You will include on permitted copies of a Software all copyright, trademark

    and other proprietary rights notices included on the originals;

    the Software and Documentation contain valuable proprietary information

    and trade secrets of TANDBERG and You shall protect the secrecy of, and

    avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of, the Software and Documentation,

    using at least those measures that You take to protect Your own most highly

    condential information;

    You shall comply with all applicable export control laws and regulations with

    respect to the Software and Documentation;

    any violation or threatened violation of this Agreement may cause irreparable

    injury to TANDBERG for which injunctive relief may be appropriate, in addition

    to all legal remedies; and

    upon violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or the expiration of

    the term of Your license, Your rights to use the Software and Documentation

    shall automatically terminate and You shall return to TANDBERG or destroy

    all copies of the Software and Documentation.

    LIMITED WARRANTY. TANDBERG warrants that for a period of ninety (90)

    days from the date of delivery (Warranty Period), the Software will operate

    substantially in accordance with the Documentation. TANDBERG does not

    warrant that the functions of the Software will meet Your requirements or thatoperation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. You must inform

    TANDBERG in writing during the Warranty Period if the Software does not op-

    erate as warranted and provide to TANDBERG such information and materi-

    als as TANDBERG may reasonably request to document and reproduce such

    problem and to verify whether any proposed solution corrects such problem.

    Following the receipt of such information and materials, if TANDBERG deter-

    mines that the Software does not operate as warranted, then TANDBERG will

    at its election, either:

    (a) modify the Software so that it does operate as warranted; (b) replace the

    Software with other software offering substantially similar functionality; or, (c)

    if neither (a) nor (b) is commercially feasible, refund the license fee paid to

    TANDBERG for the Software.

    EXCLUSIONS. TANDBERG will have no responsibility, warranty or other obli-

    gations whatsoever if You:

    (a) use the Software in a manner inconsistent with the Documentation or this

    Agreement; (b) modify the Software; or (c) cause a failure of the Software

    through accident, abuse or misapplication.















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    AUDIT RIGHTS. You shall maintain complete and accurate books and records

    relating to compliance with the usage restrictions of the Software. TANDBERG

    shall have the right at its own expense, during Your normal business hours and

    upon reasonable written notice, to audit your computers, books and records to

    verify your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

    SURVIVABILITY. The following shall survive expiration or termination of this

    Agreement: License and Condentiality Restrictions, Limitation of Liability, Au-

    dit Rights, and General Provisions. Any perpetual licenses shall also continue

    to be subject to the License Grant, and No Other Warranties.

    GENERAL PROVISIONS. This Agreement represents the complete agree-

    ment concerning this license, supersedes all prior agreements, and may be

    amended only by a writing executed by duly authorized representatives of both

    parties. The provisions of any order document used by You shall be of no ef-

    fect (notwithstanding any provisions in such order document to the contrary),except for license, term, and Site selection, as well as pricing and ship-to infor-

    mation. This Agreement is governed by, and is to be interpreted in accordance

    with the laws of the State of New York, excluding its conict of law rules.

    The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of

    Goods is expressly disclaimed. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a

    court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid under any applicable statute, rule

    or law, the parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the

    remaining provisions of this Agreement, and further agree to substitute for the

    invalid provision a valid provision which most closely approximates the intent

    and economic effect of the invalid provision.

    Any terms in Your order document which are inconsistent with the terms of this

    Agreement are not accepted by TANDBERG and the terms of this Agreementwill prevail. Headings used in this Agreement are provided for convenience

    only, and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation hereof.

    A waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement shall not be a waiver of

    any other breach or default. Failure of either party to enforce compliance with

    any term or condition of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such

    term or condition unless accompanied by a clear

    written statement that such term or condition is waived. TANDBERG will not be

    responsible for any failure to perform due to force majeure causes beyond its

    reasonable control including,

    but not limited to, acts of God, riots, embargoes, terrorist acts, acts of civil or

    military authorities, disruptions in the ow of data to or from networks, denial ofor delays in processing of export license applications, accidents, strikes, fuel

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    crises or power outages.

    Copyright 2008 TANDBERG. All rights reserved.

    TANDBERG is a registered trademark of TANDBERG in the United States and/

    or other countries.

    IBM, Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino are registered trademarks of International

    Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

    The Ready for IBM Lotus Domino software mark and the trademarks contained

    therein are trademarks of IBM Corp. IBM is not the licensor of this Business

    Partners product and does not make any warranties regarding this Business

    Partners product

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Supported Clients


    TMS requirements TMSA separate TANDBERG Management Suite server running at least Version

    11.5 (Will work with TANDBERG Management Suite from V9.0, but for repeat-

    ing meeting to work, V11.5 is required)

    TANDBERG IBM Lotus Domino integration package installed on the TMS Serv-

    er to support Lotus Integration. This is an option key that needs to be activated

    in the TMS application.

    Server OS

    Windows 2000 Server SP3 with Internet Explorer V5.5 or later

    Windows 2003 Server with Internet Explorer V6.0 or later

    Domino Server

    Domino Server running version v6.0.3, v6.5.1, v6.5.1IF1, v6.5.2, v7.0 or v8.0

    Completing the Installation requires

    Access to Lotus Notes, Administrator, and Designer ClientsAbility to copy and move les to the Domino Server itself

    Access to the Domino Server itself to modify local les

    An account with Full Administrator Access on the Domino Server used

    An account with permissions to create and edit users, create and sign

    databases, and ability to edit the Server Conguration Document -

    Other minor versions within these major

    versions of Notes and Domino may be

    compatible, but these are the specic

    versions tested for compatibility by


    The Domino Server must be running

    on a Microsoft Windows Environment.

    AIX/Linux or other Domino server typesare not supported at this time. Please

    contact your TANDBERG representative

    about deployments for AIX/Linux.

    Supplemental documentation for AIX

    is included as an Appendix to this


    NotesNotes Client v5.0.8

    Notes Client v6.0.3

    Notes Client v6.5.1

    Notes Client v6.5.3

    Notes Client v7.0

    Notes Client v8.0

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Technical Description Impact on TMS after installing Lotus Integration

    Moving/Changing SystemsWhen dening resource accounts in Domino, you link them to TMS systems

    using the system ID of the TMS system. To maintain the integration links, the

    ID of a TMS system must not change or the Domino Resource will have to be

    manually updated.

    The name of a system in TMS is only a label, so the name of systems in TMS

    can change freely without requiring any Lotus resource re-conguration. How-

    ever, we recommend if users are to use both Lotus and the TMS Web Inter-

    faces that you maintain consistency between the names for ease of use.

    System IDs must stay consistent for an existing TMS system. IDs will not

    change unless a system is purged from TMS. Therefore, it is important to not

    purge and re-add a system to TMS unless absolutely necessary. Doing so will

    make the system appear as a completely different system in TMS along with

    a new system ID. If a systems ID changes and the system is represented in

    Lotus, you must update the ID listed for that system in Lotus Resource data-


    Adding Systems to TMSAfter completing the TMS Integration with Lotus, the requirements for adding

    new systems to TMS changes slightly. When adding systems to TMS it is im-

    portant to add them to Lotus before the systems are made available for book-

    ing in TMS. This can be done by setting allow booking to no for a system in

    TMS until it has been added to Lotus. If a system is booked in TMS before it has

    been added to Lotus, the meetings booked prior to the system being created

    in Lotus will not replicate over to the Lotus calendars. This requirement only

    applies once Lotus Integration has been installed and for systems you intendto make available for booking in Lotus.

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    Complete the following steps to do a rst time installation and congure the

    integration of Lotus Domino towards TANDBERG Management Suite

    The integration les are included as part of the NotesIntegration.ziple found in

    the Setuples folder on your TMS Installation Media. The archive includes two

    zip les targeted against version 6.x and 7.0/8.0 of Notes server and client.

    Depending on the version of Notes (Version 6.x or 7), use either the zip

    archive for version 7.0 and 8.0 ofNotes for any version of Notes

    V6.x that the integration supports.

    Copy the required les to the Domino Server (Ver-

    sion 6.x)Copy le to your Domino Server

    and extract to a temporary folder using your zip utility of choice. Make sure

    if using FTP to copy les that binary mode is used.

    Extract the le to a temporary directory on the Domino server

    Copy TMSConference.jar is found in the bin directory of the

    le to the jvm/lib/ext directory of the Domino directory

    (E.g. C:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext)

    The lib directory of the contains 3 zip les (contains the Apache axis binaries) (contains the jaxp binaries)

    Install jaxp_1_3 either by extracting the binaries from le,

    or by downloading it from the site provided in the Requirements section

    Domino ships with an old version of JSR 206 (Java API for XML process-

    ing). Jaxp_1_3 is a newer version of JSR 206 that is needed to run the

    Notes integration. It is important that the jaxp_1_3 les are loaded, and

    not the old one. This can be done in one of two ways:

    Copy the contents into jvm/lib/ext as described below,

    and delete theXML4j.jarle from the Domino directory (e.g. C:\Lotus\


    - OR -

    Copy the contents into the Domino directory (e.g. c:\Lotus\

    Domino), then add dom.jar;jaxp-api.jar;sax.jar;xalan.jar;xercesImpl.

    jar to the JavaUserClasses ofnotes.ini(e.g. JavaUserClasses= dom.


    Install axis by extracting the binaries from the provided zip (

    le (and copy the binaries into the jvm/lib/ext directory of the Domino direc-

    tory (e.g. c:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext), or by downloading those from the

    sites provided in the Requirements section

    Install the binary in the le by copying it to the jvm/lib/ext directory of

    the Domino directory (e.g. c:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext

    Verify the proper le security permissions on the copied .jar les by right

    clicking on them and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog, under

    the Security tab, the Windows user that the Domino processes run under

    must have at least read access to these les.





    This section is only applicable if running

    version 6.x of the Note. If you are using

    version 7.0 or 8.0 of the Notes, please go

    to next section.

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Copy the template les extracted, tmsresrc60.ntfand tmsmail6.ntfto your

    Domino Data directory.

    This manual will continue to refer to the two directories setup during

    Domino installation; the Domino Program Folder, and the Domino Data

    directory. These are user-congurable in Domino, but the defaults are c:\

    Lotus\Domino for the Domino Program Folder and c:\Lotus\Domino\Data

    for the Domino Data directory.

    Verify the proper le security permissions on the copied template les by

    right clicking on them and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog,

    make sure read-only is UN-checked, and under the Security tab, the Win -

    dows user that the Domino processes run under must have full access to

    these les.

    Copy the TMSEventCatcher.dll le extracted into your Domino Program


    Verify the proper le security permissions on the copied TMSEventCatcher.

    dll le by right clicking on it and selecting properties. In the Properties dia -

    log, make sure read-only is unchecked, and under the Security tab, the

    Windows user that the Domino processes run under must have at least

    read access to this le.

    Copy the required les to the Domino Server (Version

    7.0 and 8.0 )Copy le to your Domino Server

    and extract to a temporary folder using your zip utility of choice. Make sure

    if using FTP to copy les that binary mode is used.

    Extract the le to a temporary directory on the Domino server

    Copy TMSConference.jar is found in the bin directory of the

    le to the jvm/lib/ext directory of the Domino directory

    (E.g. C:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext)

    Copy the remaining les in the archive to the same directory.If some or all of the les are already present, do notoverwrite the existing


    Verify the proper le security permissions on the copied .jar les by right

    clicking on them and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog, under

    the Security tab, the Windows user(System user) that the Domino proc-

    esses run under must have at least read access to these les.

    Copy the template les extracted, tmsresrc7.ntfand tmsmail7.ntfto your

    Domino Data directory.

    This manual will continue to refer to the two directories setup during

    Domino installation; the Domino Program Folder, and the Domino Data

    directory. These are user-congurable in Domino, but the defaults are c:\

    Lotus\Domino for the Domino Program Folder and c:\Lotus\Domino\Datafor the Domino Data directory.

    Verify the proper le security permissions on the copied template les by

    right clicking on them and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog,

    make sure read-only is UN-checked, and under the Security tab, the Win -

    dows user(System user) that the Domino processes run under must have

    full access to these les.

    Copy the TMSEventCatcher.dll le extracted into your Domino Program



    templateisalsosupportedinNotes8.(See for additional information)











    This section is only applicable if running

    version 7.0 or 8.0 of the Notes. If you are

    using version 6.x of the Notes, please go

    to previous section.
  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Verify the proper le security permissions on the copied TMSEventCatcher.

    dll le by right clicking on it and selecting properties. In the Properties dia -

    log, make sure read-only is un-checked, and under the Security tab, the

    Windows user(System user) that the Domino processes run under must

    have at least read access to this le.

    Update the java.policy le

    The java.policy le must be updated to allow the TMS integration to use webservices. The java.policy le can normally be found in the jvm\lib\security folder

    in your Domino Program Folder.

    Update the policy le by opening it with a text editor and adding the following

    line inside an existing Grant Statement.

    permission java.util.PropertyPermission java.protocol.handler.pkgs,


    Save and close the java.policy le.

    Edit the notes.inileThe notes.inile is normally found in the Domino Program Folder (default, c:\

    Lotus\Domino). Open the notes.inile in a text editor and add the lines below.

    It is important that only one instance of each of these statements exists in the

    notes.inile. If one of these lines already exists in the notes.inile, you must

    modify the existing line to include these values rather then create a new line.

    For the TMSResourcesDatabaseName variable, the name must match the

    name you intend to give the resource reservation database to be used for the

    video conference rooms. This database will be created in a later step of the

    installation and a suggested name is Video Conference Resources

    It is important that these declarations are at the top of the notes.inile so that

    they load early.

    Update the notes.inile with the following lines:

    TMSResourceDatabaseName=Video Conference Resources



    Save and close the notes.inile.

    Restart the Domino ServiceThe Domino Service must be restarted to apply the changes made. Restart the

    Service by either typing restart server in the Domino Console, or by restarting

    the Lotus Domino Service in the Windows Services Console available from

    Administrative Tools under Control Panels

    Sign the TemplatesThe new template les must be signed with an appropriate ID from your organi -



    This section and onward is applicable

    for both version 6.x and version 7.0 and

    8.0 of Notes, and should be completedregardless of the version of the Notes.

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Domino security requires new mail agents run on the home server of

    the signer (mail server of the signer). As the templates include new mail

    agents, this means the ID that signs the templates must have a mailbox

    located on the server where you are installing the integration. Ignoring

    this requirement will cause the agents to fail to run. This requirement

    may lead you to create a utility account on Domino just for the purpose

    of signing the agents.

    Alternatively you can tell Domino to by-pass this security requirement for

    mail agents running on the server by modifying the notes.inile. Recog-

    nize this will affect all new mail agents running on the server. Add the

    option AMgr_DisableMailLookup =1 to the servers notes.ini le if you

    wish to disable this security check.

    To sign the templates

    Open Domino Administrator and select the server where you copied the

    template les

    On the Files tab, select the data folder and change the view to Templates

    Only from the drop down list.

    Highlight the two TANDBERG templates. They are named TMS Resource

    Reservations and TMS Mail (X).

    Right-click on them and select Sign

    Choose the Active Users ID to sign using the current users ID.

    Make sure that the user has sufcient permissions to sign templates and

    that the user has a mailbox on this Domino server.

    Check the All design documents box

    Click OK. The status bar shows the number of databases processed and

    the number errors if any occurred. See the Domino Server logs for addi-

    tional information if any errors occur.

    You may get a Cross Certicate Warning as your organization does not

    have a trust to /TANDBERG which should be handled according to your

    organizations policies.

    Create the TMS Resource Reservation DatabaseOpen Domino Administrator, select the server hosting the installation les,

    and under the Administration Menu, select Full Access Administration.

    If you can not get Full Access, permissions can be granted to the

    server in the Current Server Document under the Conguration Tab

    for the server. Modify the Full Access Administrators eld in the Se-

    curity Tab. Add the user ID of the user completing the installation and

    save and close the server document. You may have to close and reo-

    pen your Administrator session to update your permissions.

    Once you have Full Access Administration successfully checked without

    getting any errors, open File Menu -> Database3 -> New

    Under the Specify New Database Name and Location section

    Select the server the integration is being installed on

    Set the Title Field to the value you specied in the TMSResourceData-

    baseName variable in the notes.inile (E.g. Video Conference Resourc-


    2 DependingontheversionofNotes,thiswillbe6forV6.xof

    Notes,and7forV7.0andV8.0ofNotes. InNotesV8.0thismenuitemiscalledApplication









  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    If desired, edit the le name to be used

    Click the OK button.

    Under the Specify Template for New Database section

    Select the server integration is being installed on

    Check the Show advanced templates checkbox

    The template list will update. Select the TMS Resource Reservations tem-


    Click the OK button to create the database, and watch the Notes statusbar for status

    Create a Service Account on the Domino ServerThis account will act as the owner of the video resources. Make this account a

    normal (restricted) user.

    Open the server under Domino Administrator (can use File Menu -> Open


    Under People & Groups, Select the People page and Select Register

    from the right pane.Select and authorize using a certier ID for the server by entering the cer-

    tiers password when prompted

    In the Register Person page, set the following properties. These values are

    only suggestions and can be changed

    First Name: TMS

    Last Name: Service

    Short Name: TMS-Service

    Password: Give the account a strong password

    Click Register and select Yes to add person to the Registration Queue

    Create a service account on the TMS ServerA user must be specied on the TMS server to be used as the login for the

    Lotus Integration. This user will appear as the owner of all meetings booked

    through Lotus. This user must be able to log onto the TMS server and have

    access to all the systems you intend to make available through Lotus Notes.

    We recommend creating a separate user for the integration. Setup the service

    account by completing the following:

    Create a new windows user in the domain who has access to the TMS

    server or in the local machines user database. You can use any name andusername for the account. The account needs no special Windows permis-

    sions except to be able to log into the IIS server of TMS. Be sure to give the

    account a strong password. Suggested username TMSLotus

    Log into TMS using the new user account to verify the accounts settings.

    When prompted for user prole information, be sure to specify a First and

    Last name to identify the user as the Lotus Service account. Example,

    Name set to Lotus Integration. The e-mail address can be any e-mail ad-

    dress, but can not be left blank.

    Log into TMS using an administrator account that has user conguration

    permissions and verify the newly created service account has sufcient

    group permissions to book all systems intended to be made available to

    4 InNotesV8.0thismenuitemiscalledApplication










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    Lotus Notes users. The service account must have booking permission to

    all systems that you wish to integrate with Lotus Notes.

    Adjust the web permissions on the TMS ServerThe Java implementation on the Domino Server can not support the default

    Integrated Authentication permissions set on the TMS web site. The website

    must be altered to allow Basic Authentication login methods. Complete the

    following steps to adjust the permissions:Open the IIS Manager on the TMS Server.

    Navigate through the directories to Default WebSite -> TMS -> External ->


    Right-click on the Bookingservice.asmx le and choose Properties

    In the Properties dialog, click the File Security tab and click edit underAu-

    thentication and Access Control

    Make sure both the checkboxes for Integrated Authentication and Basic

    Authentication are checked

    Click OK and close the IIS Manager

    Enable Secure communicationIf HTTPS is going to be used as the transport protocol between the Notes

    server and TMS.

    Note that HTTPS is optional, and if opting to use HTTP, this section can

    be skipped. Nor is the HTTPS option available for the V6.x version of


    In order to use HTTPS, both the TMS server and Notes must be congured.

    The set up the TMS server for HTTP, do the following.

    Use makecert.exe to create a self signed certicate. Makecert.exe is avail-

    able from Windows SDK Update site, and is also included in the .NET in -

    stallations. An example of makecert.exe to generate a certicate is shown

    below. Note that this is for V2.0 of -NET framerwork, and has not been

    tested with V3.5 of .NET framework.

    makecert.exe -r -pe -a SHA1 -ss my -sr LocalMachine -n CN=%ComputerName%

    -b 01/01/2000 -e 01/01/2050 -eku -sky exchange -spMicrosoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider -sy 12

    Replace %ComputerName% with the name of the computer.

    Open IIS Manager and right click on the TMS site, and select properties.

    Select Directory Security, and select the Server certicate in the Se-

    cure communications section.When the wizard pops up, hit Next, and then Assign an existing certi-

    cate. You should be able to see the certicate that was created in number

    1, hit Next to see some information about the certicate, and hit Next

    again to complete the installation. TMS is now congured for HTTPS.

    To set up the Notes server, the certicate chain must be added to the java

    certicate store:

    Export the TMS server certicate to a .cer le. Copy the le to the Domino

    server, e.g. c:\certicates\tmscerticate.cer

    Log in to the Domino server

    Open a command prompt on the Domino server

    Change directory to \jvm\lib\security, e.g. cd Program
















    his section is optional and is only

    pplicable when using HTTPS (Not

    HTTP) for secure communication

    etween the Notes server and TMS.

    Note that HTTPS option is only available

    or V7 and V8 of Notes/Domino version

    f the integration.

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation



    Import the certicate by writing ..\..\bin\keytool.exe -import -trustcac-

    erts -keystore cacerts -alias -le \

    tmsserverauth.cer. It is advisable to give the certicate a proper alias (e.g.


    Restart the Domino server.

    Enable Agents in Resource DatabaseStart Lotus Domino Designer and open the Resource Reservations Data-

    base you created earlier in the installation. You can open the database by

    going to File -> Database -> Open and select the server where the data -

    base was created and select the database from the list (E.g. VideoConfer-

    enceResoureces) .

    Expand the item Shared Code from the view in the left frame

    Click on Agents

    The right frame now lists all the Agents in the database. Five or

    six (depending on the Domino version) of the agents will have

    Red and Yellow Icons next to them, marking them as disabled.

    Hold down the Control key, and click on Scheduled Synchronizer and

    TMSTrigger to highlight them. Once highlighted, click the Enable button at

    the top of the list. You will be prompted for which server the agents should

    run on. Make sure to select the server where the database is created. The

    database and agents must be on the same server. Close the agent dialog.

    Congure the run-time of the Scheduled Synchronizer agent; we recom-

    mend every 5th minute. Double-click the agent and set the Run-time trig-

    ger to On Schedule, set the Schedule dropdown to More than once a day

    and click the Schedule button. Set the interval to 0 hours and 15minutes,verify that the Run on dropdown is pointing to the correct server and press


    Save and close the Scheduled Synchronizer Agent

    Close the database and Domino Designer

    Congure the TMS Settings of the Resource

    DatabaseOpen Domino Administrator using a server administrator ID.

    Open the resource reservation database you created in the previous stepsby going to File Menu -> Database -> Open and select the server where













  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    the database was created and the database as you named it in the notes.


    Open Access Control for the database by going to File Menu -> Database

    -> Access Control

    Check the Admin and Create Resources checkboxes to add the cur-

    rent user ID to these roles for the database. Optionally, you can

    add additional users to these roles to enable those users to be able

    to modify the conguration document and add additional resourc-

    es. Adding of additional user roles can also be done post-installation.

    Close the database and re-open it. You should now see a TMS Admin

    choice on the left side of the database

    Open the TMS Admin document to congure the integration settings.

    Fill in the Service Account eld with the Domino user account you created

    to be the service account.

    Fill in the TMS Server information elds using the IP or DNS name of the

    TMS Server, and the username and password created to be the TMS Serv-

    ice account. In order to use the HTTPS option, section Enabled SecureCommunication must be completed.

    If using V7.0 or V8.0 of Notes, an additional option titled Automatic Up -

    date is present. As a result of an issue with Notes the Free/Busy infor-

    mation for booked resources are not handled by the Room and Re-

    sources Manager. As a work around for this issue, the users of the

    TANDBERG integration are able to automatic refresh the Free/Busy in-

    formation after each booking event. This is enabled by default, but if ex-

    periencing severe delays, turning this option off might be considered5.









    9.This item (9) is only applicable for the

    ntegration targeting version 7.0 and 8.0 of


  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Click the Save and Close button to save your changes to the document.

    Congure the Domino Rooms for TMS SystemsEach system that will be book-able through Notes must be represented as a

    Room within Domino. This step must be done by a userID who was added to

    the Reservation Database with the role of create resource completed in the

    previous section.

    You must know the system ID of each system in TMS that you wish tointegrate with Lotus. In TMS 9.6 or newer, this can be found on the View

    Settings page for each system in the System Navigator. Note the name and

    System ID for each system you wish to integrate with Lotus.

    For TMS versions 9.0-9.2 or if you wish to get a consolidated list, you

    can access a list of all systems by opening a web browser and enter-

    ing the following URL. NOTE: If you only have one Application Inte-

    gration License, you must perform this step from the Domino Server

    itself. Substitute TMSADDRESS with the IP or DNS name of your TMS




    In the page that opens, click the Invoke button. This will open a page

    listing all the systems in TMS along with their name and System IDs.

    Print or save this list as reference for later steps in the installation.

    Using Domino Administrator, open the resource reservation database by

    going to File Menu -> Database6 -> Open and select the server where the

    database was created and the database as you named it in the notes.ini

    leYou must have at least one Site document dened. Sites will affect how

    rooms are grouped in the Address Book displayed in the Notes clients. Cre-

    ate a Site document by selecting Sites from the list and clicking the New

    Site button

    Fill in the Site Name eld with the desired name, then click the Save and

    Close button. Example: Washington DC Conference Rooms

    Create a resource for each TMS system you wish to represent in Notes.

    Click the New Resource Button and ll in the appropriate elds. The Re-

    quired elds are Name, Site, and TMS-ID. The Resource document elds

    are described below:

    Name Name to be displayed in Notes for the room (Required)

    6 InNotes8.0thisiscalledApplication







  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Site Site Document to associate this room to (Required)

    Description Optional Description

    TMS-ID System ID associated with device in TMS this room represents


    Capacity People capacity of room

    Availability Time this room will be shown as book-able in Notes.

    Owner restrictions - Make sure this is set to Autoprocessing

    List of names - Set this to the name of the TMS service user.Owners name - Set this to the name of the TMS service user.

    Do not modify the remaining elds. Click Save and Close to save your

    changes. Repeat this process for each TMS System you wish to represent

    in Notes.

    Start the SynchronizerOnce all resources have been added to the resource database, the synchro-

    nizer process must be started. Start the synchronizer by going to the Actions

    Menu and selecting Run Synchronizer. This is a one time step only and does

    not need to be repeated even if additional resources are added at a later time.

    Update the Mail Template for Notes UsersVideo booking functionality can be offered to Notes users in several ways

    Use of an existing mail-template without modication.

    Adding the additional video conference functionality to the existing mail-

    template used by users

    Push the provided TANDBERG modied standard mail template (tmsmailX.

    ntf) to users

    The rst method will allow users to book rooms, but they will not have any of

    the additional functionality such as being able to set conference parameters, or

    specic additional sites such as external dial-in or dial-out sites.

    The second method may be required if the organization is already using a cus-

    tomized mail template. Additional information on how to add the TANDBERG

    functionality to your existing template is available in the Appendix B of this


    The last method is the recommended method as it provides the most video op-

    tions to users in the standard Notes mail format. The mail template that users

    use can be updated in several ways, but one method is as follows:

    Open Domino Administrator and Select the Server hosting the mail les of

    the user to be updated

    Select the Files Tab and then the mail folder

    Select the users to be updated

    Choose from the File Menu -> Database -> Replace Design

    Select the server where the TMS templates were installed and select TMS

    Mail (X8) and press Replace.

    7 Thislediscalledtmsmail6.ntfforNotes6.xusersandtms-

    mail7.ntfforNotes7and8users.8 6forNotes6.xand7forNotes7.0/8.0







  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Upgrading Complete the following steps to upgrade the TANDBERG IBM Lotus NotesIntegration from a previous version.

    Upgrade from V11.0 to V11.1Complete the following steps to upgrade from V11.0 to V11.1 of the TAND-

    BERG IBM Lotus Notes Integration. This upgrade is only applicable for users

    of V7.0 or 8.0 of Notes (V7 or 8 of Domino server).

    Stop the Domino ServerStop the Domino Server by stopping the service Lotus Domino Service in the

    Windows Service Console available from Administrative Tools under Control


    Overwrite TMSConference.jar leExtract the le to a temporary directory on the Domino server.

    The le is found on the installation media

    Copy TMSConference.jar which is found in the bin directory of the le to the jvm/lib/ext directory of the Domino directory (E.g. C:\Lo -


    This is the only le from this archive that needs to be replaced.

    Overwrite the tmsresrc7.ntf template le

    Overwrite the tmsresrc70.ntf le in the Domino Data Directory. This directory

    is user congurable in Domino, but default location is c:\Lotus\Domino\Data.

    Then make sure the le is no set to Read Only.

    Refresh the database designStart Designer

    Open existing database, pick server

    Click on Video Conference Resources (or the name of the videoCon da-


    Choose from the File Menu -> Database -> Refresh Design

    Select the server where the TMS templates were installed and answer yes

    to conrm the replacement.

    Start domino serverStart the Domino Server by starting the service Lotus Domino Service in theWindows Service Console available from Administrative Tools under Control


    Upgrade from V10.0 to V11.1

    Stop the Domino ServerStop the Domino Server by stopping the service Lotus Domino Service in the

    Windows Service Console available from Administrative Tools under Control








    This section describes the up-

    grade from V11.0 to V11.1.

    This section describes the up-

    grade from V10.0 to V11.1.

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation



    Overwrite jar lesRemove the C:\lib directory

    Remove the c:\lib\all.jar;c:\lib\mail.jar;c:\lib\activation.jar;c:\lib\TMSConfer-

    ence.jar from the JavaUserClasses property ofnotes.ini

    Extract the le to a temporary directory on the Domino server.

    The le is found on the installation media

    Copy TMSConference.jar which is found in the bin directory of the Jave- le to the jvm/lib/ext directory of the Domino directory (E.g. C:\Lo-


    The lib directory of the contains 3 zip les (contains the Apache axis binaries) (contains the jaxp binaries)

    Install jaxp_1_3 either by extracting the binaries from the le,

    or by downloading it from the site provided in the Requirements section.

    Domino ships with an old version of JSR 206 (Java API for XML

    processing). Jaxp_1_3 is a newer version of JSR 206 that is neededto run the Notes integration. It is important that the jaxp_1_3 les are

    loaded, and not the old one. This can be done in one of two ways:

    Copy the contents into jvm/lib/ext as described below,

    and delete theXML4j.jarle from the Domino directory (E.g. C:\Lotus\


    - OR -

    Copy the contents into the Domino directory (E.g. c:\Lotus\

    Domino), then add dom.jar;jaxp-api.jar;sax.jar;xalan.jar;xercesImpl.

    jar to theJavaUserClasses of notes.ini (E.g. JavaUserClasses= dom.


    Install axis by extracting the binaries from the provided zip ( (and copy the binaries into the jvm/lib/ext directory of the Domino direc-

    tory (e.g. c:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext), or by downloading those from the

    sites provided in the Requirements section

    Install the binary in the le by copying it to the jvm/lib/ext directory of

    the Domino directory (e.g. c:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext

    Overwrite tmseventcathcer.dllReplace the tmseventcatcher.dll in the Domino Program Folder with the new


    Overwrite existing mail and database template lesOverwrite the tmsresrc60.ntf and tmsmail6.ntf les in the Domino Data Direc-

    tory. This directory is user congurable in Domino, but default location is c:\Lo -

    tus\Domino\Data. Then make sure they are not Read Only.

    Start domino serverStart the Domino Server by starting the service Lotus Domino Service in the

    Windows Service Console available from Administrative Tools under Control





  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Sign the new templatesSign the new templates with appropriate id from your organization.

    Open Domino Administrator and select the server that stores the databas-

    es or templates that you want to sign.

    On the Files tab, select the data folder and select the two templates. They

    are called Tandberg Resources and TMS Mail (6).

    Right click on one of them and select Sign.

    Choose one of the following:Active Users ID to sign using your ID.

    Active Servers ID to sign using the ID of the server that stores the data-

    base or template.

    Choose All design documents to sign the selected design elements.

    Click OK. A dialog box shows the number of databases processed and the

    number of errors that occurred (if any). See the Notes Log for details.

    Update current Mail.nsf and VideoCon.nsf databaseIn order to update the About database and Using database documents, the

    existing databases have to be updated.

    For Mail.nsf

    Start Designer

    Open existing database, pick server

    Double-click mail folder

    Pick the desired user

    Click open

    Click other -> database resources in the menu to the left

    Right click on about database document

    Choose design properties, then Settings

    Uncheck Prohibit design replace or refresh to modify


    Do the same for the Using database document.

    For VideoCon.nsf

    Start Designer

    Open existing database, pick server

    Click on Video Conference Resources (or the name of the videoCon da-


    Click open

    Click other -> database resources in the menu to the left

    Right click on about database document

    Choose design properties, then Settings

    Uncheck Prohibit design replace or refresh to modify


    Do the same for the Using database document.

    Update the Mail template for the users

    Update the Mail template for the users


























  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Video booking functionality can be offered to Notes users in several ways

    Use of an existing mail-template without modication.

    Adding the additional video conference functionality to the existing mail-

    template used by users

    Push the provided TANDBERG modied standard mail template (tmsmail6.

    ntf) to users

    The rst method will allow users to book rooms, but they will not have any of

    the additional functionality such as being able to set conference parameters, or

    specic additional sites such as external dial-in or dial-out sites.

    The second method may be required if the organization is already using a cus-

    tomized mail template. Additional information on how to add the TANDBERG

    functionality to your existing template is available in the Appendix of this docu-


    The last method is the recommended method as it provides the most video op-

    tions to users in the standard Notes mail format. The mail template that users

    use can be updated in several ways, but one method is as follows:

    Open Domino Administrator and Select the Server hosting the mail les of

    the user to be updated

    Select the Files Tab and then the mail folder

    Select the users to be updated

    Choose from the File Menu -> Database -> Replace Design

    Select the server where the TMS templates were installed and select TMS

    Mail (6) and press Replace.

    Update the Resource TemplateFrom the Domino Administrator, open the Video Conference Resources

    Click on File -> Database -> Replace Design

    Chose the correct template server, click Show advanced templates and

    choose TMS Resource Reservations (6).ntf

    Click OK

    Enable the agentsStart Lotus Domino Designer and open the Resource Reservations Data-

    base you created earlier in the installation. You can open the database by

    going to File -> Database -> Open and select the server where the data -

    base was created and select the database from the list.

    Expand the item Shared Code from the view in the left frame

    Click on Agents

    The right frame now lists all the Agents in the database. Five orsix (depending on the Domino version) of the agents will have

    Red and Yellow Icons next to them, marking them as disabled.













  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Calendar Options in the TANDBERG Mail TemplateUsing the calendar to request a meeting does not change from standard Lotus

    Resource booking so that process is not covered in this document. Please

    refer to your Lotus Notes help for information on using the Calendar and Ad-

    dress Book.

    The mail template supplied by TANDBERG is based on the R6 Mail template,

    but includes an additional button on the Calendar page. This button gives ac-

    cess to a window where users can:

    Dene external participants for the meeting (both dial-in and dial-out)

    Request a web conference from TMS

    Specify conference parameters such as bandwidth, layout, etc.

    This functionality is not required to be able to book meetings from Lotus in TMS,

    but if you intend to give users the ability to override the conference defaults or

    use one of these additional features you must update the users template.

    Once updated, the template includes a new button Video Conference Settings

    on the New Calendar Entry document.

    When the user clicks on this button, a new pop-up window opens

    On this page, the user can set conference specic parameters, or add external

    participants to the meeting. For audio or video sites that are not dened asIntegrated rooms in your setup, you can dene them to be External Dial-Out

    sites in this page (audio or video) and they will be called automatically when

    the meeting starts. In addition, you can reserve ports for people to call into the

    meeting, both audio and video by dening them to be External Dial-in partici-


    Post installation setup

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Installation Verication Once completing the install, the installation should be tested by verifying meet -ing changes populate both from Lotus to TMS and from TMS to Lotus.

    Testing meetings from Lotus to TMSTo verify meetings from Lotus are being saved in TMS, create a test meeting in

    your calendar using two rooms in Lotus that are integrated with TMS for a date

    in the future. For a successful booking check that

    You get a meeting request e-mail for each room

    You get a meeting conrmation for each room

    That in TMS under List Conferences that the meeting is shown.

    Process Overview for Meetings created in Lotus

    The steps taken when booking a meeting from Lotus are described below. Use

    this work ow to help diagnose where a failure is occurring if your test meeting

    does not complete the test successfully

    User creates a meeting request in their calendar and presses send to send

    the invitations

    Notes client sends requests to participant in the meeting including to each

    room selected in the meeting. These show up in the requesters Inbox

    The meeting requests for the rooms show up in the Reservation Database

    under Reservations -> Waiting for Approval

    The Waiting for Approval Requests are processed by the TMS Trigger


    The Integration components log into the TMS server and try to create a

    meeting using the details from the Lotus Meeting request

    TMS tries to book the meeting request and will accept or reject the meeting

    if its not possible to book

    If the meeting is accepted by TMS, the reservations requests are approvedand moved out of the Waiting for Approval view and into the reservation

    database calendar and can be seen in the Date and By Resource views

    in the Reservation Database. If the meeting is rejected by TMS, the res-

    ervation requests are denied and moved into the Declined view of the

    Reservation Database

    The meeting accept or decline e-mails are then sent to the meeting re-

    quester by Domino from the reservation database

    If the test meeting does not carry through to the point of where the requester

    gets the accept e-mails for each room listed below are some symptom and tips

    for each phase of the process listed above.

    Steps 1 or 2

    Symptom: User never sees request e-mails after sending meeting request


    Look at the Notes Client or User Actions. Make sure to refresh the inbox (F9)

    to check for new mails

    Step 3

    Symptom: Requests does not show up in Reservation Database Waiting for

    Approval View










  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Make sure request is not in other views in the Database

    Check if user selected proper rooms

    Check Domino mail system to verify mail is being delivered

    Step 4

    Symptom: Requests show up in Waiting for Approval but stay in there inde -


    Tips:Check the Domino Server Log of the Integration Server for signs the TMS

    Trigger Agent has ran

    If you see logging activity from TMS Trigger agent, look for possible failure

    reasons in the Domino Server log

    If you do not see logging activity from TMS Trigger, verify the installation

    steps around enabling the TMS Trigger Agent

    Step 5

    Symptom: Requests are rejected with 401 Errors


    Verify TMS Service Account login information is saved in the TMS Admin

    Document of the Reservation database

    Verify login information of the TMS Service Account by manually trying to log

    into TMSs web page using the same account information

    Verify installation steps to change the security settings of the TMS Booking


    Step 6

    Symptom: TMS rejects the meeting request


    Verify rejection by trying to book same the same meeting in TMS directly. Ifthe meeting is rejected, Lotus can be excluded and, it is either the conference

    settings are incompatible with the systems, or permissions related.

    For conference settings, make sure all systems are available, have compatible

    dialling information, and can support the conference type being requested.

    For permissions related issues, make sure each system has their Scheduling

    permissions enabled (under Settings in Navigator).

    Symptom: If the meeting is possible if booked from TMS directly, but not Lotus

    because it gets rejected.


    Look at the error message returned from TMS in the rejection.

    Possible errors are TMS Service Account does not have permission to book

    the system

    Step 7 and 8

    Symptom: Meeting gets accepted in Lotus, but does not show up in TMS


    Make sure you are not ltering out the meeting when using the List

    Conferences page. Check the date range and user lters.

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Testing meetings from TMS to LotusTo verify meetings from TMS are being saved in Lotus, create a test meeting in

    TMS using two systems that are integrated with Lotus for a date in the future.

    For a successful replication check that

    After 5 minutes, the meeting shows up in the Reservation Database under

    Reservations -> By Date or -> By Resource

    Process Overview for Meetings created in Lotus

    The steps taken when booking a meeting from TMS is to be replicated to Lotus

    are described below. Use this work ow to help diagnose where a failure is oc -

    curring if your test meeting does not complete the test successfully

    A booking change of some type is made in TMS

    TMS keeps a log of all booking activity

    Scheduled Synchronizer Agent is running on Domino Server at 5 minute

    intervals and keeps track of the last booking change it was told by TMS

    At timed mark, the Synchronizer runs and asks TMS give me all the chang-

    es since XYZ

    TMS gives Synchronizer all the booking changes and the Lotus Integrationprocesses all the changes which are relevant for systems integrated with


    The integration directly modies the reservations in the reservation data-


    If the test meeting does not carry through to the Domino Reservation Database,

    below are some symptom and tips for each phase of the process listed above.

    All Steps

    Symptom: Meetings do not show up in Reservation Database Calendar


    Make sure test meeting participants are integrated with Lotus Check the IDof the Resource Document for the site and verify it matches the system ID for

    the system in TMS under Settings Page in Navigator

    Check the Domino Server log for signs that the Scheduled Synchronizer is

    running on the 5 minute intervals

    Symptom: No signs in the Domino Server Log that the Scheduled Synchronizer

    is running


    Verify the Scheduled Synchronizer Agent is enabled per the Lotus Integration







  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Frequently Asked Questions about booking using

    Lotus Integration

    Question: Why do I get multiple meeting requests when I book a meet-


    Answer: Lotus sends a separate meeting request for each room selected for

    the meeting. You will receive an e-mail for each request, acceptance, or denial

    for each room selected in the meeting request.

    Question: Do I need to keep the meeting request e-mails?

    Answer: No, the request, accept, and reject e-mails are not required to have

    the meeting run and do not include any additional information beyond what is

    in your calendar entry. TMS will send a separate e-mail with call routing infor-

    mation for your meeting.

    Question: My meeting was rejected by the rooms, but is still in my calen-

    dar, why?

    Answer: The Lotus Integration does not touch your personal calendar. If a

    meeting you book is denied, your calendar document still exists. You shouldupdate your calendar appropriately if a meeting is rejected.

    Question: How long do I have to wait before I get my accept/reject e-mails

    for my reservation?

    Answer: The delay before getting the response to your requests is dependant

    on your specic Lotus installation. As all requests in Lotus are handled via

    e-mail and are handled asynchronously. As such, there are delays and timers

    built into Lotus before the requests are received by the server and returned

    to you. On a default Lotus installation, typically you get replies within 1-3 min-


    Question: I booked my meeting in Notes, but it is not showing up in TMS

    under My Meetings

    Answer: If you received the meeting accept e-mails, the meeting has been

    booked in TMS. The meeting is booked in TMS as the integration user, not un-

    der your username. By default, normal users can not see other users booking

    in TMS. If you are an administrator or a user with appropriate permissions, you

    will see your meeting booked by the Integration user in TMS

    Question: Can I book a meeting in TMS and have it show up in Notes?

    Answer: Yes, but Notes users are encouraged to use the Notes Calendar to

    book meetings when using Lotus Integration. Meetings booked in TMS will

    automatically propagate to Notes after the synchronizer has run. However, the

    meeting will only be in the resource calendars, not your own calendar auto-

    matically. You must use the iCalendar attachment in your booking conrmation

    e-mail to add the event to your Calendar or create a Calendar entry manually.

    Question: Can I edit my meeting booked using Lotus Notes in TMS?

    Answer: Yes, if you have permission to modify other users bookings, you can

    edit the meeting booked in TMS and the resource calendars in Notes after the

    synchronizer has run. However, the meeting will only be in the resource calen-

    dars, not your own calendar automatically. You must use the iCalendar attach-

    ment in your booking conrmation e-mail to add the event to your Calendar or

    create an entry manually


  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    Question: Can I book a recurring meeting from my Notes client using

    TMS integrated rooms?

    Answer: Yes, booking recurring meetings is supported with the Lotus Integra-

    tion. All recurring patterns in Notes are supported.

    Question: Can I use the TMS Phonebooks when booking from my Notes


    Answer: No, TMS Phonebooks are not available from the Lotus Integration.

    Systems not listed in your Notes Address Book can be added to the meeting

    as External Participants.

    Alternatively, if there are numbers or sites that you use often that you would like

    to be available for booking in Lotus, TANDBERG recommends dening a room

    in TMS to represent the contact and making a resource representation of that

    room in Lotus Integration. This allows a non-managed device to be booked in

    both TMS and from Lotus Notes.

    Question: Is resource booking via Domino Web Access (iNotes) support-


    Answer: Resources setup with the Lotus Integration can be booked via the

    iNotes web interface, but the extra Video Conference Settings button will not

    be available, so the extra settings on that page will not be available and only

    conference defaults will be used.

  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    OverviewThe TMS integration with Lotus Notes allows Lotus Notes Client users connect-

    ed to a Domino Server to book, update and delete video conferences directly

    from within their Notes client. The integration is based upon representing each

    system in TMS as a room in a resource reservation database in Domino. Video

    Conferences are scheduled by inviting the rooms to a meeting in the Calendar,

    or by making reservations directly in the resource reservation database. Notes

    functionality such as free-time info and address list entries from the resource

    reservation database are kept intact, but reservations/cancellations in this da-

    tabase will not be committed until they have been processed by the TMS server

    and committed in TMS. The mail template of the Notes users can be replaced

    or updated to allow video-conference specic properties to be specied when

    scheduling a meeting with video rooms. The Notes client will never contact the

    TMS server directly.

    Synchronizing Changes from TMS

    The Scheduled Synchronizer agent is installed on the Domino server andpropagates all bookings/changes/cancellations performed in the TMS side into

    the Domino Resource Reservation Database. The Lotus integration tracks a

    transaction log kept on the TMS server to make sure the Lotus database is up

    to date. The agent polls the TMS server at a specied time interval to retrieve

    changes and updates and processes changes in the Resource database as

    required. Activity for the Scheduled Synchronizer agent can be viewed in the

    Domino Server log.

    Synchronizing Changes to TMSBookings and updates from the Notes clients are delivered by the Domino Mail

    system to the Resource Reservation Database and queued. Once the request

    Appendix A

    Technical Description of

    IBM Lotus Notes Inte-


  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    reaches the database, the AgentManager initiates the Java agent TMSTrigger

    installed on the Domino Server to process the request. This agent submits the

    booking or meeting update to TMS which in turn tries to commit the change

    to the TMS database. If successfully booked in TMS, this process moves the

    Notes clients request from the pending queue to the reservations view in the

    resource reservation database on Domino, and sends a meeting acceptance

    e-mail to the Notes user who submitted the reservation, together with the in-

    formation about the meeting (call route, web conference details etc.). If the

    meeting could not be booked in TMS, the agent will send a meeting reject

    e-mail to the Notes user who submitted the reservation with the reason whythe meeting could not be booked (system not available, no MCU to host the

    meeting, no gateway available etc.). Once booked, the meeting will appear in

    TMS with the owner of the meeting being the TMS Service Account created

    during installation. All meetings booked through Lotus are owned by this user

    account in TMS.

    Cancellations from the Notes Client are not queued, but are performed on the

    y. The Notes client will try to delete the reservation in the resource reservation

    database, and this event will be handled by the compiled TMSEventCatcher.

    dll on the Domino Server that will start a java agent that will contact the TMS

    server and cancel the meeting. If the meeting is active, the video conference

    will be ended. If the TMS server cannot be contacted, the reservation will notbe deleted.

    Only Resource Calendars are modied by the Integration. User calendars are

    not modied by the Integration and users are responsible for adding/removing

    changes if they are not the user initiating the meeting change.

    Communications between TMS and DominoAll communications with the TMS server is done using Web Services (HTTP),

    implemented in Java on the Domino Server. The network link between the TMS

    server and the Domino server should not cross a public network, as HTTPSis not currently supported in the java communication library. The Notes clients

    do not communicate directly with TMS; all communications is done through the

    integration installed on the Domino server.

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    These steps will describe how to modify an existing Mail template to include the

    video functionalities included with the TANDBERG supplied mail template. This

    procedure is only recommended for experienced Domino Administrators or De-

    velopers. TANDBERGs Helpdesk will require use of the TANDBERG supplied

    template when troubleshooting the Integration and handling service calls.

    Make a copy of the existing mail template. This can be done using Domino


    Connect to the server, on the Files page, select Show me: Templatesonly Select the template you wish to base off of. Example: Mail (R6)


    From the File Menu ->Database->New Copy

    Select a server to save the copy on

    Give the Database a name and lename.

    Check the checkbox for Database design only and Click OK.

    Once the database copy has completed, press F9 to refresh the le list

    Right-click on the new database template in the Files list and select Prop-


    Give the template a Title on the Information Tab. In the Design Properties

    tab, check the Database is a master template box

    Open the newly created database in Domino Designer. This can be done

    in Administrator by double-clicking the database, and then selecting from

    the View Menu -> Design.

    Open the TANDBERG supplied template in Domino Designer (File Menu ->

    Open then select the server and the TMS Mail (6) template).

    From the TANDBERG supplied template copy the form _TMSAdditional-

    Dialog by right-clicking on it and selecting copy.

    Switch to your new template and paste the form. When prompted, select no

    to automatically update when TMS Mail (6) changes.

    Right click the pasted form and select Properties Select the Design Prop-

    erties tab, make sure Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify is not

    checked and close the Properties window

    Double-click the _Calendar Entry form in the new template. Make the Ac-

    tion Pane viewable by going to the View Menu and select Action

    Right click the Save and Send Invitations action and select Properties. In

    the Hide Action When tab, check Hide from notes R4 or later and close

    the Properties window

    Create a new action (right-click in action pane and select Create Action)

    Name the new action Save and Send Invitations and close the properties

    window for the new action.

    From the supplied TANDBERG template, open the _Calendar Entry form,

    select the second Save and Send Invitations action, highlight and copy

    the LotusScript code from the code pane and paste it into the code pane of

    the new action in the new template. Repeat for the Declaration portion of

    the action by selecting the Declaration portion of the action from the sup-

    plied template and paste into the action in the new template

    In the new template, create a new action (right-click in action pane and se-

    lect Create Action) and name it Video Conference Settings and then close

    the property box for the action

    From the supplied TANDBERG template, open the _Calendar Entry form,

    select the Video Conference Settings action, highlight and copy the for-

    mula code from the code pane and paste it into the code pane of the new

    Video Conference Settings action in the new template














    Appendix B

    Modifying an Existing

    Mail Template to include

    TANDBERG Advanced

    Button functionality

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    Save and close the modied database

    Sign the new database using Domino Administrator with a valid id.

    Update the mail template for the intended users with the newly modied

    template using Domino Administrator




  • 7/29/2019 D1356111-Lotus Integration Installation


    OverviewThe TANDBERG Lotus Integration operates the same when installed onto a

    Domino server running on an AIX platform as it does on Windows. Installa-

    tion on AIX or Linux is not supported as a standard installation and requires

    contacting TANDBERG for professional services. This document is intended to

    outline the differences between the types of installations.

    In an AIX environment, TMSEventCatcher.dll is replaced by another le,

    libexttms.a, and the installation steps change slightly due to le system differ-ences. This Appendix will note the exceptions to the standard install when in -

    stalling to a Domino server running on AIX. Administrators should read through

    this section rst, and then follow the standard installation instructions noting

    the exceptions listed below.

    Installation Changes

    File Differences

    All les used for both installations are the same with the exception of TMSEv-

    entCatcher.dll. This dll is not used on AIX and is replaced by the compiledle, libexttms.a. References to TMSEventcatcher.dll should be correlated to

    libexttms.a when using AIX.

    Copying the .jar les to the server

    After copying the .jar les to the Domino Server, the permissions should be set

    to read-execute using chmod, not using right-click as described for Windows.

    Using a shell, navigate to the directory where you copied the jar les and issue

    the command chmod 555 *.jar to set read-execute the jar les in the current


    Copying the dll le to the server

    The TMSEventCatcher.dll in an AIX deployment is replaced by the le libexttms.

    a . Copy this le to the Domino Program Folder and set the permissions to be

    read-execute. Using a shell, navigate to the Domino Program Directory issue

    the command chmod 555 libexttms.a to set read-execute on the le.

    Editing the notes.inile

    When editing the JavaUserClasses statement in the notes.ini le on AIX, co -

    lons, not semi-colons should be used between le paths.


    Use semi-colonsAIX

    Use colons

    The EXTMGR_ADDINS statement should be modied to not reference TM-

    SEventCatcher.dll but libexttms.a instead.

    Example AIX notes.inile changes

    TMSResourceDatabaseName=Video Conference Resources



    JavaUserClasses=\lib\all.jar: \lib\mail.jar: \lib\activation.jar:\lib\

    Appendix C

    Installing the Lotus Inte-

    gration on an AIX based

    Domino Server

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