Page 1: CWRU Office for Sustainability March 2018 Newsletter · Hiring Student Workers We are hiring Sustainability Ambassador and Green Lab Auditor teams to being work next Fall. Both positions

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CWRU's Office For Sustainability E-Newsletter View this email in your browser

Treenote: Soils, Canopies and Climate  Wednesday, April 11 / 5:30 - 8:30pm  Tink Ballroom B Join the CWRU Office for Sustainability to learn thesustainability story of the Nord Family Greenway,hear a City of Cleveland Tree Plan update, andcelebrate our campus Sustainability Champions. 

Appetizers will be servedRSVP & read about the presenters onEventbrite.If you are planning to have your class attend,please contact us at [email protected] we plan accordingly, otherwise eachattendee must register individually. 

About Us

The Office forSustainability isdedicated to creatingsustainable change oncampus by reducinggreenhouse gas emissions,improving energyefficiency, promoting localfood, recycling, andsustainable purchasing, aswell as advocating forindividual and institutionalbehavior change.  Questions/Feedback?  [email protected] (216) 368­2196  



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Page 2: CWRU Office for Sustainability March 2018 Newsletter · Hiring Student Workers We are hiring Sustainability Ambassador and Green Lab Auditor teams to being work next Fall. Both positions

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Food Week 2018 Food Week is almost upon us and filled with dailyevents to get our campus talking about, creating andeating sustainable, ethical, local food.  Find the list of events at the Food Forum websiteincluding the Panel of Local Farmers Green BagLunch. We hope to see you there to enjoy a lightlunch prepared with locally-sourced ingredients.Please RSVP

CWRU awarded Tree Campus USA  This Spring, CWRU has been awarded the TreeCampus USA designation by the Arbor DayFoundation. Our Office for Sustainability studentSustainability Ambassadors, Claire Holliday and




Community EventsBottle Blossoms: An UpcycleWorkshop Sunday, March 11 1:00 - 4:00pm Upcycle Parts Shop inCleveland Solar Co-Op Info Session Wednesday, March 14 6:30 – 8:00pm University Heights CityCouncil Chambers Solar Co-Op Info Session Thursday, March 15 6:30 – 8:00pm Brooklyn Senior CommunityCenter Bike Cleveland Bike SmartEducation Series  Tuesday, March 20 6:30 - 8:00pm Bike Cleveland Offices in OhioCity Building Education Series:Case Studies of ExemplaryEfficiency Projects Thursday,  March 22 7:30 – 10:00am Oswald Building, Cleveland  Gardener's Guide to OrganicFertilizers Thursday,  March 22 6:00 - 7:30pm Cuyahoga Soil & WaterConservation District Food Keynote with MarionNestle Friday, March 23

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Page 3: CWRU Office for Sustainability March 2018 Newsletter · Hiring Student Workers We are hiring Sustainability Ambassador and Green Lab Auditor teams to being work next Fall. Both positions

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Kayla Buckelew, along with our Tree AdvisoryCommittee members, worked over the past year anda half to complete the requirements and submit theapplication. A University representative will formallyaccept the award at an event in Avon Lake in May. Inorder to earn this designation, CWRU had to fulfill five tree campus standards which included: forminga tree committee, creating a campus tree care plan,hosting an annual Arbor Day event, and a campusservice learning project. 

Nominate Your Campus SustainabilityChampion At our upcoming Treenote, we will be giving awayour campus Sustainability Champion Awards. Weannually honor a faculty member, a staff member,and a student from CWRU for their work to furtherour aim to make our campus carbon neutral by2050. Nominate your own Sustainability Championon our website by March 30. Be sure to checkout past winners for inspiration!

4:30 - 5:30pm Tinkham Veale UniversityCenter, Ballroom A  CWRU Food Week March 23 -30 (Note that dates have shifted)  

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Page 4: CWRU Office for Sustainability March 2018 Newsletter · Hiring Student Workers We are hiring Sustainability Ambassador and Green Lab Auditor teams to being work next Fall. Both positions

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Hiring Student Workers  We are hiring Sustainability Ambassador and GreenLab Auditor teams to being work next Fall. Bothpositions require a passion for sustainability and ateam attitude. Ambassadors will work on a team oftwo on a specific sustainability subject. Auditorsneed to have experience having worked in a wet labon a higher ed campus. Apply for either position withyour CWRU id on our Google Form. Applicationdeadline is March 30.

Go Solar with the County Co-Op The Cuyahoga County Solar Co-Op through SolarUnited Neighbors (SUN) is open again for countyresidents interested in adding solar to their roofsaffordably. Our own Maureen Wise, sustainabilityconsultant, and her family signed up through the Co-op in 2017 and saved 20% on their system. Duringthe summer months, the Wise's over-producedpower and earned credit on their electric bill. Theypaid for the system through a bank loan. Learn moreat the SUN website or contact Maureen to learnmore about her experience. Two communitymeetings are coming up next week with SUN tolearn more also (see the event side panel).  

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Sustainability House We are wrapping up a successful first year at theSustainability House, an intentional student housingexperience. We will be looking for students to joinour second cohort for the 2018-2019 academic yearand anticipate applications to be ready in late March.Applicants should be passionate aboutenvironmental sustainability, willing to participate inenergy, waste and water data collection, andenthusiastic to live in an intentional community. Inadvance of having an official application ready youcan email [email protected] with questionsand interest.  

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