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  • 7/27/2019 CV LFontana



    Lorenza Belinda FontanaSheffield Institute for International Development (SIID), University of Sheffield

    ICOSS Building, 219 Portobello RoadSheffield, S1 4DP, UK

    Telephone: +44 114 222 [email protected]


    I am Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Sheffield Institute for InternationalDevelopment (SIID), University of Sheffield. My research interests include conflict studiesand new models of citizenship and governance. In particular, I explore the ways in whichsocial movements have been adapting to normative and institutional changes at the nationaland international levels. Theoretically, my work is highly multidisciplinary, drawing from asociological approach to collective action to policy analysis, development studies and political

    philosophy. My empirical fieldwork is concentrated in the Andean region of Latin America.

    I collaborated within different international research projects, namely on social conflicts andgood governance (UNDP) and on Latin American democracies (IDEA/IPSA). I have also arich professional experience in the fields of political analysis, communication and projectmanagement. Over the last seven years, I worked in different capacities for internationalorganizations such as the United Nations, the Carter Foundations and the InternationalInstitute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.

    Current Position

    2013 to Present Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Sheffield Institute for InternationalDevelopment (SIID), University of Sheffield


    2012 Ph.D in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability (SantAnna School ofAdvanced Studies, Pisa) - Summa cum laude and Mention ofDoctor Europeaus

    Ph.D Thesis:Social Conflict, Collective Narratives and Identity-building: Lessonsfrom Bolivia

    o Visiting Student, Centre dAnalyse et dIntervention Sociologiques, coledes Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France, May Oct. 2011

    o Fieldwork in Bolivia, Apr 2010 June 2011o Visiting Student, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia, Aug Sept 2008

    2007 M.A. in International Relations (University of Bologna)

    o Visiting Student, Amsterdam Centre for Conflict Studies, University ofAmsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. Dec. 2007

    o Intern Mdecins Sans Frontires, Rome, Italy, June Sept. 20072005 M.A. in Multimedia and Mass Communication (University of Turin)

    Graduation thesis inHistoryof Political ThoughtTitle: Contemporary Mexico between Localism and Globalization - Summa cumlaude

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    o Fieldwork in Mexico, Mar. May 20042002 B.A. in Communication Studies (University of Turin)

    Graduation thesis inHistoryofPolitical Thought

    Title: Globalization and World Westernization. Problems and Interpretations -Summa cum laude

    1999 High School specialized in Foreign Languages (Contessa Tornielli BelliniInstitute Novara)

    Academic Articles

    L. Fontana (2013) Indigenous Power? Problematizing the Relationship between the Stateand Social Movements in Bolivia. Iberoamericana:Nordic Journal of Latin American andCaribbean Studies, forthcoming (English).

    L. Fontana (2013) The Proceso de Cambio and the Seventh Year Crisis: Towards a

    Reconfiguration of the Relationship between State and Social Movements in Bolivia.Bolivian Studies Journal, Vol. 19, forthcoming (English).

    L. Fontana (2013) Andean Ethno-cultural Politics and their Effects on Social Violence:Evidence and Hypothesis from the Bolivian Case.Journal of Peace, Conflict & Development,Issue 20: 20-37 (English).

    L. Fontana (2013) On the Perils and Potentialities of the Revolution: Conflict Trends andCollective Action in Bolivia, Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 40, No. 3, May 2013: 26-42(English).

    L. Fontana and D. Sparti (2012) Induced Identities. The Political Use of Recognition inBolivia.Studi Culturali, Vol. 9, No. 2: 175-200 (Italian).

    L. Fontana (2012) The 60th Anniversary of the Bolivian National Revolution: The Ghosts inthe Closet of Evo Morales. Political Outlook 2012 (CERI SciencesPo Press), December(French and Spanish).

    L. Fontana (2012) MAS Government and the Agrarian Issue: Between Juridical Reformsand Unsolved Conflicts.Ni Calco Ni Copia, No. 4, April: 11-32 (Spanish).

    L. Fontana (2012) Evo-Totem: Leadership and Power within the Bolivian Transition. InterRelaes, August 2011, available on-line:

    L. Fontana (2010) Hezbollah vs. Israel: Confronting Information Strategies in the 2006

    Lebanese War. Arab Media & Society, March 2010, available, (English).

    L. Fontana (2008) MEND: the Last Phase of the Delta War. Afriche e Orienti, No. 2: 161-174 (Italian).

    Books and Chapters

    L. Fontana et al. (2012) Protests in Latin America. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI (Spanish).

    L. Fontana (2013) Peasant Unions vs. Native Indigenous: Social Movements and LandConflict in Bolivia. In Gutirrez, Raquel and Fabiola Escrzaga (eds.) The Indigenous

    Movements in Latin America: Resistance and Alternative Project Vol 3, forthcoming(Spanish).

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    L. Fontana (2012) Collective Narratives and Political Processes in Bolivia: From theNeoliberal Era to the MAS Cultural Revolution. In Mayorga, Fernando (ed.) State,

    Democratic Widening and Political Dispute. Bolivia 2000-2011. Cochabamba:Asdi/DICyT/UMSS/CESU (Spanish).

    L. Fontana (2012) The indigenous peasant Otherness: Land Conflicts, Identity-Shapingand State-Building in Contemporary Bolivia. In Sen, Sanghita (ed.) Multiculturalism,

    Conflict and Belonging, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press (e-book), forthcoming September2012 (English).

    L. Fontana and F. Strazzari (2009) A Fame, Bello et Peste: Conflicts Trends and RiskFactors. In Within the Cyclones Eye, Bologna: Caritas-Mulino: 71-117 (Italian).

    Contribution to International Reports

    L. Fontana et al. (2013) Understanding Social Conflict in Latin America. La Paz:UNDP/UNIR, p. 56 available on-line at:

    recovery/Understanding-Social-Conflict-in-Latin-America/ (English and Spanish)

    L. Fontana et al. (2011) Los conflictos sociales en Amrica Latina. La Paz:UNDP/UNIR/Plural Editores, p. 318 available on-line at:

    L. Fontana (2010) Sindicato Campesino vs Indigenas Leco: El Conflicto por la Tierra enApolo, Report of the Carter Center, La Paz, October, p. 65, available on-line

    Working Papers

    L. Fontana and D. Sparti Recognition and Performance. Identity Politics and itsShortcomings: The Bolivian Case

    L. Fontana Imagining a Plurinational Community: Narrative Artefacts and StrategicContingency in the Redefinition of Political Identities in Evo Morales Bolivia

    L. Fontana Indigenous Peoples vs. Peasant Unions: Land Conflicts and Rural Movementsin Plurinational Bolivia

    L. Fontana Fratricide Fights: The Land Conflict between Indigenous Leco and Peasant

    Unions in Apolo, Bolivia

    L. Fontana Indigenous Peasant Otherness: Rural Identities and Political Processes inBolivia

    Other Publications

    L. Fontana (2008) The Media in Peacebuilding. Peace Journalism, StrategicCommunication & Forms of Censorship. Itpcm Newsletter, July 2008 and in Media in

    Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention. Documentation 2008, Deutsche Welle Global MediaForum, November.

    L. Fontana (2009)Bonjou Ayiti. Volontari per lo Sviluppo, January.

    L. Fontana (2008)Media per la pace. Volontari per lo Sviluppo, December.

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    L. Fontana F. Strazzari (2009) Troppe vittime innocenti. Speciale Tragedie Dimenticate.Famiglia Cristiana, January.

    L. Fontana (2008) Bolivia: la nuova Costituzione. 27January.

    L. Fontana (2007) Il regno della steppa. Volontari per lo Sviluppo, November.

    L. Fontana (2007) Go back to Palestine.Il Nostro Tempo, July. L. Fontana (2007) Afghanistan. Boksen met een gehavend leger.Supporter, March.

    L.Fontana (2006) Samenwerking op twee wielen.Supporter, March.

    L.Fontana (2005) La casa delle streghe bambine. Volontari per lo sviluppo, January.

    L.Fontana (2005) Palestina, il ritorno possibile.DaLeggere, December.

    L.Fontana (2005) Prostitute degli dei.Liberazione and Volontari per lo sviluppo,November.

    L.Fontana (2005) Promesse e debiti. Volontari per lo sviluppo, May.

    Conferences and Seminars

    Indigenous Peoples vs. Peasant Unions: Land Conflicts and Rural Movements inPlurinational Bolivia, paper accepted for the Royal Geographical Society Congress, 28th-29thAugust 2013.

    Cultural Revolution and Indigenous Consciousness: Identity Politics and its shortcomingsthrough the Bolivian Case, paper accepted for the 7th World Congress of the InternationalUnion of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Manchester, 5th-10th August 2013.

    Imagining a Plurinational Community: Narrative Artefacts and Strategic Contingency inthe Redefinition of Political Identities in Evo Morales Bolivia within the Latin AmericanStudies Association, Washington, 29th May-1st June 2013.

    Clases medias en expansin: Hacia un nuevo Welfare post-neoliberal? within theInternational seminar Clases medias y agenda poltica en Amrica Latina, Centro deCiencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid, 14th-15th Febrary 2013.

    Marketing Ethnicity. Identity Politics and its Shortcomings: The Bolivian Case, with Prof.Davide Sparti, paper accepted for the mid-term conference of the European SociologicalAssociations Research Network on Political Sociology (RN32), Milan, 30th November-1stDecember 2012

    Andean Ethno-cultural Politics and their Effects on Social Violence: Evidences andHypothesis from the Bolivian Experience, within the XXVI Conference of the ItalianAssociation of Political Science, Rome, 13th-15th September 2012.

    Conflicto social y reterritorializacin: miradas cruzadas sobre movimientos rurales yregionalistas en Bolivia, with Herv Do Alto, within the Jornadas de Jvenes AmericanistasTerritorios y sus desafos en Amrica, San Jos, Costa Rica, 13th-15th June 2012.

    The Proceso de Cambio and the Seventh Year Crisis: Towards a Reconfiguration of theRelationship between the State and the Indigenous Movements in Bolivia, within the VINOLAN Conference Latin America in Movement: Power, Spaces and Subjectivities,Stockholm, Sweden, 26th-28th April 2012.

    Mouvements sociaux et tat en Bolivie: La fin dune lune de miel?, within the seminarRvolts et indigns of the rseau thmatique 21, Association Franaise de Sociologie,Paris, France, 9th December 201.

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    On the Perils and Potentialities of the Revolution: Conflict Trends and Collective Action inContemporary Bolivia, Conference at the Universidad Autnoma de Yucatn, Merida,Mxico, 3rd October 2011

    Sindicatos Campesinos vs Indgenas Originarios: Movimientos Sociales y Lucha por laTierra en Bolivia, within the III Jornadas Andino-Mesoamericanas Movimiento indgena:tierra-territorio, autonoma, estado y transformacin social, UNAM, Mxico D.F., 28th-30th

    September 2011.The Indigenous Peasant Otherness: Land Conflicts, Identity-shaping and State-buildingin Contemporary Bolivia, within the 5th Global Conference Multiculturalism, Conflict andBelonging, Mansfield College, Oxford, 22nd25th September 2011.

    On the Perils of the Revolution: Conflict Trends and Collective Action in ContemporaryBolivia, within the IPSA-ECPR joint conference Whatever Happened to North-South?, SoPaulo, 16th-19th February 2011.

    Sindicatos vs Indgenas Originarios: Movimientos Sociales y Lucha por la Tierra enBolivia, within the II Jornadas Internacionales de Problemas LatinoamericanosMovimientos Sociales, Procesos Polticos y Conflicto Social: Escenarios de Disputa,Universidad Nacional de Crdoba, Cordoba (AR), 18th-20th November 2010.

    Sindicato Campesino vs Indgenas Leco: El Conflicto por la Tierra en Apolo, with Prof.Alejandro Nat, within the Foro Metodolgico sobre Dilogo y Transformacin de Conflictos,PNUD y la Comunidad de Prctica sobre Dilogo y Deliberacin, La Paz, 4th-5th October2010.

    Hezbollah vs. Israel: Confronting Information Strategies in the 2006 Lebanese War,within the Research Training Course Media and Conflict, Sarajevo Mediacenter andUniversity of Oslo, Sarajevo, 17th-18th September 2008.

    Challenges for Multinational Corporations Operating in Conflict Zones: A Case Study in

    the Niger Delta, Conference of the International Business (IB) Speaker Series, InternationalBusiness Department of EAFIT University, Medellin, 28th August 2008.

    Teaching Activities

    Teaching Assistant for the Ph.D course Populismos y Movimientos Sociales en AmricaLatina of Prof. Fernando Caldern, University of Crdoba, Crdoba (AR), March 2011.

    Teaching Assistant for the M.A. course Mediacin y Transformacin de Conflictos ofProf. Alejandro Nat, Master course in Conflictology, Universidad Policial Mariscal AntonioJos de Sucre (UNIPOL), La Paz (BO), October-December 2010.

    Teaching Assistant for the M.A. course Geopolitics of Eastern Europe of Prof.Francesco Strazzari, Master course in International Relations, University of Amsterdam,October-December 2007

    Lecture:Biopolitiques Identitaires: Vers la construction dune citoyennet plurinationaleen Bolivie, within the seminar Racialisation et mondialisation of Prof.Beth Epstein andProf. Carole Reynaud-Paligot,New York University/Maison des Sciences de lHomme/ Paris1 Panthon-Sorbonne, scheduled for the 19th November 2012.

    Lecture: As Fragilidades da rEVOluo: Movimentos Sociais na Bolivia, within thecourse Antropologia III by Prof. Caroline Cotta de Melo Freitas, III Semester of Sociology

    and Politics, Escola de Sociologia e Poltica de So Paulo (BR), 15th

    February 2011.

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    Lecture: The Fragilities of rEVOlution: Social Conflict and Collective Action in Bolivia,within the course International Relation of Prof. Caroline Cotta de Melo Freitas, SantaMarcelina College, So Paulo (BR), 17th February 2011.

    Lecture: Google Image Search: Immigration and Other Stories, within the courseOrganizaciones y Culturas of Prof Juan Pablo Roman, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin (CO),26th August 2008.

    Scholarships and Awards

    2011 Erasmus Consortia Placement Post-graduate Award (European international mobilityproject) (2.500 )

    2010 POR Regione Toscana Post-graduate Award (4.800 )

    2009 UNDESA and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fellowship Programme (16.200 $)

    2008-11 SantAnna School of Advanced Studies Ph.D Scholarship Award (43.900 )

    2006-07 M.A University of Bologna Scholarship award (2.500 )2002-03 Socrates/Erasmus, international exchange program (600 )

    2000-04 Annual Academic Performance Award Nobile Collegio Caccia of Novara (7.600 )


    From 2013 Member of theRoyal Geographical Society (RGS)

    From 2013 Member ofBritish International Studies Association(BISA)From 2013 Associated Member of the Centre dAnalyse et dIntervention Sociologiques

    (CADIS), cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)

    From 2012 Member of theItalian Society of Political Science (SISP)

    From 2012 Member and Evaluator of the networkAltenative Academia

    From 2011 Associate Expert of the Political Analysis and Prospective Scenarios Project(PAPEP), a high-level knowledge network for strategic political analysis andadvice for development of the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)

    From 2010 Member of theLatin American Studies Association (LASA)

    From 2007 Member of theItalian Journalists Association

    Selected Training and Courses

    Jan 2010 Training Course for Electoral EU Observers Scuola Superiore SantAnna,UCODEP (3 days) Arezzo (IT)

    Oct 2009 Democratization, Interculturality and Representation in Latin America UnitedNations Development Programme (UNDP), International Institute for Democracy and

    Electoral Assistance (IDEA) (2 days) La Paz (BO)

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    May 2009 Workshop on Human Rights Based Approach for Development Planning Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United NationsChildren's Fund (3 days) La Paz (BO)

    Dec 2008 UN Fellows Workshop: Tools for Development Cooperation United NationsStaff College (10 days) Turin (IT)

    Nov 2008 European Union Specialization Course in Press and Public Information Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (8 days) Schlaining (AUS)

    Jun 2008 Using media to promote peace - Summer Peacebuilding Institute (EasternMennonite University) (5 days) Harrisonburg (USA)

    Jun 2008 Media and Peacebuilding, Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum Academicsand practitioners international meeting (3 days) Bonn (DL)

    Aug 2006 London School of Journalism Summer school on journalism techniques. Thecourse is valid for subscription in the National Union of Journalists (4 weeks) London



    Italian Mother tongue

    English Reading: Excellent Writing: Excellent Speaking: Excellent

    Spanish Reading: Excellent Writing: Excellent Speaking: Excellent

    French Reading: Excellent Writing: Good Speaking: Excellent

    Portuguese Reading: Good Writing: Basic Speaking: Basic

    Computer Skills

    Proficient in Word, Excel, Outlook Express, Internet, Power Point, Quark Xpress,PhotoShop, WinEdt, Latex.

    Professional Experience

    Sep.-Nov. 2012

    Political Analyst and Meeting Facilitator United Nations DevelopmentProgramme/Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States(RBEC) Bratislava (SL)

    Supporting the Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RBEC/UNDP)in the design of a methodological approach for the preparation and facilitation of a Workshop, within aprocess of reflection and restructuration of UNDP Governance Offices throughout the region;

    Generating inputs for strategic discussion, in order to qualify the process of strategic thinking and decision-making of RBEC and the Country Offices;

    Contributing to identify a new UNDPs democratic governance agenda in Europe and the Central Asia,through the facilitation of a collective strategic planning exercise, which will aim to identify and map the

    main opportunities for cooperation, the potential partners and the comparative advantages of UNDP,especially concerning the democratic governance portfolio;

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    Elaborating a scenarios document that summarizes the information disclosed and guidelines on decisions tobe taken, and an institutional mapping, synthesizing the debate during the Workshop and the finaldisplaying position of the Country Offices.

    Mar.-May 2012

    Researcher International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance(IDEA)/International Political Science Association (IPSA)

    Carried out research and writings for a report on Bolivia, in the framework of the IDEA/IPSA joint project onthe "State of Democracy" in Latin America;

    Conducted an in-depth normative assessment of national public policies concerning equality, freedoms andgovernmental responsiveness; assessment of the general and effective functioning of the rule of law;

    Search and selection of relevant documents (academic papers, UN reports, international and national NGOsreports, official governmental documents, press material);

    Analysis of documents, synthesis of contents, critical evaluation and assessment, report writing.Jun.-July 2011

    Researcher and Translator United Nations Development Programme/ Political

    Analysis and Prospective Scenarios Project La Paz (BO)

    Contributed to develop a scenario-building exercise of social conflictivity in Latin America. Identification ofrelevant indicators and variables, elaboration of a four quadrants scheme, mapping of countries and sub-regions, report writings as a contribution to a wider publication: "Los conflictos sociales en Amrica Latina",published by UNDP - Fundacin UNIR Bolivia (La Paz: Plural Editores, 2011);

    Spanish to English translation of the synopsis of the report "Los conflictos sociales en Amrica Latina";Contributed to a re-editing and revision process of the report for its publication as a book by the Publisher

    Siglo XXI (Buenos Aires, 2012).

    Oct. 2010 Jun. 2011

    Unit Coordinator and Researcher United Nations Develpment

    Programme/Fundacin UNIR Bolivia La Paz (BO)

    Coordinated the Unit of Latin American conflict analysis in the framework of the UNDP-UNIR joint project"Latin American Social Conflictivity Observatory";

    Developed a methodological and theoretical framework for the press monitoring of social conflict-relatedinformation in 17 Latin American countries; coordinated the construction of an ad hoc data-set andsupported the informatics team in its realization;

    Under the supervision of the report coordinator, carried out consistent literature review, quantitative dataanalysis and presentation of preliminary results;

    Organized and facilitated working seminars for the sharing and validation of preliminary results;Substantially contributed to the writing of the report "Los conflictos sociales en Amrica Latina", publishedby Plurales Editores (La Paz, 2011), and republished as a book in a regional edition by Siglo XXI (Buenos

    Aires, 2012);Prepared project documents, donors reports, mid-term reports, press materials;Organized and facilitated an international seminar with practitioners and academic experts to validate the

    methodology and present the most important results on contemporary conflictive trends in Latin America

    Apr.-Oct. 2010

    Research and Mediation Assistant (Intern) Carter Centre Bolivia La Paz (BO)

    Supported the mediation processes of conflicts for land tenure between indigenous and peasant communities; Carried out in-depth qualitative research on those conflicts, using participative and interactive methodologies

    of conflict analysis;

    Organized and participated in meetings with journalists around the topic of how the media represent socialconflict; prepared information and training materials; supported the logistic organization;

    Monitored socio-economic and political developments and prepare brief reports.

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    Jan.-Dec. 2009

    Coordination and Political Analyst Resident Coordinators Office (RCO) of the UnitedNations System in Bolivia La Paz (BO)

    Supported the Resident Coordinator Office (RCO) in the facilitation of closer linkages between the UNoperational agencies, the government and the donor community;

    Coordinated and participated in inter-agency working groups (emergency, interculturality and human rights,gender, technical committee, communication);

    Contributed to the periodic organization of UN Country Team meetings (preparation the agenda draft,logistic arrangements, meetings convocation, aide Memoire writings);

    As focal point of the RCO, participated in the process of elaboration of Inter-agency Joint Programmes (JP)and supported the implementation phase (mainly through inter-agency coordination activities andfacilitation and mediation of the relationship with governmental institutions); four JP (for a total of 25million USD) were financed by the MGD-Fund and started to be implemented;

    Focal point of the RCO for the coordination of two humanitarian emergencies (dengue epidemic in SantaCruz region and drought in the Chaco region);

    Prepared political reports, background papers, public information material, talking points and generalcorrespondence on behalf of the UN Resident Coordinator;

    Formulated job descriptions, project documents, briefing notes and other reports and documents as requiredby the UN Country Team.

    Oct.-Dec. 2007

    Researcher and Teaching Assistant (Intern) - University of Amsterdam, AmsterdamCentre for Conflict Studies Amsterdam (NL)

    Carried out research and writing to conclude the article "MEND: the last phase of the Delta War" forsubmittal to academic journals (the article was eventually published by the journal Afriche e Orienti, 2008);conducted interviews with academic experts; literature review; validation of primary sources;

    Edited and translated from English to Italian parts of a book on international crime and the Balkan wars (thebook by Francesco Strazzari was published with the title Notte Balcanica, Il Mulino, 2009);

    Teaching assistantship for the MA course in Geopolitics of Eastern Europe. Collaborated with Prof. FrancescoStrazzari on academic and didactic activities; preparation of didactic materials.

    Jul.-Sep. 2007

    Human Resources and Communication Assistant (Intern) Mdecins SansFrontires Roma (IT)

    Prepared a proposal for a new communication strategy for the Human Resources department; carried outpreliminary assessment analysis among the target population (Italian doctors and paramedical staff);evaluation of different communication strategies and outreach materials; formulation of a written proposaland presentation to the organizations board;

    In collaboration with the communication department, created new web sections on the organizations officialpage, coordinated the realization of brochures, banners, on-line advertising messages and other outreachmaterials.

    Studied the dynamics of medical volunteers' recruitment; carried out interviews with the organizations staffand external candidates;

    Instrumental in the recruitment and selection process of volunteers (doctors and paramedical staff).Oct. 2005-Oct. 2007

    Project Coordinator Provincia di Novara Novara (IT)

    Coordinated "Facciamo la pace" (Let's make peace), an education project by the Provincia di Novara(regional public administration) that aimed to provide funding and coordination to local NGOs and charitiesto develop different training activities in primary and high schools. This includes multi-level courses andseminars for students (children and teen-agers) on peace, human rights, interculture, fair trade, andenvironmental sustainability.

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    Organized all the coordination-related activities: facilitated regular follow-up meetings; edited the courses'programmes, press releases and other outreach materials; coordinated periodic trainings for trainers,managed a database to track the project's progresses; mid-term and yearly report writings; coordinatedsecretary activities; organized press conferences; budget and project monitoring;

    Facilitated and mediated the relationship between the different stakeholders: donor public administration,other institutional partners, NGOs and charities.

    May 2005-Oct. 2006Communication Officer Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato Novara (IT)

    Coordinated internal and external communication activities for the Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato, anon for profit organization funded by regional public administration and banks foundations specialized inproviding consultancy, training and communication services to charities and NGOs;

    Elaborated communications campaigns both for the organization and for charities and NGOs (consultingactivity); coordinated the work of graphic and web designers;

    Managed the press office; maintained regular relationship with the local media (press, TV and radio) andjournalists; called and led press conferences; wrote press releases;

    Coordinated the institutional web page updating;Regularly participated in a radio programme on volunteering and social work;Coordinated editorial activities; edited the reviews "Il Volo News" and "InForma" and a monthly page in thelocal newspaper about charities and NGOs activities.

    Dec. 2004-Oct. 2006

    Journalist and Editor (Part-time Intern) Volontari per lo Sviluppo. Planned, editedand wrote articles, translations and photos selection Turin (IT)

    Conducted various editorial support activities;Conducted researches for collecting information and material; conducted in-person and telephonic


    Wrote different types of articles (featured articles, reportages, interviews, books reviews);Translations, proof-reading and photos selection.

    Feb. 2005-May 2006

    Part-time Trainer Coop, Centro di educazione ai consumi Turin and Novara (IT)

    Conducted training activities in primary and high schools on: (a) strategies and forms of advertising andbrand messages, the aim of the training was to raise awareness and a critical attitude towards thesecommunication strategies among teenagers and children; (b) global market and fair trade, the trainingfocused on theoretical aspects, analysis and comparison of products and role-games using interactivetechniques;

    Conducted preliminary research and selection of training materials, design of new interactive techniquesand adaptation of role games;

    Preparation ofad hoc trainings according to the level and specific requirements of the teachers; Participated in trainings for trainers on pedagogic methods and interactive techniques.

    Voluntary Activities

    Aug. 2007 Electoral observer for OSCE/ODIHR, parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan.

    Oct. 2005 Young Words Happening - Facilitated the discussion during the electronic TownMeeting Day on global information, development and integration Turin (IT)

    Aug. 2005 Workshop on Palestinian refugees organized by Jafra Youth Center

    Collaborated in communication activities (journalism, editorial, photography) with youngpeople of the youth association to produce materials for international diffusion Damascus(SYR)

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