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  • 7/31/2019 Cutty's Ark





    As the tide rolls out, Cuthbert Pye jumps off of his boat and into the

    water. Harvey

    watches from the dock, shaking his head. Pye founders about to gain a

    foothold on the bottom of his slip.

    What in the hell areyou doing, now? Harvey asks.

    Checking for worms, is the strained reply, as Pye rubs his hands

    down the hull feeling for the telltale holes. He splashes about like a great


    The commotion brings Zelda up on deck from out of the boat. Hands

    on hips, she hollers to Pye, Lunch in five minutes, with or without you.

    She looks at Harvey and shrugs.

    Worm check, he says.

    Oh, but of course. Zelda disappears back down to the galley and

    turns off the oven, hoping the pizza doesnt turn into a brick. And on second

    thought opens the oven door. A little extra heat wouldnt hurt.

    Though it is officially Spring, you couldnt tell except by the calendar.

    Chilly breezes still swoop down from the north and the dampness of the

    water only makes the cold cling to your bones all the better. Pier after pier

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    of shrink-wrapped boats wait to emerge from their white world. Anxious

    boaters prowl the marina, inspecting their boats faring of the winter and

    sharing tales not yet lived.

    As Zelda rinses the dishes from the previous night, she glances up at

    the window and screams. Bowls shatter. At water level, smushed up

    against the glass is a face.

    You asshole! she shrieks. Moments like this really make her wonder

    why she puts up with Pye. Goddamned fool. Ought to be used to it by now,

    old girl, she tells herself.

    Dripping silt and slag like a creature from the deep, Pye cackles as he

    clambers up onto the plywood work platform floating behind his boat, not

    without major difficulty for a man nearly as round as he is tall.

    Damn, but that waters cold, he says.

    Harvey reaches down to give his neighbor a hand. Whatd you do

    that for?

    Had to check for the worms, I told you.

    You know what I mean. You could give somebody a heart attack that

    way. Harvey backs up on the dock and lights a cigarette.

    Pye stomps the muck from his sneakers and jeans. Oh, dont worry

    about her. Shes a tough one. Little splats of slime encircle him.

    If you say so. Harvey takes another step away.

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    Anyway, at least now I know I dont have to worry about the Ark.

    Shes plenty sound. Pye shivers in the wind.

    Ought to bottom coat it, you know. Can't let stuff like that go. Next

    thing you know, you dont even have a hull to paint. Actually, Harvey

    drawls ever so slightly, you ought to just sell the thing. Get yourself a real

    boat. Fiberglass.

    Plodding along the finger pier, Pye takes a surprisingly agile step up

    onto Cuttys Ark and disappears down the hatchway long enough to grab an

    old towel. As he comes back on deck, drying himself, he says, No way.

    Theres nothing like a wooden boat. Besides, Im going to give her a good

    sprucing up this year. You'll see. The smell of pizza almost lures him back

    down to the galley when he sees a weather worn bay boat cruise into the


    Hey, Harv, look. Its Charlie and hes got another mate. Must be that

    nephew he was talking about.

    Harvey drops the hot ash of his smoke into the water and tucks the

    filter into his pocket. Tell me all about it. Im going to have a little lunch.

    His wiry frame disappears quickly around the far side of the boat docked

    next to Pyes. The taste of homemade vegetable soup has been on the tip of

    his gourmet tongue since he helped Natalie get it started yesterday before

    he left for the restaurant. Every time he thinks of the Lazy Whale, hes

    pleased with himself for having made such a good investment. So good, in

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    fact, that he was able to buy his forty-six foot motor yacht outright. Another

    good investment. Cheaper than the condo he used to keep to hang his

    clothes in before he met Nat. And the marina fees are no more than

    maintenance fees, the way he sees it.

    Pye has already come off of the finger pier and is trotting himself along

    the dock like the proprietary little watchdog he thinks himself to be. When

    he reaches the fuel dock, Charlie has already tied up and is pumping diesel,

    his engine chattering away all the while.

    Hey, Charlie, Pye calls over the drone. Howya doin?

    Without looking away from the numbers rolling on the pump, Charlie

    says, You still here, Pye? Heard you done froze to death.

    Nah, just the car. Damn thing wouldnt budge for a week.

    So, whatd you do?

    Had a party. What else could we do?

    Thats just exactly what I wouldve done in that situation.

    As Charlie replaces the nozzle on the pump a boy just shy of his

    sixteenth birthday scuttles out of the glassed-in kiosk and comes over to the


    Prompt little bugger, aint you? Charlie says, handing the young man

    the money.

    Counting out the bills, he says, Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

    Hey, kid, whats your name?

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    Jake, sir.

    Lemme give you a piece of advice, Jake-sir. If you find one man in

    your life thats worth being called, sir, then youre doing real good.

    Especially if hes your old man. Remember that. And for Gods sake, take a

    good look at this face. Dont you go calling me sir, again. Names Charlie.

    Got it?

    Yes, uh,Charlie. Jake cannot wait to get away from this guy.

    Sounds like one of his dads poker buddies, late in the game. Hes grateful

    to go hide out in the hut, as he thinks of the kiosk.

    Pye cackles, and his face bunches up into a pleasantly wrinkled moon.

    Kids. Pye fingers the change in his pockets and rocks back and forth,

    almost in sway with the old deadrise boat below him. Say, didnt I see you

    have a mate on board?

    Charlie is fiddling with his umbrella rigs, securing chartreuse sassy

    shad to the single hook above the treble hooks. Yeah. Got me a good one

    this time. Bob is a fine mate.

    A short-haired blonde wearing a green knit cap and overalls pops out

    of the forward cabin with a trayful of assorted cut bait--peeler crabs, clam

    snouts, and squid strips.

    Pye nearly rocks himself right off of the dock. That aint nobodys

    nephew, he gasps to himself. What he sees is a pixie face with big brown

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    doe eyes. But with a sturdy look about her. Enchanting, hed have to say, if


    This heres Bob, Charlie says, barely looking up from his task.

    Damn. He runs a good-sized hook into his finger and yanks it out.

    Bob smiles and waves before setting about the baiting of her set of


    Wiping the blood on his multi-stained jeans, Charlie looks up at Pye

    and says, Shes a mermaid, you know? Yep. He nods. Caught her off

    the coast of the Carolinas last Fall. And shes just too damn big to throw


    Bob has the bait set and is untying the forward line to the pier when

    Charlie sees her.

    Gotta go, he says, and puts the heavy diesel engines into gear from

    the outside station. With that, Bob throws the line onto the pier and waves

    to Pye. And theyre off in a cloud of diesel fumes and cold water spray.

    Damn. Pye shakes his head, watching the pair head out of the

    harbor and into the river. Hes got to give it to old Charlie, not only is she

    easy to look at, but useful, too.

    As Charlies boat hits the open currents of the early Spring river, it

    gives a bit of a hop before settling into its heaving ply upriver.

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    Pye wanders back to the Ark, nodding at the other boaters milling

    about. A flash of copper catches his eye in time for him to see Zelda getting

    into her car.

    Hey, Pyecalls, and bounds over to where shes parked. A bit out of

    breath, he says, I thought you wanted to eat lunch.

    I did, she says, and turns over the ignition, tightening her lips into

    thin lines so she doesnt laugh at the picture he makes standing there,

    looking pouty, afraid he wont get anything to eat. She has her own forever


    Well, then, be that way. He stares at the ground and turns to leave.

    Try looking in the oven, she says, before shutting the car door and

    driving towards the exit of the parking lot.

    With a light step, Pye fairly skips off to his lunch.

    As Nat washes a few bowls and spoons, she asks Harvey, What was

    Pye doing in the water earlier?

    Harvey lowers his newspaper. Brace yourself for this one. He was

    inspecting the hull for worm holes.

    In mid-wipe, Nat says, Dont they usually pull the boat out of the

    water to do that?

    Sane people do.

    Nat turns to look over her shoulder to where Harvey is sitting in the

    saloon, a dozen feet from the galley. Is he sober?

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    Nodding, Harvey replies gravely. Im afraid he is. Sober as a judge.

    She raises her eyebrows. Hmmph. Well, what was Zel screaming


    Carp man.


    Harvey folds up his paper and raises the footrest of his lounger. He

    starts chuckling in spite of himself. Pye shoved his face onto the window in

    the galley and nearly gave her a glimpse of Eternity.

    "Sheesh. I dont know how she stands it. You never can tell what hell

    get up to next.

    Tell me about it, Harvey grumbles.Remember Halloween? He

    about scared those kids to death when he was running around with that pig

    mask on, dripping ketchup and squealing that way. Hes just a laugh a


    Nat flips the dishtowel over the clean dishes draining by the sink and

    joins Harvey in the saloon. She stretches her long legs across the sofa.

    Laughing, she says, You know you like him. Thats why we got this slip,

    isnt it?

    Well, yes. But it isnt the same as when I just saw him on weekends

    or whenever I took out the little boat.

    But he is a good neighbor. Hes always ready to lend an hand.

    Especially since hes been living on his boat for years and knows all that stuff

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    we didnt. At least I didnt. I thought itd be like an apartment on the


    Harvey gets a beer out of the refrigerator and looks to Nat, who nods.

    He slowly pours a local micro-brew into two tall glasses and sets them on

    their coffee table. It is, sort of. Except in an apartment you dont have to

    worry about the head freezing solid.

    Nat laughs, a high and musical sound.

    I dont know if were cut out to be live-aboards, hon. I mean, just

    about everything we own is in storage. And even though this is a good-sized

    boat for trips and all, it sure does shrink during the winter. Even now, I

    cant wait to get outside just for the sake of someplace larger to sit.

    Well, maybe were just too far north. Ill bet itd be different down in

    the Florida Keys or someplace.

    Oh, thatd be different all right. Harvey sips on his beer for a minute

    or two. Though it would be rather difficult to run the Lazy Whale long

    distance. Tough to check out the produce, let alone the seafood from a

    thousand miles away.

    Nat sips at her beer. Isnt that what Lloyd is for?

    He is the best manager Iveever had, but Id be a fool to turn over

    the entire operation to anyone. A surefire recipe for bankruptcy.

    Mmm. Nat stares out the window, watching the gray-green water

    chop at the side of the boat, enjoying the slight roll. As a former world-class

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    insomniac, the movement of the boat which makes so many retch is sleep

    heaven for her. Until last summer, she couldnt remember the last time she

    slept through the night. Her mind wanders from place to place, all warm

    destinations. Hey, why couldnt you just sort of move the business?

    Harvey smiles paternally. Honey, it just isn't that easy. And, after

    all, it is all a matter of location.

    What, people in Florida dont like steak or soft crabs?

    Im sure they do. Its all very complicated.

    Nat knows the conversation is over and turns her attention to her

    beer. The last thing she wants is for Harvey to think shes a nag. Then he

    might spend all his time at the Whale. And shes spent enough time alone to

    know that a little goes a long way.

    After Pye changes into dry clothes, he wolfs down his half of the pizza,

    and sees from the saloon windows that someone is walking up and down the

    finger piers on either side of the Ark. Curiosity propels him up to the deck.

    How you doing, buddy? Pye calls, reaching into the cooler for his first

    cold one of the day. He does a quick mental check to make sure that it is

    indeed past noon before popping the top. He offers one to the stranger,

    who declines.

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    Is this your boat? the man asks. Hes wearing a captains hat, and

    sporting a grayish mustache, which he's twirled up at the ends. His navy

    blue windbreaker has a multicolored life ring embroidered on the left breast.

    Sure is. Why? Pye sets his beer on the cooler lid and takes a step

    closer to the man.

    The stranger extends his hand. Allow me to introduce myself. Im

    Elliot Wingate."_@

    Pye steps down to the finger pier and takes Elliots hand. Cuthbert

    Pye. He nearly adds, Commodore, Grace Harbor Yacht Club, but hes

    wondering which other club sent over this spy.

    I was wondering if youd be interested in selling your boat. You see,

    Ive been looking for one just like this and having one devil of a time. Most I

    find in chop piles behind sheds. This one has such potential. The color in

    Elliots cheeks has risen, along with his voice. But, Im sure you are already

    quite well aware of that. At any rate, Im prepared to make you a most

    generous offer.

    Well, Ill tell you, Elliot. Cuttys Ark just aint for sale. Pye puffs out

    his chest in defense of his craft.

    Elliot pulls a card from his jacket pocket along with a pen and writes a

    figure on the back of it before handing it to Pye. I certainly cant blame

    you. No, not one bit. I wouldnt want to part with her either, if she were

    mine. Should you reconsider, you have my card. He manages a thin smile.

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    Shoving the card into his back pocket, Pye says, Sure thing, Elliot.

    Again, Elliot extends his hand. So nice to have made your

    acquaintance, Cuthbert.

    Pye flinches and forces a grin as he takes the thin hand into his own

    fleshy paw. He watches as the other man clips his way along the dock and

    into the parking lot.

    Harvey appears on the finger pier between their two boats. Who was


    So startled that he nearly loses his balance, Pye catches himself and

    only spills a little bit of his beer. Damn! Dont sneak up on me like that.

    He goes back up on deck and Harvey follows.

    Pye tips his beer and drains nearly half down his throat. Some joker

    from another club. Who has the colored life ring insignia?

    Harvey thinks for a minute before shrugging and helping himself to a

    beer. Whatd he want?

    Says he wants to buy the Ark. Right. Ill just bet you that bunch

    from the Point sent him down here to make sure I didnt get her all fixed up.

    Because then Old Rat Nose wouldnt win the antique boat ribbon at the Fest

    like he does every year.

    Harvey snorts. From what Ive seen, he wouldnt have anything to

    talk about, then.

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    Pye sucks down the last of his beer and pops open another, pacing on

    the diminutive deck. You know what I ought to do? I ought to give him a

    run for his money this year. Slap on a coat of paint topside, polish up the

    stainless and redo the rails. You know, just like Id planned. Only better.

    Yeah. And some new canvas. And Ill get a flag made up with the club

    insignia. And--

    Wouldnt ithelp if she ran?

    The pumps on order. Itll be here any day now. Pye sips on his

    beer and continues pacing.

    Harvey sits down in one of the faded canvas deck chairs, enjoying his

    beer and staring out at the water. The wide-openness of the river, and

    every body of water, makes him feel anything is possible. Even for Pye to

    win that ribbon.

    A very tan man with a salt-and-pepper ponytail bicycles towards them,

    with a fully loaded pack on his back. When he reaches the boat, he stops.

    Dont you people ever go anyplace?

    Well, well. If it isnt the infamous Davis Keyes, returned from the

    Seven Seas, Pye sings.

    Hello, Keyes. So, what was your latest port?

    It mustve been one hell of a trip. Havent seen you all winter.

    After I ran the Express Cruiser down to Marathon, I decided I could

    go a winter without seeing snow. Just for a change. Keyes puts one foot

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    on the pedal and balances himself. You know, theres an awful lot to see in

    this world. And even more people to meet. He winks and rides on down

    the dock to where his old wooden thirty-six foot power boat is waiting for


    Harvey looks at Pye. He sure is a happy sort.

    Nodding, Pye says, Yeah. And I cant wait to hear about this trip. Bet

    he hooked up with a couple of those blonde beach babes they have down


    Whos got blonde beach babes? A man in his early forties is standing

    on the dock with his sixteen year-old son, both armed with fishing poles and

    tackle boxes.

    What do you say, Floyd? Pete? Pye tosses down a beer. Aint he

    old enough to drink, yet?

    Pete looks hopefully at his dad.

    Grinning, Floyd says, Someone has to drive home. He takes a drink

    from the can and scans the marina. I see Keyes is back. The Jolly Roger is


    That was quick, Harvey says. He pedaled by not ten minutes ago.

    Well, Pye says, just like him not to waste a minute.

    Pete fidgets on the dock, dying to go down and see Keyes. But he

    knows hes not allowed. And has no idea why.

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    Bet he has some tales to tell, Floyd says. Well, better go see if

    were having stripers or pizza for dinner. Thanks for the beer. He tosses

    the empty back to Pye.

    The duo go back up the dock and head for the second pier in, where

    their runabout is tied up. Floyd throws the lines onto the pilings as Pete

    fires the outboard to life and takes the helm. On their way out of the

    harbor, both admire the gulls as they clip and dive to the choppy waves, fish

    shining briefly in their mouths.

    Look at that! Pye bounces to attention and points towards the river

    where a lengthy motor yacht is approaching the marina. Brightwork gleams

    sharply in the late afternoon sun.

    Harvey stands to get a better look. Whew--that baby looks like a

    million dollars. Literally!

    Wonder what theyre doing at this marina.

    As the maroon and white craft approaches, two men come out on the

    deck to secure the lines. A man wearing a navy captains hat waves as they

    pass and the man at the wheel expertly berths the cumbersome vessel into

    a slip several piers away. Having moored, three of the men disembark and

    make their way to the parking lot.

    Looks like weve got a new neighbor, Harvey says.

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    Be pretty tough to live on one that size, huh?

    Harvey nods.

    Pye says, Bet you could cross the Atlantic with her. Hey, lets go


    Give the guy a break. He just got here.

    We got to be neighborly, don't we? Come on. Pye hops down the

    step to the finger pier and waves Harvey on, who follows, two beers in hand.

    As they walk down the dock, Pye says, We never had one that big in

    here before. He must be loaded. I mean filthy, stinking rich."

    Yeah. That sure is some toy.

    As they reach the boat, a voice booms from the deck. Ahoy! The

    man with the captains hat smiles broadly and waves. His sunglasses are

    neon pink mirrored wrap-around style, and below his khaki-colored shorts

    are his sock-clad feet wearing sandals. His thirtieth birthday is a fresh


    Pye and Harvey look at each other, both figuring his father must own

    the boat.

    The first to speak is, of course, Pye. Hi, Im Pye and this is Harvey.

    Im Max. Welcome aboard.

    Pye and Harvey board and join Max on the immaculate deck.

    Is she new? Pye asks.

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    She sure is, Max beams. Fresh from the factory. We picked her up

    in Baltimore this morning.

    Remembering the beers hes holding, Harvey offers one to Max.

    Thanks, man, but Ive got a whole boatload in here. Max snickers as

    he lifts the lid on the cooler which also provides generous seating for two.

    Got plentymore in the fridge. He pulls out three bottles of imported beer

    and offers them to his guests, who accept. Using the built-in bottle opener,

    he snaps off the caps.

    Man, Pye says, you sure know how to live. This is the good stuff.

    Yeah, aint itgreat, Max says. Life is good. He raises his beer and

    takes a long swallow.

    Pye and Harvey follow suit.

    Really nice boat you have here, Harvey says, setting the beers he

    brought on the cooler lid.

    Thanks. Really, I ought to thank my Uncle Marvin.

    Oh, is this his boat? Pye asks.

    Laughing, and nearly blowing suds out of his nose, Max says, Hell, no.

    Hes dead. Recovering himself, he continues. Sorry about that. No, he

    left me a fortune. Never even knew the tightwad had a damn penny. When

    hed come over for Christmas dinner, he brought us kids oranges. Like it

    was some big deal. But since I just happened to love em, those big navels

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    especially, it was okay with me, and I got everybody elses. He shrugs.

    And he left everything to me.

    Wish I had a rich uncle, Pye says, and savors the brew which his

    budget denies him.

    Come on in and take a look around. This is the deluxe package. Its

    even got a built-in entertainment center. And the bathrooms are really cool.

    It has two.

    Dont look now, Harvey says, gesturing with his head towards a bald

    man with a beer belly which wiggles as he walks along the pier.

    Pye takes one glance in that direction and says, For Gods sakes, lets

    go below. Now.

    Max lead the way to the enclosed bridge and opens the mahogany

    door leading down to the spacious saloon. Its the sort of room usually

    found in a hotel suite: walnut walls, glass-topped tables, plush love seats

    and a sofa.

    Quickly closing the curtains, Pye says, Boy, that wasa close one.

    Ill say, Harvey sighs.

    Whats up? Max asks.

    Well, Pye shakes his head, we just saved your life. That walking

    bowl of human jelly is Albert Ross. The Albatross. He knows everything

    about anything and he lives to share his knowledge with us poor witless


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    All you have to do is say hello to him and you can kiss the next four

    hours good-bye.

    Never, ever shuts up, Pye adds.

    Almost breaking into a grin, Max says, So, why dont you tell him to

    drop dead.

    Harvey and Pye exchange weary glances.

    Pye says, Doesnt work. Believe me, it doesn't work.

    Max sinks into an overstuffed chair by the cabin wall. So, you guys

    just hide from, whats-his-name?

    Nervously, Harvey and Pye sit on the edge of the expensive sofa facing

    Max. The Albatross. Yeah, pretty much.

    Damn, Max says. He drains his beer and offers another to the duo,

    who both smile and nod. When he opens the refrigerator, the other two see

    that he wasnt kidding about having plenty of beer. There is nothing else in

    the standard-sized refrigerator in the spacious galley.

    Accepting the beer from Max, Pye says, So, what, do you live on


    Max sits Harveys beer in front of him, on the smoked glass topped

    coffee table. Harvey wishes he had a coaster. If he had a handkerchief in

    his pocket hed use that. He tries to let it go.

    Uh, well, Ive certainly tried. But, what are you talking about?

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    Pye says, Your fridge. No room for food. Or do you just do


    Come again?

    You got to eat sometime. How can you live here with no food?

    Max shakes his head. Live here? No way. Ive got a condo. Who

    lives on a boat? That shit went out with the hippies.

    Can you dig that, Moonbeam?

    Far out, man, Pye says to Harvey.

    His eyebrows shooting up to his thinning hairline, Max says, You

    mean you guys actually live on your boats? Like, all year? As the two nod

    slowly, he says, Hey, I didnt mean anything. Its just that its so. . .uh,

    unusual these days.

    Pye asks, Have you spent anytime in a marina?

    No, not really.

    How long have you been boating?

    Counting today?

    So you dont even know how to run this thing?

    Not yet. But, Im going to take lessons. Maxs voice rises.

    Harvey offers, Maybe you should have started a little smaller.

    Something this size can be a bear to dock, if you can even find a slip.

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    Yeah, Max says. You know, I did have one hell of a time finding

    this, um, slip. Theres plenty down the bay, but I wanted to be at the head

    of the Chesapeake.

    I see, Harvey says.

    Standing up, Pye says, Weve got to get going. Thanks for the beer.

    He drains the bottle and sets it on the coffee table.

    Sure thing. Any time.

    Harvey sets his empty on the carpet, next to the sofa leg. Thanks for

    hiding us out. And for the beer. The Albatross should have flown away by

    now if he couldnt find any fool to corner.

    Pye takes a quick peek out of the curtains. Yep. The coast is clear.

    Better make a run for it.

    Max walks them up to the bridge and out on deck, where he waves as

    they leave before going back down to his living room and cranking up the


    Guess we better get used to it, Pye says. Another month and all of

    the idiots will be here. But, that Max guy just takes the cake. A classic case

    of more money than brains. All that boat and hes not even going to live on


    Harvey keeps an eye peeled for the dreaded Ross. Well, I guess he

    can afford a captain and crew.

    Yeah. Must be nice.

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    I wouldnt mind trying it, Harvey agrees.

    Whatre you talking about? Youre loaded.

    Not hardly.

    Oh, yeah, Pye snorts. Everybody owns a restaurant. And pays cash

    for their boat. Uh-huh.

    Hey, I just know a good investment when I see one.

    When they reach their boats, Pye invites Harvey to join him on the Ark

    for a drink.

    Thanks, but Ive got to go check on Nat. Make sure the galley isnt

    on fire.

    There's always carryout, Pye offers.

    Yeah, good idea, Harvey says. I could get one of the busboys to

    run something down here. How about some crab cakes? You guys come

    over around six, okay?

    Sure thing. Ill bring the dessert. Zel just made a chocolate cake.

    Sounds good. See you then.

    Dinner rolls along like many others since Nat and Harvey came to live

    at the marina. Since the last summer, its become almost a weekly event

    that the four of them get together over the weekend and spend an evening

    eating, drinking, and generally making merry. Laughter can be heard

    drifting across the water until the earliest of hours. Sometimes they play

    cards, or one of Nats innumerable board games. Mostly they just make fun

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    of the world and their lives and everyone elses. And when their cheeks and

    ribs cant stand any more, Pye and Zelda go home to their boat and smile in

    their sleep.

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