Page 1: Cuttack, Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Report exposes huge gap ...Bhubaneswar Smart City proposal was unique. One design concept, which is suitable for children, would also help other citi-zens

www.pbdodisha.in2 politicalbusinessdailythe . . . . roundup Cuttack, Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Sealed tenders are invited by the undersigned from theNational/International manufacturing firms or their authorized distributors forsupply of Laboratory Chemicals/ reagents/ Kits/ Glass Ware/ Plastic ware etc.The last date for submission of tender is on or before 05.08.2019 up to1.00P.M. which will be opened on 05.08.2019 at 5.00 P.M. in the office cham-ber of the Superintendent in presence of tenderers or their authorized repre-sentative. The tender paper will be available in the office of theSuperintendent, SCB medical College Hospital, Cuttack (User's Section) dur-ing the office hours on payment of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand) onlyin cash. The authority is not bound to accept the lowest price basing on qual-ity. The authority reserves the right to accept / cancel / reject any or all thetenders without assigning any reasons thereof. The tender paper will be alsoavailable at the website


SCB Medical College Hospital, Cuttack


INVITATION FOR [email protected]

[email protected] NOTICE

IDENTIFICATION No. 05RWSS/RRPUR- 2019-20/ Dated. 16.07.19

The Executive Engineer, RWSS Division, Rairangpur on behalf of Governor of Odisha, invites percentage rate bids to bereceived in online mode for the following works from the eligible experienced contractors in similar nature of work, registered withState Govt. & contractor of equivalent Grade/class registered with Central Govt. / Railways.1. Nature of work :- Shifting of water supply utilities2. No. of tenders :- 02(two) nos.3. Period of Completion :- 60 days4. Cost of tender :- Rs 6000.005. Estimated cost :- Rs.16.21 lakhs to Rs. 30.94 lakhs6. Class of Contractor :- (As mentioned in Tender Call Notice)7. Date and time of availability of bid documents in Portal :- from 9.00 hours of dt. 22.07.19 to 17.00

hours of dt.31.07.20198. Receipt of bid cost, bid security, documents :- On line9. Date & time of opening of technical bid :- Dt. 01.08.19 at 11.00 hours onwards.10. Other Documents :- (As mentioned in DTCN)11. The bidders have to participate in on-line bidding only. Further details can be seen from the website https://www.tender- Any addendum / Corrigendum / Cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said website.

Sd/-16.07.19Executive Engineer,

RWSS Division, Rairangpur







PROVIDING High SpeedBroadband Connectivity(HSBC) to all the Gram

Panchayats of the State has gone fora toss with field report revealingthat hardly 120 GPs are havingactive connections.

Latest report on Bharat NetUtilization has pointed out that outof 1800 GPs covered under the pro-gram, practically only 120 GPs arehaving active connections.

Bharat Broadband NetworkLimited (BBNL) took up Bharat NetPhase I in 18 Districts of the State.

Bharat Net - I was to cover 3820GPs belonging to 181 Blocks of 18districts. Sources BBNL reportedthat active Broadband facilities areextended to 1800 GPs.

However, when a field studywas taken up, it came to fore thatonly 120 GPs are having active con-nections, leaving such a huge gapbetween BBNL’s claim and the fieldreport.

It only shows that there is nosignificant progress in providingBroadband facilities to GramPanchayats, reported a senior officerin Department of Electronics andIT(DoEIT).

Bharat Net Project was envi-sioned by the Union Government todigitally connect all GramPanchayats and villages in the coun-try by way of laying Optical FibreCable (OFC).

Bharat Net was conceived toconnect one lakh Gram Panchayats

with high speed Broadband facili-ties with a cost of Rs.20,000 crore.

In Odisha 18 districts - Keonjhar,Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Bhadrakh,Jajpur, Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur,Kendrapada,Khorda, Nayagarh,Puri, Dhenkananl, Ganjam,Gajapati, Boudh, Deogarh,Kandhamal and Kalahandi - arecovered under Bharat Net-I.

While Bharat Net-I connectivityis in such a poor state, till date11,000 villages are missing mobileconnectivity.

Out of the 35,000 villages in theCountry still uncovered by mobileconnectivity, Odisha has the maxi-mum number, pointed out a seniorofficer.

Union Government had decidedto provide Mobile Connectivity toall villages in Left Wing Extremist(LWE) affected areas.

At present Tele Density ofOdisha is 75.74 Percent as against allIndia average of 90.11 Percent.

In Odisha out of 51,353 villages,11,000 villages are having no Mobile

Connectivity.Situation needs improvement

and intervention of Government ofIndia has been sought by the StateGovernment, said official sources.

A senior official said that thematter has been taken up by thestate Government with Ministry ofTelecommunications (MoT).

Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA), which is pursuing theMobile Tower Installation in MaoistAffected Areas has also beenapproached by the StateGovernment in this regard.

In fact common people are notgetting Mobile Connectivity in LWEaffected areas.

Though 736 Mobile Towers areinstalled but low radiating antennaswith low bandwidth has defeatedthe basic purpose of connecting thepeople with Mobile Facility.

Officials are clueless as to howto increase Tele Density andincrease Data Connectivity in theseareas unless Union Governmentintervenes in the matter.

Report exposes huge gap between BSNL’sclaim, actual position of HSBC to GPs



WITH participatory, inclu-sive and child-friendly ini-tiatives the Capital City ofOdisha could set examplesfor others to follow,opined three Smart CityFellows, who are in thecity to learn and studyvarious projects under theSmart City Mission.

The Smart CityFellows from fields likeUrban Planning, UrbanDesign, EngineeringInformation andTechnology, UrbanMobility, Finance, SocialSector and Environmentalissues will give their sug-gestions to the authoritiesof Bhubaneswar SmartCity Limited (BSCL) onvarious public space proj-ects after gatheringknowledge through theirstudies on various proj-ects.

Mentored by Prof. KTRavindran, the threeSmart Fellows --Subhashweti Sinha, MansiNaidu and Kirti Kawale --are looking especiallyafter public spaces andhow those are the keys toenable a good quality oflife and improve livability.

“As a small cityBhubaneswar Smart Cityhas taken the right stepsin creative way to use thepublic spaces and helpedthe citizens to be part ofthe new experiencethrough the projects. Theidea of inclusivenessadopted in the project isalso nice and it couldguide other cities in plan-ning their future urbaninterventions,’’ said Kirti

Kawale, Urban Designer.“The child-friendly

concept of theBhubaneswar Smart Cityproposal was unique. Onedesign concept, which issuitable for children,would also help other citi-zens as well. The citizen-centric participatoryapproach of the variousprogrammes of BSCL isalso good for others toemulate, opined MansiNaidu, an Electronics &C o m m u n i c a t i o nEngineering expert.

Shubhashweti Sinha,an architect and expert ininternational cooperation,feels that “the use of tech-nology like App in MoBus and other elements inpublic transport is a goodconcept. The heritagearea and its inclusion inCITIIS programme infuture would also be agood thing to begin withas the city is well-knownfor its ancient structuresand rich cultural heritageand a valuable aspect ofthe city.’’

The Smart CityFellows went around thecity and visited variousproject sites like SmartJanpath, heritage struc-tures in Ekamra Kshetraand other public spaceslike Smart Parks andparks maintained byB h u b a n e s w a rDevelopment Authority(BDA).

The three Fellows alsointeracted with seniorofficials and experts ofBSCL, BDA andBhubaneswar MunicipalCorporation to have moreknowledge on the city andits urban developmentinitiatives.

Bhubaneswar can setexamples for others:Smart City Fellows

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