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Usha  Srinivasan  Ph.D,  VP  –  Learning  and  Insights  

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How  many  of  you  are  working  on  a  Startup  right  now  or  thinking  of  star@ng  one    ?    

How  many  of  you  have  spoken  with  10  or  more  customers  ?  

How  many  of  you  have  been  speaking  with  customers  ?  

CONGRATULATIONS  !!!  You  have  truly  embarked  on  your  market  and  customer  discovery  journey    

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Market  and  Customer  Discovery  What  does  it  all  mean  ?  


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…with  unclear  direc@ons  

Market  and  customer  intelligence  can  help  

you  de-­‐risk  and  translate  your  

assump@ons  to  facts  !!!    

Clear  Pathways  

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Pg 7

Primary Secondary

60%   40%  

Quan@ta@ve   Qualita@ve  

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Is  this  journey  worth  it  ?  a.k.a  Is  this  Market  BIG  enough  ?  

 FIND  OUT  by  -­‐  Effec@ve  use  of  Secondary  published  sources  

Or  Do  it  yourself    

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1.  Consult  market  reports  from  mul@ple  vendors    2.  Be  clear  about  the  “defini@on”  used  3.  Sizing  the  market  in  publicly  traded  space  can  be  

easier  than  with  privately  held  companies:    a.  Bodom  up  method  –    Based  on  Revenues  or  

Unit  price  and  volume  of  sale    b.  Sizing  based  on  poten@al  buyers  –  e.g.,  no.  of  

hospitals,  no.  of  people  viewing  a  par@cular  website,  no.  of  u@li@es  etc.-­‐  Stats  Canada  

c.  Look  at  annual  reports,  tax  filings,  press  releases,  Tech  blogs,  product  brochures  etc.    

d.  Quick  and  Dirty  -­‐  Set  up  a  website  or  Share  and  adver@se  it  

4.  Market  sizing  at  regional  levels  is  more  logical    –  NA,  EU,  Asia,  Middle  East  

5.  Ul@mately  make  realis@c  assump@ons!!    


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Has  someone  already  been  on  this  journey  ?  a.k.a  

Which  Market  Type  do  I  fit  into  ?    

Exis@ng  Re-­‐segmented  (low  cost/

specific  need)  New    Clone      

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Who  else  am  I  going  to  bump  into  –  a.k.a  

Who  am  I  compe@ng  with  ?    

Knowing  your  market  type  is  key  to  understand  your  compe@tors  

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1.  Consider  patent  or  prior  art  searches  –  Public  databases  like  USPTO  or  WIPO,  or  paid  databases  like  Delphion  or  Total  Patents  

2.  Compare  product/technology  capability/claims:  use  product  brochures  from  trade  shows  or  product  claims  from  websites  

3.  Iden@fy  and  monitor  relevant  news  sources  (e.g.,  MobiHealth  News)  –  search  keywords,  set  up  alerts  

4.  MaRS  Startup  Library’s  “How  do  I  iden@fy  compe@tors?”  –  CrunchBase,  Techvibes,  Startup  north,  Industry  Canada  etc.  

5.  Syndicated  research  by  Frost  &  Sullivan,  Gartner,  BCC  research  etc.  that  publish  compe@tor  informa@on  


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Is  the  map  you  have  enough  to  get  to  point  B  ?    

i.e.,  To  get  to  a  place  to  understand  your  customers  needs  ?  

 You  need  to  GET  OUT  OF  THE  CAR  !!!  

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-­‐Geographic  informa@on  (Regula@ons,  Partners,  Poli@cal)  -­‐Demographic  informa@on  (age,  income,  occupa@on,  etc.)  -­‐Psychographic  informa@on  (personality,  values,  interests,  lifestyle,  etc.)  -­‐Industry  informa@on  (Regula@ons,  investments,  needs)      1.  Use  already  published  primary  research  data  by  

marke@ng  research  firms  -­‐  Omnibus  studies  –  Forrester,  ComScore,  IMSHealth,  JD  Power,  ACNeilsen,  Frost  &  Sullivan  

2.  Industry  Associa@ons  are  a  great  source    

3.  Tap  into  Canadian  Trade  Commissioners  office  (DFAIT)  in  other  countries  –  understanding  local  dynamics/connec@ons  

4.  In  house  primary  research  –  Online  and  direct  interviews  


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• Mock  website  –  Google  site/Weebly  • Surveys  -­‐  Beware  of  respondent  quality  -­‐  Examples  sites  –  Survey  Monkey,  Google  consumer  survey,  Addpoll,  Fluidsurveys  etc.  

• Listservs  &  Specific  interest  groups  • Social  media  • Crowdfunding  plaqorms  

Online  tools    

• Leverage  Friends  and  Family  • Low  cost  Focus  groups  –  your  sport  team,  associa@on  members  

• Telephone  interviews  • Face  to  Face  interviews  

Direct  Interviews  

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Nothing is better than a face to face interviews to get the best customer insight. Top 10 things to remember: 1.  Understand your customer persona 2.  Always ask for a referral 3.  Set up a time and expectation for the interview 4.  Prepare your questions & use a template to record 5.  PAUSE after every question 6.  Record the answers right after the interview 7.  Respect their time 8.  Ask for other referrals 9.  Score your qualitative responses to quantify &

evaluate the insights 10. Refine your questions and try again !!

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Understand  customer  needs  Solu@on  to  solve  it  

Channel  to  reach  them  Business  model  to  make  money  

CONGRATULATIONS  !!!    You  used  Market  &  Customer  

Intelligence  to  find  a  viable  business  opportunity  


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Usha Srinivasan PhD Vice President Learning and Insights MaRS Discovery District T 416-673-8144 E [email protected] W

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