  • 8/23/2019 Curtiss FH and EO for Young Souls 2010 E-book


    ForYoung SoulS


    The orderof chrisTianMysTics

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  • 8/23/2019 Curtiss FH and EO for Young Souls 2010 E-book


    For Young Souls

  • 8/23/2019 Curtiss FH and EO for Young Souls 2010 E-book


    Teachingsof The orderof chrisTianMysTics

    The curTiss Books freelyavailaBleaT

    1. The Voiceof isis

    2. The Messageof aquaria

    3. The inner radiance

    4. realMsofThe liVing dead

    5. coMing World changes6. The KeyToThe uniVerse

    7. The Keyof desTiny

    8. leTTersfroMThe Teacher VoluMe i

    9. leTTersfroMThe Teacher VoluMe ii

    10. The TruThabouT eVoluTionandThe bible

    11. The PhilosoPhyof War

    12. Personal surViVal

    13. The PaTTern life

    14. four-fold healTh

    15. ViTaMins

    16. Why are We here?

    17. reincarnaTion

    18. for young souls

    19. geMsof MysTicisM

    20. The TeMPleof silence

    21. The diVine MoTher

    22. The soundless sound23. The MysTic life

    24. The loVeof rabiacca

    25. PoTenT Prayers

    suPPorTing VoluMes

    26. The seVenTh seal

    27. ToWards


  • 8/23/2019 Curtiss FH and EO for Young Souls 2010 E-book



    For Beginners, Young or Older, Who Wish to Learn

    Through Simple Language the Way to Mastery.

    Transcribed by


    2010 EDITION




    ISBN: 978-1-920483-05-0

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    Ministers of Christ and Stewards of the Mysteries of God.

    1 Corinthians 4 vs. 1

    COPYRIGHT 2010



    First Published in 1941

    May be used for non-commercial, personal, research and educational use.


  • 8/23/2019 Curtiss FH and EO for Young Souls 2010 E-book




    Reason for this Book

    Since there are very many inquiringminds and hearts today who cannot graspthe elaborate philosophical details of thegreat essentials of Truth as written for ad-vanced students, this little volume has beenput forth in simple style for Young Souls,

    whether young in years or not, who are as yetunacquainted with some of the deeper philo-sophical explanations and great principlesand conditions of life here and hereafter - andhow to apply them.

    It is the sincere hope of the author thatthrough the study and through the applicationof the simplified information herein con-

    tained, many will nd real happiness as theyprogress upward on the Path of Attainment.

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    chaPTer Page

    Preface ....................... 3

    i your origin ............... 7ii The houseinWhich

    youliVe ...................... 11

    iii Tolerance .................. 27

    iV criTicisM..................... 31

    V TWo selVes................. 37

    Vi Personal surViVal ..... 41Vii forgiVeness ................ 45

    Viii reincarnaTion ............ 49

    iX Why We suffer ......... 55

    X giVing ......................... 57

    Xi loVe ........................... 59

    Xii ThanKsgiVing.............. 61

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    chaPTer i

    Our Origin

    Havent you asked yourself or someoneelse, Where did I come from? What am I

    here for? How can I make the most of life?Well, it has been my privilege to nd the an-swers to these questions and to many morewhich have come to my own mind, and I wantto pass the answers on to you in as simple aform as possible.


    You know, of course, that you were created

    by God. (Some peoples call Him Allah, someJehovah, some Ra, and still others Krishna orBuddha, but He is the one and only Creator ofus all.)


    One day God allowed you to leave yourreal home which we shall call Heaven tocome to earth to be tested to see if you

    could live a perfect life among the mate-rial conditions and temptations of earth. Nothaving done so, weaknesses of character re-sulted. This made it necessary for you tocome to earth time after time in order thatyou might learn to overcome all of theseweaknesses and become as perfect on the

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    For Young Souls8

    earth as you were in your home in Heaven.

    Free WillGod gave you a present of free will to use

    for right or for wrong. When you live lessthan perfectly, you use it for wrong. For in-stance, when you are facing a choice betweentelling a lie or receiving punishment, if youtell the lie, you are using your free will forwrong. If you choose to stand up like a soldier

    and tell the truth, even though you must bepunished for what you did, then you use yourfree will rightly, and are not guilty of a weak-ness of character. If you make a promise, andthen think, Oh, why bother keeping it? youare weak if you give in to such a thought. Ifyou see that you have made a mistake in giv-ing a promise, then askto be released from it.

    Someone is asking why he cannot learn hislessons or learn to overcome his weaknessesin Heaven instead of having to come to earthover and over. I will tell you why. There arecertain temptations that can be overcome onlyin a physical body, such as overeating, eatingwrong combinations of foods, not controllingand rightly using your creative forces of mindand body, (sex, etc.)

    Visits to Earth

    Everybody must learn to overcome all ofhis weaknesses sooner or later, on one or

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    Our Origin 9

    another of his visits to earth. Therefore, the

    longer he can stay on earth each time hecomes, the more nearly perfect he may be-come, the happier he will be, and the soonerhe will be ready, strong, clean, honour-able, unselfish, and poised enough to livein the most glorious part of Heaven wherethere are no more troubles, and where ev-erything is so beautiful and joyous thatnobody on earth can even imagine it!

    Now, then, so that you may learn some ofyour lessons, or overcome your temptationsand weaknesses of character as quickly as pos-sible, I am going to help you by giving yousome suggestions gleaned from my own expe-riences and from those of other persons I haveknown.

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    chaPTer ii

    The House in Which You Live

    Since God gave you your body to live in onthe earth, you would no more want to allowit to be in a dirty condition than you wouldwant your home to be dirty. You would nomore want to abuse this body-house of yoursthan you would want to abuse, disgure, or

    burn your family home. It would be senselessto make your home uncomfortable and ugly,wouldnt it? Well then, how much more sense-less it would be to allow your body to becomedirty inside or outside and thus make you un-comfortable and other people too. All right,we are agreed. Now let us see what we can doabout it.

    AccidentsSometimes when we do not use the best

    sense or the inner guidance that God gaveus, for we all have a still, small Voice thattells us what to do, we may have what arecalled accidents. It may take some time torepair the injured body if it can be repairedat all. It may be that we must move out of

    our body through what is called death. Weare always warned inside (by the still smallVoice of the Christ) of the possibility of an

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    For Young Souls12

    accident, but when we are in too much

    of a hurry, we ignore the warning and goright into the danger zone. Then we mustpay for our disobedience, and perhaps loseour chance for further progress in this visitto the earth, which we call an incarnation.

    Now here are some dependable rules forkeeping your body as it should be:

    Skin breathing

    Rule 1. Keep your body clean outside. Didyou know that your skin is made up of mil-lions of tiny cells that must breathe if youare to live in that body? Yes, this is provento be true. Recently a dear little girl was cho-sen to appear in a parade in California, andher mother, not knowing of these cells andtheir having to breathe, allowed her precious

    little daughter to be covered with gilt. In justa very short while the dear child was dead,because the breathing pores were blocked.These tiny cells can be clogged from dirt,so it is very necessary that you scrub yes,I mean scrub your body at least twice aweek, using warm water and soap. Duringthe warm days of summer, you need to batheevery day. After your scrub with a brush inwarm water, rinse your body with cool wa-ter so as to close the pores or skin-openingstemporarily, and thus keep you from chillingsuddenly when you leave the warm bathroom.The warm water is cleansing and the coolwater is stimulating, giving you better cir-

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    The House in Which You Live 13

    culation. Those who react to cold wa-

    ter feel wonderfully invigorated after theirsplash and brisk rub. In certain Sanitaria,the nurses give their bed-patients a good rubwith a rough mitten dipped in ice water, be-fore breakfast. This acts as a good tonic.

    Inside Cleansing

    Rule 2. Keep your body clean inside.

    How can you do this? I will tell you. One

    way, but not a good way, is to force yourbowels to empty their loads of waste matterthrough the regular use of strong laxatives.Soon your poor bowels become tired of beingdriven so hard, and when you keep giv-ing them more and more of such laxatives itis like whipping a tired horse. Now hereis a better way: Once in a while, say once a

    month, it is a good idea to rid your body ofits accumulated uid poisons, as well as itssolid waste matter, by taking on arising threeSeidlitz Powders twenty minutes apart. Yousee, the Seidlitz Powders attract the uid poi-sons from all over your body and carry themoff, and you will be surprised how much uidis thrown off through your bowels. Then liveon oranges and grapefruit for a couple of days.


    The better way to keep the body cleansedinside is to wash it, and then eat mainlyfruits and vegetables which will naturallycleanse the body, and thus not leave an

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    For Young Souls14

    overdose of acid and other harmful debris.

    Drink vegetable juices as well as fruit juicesboth freshly made. This is how you washyour body inside: Put a quart of hot water inyour enema bag or can. Insert the enema tube.Kneel down, putting your shoulder (prefer-ably your left) to the oor while you allowthe water to ow into your bowels. If youhave a cramp, shut off the ow of water, andlet the water out into the toilet. Then begin

    again as above, and if another cramp comes,then just pinch the tube to shut off the wa-ter until the discomfort passes, and thenallow the rest of the water to ow in. Afteryou have held all the water you can, thenmassage your bowels upward toward yourwaistline. This helps to keep your bowelsfrom sagging as so many bowels do on ac-

    count of the heavy weight they are made tocarry, and also on account of wrongly ttingclothing. After your massage, let the waterout into the toilet. It may come out in instal-ments with its load of waste because there arekinks and folds in your bowels, and some-times it is not easy to push the waste matteralong rapidly on that account. The whole pro-cedure should not take over twenty minutes.Walk around between the times you needto empty to relieve the strain on the bowels.

    Take such an enema once a day until youhave two easy movements in addition to theenema. Then take one at least once a weekso as to keep in fit condition. If you can

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    The House in Which You Live 15

    comfortably rinse your bowels with a cup or

    two of cold water after the warm enema, itwill help to stimulate your bowels.

    Do not allow anyone to persuade you thatenemas are habit-forming, because we knowfrom such experience that enemas cure con-stipation instead of causing it, especially whenyou help by eating raw fruits and vegetables.

    Correct Eating

    Rule 3. Now that you are clean inside andout, let us learn how to build perfect bodiesthrough proper eating (not starvation or diet-ing at all).

    (a) Chew your food so that it will becomecreamy and you can almost drink it. Did youknow that the best taste from food comeswhen it is in liquid form after thoroughly

    chewing it? Try it and see. And here is a greatdiscovery made by a very wise Physician:Hunger and thirst are satised in the mouth,not in the stomach.1


    All right, since you are the boss, youarent going to allow your tongue, yourteeth, and your jaws to be lazy while your

    stomach has to work overtime trying tomake up for their laziness, or rather, your

    1 Dr. F. Homer Curtiss in Four-fold Health. Dr. Curtiss now has available an excellenttonic-laxative and a bowel antiseptic also.

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    For Young Souls16

    allowing them not to do the work they oth-

    erwise should do. Then too, there is certainwork that the stomach just cannot do, no mat-ter how hard it tries, and that is the work theteeth, tongue, and saliva must do, if you areto feel right. Let me show you more clearlywhat I mean: Breads, porridge, and otherfoods containing concentrated starches mustbe mixed with saliva in the mouth beforethey can be digested. Hence much chewing

    (masticating) must be done before such foodsare t to be swallowed and turned over tothe stomach, if you want to avoid trouble. Itis as unwise to swallow starchy food that isnot thoroughly masticated as it is to put wa-ter or gravel in your automobile instead ofgasoline. It just will not work smoothly.

    Starting the Day

    (b) Start the morning by thanking Godfor the nights rest and asking Him to guideyou through the day. Then, as soon as youget out of bed, wash your mouth with saltywater and then immediately drink a fullglass of orange juice or grape-fruit juice orthe juice of half a lemon in a glass of wa-ter (either hot or cold). This will help to

    alkalize your body and cleanse the canalthat leads from your mouth through yourstomach and through your bowels, and thusprepare the way for your breakfast. (Somepeople do not want anything else for break-fast.) Well, after you drink, take your bath

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    The House in Which You Live 17

    and dress, not forgetting your prayer

    and a few exercises, especially stretch-ing ones, all of which will consume aboutan hour, when our stomach will be emp-tied and ready for breakfast. Some one isasking what alkalizing means. Nearly ev-erybody has far too much acid in his orher body, and acid causes sickness. Whenyou alkalize you get rid of the excess acid.

    Breakfast(c) Now that you are ready for breakfast, letme suggest one or two correct ones: A dishof gs, dates and raisins with cream; or anyone of such fruits with cream. Another break-fast for active people is a crunchy cereal withgs and cream (not milk, as I will explainlater.) Another good breakfast for someone ina hurry is a glass of orange juice and a glassof milk. Still another is what we call a pepcocktail and it is a glass of orange juice orgrapefruit juice beaten with a little honey andnutmeg and the yolk of an egg.

    Compatible Foods

    (d) Be sure to eat foods at the same mealthat are friendly (compatible) to one an-

    other. Did you know that some foods ghtothers? Yes, you see certain foods requireone kind of stomach juice to digest them,and they do not like it when other foodscome in to stop the ow of their kind ofjuice. When this happens, a fight starts,

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    and one kind of food will just have to be

    knocked out and die, lying there ferment-ing and giving out a bad odour just as deadthings do. (This makes a bad breath.) Nowyou want to know which foods are friendlyto one another and which ones are enemies.All right, I will tell you, and if you learnthis, you will learn one of the greatest se-crets of health and strength. You will recallthat I told you to drink your juice an hour be-

    fore breakfast when cereals and toasts mightcome along? That was because the acid ofthe fruit dislikes the starch of the cereal orbread. The fruit also dislikes sugar (except-ing honey or maple sugar, which are naturalsweets.) The starch in the bread or cereal likessugar of all kinds but it is far better to usenatural sweets, for they are neutral and do

    not decay your teeth as the rened sugars do.I said I would tell you why you should not

    take milk with a starchy food such as bread orcereal; and this is why: Milk is a protein andproteins dislike starches. Now, dont you seewhy? When the starches in your stomach arecalling forth their own digestive juice, theywill ght when a protein enters the stomach

    and calls out an acid juice which prevents thedigestion of the starches.


    Now, let me sum up the food-combinationquestion, using baseball language: On one

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    The House in Which You Live 19

    side are the concentrated starches (Bread,

    Cake, Pie, Cookies, Macaroni, Spaghetti, Rice,Potatoes, Beans, Cereals, Dried Peas, Peanuts,Popcorn, Pumpkin, Sago, Squash, Tapioca,Bananas and Artichokes.) On the same sideare the sweets (Candy, Ice Cream, Jellies, Jam,Preserves, Sugar and Molasses.) On the otherside are the proteins (Cheese, Egg-whites,Fish, Fowl, Meat, Milk, Nuts (exceptingAlmonds and Cashews which are friendly to

    all). On the same side as proteins are also thefruits (Apples, Oranges, Grapefruit, Cherries,Lemons, etc., but we cut out Cranberries andRhubarb altogether because they are too acidfor anybody, and nobody would eat themwithout sugar, and they ght sugar to death.)

    You ask me, What about all the veg-etables and fats? Well, I am glad to say

    these two classes (all the vegetables except-ing dried beans and dried peas and potatoesand the others mentioned under starches) aswell as butter, cream, oil, and other fats, arefriendly with all other foods, and amongthemselves. Since we want to make this soeasy for you that you can decide at oncewhether or not a meal or a combination is

    correct, at the end of this chapter is a chartof foods all listed in a form that you canget into your mind quickly. Study this care-fully because I am going to test you prettysoon to see how quickly you can answerme correctly. See if I can catch you. Thenwhen you know, try catching your parents

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    For Young Souls20

    or friends who are interested in becoming

    healthy, strong and youthful. Before I askyou these questions, let me suggest that youlearn the Classes of foods, putting one classon each of the ngers of one hand, like this:Let the thumb represent the starches becauseit is stout and starches make people stout. Thepointer or rst nger is the sugars. The mid-dle nger is the vegetables and the fats. Thering-nger is the protein. The little nger is

    the fruit or acid nger. Now notice that yourtwo nger Ss are together because theyare friendly. Then notice that your tall ngeris named fats and vegetables (Fat-Vegetable)and stands in the middle because he is friendlyto all (a go-between). Then Proteins andAcids are together because they are friendlytoward one another. We are keeping the

    starches and the Sugars away from the Acidsand the Proteins because they are enemies. Weplaced the big Fat-Vegetable as a Policemanbetween them so as to keep them apart.


    Now see if I can catch you! Is a meatsandwich all right for health? If not, whynot? Is apple pie all right? If not why not?

    After eating meat at a meal, should youeat ice cream and cake for dessert? If not,why not? Is it all right to have fruit andbread at the same meal? If not, why not?Are steak and French-fried potatoes com-

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    The House in Which You Live 21

    patible? Do spaghetti and tomatoes go

    together all right? If not, why not? Are pre-served fruits all right to eat? If not, why not?What kind of sandwiches are correct? Makean ideal menu for breakfast, luncheon andfor dinner. Will you write me your answers?I will take time to correct and mark them.

    Food Proportions

    (e) Always see that your foods for the day

    are chosen this way: 80% from the fruits andvegetables, and 20% from the other lists. Yousee most sickness comes from eating too manystarches, sweets, fats, and proteins, for thesecause acidity. Then too, as we said before, itis the fruits and vegetables that tend to keepyour bowels open and free from constipation.

    Excitement or Anger

    (f) Never eat when you are excited or ner-vous or angry, because at such times yoursaliva glands and your stomach glands areinactive, and as a result, your food justlies in your stomach and ferments. Yourblood, not knowing any better, takes upthe products of fermented matter and dis-tributes them all around your body. No

    wonder you have headaches, and feel sickat your stomach. If you feel you must havesomething, then just take a glass of fruitjuice, adding, if you wish, a glass of milk.Remember that fruit (especially orange

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    For Young Souls22

    juice) should be taken with milk so as

    to counteract the tendency of the milk toform mucous in your body. An adult doesnot need milk as his bones are formed.

    Body Temples

    You have been receiving in these rules someexact ways of keeping yourself t, and formaking your body a clean temple for God todwell in. You know the Bible says, Know ye

    not that ye are the temple of the living God?Knowing this, you would no more want tohave your body-temple unclean than youwould want company to visit your home whenit was unclean and in a disorderly condition.


    I heard one person say, Oh, it is too muchtrouble to live that way. What would you an-

    swer? My answer is that it is easier to live theright way than the wrong way. It is cheapertoo because you save on doctor bills when youlive right. When you form the habit of livingclean and right, you will never want to liveany other way, because you will be so fullof life and joy that you would shudder at thethought of being dirty inside as you used to


    You may say, I can eat anything. Iwouldnt know I had a stomach. I feel won-derful. That may well be. However, if

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    The House in Which You Live 23

    you have heard the cries of regret we have

    heard from people who used to talk thatway, you would be very glad when we tellyou that every time you eat wrongly, youare accumulating more and more waste mat-ter in the cells of your body until someday when Nature cannot stand any more,you will suddenly collapse and either passon, or perhaps have some incurable dis-ease. You who are wise have taken warning.

    Now that you have been taught how todeal with your body, if through practice, youhave a keen mind and happy thoughts, youare ready to proceed to the next Chapter. Ifany of you have not practiced what has beengiven you in this Chapter, your brains may beso laden with waste matter that you could notclearly understand just what we are going to

    give you. Therefore, do not try the next workuntil you have mastered your body lessons.

    NOTE: All the above instructions are given you with theapproval of Dr. F. Homer Curtiss. Those who are under ourdirect care receive full and accurate diagnosis and also personaldietetic, radionic, medical, and psychoanalytical treatment.

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    For Young Souls24

    Here is the promised chart:

    1 2 3


    BananasBeans (dried)BreadsCerealsCornFlour Products(cake, pie, etc.)PastriesPeanutsPeas (dried)PopcornPotatoes

    PumpkinRice (polished)SagoSquash (winter)Tapioca

    SweetsCandy, Cake, etc.DatesFigsHoneyIce CreamMaple SugarMolassesPreservesRaisinsSugar (white& brown)Syrups

    FatsAnimal Fats

    AvocadoesBaconButterCoconutCod Liver OilCreamEgg YolksLardOily NutsVegetable Oils


    Eggs (whites)GameGelatineMeatsMilkNuts (excepting

    chestnuts andpeanuts)

    All Sea Food

    Alkaline-forming Foods



    Beets CobCarrots CressCelery Cucumbers

    Root DandelionKohlrabi DulceMangel- Egg Plant

    wurtzel EndiveMushrooms Greens

    Onions PeppersParsnips GreenRadishes PeasSalsify KaleTurnips Lettuce


    Green ParsleyAsparagus PimentoBeans Pumpkin

    (string) SpinachBeet Tops SwisschardBrussels Squash

    Sprouts SauerkrautBroccoli TomatoesCabbage (Uncooked)CauliowerCeleryChicory




    N. B. Cooked spinach and cooked tomatoes contain oxalic acid, soshould be eaten not over twice a week.Crisp bacon may be combined with toast.Note that egg yolks are a fat, so may be taken with bread ortoast.Melons should be taken alone and not at meals.Santa Clara prunes are not so acid forming as other prunes.

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    The House in Which You Live 25

    All foods in column 1 are not to be taken at

    the same meal with those in column 3. (1 and3 are enemies).

    Foods in column 1, (Starches and Sweets)may be taken with one another.

    Foods in column 3, (Proteins and Fruits)may be taken with one another.

    Foods in column 3 (Fats and Vegetables)may be taken with any foods in the chart.

    Honey and Maple Sugar are the exceptionalsweets, being natural, and so may be takenwith the foods in column 3 as well as all otherfoods.

    We omit rhubarb and cranberries entirelybecause of their harmful acid effect and be-cause you always require sugar to make thempalatable.

    Almonds and cashews may be com-bined with any other foods because they arealkaline-forming.

    Baked potatoes, especially the skin, are al-kaline in reaction.

    Carbohydrates include starches and sweets.

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    chaPTer iii


    Change Noted

    Having seen a large number of persons whochanged from cross, irritable, unhealthy look-ing individuals into cheerful, peaceful, healthy,and good looking, I am hoping that all of you

    who have studied and learned the lessons inChapter 1 of this book, have showed yourgood sense by applying them to your ownlives, deciding to live the healthy way always.Taking it for granted that you have, I am readynow to give you some even harder lessons,knowing you are now eager and alert becauseyour bodies and brains are clean and healthy.By the way, sometimes it takes from two to

    ve years to purify completely some bodiesbecause they have been clogged so long withwaste matter.


    The rst lesson you faithful and wise onesare given is that of TOLERANCE. What istolerance? Just this: Giving others the sameright to their ideas and opinions as you claimfor yourself, and being pleasant about it. Youknow that all people cannot

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    think alike. In fact, no two think exactly

    alike even if they are brought up exactlyalike, because no two have had exactly thesame experiences in past lives, to say noth-ing of this life. If we think somebody else isweaker than we, let us not condemn him. Wemust be careful lest we become too cock-sure of ourselves, and the one we condemngets ahead of us on the road of progress.No part of the road is easy, but nothing is

    worth gaining that is not worth striving for.Backsliders

    As long as we are thinking unkind thingsabout other people, we are not climbing, butsliding backward. The very persons aboutwhom we are thinking intolerant thoughts,and about whom perhaps we are saying un-kind things may be farther along the Path ofAttainment (Progress) than we are. We mustremember that there may be just as manythings to criticize about us as there are aboutthe other person. There is some good in ev-erybody, so let us look for that rather than formistakes. Who doesnt make mistakes?


    Would you like to hear about the KUHClub? I will let you in on the secret of thisClub, for I know you will want to join it.Whenever any one of the members says orbegins to say anything unkind about any-

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    Tolerance 29

    body, or acts selshly or wants to do some-

    thing or say something dishonest, one ormore of the members of the Club will callout, KUH! What do you suppose theymean? Here it is: K stands for kind. Ustands for unselfsh, and H stands for hon-est. So when they ask, KUH they mean,Is it KIND? UNSELFISH? HONEST? Yousee this is a splendid way to stop lots ofgossip and hurts, as well as lots of Karma.


    What do I mean by Karma? Just what St.Paul meant when he said, Whatsoever aman soweth, that shall he also reap. In otherwords, what we send out in thought, word ordeed, will come back to us in kind. Karma isthe Law of Cause and Effect. Now you mayform a club of your own, and see what funyou will have catching one another, and atthe same time how much good you can do inhelping one another to grow kind, unselsh,honest, and so, Christ-like.


    Are you tolerant with foreigners? After allwhat are foreigners? Just people who live or

    lived where we do not live. Is that wrong?Suppose I said I was born in Colorado, andyou were not, so you were not as good as I.Would that make sense? We have so much tobe ashamed of in ourselves that we have noright to criticize others.

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    For Young Souls30

    Let us imagine a group of babies, one

    British, one Japanese, one German, oneFrench, one Swedish, one Mexican, oneAfrican, one Spaniard, etc. Supposing theywere all brought up alike in feeding, worship-ing God, and in every other way. If the outsideworld were kept from them, do you supposethey would know anything about rivalries,antagonism, race hatred and wars? Their in-dividualities would come out, for even people

    of one family show their individual charac-ters, but they should live together in peace andfriendship and not expect others to believe ex-actly what they do. Get to work on yourselfnow. You will have much to do before pro-ceeding further.

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    chaPTer iV


    How are you enjoying being tolerant? I amsure you have said many a KUH and havehad it shouted at you too, and you are all thebetter for it.

    Face Within

    Here is another lesson that seems to me tobe even harder than the one on Tolerance.When somebody says something unkind aboutYOU, what do you do about it? Do you go offand sulk? Do you become angry and want toght back with ugly words? If you do, youare not only wasting time and energy but youare losing the battle. What then should youdo? First of all, look within yourself to see ifthere is not something that attracts to you thisshow of seeming unkindness. You know likeattracts like, and so perhaps you merited thisunkind remark in some way. In many cases,you will nd the cause of the trouble withinyourself, and when you do, then face yourselfsquarely and say, All right, here is my chanceto improve. I am thankful for the remark that

    brought this fault of mine to my attention.

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    If you cannot honestly nd any fault within

    yourself that would cause unkindness from an-other, then do you not think the wise thing todo would be to pray, Father, forgive them forthey know not what they do? Jesus did that,and whose example could be grander? Thenyou will not be poisoned in mind and body bythe forces of resentment or anger. Yes, I meanpoisoned, because it has been proven scien-tically that anger puts into your bloodstream

    so much poison that a drop of blood from anangry person would kill a small animal intowhose veins it was injected. Then too, moreevil thoughts will come back to you if yousend them out, for the law we mentionedbefore always works: Whatsoever a mansoweth that shall he also reap.

    It is a sign of ignorance to criticize, a sign

    of jealousy, a sign of lack of principle. Yourecall the old saying: An idle brain is theDevils workshop? Let us do as our Mastertaught us: Love your neighbour as yourself.

    Now here is a sneaky little sin that tries tocreep in when you are not looking. It triesto get you to do nice things just for whatyou will get in return. Watch out for it, be-

    cause it would spoil much of the good youmight do. Ask the Christ to help you towant to do kindnesses just for the sake ofgiving joy to someone else and glorifying

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    Criticism 33

    God. Here is a splendid thing to do, and

    one that will work too, if you are in earnest.What to Do

    Every morning and every time you feelnaughty thoughts coming in, pray either si-lently or aloud, O, Christ, please thinkthrough me; feel through me; speak throughme; and act through me. Thank you. Amen.When your mind is lled with this prayer then

    none of the evil thoughts can nd lodgementin your mind or heart.


    You see even your thoughts can be felt byothers, so you will need to keep them as cleanand kind as your tongue. Yes, thoughts rushout of your mind to the place you send them,and they bring back to you the same kind of

    force that you sent out, so watch out!Your Face

    Did you know that your face showsthe kind of thoughts you think? Yes, justlook in the mirror and see if it is reect-ing kind and loving thoughts. Do this eachday and watch the improvement. Ask Godor the Christ (who is Gods Ray in you,

    sometimes called your Higher Self) tokeep your thoughts clean. That is what ismeant in the beautiful prayer: Create inme a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a rightspirit within me. Ask God to wash your

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    heart and mind clean and to help you to over-

    come all the sins of past incarnations whichhave left their mark on your face and onyour body too. Even if a face is not beauti-ful in features it may become radiantly lovelyand strong through right thinking and prayer.

    Our Teacher often says: It is not personsor things or circumstances that hurt us, butour reaction to them. In other words, it is ourreactions and our thoughts about things andcircumstances as well as our feelings aboutthem that do us good or harm. I like to put itthis way:

    Tisnt things that make you happy.

    Nor lack of things that makes you blue;

    Its thoughts that bring you joy or sorrow,

    So its strictly up toyou.

    The BluesOne of our students wrote: Recently I

    awakened with a great sense of depressionor blues. If I had given in to them and gonedownstairs among the family and amongother people, I should have made them allfeel my gloom. I remembered what youhad taught me, so I went right to the bath-

    room and took an enema to get rid of mybody poisons that I knew had something todo with my blues. Then I prayed to God toood me with His love and cheer, and n-ished by asking that He would think andfeel and act through me. In a half hour I

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    Criticism 35

    went downstairs cheerful and happy over

    the victory I had won with Gods help, andI noticed that others smiled because of mysmiles. One of lifes greatest thrills is thefeeling of victory over ones own temperor blues or other weakness. Try it and seefor yourself, and keep trying until you win.

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    chaPTer V

    Two Selves

    By this time, if you have been faithfullypracticing what you have learned in the pre-vious chapters, you should be feeling prettyne. No doubt you have had some pretty hardtussles with yourself, because you have twopersonalities; that is to say, you have a lower

    or animal self and also a Higher or SpiritualSelf. The lower self is selsh, hot-tempered,and everything that is not admirable. TheHigher Self is kind, loving, tolerant, poised,obedient, and altogether like the Christ. Nowyour job is to get that lower or smaller selfto give in to the ne Higher Self. Let us pre-tend that your lower self is your dog. If you

    have a dog, do you allow him to run all overthe house, tearing things to pieces and hav-ing his own way generally? I dont think youdo. What do you say to him when you wanthim to obey you? Go lie down! Dontyou? Well, then when this naughty, ani-mal self tries to run you and your house andwants to be ugly and cross and say meanthings, just try telling him to Go lie down!It is not easy to do, but this method mayhelp some of you more sometimes than theprayer way. Then when this has become

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    easy, try the prayer way, asking your Christ,

    or Higher Self, to express through you.Discontent

    Well, you are wondering if I am going togive you something more to conquer in thischapter. Yes, I believe you are now strongenough to take something else. So many per-sons have come to us with their spirit ofdiscontent lately that I am going to tell you

    what causes it and how to overcome it.Sometimes discontent (being dissatised)

    comes as a result offeeling sorry for yourself,or what we call self-pity. There is nothing sodepressing and nothing that will make otherpeople want to stay away from you more thanself-pity. It shows that you have a selsh dis-position and a weakness, for if you were

    strong you would tell that feeling of self-pityto Go lie down! After you have said this andmeant it, you must have something to take theplace of the selsh thoughts, so immediatelyturn to the Christ within your heart and pray:Dear Christ, please tell me what to think andsay and do, now, so that no other bad thoughtscan come into my mind.

    You will sooner or later be shown someloving things to do. Perhaps it may be tosweep the sidewalk in front of the house, orclean the basement, or straighten your room

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    Two Selves 39

    or your clothes, or weed the lawn, or dry the

    dishes, or take some owers to a sick per-son, or read something helpful to a sick orblind person, or write a kind, helpful let-ter to somebody who would be made happyby it. Or you might tell somebody about thislittle book and how you have been helpedby it, or you can ask your mother or yourfather or somebody else if there is not some-thing you may do to help him or her. A

    way will always be open for you if you re-ally want to be helpful. If you dont wantto be helpful, then you will know that it isyour smaller, animal self that is ruling you,and you know what to do then, so that youmay be happy and be growing in character.

    Happiest Moments

    Isnt it fun to play the game of life and winit? The happiest moments of your life arethose when you (your Higher Self) have beenthe winner over the lower self, and when youare making other people happy. Try it and see.Have you practiced and mastered all the fore-going Lessons?

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    chaPTer Vi

    Personal Survival

    My friend, for by this time we are friends,having gone through many experiences ofthe same kind, and having conquered ourlower, animal personalities to a marked de-gree in many instances. To be sure, we all failat times, but only a worm does not get up, so

    let us straighten our shoulders, smile and tryagain. While you are practicing the severallessons already given you, we shall give yousome interesting information about the life af-ter what we call death. Let me tell you rstof all, that there is no death for the spirit, forwe never die but just leave this physical body,to live in another, ner body that only a few

    people are able to see. Those who can see ourner bodies have their inner or psychic eyesdeveloped naturally, from birth as a rule, sothey can see many things that are going on inthe next realm above this one which we callearth.


    Let us imagine this earth as made up

    of layers and many more layers outsidethe earth that we cannot see. We will call

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    For Young Souls42

    these layers realms. The rst realm, which is

    made up of seven regions, is called the as-tral realm. This astral realm is the rst onewe go to when we leave our physical bod-ies. Our Teacher puts it this way: We goone ight up with our overcoats off. Thenhe points out that when a person takes hisovercoat off, he is still the same person. Justso when he takes off his physical body he isstill the same person; having the same dis-

    position, the same faults, and even looks thesame only a little better. If he has been crossand mean on this earth, he is the same in theastral realm; and if a person likes to be kindand make others happy here on earth, he willwant to do the same in the astral realm, help-ing those either on the earth or in the astralrealm. Oftentimes people do not realize for a

    while that they have left their physical bod-ies or died as some people call it, and theydo not understand why their families and theirfriends do not speak to them. Then after thisgoes on for a time, they begin to wonder ifthey have left their earth bodies, and they seethat they have a ner body. So you see ourbodies are just our houses which should be-come the temples of the living God, whetherwe live on the earth or in some other realm.

    Fortune Telling

    Now here is something for you to remem-ber in case someone wants to give you a

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    Personal Survival 43

    reading or tell your fortune. (We call those

    who can see and hear our loved ones andothers in the astral realm mediums or psy-chics.) Since you know now that those whopass on into the astral realm, after leavingtheir bodies, are just the same persons theywere while in their bodies, you should notbelieve that everything they are reported bythe medium as saying is any more right andwise than you would believe it to be if they

    were living in their bodies on earth. It is in-teresting and kind sometimes to allow ourloved ones to give us a message throughsome medium who is reliable, but we mustbe very careful not to follow their advice un-less we feel that it is according to wisdomof our own Higher Self or the Christ withinus, (our own conscience.) With rare excep-

    tions, mediums reach people only on the astralplane, although there are far higher realms.

    Higher Realms

    The next realm to the several astral regionsis called the mental realm, and this is wherethose with brilliant minds and good heartsdwell. Great inventions are developed there,and sometimes the great inventors there suc-

    ceed in getting their wonderful ideas throughto inventors on the earth by impressing theseideas on their minds.

    Beyond the mental realms are the glori-ous spiritual realms commonly called Heaven,

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    but these are glorious beyond even our

    power of imagination. However, whenyou leave your physical body, you willgo where you deserve to go, accord-ing to the life you have lived on the earth.

    This is all of this subject for this time,2for I would not wish to confuse you. I justfeel that you should know something ofthe other side of life so that you will haveno fear of going there when your visit onearth is over. You see, ignorance is noexcuse for condemning or for making mis-takes. Therefore, you should want to knowall sides of life so as not to make mistakesunnecessarily.

    2 For details seeRealms of the Living Dead, Curtiss.

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    chaPTer Vii


    By this time, some of you may wish to asksome questions, so I have decided to inviteyou to write to me so that I may help youwith your problems. You may send me whatofferings you wish, to help cover the post-age and paper and time. Jesus said: Bear ye

    one anothers burdens and so full the Law ofChrist. All right, let us help bear one anoth-ers burdens. My address is in the front of thisbook. (via the website. Ed.)

    Today I will tell you about someone withwhom I was talking this week. She told mehow dreadfully someone had hurt her feelings,and how she resented it and grieved about it

    for months. Then she added: Now I am allover it and I dont feel hurt any more - BUT Icould no more go to her house than anything!What is wrong? You see she had overcome thefeeling of resentment and hurt, and for that wegive her credit, but she had not forgotten thehurt, and so really way down deep she wasstill holding a bit of the old resentment, which

    was keeping her from full forgiveness and

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    from the joy and freedom that results. In

    other words, you have to learn not only toforgive but to forget. You are saying: Howcan you make youself forget? I will tellyou. Every time the old hurt or the old cir-cumstances comes to your mind, just sayGod bless him (or her) and then turn yourthoughts to something else. At rst it willbe hard, but after a while you can do it withsuch kindly feeling that really the hurt is en-

    tirely forgotten and you can greet the personwho hurt you as cordially and lovingly asif the unpleasantness had never happened.

    This is one of the hardest, but one of thegrandest lessons you can ever learn, andthrough learning it you will make muchprogress on the Path of Attainment. Men usu-ally learn it more quickly than women do.

    They have it out and then shake hands, whilewomen are more apt to gossip about it andhold the old grudge. By the way, dont talkabout your troubles or dislikes, because theygrow in your mind every time you do. If youfeel that you must tell someone, write it allout to me and send it, or tell someone else towhom God guides you, if you feel like it. But

    begin to say, God bless her right away, so asnot to waste precious time and slip backward.

    The other day a woman whom we shallcall Mrs. B. wrote us that she had seen in anewspaper that a friend of hers (Mrs. X.)

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    Forgiveness 47

    had been accused of deceit, and that now she

    would never have anything to do with heragain! Do you think Mrs. B. did the rightthing? I feel sure that you would act quite dif-ferently. Let me guess what you would do.1st, you would consider that newspapers veryoften misinterpret the truth since they seeksensationalism (which will sell their papers)no matter whom it may hurt. 2nd, if Mrs. Xhad done wrong, you would try to help her

    by praying for her, or if you knew her, youwould try to help her see the wrong and loveher into wanting to do right. Always reachdown to help somebody up by showing herthe way. But that does not mean to get downand do what she does in order to show herthat you understand. Always give the otherperson the benet of the doubt. Forgive and

    forget always. Confess your own sins and setabout making amends as quickly as possible.

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    chaPTer Viii


    In Chapter III reference was made to pastincarnations. Therefore, I believe it is rightthat I should give you a little more informa-tion on that subject also. Let me do it thisway: You have noticed that in the fall of theyear, leaves fall from the trees, leaving bare

    branches looking as though they were dead.However, they are not really dead, but duringthe fall and winter seasons the trees are busypreparing for another bursting forth or rebirthinto a new garb or incarnation the next spring.


    Next Spring the tree is the same old tree,but it has a new dress. Just so with us,for when we put off our body overcoatsto which we referred in Chapter V we arestill the same persons, and like the trees, weprepare to come forth in the new outer gar-ment or body when the right season comes.You know too that the trees have the samegeneral appearance as they had in their lastincarnation, and so have we. Yes, actual pho-

    tographs show such distinct similarity inappearance between persons in their former

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    bodies and in their present bodies that one can

    recognize the personality immediately. Theonly value in knowing who we were beforeis in our learning not to continue the samefaults that we had before. However, we knowour own weaknesses usually and our busi-ness is to conquer them, and so accomplishthat for which we came to earth this time.

    Jesus Belief

    The great Master Jesus believed in rein-carnation, for He said in Matthew XI, 14,speaking of John the Baptist: This is Elias,etc. How could John the Baptist be Eliasunless Elias had reincarnated as John theBaptist? He also asked: Whom do men saythat I, the Son of Man am? and His dis-ciples answered, Some say that thou artJohn the Baptist; some say Elias; and othersJeremias, or one of the prophets. Then againin Matthew we see, For this is he (John) thatwas spoken of by the prophet Elias saying,The voice of one crying in the wilderness,Prepare ye the way of the Lord! . . . And thesame John had his raiment of camels hairand a leathern girdle about his loins; and hismeat (food) was locusts and wild honey.

    In 2 Kings1:7-8 we see that Elijah (Elias)was a hairy man and girt with a girdle ofleather about his loins just like John. Thereare other passages in the Scriptures bring-ing out this fact of reincarnation, but you of

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    Reincarnation 51

    reasonable minds do not need any more


    Therefore, let us go on to explain that the onlyway we can reconcile the many inequalities(great differences in stations in life) with thefact of a loving God of wisdom and justice, isthrough reincarnation as follows: A poor manor woman or child who is struggling to nd

    enough to eat and wear, really chose to comeinto this life in such conditions so as to learncertain lessons which could not be learnedin any other way. He or she may have beenwealthy in a former life, but perhaps selshalso, and with no sympathy for the poor peo-ple, so hard conditions in this life will teachhim or her to be kind and humble.

    Then what about those who are wealthy inthis incarnation? They also have probably cho-sen this path of wealth that they may learncertain lessons which may be harder to learnthan those of the poor. You recall that theBible says that it is more difcult for a richman to enter the Kingdom of Heaven thanit is for a camel (or rope) to go through theeye of a needle. Why is this? He is so busyspending and taking care of his wealth thathe forgets to pray oftentimes, and forgets touse his wealth to give many others a chanceto make good. For instance, if some wealthy

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    persons would put large funds into such hands

    as ours, we could teach many thousands howto make the most of their lives, and how toovercome their problems, thus making prog-ress during this incarnation.


    Yes, we choose our parents and our environ-ment. However, occasionally when a Soul isanxious to come back to earth to learn certain

    lessons and he cannot come through the par-ents he chooses, he must take the next bestparents he can nd. Thus sometimes a childdoes not seem to t into a family. He ndsmore happiness among certain friends he hadknown, perhaps, in a former incarnation, andhis family think him queer. But now you un-derstand why this is.

    PerfectionAnother point: If we are expected to attain

    perfection, (the Bible says, Be ye also per-fect even as your heavenly Father is perfect)would it be fair to expect us to become so injust the few years of one incarnation? Howabout the babies that pass on? Would that befair to them? Well, somebody says, you can

    learn the rest of your lessons in Heaven. Itwas brought out to you in Chapter I that thereare certain lessons that can be learned onlyin a physical body where there are physi-cal temptations. The money question must be

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    solved in a physical body; envy of beauti-

    ful clothes or of a car or of a beautiful home,or other possessions, must be overcome ina physical body, where such things are used.There are beautiful homes in the astral whichmay be earned, but we will not go into that

    just now.


    Sometimes you feel you know someone as

    soon as you meet him or her. Why? Becauseyou have known each other in a former incar-nation. You will be attracted to those whomyou have hated as well as to those whom youhave loved. Remember that law.

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    Why We Suffer

    You probably ask, as many others do, whyinnocent people have to suffer, such as theinnocent in warring countries. I will answerin as simple a way as possible. Each of uschooses to be born in the country in whichwe appear. Therefore, we must be good sports

    and take the fate or karma of that country anddo all we can to help. We do not know thepersonal lives of all those whom we call inno-cents, neither do we know how much of suchsuffering they need to teach them the lessonsthey did not learn through their comparativelyeasy lives before the war. However, in anycase, they must share in the life of their cho-

    sen country; and they do not complain whenthey understand the above reason.

    You and I suffer because we have bro-ken some Law of God, either in thisincarnation or in a past incarnation. Godnever punishes us, but we punish ourselvesby working against the Law. You see, whenwe do not obey the Law the easy way, and

    reap the joys of living in harmony with it aswe should, then we must suffer in order to

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    learn our lessons. In other words, we reap

    what we have sown, no matter how small thewrong may seem at the time. Therefore, whenthings seem to go wrong, try to look back intoyour life to nd out why. You will probablyremember some unkindness, no matter howsmall, you did to someone. If the suffering isphysical, you know from a former lesson, thatyou have not obeyed the Laws of Health.

    So, dear one, let us be fair and so blameourselves before we blame anyone else, andthen set about making things right, rst, withinour own thoughts and then toward the otherswhom we may have injured.

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    chaPTer X


    Sometimes you wonder whether it is right togive to the poor or to those who beg. PerhapsI can help you. First of all, let me tell you agreat Law: Give and it shall be given untoyou, and as ye give so shall you receive.This Law is often turned around in the minds

    of those who ask for something without wish-ing to give in return. This means, in orderto be able really to receive and properly usewhat is given to you, you must give some-thing for it. This may be money or service, butpreferably by some sacrice. It has been myexperience that the individuals to whom I gavethe most without receiving anything in return,

    turned out to be my enemies. Why? My givingcreated in them a sense of obligation whichmade them feel uncomfortable. The natural re-action was to turn against the one who causedtheir discomfort. Do you see the psychologyof it?

    Why is giving necessary to receiv-ing? Because to give, you must open your

    hand and your heart. Then when they areopen, they are ready to receive. A closed st

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    cannot receive anything, neither can a closed

    heart and mind. All right then, let us, when wewant to give, try to help others to help them-selves, or help them to carry on a good workfor others. When someone comes to the doorto ask for something to eat or for money, givehim a job no matter how small, so he can keephis self-respect, and obey the Law of Giving.

    Do not forget this point either, that evenwhen you teach someone how to care forhis health, if you do not require him to givesomething or some service for that teaching,he will feel that it is cheap and so will notdo as you say, and will go on suffering. Thehigher the price, the greater the respect andappreciation, and so the greater wish to protby it.

    If the above sounds mercenary, please con-sider that you are doing the receiver a favourby requiring a return. Let me repeat why: 1st,you help him to keep his self-respect. 2nd,you make it possible for him to prot by whatyou do for him or give him. People followtheir money or their sacrices. Try it on your-self and see the truth of this.

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    chaPTer Xi


    No book of spiritual advice would be com-plete without a few words about the greatestpower in the world, love. Nobody can de-ne love excepting to say, God is Love.Nobody can dene God, for a nite (lim-ited) mind cannot grasp an innite God. We

    can, however, give some of the characteris-tics of love. Suppose we consult our friendPaul of the New Testament. There he says,Love suffereth long and is kind; love en-vieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is notpuffed up; doth not behave itself unseemly;seeketh not its own, is not provoked, takethnot account of evil; rejoiceth not in unrigh-

    teousness but rejoiceth with the truth; bearethall things, believeth all things, hopeth allthings, endureth all things. Love never fai-leth, etc. One is tempted to think that thereis not much love in the world if these beau-tiful characteristics are necessary to love.However, I am sure that you can think ofsomeone who manifests such characteristics,one who is patient and kind; one who has noenvy or boastfulness; does not try to get thingsfor himself or herself; does not make scenes

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    if someone else has her way; someone who

    does not y off the handle (become angryeasily); someone who does not gossip, anddoes not look for evil in others; someone wholoves truth and right, endures trouble patiently,believes the best of others; is always cheerfuland hopeful; someone who is faithful and canalways be relied upon.

    There are a few such people, and we wantto swell that number, dont we? Suppose westop right here and test ourselves against allof the above characteristics of love and seewhere we fall short. Then let us go to workin earnest to cultivate those characteristics inwhich we are lacking. As we do, we shall behappier and make more rapid progress on thePath. Remember that if Christ thinks, feels,speaks and acts through us, then we shall have

    all the characteristics of Love.

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    chaPTer Xii


    Are you grateful for anything? If not, yourpoor heart and mind are dried and closed. Inanother Chapter we showed how giving makesour hearts, minds and hands open so they canreceive. So it is with giving thanks that aresincere. You ask how you can be thankful if

    you just arent, because you want so manythings you do not seem to be able to get.Well, I would suggest this: 1st, make a list ofall the things you can think of that you havenot made or earned yourself. 2nd, add all thekindnesses other people have done for you.3rd, think of the sunshine, the rain, the air youbreathe, the water you drink, the food you get,

    the clothes you wear, your ability to think, tosee, to read, to taste, to smell, etc., etc. Sendme the list of the number of things you havefound for which to be grateful, and we shallsee who can think of the most.

    While you are really thankful you can-not be in need. Your attitude is cheerful,and cheerfulness attracts. Your heart is

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    giving, and that means getting. You recall our

    Law, As ye give so shall ye receive.Now, in closing, let me remind you of justa few important things: 1st, although we maybe healed through prayer, we will be sickagain if we do not obey Gods Laws of Health(See Chapter II) because we will be setting upthe very causes which made us sick the othertime.

    2nd, remember that before you can hope tomaster other people and conditions in life, youwill have to learn to masteryourself- your an-imal self, which causes all the trouble.

    3rd, the cause of all suffering is the break-ing of some Law of God, whether it bephysical, mental or spiritual. Look within forthe reason.

    4th, when things seem dark, remember thatthe Light is ready to break through as soon asyou nd within yourself what is wrong withyour thinking.

    5th, remember that you cannot overcomeas long as your animal self rules you, so turnalways to the Christ and ask Him for help tobe strong, honest, clean, just, kind, thoughtful

    and radiantly loving.6th, it is not what you know, but what youpractice that helps you to make progress.

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    Thanksgiving 63

    Now let us together say this sincerely:

    We do thank Thee, dear God, for the privi-lege of learning through these pages the trueway to happiness and the true way to progresson the Path of Attainment. Help us, please, tobe faithful to each part of this teaching, forThy names sake, Amen.

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    Appendix 65


    Prayers ofThe Order of Christian Mystics.


    O Christ! Light Thou within my heartThe Flame of Divine Love and Wisdom,That I may dwell forever in the radiance of

    Thy countenance

    And rest in the Light of Thy smile!

    Morning Prayer

    I have within me the power of the Christ!I can conquer all that comes to me today!I am strong enough to bear every trialAnd accept every joyAnd to sayThy will be done!

    healing Prayer

    O thou loving and helpful Master Jesus!Thou who gavest to Thy disciples power to

    heal the sick!We, recognizing Thee, and realizing Thy

    divine Presence with us,Ask Thee to lay Thy hands (powers) upon usin healing Love.

    Cleanse US from all OUR sins, and by thedivine power of

    Omnipotent Life,Drive out the atoms of inharmony and

    disease, andFill our bodies full to overowing with Life

    and Love and Purity.

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    For Young Souls66

    Prayerof ProTecTion

    O Christ! Surround and ll me and ThyOrder with the Flame of Divine Love andWisdom,

    That it may purify, illumine and guide us inall things.

    May its Spiritual Fire form a rampart ofLiving Flame around me and Thy Order,

    To protect us from all harm.

    May it radiate to every heart; consuming allevil and intensifying all good.In the name of the Living Christ! Amen.

    Prayerof deMonsTraTion

    I am a child of the Living God!I have within me the all-creating power of the


    It radiates from me and blesses all I contact.It is my Health, my Strength, my Courage,My Patience, my Peace, my Poise,My Power, my Wisdom, my Understanding,My Joy, my Inspiration, and my Abundant

    Supply.Unto this great Power I entrust all my


    Knowing they will be solved in Love andJustice.(Mention all problems connected with your

    worldly affairs, visualize each and concludewith the following words)

    O Lord Christ! I have laid upon Thy altar allmy wants and desires.

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    Appendix 67

    I know Thy Love, Thy Wisdom, Thy Power

    and Thy Graciousness.In Thee I peacefully rest, knowing that all iswell.

    Not my will but Thine be done. Amen.

    PrayerToThe divine indweller

    Come, O Lord of Life and Love and Beauty!Thou who art myself and yet art God!

    And dwell in this body of esh.Radiating all the beauty of holiness andperfection.

    That the esh may out-picture all that Thouart within!

    Even so, come, O Lord. Amen.

    PrayerToThe divine MoTher

    O Divine Mother!Illumine me with Divine Wisdom,Vivify me with Divine Life andPurify me with Divine Love,That in all I think and say and doI may be more and more Thy child. Amen.

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    For Young Souls68

    grace Before Meals

    I am a creator.By the power of my spiritualized WillI consciously gather all the forces from this

    food.And use them to create health, strength and

    harmonyIn all my bodies (physical, astral and mental).And we thank the Father for this

    manifestation of His bounteous supply.May we use it to His glory.

    Prayerof devoTion

    We, Thy chosen servants, to whom Thou hastgiven the great privilege of becoming co-workers with the Masters of Wisdom, askthat we may have Wisdom and Power and

    Courage and Humility to carry us throughthe work of this day.We open our hearts that the Divine Love of

    the Master may ll us; that all irritation,inharmony and slothfulness may betransmuted into Love that shall draw uscloser in unity to all our fellow workersboth seen and unseen; that we may grow

    absolutely one with the force of Wisdomand Compassion that is sent forth toaccomplish the great work for humanity.

    Give us all things necessary, that there maybe no hampering conditions.

    Lead us through this day, in the name of theDivine, Everliving Christ, that the will ofthe Father may be done in us and throughus forevermore. Amen.

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    Appendix 69

    Prayerforworld harMony

    Glory and honor and worship be unto Thee, OLord Christ,

    Thou who art the Life and Light of allmankind.

    Thou art the King of Glory to whom all thepeoples of the Earth should give joyfulallegiance and service.

    Inspire mankind with a realization of true

    Brotherhood.Teach us the wisdom of peace, harmony andco-operation.

    Breathe into our hearts the understanding thatonly as we see ourselves as parts of theone body of humanity can peace, harmony,success and plenty descend upon us.

    Help us to conquer all manifestations ofinharmony and evil in ourselves and in theworld.

    May all persons and classes and nations ceasetheir conicts, and unselshly strive forpeace and good-will

    Bless us all with the radiance of Thy DivineLove and

    Wisdom that we may ever worship Thee inthe beauty of holiness.

    In the Name of the Living Christ we ask it.Amen.

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    For Young Souls70

    PrayerforThe chrisT Power

    O Lord Christ! Thou who hast planted withinme

    The Immortal Power of Spiritual Love andLife,

    Help me so to correlate with Thy divineovershadowing Presence,

    That all hampering conditions shall beswallowed up

    In the Light of the Living Christ Power.Amen.

    evening Prayer

    As the physical Sun disappears from our sightMay the Spiritual Sun arise in our hearts,

    illumine our mindsAnd shed its radiant blessing upon all we


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    For Young Souls72

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