Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Waterloo · CURRICULUM VITAE LAURA C. JOHNSON Professor School of Planning University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada



School of Planning University of Waterloo

200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1

e-mail: [email protected]


Tel: (519) 888-4567, ext. 36635


PhD Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

MA Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

BA Sociology-Anthropology, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio


MCIP RPP Canadian Institute of Planners, 1998


Social planning, housing, employment and family, social research methods


1997 - present Professor, School of Planning, University of Waterloo

2009 –2013 Visiting Scholar, Cities Centre, University of Toronto

1992 - present Principal, Laura C. Johnson Associates, Inc. (social policy research

consulting), Toronto and Waterloo, Ontario

1992 - 2013 Adjunct Professor (status only), Centre for Urban and Community

Studies/Cities Centre, University of Toronto

1988 - 1992 Research Director, Policy Research Centre on Children, Youth and

Families, Toronto (organization since disbanded)

1983 - present Associate Member of Graduate Faculty (status only), University of


1975-1989 Program Director, Research, Toronto Social Planning Council

1974-1975 Lecturer, Division of Social Science, York University, Toronto, Ontario

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1972-1974 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of



2004 Juried Award, American Planning Association, National Women in

Planning Award (in honour of Diana Donald)

1993-1994 Expert in Residence, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Centre

for Future Studies in Housing and Living Environments (research based

in Toronto)

1982-1983 Senior Welfare Research Fellow, Health and Welfare Canada (research

based at the Department of Sociology, University of Toronto)


Research Contributions

Refereed Journal Publications (19)

Co-authored with current or former student (*)

19. *Hilbrecht, M., Shaw, S. Johnson, L.C. and Andrey, J. (2013) Remixing work, family

and leisure: Teleworkers’ experiences of everyday life. New Technology, Work

and Employment, 28 (2): 130-144.

18. *Leahy Laughlin, D. and Johnson, L.C. (2011) Defining and exploring public space:

Perspectives of young people from Regent Park, Toronto. Children’s Geographies. 9 (3-

4): 439-456.

17. *Hilbrecht, M., Shaw, S., Johnson, L.C. and Andrey, J. (2008) “I’m home for the kids:

Contradictory implications for work-life balance” Gender, Work and Organization. 15


16. *Schatz, L. and Johnson, L.C. (2007) Smart city north: Economic and labour force

impacts of call centres in Sudbury, Ontario. Work Organisation, Labour and

Globalisation. 1 (2): 116-130.

15. Johnson, L.C., Andrey, J., & Shaw, S. (2007). Mr. Dithers comes to dinner: Telework

and the merging of women’s home and work domains. Gender, Place and Culture 14 (2):


14. *Charbonneau, P., L.C. Johnson & Andrey, J. (2006). Characteristics of university

student housing and implications for urban development in mid-sized cities. Canadian

Journal of Urban Research. 15 (2): 278-300.

13. *Moos, M., *Whitfield, J., Johnson, L.C. and Andrey, J. (2006) Does design matter?

The Ecological Footprint as a planning tool at the local level. Journal of Urban Design.

11 (2): 195-224.

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12. *Moos, M. Andrey, J., and Johnson, L.C. (2006). The sustainability of telework: An

Ecological Footprinting approach. Sustainability: Science and Policy. 2(1): 3-14.

11. Shaw, S., Andrey, J. and Johnson, L.C. (2003). The struggle for life balance: Work,

family, and leisure in the lives of women teleworkers. World Leisure Journal. 45(4): 15-


10. Johnson, L.C. (2003). From hybrid housing to cybrid neighborhoods: Case studies of

five decentralized tele-workspaces. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research.

20(2): 136-152.

9. Johnson, L.C. (2003). Patchwork quilt or seamless day? Parent, teacher and child care

staff views on early childhood education programs in Canada. Early Education and

Development. 14(2): 215-232.

8. Johnson, L.C. (2001). The community/privacy trade-off in supportive housing for

psychiatric survivors: Consumer preferences. Canadian Journal of Community Mental

Health. 20(1): 123-133.

7. Johnson, L.C. and *Ruddock, A. (2000b). Supporting women’s employment through

housing: Case studies of Canadian initiatives. Open House International. Special issue on

housing and gender, 25 (4): 64-75.

6. Johnson, L.C. (1999). Bringing work home: Developing a model residentially-based

telework facility Canadian Journal of Urban Research. 8(2): 119-142.

5. Johnson, L. C. and Mathien, J. (1999). Early childhood education services for

kindergarten-age children in four Canadian provinces: Scope, nature, and models for the

future. Canadian Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education. 7: 369-380.

4. Abramovitch, R. and Johnson, L.C. (1992). Children’s perceptions of parental work.

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 24(3): 319-332.

3. Johnson, L.C. (1980). Day care in Canada in the seventies: Women and children last.

Canadian Women’s Studies. 3: 51-52.

2. Johnson, L.C. (1978). Allocation of childcare in two-parent, two-job households: A

research note. Canadian Women’s Studies. 1(2): 30-31.

1. Johnson, L.C. and Chapman, C.A. (1977). The social dynamics of childbirth. Atlantis.


Articles and extended abstracts in Refereed Conference Proceedings (5)

5. Johnson, L.C. (2010) Residents’ experience of displacement, relocation, and

resettlement during public housing redevelopment in Canada. European Network of

Housing Research. Istanbul, Turkey.

4. Shaw, S.M., Andrey, J. and Johnson, L.C. (2003). The struggle for balance: Is telework

the solution? Proceedings of the National Recreation and Parks Association Leisure

Research Symposium, St. Louis, MO, October, p. 81.

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3. Doherty, S., Andrey, J. and Johnson, L.C. (2000). The economic and social impacts of

telework. Telework and The New Workplace of the 21st Century. Washington, DC: US

Department of Labor, October 16, 73-97.

2. Andrey, J., Johnson, L.C., Shaw, S. (2000). Teleworkers’ physical activity spaces:

Implications for work-life integration. 17th Conference of the International Association

for People-Environment Studies (IAPS): Culture, Quality of Life and Globalization. La

Coruna, Spain, July 23-27, 884-885.

1. Johnson, L.C. (1981). Planning the day care home environment for young children. In

A. E. Osterberg, C.P. Tiernan and R.A. Findlay (eds.) Design Research Interactions:

Proceedings of EDRA 12 Conference, Environmental Design Research Association,

Ames, Iowa, 294-300.

Books, Authored (3)

4. Johnson, L.C. and R. E. Johnson. Regent Park Redux: Reinventing Public

Housing in Canada. Forthcoming, UK: Routledge, 2016.3. Johnson, L.C. (2003).

The Co-Workplace: Teleworking in the Neighbourhood. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press).

2. Johnson, L.C. with Johnson, R.E. (1982). The Seam Allowance: Industrial Home

Sewing in Canada. Toronto: The Women’s Press.

1. Johnson, L.C. and Dineen, J. (1981). The Kin Trade: The Day Care Crisis in Canada.

Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Refereed Monographs (1)

Co-authored with student (*)

1. Johnson, L.C. and *Ruddock, A. (2000a). Building capacity: Enhancing women’s

economic participation through housing. Ottawa: Status of Women Canada.

Other Refereed Publications (1)

1. Johnson, L.C. & *Swanton, S. (2014). Social Housing. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.),

Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Retrieved from

Books, Edited (2)

2. Barnhorst, R. and Johnson, L.C. (1991). The State of the Child in Ontario. Toronto:

Oxford University Press.

1. Johnson, L.C. and Barnhorst, R. (1991). Children, Families and Public Policy in the 90s.

Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Chapters in Books (10)

10. Johnson, L.C. “We call Regent Park home: Tenant perspectives on redevelopment

of their Toronto public housing community” In Ren Thomas (ed.) Planning

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Canada: A Case Study Approach. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada,


9. Leahy Laughlin, D. and Johnson, L.C. (2013). Defining and exploring public space:

Perspectives of young people from Regent Park, Toronto. Ch. 12 in Ruth Evans and

Lousie Holt (eds.) Diverse Spaces of Childhood and Youth. UK: Routledge. (Reprinted

from Children’s Geographies, special issue, 2011, 9 (3-4): 439-456.

8. Andrey, J. and Johnson, L.C. (2010). Being Home: Family spatialities of

teleworking households, pp. 68-87 in Bonnie Hallman (ed), Family Geographies:

The Spatiality of Families and Family Life, Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press


7. Johnson, L.C. and Galaway, B. (1993). Social support needs of single parent families:

Policy implications and research agenda. In J. Hudson and B. Galaway (eds.) The Single

Parent Family, Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.: 271-276.

6. Krahn, H., Mosher, C. and Johnson, L.C. (1993). Conducting panel studies on the

transition from school to work. In P. Anisef and P. Axelrod (eds.) Transitions. Toronto:

Thompson Educational Publishing: 169-187.

5. Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1988). Paternal unemployment and family life. In

A. Pence (ed.) Ecological Research with Children and Families: From Concepts to

Methodology. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University: 49-75.

4. Johnson, L.C. (1987). Developmental implications of home environment. In C.S.

Weinstein and T.G. David (eds.) Spaces for Children: The Built Environment and Child

Development. New York: Plenum Press: 139-157.

3. Johnson, L.C. (1983). Down in the day-care marketplace. In P. Schom-Moffatt and C.

Telfer (eds.) The Women’s Workbook. Toronto: Between the Lines: 45-47.

2. Johnson, L.C. (1978). Childcare as a cottage industry. In K. Gallagher Ross (ed.) Good

Day Care. Toronto: Women’s Press:119-126.

1. Lightman, E.S. and Johnson, L.C. (1978). The childcare needs of parents in

Metropolitan Toronto. In K. Gallagher Ross (ed.) Good Day Care. Toronto: The

Women’s Press: 39-50.

Articles in non-refereed publications (10)

10. *Schatz, L. and Johnson, L.C. (2009). Call centres as a downtown revitalization strategy

in Sudbury, Ontario. Plan Canada. 49 (3): 31-34.

9. Hare, M. and Johnson, L.C. (1999). Alternatives to working from home. Women and

Environments International Magazine. 46-47: 31-32.

8. Johnson, L.C. (1994). Le travail à la maison (Work at home). Relations. 601: 137-138.


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7. Johnson, L.C. (1993). Life beyond the white picket fence: Housing for families. Cross

Sections 1: 4-9 and 20-24 (Fall).

6. Johnson, L.C. (1990). The new extended family: patterns of youth employment and

family configuration in three Canadian cities. In M. Pijl (ed.) Changing Patterns of

Work. The Hague: Programmeringscollege Onderzoek Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening

(PCMD): 48-64.

5. Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1988). Rush hours: How some parents cope with

work and child care. Women and Environments.10(2):18. Based on article by L.C.

Johnson and R. Abramovitch (1987). Rush hours: A new look at parental employment

patterns. Social Infopac. 6(4), Toronto: Social Planning Council, 4pp.

4. Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1987). Breadwinners at home: Jobless fathers cope

with new roles. Perception. 10 (3): 21-22.

3. Johnson, L.C. (1985). Parents in the workplace: Alternative work arrangements. Social

Infopac. 4(5). Toronto: Social Planning Council, 4pp.

2. Johnson, L.C. (1984). Measuring day care need: The numbers game. Social Infopac. 3 (3)

Toronto: Social Planning Council, 4pp.

1. Johnson, L.C. (1979). The homeworkers: An invisible, highly exploited segment of the

female labour force. Perception. 3(1): 32-34.

Conference and workshop papers

Co-authored with student (*)

Johnson, L.C. (2015). Getting it right on the second try? Phase 1 tenants’ views on the

redevelopment of Toronto’s Regent Park public housing. Working paper presented to

SSHRC-funded academic workshop, Future of Public Housing, University of British

Columbia, May 20-23, Vancouver, BC.

*Tehara, Navroop Singh and Johnson, L.C. (2015). Tenants' Right of Return: Early

Experience from Toronto's Regent Park Public Housing Redevelopment Paper presented

to Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Chicago, April 21.

Johnson, L.C. and Johnson, R.E. (2014). Renewing renewal: Changing strategies of

urban planning and subsidized housing in Toronto’s Regent Park, 1947-2014. Paper

presented to 39th Annual Meeting, Social Science History Association, Toronto,

November 8.

Johnson, L.C. (2012). Our right to the city: Displaced public housing tenants opt to

return to their redeveloped downtown community. Paper presented to the 53rd annual

conference Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP). Cincinnati, Ohio,

Nov. 1-4.

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Johnson, L.C. (2012). Whose right of return? Displaced public housing tenants’ experiences in

Toronto’s Regent Park redevelopment. Paper presentation to the annual meeting of Association of

American Geographers (AAG) New York City, February 24.

Johnson, L.C. (2010). Residents’ experience of displacement, relocation, and

resettlement during public housing redevelopment in Canada. Paper presented at

European Network of Housing Research. Istanbul, Turkey, July 3-7.

*Leahy Laughlin , D. and Johnson, L.C. (2009). Defining and exploring public space:

Young people’s perspectives from Regent Park, Toronto. Paper presented to the 2nd

International Conference on Children’s Geographies, Universitat Autònoma de

Barcelona, Spain, July 16-18

Johnson, L.C. (2009). “This is what home seems to me”: Public housing residents’ experiences

with dislocation and resettlement. Paper presented at the 50th Anniversary Association of

Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) conference, Crystal City Virginia, October 1-4.

Shaw, S. M., *Hilbrecht, M. , Johnson, L.C. and Andrey, J. (2009). Parenting practices and

flexible schedules: the everyday lives of teleworking mothers and fathers. Presentation to

conference: Whose Flexibility? Families, Firms, Governments and Conflicting Agendas. Centre

for Families, Work, and Well-Being, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, October 30.

Shaw, S.M., *Hilbrecht, M., Johnson, L.C. and Andrey, J. (2009). Remixing work, family and

leisure: Experiences and meanings of telework. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the

Canadian Sociological Association, May 26-29, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.

Johnson, L.C. and *Schippling, R. (2007). Regent Redux: Gentrification or Revitalization?

Paper presented at 48th Annual Conference, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning

(ACSP), Milwaukee, WI, Oct 18-21.

Gurstein, P., Johnson, L.C., *Tate, L., *Hallenbeck, J. and *Schatz, L. (2007) Global work/Local

lives: Multimedia in creating a public dialogue. Paper presented at the 48th annual conference,

Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Milwaukee, WI, Oct.18-21.

Andrey, J., Johnson, L.C. and *Cochrane, S. (2007). At work at home: Spatial and social

impacts of home-based telework. Paper presented at Royal Societies Conference: Rooms of their

own. University of Alberta, Edmonton, May 2-4.

Johnson, L.C. and *Schatz, L. (2004). Smart City North: Plan for study of e-Work cluster in an

Ontario city. Rockefeller Foundation International Team Meeting, Invitational conference of

research team of SSHRC INE-funded, UBC-based EMERGENCE project, Mapping the global

dimensions of telemediated employment relocation, Bellagio Center, Italy, Dec.8-14.

*Schatz, L. and Johnson, L.C. (2005). Pink collar work in a blue collar town: Economic and

labour force impacts of call centres in Sudbury, Ontario. Paper presented at 45th annual

conference, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Kansas City, Missouri, Oct.


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Shaw, S., Andrey, J. and Johnson, L.C. (2003). The struggle for life balance: Is telework a

solution? Paper presented at National Recreation and Park Association’s Leisure Research

Symposium, St. Louis, MO, Oct. 22-25.

Andrey, J., Johnson, L.C. and Shaw, S. (2003). Time and space: Women’s experiences with

home-based telework. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, University of

Victoria, May 27-June 1.

Johnson, L.C., Andrey, J. and Shaw, S. (2002). The new company town: A case study of spatial

and temporal impacts of home-based telework. Paper presented to 44th Annual Conference

American Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Baltimore, Maryland, Nov. 22.

Andrey, J., Johnson, L.C. and Shaw, S. (2002). Teleworkers’ physical activity spaces:

Implications for work-wife integration. Paper and poster presentation to 17th conference of the

International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS). La Coruna, Spain, July 26.

Johnson, L.C. and Mathien, J. (1998). Early childhood services for kindergarten-age children.

Annual Conference National Association for the Education of Young Children. Toronto,

November 19.

Johnson, L.C. and Mathien, J. (1998). Early years project. European Network for School Age

Childcare. Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2.

Johnson, L.C. (1998). Bringing work home: Developing a model residentially-based telework

facility. 14th World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Research Committee

43: Housing and the Built Environment. Montreal, July 28.

Hare, M. and Johnson, L.C. (1997). Exploring alternatives to the home based work environment:

Women Plan Toronto’s proposed common work place community. A case history for the

Humane Village Conference, International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSD 97),

Toronto, Design Exchange, August 24-27.

Johnson, L.C. (1997). The community-based telework centre: A feasibility study. Presented to a

session on Telecommunications Technology, Gender and Development. Canadian Law and

Society Association, Annual Meeting (with Society for Socialist Studies). Memorial University,

St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 7.

Johnson, L.C. and Mummé, J. (1993). Policy initiatives for housing Canadian families at higher

densities. Paper presented at 6th Biennial Conference on Social Welfare Policy, St. John’s

Newfoundland, June 28.

Johnson, L.C., *Chalmers, C. and *Twombly, D. (1991). School and work experiences of male

and female engineering graduates. Johnson was principal researcher, Twombly and Chalmers

provided research assistance. Annual Meeting, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association,

Queen’s University, Kingston, June 2.

Johnson, L.C. (1989). The new extended family: Patterns of youth employment and family

configuration in three Canadian cities. Fifteenth European Symposium on Social Welfare,

International Council on Social Welfare, The Hague, The Netherlands, July 4.

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Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1989). The relations between employment and parenting: A

survey of urban Canadian families with young, school-age children. Presented at the Biennial

Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, Missouri, April 30.

Johnson, L.C. and Sullivan, T. (1988). Youth and Employment: results of a Longitudinal

Survey. Tenth International Symposium, International Federation of Social Workers, Stockholm,

July 26.

Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1986). Parental unemployment and family life. Presentation

to a SSHRC-funded research symposium on Ecological Approaches to the Study of Children and

Families, University of Victoria, March 18-22.

Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1985). The social impact of paternal unemployment.

Presented at the Annual Meeting, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Montreal,

May 29.

Johnson, L.C. (1985). The captive labour force: Homework by immigrant women in Toronto.

Presented at conference on Immigration and Ethnicity inn Ontario: An exploration of women’s

History. University of Toronto and Multicultural History Society of Ontario. May 8-10.

Johnson, L.C. and Johnson, R.E. (1984). The fall and rise of industrial homework: Historical

perspectives on a contemporary dilemma. Presented at the Sixth Berkshire Conference on the

History of Women. Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, June 1.

Johnson, L.C. (1981). Planning the day care home environment for young children. Presented at

the Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association, Ames, Iowa, April 3.

Johnson, L.C. (1977). A wage for housework: A case study of family day care work as an

occupational role. Presented to Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology

Association, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 12.

Research Reports

Johnson, L.C. with *Schippling, R. (2009). Regent Park Revitalization: Young people’s

Experience of Relocation from Public Housing Redevelopment. Ottawa, Ontario: Canada

Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Includes DVD of 30 minute video: Growing Up Regent.

Davis, C., Flett, D., Johnson, L.C., Gosselin, L., Holmes, L. and Gerrits, E. (2000). Supportive

housing for seniors. Prepared for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) by Social

Data Research, Ltd. Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Johnson, L.C. and Mathien, J. (1998). Early childhood services for kindergarten-age children in

four Canadian provinces. Ottawa: Caledon Institute of Social Policy. September.

Johnson, L.C. (1998). Housing and Community: A Review of Literature. Background paper

commissioned by Fannie Mae Foundation for the Tri-Country Conference on Housing.

Washington, D.C. October.

Johnson, L.C. (1997). Beyond the Home Office: An Exploratory Study of the Residentially-

based, Shared Telework Centre. Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (July).

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Johnson, L.C. (1997). The Community/Privacy Trade-off in Supportive Housing: A Qualitative

Study of Consumer Preferences. Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. March.

Johnson, L.C. (1995). Housing the new family: Reinventing housing for families. Centre for

Future Studies in Housing and Living Environments, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.

Ottawa: CMHC. Published as full research report (133pp.) and research summary (46pp.).

Johnson, L.C. (1995). Changing Families, Changing Workplaces. Ottawa: Human Resources

Development Canada.

Johnson, L.C., Hierlihy, D. and Muirhead, B. (1995). Physical environment as a determinant of

the health and well being of children and youth: Review of literature. Background paper prepared

for the Premier’s Council on Health, Well-being and Social Justice, Toronto, Ontario.

Anisef, P.and Johnson, L.C. (1993). The young adult learner: Fifteen- to eighteen-year-old

students in the Ontario English-language school system. Ontario Ministry of Education and

Training. Toronto: Queen’s Printer.

Armstrong, P. and Johnson, L.C. (1991). Families at play: Future outlooks for recreation from a

family-related perspective. Toronto: Child Youth and Family Policy Research Centre. Report

submitted to Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation. June.

Johnson, L.C. and *Yzerman, M. (1988). Putting the pieces together: An inventory of work and

family resources. Toronto: Social Planning Council. August.

Johnson, L.C. (1986). Youth and Employment: Baseline report on young people’s work

experience and attitudes. Toronto: Social Planning Council. October.

Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1986). Between jobs: Paternal unemployment and family

life. Toronto: Social Planning Council. June.

Robson, B., Johnson, L.C., Homatidis, G. and Orlando, F. (1986). The Toronto family study:

Effects of ethnicity and marital status on Canadian-born, Greek-born and Italian-born mothers

and their children in Metropolitan Toronto. Research co-sponsored by C.M. Hincks Treatment

Centre, University of Toronto, and Toronto Board of Education, funded by SSHRC Strategic


Johnson, L.C. (1986). Working families: Workplace supports for families. Toronto: Social

Planning Council. February.

Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. 1985. Unemployed fathers: Parenting in a changing labour

market. Toronto: Social Planning Council January.

Johnson, L.C. and McCormick, N. (1984). Day care in Canada: A background paper. Ottawa:

Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women. August.

Johnson, L.C. and *Ho, A. (1982). Home sweat home: Regulation of Industrial homework in

Ontario. Toronto: Social Planning Council. April.

Johnson, L.C. and Reitz, J.G. (1981). Youth unemployment in Metropolitan Toronto. Toronto:

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Social Planning Council. September.

Friendly, M. and Johnson, L.C. (1981). Perspectives on work-related day care. Child in the City

Report no. 11. Background paper prepared for conference on work-related day care. Toronto:

University of Toronto Centre for Urban and Community Studies. April.

Johnson, L.C., Shack, J. and Oster, K. (1980). Out of the cellar and into the parlour: Guidelines

for the adaptation of residential spaces for young children. Ottawa: Children’s Environments

Advisory Service, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Research Project 9. June.

Johnson, L.C. (1978). Taking Care: A report of the Project Child Care survey of caregivers.

Toronto: Social Planning Council. April.

Johnson, L.C. (1978). The search for childcare. Toronto: Social Planning Council. January.

(18pp. and appendix).

Johnson, L.C. (1977). Who Cares? A report of the Project Child Care survey of parents. Toronto:

Social Planning Council. November.

Invited addresses, posters, conference and workshop presentations, and expert testimony

Presentation with/by student (*)

Johnson, L.C. and *Fernandes, S. (2013). Community presentation to public meeting at TD

Centre of Learning Toronto, “Ask a Professor” series: Oct.23, 2013, about our ongoing research

in the Regent Park community.


Johnson, L.C. (2004). The Co-Workplace: Teleworking in the Neighbourhood. Luncheon

Speaker, University of Waterloo Centre for Business Entrepreneurship and Technology (CBET).

February 26.

*Yessis, J., Andrey, J. and Johnson, L.C. (2002). Attitudes toward automobile idling: Survey

results. Poster presentation to 93rd Annual Conference Canadian Public Health Association.

Yellowknife, NWT. July 9. (Awarded first prize for the day’s presentations.)

Johnson, L.C., Andrey, J. and Shaw, S. (2002). Telework: A case study of remote work

arrangements. Presentation to Canadian Institute of Planners’ (CIP) conference, Vancouver, BC,

May 27.

*Mortimer, K., Andrey, J. and Johnson, L.C. (2002). The impacts of telework on household

travel patterns. Presentation to the Conference on Time Pressure, Work-Family Interface, and

Parent-Child Relationships: Social and Health Implications of Time Use. University of Waterloo,

March 22.

Johnson, L.C., Andrey, J. and Doherty, S. (2001) Women’s work, telework and the delicate

balance. Poster presentation to 32nd Annual Meeting, Environmental Design Research

Association (EDRA), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 4.

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Andrey, J., Johnson, L.C. and Doherty, S. (2000). Understanding the transportation implications

of telework. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Brock University, St.

Catharines, Ontario, June 3.

Johnson, L.C., *Head, E. and *Lederer, J. (2000). Using the CATI lab: The Healthy

Communities survey. Presentation to University of Waterloo Survey Research Centre Speaker

Series, April 6.

Johnson, L.C. (1997). Workshop presentation. Jane Jacobs: Ideas That Matter Conference.

Women as designers, developers. Toronto, October 18.

Johnson, L.C. (1997). Ontario Professional Planners Institute Workshop on Gender Issues in

Planning. Presentation on telework centres, North York Central Library, Toronto, Ontario, May


Johnson, L.C. (1996). Workshop Presentation: The Residentially-Based Telework Centre,

Women Plan Toronto. Toronto, January 22.

Johnson, L.C. (1994). Plenary Speaker: Reinventing family housing. Women Plan Toronto

Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, October 15.

Johnson, L.C. (1994). Workshop Presentation: Housing the New Family. Habitat 94,

International Federation of Housing and Planning World Congress and Canadian Institute of

Planners Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, September 20.

Johnson, L.C. (1994). Presentation: Work and family challenge: Directions for Public Policy.

The Conference Board of Canada, Work-Family Council. Ottawa, April 26.

Johnson, L.C. (1994). Workshop panelist and recorder, Families, housing and shelter, United

Nations Non-Governmental Organizations World Forum for International Year of the Family,

Valletta, Malta, November 30. North American delegate of Habitat International Coalition,

representing Rooftops Canada.

Johnson, L.C. (1994). Panelist: Sustainable communities and non-profit housing. Housing

Development Resource Centre, Annual General Meeting. Toronto. November 23.

Johnson, L.C. (1993). Conference Presentation, Re-Thinking family housing, address to the

CMHC National Housing Research Committee, Ottawa, November 2.

Johnson, L.C. (1993). Workshop speaker, Keeping families downtown: Results from the family-

oriented housing survey. Canadian Housing and Renewal Association Annual Congress, Cities

Alive! Toronto, June 10.

Johnson, L.C. (1992). Workshop facilitator, Conference on Homeworking, Co-sponsored by

International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Public Service Alliance of Canada, York

University Centre for Research on Work and Society, and Coalition for Fair Wages and Working

Conditions for Homeworkers, Toronto, November 14.

Johnson, L.C. (1991). Workshop presentation, State of the child in Ontario, Annual Meeting,

Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Assn., Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, June 3.

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Johnson, L.C. (1991). Invited participant, National consultation on youth issues, Youth Affairs

Branch, Employment and Immigration Canada, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, December 10-12.

Johnson, L.C. (1989). Panel presentation, Child care in Canada: Current issues. Office and

Professional Employees International Union, International convention, Miami, Florida, June 11.

Johnson, L.C. (1988). Workshop presentation, Parental employment and family life. Conference

on Work and Family: New partnerships. Toronto, Ryerson University and Ontario Ministry of

Community and Social Services. November 30.

Johnson, L.C., Lowe, G., Krahn, H., Hartnagel, H.T., Lewko, J. and Tanner, J. (1988).

Workshop presentation on Canadian youth employment study. Joint presentation by co-directors

of SSHRC-funded survey. Annual Meeting, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association,

University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, June 5-7.

Johnson, L.C. and Abramovitch, R. (1988). Workshop presentation: The relations between

employment and parenting and panelist on Policy issues at the boundaries of paid work:

Homeworking. University of Toronto Centre for Urban and Community Studies Workshop on

Women and Community Structure. Toronto, April 20.

Johnson, L.C. (1988). Participant, Invitational Symposium on Workplace Research on the

Family. The Conference Board, Arden House, Harriman, New York, March 23-25.

Johnson, L.C. (1987). Invited workshop presenter: Childcare and the home environment.

Conference on the Child and the Environment. Bronxville, New York, Sarah Lawrence College,

April 4.

Johnson, L.C. (1986). Expert witness. Parliamentary Special Committee on Child Care, Ottawa.

June 11.

Johnson, L.C. (1985). Invited workshop presenter, Computer work-at-home. Science Council of

Canada Workshop on Technology and Women’s Employment: New Directions for Research and

Policy. Ottawa, May 6-7.

Johnson, L.C. (1985). Keynote speaker, Childcare and the quality of family life. Western

Association of Sociology and Anthropology, Annual Conference. February 14.

Johnson, L.C. (1984). Invited expert witness on impact of office automation and electronic

homework on clerical workers. Subcommittee on Labor Standards, U.S. House of

Representatives, Washington, D.C. (Written submission).

Johnson, L.C. (1983). Invited participant, National Executive Forum on Office Workstations in

the Home. Washington, DC, National Academy of Sciences, November 9-10.

Johnson, L.C. (1983). Keynote speaker, Moving toward quality childcare. Manitoba Childcare

Association, Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, October 15.

Johnson, L.C. (1982). Workshop speaker, Potential and problems of office homework,

International conference on office work and new technology, Working Women Education Fund,

Boston, Mass. October 28.

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Johnson, L.C. (1982). Workshop presentation, Second Canadian Conference on Day Care,

Canadian Council on Social Development and Health and Welfare Canada, Winnipeg, Sept. 23.

Johnson, L.C. (1982). Guest speaker, British Columbia Day Care Coalition. The real system of

day care in Canada. Vancouver, BC, May 12.


2014-2016 Principal Investigator, UW/SSHRC grant, Social mix in public housing

redevelopment, $16,000.

2008-2013 Principal Investigator, SSHRC standard research grant, Public housing

revitalization: Regent Park tenants’ experience of displacement, relocation and

resettlement, $94,230. Collaborator: J. Dunn, Dept. of Geography, University of

Toronto and St. Michael’s Hospital Centre for Research on Inner City Health.

2013-2016 Co-Investigator, SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, Sejal Patel Principal

Investigator, Ryerson University. Co-Investigators: J. Dunn, Dept. of Geography,

McMaster, University; P. O’Campo, Centre for Research on Inner City Health,

St. Michael’s Hospital and University of Toronto; C. Corter, University of

Toronto; J. Pelletier, University of Toronto; M. Yao, Toronto District School

Board; l. Mcleod, City of Toronto, $75,000.

2007-2008 Principal Investigator, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

External Research Program grant, Regent Park Revitalization: Young People’s

Experience of Relocation from Public Housing Redevelopment, $25,000.

2006-2007 UW/SSHRC grant, Impacts of redevelopment on public housing residents,


2003-2006 Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator P. Gurstein, University of British

Columbia) Canadian EMERGENCE: A Study of Employment Relocation in the

Global Economy, multi-year, international research funded by Social Sciences

and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Initiatives on the New Economy


2003-2004 UW/SSHRC grant re: Law Commission of Canada Virtual Scholar in Residence

Application. $5000.

2004-2006 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Community-

University Research Alliance (CURA) completion grant, $377,000 for two years.

Planning the Mid-Sized City. L.C. Johnson Co-Investigator with T. Bunting, P.

Deadman, S. Murphy, P. Filion, M. Seasons and R. Shipley.

2001-2004 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Community-

University Research Alliance (CURA) L.C. Johnson Co-Principal investigator

with E. Haldenby. $600,000 for three years. Planning the Mid-Sized City. Project

of UW Faculty of Environmental Studies and community partner organizations.

Co-investigators: T. Bunting, P. Deadman, S. Murphy, P. Filion, M. Seasons and

R. Shipley.

2001-2004 SSHRC standard research grant. $76,500 for three years, L.C. Johnson Principal

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Investigator with Co-investigators J. Andrey and S. Shaw. Social and community

impacts of telework.

2000 SSHRC CURA stage 1: letter of intent $5,000. Planning the mid-sized city:

Center for core area research and design, L.C. Johnson co-director with E.

Haldenby, co-investigators T. Bunting, P. Deadman, S. Murphy, P. Filion and M.


2000 UW Interdisciplinary grant. $17,895. J. Andrey Principal Investigator, L.C.

Johnson and S. Shaw, Co-investigators. Leisure in the context of flexible work.

2000 UW/SSHRC $4,917. Assessing the ecological footprint of ecovillages, L.C.

Johnson (with MA student J. Whitfield).

2000 UW/SSHRC $5,000. Social and community impacts of telework, L.C. Johnson,

principal investigator, with co-investigator J. Andrey.

1999 UW/SSHRC Incentive Grant, $9,602.

1999 UW/SSHRC RA $6,140.

1998 UW Travel $765.

1998 UW Teaching Resources and Continuing Education (TRACE) grants (2) total:


1998 UW/SSHRC RA, $6,743.

1998 UW/SSHRC Research/travel $1,994.

1998 Fannie Mae Foundation, $5,000 US.

1998 Status of Women Canada/Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA)

research grant administered by UW, $34,400.

1996 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) External Research Grant,


1996 Affordability and Choice Today (ACT) (to Women Plan Toronto) $10,000.

ACT grant to Women Plan Toronto for project with L.C. Johnson as research

consultant. ACT sponsors: Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Canadian

Home Builders' Association, Canadian Housing and Renewal Association and

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

1995 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) External Research Grant,


1994 University of Toronto /SSHRC incentive grant $3,333.

1993-94 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Expert in Residence

$115,000 (total includes $42,000 survey research budget.)

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1992 Co-operative Housing Association of Ontario, $12,700. Grant to develop

research on family-oriented housing.

1985-89 Ontario Women’s Directorate, various grants to L.C. Johnson for research at

Toronto Social Planning Council: 1987-89, Work and family life among single-

parent families ($8,000); 1987-88, and 1985 Workplace supports for families,

($5,000); and ($15,000).

1986-88 SSHRC Strategic Grant, Paternal Unemployment: A longitudinal study of effects

on family life, $69,857 (L.C. Johnson Co-Principal Investigator with R.

Abramovitch, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto).

1986-1988 SSHRC Grant, A longitudinal study of youth employment, underemployment

and unemployment in three Canadian cities, $145,549 (with Principal

Investigator T. Hartnagel, H. Krahn, and Co-Investigators G. Lowe, Department

of Sociology and Population Research Laboratory, University of Alberta, and J.

Lewko, Centre for Human Development, Laurentian University).

1984-85 SSHRC Strategic Grant. Stresses and supports for parenting: Pilot study.

$15,000. (with R. Abramovitch, Department of Psychology, University of


1982-83 Health and Welfare Canada, Senior Welfare Research Fellowship, $37,000.

1982-83 SSHRC Strategic Grant, Stresses and supports for parenting, seed money,

$4,100. (with R. Abramovitch, Department of Psychology, University of


1982-83 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) External Research Grant.

Environmental design implications of work-at-home. $3,448. (with J. Shack,

Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Toronto).

1981 Law Foundation of Ontario, Grant for research on homeworkers’ rights. $1,000.

1981 Ontario Arts Council Writer’s Grant $2,550. (with J. Shack).

1981 Labour Temple, Metropolitan Toronto. Grant for research on homeworkers.


1979-1980 Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. Research Grant,

Homeworking, $2,000.

1967-69 Predoctoral Fellowship. US National Institute of Mental Health.



Doctoral Research Forum (PLAN 801-802, 2010)

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Methods of Social Investigation for Planners (PLAN 625, 2010-present; online in Fall 2014)

Issues in Housing (PLAN 614, with PLAN 431, 2010-present)

Social Concepts in Planning (PLAN 623, with PLAN 433 2010)

Teamwork Strategies (non-credit milestone workshop course; co-taught M. Seasons, R. Shipley,



People and Plans (PLAN 233, 2011, 2013, 2014)

Neighbourhood and Community Planning (PLAN 333, 2014)

Social Concepts in Planning (PLAN 433, 2010)



Name Degree Role Topic date

Schatz, L. PhD Supervisor Planning for population decline: Case

studies of two shrinking cities


Laughlin Leahy, D. PhD Supervisor Young people’s understandings of

public space in Regent Park


Swanton, S. MA Supervisor Single person households and housing



Willcocks, C. MA Supervisor Urban intensification and family



Schippling, R. MA Supervisor Residents’ experience of public

housing redevelopment


Gouldsborough, A. MAES Co-supervisor


Arts and community economic



Sanderson, M. MA Co-supervisor

M. Seasons

Planning barrier-free design 2007

Paske, J. MA Supervisor Perceptions of safety in urban core



Blackstock, G. MA Co-supervisor

R. Shipley

Housing communities designed for

single parents


Roberts, J. MA Co-supervisor

T. Bunting

Sense of place in core area



Charbonneau, P. MA Supervisor University students and local housing



Mortimer, K. MA Co-supervisor

J. Andrey

Telework as a transportation demand



Whitfield, J. MA Supervisor Resident-developed sustainable



Goodwin, D. MA Co-supervisor,

C. Mitchell

Live-work housing for artists 2001

Hoehn, J. MA Co-supervisor

T. Bunting

Deciphering the city/suburban choice 1999

Austin, J. MA Co-supervisor

T. Bunting

Community safety audit 1999

Fernandes, S. MA Supervisor Social mix and public space in 2014

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redeveloping housing community

Mohammadi, R. MA Supervisor Relocation of a bazaar in a heritage

district in Erbil city, Iraq: social and

planning implications


Ogundele, A. MES Co-supervisor

R. Shipley

Evaluating slum housing upgrading in



Park, J.H. MA Supervisor Housing affordability in Mimico



Tehara, N. A. MA Supervisor Tenants Right of Return in housing




Name Degree Role Topic

Davies, B. MA Co-Supervisor Resident attitudes toward living in Downtown


Rudkevitch, A. MA Co-Supervisor Cultural Tourism in Yellowknife

Accioly Gomes, V. MA Co-Supervisor Gentrification and social mix in Toronto



Name Degree Department Role Date

Suzanne Ainley PhD Recreation and


Studies, AHS

Internal-External 2012

Alizadeh, Tooran PhD Faculty of


Design &


External, Univ. of

Sydney, Australia


Kramer, A. PhD Planning Committee member 2013

Christidis, T. PhD Planning Committee member 2015

Kobaner, F. PhD Planning Committee member 2014

Kohli, P. MA Planning Committee member 2014

Andres, S. MA Planning Reader 2013


Name Department Role Date Topic

Revital Weiss Planning Supervisor 2012 Social media and public

participation in planning

Glenis Canete Planning Supervisor 2009 Vancouver laneway housing

Phung Lam Geography Co-supervisor J.


2008 Asian youth experiences with

Regent Park revitalization

Markus Moos ERS Co-supervisor J.


2004 Sustainability of telework

Joyce Wilson Planning Supervisor 2001 Cooperative housing development

Dena Warman Planning Supervisor 1999 Community gardening, community


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Name Department Role Date Topic

Reneé Mak Planning Supervisor 2009 Topics in social research: Residents’

experience of displacement and

relocation in Regent Park


Bryan Sherwood Planning Supervisor 2007 Topics in social research: Youth and

Regent Park redevelopment


Hodgan Egeh Planning Supervisor 2012 Topics in social research: Immigrants

and public housing redevelopment

Sarah Cellini Planning Supervisor 2011 Topics in social research: Review of

Literature on social impacts of tenant

displacement from social housing



1. Committees, Boards

a. University

Member, Teaching Excellence Council 2009-2012

Board Member, University of Waterloo Survey Research Centre 2005-2011

Faculty representative, Advisory Committee on Graduate Scholarships and Awards, 2009-present

Faculty Representative, University of Waterloo Human Research Ethics Committee, 2001 to


Faculty of Environmental Studies Representative, Hagey Lecture Committee, 2002 to 2004

Member, University Interdisciplinary Grants Committee, Winter 1999 term (replacing committee

member on leave)

b. Faculty

Member, Environment, Teaching and Learning Committee, 2013-2014

Member, Faculty of Environmental Studies Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2007-2008

Department Representative, Planning Director Nominating Committee, 2007-2008

Board Member, University of Waterloo Community University Research Alliance (CURA)

project, 2001 to 2003

School of Planning Representative, Faculty Council, 1999-2002

c. School

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Member, Graduate Studies Committee, School of Planning, 2012-2014

Member, Graduate Entrance Committee, School of Planning, 1998-2001, 2005

Member, Graduate Scholarship Ranking Committee, School of Planning, 2003, 2005, 2008,


Member, School of Planning Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2006-2007, 2009-2010, 2011-13,


Member, School of Planning Advisory Committees on Faculty Appointments, 1999, 2001, and


2.Other University Service

Teaching Excellence Academy, University of Waterloo, April 25-27 and 30, 2007

3.Community, Professional Service

Adjudication Committee Member, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada,

Standard Research Grants Program. Committee #9: Geography, urban planning, environmental

studies, 2009, 2010 and 2011

Selection Committee Member, Canada Mortgage and Housing Studies Achievement Award,

Ottawa, June 13-15, 2007

Member, Regent Park Research Steering Committee, Regent Park Longitudinal Health Study,

Regent Park Health Centre, 2007-2013

Panel member, OGS academic panels, 2005-2007 competitions

Guest Editorial Committee Member, Women and Environments International Magazine, 30th

anniversary special issue, 70/71, Gender and Urban Sustainability, 2005

International Journal of Work Innovation, Member, Editorial Board, 2012-2015

Member, International review board, Journal of e-Working, 2007-2010

University of Waterloo representative, Housing Statement Advisory Committee, Regional

Municipality of Waterloo, 2002-2004




Canadian Journal of Sociology

Canadian Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education

Gender, Work and Organization (UK)

Canadian Journal of Urban Research

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Canadian Planning and Policy -Aménagement et politique au Canada

Urban Affairs Review

Grant Applications

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Mitacs-Accelerate internship

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