

Karin Wall


1. General Information

Name: Karin Wall

Date of Birth: 18 July 1955

Place of Birth: Miragaia, Porto

Nationality: Portuguese, British

Languages: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish

Office Address: Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Prof. Aníbal de Bettencourt 9,

1600-189 Lisboa (Phone: 21 7804700)

Email: [email protected]


2. Summary

Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Geneva, 1994) and Habilitation for Full Professorship (University of

Lisbon, 2010). Currently she is a Research Professor and Dean of the Institute of Social Sciences

(University of Lisbon). She has taught at graduate and post-graduate levels since 1980, at ISCTE-IUL

and at the Institute of Social Sciences and supervised twenty completed PhD theses. Her main areas of

expertise are sociology of families and gender, comparative social policy analysis and sociology of

migration. Her research and publications focus on changes in families and gender relations in Portugal

and in Europe, work-family balance, fathering and men in families, personal relationships and social

networks over the life course, migration and transnational living, developments in family policies in

Europe and the impact of the crisis on children and family life. She is a founding member of Portuguese

Sociological Association (1985) and the European Sociological Association (1992). Between 2003 and

2007, she coordinated the Research Network on Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives of the

European Sociological Association. She was coordinator of research projects and networks at national

and international level, namely in the context of the European Commission’s Framework Programmes

and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Between 2006 and 2016 she coordinated

the Research Group Life Course, Inequality and Solidarity: practices and policies. She participated in

several evaluation panels at national and international level, at the European Commission (6th FP), at

the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), at the Portuguese Foundation for Science and

Technology, at the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Research Council. She

coordinated the panel of Social Sciences and Humanities at the ERC in 2015. She has been working as

an international expert on family policies in several European Institutions and Networks since 1994. In

2016, she coordinated the High-Level Group on the Evaluation of Science and Technology (MCTES).

She was a Member of the European Observatory on National Family Policies and a Member of the

Committee of Experts on Social Policy for Families and Children of the Council of Europe. She is a

member of the International Network on Leave Policies and Research since 2004. In 2018 she was a

Professor at Geneva University (Alba Viotto Professorship). She is the founder and was the coordinator,

until 2018, of the Observatory on Families and Family Policies (OFAP).


3. Educational Qualifications







Attended the Sociology course at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of

the University of Geneva.

Prepared and defended degree dissertation (mémoire de licence) entitled

“Migration Féminine et Changement: étude d’une situation conflictuelle”, on

immigrant women in Geneva. This work was supervised by Jean Kellerhals and

Carlos Almeida.

Submitted draft doctoral thesis to the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of

Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Geneva.

Examined in Research and Teaching Aptitude on the topic “Mulheres, Emigração e

Divisão do Trabalho” (Women, Emigration and the Division of Labour). This work

was supervised by Robert Rowland.

Achieved grantholder equivalence to study for doctorate. Interned for 6 months at

the Department of Sociology of the University of Geneva, under the supervision of

Jean Kellerhals.

Defended her PhD thesis entitled: “La fabrication de la vie familiale. Changement

social et dynamique familiale chez les paysans du Bas-Minho”, at the University of


Habilitation examinations, ICS – University of Lisbon.


4. Career






Assistant Teacher at the Oporto British School.

Taught at the Université Ouvrière de Genève, undertaking work in promoting

literacy, and cultural and socio-pedagogical activities with immigrant workers.

Worked for a marketing company – GIRA SA (Techno-Economic and Market

Consultants, Geneva).

Worked at the Direcção Geral de Educação de Adultos (Directorate-General for

Adult Education). Was a member of a study group drafting rationale for the

National Literacy and Adult Education Plan, namely by carrying out surveys and

interviews of participants and educators in adult education.








Since 2011

Visiting Assistant Lecturer in the Psychology course at the University of Lisbon.

Internship as Assistant Lecturer at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e

da Empresa (Sociology course).

Assistant Lecturer at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa

(Sociology course).

Research Assistant at Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon.

Visiting Assistant Lecturer at ISCTE.

Senior Researcher at Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon.

Visiting Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa

(between 1995 and 2000).

Principal Researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon.

Visiting Professor in Sociology of the Family and Family Policies at ISCTE- IUL

(Master’s Degree Course)

Research Professor at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon.

Co-ordinator of the Observatório das Famílias e Políticas da Família (OFAP)

Visiting Professor at the Faculté de Sciences de la Societé of the University of

Geneva (2018).


Teaching Activities

4.1. Disciplines and Courses Taught

Undergraduate Degree in Sociology, ISCTE



“Introduction to Social Anthropology” and “Sociology of Work”

“Labour Problems” in Seminar on Portuguese society





“Introduction to Sociology of Work”

“Labour Problems” in Seminar on Portuguese society

“Sociology of Work Seminar”

“Sociology of the Family” (created this discipline for the degree course)

Master’s Degree Course in Sociology of Work, ISCTE

1989/1991 “Sociology of Migrations”

Master’s Degree Course in Sociology of the Family, ISCTE (created this Master’s degree

course for postgraduates at ISCTE)

1992/1995 “Sociology of the Family” and “Research Seminar in Sociology of the Family”

Master’s Degree Course in Social Sciences, ICS/UL




Seminar “Famílias: Olhares Interdisciplinares”

Seminar “Famílias: Olhares Interdisciplinares”

Seminar “Família e Redes Sociais”

1at Postgraduate Course in Family, Law and Society, ISCTE and Centro de Direito da Família of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra



“Família e Políticas Sociais”

“Família e Políticas Sociais”


Master’s Degree Course in Family and Society, ISCTE; Master’s Degree Course in Social Service, ISCTE; Master’s Degree Course in Sociology, ISCTE;


Module “Family Policies”, in course unit “The State, Social and Family Policies”.

Doctorate in Sociology (ICS/ UL);


Co-ordinator of course unit “Research Laboratory” for the Doctorate in


Master’s Degree Course in Sociology – Université de Genéve – Faculté de Sciences de la Societé

2018 “Macro Perspectives on Families and the Welfare State”

4.2. Academic Supervision of Postgraduate Theses

Master’s Degree Course Dissertations Concluded

1. José Luís Castro, Entre a Tutela e a Sobrevivência: Contextos de

Socialização e Trajectórias dos Meninos de Rua, ISCTE, March 1996.

2. Cristina Santos Silva, A complexidade Familiar: Processos de Construção

Social, Estratégias e Dinâmicas dos Grupos Domésticos em Alfama, ICS, July


3. Vanessa Cunha, O Lugar da Criança nas Famílias Portuguesas: uma Análise

Sociológica da Fecundidade, ICS, December 2000.

4. Pedro Vasconcelos, Redes de Entreajuda Familiar no Portugal

Contemporâneo, ICS, January 2002.

5. Sónia Vladimira Correia, Estratégias de conciliação família e vida profissional

em famílias monoparentais, ICS, April 2005.

6. Teresa Manuela Pires Rodrigues, As vivências e os percursos das mães


adolescentes de grupos desfavorecidos, ISCTE, July 2006.

7. Francisco Vieira da Silva, Família, Individualização e Experiência da

Homossexualidade em Portugal, ICS, July 2007.

8. Cátia Nunes, Percursos migratórios no feminino: mulheres brasileiras em

Portugal, UNL, April 2009.

9. Salomé Marques, "Jovens e transição para a vida adulta num bairro

desfavorecido", November 2009.

10. Paula Martins Afonso, "As cuidadoras dos deficientes militares da Guerra

Colonial", ISCTE-IUL, October 2011.

11. Vasco Ramos, "Origens, destinos e trajectórias de classe: uma análise

exploratória da mobilidade social em 2 gerações de portugueses", ISCTE-IUL,

October 2011.

Doctoral Theses Concluded

1. Carolina Leite, Estratégias Espaciais e Percurso Migratório. Mulheres

Portuguesas em Paris:1960 - 1990, Universidade do Minho, April 1999.

2. Piedade Lalanda, Transições Familiares e Construção da Identidade Feminina,

ICS, December 2003.

3. Sofia d’Aboim Inglez, Conjugalidades em Mudança – Percursos, orientações e

dinâmicas da vida a dois, ISCTE, July 2004.

4. Vanessa Cunha, O lugar da criança nas famílias portuguesas: a fecundidade

das famílias e os significados da criança, ISCTE, December 2006.

5. Filomena Santos, Sem cerimónia nem papéis: um estudo sobre as uniões de

facto em Portugal, Universidade da Beira Interior, ISCTE, July 2007.

6. Luísa Pimentel, A prestação de cuidados a pessoas idosas dependentes: uma

análise das relações familiares intergeracionais e de germanidade”, ISCTE, July


7. José São José, Cuidar de um familiar idoso dependente: trajectórias de cuidar e

seus significados, ICS-UL, July 2009


8. Heloísa Perista, Ph.D, Univ. of Leeds (joint supervision), “Género e Trabalho

não-pago”, July 2009

9. Rodrigo Rosa, Ph.D, ISCTE, “A Escolha do Cônjuge no Portugal

Contemporâneo”, September 2009

10. Patrícia Miranda, Ph.D, ISCTE, "Identidades de género e processos de

socialização: um estudo intensivo dum grupo de pré-adolescentes em Viseu",

February 2010

11. Catarina Lorga, Ph.D, ISCTE, "Ser homem na imprensa masculina", June 2010

12. Pedro Vasconcelos, Ph.D, ISCTE, “As Redes de Entreajuda Familiar no

Portugal Contemporâneo”, November 2011.

13. Sofia Marinho, Ph.D, ICS, "Ser pai: significados, vivências e práticas da

paternidade", December 2011.

14. Susana Atalaia, Ph.D, ICS, "A Parentalidade em contexto de recomposição

familiar: o caso do padrasto", March 2012.

15. Sónia Vladimira Correia, Ph.D, ICS, "A relação trabalho-vida familiar em famílias

de mães e pais sós. Uma abordagem comparativa de género", March 2014

16. Rita Gouveia, Ph.D, ICS and Université de Genéve, "Configurações

Relacionais: Dos Laços Familiares às Novas Relações de Proximidade",

December 2014

17. Blanche Leider, Ph.D, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (joint supervisor),

"Dynamiques familiales et soutien au parent vieillissant", October 2015

18. Vasco Ramos, Ph.D, ICS, "Trajectórias sociais, trajectórias de classe.

Reprodução e mobilidade social em 3 gerações de portugueses", December


19. Pierre-Alain Roch, Ph.D, University of Lausanne (joint supervisor) "Aborder le

paradigme de la précarité dans une perspective multidimensionnelle: le cas des

trajectoires professionnelles en Suisse", October 2017

20. Mafalda Leitão, Ph.D., ICS, "Homens em licença parental inicial. A perspectiva

do pai e da empresa", June 2018.


Current Doctoral Theses

1. Francisco Vieira da Silva, Ph.D, ISCTE, "Família, género e sexualidade: um

estudo sociológico sobre homens e mulheres homossexuais em Portugal",

2. Sónia Fertuzinhos, Ph.D, ISCTE-IUL, "A orientação natalista das políticas de

família em Portugal".

3. Liliana Azevedo, Ph.D., ISCTE-IUL, "Emigrantes portugueses na reforma:

mobilidade, género e transnacionalidade".

Post-doctoral Supervision

1. Sofia Aboim, Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT grantholder,

2004 2006.

2. Vanessa Cunha, Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT

grantholder, 2007-2008.

3. Sanda Samitca, Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT

grantholder 2007-2012.

4. Laura Merla, Marie Curie scholar, Research Project entitled “Transnational care

practices of Brazilian working class migrants living in Australia and Portugal: a

comparative perspective.”. Acção Marie Curie (MOIF-CT-2006-039076), 2006-


5. Rodrigo Rosa, Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT grantholder,


6. Susana Atalaia. Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT

grantholder, ongoing.

7. Sofia Marinho. Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT grantholder,


8. Vanessa Cunha. Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT

grantholder, ongoing.

9. Rita Gouveia. Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT grantholder,


10. Vasco Ramos. Post-Doc in the field of Sociology of the Family, FCT grantholder,



4.3 Postgraduate Course Organization






Organized the first Master’s Degree Course in Sociology of the Family at ISCTE.

Member of the Organizing Committee for the Master’s Degree Course in Sociology,

chaired by João Freire, ISCTE.

Organized jointly with Ana Nunes de Almeida and João Pina Cabral the option

“Famílias: olhares interdisciplinares” in the Second Master’s Degree Course in

Social Sciences (1995-1997) at ICS.

Organized jointly with Ana Nunes de Almeida and João Pina Cabral the option

“Famílias: olhares interdisciplinares” in the third Master’s Degree Course in Social

Sciences (1997-1999) at ICS.

Jointly with José Luís Garcia and Ana Nunes de Almeida, launched and organized

the doctoral programme in Sociology at ICS.


5. Academic Research Activities

5.1. Research Field


5.2. Area of Expertise

Sociology of the Family and Gender Relations, Sociology of Migrations, Family Policies.

5.3. Current Research Interests

Changing family structures, family and gender, family interactions and dynamics, reconciling work

and family life, paternity and new masculinities, single parent families, immigrant families, family

trajectories and life course, family and social networks, family policies, parental leave policies.

5.4. Research Projects








Carried out a study on the effects of emigration on women in the country of origin,

part of the UNESCO work programme.

Together with Maria das Dores Guerreiro and Anália Torres, undertook a research

project on “Families and Social Milieux in Portugal” funded by JNICT.

As part of doctoral thesis, undertook intensive research based on in-depth

interviews and participant observation, on “Peasant Families in the Lower Minho”.

Took part in European study on “Family Obligations in Europe”, organized by Jane

Millar, University of Bath, and funded by the Rowntree Foundation.

Took part in research projects and monitoring of family policies in the European

Observatory on National Family Policies of the European Union (since 2001:

Observatory on the Social Situation, Demography and the Family). Wrote the

annual report on “Family Policies in Portugal”.

Co-ordinator for the research project “Famílias no Portugal Contemporâneo”,

funded by the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (ICS/CIES).

Study entitled “Famílias e Políticas de Família em Portugal”, contribution to a

research project organized by the University of Mannheim on “Family Change and

Family Policies in the Western World” (Organizers: Peter Flora, Alfred Kahn and

Sheila Kamerman).







Took part in the European SOCCARE project - “New Kinds of Families, New Kinds

of Social Care: Shaping Multi-dimensional European Policies for Informal and

Formal Care”, organized by Jorma Sipilä (University of Tampere) and funded by

the European Commission (V Framework Programme). Organizer of the research

work undertaken in Portugal.

In collaboration with INE, co-ordinated a study entitled “As Famílias no Censo

2001” (Families in the 2001 Census), based on the definitive results of the two

most recent population censuses; analysis of trends in domestic household

structure in Portugal between 1991 and 2001.

Took part in the European research project entitled “Employment and the Family”

organized by Rosemary Crompton (City University, London) and funded by the

ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council), on reconciliation of work and

family life in seven European countries.

Joint organizer of the survey “Família e Papéis de Género” (“Family and Gender

Roles”) in Portugal, as part of the ISSP (International Social Survey Programme),


Took part in the INED (Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques) research

project, organized by Catherine Bonvalet and Jim Ogg, entitled “La Parenté

Comme Lieu des Solidarités: L’État des Enquêtes en Europe”.






Co-ordinated the project entitled “A Produção da Vida familiar no Masculino: Novos

Papéis, Novas Identidades”, funded by the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e


Took part in the European project “Female Migration Vision”, organized by the

Fondazione Brodolini (Rome, Italy) and funded by the European Commission (DG

Employment) on “Female Immigration” in Europe. Co-ordinator for research work

undertaken in Portugal.

Took part in the project entitled “Poverty and Social Exclusion in Lone Parent

Families in Europe”, organized by the Fondazione Brodolini (Rome, Italy) and

funded by the European Commission (DG Employment). Co-ordinator for research

work undertaken in Portugal.

Took part in European project "Out of School Care Services in Europe", funded by

the Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions. Co-

ordinator for research work undertaken in Portugal.

Took part in a research project entitled “The Politics of Leave Policy”, organized by

Peter Moss (Institute of Education/London) and Sheila Kamerman (University of

Columbia). Jointly with A. Escobedo (Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona) wrote

a comparative study of leave policies in Portugal and Spain.













Took part in family policies research and monitoring projects in the context of

International Network on Leave Policies and Research, organized by Peter Moss

(Institute of Education/University of London) and Fred Deven (Kenniscentrum

WVG). Responsible for drafting annual reports on leave policies in Portugal.

Co-ordinated a comparative study on family policies in member-states of the

Council of Europe and the building of a database on family policies in Europe.

Consultant and Portuguese representative in the working group on family policies

in Europe. Project funded and organized by the Committee on Social Policies for

Families and Children and by the Council of Europe.

Took part in the European WOUPS project: “Workers Under Pressure and Social

Care”, co-ordinated by Claude Martin (CNRS/University of Rennes) and funded by

the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France). Co-ordinator for research work

undertaken in Portugal.

Member of the research team which worked on the volume “História da Vida

Privada em Portugal” (History of Private Life in Portugal) (chapter “As famílias e o

Estado”). Project co-ordinator Ana Nunes de Almeida.

Co-ordinator for the project entitled “Trajectórias Familiares e Redes Sociais:

Percursos de Vida numa Perspectiva Intergeracional”, funded by the FCT, in

partnership with CIES/ISCTE, PAVIE – Centre Lémanique d’Etude des Parcours et

Modes de Vie/University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, FORS (Foundation

Suisse pour la Recherche en Sciences Sociales) and MISC (Methodology,

Inequalities and Social Change/University of Lausanne).

Took part in "Social Platform on Research for Families and Family policies" project,

funded by the EU (7th CF). Co-ordinator of the ICS research team.

Joint co-ordinator, with Ana Nunes de Almeida, of a research project funded by

UNICEF on the impact of the economic and financial crisis on families in Portugal.

Joint organizer (with Margaret O'Brien, Institute of Education-London) of

international research project (UK, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Spain,

Portugal, Switzerland, France, Ireland, Japan) "Fathers on Leave Alone" (a

qualitative international research study on men who take up parental leave on their


Co-ordinator, in collaboration with INE, of the project entitled "As Famílias na

População dos Census 2011".

Organizer for ICS (with Jorge Vala) of the ISSP survey - Família e papéis de








Member of the EUROFOUND project organized by the Austrian Institute for Family

Studies (OIF) on the impact of the economic and financial crisis on family policies

in five European countries. Organizer of the study in Portugal.

Co-ordinator of the project "Men's Roles in a Gender Equality Perspective", funded

by EEA Grants (project sponsored in Portugal by the Commissão para a Igualdade

no Trabalho e no Emprego).

Member of the ICS research team, led by Amilcar Moreira, working on the

"MOPACT - Mobilising the potential of active ageing people in Europe" project.

Joint co-ordinator, with Mónica Truninger, of the ICS research project "Families and

Food Poverty in Three European Countries in an Age of Austerity", main co-

ordinator Rebecca O'Connell at University College London (ERC grant).

Joint organizer (with Vanessa Cunha) of the project entitled “Procriação e

parentalidade em contexto de baixa fecundidade, mudança familiar e crise

económica”, funded by the FCT.

5.5. Leadership of Research Programmes and Lines




Organizer of the “Famílias no Portugal Contemporâneo” Programme at ICS.

Co-ordinator of the Thematic Research Line “Famílias, Estilos de Vida e

Escolaridade” (previously known as SOLINC – “Solidarities and Inclusion”) at ICS.

This thematic line includes 4 core research topics: family, gender and life course;

culture and life-styles; learning, schooling and juvenile trajectories, inequalities and

civil society. Its main objective is to analyze individual action, social relations and

identities in a context of overall change and modernization.

Co-ordinator of the research group “LIFE: Percursos de Vida, Desigualdades e

Solidariedades: Práticas e Políticas”.

5.6. Extension and Dissemination Activities


Family Policies expert at the European Observatory on National Family Policies

(European Commission).



Since 2005

Member of the Experts Committee for Monitoring Execution of the National

Programme against Domestic Violence (chaired by Nelson Lourenço, Universidade

Nova de Lisboa), Ministry for Equality, 14th constitutional government.

Member of the International Network on Leave Policies and Research, co-

ordinated by Peter Moss (Institute of Education/University of London) and Fred

Deven (Kenniscentrum WVG).





Since 1994

Since 2011

Took part in brainstorming on the implementation of the draft programme of

activities 2007, at the invitation of the Committee for Social Cohesion of the Council

of Europe.

Family Policies Consultant/Expert for the Committee of Experts on Social Policy for

Families and Children (CS-SPFC) of the Council of Europe.

Member of the Specialists’ Committee for the National Programme against

domestic violence – organized by the Minister for Equality.

Founded and led the OFAP – Observatório das famílias e das políticas da família.

Dissemination activities for the media and general public

Invited to speak on TV and radio stations (e.g. TVI and TSF); comment and

interviews in newspapers, namely Público, Expresso, Correio da Manhã, Diário de

Notícias and Observador.

Coordinated studies and consultancy work, public hearings, monitoring and

dissemination of data in the field of public policies for family and gender in

Portugal, in the context of the Observatório das Famílias e de Política da Família


5.7. Panels and Evaluation Groups




Invited by the European Commission to be a member of the evaluation board for

research projects in Sociology (VI Framework Programme).

Research project evaluation for ESRC – Economic and Social Research Council,

UK and FNS (Fonds National Suisse)

Member of the FCT Evaluation Panel for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Grants








Invited by the Committee for Social Cohesion of the Council of Europe to take part

in the “Brainstorming on the implementation of the draft programme of activities


Member of the PANEL ERC Panel SH2 - European Research Council

PANEL CHAIR ERC Panel SH2 - European Research Council

Coordinator of the think tank on Evaluation of Science and Technology by the

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ministry of Science and Higher Education


Member of the Social and Family Policies Committee of the Ministry of Labour,

Solidarity and Social Security (MTSSS)

Has undertaken collaborative, partnership, consultancy and representation work with:

International Network on Leave Policies and Research.

PAVIE (Centre Lémanique de l’étude des Parcours et Modes de Vie - Universities of

Geneva and Lausanne).

Committee on Social Policies for Families and Children (Council of Europe).

Social Platform for Research on Families and Family Policies (University of

Dortmund/EC-7th Framework Programme).

TL- Transnational Lives, mobility and gender (European Science Foundation).

Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género (CIG).

Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego (CITE).

European Commission.


6. Academic Research and Management Activities

6.1. Management Activities

Member of the ICS Academic Board (since 1990).

Member of the ICS Assembly / ICS School Board.

Chair of the ICS Assembly (2012-2014).

Member of the Ethics Board of ICS (2016-18).

Dean of the ICS (since 2018).

6.2. Editorial Activities


Since 2002



Member of the Editorial Board of the Imprensa de Ciências Sociais

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Análise Social.

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Estudos Demográficos.

Member of the Editorial Board of the European Societies Journal

Director of the Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

6.3. "Referee" for Academic Journals

Since 1995

Since 2000

Since 2002

Since 2003

Since 2007

Referee for the Journals Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas and Análise Social.

Referee for the Journals: European Societies, Revue Suisse de Sociologie,

European Journal of Social Policy.

Referee for the Journals: Community, Work and Family, Journal of Social Policy,

International Review of Sociology, Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiues.

Referee for the Journals:

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research and Practice About Men as Fathers,

Journal of Family Studies



6.4. Academic Associations

Since 1981

Since 1985

Since 1986




Since 1995



Since 2000

Since 2000


Since 2008

Since 2011

Member of the Association des Sociologues de Langue Française (AISLF) and of

the Comité Famille of AISLF.

Founding member of the Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia (APS).

Founding member of the Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Sociologia:


Founding member of the Grupo de Estudos de Sociologia da Família (GREF-

CIES/ISCTE). Director of GREF.

Chairman of Annual meeting of CIES/ISCTE.

Organizer of an inter-university co-operation (Erasmus) programme at ISCTE,

including the universities of Lille, Liège, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bergen, Coimbra,

and Lisbon (ISCTE), managed by the University of Lille.

Member of the European Sociological Association (ESA).

Member of the Organizing Committee of the Research Network “Sociology of

Families and Intimate Lives”, ESA – European Sociological Association.

Joint organizer (with Maria Engrácia Leandro) of working groups in Sociology of the

Family, IV Congresso Português de Sociologia, Coimbra, APS – Associação

Portuguesa de Sociologia.

Founding member of the “Família, Género e Sexualidade” section of the

Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia;

Member of the Organizing Committee of the “Família, Género e Sexualidade”

section of the Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia.

Co-ordinator of the Research Network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives”,

ESA – European Sociological Association.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the Research Network “Sociology of

Families and Intimate Lives”, ESA – European Sociological Association.

Member of the Advisory Board of the European Society on Family Relations



6.5. Membership of Examining Boards

A - Master’s Degree Course and Research and Teaching Aptitude tests

Main examiner

1. Sílvia Portugal, As mãos que embalam o berço – o Estado e a Sociedade-Providência no

apoio à maternidade, Faculdade de Economia, Coimbra, 1995.

2. Luís Esteves Campos, Desenvolvimento do trabalho e reprodução social: o caso do

concelho de Castelo Branco, ISCTE, 1995.

3. José Luís dos Santos Castro, Entre a tutela e a sobrevivência: contextos de socialização

e trajectórias de meninos de rua, ISCTE, 1995.

4. Maria Manuela Figueiredo Forte, Os agricultores e o crédito bancário: um estudo de caso

de uma freguesia do concelho de Odemira, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, 1996.

5. Conceição Gonçalves, A criança por nascer, narrativas médicas em diagnóstico pré-

natal, ICS, 2002.

6. Dinis Fonseca, Famílias monoparentais, University of Évora, 2002.

7. Maria das Dores Oliveira Rafael de Oliveira, Consumidores de palmo e meio: a criança e

a família perante o consumo, IEC, Universidade do Minho, 2003.

8. Maria Abranches, Pertenças fechadas em espaços abertos: estratégias de (re)

construção identitária em mulheres muçulmanas em Portugal, ISCTE, 2004.

9. Ana Cristina Henriques Marques, Do primeiro beijo ao primeiro filho – o roteiro sexual

para uma maternidade na adolescência, ISCTE, 2006.

10. Rita Veloso Mendes, À procura de novos pais, ISCTE, 2007.

11. Marisa Matias Carvalho Silva, Vida profissional e familiar: padrões de conflito e

facilitação na gestão de múltiplos papéis, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação

da Universidade do Porto, 2007.

12. Rita Isabel Fazenda Vieira, Trajectórias e estilos de vida familiar de ex-residentes de

uma comunidade terapêutica, ISCTE, 2008.


Chair of Examining Board

13. José Luís Garcia, As mulheres telefonam às cegonhas – famílias, procriação e bioética

no espaço público, ISCTE, 1995.

14. Cristina Gomes da Silva, Jovens, percursos e aspirações escolares e profissionais,

ISCTE, 1995.

15. Luísa Pimentel, O Lugar do idoso nas redes de interacção e solidariedades familiares,

ISCTE, 1995.

16. Maria João Pena, Violência nas relações familiares, ISCTE, 1995.

17. Filomena Santos, Infidelidade conjugal: classe social e género, ISCTE, 1995.


18. Teresa Paula Duarte, Os Doutorados em Portugal, ISCTE, 1996.

19. Cristina Santos Silva, A complexidade familiar: processos de formação, estratégias e

solidariedades dos grupos domésticos em Alfama, ICS, 1998.

20. José São José, Doença mental em casa, trancas à porta: um estudo sociológico sobre

suporte social das famílias de pessoas com esquizofrenia, ICS, 1998.

21.Vanessa Cunha, O lugar da criança nas famílias Portuguesas – uma análise

sociológica da fecundidade, ICS, 2000.

22. Pedro Vasconcelos, Redes de entreajuda família no Portugal contemporâneo, ICS,


23. Sónia Vladimira Correia, Estratégias de conciliação trabalho/vida familiar em famílias

de mães sós, ICS, 2005.

24. Cátia Nunes, Percursos migratórios no feminino: mulheres brasileiras em Portugal,

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2009.


B – Doctorate and “Agregation”

Main Examiner

25. Carolina Leite, Universidade do Minho, 1998.

26. Ana Cristina Ferreira, ISCTE-IUL, 2002.

27. Duarte Vilar, ISCTE, ISCTE-IUL, 2002.

28. Filomena Gerardo, Université de Paris 5 - René Descartes, 2007.

29. Inês Maria Guimarães Nascimento, Faculdade de Psicologia e de

Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, 2008.

30. Catarina Delaunay, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2009

31. Cláudia Casimiro Ferreira da Costa, ICS-UL, 2009.

32. Rosário Mauritti, ISCTE-IUL, 2009

33. Alice Ramos , ICS- ULisboa, 2011

34. Blanche Leider, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2014

35. Manuel Abrantes, ISEG, 2014

36. Marlene Sapin. Université de Lausanne, 2015

37. Gaelle Aeby, Université de Lausanne, 2015

38. Patrícia Calca, ICS- U. Lisboa, 2015

39. Susana Marques, ISEG, 2017

40. Sónia Guadalupe, ISCTE-IUL, 2017

41. Cícero Pereira, ICS-UL, 2018 (Agregação)


Examiner and Supervisor

42. Carolina Leite, Estratégias Espaciais e Percurso Migratório. Mulheres

Portuguesas em Paris:1960 - 1990, Universidade do Minho, April 1999.

43. Maria da Piedade Lalanda, Transições familiares e construção da

identidade das mulheres, ICS, Universidade de Lisboa, 2003.

44. Sofia d’Aboim Inglez, Conjugalidades em Mudança – Percursos,

orientações e dinâmicas da vida a dois, ISCTE, July 2004.

45. Vanessa Cunha, Famílias, fecundidades e funções dos filhos: o impacto

do tempo e dos contextos sociais, ISCTE, 2006.

46. Luísa Pimentel, A prestação de cuidados a pessoas idosas dependentes:

uma análise das relações familiares intergeracionais e de germanidade,

ISCTE, 2007.

47. Filomena Santos, Sem Cerimónia nem Papéis: um estudo sobre as uniões

de facto em Portugal, Universidade da Beira Interior, 2007.

48. José São José, Cuidar de um familiar idoso e dependente: trajectórias de

cuidar e seus significados, ICS-UL, 2009

36. Heloísa Perista, Ph.D, Univ. of Leeds (joint supervision), “Género e

Trabalho não-pago”, July 2009

37. Rodrigo Rosa, Ph.D, ISCTE, “A Escolha do Cônjuge no Portugal

Contemporâneo”, September 2009

38. Patrícia Miranda, Ph.D, ISCTE, "Identidades de género e processos de

socialização: um estudo intensivo dum grupo de pré-adolescentes em

Viseu", February 2010

39. Catarina Lorga, Ph.D, ISCTE, "Ser homem na imprensa masculina", June


40. Pedro Vasconcelos, Ph.D, ISCTE, “As Redes de Entreajuda Familiar no

Portugal Contemporâneo”, November 2011.

41. Sofia Marinho, Ph.D, ICS, "Ser pai: significados, vivências e práticas da

paternidade", December 2011.

42. Susana Atalaia, Ph.D, ICS, "A Parentalidade em contexto de

recomposição familiar: o caso do padrasto", March 2012.


43. Sónia Vladimira Correia, Ph.D, ICS, "A relação trabalho-vida familiar em

famílias de mães e pais sós. Uma bordagem comparative de género",

March 2014

44. Rita Gouveia, Ph.D, ICS and Université de Genéve, "Configurações

Relacionais: Dos Laços Familiares às Novas Relações de Proximidade",

December 2014

45. Blanche Leider, Ph.D, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (joint

superivsor), "Dynamiques familiales et soutien au parent vieillissant",

October 2015

46. Vasco Ramos, Ph.D, ICS, "Trajectórias sociasis, trajectórias de classe.

Reprodução e mobilidade social em 3 gerações de portugueses",

December 2015

47. Pierre-Alain Roch, Ph.D, University of Lausanne (joint superivsor) "Aborder

le paradigme de la précarité dans une perspective multidimensionnelle: le

cas des trajectoires professionnelles en Suisse", October 2017

48. Mafalda Leitão, Ph.D., ICS, "Homens em licença parental inicial. A

perspectiva do pai e da empresa", June 2018.

6.6. Seminars and Conferences Organized

1. For the Research Seminar in Sociology of the Family (GREF) brought to Portugal J.

Kellerhals, D. Bertaux, M. Segalen, F. Zonabend, F. de Singly, N. Lefaucheur, I. Tallmann,

Jean-Claude Kaufmann, Marie-Agnès Barrère Maurisson, C. Lalive d'Epinay, CIES/ISCTE,

(between 1988-1993).

2. Joint organizer (Study Group on Sociology of the Family and “Famille” Research Group of

the Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française), of the international

conference entitled “Familles et Contextes Sociaux: les espaces et les temps de la

diversité”, ISCTE, Lisbon, 10-12 April 1991.

3. Organized the Annual Seminar of the European Family Policies Observatory (European

Commission), Lisbon, 26-28 June 1997.

4. Organized International Research Seminar "Fonctionnements et Réseaux Familiaux" (ICS

and Laboratoire de Sociologie de la Famille of the University of Geneva), Lisbon, 19-20

April 2001.


5. Organized International Research Seminar "Immigrant Families and Social Care" ("New

Kinds of Families, New Kinds of Social Care" project), Lisbon, ICS, 31 May - 2 June


6. Joint organizer (with Jorge Vala, Lígia Amâncio, Alice Ramos and Sofia Aboim) of the

Seminar for presentation of results of “Family and Gender” survey undertaken as part of

the ISSP/Social Attitudes of the Portuguese programme, Lisbon, ICS, 14 January 2005.

7. As part of the “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” Research Network, ESA

(European Sociological Association) – organized International Seminar Lisbon Workshop

on Contemporary Families, Lisbon, 3-5 March 2005.

8. At the request of DG Employment (EC), organized Group of Experts on Family Trends and

Policy Developments made up of experts from 25 member-states of the EU to analyse

the Green Paper on Confronting Demographic Change and to comment on the situation

of the family and family policies in the various European countries, Brussels, 23-24 June


9. Organized the International Research Seminar “Female Migration Vision”, Lisbon, ICS, 7-8

October 2005.

10. Organized (with Cátia Nunes) the Seminar "Mulheres Imigrantes em Portugal", Female

Migration Vision Project, Lisbon, ICS, 23 February 2006.

11. Organized the Third International Seminar on "Leave Policy and Research in Europe",

ICS, Lisbon, 9-10 November 2006.

12. Organized (with Eric Widmer and Ritta Jallinoja) the Interim Meeting of the Research

Network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives”, Lausanne, Switzerland, 14-16 March


13. Organized the advanced training Seminar “Introduction à la perspective de l’optimal

matching”, in collaboration with PAVIE (University of Geneva /University of Lausanne),

ICS, 11-12 September 2007.

14. Organized (with Sofia Aboim) the International Seminar “Family Life from the Male

Perspective”, ICS, 21 September 2007.

15. Organized the advanced training Seminar on the “Family Network Method”, in

collaboration with PAVIE (University of Geneva/University of Lausanne), ICS, 6-7

October 2008.

16. Organized (with Vanessa Cunha, Susana Atalaia and Leonor Rodrigues) the

International Workshop “Men’s roles in a gender equality perspective”, 2014.


17. Organized (with Vanessa Cunha, APF and Instituto de Políticas Públicas Thomas

Jefferson-Correia da Serra) the Seminar “A(s) Problemática(s) da Natalidade em

Portugal: Uma Questão Social, Económica e Política”, ICS, Lisboa, 2015.

18. Co-organized (with Professor Margarida Amaral, Sciences Faculty University of Lisbon)

the Conference “How to Support Human Resources in Science?”, 2nd conference of

Conference Series “Building and Maintaining a Sustainable Science Ecosystem”, 4

February 2019.


7. Lectures/Presentations in Conferences, Congresses and Seminars

7.1. Presentations

1983 Research Seminar on "Questions of Transition ", ed. Raul Iturra and João Ferreira de

Almeida, CIES/ISCTE, Lisboa. Presented "Famílias camponesas no Baixo Minho".

1985 Conference on “Women in Portugal”, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation/ICS, Lisbon.

Presented “A divisão sexual do trabalho na agricultura”.


First Portuguese Congress of Sociology “A Sociologia e a Sociedade Portuguesa na

Viragem do Século”, APS, Lisboa. Presented “Residência e sucessão na família

camponesa do Baixo Minho”.

1988 Research Seminar on Sociology of the Family, (GREF and CIES/ISCTE), Lisboa.

Presented “Conceitos e modelos teóricos para analisar a família”.


Conference “La Sociologie et les Nouveaux Défis de la Modernisation”, organized by

the Sociology section of the Faculdade de Letras do Porto and AISLF (Association

Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française), Porto. Presented

“Modernisation et dynamique familiale: les cas de la famille paysanne au



XIIIème Colloque de l’Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue

Française, Geneva. Presented “Ménages paysans face au changement: vers une

nouvelle définition de l’échange.”

1989 “Primeiras Jornadas de História Local”, Vila Nova de Famalicão. Presented

“Agricultura e famílias camponesas em Vila Nova de Famalicão”.


International Conference Familles et Contextes Sociaux, organized by GREF

(CIES/ISCTE), Lisboa. Presented “Pour une sociologie des formes familiales

dans la société rurale.”


Seminar of the L’Europe des Familles group organized by Martine Segalen, Centre

d’Ethnologie Français, Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Paris. Presented

“Les familles paysannes au Portugal.”

1991 Troisièmes Rencontres Annuelles sur la Famille, Paris, organized by François de

Singly, (1991), “La Sociologie de la Famille au Portugal”.


International conference on “Emigration and Immigration in Portugal”, Lisboa.

Presented “Classe social, família e emigração. Uma análise diferencial das

trajectórias dos migrantes de origem rural”.



III Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Lisboa. Presented “O género

nas ciências sociais: interdisciplinaridade, inovação, crítica” (with Miguel Vale

de Almeida, Lígia Amâncio and Rosa Perez).


2nd European Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA),

Budapest. Presented “Changing family patterns in Portuguese peasant society”

in the working group on “Changing Household/Family Structures and Relationships”,

chaired by Jean Kellerhals and Claudine Attias-Donfut.


III Portuguese Congress of Sociology “Práticas e Processos da Mudança Social”

APS, Lisboa. Presented “Famílias monoparentais em Portugal” (with Cristina



Seminar “Políticas para a Igualdade na União Europeia – Elaboração de Novos

Indicadores para a sua Avaliação”, organized by the Comissão para a Igualdade e

para os Direitos das Mulheres, Lisboa. Presented “Comentários às propostas de

novos indicadores sociais para a área da família”.


XVème Congrès International de l’AISLF (Association Internationale des Sociologues

de Langue Française), Évora. Presented “Les familles grandparentales et leurs

dynamiques de fonctionnement”.

1996 Conference “A Família em Portugal”, organized by the Gabinete da Alta Comissária

para a Igualdade e a Família, Lisboa. Delivered lecture entitled “A família em Portugal: tendências actuais e futuro provável”.


International Seminar on “Reconciling Work and Family Life”, organized by the

European network Famílias, Trabalho e Solidariedade Intergeracional, Lisboa.

Presented “Family policies in the EU: key issues in the 1990s”.


Conference “Morte, Luto e Famílias”, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon. Invited to

deliver Introductory lecture entitled "A morte na família: evolução histórica e

diversidade contemporânea".


4th European Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA),

Amsterdam. Presented “Support networks in Portugal” in the working group on

Sociology of the Family chaired by Jean Kellerhals and Claudine Attias-Donfut (with

Sofia Aboim, Pedro Vasconcelos, Vanessa Cunha).


Seminar on “O Perfil da Investigação Científica em Antropologia, Demografia,

Geografia e Sociologia”, organized by the Observatório das Ciências e das

Tecnologias, Lisboa. Presented “A investigação em demografia”.



International Congress “Os Mundos Sociais e Culturais da Infância”, organized by

Instituto de Estudos da Criança, Universidade do Minho, Braga. Presented “As

famílias das crianças em Portugal”.


IV Congresso Português de Sociologia “Sociedade Portuguesa – Passados

Recentes/Futuros Próximos”, APS, Coimbra. Presented: “Modos de guarda das

crianças nas famílias portuguesas”.


Research Seminar “Lone Parents and Social Care”, organized by Claude Martin

(University of Rennes), Rennes, New Kinds of Families, New Kinds of Social Care

(SOCCARE) project. Presented “Care arrangements in lone parent families –

Portugal” (with José São José).


Research Seminar “Care Arrangements in Multi-career Families”, organized by John

Baldock (University of Kent), Canterbury, New Kinds of Families, New Kinds of Social

Care (SOCCARE) project. Presented “Care arrangements in multi-career families

– Portugal” (with José São José).


Research Seminar “Fonctionnements et Réseaux Familiaux”, organized by ICS

(Karin Wall) and the “Laboratoire de Sociologie de la Famille” of the University of

Geneva (Jean Kellerhals). Presented “Familles au Portugal: résultats de



Research Seminar “Immigrant Families and Social Care”, organized by ICS (Karin

Wall), Lisboa, New Kinds of Families, New Kinds of Social Care (SOCCARE) project.

Presented “Immigrant families and social care in Portugal” (with José São José).


International Conference “Família, Género e Sexualidade nas Sociedades

Contemporâneas”, organized by the Famílias, Género e Sexualidade section (APS),

Lisboa. Presented “Dinâmicas familiares e políticas de família: que evolução?”.

2003 Seminar “Employment and the Family”, organized by Rosemary Crompton (City

University), London. Presented “Work and family in Portugal”.


6th European Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Murcia,

presented: “Balancing work and care in lone parent families” in the working group

on the family chaired by Ulla Bjornberg.


6th European Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Murcia, in

the “Meet the author” session. Presented the book Le Nouvel Esprit de Famille by

Claudine Attias-Donfut, Nicole Lapierre and Martine Segalen, editions Odile Jacob,




“Dissemination Conference – The Findings and Policy Recommendations of the

SOCCARE Project”, organized by the European Commission, Brussels. Presented

“Work and care in immigrant families”.


International Conference "A Família Contemporânea: Exigências e Desafios",

organized by the Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, invited to lecture on

"Família em mudança e políticas de família: principais desafios".

2004 XI Jornadas Nacionais da APF - Associação para o Planeamento da Família, Porto,

invited to lecture on "Natalidade e políticas de família".

2004 Research Seminar, organized by R. Crompton (City University), London. Presented

“Attitudes to gender roles in Portugal”.


International Conference “Families, Change and Social Policy in Europe”, Dublin,

invited to be rapporteur for session on “Family as a Focus of Social Inclusion and

Social Cohesion”. Presented “The family as an agent of social inclusion and

social cohesion”.


International Conference "Vinte e Cinco Anos de Terapia Familiar", organized by

Daniel Sampaio, Lisboa, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, invited to give inaugural

lecture on "A família em Portugal nos últimos 25 anos".


Conference cycle on “Família: Políticas, e Práticas”, organized by the Instituto de

Segurança Social, Lisboa, invited to lecture on "Família, conjugalidade e


2005 International Seminar “(Re)Pensar os Laços Familiares e Sociais”, organized by

Universidade do Minho, Braga, delivered lecture on “Laços familiares e solidariedades nas famílias portuguesas”.

2005 7th European Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Torun

(Poland). Presented "Main patterns in attitudes to gender roles and the family division of labour: a cross-national analysis".


Seminar presenting results of ISSP Family and Gender Survey, ICS, Lisboa.

Presented “Atitudes face aos papéis de género e à divisão familiar do trabalho

em Portugal e na Europa”.


“International Conference on Cape Verdean Migration and Diaspora”, organized by

CEAS/ISCTE, Lisboa. Presented “Managing work and care for young children in

Cape Verdean families” (with José São José).


“Interim Meeting of ESA Research Network Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives",

Lisboa. Presented "Immigrant families: managing work and care for young

children in five European countries".



Seminar "Gender, Ethnicity and the Labour Market", organized by Danish Institute of

Social Research, Copenhagen, invited to lecture on "Managing work and care for young children in immigrant families: the impact of migration patterns,

ethnicity and family dynamics".

2006 Invited to give lecture "Famílias em Portugal: uma perspectiva sociológica",

organized by the Instituto de Apoio à Criança, Lisboa.


XXVIII Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Family Affairs,

MTSS/Council of Europe, Lisboa, invited to give lecture entitled "Family policies in

the light of demographic changes".


First International Congress “Immigration in Portugal and the European Union”, AGIR

(Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento Sócio Cultural), Vila Real de

Santo António. Presented “Mulheres imigrantes em Portugal: principais

características socio-demográficas e problemas de integração” (with Cátia

Nunes and Ana Raquel Matias).


International Conference Interactions Familiales et Constructions de l’Intimité,

University of Geneva, Geneva. Presented “Changement Familial et Styles d’interactions: le cas du Portugal et une note sur la pluralisation du type


2006 Seminar at the European Values Study Meeting - Theory Group, Lisboa. Presented

"Comments and suggestions: questions on the family".

2006 3rd Annual Seminar of International Network on Leave Policy and Research, ICS,

Lisboa. Presented "Leave policies and work/family issues in Portugal".


Seminar Igualdade de Género, Parentalidade e Conciliação da Vida Familiar

eProfissional , CIDM/Swedish Institute, Lisboa, invited to give lecture on

Reconciliation of work and family life in Portugal.

2007 Conference cycle on Sociology of Childhood, Universidade do Minho, Braga, invited

to give lecture "Mudanças na vida familiar e políticas de família em Portugal".


Conference entitled “Conciliação entre a Vida Profissional, a Vida pessoal e a Vida

Familiar, Novos Desafios para os Parceiros Sociais e as Políticas Públicas”,

organized by Portugal 2007, Presidency of the Council of the European Union,

Lisboa, invited to present at first plenary session "Trabalho, vida pessoal e vida familiar, e o diálogo social do futuro".


Interim meeting of the ESA Research Network Sociology of Families and intimate

lives, Lausanne. Presented "Fatherhood, work and family in men's lives:

negotiating new and old masculinities" (with Sofia Aboim).



International Seminar “Family Life from the Male Perspective: new roles, new

identities”, ICS, Lisboa. Two presentations: 1) Presentation of the research project;

2) “Fatherhood, work and family in men’s lives” (with Sofia Aboim and Sofia



2nd Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Social Policy for Families and Children

(CS-SPFC), Strasbourg. Presented “Draft questionnaire on family policies for

member states of the Council of Europe”.


8th European Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Glasgow.

Ppresented “Leave policy models and the articulation of work and family in

Europe: a comparative perspective”.


II International Conference on “Community, Work and Family”, CIES/ISCTE, Lisboa,

delivered lecture entitled “Work/family issues and leave policies in Portugal: a

comparative perspective”.


ISA Research Committee on Family Research, RC06, CFR Conference “Family,

Diversity and Gender”, ISCSP, Lisboa, delivered lecture entitled “Leave policy models and the articulation of work and family in Portugal and in Europe: a

comparative perspective”.

2008 International Seminar “Amar e Trabalhar na Europa”, CIES/ISCTE, Lisboa. Presented

“Novos sentidos da família na Europa: comentários”.


3rd Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Social Policy for Families and Children

(CS-SPFC), Strasbourg. Presented “The questionnaire on national family



VI Congresso Português de Sociologia “Mundos Sociais: Saberes e Práticas”,

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa. Presented “Família e género: o estado da

arte das publicações nos últimos anos” (with Maria das Dores Guerreiro).


VI Congresso Português de Sociologia “Mundos Sociais: Saberes e Práticas”,

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa. Presented “As trajectórias das mulheres

imigrantes em Portugal” (with Cátia Nunes and Ana Raquel Matias).


International Conference “Family Diversity and Gender”, ISA Research Committee on

Family Research, ISCSP, Lisboa. Presented “Fatherhood, family and work in

men’s lives: negotiating new and old masculinities” (with Sofia Aboim and Sofia



Technical Seminar on Family Policy in selected Council of Europe Member States,

Committee of Experts on Social Policy for Families and Children, Paris. Presented

“Work/family issues in Portugal”.



4th Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Social Policy for Families and Children,

Strasbourg. Presented “The Council of Europe’s questionnaire on family policy,

first results”.


Wall, K. Ramos, V. Nunes, C. Aboim, S. Geographical mobility and Family

Trajectories: comparing generations from a life course perspective. Paper presented

at ESA Interim Meeting of the research network "Families and Intimate Lives",



Wall, K. Aboim, S., Guerreiro, M. Cunha, V., Pappámkail. L., Gouveia, R. The

transition to adulthood across three generations: a multi-method perspective. Paper

presented at the 5th Conference of the European Society on Family Relations.



Wall, K., Female Migration and Transnational families: a life course perspective.

Paper presented at the International Seminar: Transnationalism from below: migrant

families and intergenerational relations in the era of globalization. Lisbon.


Wall, K., Public Policies and Care Regimes: Portugal in the context of Southern

Europe. Pater Presented at the Conference Aging in Contemporary Societies.



Wall, K. Gouveia, R., Aboim, S. Cunha. V., Nunes, C., Ramos, V. Family trajectories

and social networks. Paper Presented at the Sunbelt Social Network Conference.

Riva del Garda.

2010 Wall, K., Leitão, M., Ramos, V. Social Inequality and Diversity of Families: state of the

art. Paper presented at the Family Platform Meeting, JyVaskyla.


Wall, Karin, Gouveia, Rita (2010). Changing Meanings of Family and Family Bonds.

Paper presented at the 10th ESA Conference Social Relations in Turbulent Times,

University of Geneva


Wall, Karin (2010). Presentation of the book by Eric Widmer (2010) "Family

Configurations. A structural approach to family diversity" at Meet the Author Sessions

of the ESA 10th Conference on Social Relations in Turbulent Times


Seminar Disability Rights Promotion International organized by the ISCSP and

Gulbenkian Foundation. Lecture entitled “Monitorização dos Direitos Humanos

das Pessoas deficientes em Portugal – Comentário”.

2011 Expert Seminar on Study of New EU Measures in the Area of Paternity Leave

organized by the European Commission. Lecture, “Impact and Benefits of Father's leave on gender Equality”.

2011 8th International Leave Policy and Research Seminar "High North - Extremely

Different?" Lecture, The future of leave Policies: a personal view.



Discussant in the workshop on Parenting Support in Europe: A Comparative Study of

Policies and Practices, Parenting Support and education organized by EuroFound,



Wall. K., Bolzman, Claudio (2011). Mapping the New Plurality of Transnational

Families.Paper presented at the International Seminar on Transnational Families,

Migration and Kin-work: from care Chains to care Circulation


Wall, Karin, Cunha, Vanessa (2011, July). The second child in the balance:

Portuguese low fertility and pro-natalist concerns in family policies. Paper presented

at the OFAP International Seminar - Low Fertility, Families and Public Policies, ICS-



Wall, Karin (January 2011). “A realidade oculta da violência às pessoas idosas em

contexto familiar - Comentários". Presentation at the National meeting on Horizontes

de Mudança na Violência às Pessoas Idosas, Instituto de Segurança Social


"How is the agenda set? Preliminary reflections on the challenges and factors

shaping the family research agenda". Closing Keynote, 6th Congress of the

European Society on Family Relations, Lillehammer, 26-29 September 2012


"Mapping the new plurality and vulnerabilities of transnational families: a life course

perspective", Invited keynote at the International Conference "Resources in Times of

Vulnerability: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, University of Geneva, June 20-21, 2013


Wall, K. "Fathers on leave alone: does it make a difference to their lives?", Paper

presented at the 11th Conference of the European Sociological Association,

Research network on Families and Intimate Lives, Torino, August 2013.

2014 Conference on Education organized by Humboldt University, Berlin, delivered lecture

"Mapping the plurality of transnational families”.

2014 "Life trajectories and social networks in Portugal: state of the art", Workshop of the

Family Times Project, University of Lausanne and Geneva.


Wall, K. Gouveia, R, Aeby, G. and Cesnuityte, V., "Changing meanings of family in

personal relationships: a comparative perspective", XVIII ISA Congress “Facing an

Unequal World”, 13-18 July, Yokohama, Japan. (September 2014).


Wall, K., "Fathers on Leave Alone. Research Project", Annual Meeting of the

International Network of Leave Policies and Research, Tallinn, 17-18 September


2015 Wall, K., Gouveia, R. “Insights from studying personal networks from a lifecourse

perspective”. Family and the Life course. ISCTE-IUL, 19 November 2015.



Wall, K., Gouveia, R. “Família e papéis de género em Portugal: um olhar comparativo

sobre a última década”. Seminar presenting results of the ISSP Family and Gender

Roles Survey. ICS-U Lisboa, 9 April 2015.


Wall, K., Gouveia, R. “Changing Attitudes to family life and gender roles”. Men's

Roles in a Gender Equality Perspective: National and Cross-national Secondary Data

Analysis. ICS-U Lisboa, 17 November 2015.


Wall, K.; Rodrigues, L., &, Leitão, M.. “The Impact of the Crisis on Children and their

families: lived experiences, perceptions, diversity”, 12th ESA Conference, 15 August


2015 Wall, K. Presentation, by invitation, of the book: “A idade somos todos nós”. ISCTE-

IUL and Santa Casa da Misericórdia, 26 March 2015.


Wall, K. “Family policies and pro-natalist concerns in Portugal”. As Problemáticas da

natalidade em Portugal: uma questão social, económica e política. ICS - OFAP and

APF, 15 January 2015.


Wall, K., Cunha, V., Correia, Rita, Leonor Rodrigues (2016, July). Conciliação

família-trabalho e papéis de género: que mudanças?. Paper presented at the IX

Congresso Português de Sociologia, Portugal: território de territórios, Faro.


Karin Wall (14-16 September 2017). Convenor of paper sessions at the 15th Annual

ESPAnet Conference 2017. New Horizons of European Social Policy: Risks,

opportunities and challenges. The Network for European Social Policy Analysis

(ESPAnet), 14-16 September 2017, Lisboa, Portugal.


Wall, Karin (31 October 2017). Family Policies in Portugal: brief overview and recent

developments. Changing Family Arrangements and Social Welfare Benefits: Effects

on Marriage, Cohabitation and Childbearing. Lisbon, Portugal.


O'Brien, Margaret; Wall, Karin (31 August 2017). Fathers on Leave Alone: a

comparative perspective. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association,

(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solida0rities, Subjectivities, Athens, Greece.


Wall, Karin; Gouveia, Rita; Aeby, Gaelle; Cesnuityte, Vida (31 August 2017).

Changing Meanings of Family in Personal Relationships: A Cross-National

Comparative Perspective. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association,

(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities.

2017 Wall, Karin (24 October 2017). Uma família parental, duas casas: book presentation.

ICS ULisboa: Edições Sílabo and ICS.



Wall, Karin (21 September 2017). Methodological challenges in conceptualizing and

measuring parental leave take-up: comments. 14th Leave Policy and Research

Annual Seminar. Prague, Charles University.


Wall, Karin (2 June 2017). Famílias em Portugal, que mudanças? Saúde, Género e

Violência no Ciclo de Vida, III Encontro Nacional dos Núcleos da Ação de Saúde

para Crianças e Jovens em Risco - I Encontro Nacional das Equipas para a

Prevenção da Violência em Adulto. Lisboa, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de



Wall, Karin (26 May 2017). Rumo à paternidade cuidadora na sociedade portuguesa.

Resultados e Recomendações do Livro Branco. Apresentado em "Género,

Organizações e Poder", Conferência do V Aniversário do Centro Interdisciplinar de

Estudos do Género do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.


Wall, Karin (13 March 2018). Macro perspectives on families and the Welfare State,

LIVES/BIGSSS Winter School 2018 for PHD Students. Universities of Lausanne and



Wall, Karin (3 May 2018). Tools and resources that contribute to gender equality in

research and higher education: questions and comments. Meeting of SAGE project

(Systemic Action for Gender Equality). ISCTE-IUL.


Wall, Karin (16 May 2018). Politiques Familiales à l' Aube du 21 eme siècle:

nouvelles tendances et vulnerabilités dans la vie familiale. Forum du Master en

Sociologie. Institut de Recherches Sociologiques - University of Geneva.


Cunha, V., Rodrigues, L.B., Atalaia, S., Correia, R. and Wall, K. (10 July 2018). Os

obstáculos à consolidação das masculinidades cuidadoras na sociedade portuguesa:

reflexões em torno do LIVRO BRANCO Homens e Igualdade de Género em

Portugal. X Congresso Português de Sociologia - Na Era da "Pós-Verdade"? Esfera

Pública, Cidadania e Qualidade da Democracia no Portugal Contemporâneo.

Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia (APS). Universidade da Beira Interior.


Wall, Karin (12 July 2018). “Publish, publish, publish?” Round table. X Congresso

Português de Sociologia - Na Era da "Pós-Verdade"? Esfera Pública, Cidadania e

Qualidade da Democracia no Portugal Contemporâneo. Associação Portuguesa de

Sociologia (APS). Universidade da Beira Interior.


Wall, Karin (6 September 2018). Keynote: Fathers and work family balance:

challenges, policies and practices. 9th Congress of the European Society on Family

Relations. ESFR and University of Porto.

2019 Wall, Karin (12 February 2019). Carreiras e emprego científico – tendências de

evolução em Portugal e na Europa. Conference “Ciência, inovação e ensino superior

em Portugal: Um ano depois da avaliação pela OCDE”. MCTES. Lisboa.


8. Publications

8.1. Theses

Wall, K. (1979), Migration féminine et changement: etude d’une situation conflictuelle.

Bachelor’s degree dissertation, Geneva, University of Geneva.

Wall, K. (1983), Mulheres, emigração e divisão do trabalho. Research and Teaching Aptitude

Tests, Lisboa, ISCTE.

Wall. K. (1994), La fabrication de la vie familiale. Changement social et dynamique familiale

chez les paysans du Bas Minho. PhD Thesis, Geneva, University of Geneva.

8.2. Books/Editor

Wall, K., Pimentel, D., Costa and Silva, F., Freire, J. and Pires de Lima, M. (1985),

Sociologia do Trabalho, Organização do Trabalho Industrial – Antologia. Lisboa, A Regra do


Wall, K., Nunes de Almeida, A., Torres, A. and Guerreiro, M. D. (1991), Familles et

Contextes Sociaux: les Espaces et les Temps de la Diversité. Lisboa, CIES-ISCTE.

Wall, K. (ed.) (2005), Famílias em Portugal: Percursos, Interacções, Redes Sociais. Lisboa,

Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Wall, K. and Amâncio, L. (eds) (2007), Família e Género em Portugal e na Europa. Lisboa,

Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Wall, K. and Moss, P. (eds.) (2007), International Review of Leave Policies and Related

Research 2007. London, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.

Wall, K., Cabral, M.V., Aboim, S. and Da Silva, F.C. (eds) (2008), Itinerários. A Investigação

nos 25 Anos do ICS. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Delgado, A., Wall, K. (eds). (2014). Famílias nos censos 2011: diversidade e mudança.

Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Estatística / Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

S. Blum (ed.), J, Bors, Z. Bruckhauf, S. Correia, M. Daly, K. Gosier, M. Mygard, O. Kapella,

T. Rakar, C. Rille/Pfeiffer, P. Vanhuysen, K. Wall (2015). Families in the Economic crisis:

mapping policy responses in 5 European countries. Dublin: Eurofound.

Cunha, V., Vilar, D., Wall, K., Lavinha, J., Pereira, P. T. (eds) (2016). A(s) problemática(s) da

natalidade em Portugal: uma questão social, económica e política (Observatórios ICS; 3).

Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.


O’Brien, M., Wall, K. (eds.) (2017). Comparative Perspectives on Work-Life Balance and

Gender Equality: Fathers on Leave Alone (Life Course Research and Social Policies,

Volume 6). Switzerland: Springer Open.

Wall, K., Widmer, E., Gauthier, J., Cesnuityte, V., Gouveia, R. (eds.) (2018) Families and

Personal Networks. An International Comparative Perspective. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

8.3. Journals / Special Issues

Wall, K. (ed.) (2002), ““Famílias”. Special issue of the journal Análise Social, 163.

Wall, K. (ed.) (2003), “Famílias no Censo 2001: Caracterização e Evolução das Estruturas

Domésticas em Portugal”. Dossier in the journal Sociologia Problemas e Práticas, 43.

8.4. Books/Author

Wall, K., Benavente, A., Salgado, L. and Gago, J.M. (1980), Objectivos, Situações e Práticas

de Educação de Adultos – 1979. Lisboa, Ministério da Educação.

Wall, K. (1982), A Outra Face da Emigração: Estudo da Situação das Mulheres que Ficam no

País de Origem. Lisboa, Colecção Cadernos da Condição Feminina, 14.

Wall, K. (1998), Famílias no Campo. Passado e Presente em duas Freguesias do Baixo

Minho. Lisboa, D. Quixote, Col. Portugal de Perto.

Wall, K., Ferrão, J., Bastos, C. and Nunes de Almeida, A. (1999), Perfil da Investigação

Científica em Portugal - Antropologia, Demografia, Geografia e Sociologia. Lisboa, Ministério

da Ciência e Tecnologia.

Wall, K., Aboim, S., Cunha, V. (2010). A Vida Familiar no Masculino: Negociando Velhas e

Novas Masculinidades. Lisboa: Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego.

Wall, K., Almeida, A. N. de, Vieira, M. M., Cunha, V. Rodrigues, L., Coelho, F., Leitão, M.,

Atalaia, S. (2015). Impactos da crise nas crianças portuguesas: indicadores, políticas,

representações. (Observatórios ICS; 2). Lisboa: ICS. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais

Wall, K., Cunha, V., Atalaia, S., Rodrigues, L., Correia, R., Correia, S. V., Rosa, R. (2016).

Livro Branco. Homens e Igualdade de Género em Portugal. Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências

Sociais / Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego

Wall, K., Cunha, V., Atalaia, S., Rodrigues, L., Correia, R., Correia, S. V., Rosa, R. (2017).

Men and gender equality in Portugal. Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências Sociais / Comissão para a

Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego.


8.5. Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings

Wall, K. (1986), “Agricultura e família em Portugal: elementos para uma leitura crítica". In J.

Ferreira de Almeida and M. V. Cabral (eds) (1986), Aspectos de Portugal Rural, Braga,

Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos Rurais, pp.53-64.

Wall, K. (1988), "Modernization et dynamique familiale: le cas de la famille paysanne

portugaise". In A. Custódio Gonçalves, A. Teixeira Fernandes, C. Lalive d'Epinay (dirs.), La

Sociologie et les Nouveaux Défis de la Modernization, Porto, Association Internationale des

Sociologues de Langue Française, pp.479-484.

Wall, K. (1992), "Pour une sociologie des formes familiales dans la société rurale". In A.

Nunes de Almeida, M. das Dores Guerreiro, A. Torres, K. Wall (eds), Actes du Colloque

Families et Contextes Sociaux, Lisboa, CIES/ISCTE, pp.163-182.

Wall, K. (1993), "Classe social, família e emigração". In M. B. Nizza da Silva, M. I. Baganha,

M. J. Maranhão, M. Halpern Pereira (eds). Emigração e Imigração em Portugal. Lisboa,

Fragmentos, pp.184-192.

Wall, K. (1995), "Family obligations in Portugal". In Jane Miller and Andrea Warman (eds),

Defining Family Obligations in Europe. University of Bath, Bath Social Policy Papers, nº 23,


Wall, K. and Nunes de Almeida, A. (1995), "A Família". In E. Sousa Ferreira (ed.), Portugal

Hoje, Lisboa, INA, pp.31-55.

Wall, K. (1996), "Portugal: issues concerning the family in 1995". In John Ditch et al. (eds),

Developments in National Family Policies in 1995, European Observatory on Family Policies,

York, University of York, pp.133-142.

Wall, K. (1996), "Famílias camponesas e mudança social no Baixo Minho". In J. Pais de Brito,

F. Oliveira Baptista and B. Pereira (eds), O Voo do Arado, Lisboa, Museu Nacional de

Etnologia, pp.335-341.

Wall, K., Amâncio, L., Peres, R. and Vale de Almeida, M. (1996), "O género nas ciências

sociais: interdisciplinaridade, inovação, crítica". In Dinâmicas multiculturais: novas faces,

novos olhares, Actas do III Congresso Luso-Afro Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, ICS,

Vol.II, pp.129-144.

Wall, K. (1997), "Portugal: issues concerning the family in 1996". In John Ditch et al. (eds),

Developments in National Family Policies in 1996, European Observatory on Family Policies,

York, University of York, pp.213-249.

Wall, K. and Cunha, V. (1997), “Special report: children in Portugal”. In J. Ditch et al. (eds),

Developments in National Family Policies in 1996, York: University of York/European

Commission, pp. 229-249.


Wall, K. (1998), "Políticas familiares na União Europeia". In M. das Dores Guerreiro (ed.),

Trabalho, Família e Gerações. Conciliação e Solidariedades, Lisboa, CIES-ISCTE, pp.247-


Wall, K., Nunes de Almeida, A., Torres, A., Guerreiro, M. D. and Lobo, C. (1998), "Relações

familiares: mudança e diversidade". In J. M. Viegas and A. Firmino da Costa (eds). Portugal,

que Modernidade?, Oeiras, Celta, pp.45-78.

Wall, K. and Nunes de Almeida, A. (2001), "Família e quotidiano: movimentos e sinais de

mudança". In J. M. Brandão de Brito (ed.), O País em Revolução, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores,


Wall, K. (2002), "Modos de guarda das crianças em Portugal". In Actas do IV Congresso

Português de Sociologia "Passados Recentes, Futuros Próximos", Lisboa, APS, CDRom


Wall, K. (2003), "Introduction". In L. Chisholm, A. Lillo, C. Leccardi and R. Richter (eds),

Family Forms and the Young Generation in Europe, Vienna, European Observatory on the

Social Situation, Demography and Family, 2003, pp.7-11.

Wall, K. (2004), "Políticas de família em Portugal". In Contextos de Sociologia, Lisboa, APS,


Wall, K. (2004), "Portugal - policies, challenges, opportunities". In B. Cizek and R. Richter,

Families in EU 15 - Policies, Challenges, Opportunities, Vienna, European Observatory and

Austrian Institute for Family Studies, pp.195-207.

Wall, K. (2005), "Introdução". In K. Wall (ed.), Famílias em Portugal, Lisboa, Imprensa de

Ciências Sociais, pp.35-49.

Wall, K. (2005), "Os grupos domésticos de co-residência". In K. Wall (ed.), Famílias em

Portugal, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp. 553-597.

Wall, K. (2005), "Modos de guarda das crianças". In K.Wall (ed.), Famílias em Portugal,

Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp.499-516.

Wall, K. and Guerreiro, M. D. (2005), "A divisão familiar do trabalho". In K. Wall (ed.), Famílias

em Portugal, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp.303-362.

Wall, K. and São José, J. (2005), "Managing work and care: a difficult challenge for immigrant

families". In T. Kroger and J. Sipila (eds), Overstretched - European Families up against the

demands of work and care, Blackwell Publishing, pp.34-63.

Wall, K. (2005), "Portugal". In Fred Deven & Peter Moss (eds). Leave Policies and Research -

Reviews and Country Notes, Brussels, CBGS - Centrum voor Bevolkings en Gezinsstudie, pp.



Wall, K. (2006), "Portugal". In Peter Moss & Margaret O'Brien (eds). International Review of

Leave Policies and Related Research 2006, London, Department of Trade and Industry, pp.


Wall, K. (2006), "Enquête nationale sur les familles avec enfants, Instituto de Ciências

Sociais, 1999". In C. Bonvalet et J. Ogg (eds). Enquêtes sur L'Entraide Familiale en Europe,

Paris, INED, Collection Savoirs et Methodes, pp.213-227.

Wall, K. (2007), "Immigrant families". In George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of

Sociology, Blackwell Publishing, vol. V, pp.2252-2255.

Wall, K. (2007), “Leave policy models and the articulation of work and family in Europe: a

comparative perspective”. In Peter Moss & Karin Wall (eds). International Review of Leave

Policies and Related Research 2007, London, Department for Business, Enterprise and

Regulatory Reform, pp. 25-43.

Wall, K. and Leitão, M. (2007), “Portugal”. In Peter Moss & Karin Wall (eds). International

Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2007, London, Department for Business,

Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, pp. 231-237.

Wall, K. (2007), “Main patterns in attitudes to the articulation between work and family life: a

cross-national analysis". In R. Crompton and S. Lewis (eds), Women, Men, Work and Family

in Europe, Houndmills, Palgrave, Chapter 6, pp. 86-115.

Wall, K. (2007), "Atitudes face à divisão familiar do trabalho em Portugal e na Europa". In K.

Wall and L. Amâncio (eds), Família e Género em Portugal e na Europa, Lisboa, Imprensa de

Ciências Sociais, pp. 211-257.

Wall, K. (2007), "Changement familial et styles d'interactions. Le cas du Portugal et une note

sur la pluralisation du type associatif". In C. Burton-Jeangros, E. Widmer et C. Lalive d'Epinay

(eds). Interactions familiales et constructions de l' intimité, Paris, L’Harmattan, Coll. Questions

Sociologiques, pp. 235-252.

Wall, K. (2008), “Managing work and care for young children in Cape Verdean families in

Portugal”. In Luís Batalha and Jorgen Carling (eds). Transnational Archipelago, Perspectives

on Cape Verdean Migration and Diaspora, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 221-


Wall, K., Aboim, S. and Marinho, S. (2008), “Family configurations from the male perspective:

exploring diversity over the life course”. In E. Widmer & Riitta Jallinoja (eds). Beyond the

Nuclear Family: Families in a Configurational Perspective, Bern, Peter Lang (ed.), Series

Population, Family and Society, Vol. 9, pp.207-229.

Wall, K., Nunes, C and Matias, A.R. (2008), “Mulheres imigrantes e novas trajectorias de

migração: um croché transnacional de serviços e cuidados no feminino”. In M. V. Cabral, K.

Wall, S. Aboim and F. C. da Silva (eds). Itinerários. A Investigação nos 25 Anos do ICS,


Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp. 603-622.

Wall, K. and Leitão, M. (2008), “Portugal”. In Peter Moss & Marta Korintus (eds). International

Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2007, London, Department for Business,

Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, pp. 291-299.

Wall, K., Pappamikaail, L., Leitao, M., Marinho, S., & Deven, F. (2009). Family policy in

Council of Europe member states. Two expert reports commissioned by the Committee of

Experts on Social Policy for Families and Children. Strasbourg, Council of Europe.

Wall, K. (2009), “Portugal and Spain: two pathways in southern Europe”. In Peter Moss and

Sheila Kamerman (eds). The Politics of Parental Leave Policy: Children, Parenting, Gender

and the Labour Market, Bristol, The Policy Press, Chapter 13.

Wall, K; Leitão, M. (2010). Portugal. In Moss, P. (ed.). International Review of Leave

Policies and Related Research 2010 (pp. 188-194). London: BIS Department for Business,

Innovation and Skills.

Wall, K.; Aboim, S. & Marinho, S. (2010). Perfis de paternidade no Portugal

contemporâneo. In Wall, K.; Aboim, S. & Cunha, V. (eds). A vida familiar no masculino:

negociando velhas e novas masculinidades (pp. 313-332). Lisboa: Comissão para a

Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego

Wall, K.(2010) "A conciliação entre a vida profissional e a vida familiar em casais com

filhos: perspectivas masculinas" (Reconciling work and family life in families with children:

male perspectives). In Wall, K., Aboim, S. and Cunha, V., A vida Familiar no Masculino:

negociando velhas e novas masculinidades. Lisboa. CITE. p. 97-128.

Wall, K.(2010) " Os Homens e a Política de Família" (Men and family policies). In Wall, K.,

Aboim, S. and Cunha, V.A vida Familiar no Masculino: negociando velhas e novas

masculinidades. Lisboa. CITE. p. 67-94.

Wall, K. (2011). A intervenção do Estado: políticas públicas de família. In Almeida, Ana

Nunes (eds), História da vida privada em Portugal: os nossos dias (pp. 340-374). Lisboa:

Círculo de Leitores / Temas e debates.

Wall, Karin, Leitão, Mafalda, Ramos, Vasco (2011). Critical Review of Research on Families

and Family Policies in Europe. In Uhlendorff, Uwe, Rupp, Marina and Matthias Euteneuer

(eds). Well-being of Families in Future Europe (pp. 119-236), Family Platform, Creative


Wall, K., Samitca, S., Correia, S. (2013). Negotiating work and care in a changing welfare

regime: the case of Portugal. In Le Bihan, B., Martin, C. & Knijn, T. (eds). Work and care

under pressure: care arrangements across Europe (pp. 125-149). Amsterdam: Amsterdam

University Press.


Wall, K. and Escobedo, A. (2013), "Parental leave policies, gender equity and family well -

being in Europe", in A.M. Minguez (ed.) Family Well-being - European Perspectives,

Springer, Social Indicators Series, volume 49, pp. 103-129.

Wall, K. and Bolzman, C. (2013), "Mapping the plurality of trasnational families: a life course

perspective", in L. Balthassar and L. Merla (eds). Transnational families, migration and the

circulation of care: understanding mobility and absence in family life, Routledge, pp. 61 -77.

Wall, K., Naldini, M. and Le Bihan, B. (2013), "The changing mix of care in six European

countries", in B. Le Bihan, C. Martin and T. Knijn (eds). Work and care under pressure:

Care arrangements across Europe, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 171-194.

Wall, K., Cunha, V. and Atalaia, S. (2013), "Família", in J.L. Cardoso, P. Magalhães and

J.M. Pais (eds). Portugal Social de A a Z - Temas em Aberto, Lisboa, Edição

Comemorativa Expresso, pp. 71-78.

Wall, K., Cunha, V., Ramos, V. (2014). Evolução das estruturas demográficas em Portugal,

1960-2011. In Delgado, A., Wall, K. (eds). Famílias nos censos 2011: diversidade e

mudança (pp. 43-60). Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Estatística / Imprensa de Ciências


Wall, K. (2015). Fathers in Portugal: from old to new masculinities. In Jaipul L. Roopnarine

(ed.), Fathers across cultures: the importance, roles, and diverse practices of dads (pp.

132-154). Santa Barbara and Denver: Praeger.

Wall, K., Aboim, S. (2015). Gender in ageing Portugal: following the lives of men and

women. In Kathrin Komp & Stina Johansson (eds). Population Ageing from a Lifecourse

Perspective: Critical and International approaches (pp. 65-84). London: Policy Press.

Wall, Karin; Cunha, Vanessa; Rodrigues, Leonor and Correia, Rita. 2015. «Famílias». In

João Ferrão and Ana Delicado (eds). Portugal Social em Mudança: Portugal no Contexto

Europeu em Anos de Crise. Lisboa: ICS-ULisboa, 31-45.

Wall, K. (2016). Family policies in Portugal: brief overview and recent developments. In:

Cunha, V., Vilar, D., Wall, K., Lavinha, J., Pereira, P. T. (eds). A(s) problemática(s) da

natalidade em Portugal: uma questão social, económica e política, pp. 191-201. Lisboa: ICS.

Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Aeby, G., Gauthier, J. Gouveia, R., Ramos, V., Wall, K., & Cesnuityte, V. (2017). The

Impact of Coresidence Trajectories on Personal Networks During Transition to Adulthood: A

Comparative Perspective. In Cesnuityte, V., Lück, D., Widmer E. D. (eds). Family continuity

and change. Contemporary European Perspectives, pp. 211-242. Palgrave Macmillan

Ramos, V. Gouveia, R. & Wall, K. (2017). Coresidence as a Mechanism of Rela tional

Proximity: The Impact of Household Trajectories on the Diversification of Personal

Networks. In Cesnuityte, V., Lück, D., Widmer E. D. (eds). Family continuity and change.

Contemporary European Perspectives, pp. 187-210. Palgrave Macmillan


Wall, K. (2017). Discussion and conclusions. In O’Brien, M., Wall, K. (eds). Comparative

Perspectives on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality Fathers on Leave Alone (Life

Course Research and Social Policies, Volume 6), pp. 45-67. Switzerland: Springer Open

Wall, K., Leitão, M. (2017). Fathers on Leave Alone in Portugal: Lived Experiences and

Impact of Forerunner Fathers. In O’Brien, M., Wall, K. (eds). Comparative Perspectives on

Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality Fathers on Leave Alone (Life Course Research and

Social Policies, Volume 6), pp. 45-67. Switzerland: Springer Open

Wall, K., Gouveia, R., Aeby, G. & Cesnuityte, V. (2018). Changing meanings of family in

personal networks: a comparative perspective. In Wall, K., Widmer, E., Gauthier, J.,

Cesnuityte, V., Gouveia, R. (eds). Families and Personal Networks. An International

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Wall, K., E. Widmer, Gauthier, J-A., Cesnuityte, V., Gouveia, R. (2018). Introduction. In

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Wall, K. (2018). Conclusions. In Wall, K., Widmer, E., Gauthier, J., Cesnuityte, V., Gouveia,

R. (eds). Families and Personal Networks. An International Comparative Perspective.

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Wall, K., Letablier, M-T. (2018). Changing Lone Parenthood Patterns: New Challenges for

Policy and Research. In Bernardi L., Mortelmans, D. (eds). Lone Parenthood in the Life

Course. Switzerland: Springer, pp. 29-53.

Cunha, V., Rodrigues, L., Correia, R. B., Atalaia, S., &, Wall, K. (2018). Why are caring

masculinities so difficult to achieve? Reflections on men and gender equality in Portugal. In S.

Aboim, P. Granjo, A. Ramos (Eds.) Changing societies: legacies and challenges. Ambiguous

inclusions: inside out, outside in Vol. 1, pp.303-331. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

8.6. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Wall, K. (1984), "O trabalho da mulher na emigração". Educação e Trabalho, 32, pp.43-48.

Wall, K. (1984), "Mulheres que partem e mulheres que ficam: uma primeira análise da

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Wall, K. (1993), "Elementos sobre a Sociologia da Família em Portugal". Análise Social,

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Wall, K. and Lobo, C. (1995), "Bibliografia sobre a família na sociedade portuguesa".

Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 18, pp.173-194.

Wall, K. (1995), “Apontamentos sobre a família na política social portuguesa". Análise

Social, 131, pp.431-458.

Wall, K. and Lobo, C. (1999), "Famílias monoparentais em Portugal". Análise Social, 150,


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(3), pp.213-233.

Wall, K., São José, J. and Correia, S. V. (2002), "Mães sós e cuidados às crianças".

Análise Social, 163, pp.631-663.

Wall, K. and Aboim, S. (2002), "Tipos de família em Portugal: interacções, valores,

contextos". Análise Social, 163, pp.475-506.

Wall, K. and Aboim, S. (2003), "Perfis regionais de mudança familiar - síntese final".

Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, Dossiê "Famílias no Censo 2001: Caracterização e

Evolução das Estruturas Domésticas em Portugal", 43, pp.97-100.

Wall, K. (2003), "Famílias monoparentais". Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, Dossiê

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Portugal", 43, pp.51-66.

Wall, K. (2003), "Estruturas domésticas em Portugal". Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas,

Dossiê "Famílias no Censo 2001: Caracterização e Evolução das Estruturas Domésticas

em Portugal", 43, pp.9-11.

Wall, K. and São José, J. (2004), “Managing work and care: a difficult challenge for

immigrant families”. Social Policy & Administration, 38 (6), pp.591-621.

Wall, K., São José, J. and Correia, S. V. (2006), "Trabalhar e cuidar de um idoso

dependente". Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho, Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade

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Wall, K., Crompton, R. and Lyonnette, C. (2007), “Family, gender and work-life articulation:

Britain and Portugal compared". Community, Work and Family, 3, pp. 283-308.

Wall, Karin; Aboim, Sofia and Marinho, Sofia. 2007. “Fatherhood, family and work in men’s

lives: negotiating new and old masculinities.” Recherches Sociologiques et

Anthropologiques. XXXVIII (2): 105-122.

Wall, K. (2008), “I modelli di politiche relative ai congedi e l’articolazione lavoro/famiglia in

Europa: una prospettiva comparativa”. Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, 11(1), pp.59-86.

Wall, Karin, Nunes, Cátia (2010). "Immigration, welfare and care in Portugal: Mapping the

new plurality of female migration trajectories", in Social Policy and Society, 9:3, 1-12.

Wall, Karin, Aboim, Sofia, Marinho, Sofia (2011). Paternità, Famiglia e Lavoro nella vita

degli uomini: negozione vecchie e nuove mascolinità, Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, vol. 14,

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Aboim, S., Vasconcelos, P. & Wall, K. (2013). Support, social networks, and the family in

Portugal: two decades of research. International Review of Sociology: Revue Internationale

de Sociologie. 23(1), 47-67

Wall, K., Aboim, S., Ramos, V. and Nunes, C. (2013), "Geographical mobility and family life:

comparing generations in a life course perspective", Comparative Population Studies, vol.

38 (2), pp. 341-370.

Wall, K., Gouveia, Rita (2014). Changing meanings of family in personal relationships.

Current Sociology, 62 (3), 352-373.

Wall, K. (2014), "Fathers on Leave Alone: does it make a difference to their lives?",

Fathering, 12 (2), pp. 196-210.

Escobedo, A. & Wall, K. (2015). Leave policies in Southern Europe: continuities and

changes. Community, Work & Family, 18(2), 218-235.

Wall, K., Leitão, M. (2016). Le congé paternel au Portugal: une diversité d’expériences.

Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, 122, pp. 33-50.

Wall, K., Correia, R. B., & Gouveia, R. (2019). Atitudes face às licenças parentais em

Portugal. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 90, pp. 55-76.


8.7. Book Reviews

Jean Kellerhals et al. (2005), “Mesure et Démesure du Couple”. Revue Suisse de Sociologie, 31 (2), pp.435-439.

Wall, K. (2014). Pat Thane and Tanya Evans: Sinners? Scroungers? Saints? Unmarried

Motherhood in Twentieth-Century England. (Book review of “Sinners? Scroungers? Saints?

Unmarried Motherhood in Twentieth-Century England”). European Journal of Population Vol. 30

(4), pp. 469-470.

Wall, K. (2017). Book Review: Le Goff JM & R. Levy (eds). Devenir Parents, devenir inégaux. Transition à La

Parentalité et Inégalités de Genre. Swiss Journal of Sociology. 24 (1).

8.8. Scientific Reports

Wall, K. (ed.) (1991), Famílias e Meios Sociais em Portugal. Relatório Final, Lisboa, CIES-


Wall, K. (ed.) (2000), Famílias no Portugal Contemporâneo: Estruturas, Dinâmicas e

Solidariedades. Relatório Final, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, K., São José, J. and Correia, S. V. (2001), Child Care Arrangements in Lone Parent

Families – Portugal, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K. São José, J. and Correia, S. V. (2001), Child Care and Elder Arrangements in Multi-

career Families – Portugal, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K. (2002), Families and Family Policy in Portugal in 2001-2002, European Observatory on

the Social Situation, Demography and the Family, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K. (2002), Migration in Portugal, Focused Monitoring Report, European Observatory on

the Social Situation, Demography and the Family, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K. and São José, J. (2003), Immigrant Families, Work and Social Care - A qualitative

comparison of care arrangements in Finland, Italy, the UK, France and Portugal, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, K. (ed.) (2005), O Lugar dos Homens na Vida Familiar, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, K. (ed.) (2006), Female Migration in Portugal, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, K. (ed.) (2006), Poverty and Lone parents in Portugal, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, K. (2006). Research report on Poverty and Lone parents in Portugal, ICS.


Wall, K. (2006). Research report on the Male Perspective in Family Life, ICS.

Wall, K. (2006). Research report on Female Migration in Portugal (Working Paper), ICS.

Wall, K. and Azevedo, P. (2007), Out of School Care in Europe, The Portuguese Case, Final

Report, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, Karin, Azevedo Silva, Patricia (2007). Final report "Out of school care in Europe. The

Portuguese case", in Out of school care in Europe" (cross-national study coordinated by the

European Foundation on Working and Living Conditions).

Wall, K., Samitca, S. and Leitão, M. (2008), Work-Family Policies in Portugal, Lisboa, ICS:

Wall, K., Samitca, S. and Leitão, M. (2008), Elderly Care in Portugal: Working and Caring for an

Elderly Person, Woups Project - Workers under Pressure and Social Care, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, K., (ed.) Pappámikail, L., Leitão, M. and Marinho, S. (2008), Council of Europe

Questionnaire on Family Policy, Evaluation and First Comparative Analysis Report, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall. K. (ed.), Pappámikail, L., Leitão, M., Marinho, S. (2009) COE Questionnaire on Family

Policy: Comparative Analysis Report, COE, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, Karin (ed.), Lia Pappámikail, Mafalda Leitão, and Sofia Marinho. 2009. Council of Europe

Family Police Questionnaire - Comparative Analysis Report. In Family Policy in Council of

Europe member states. Two expert reports commissioned by the Committee of Experts on

Social Policy for Families and Children. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Wall, K., Leitão, M. and Ramos. V. (2010). Critical Review of Research on Families and Family

Policies: conference report. Family Platform, Lisbon. ICS.

Wall, K. (2012). Comentário: fecundidade e instituições na Europa. In Casa Civil da Presidência

da República (ed.), Roteiros do Futuro - Conferência "Nascer em Portugal", pp. 41-45. Lisboa:


Wall, K., Cunha, V., Marinho, S. (2013). Negotiating gender equality in conjugal life and

parenthood in Portugal: a case study. (Workingpapers ICS Nº 3). Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências


Atalaia, S., Wall, K., Cunha, V., Marinho, S. P., Ramos, V., Guerreiro, M. D., Caetano, A.,

Vasconcelos, P., Nunes, C. (2013). Como evoluíram as famílias em Portugal. INE.

Wall, K. & Correia, S. (2014). Portuguese Report The Economic Crisis and Policy

Developments in Portugal. Tasks 4 & 5. EUROFOUND PROJECT Families in the economic

crisis: mapping policy responses in 5 European Member States


Wall, K. & Correia, S. (2014). Changes in Family Policies since 2010: Country Overview

Portugal. Tasks 6a & 6b. EUROFOUND PROJECT Families in the economic crisis: mapping

policy responses in 5 European Member States.

Wall, K. & Correia, S. (2015). Portuguese Report. In-depth analysis of three family policy

changes. Task 7. EUROFOUND PROJECT Families in the economic crisis: mapping policy

responses in 5 European Member States.

8.9. Policy Reports, Policy and Research Briefs

Wall, K. (1995) National Report on Portugal 1994, European Observatory on National Family

Policies, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, K. (1996), Report on Portugal 1995, European Observatory on Family Policies, Lisboa,


Wall, K. (1997), Report on Portugal 1996, European Observatory on Family Policies, Lisboa,


Wall, K. (2001), Living Arrangements and Social Quality in Portugal, European Observatory on

the Social Situation, Demography and the Family, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K. (2001), Family Life and Family Policies in Portugal : Developments in the Late Nineties,

European Observatory on the Social Situation, Demography and the Family, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K. (2001), The Situation of Families in Portugal, European Observatory on the Social

Situation, Demography and the Family, Lisboa, ICS,


Wall, K. (2004), Family Change and Family Policies in Portugal: Recent Developments,

European Observatory on the Social Situation, Demography and the Family, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K. (2004), Developments in Family Policy in Portugal in 2003, European Observatory on

the Social Situation, Demography and the Family, Lisboa, ICS,

Wall, K., Leitão, M. (2007), Desenvolvimentos da Política de Família em Portugal, Lisboa, ICS.

Wall, Karin, Aboim, Sofia, Mafalda, Leitão (2011) “Observatório das Famílias e das Políticas de

Família - Relatório 2010”, ICS-UL

Wall, K., Aboim, S., Leitão, M. and Marinho, S. (2012), "Observatório das Famílias e das


Políticas de Família - Relatório 2011", OFAP-ICS.

Wall, K., Almeida, A.N., Cunha, V., and Vieira, M.M. (editors) (2013), "As crianças e a crise em

Portugal. Vozes de crianças, políticas públicas e indicadores sociais", Relatório OFAP-UNICEF.

Wall, K., Atalaia, S., Leitão, M. and Marinho, S. (2013), "Observatório das Famílias e das

Políticas de Família - Relatorio 2012", OFAP-ICS.

Wall, K., Leitão, M. & Atalaia, S. (2014). “Principais desenvolvimentos das políticas de família

em 2013”. Lisboa: Observatório das Famílias e das Políticas de Família.

Wall, K. & Leitão, M. (2015). Portugal country note. In P. Moss (Ed.), International Review of

Leave Policies and Research 2015, pp. 261-270.

Rodrigues, L. Cunha, V. & Wall, K. (2015). Homens, Papéis Masculinos e Igualdade de

Género. (Policy Brief I). Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa/

Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego.

Wall, K. Leitão, M., Atalaia, S. & Cunha, V. (2015). Políticas de apoio económico às famílias em

2013. (Policy Brief 2014). Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. OFAP.

Observatório das Famílias e das Políticas de Família.

Wall, K. (Ed.), Leitão, M., Correia, S.V., Ramos, V. (2016). “Políticas de família em 2014 e

2015: principais desenvolvimentos”. Observatório das Famílias e das Políticas de Família -

Relatório 2014-2015. Lisboa: Observatórios do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade of


Cunha, V., Atalaia, S., Wall, K. (2016). Policy Brief II - Homens e licenças parentais: quadro

legal, atitudes e práticas. Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências Sociais / Comissão para a Igualdade no

Trabalho e no Emprego.

Wall, K., Bernardo, C., Castelo-Branco, S., Ferrand de Almeida, N., Providência, C., &, Sunkel,

C. (2016). Relatório do grupo de Reflexão sobre a Avaliação de Ciência e Tecnologia pela

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).

Wall, K, Cunha, V., Atalaia, S. (Ed.), Rodrigues, L., Correia, R., Correia, S. V., Rosa, R. (2016).

Policy Brief III - Principais conclusões e recomendações do Livro Branco Homens e Igualdade

de Género em Portugal [Policy Brief III - Main conclusions and recommendations of the white

book. Men and gender equality in Portugal]. Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências Sociais / Comissão

para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego.

Wall, K., Leitão, M. (2016). Portugal country note. In A. Koslowski, S. Blum and P. Moss (eds).

International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2016. Retrieved from

Wall, K., Leitão, M. (2017). Portugal country note. In A. Koslowski, S. Blum and P. Moss (eds).


International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2017. Retrieved from

Wall, K., Leitão, M. (2018). Portugal country note. In A. Koslowski, S. Blum and P. Moss (eds).

International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2017. Retrieved from

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