Page 1: Current WGISS/CEOS GEO Tasks and Actions

Current WGISS/CEOS GEO Tasks and Actions

Pakorn ApaphantMay 11, 2009

WGISS 27Toulouse, France

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2009 Priorities of CEOS Chair “Continuity of excellent progress

towards GEOSS space Segment implementation”


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CEOS Actions in support of the GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan

Actions to WGISS/CEOS CEOS Tangible Outcomes Guidance to subgroups

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CEOS Actions in support of the GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan

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CEOS-GEO Remapping Meeting

Dec 3-4, 2008, Geneva The identification of 16 tasks/sub-tasks

that CEOS is co-leading 54 tasks/sub-tasks that CEOS and/or its

agencies could potentially contribute to It is very important to showcase CEOS

actions and activities in support of GEO Space agency logos where they are

supporting GEO will be included

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2nd CEOS-GEO Remapping Workshop, Jan 27-28, 2009, Silver Spring

CEOS GEO Worktable questionnaires CEOS GEO Action Table Nearly hundred Actionable actions WGISS involves in 8 actions

Leading 4 actions Cooperate with WGCV 2 actions (PoC to

be identified) 2 Health SBA actions to be discussed

(PoC to be identified)

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The priority classification rule Category 1

CEOS Actions addressing one of the top priority from GEO SEC or a GEO Task led by CEOS

Action either completed or with significant outcomes to be delivered at the latest in October 2009

Category 2 CEOS Actions addressing one of the top priority from

GEO SEC or a GEO Task led by CEOS in terms of outcomes, does not fall in category 1

 Category 3 CEOS Actions not addressing one of the top priority

from GEO SEC or a GEO Task led by CEOS Action either completed or with significant outcomes

to be delivered at the latest in October 2009 Category 4

CEOS Actions not addressing one of the top priority from GEO SEC or a GEO Task led by CEOS

in terms of outcomes, does not fall in category 1

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SIT 23

March 4-5, Cocoa Beach Categorize the CEOS actions Agency Commitments to Actions in

category 1 and 2 Development of CEOS 2009

Tangible Outcomes for GEO, G8, and UNFCCC

Monthly Telecon with the CEO

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Actions to WGISS/CEOS

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AR-09-02a_30: Virtual Constellations

Identify requirements and implement a prototype ACC portal for evaluation and eventual use by the ACC, GEOSS and other AC user communities

CEOS Action Category: 2

Lead Agency: NASA

Participating Agencies: N/A

Constellation: ACC

Working Group: WGISS

POC: Stefan Falke

Deliverables: 15 May 09: Initial ACC portal requirements/ design.

15 Sep 09: ACC portal prototype.

18 Nov 09: GEO-6 demo of prototype

31 Dec 09: Plans for portal governance / maintenance.

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DA-09-01b_2: Data, Metadata, and Products Harmonization

Establish a WGISS project to focus its contributions to the subject task and to generate those contributions. The first deliverable of the GEO task is an Assessment of Current Capabilities

CEOS Action Category: 1

Lead Agency: NOAA

Participating Agencies: N/A

Constellation: N/A

Working Group: WGISS, WGCV

POC: Ken McDonald

Deliverables: May, 2009: Form WGISS projectJune, 2009: Develop assignments for assessmentsSept. 2009: Complete draft inputs to Assessment Report

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DA-09-03d_3: Global DEM

Update ICEDS information server to provide OGC-compliant access to ASTER 30m DEM data (when it becomes available), together with localized validation DEM data and associated quality information (e.g. gap locations; number of ASTER observations per pixel, etc.).

CEOS Action Category:


Lead Agency: UCL/BNSC

Participating Agencies:


Constellation: N/A

Working Group: WGISS, WGCV

POC: JP Muller (Wyn Culip for WGISS)

Deliverables: Update ICEDS information server to provide OGC-compliant access to ASTER 30m DEM data (when it becomes available), together with localized validation DEM data and associated quality information

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DI-06-09_7: Use of Satellite for Risk Management

Analyze the response by WGISS members to supply near real-time data to the response agency. Develop a working process model to integrate and make use of existing technologies within WGISS/CEOS. Implement a prototype to demonstrate use of these integrated technologies for the process model for the earthquake scenario.

CEOS Action Category: 2


Participating Agencies: NSAU, NRSCC

Constellation: N/A

Working Group: WGISS

POC: Lorant Czaran Pakorn Apaphant

Deliverables: April 30, 2009 – Working Process to be developedJune 30, 2009 –Testing the modelSeptember 30, 2009 – Working Process defined at WGISS 28

November 2009 –Document and include in WGISS Report at the CEOS plenary

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DA-09-01a_10: GEOSS Quality Assurance Quality

Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO) Implementation

CEOS Action Category: 1

Lead Agency: ESA/USGS

Participating Agencies: CEOS Agencies

Constellation: ACC, LSI, OCR, OST, OSVW, PC

Working Group: WGCV, WGEdu, WGISS

POC: Pascal Lecomte/Gregory Stensaas (?? WGISS)

Deliverables: May 09: Work with CEOS WGISS on Cal/Val data access Jun 09: Develop and initiate an implementation plan for QA4EO Sep 09: Organize a community workshop to address implementation of QA4EO Nov 09: Establish outreach activities to promote QA4EO within the user community

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DA-09-01a_11: GEOSS Quality Assurance Quality

CEOS Reference Test Site Data Collaboration and Comparison

CEOS Action Category:



Participating Agencies:


Constellation: N/A

Working Group: WGCV, WGISS

POC: N. Fox, G. Chander, P. Goryl, and C. Cao (??? WGISS)

Deliverables: Jun 09: Work with WGCV Subgroup leads to initiate dialogue with instrument owners relating to the collection of calibration data over CEOS-endorsed sites. Aug 09: Ensure collaboration and coordination for the evaluation of the data and the development of the results over comparative sites as a prototype for an operational EO calibration network.Nov 09: Peer-review the results and post them on the Cal/Val portal.May 10: present information via CEOS/GEO venues. May 10: Publish significant results.

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HE-09-01_1: Information System for Health

Develop a long-term plan to support critical space-based imagery to support modeling, forecasting and monitoring of health issues.

CEOS Action Category: 4

Lead Agency: CNES

Participating Agencies: GEO, UNOOSA, WHO, GMES

Constellation: N/A

Working Group: WGISS

POC: Murielle Lafaye (??? WGISS)

Deliverables: Jul 7-9, 2009: Workshop at WMO in Geneva, Prepare a plan of implementationNov 2010: Earth Observation Handbook for health

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HE-09-01_2: Information System for Health

Demonstrate a global smoke plume and dust forecasting product (IDEA) using multiple satellites and trajectory models for air quality health hazards

CEOS Action Category: 3

Lead Agency: NASA

Participating Agencies: NOAA, ESA, EC, WMO

Constellation: ACC

Working Group: WGISS, WGEDu

POC: Jack Fishman (??? For WGISS)

Deliverables: COMPLETE - Developed automated software to acquire, synthesize, create forecast products, and visualize aerosol observations from multiple satellite sensors.COMPLETE - Conducted initial demonstration of prototype aerosol/smoke forecasting products in near-real-time during the 2008 NASA ARCTAS and NOAA ARCPAC field missions.

IN PROGRESS - 48hr automated aerosol forecasts have been archived for statistitical analysis. Aeronet aerosol optical depth measurements have been acquired for forecast verification.

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CEOS Tangible Outcomes

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Troika’s Focus

The 2009 CEOS Troika agencies have proposed that CEOS efforts for the 2009-2010 time period focus on demonstrable Deliverables

Consistent with charges and priorities identified by GEO, its Plenary and Ministerial; by G8; and by UNFCCC.

Such Deliverables would include, for example enabling access to key products and datasets providing information systems and services to

exploit data important new climate data records

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Potential key Deliverables associated with CAT 1 and 2 Tasks will be outlined in a document. Other Deliverables may materialize from the over 80 CEOS -GEO actions

In connection with Action 23-10 from SIT Meeting, the SIT Chair, with involvement of the CEOS

Executive Officer (CEO), has begun to collate a list of proposed Deliverables for review by the CEOS Chair and Troika Members

to be subsequently shared by the CEOS Chair with all CEOS Agencies.

CEOS will then coordinate these Deliverables, as appropriate, with GEO, the G8, and UNFCCC

A living Document until end of May 2009

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Areas of interest

Forest Carbon Tracking Global Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases from

Space Climate Change Data Sharing GEOSS Quality Assurance Strategy Capacity Building for Water Resource

Management: Africa CEOS Virtual Constellations for GEO Global Sea level rise Management of Energy Sources Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM): CEOS Handbook 2008 and the CEOS Mission,

Instruments and Measurements (MIM) Database 2009:

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Deliverable: Climate Change

CEOS Climate Diagnostics Portal available via the CEOS International Directory Network: will make available metrics, such as the number of visualizations available, the number of visits to the site, etc.

Deliverable: Data Sharing

Portal for Mid-Resolution Optical LSI Satellite System Information and Enhanced Data Access (Metrics on content and usage can be made available)

WGISS can deliver Best Practices including Wenchuan Earthquake experience and flood monitoring sensor web capability, and lessons learned and recommendations for data sharing for disaster mitigation.

Deliverables: VCs for GEO

The Atmospheric Composition Constellation (ACC) will establish a portal for atmospheric composition data to provide access and user-friendly tools for the chemistry climate community (in collaboration with WMO and hosted by DLR)

The Land Surface Imaging (LSI) Constellation will facilitate application of radar data to GEO task on Forest Carbon Tracking and promote operational polarimetric SAR systems

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Guidance to subgroups

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Guidance to subgroups

Action Progress report and update Candidate List of tangible outcomes Recommendation Actions and PoCs

for WGISS to DA-09-01a_10 DA-09-01a_11 HE-09_01_1 HE-09_01_2

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