  • 8/13/2019 CURCILIGO ORCHIOIDES- a Less Known Ethnomedicinal Plant From 1


    CURCILIGO ORCHIOIDES- A less knownethnomedicinal plant from Senapati

    district, Manipur

    Thangjam Sunita Devi

    Department of Botany

    Manipur College, Imphal

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    Ethnobotany- first coined by J.W. Harshberger (1895) of Pennsylvania

    Study of plants used by primitive and aboriginal people

    Ethno-medicinal plants- plants used in traditional& indigenous system of


    Medicinal uses of several plants have been described in ancient treatiseslike charak samhita(1000-800 B C.) and susruta samhita(1800-700)

    Ayurveda-indigenous system of medicine by using plants dates back to the

    vedic ages (1500-800 B C)

    WHO(2000) estimates that about 80% of the rural people rely almost

    exclusively on traditional medicine for their primary health care

    Herbal medicines include herbs, herbal materia lsor herbal preparations

    and finished herbal products that contain active ingredient, parts of

    plants or other plant materials or combinations

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    Traditional use of herbal medicine refers to the longhistorical use these medicines

    Medicinal plants are the backbone of traditionalmedicine

    Out of 17000 species of angiosperms found in India1500 plants with medicinal properties have beenrecorded in Wealth of India vol. I-XI ( 1948-1976)

    North eastern region of India is one of the richest

    biodiversity zones and it has diverse Ethniccommunities settled here since long time and it isthe store house of medicinal plants and which arenaturally grown and available in the forests

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    Materialsand Methods

    Regularfield trips in various reserve forests of senapatidistrict for collection of vascular plants .

    Record of habit, habitat, special characteristics anduses ( if any )in the spot

    Process & preparation of herbarium specimens(Jain &Rao, 1976)and deposit in the Herbaria of Ecology andEnvironmental Science, Assam University, Silchar

    Identification by consulting available literatures and

    Floras ( Hookers Flora of British India, vol. vi; Flora ofAssam,Kanjilal, vol. IV.) and Monocotyledons &Dicotyledons of Manipur, Deb D.B.(1961) ;Medicinalplants of Manipur, S.C. Sinha (1976)

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    Studyarea-Senapati district

    Covers an area of 3271 sq. km and has 6

    Reserve forests- Kangchup Chiru(2.59 sq. km),

    Kangchup ( 9.60),khamenlo-Gwaltabi(85.47

    sq. km), Tadubi maram (7.77 sq. km),

    Kanglatongbi- Kangpokpi (85.47 sq. km) and

    Khuman Ching ( 2.8 sq. cm.)

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    Senapati district in yellow shade

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    Plant with 3 flowers

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    plant with four leaves & single


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    Curciligoorchioides :bisexual flower

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    Floral parts

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    A mature flower with young seeds at

    the base bud of curciligoorchioides

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    Herbarium specimen

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    Taxonomic Account of the presented plant

    Curciligoorchioides,Gaertn. Hookers Fl. Brit.Ind.

    Fruct.i. 63.t.13-vol. vi.;1788; Deb Monocot. & Dicot.

    Plants of Manipur 125.1961.

    Specimens examined : K-K reserve forest of Senapatidistrict ,898 m. alt. 20.9.2013.Th. Sunita.0693 A.U.


    Ecology : uncommon, rare, terrestrial on forest

    Distribution : India (Manipur, Bihar, ChhotaNagapur,

    West Bengal, Eastern Ghats),Sri Lanka, Japan,

    Malaysia Australia.

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    Vernacular name :golden eye grass or black musale in English;kalimusli in Hindi; khulr ehthae ? in Kuki.

    Family: Hypoxidaceae

    small herb with elongated tuberous rootstock( 5-20 cm. )and lateralroots, leaves ( 6-18x0.5x1.7 cm.) linear to lanceolate, flat, crowdedon the short stem with sheathing leaf bases ; Flower-c.1. 3 cm.long, regular, the first 1-2 flowers are bisexual and the remindersare male, yellow, sessile ; bract-hairy, long, white in colour,1-nerved1. 2 cm. long ; perianth- 6, free, 1.9 cm. long, 0.3 cm. breadth;

    stamens-6, free, equal in size, dorsifixed,anther-0.8cm. Long,0.2cm;stamens -3, united, ovary- 0.9 cm. long 0.7 cm. breadth, inferior;fruits fleshy and hidden in the leaf bases; seeds shiny black having ahook-like projection at the proximal end.

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    Reported Medicinal values

    1 It improves complexion and is useful in cough, asthma,piles, skin diseases, impotence, jaundice, urinarydisorders, leucorrhoea and menorrhoea ( Wu et tal. 2003).

    2 Used in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac, a tonic torestore vigor, and against asthma bronchitis, jaundice,dysentery ,diarrhoea ,leucorrhoea and male sterility(Shrestha et al. 2008).

    3 Inhabitants of kangpokpi used fresh leaf juice in cut injuriesonly

    Phytochemica lconstituents:alkaloids, sterols/terpenes, saponins, phenolic compounds &

    tanins ( Asif M. 2012)

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    Due to its highly medicinal values Curciligo orchioides ,a

    wild neglected herb in Manipur needs to be

    conserved in its natural habitat and ex situ

    conservation from extinction before its exploration ofmedicinal potentials

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