
Culture of Transparency The Next Management Revolution

Why should you be interested in

management innovation?

Why should you be interested in

management innovation?

Because current management practices originated in the military,

church and monarchy. Which is why they emphasize control,

discipline and efficiency.

Why should you be interested in

management innovation?

Because current management practices originated in the military,

church and monarchy. Which is why they emphasize control,

discipline and efficiency.

In today’s world where what works today, won’t necessarily work

tomorrow. Organizations are changing to be more innovative,

adaptable and fast moving

Leading companies adopt new models to be:

innovative, adaptable and fast moving

Open Allocations Flat Organization Holacracy

Leading companies adopt new models to be:

innovative, adaptable and fast moving

Open Allocations Flat Organization Holacracy

Leading companies adopt new models to be:

innovative, adaptable and fast moving

But adoption is hard and we still don’t see many success stories, This is

why organizations choose a much simpler way that is actually the root

of each model

Open Allocations Flat Organization Holacracy

Leading companies adopt new models to be:

innovative, adaptable and fast moving

Internal Transparency is a global trend nowadays:

Companies are hiring individuals to think and be creative. Since you

can’t control the way employees think and act, the company must

provide the best working environment. Part of that is providing all the

information needed regarding where the company is heading, how it

intends to go there and what is its current status within that process.

Making this information transparent is the best way to keep everyone

focused and aligned to what truly matters, contribute to it and drive the

company towards its goals.

You can try daPulse for free >>

Stripe / Introduction

1. Stripe, the rising paying service, is one of

the fastest growing companies in the world

2. Founded less than 4 years ago, it was

valued last week at $1.75bn

3. About 100 employees

Maintain the culture of independence even as

they grow

Stripe / Transparency

“As a company grows, communication becomes harder, and even

knowing what other people are working on becomes a challenge. A lot

of companies try to solve this by pigeonholing their employees into

narrower roles, with direction and oversight from a manager. We’ve

opted for a different approach, instead continuing to hire people who

work well as independent nodes, and to push really hard to make sure

people are communicating and have a clear, shared vision of where we

need to go”

Greg Brockman, CTO

Email Transparency | Open documentation | All hands

Stripe / Adoption

Qualtrics / Introduction

1.Qualtrics is the world's leading enterprise

survey technology provider

2.Bootstrapped until a $70 million investment

from Accel Partners and Sequoia.

3. Around 450 employees

Create the right internal focus and alignment

towards the same objective

Qualtrics / Transparency

“everyone needs to know where we are going and how we are going to

get there… When everyone’s rowing together toward the same objective,

it’s extremely powerful. We’re trying to execute at a very high level, and

we need to make sure everyone knows where we’re going.”

Ryan Smith, co-founder and C.E.O

Hubspot / Introduction

1. Founded in 2006, the company practically

owns the term “inbound marketing” and has a

great platform to support it

2.With almost 1000 employees and growing, the

company was named one of the fastest growing

and also one of the best to work for

Gives people insight to how the company works to

create camaraderie | Attracts and retains better talent

and Makes better decisions

Hubspot / Transparency

“At HubSpot, we practice “extreme transparency,” making

almost every piece of information about the business available

to every employee. It’s an unorthodox approach, but one that’s

saved countless meetings, attracted better employees, and

stopped us from making a few really terrible decisions.”

Dharmesh Shah Co-Founder & CTO

Wix / Transparency

Communication transparency | Weekly reports

| Transparant meeting summary | All hands

Watch Wix CEO, Avishai Abrahami’s slideshow “Building a $1 Billion Company” >>

| Camaraderie Better decisions

| Communication

Alignment & focus

| Better talent

Shared vision

Internal Transparency


innovative, adaptable & fast moving

For more information on daPulse, click here

To learn more about building a $1 billion company through transparency, click here

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