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    PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)Corporate Social Responsibility

    Februari 2009 - Februari 2014

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) 2 Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) 1Corporate Social Responsibility

    Daftar IsiContents

    3 Sekilas Perseroan

    Company At a Glance

    4 Visi, Misi dan Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan

    Vision, Mission & Corporate Values

    6 Sambutan Direktur Utama

    Greeting from President Director

    8 Program CSR Kami

    Our CSR Program

    9 Tabel Program Bina Lingkungan PT SMI 2010-2013

    Table List of Community Development Program PT SMI (Persero) 2010-2013

    10 Peta Distribusi Program Bina Lingkungan PT SMI 2010-2013

    Bina Lingkungan Distribution Map PT SMI 2010-2013

    12 Masjid Al Mursalim, Rumah Bersama Warga Buter Balik

    Al Mursalin Mosque, Community House for Buter Balik Residents

    20 Ada Jalan, Ada Harapan

    Where There is a Road, There is a Hope

    30 PT SMI Membantu Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar, Menyehatkan Jiwa

    PT SMI Help Nurul Azhar Health Center, Be a Better Health

    38 Hutan Rinjani Adalah Rumah Kita

    Our Home, Rinjani Forest

    44 MCK, Lebih Sehat dan Tak Malu lagi

    Public Toilet, Prouder and Healthier Villagers

    50 Pembangunan Bak Penampungan Air Bersih dan Pipanisasi

    The Construction of Clean Water Dams and Pipelines

    62 Bergandengan Tangan Menyelamatkan yang Terjebak

    Hand in Hand Rescuing Flood Victims

    68 SMI Berbagi

    SMI Cares

    74 Kegiatan CSR Lain

    Other CSR Activities

    Love for the Country

    Cinta Tanpa Henti Untuk Negeri

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Sebagai katalis dalam percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (PT SMI atau Perseroan) didirikan pada tanggal 26 Februari 2009. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia memiliki 100% saham PT SMI melalui Kementerian Keuangan.

    Dalam rangka melaksanakan perannya sebagai katalis, PT SMI menyediakan total solusi melalui tiga pilar bisnisnya yang terdiri dari Jasa Pembiayaan & Investasi, Jasa Konsultasi dan Jasa Pengembangan Proyek untuk proyek-proyek infrastruktur di Indonesia.

    Kegiatan pembiayaan PT SMI terus mencatat perkembangan yang sangat signifikan selama lima tahun terakhir. Portofolio proyek kami tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Pada tahun 2013 PT SMI telah berpartisipasi dalam 14 proyek strategis dengan total project cost sebesar Rp38,89 Triliun dan merepresentasikan 8,7 kali multiplier effect.

    Kegiatan pembiayaan proyek kami dilaksanakan dengan merujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 100/PMK.010/2009 tentang Perusahaan Pembiayaan Infrastruktur. Adapun cakupan sektor infrastruktur yang dapat dibiayai oleh Perseroan meliputi Jalan Tol & Jembatan, Transportasi, Minyak & Gas Bumi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Limbah, Ketenagalistrikan, Irigasi & Pengairan, serta Penyediaan Air Minum.

    PT SMI juga terus mempromosikan pengembangan infrastruktur melalui skema Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta (KPS). PT SMI secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam penyiapan proyek-proyek KPS di Indonesia antara lain dalam proyek KPS SPAM Umbulan (proyek air bersih di Jawa Timur), proyek KPS KA Ekspress Bandara Soekarno Hatta, dan proyek KPS Pengelolaan Limbah di Batam.

    SEKILAS PERSEROANCompany At a Glance

    As a catalyst in accelerating infrastructure development in Indonesia, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (PT SMI or the Company) was established in 26 February, 2009. Government of Republic of Indonesia has 100% shares of PT SMI, through Ministry of Finance.

    In order to perform its mandate as a catalyst, PT SMI was evolving to serve a total solution through three business pillars, from Financing & Investment, Advisory Services as well as Project Development Services for infrastructure projects in Indonesia.

    Our infrastructure financing activities continued to register significant progress in the last five years. Our project portfolios were distributed over Indonesia. We participated in 14 strategic projects in 2013 with total project cost of IDR 38.89 trillion and representing 8.7 times multiplier effect from our loan participation.

    Our project financing activities refer to the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 100/PMK.010/2009 on Infrastructure Financing Companies. PT SMI is eligible to participate in the following sectors, Toll Road & Bridges, Transportation, Oil & Gas, Telecommunication, Waste Management, Electricity, Irrigation & Water Way, and Water Supply.

    PT SMI also continues to promote the development of infrastructure modalities of Public Private Partnerships Scheme (PPP). Through the preparation of PPP projects namely SPAM Umbulan (water project in East Java), the Soekarno Hatta International Airport Rail Link Project, and Batam Municipal Solid Waste Management Project, PT SMI is actively participating in the development of PPP projects in Indonesia.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility


    Menjadi mitra strategis yang memberikan nilai tambah dalam pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia

    Menciptakan produk pembiayaan yang fleksibel Menyediakan pelayanan berkualitas dengan

    tata kelola yang baik

    To become a strategic partner with value added in developing Indonesias infrastructure

    To establish flexible financing products To provide quality services which comply to

    good corporate governance


    Menjadi katalis dalam percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur nasional

    A leading Catalyst in the acceleration of the national infrastructure development

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    IntegrityPerusahaan yang berkarakter dan melakukan kegiatan usaha sesuai dengan etika serta selalu mengedepankan tata-kelola yang baik.

    Service ExcellencePelayanan yang berkualitas yang dapat memenuhi ekspektasi pelanggan

    PartnershipKemitraan strategis untuk mencapai visi dan misi Perseroan

    InnovationMemberikan solusi yang inovatif dan fleksibel dalam pengembangan proyek infrastruktur

    TrustPerusahaan yang dapat membina kepercayaan pelanggan dan stakeholders

    IntegrityA company with character that operates its business ethically and puts good corporate governance as priority

    Service Excellence Service excellence that meets the expectation of its customers

    PartnershipStrategic partnership to achieve the Companys vision and missions

    InnovationTo provide innovative infrastructure development projects

    TrustA Company that cultivates the trust of its customers and stakeholders


    Service Excellence

    Partnership Innovation





  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Dengan penuh rasa syukur, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) mempersembahkan buku Cinta Tanpa Henti Untuk Negeri. Buku ini merangkum rangkaian perjalan kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang telah kami lakukan selama lima tahun terakhir.

    PT SMI yang berdiri sejak tahun 2009, memiliki peran sebagai katalis dalam memfasilitasi percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia. Kami terlibat dalam berbagai proyek infrastruktur, baik melalui kegiatan pembiayaan proyek, jasa konsultasi maupun jasa pengembangan proyek infrastruktur. Semua bertujuan untuk penyediaan fasilitas infrastruktur yang lebih baik bagi bangsa.

    Lebih dari itu, cinta kami kepada negeri tidak terukur. Melalui kegiatan Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) khususnya melalui Program Bina Lingkungan (BL), kami mencoba membangun karya dengan fokus pada pembangunan infrastruktur dan fasilitas publik berskala kecil, namun memiliki dampak langsung pada peningkatan kehidupan masyarakat.

    Selama lima tahun, kegiatan BL PT SMI telah menyalurkan Rp2.952.156.631,- ke dalam berbagai program yang beragam. Mulai dari pembangunan rumah ibadah di Aceh; pembangunan ruang kelas sekolah pemulung Al Falah di Bantar Gebang, Bekasi; pembangunan jalan desa di Karawang; penghijauan di Nusa Tenggara Barat; perbaikan sanitasi di berbagai daerah di Tanah Air; hingga pipanisasi air bersih di bumi Cenderawasih, Sorong, Papua Barat. Kami meyakini bahwa cinta untuk negeri tidak memperhitungkan ruang, waktu, agama, suku bangsa, dan warna kulit.

    Sejalan dengan program BL, kami juga terus menggiatkan kegiatan-kegiatan Non PKBL. Kegiatan CSR Non PKBL antara lain melalui kegiatan SMI Berbagi, memberikan ruang bagi karyawan kami untuk aktif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan CSR Perseroan.

    With sincere gratitude, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) present Love to the Nation, a book which compiles our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) journeys that have been conducted over the last five years.

    PT SMI, which was established in 2009, has a mandate as a catalyst in facilitating the acceleration of infrastructure development in Indonesia. We have been involved in various infrastructure projects through Financing & Investment, Advisory Services as well as Project Development Services. All of our services were intended to contribute to a better infrastructure provision to the nation.

    Moreover, our love to the nation is immeasurable. Through our Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL), particularly through our Community Development Program (BL), we have had initiatives focusing on development of small scale infrastructures and public facilities which have direct impacts to improving living standards of local communities.

    Over five years, through PT SMI BL activities we have distributed IDR2,952,156,631 into various programs. From the construction of a worship place in Aceh; construction of several classrooms for the scavengers of Al Falah, Bantar Gebang, Bekasi; construction of local community roads in Karawang; reforestation in West Nusa Tenggara; sanitary system improvement in many parts of the country; and provision of clean water pipelines in Cenderawasih, Sorong, West Papua. We truly believe that love for the nation means no consideration taken over space, time, religion, race, or skin color.

    Along with the BL Program, we also initiated Non-PKBL activities. One of those was SMI Care which aimed to give opportunity for our employees to actively participate in the CSR activities.

    SAMBUTAN DIREKTUR UTAMAGreeting from President Director

    Salam sejahtera, May peace be upon youAssalamualaikum Wr. Wb Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Melalui buku ini, kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang sudah berpartisipasi dan bekerjasama. Kamipun akan terus menggandeng Para Pemangku Kepentingan untuk terus melanjutkan perjuangan ini, dan berharap pada tahun-tahun mendatang lebih banyak lagi yang mampu kita berikan untuk Indonesia.

    Semoga semangat membangun dan memperbaiki negeri selalu menyala di hati kita semua, sehingga target Millenium Development Goals di Indonesia dapat tercapai. Semoga mimpi besar dan kecintaan kita pada bumi nusantara senantiasa membara demi pembangunan sepanjang masa yang bukan sekedar pembangunan sekejap mata.

    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

    Emma Sri MartiniDirektur Utama/President Director

    Through this book, we would also like to thank every party who has participated and worked together with us. We will always seek collaboration with our stakeholders to extend our programs, and hope there will be more that we can contribute to Indonesia in years to come.

    Hopefully, this spirit to build and develop our country will continue to light our hearts, and soon Indonesias Millenium Development Goals in can surely be achieved. May our big dreams and our love to our archipelago be eternal; not only for short term goals but for a lasting and sustainable development.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility


    Sarana & Prasarana Umum

    Public Facility Development

    Sarana IbadahReligious Building

    Peningkatan KesehatanPublic Facility Development

    Bencana AlamNatural Disaster


    Pendidikan & Pelatihan

    Education & TrainingPelestarian AlamEnvironmental Preservation

    Program CSR kami terdiri dari 2 besaran program: I. Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL),

    khususnya pada Program Bina Lingkungan (BL) yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2010 2013. Alokasi dana BL berasal dari laba Perseroan.

    II. CSR Non PKBL yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2009 2014. Alokasi dana berasal dari biaya Perseroan.

    Untuk kegiatan Bina Lingkungan, PT SMI fokus pada kegiatan pembangunan dan pemeliharaan infrastruktur pada jenis bantuan sebagai berikut:

    Our CSR program consists of 2 main programs:I. Partnership and Community Development Program

    (PKBL), particularly on Community Development Program (BL), conducted on 2010 - 2013. BL funds derived from Net Profit of the Company.

    II. CSR Non PKBL conducted on 2009 2014. CSR funds derived from Cost of the Company.

    Through BL program, PT SMI emphasis on infrastructure development and maintenance with the following category:


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Table List of Community Development Program PT SMI (Persero) 2010-2013

    Tabel Program Bina Lingkungan PT SMI (Persero) Tahun 2010-2013


    2010 2011 2012 2013


    Total Fund Disbursement

    (Rp IDR)

    DKI dan sekitarnya | Jakarta Greater Area

    Indonesia Bagian Barat (Non Jabodetabek) |

    West Indonesia (Non Jabodetabek)

    Indonesia Bagian Timur (Non Jabodetabek) |

    East Indonesia (Non Jabodetabek)


    Based on Distribution Area




    Based on Category

    Pelestarian Alam | Environmental Preservation

    Bencana Alam | Natural Disaster Relief

    Peningkatan kesehatan | Health Development

    Sarana & Prasarana Umum | Public Facility Development

    Pendidikan & Pelatihan | Education & Training

    Sarana Ibadah | Religious Building









  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social ResponsibilityPT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility






    Tanjung Pinang


















    Probolinggo Lombok

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Peta Distribusi Program Bina LingkunganPT SMI 2010-2013Bina Lingkungan Distribution Map PT SMI 2010-2013

    PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility



    Ende Flores


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility


    Allahumasalliwasalim... The melody of shalawat, the Islamic prayer, is heard from outside of the Al Mursalin Mosque. One by one, the men of Buter Balik village; the old, the young, and the children, are beginning to gather. They come traversing that noon torrid sun on foot, on their bicycles, or their motorcycles. Shortly, the 64m2 temporary mosque is full with the Moslems who are going to do Friday prayers.

    Allahumasalliwasalim ... Terdengar lantunan salawat yang diputar dari dalam Masjid Al Mursalin. Tampak satu per satu laki-laki dari Desa Buter Balik, baik yang tua, muda, dan anak-anak, mulai berdatangan. Mereka menembus teriknya matahari siang itu dengan berjalan kaki, menaiki sepeda atau motor. Sekejap, masjid darurat berukuran 64 m2 yang itu pun dipenuhi umat muslim yang hendak bersalat Jumat.

    Al Mursalin Mosque, Community House for Buter Balik Resident


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Kekhusyukan dan keteduhan warga beribadah tidak akan terlihat seperti itu pascagempa 2 Juli 2013. Sebab, gempa berkekuatan 6,2 skala richter yang mengguncang Aceh Tengah dan Bener Meriah mengakibatkan puluhan rumah dan bangunan rusak, termasuk satu-satunya masjid milik warga Desa Buter Balik, di Kelurahan Kute Panang, Takengon, Aceh Tengah. Selama dua bulan warga desa terpaksa beribadah di sebuah tenda pinjaman yang sempit dan panas milik TNI.

    Gempa di Aceh Tengah, 2 Juli 2013:

    6,2skala Richter



    63orang luka dan cacat

    15.919rumah rusak akibat gempa

    Sumber: Tempo Online, 7 Juli 20131

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Their serenity and tranquility would never be visible during post earthquake of July 2, 2013. The 6.2 Richter tremor which shook Central Aceh and Bener Meriah county has caused the devastation of hundreds of houses and buildings, including the only mosque in Buter Balik, the one located at Kute Panang Village, Takengon, Central Aceh. For two months, the villagers were constrained to perform their worships in a cramped humid tent which was lent by the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

    1. Masjid yang runtuh karena gempa.Collapsed mosque due to earthquake.

    2. Pembangunan Masjid selesai dalam waktu 10 hari dan kini digunakan sebagai pusat interaksi warga Desa Buter Balik. The construction is completed in 10 days, and currently it becomes the center for Buter Balik villagers to gather.


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Atas usulan warga, pada bulan September 2013, PT SMI bersama Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) membangun sebuah masjid sementara di Desa Buter Balik. Dengan sigap dan bahagia, warga bahu membahu ikut mendirikan tempat ibadah mereka. Setelah 10 hari, akhirnya bangunan sederhana berdinding kayu yang mampu menampung 65 jemaah itu pun selesai dibangun. Alhamdulillah, kami senang betul sudah ada masjid. Sejak masjid ini selesai dibangun, sorenya langsung kami pakai untuk jamaah, hingga detik ini, ujar Muhammad Yusuf, tetua kampung yang berusia 70 tahun.

    Based on aspiration of the villagers, in September 2013, PT SMI together with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) built a temporary mosque in Buter Balik Village. Sprightly and happily, the villagers worked hand in hand to help construct their place of worship. After 10 days, at last the temporary building, with walls made of wood and has the occupancy of 65 people, was finished. Alhamdulillah, we are extremely happy now that the mosque is here. Soon after the construction is completed, in the evening, we gathered and pray right away, and we have been using the building until today, said Muhammad Yusuf, the 70 year old local figure.

    Masjid ini selalu dipenuhi berbagai kegiatan warga desa. Biasanya dimulai pukul 06.00 pagi saat warga Buter Balik menunaikan salat subuh


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Setiap hari, masjid ini selalu dipenuhi berbagai kegiatan warga desa. Biasanya dimulai pukul 06.00 pagi saat warga Buter Balik menunaikan salat subuh, dilanjutkan sore harinya dengan salat magrib dan ditutup salat isya berjamaah. Saban hari Jumat, warga menunaikan Jumatan bersama dilanjutkan dengan pengajian para ibu. Pengajian sempat terhenti, karena tidak ada tempatnya. Tapi Alhamdulillah sekarang kami sudah bisa mengaji lagi. Kurang lebih 40-50 ibu-ibu majelis taklim mengaji di sini ujar Sutiyah, salah satu peserta ibu-ibu majelis taklim Desa Buter Balik.

    Everyday, the mosque is always occupied with various activities of the villagers. Usually, it begins in early in the morning, when the people of Buter Balik finish dawn/ Fajr prayer, and is continued in the evening for Maghrib prayer and Isya prayer congregation. Every Friday, the villagers worship together and afterwards, the women recite the Quran collectively. The recitation was stopped once, because there was no place for us to gather. But Alhamdulillah, now we can again learn the Quran. There are about 40-50 women of majelis talim, a learning assembly, who learn to recite the Quran in this mosque, explained Sutiyah, one of the attendees.

    Warga antusias menyambut sarana tempat ibadah mereka yang baru.

    The villagers worked hand in hand enthusiastically to prepare their new worship place.



  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Karena balai desa juga rusak parah akibat gempa, maka Masjid Al Mursalin akhirnya berperan ganda, yakni sebagai tempat ibadah sekaligus tempat warga berkumpul menjalin silaturahmi dan bertukar informasi. Semua kegiatan sosial di masyarakat, seperti pernikahan, pemakaman, maupun rapat desa, dilakukan di masjid ini. Begitu pentingnya masjid ini bagi kehidupan sosial di Desa Buter Balik, warga berharap segera dibangun masjid permanen dengan kapasitas lebih besar. Kami berterima kasih kepada ACT dan SMI yang sudah mau membangunkan masjid sementara ini untuk kami di desa terpencil ini ungkap Suwardi, Kepala Desa Buter Balik.

    Beribadah adalah hal yang tak terpisahkan bagi warga Buter Balik. Ritual suci inilah yang mampu merekatkan dan mematik bara semangat mereka di kala hidup diselimuti duka dan bahagia. Keteduhan, kebersamaan, dan cinta yang terbanggun di bawah naungan masjid ini sepatutnya terus bergulir hingga membuahkan karya-karya manis untuk negeri Indonesia.

    Because the village hall was severely damaged due to the earthquake; inevitably, Al Mursalin Mosque plays a dual role in the society: a place of worship as well as the place for the villagers to gather, to build interaction and exchange information. All social activities, such as wedding, funeral ceremony, and village meetings; are all engaged in this mosque. Due to the significance towards their social life, Buter Balik villagers hope that soon a larger permanent mosque will be constructed. We have been very thankful for ACT and PT SMI who have such willingness to build this temporary mosque in our remote village, said Suwardi, the Head of Buter Balik Village.

    Prayers and worships are inseparable activities for the people of Buter Balik. This sacred ritual has restored their motivation to live while life is full of its ups and downs. The serenity, togetherness and love built within the mosque should always be preserved for one day; these may lead into beautiful creations of the villagers for Indonesia.

    Alhamdulillah, kami senang betul sudah ada masjid. Sejak masjid ini selesai dibangun, sorenya langsung kami pakai untuk jamaah, hingga detik ini

    Alhamdulillah, we are extremely happy now that the mosque is here. Soon after the construction is completed, in the evening, we gathered and prayed right away, and we have been using the building until today

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    1 2

    3 4

    1. Setiap hari, kegiatan di Masjid Al Mursalin dimulai dengan sholat subuh berjamaah. Activities in the mosque is started with dawn prayer in early in the morning.

    4. Masjid Al Mursalin menghidupkan kembali kegiatan mengaji para Ibu Desa Buter Balik Al Mursalim Mosque revives the woman activities of worship and Quran learning in Buter Balik village.

    foto subuh

    2&3. Kini warga dapat menunaikan Ibadah sholat Jumat dengan lebih nyaman. Now the villagers can conduct Friday Prayers more comfortably.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Road infrastructure is one major facility to trigger development and prosperity of a nation. Road and wastewater drains built by PT SMI in the fishermen and fish farmers village of Tanjung Pakis 2 Village, Tanjung Pakis District, Karawang, West Java, have become solid proofs. The road has stimulated the increase of living standard, affluence, and hope for the future of people who long have been living in the shadows of poverty.

    The road which is built in Tanjung Pakis 2 Village has given the local people a chance to manifest a conjoint work, named gotong royong, a renowned local wisdom of Indonesian. The people were empowered and being given responsibilities to build a section of road which was bypassing their own houses. They were divided into small groups of 8-10 people. This task enabled them to feel connected to the construction, to grow the seeds of belonging so that the people would later take care of the facilities they have built together. In this project, PT SMI partnered with Baitulmaal Indonesia Foundation, who took charge of controlling and maintaining the 1.5 km length of road construction and also household wastewater drains.

    Pembangunan infrastruktur jalan merupakan solusi peningkatan kemakmuran dan kemajuan suatu bangsa. Jalan dan selokan limbah yang dibangun PT SMI di kampung nelayan dan petambak ikan di Desa Tanjung Pakis 2, Kecamatan Tanjung Pakis, Karawang, Jawa Barat, adalah buktinya. Sepenggal jalan itu menstimulus peningkatan kualitas hidup, kesejahteraan, dan harapan masa depan masyarakat yang selama ini berada di dalam bayang-bayang kemiskinan.

    Jalan yang dibangun di Desa Tanjung Pakis 2 melibatkan masyarakat sebagai perwujudan nilai gotong royong. Warga diberdayakan dan diberi tanggung jawab membangun tiap ruas jalan yang melintas di depan rumah mereka, dengan membaginya dalam beberapa kelompok yang terdiri dari 8-10 orang. Hal ini dilakukan dengan maksud menanamkan rasa memiliki dan ikut menjaga fasilitas yang dibangun bersama. PT SMI bermitra dengan Baitulmaal Indonesia, yang berperan sebagai pengelola serta pengawas pembangunan jalan sepanjang 1,5 km dan saluran pembuangan limbah rumah tangga.


    Where There Is a Road, There Is a Hope


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility





    1. Kondisi jalan yang becek harus dilalui warga Dusun 2 Pakis Jaya sebelum dibangunnya jalan desa. Muddy and dirty, situation in Tanjung Pakis 2 Village before road construction.



    Sekarang, Dusun 2 terlihat jauh lebih rapi dan cantik. Tidak lagi gersang dan kotor

    4. Jalan desa menstimulus warga mempercantik lingkungan, dengan membuat pagar rumah dan menanami halaman mereka.The road has stimulated villagers to take care of their own gardens by building fences and planting flowers.

    2&3. Jalan desa memudahkan warga Dusun 2 - Pakis Jaya dalam beraktivitas. The road gives easier access for villagers in doing their activities.


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Setelah dibangun jalan selebar 1,5 m yang dapat dilalui sepeda motor, wajah Desa Tanjung Pakis 2 berubah. Kini, 315 keluarga yang tinggal di kampung itu tidak perlu lagi bergelut dengan lumpur setelah hujan deras turun atau setelah air laut pasang. Kampung nelayan yang dulunya gersang dan kumuh, kini mulai hijau dan bersih. Warga mulai menata pekarangan rumahnya dengan membuat pagar dan menanam bunga atau tanaman perdu. Perilaku warga pun berubah. Mereka sudah mulai memperhatikan kebersihan lingkungan. Sekarang, Dusun 2 terlihat jauh lebih rapi dan cantik. Tidak lagi gersang dan kotor ungkap Pak Karta, tokoh masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Pakis 2 yang mengajak kami berkeliling desa.

    The construction of 1.5m width road, one which can be passed by motorcycles, has changed the face of Tanjung Pakis 2 Village. Now, 315 families who live there no longer need to struggle with mud after heavy rainfall or after the ocean tide. The fishermen village which used to be unkempt and arid has now started to become clean and green. The villagers begin to take care of their own gardens by building fences, planting flowers or shrub. They have also altered their attitudes; they pay attention to environmental cleanliness. Now, the village looks far more organized and beautiful. Its no longer parched and dirty, said Karta, a local figure in Tanjung Pakis 2 Village who accompanied us circling the village.

    Now, the village looks far more organized and beautiful. Its no longer parched and dirty

    1. Kondisi jalan yang becek harus dilalui warga Dusun 2 Pakis Jaya sebelum dibangunnya jalan desa. Muddy and dirty, situation in Tanjung Pakis 2 Village before road construction.

    Sekarang, Dusun 2 terlihat jauh lebih rapi dan cantik. Tidak lagi gersang dan kotor

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Jalan yang dibangun dalam dua tahap, tahun 2010 sepanjang 1 km dan tahun 2013 sepanjang 0,5 km, ini memberikan dampak berlipat. Masyarakat nelayan di Desa Tanjung Pakis 2 yang selama ini terjerat jaring-jaring kemiskinan mulai bangkit dan bergairah membangun desanya. Tidak ada lagi anak-anak yang malas pergi ke sekolah karena alasan jalan yang becek dan kotor setelah hujan. Kondisi ini diharapkan terus memompa semangat belajar anak-anak sehingga prestasi mereka bisa melebihi orang tuanya yang kebanyakan hanya lulusan SD.

    Pak Karta, Ketua Kelompok Nelayan Tanjung Pakis menuturkan, jalan lingkar yang dibangun PT SMI telah membuka peluang warga berwirausaha. Sejak adanya jalan ini telah muncul 10 warung baru dengan omzet per hari tiap warungnya sekitar Rp300.000 atau bahkan bisa mencapai Rp1 juta pada saat musim panen ikan. Jalan ini juga mampu menghidupkan kembali wisata bahari di Pantai Tanjung Pakis. Menurut Baros, salah seorang perajin kerang hias di desa itu, jalan lingkar telah membawa angin segar untuknya. Keuntungan usahanya terus bertambah, terutama saat masa liburan dan hari raya omzet penjualan kerajinannya bisa mencapai Rp2 juta-Rp3 juta per hari.

    The road which was constructed in two phases1 km in 2010 and 0.5 km in 2013has delivered multi-benefits for the people. The fishermen in Tanjung Pakis 2 Village who long have been trapped in poverty have slowly moved forward and grown to be passionate in building their very own village. There are no more children who use the dirty and muddy road as an excuse for not attending schools. This condition is expected to boost learning spirit of these children, so that they can exceed their parents who mostly are elementary school graduates only.

    Karta, the Head of Tanjung Pakis Fishermen Community explained, the circle road which was constructed by PT SMI has tapped the entrepreneurial opportunities for the villagers. Since the existence of this road, there have been 10 new food stalls opening up with daily revenue around IDR 300,000; and sometimes this figure can reach up to IDR 1,000,000 during the fish harvest time. This road has also livened up maritime tourism in Tanjung Pakis Beach. According to Baros, one of shell artists in the village, the circle road has given him fresh air. His business profit keeps increasing, especially during public holiday, which could reach the sales up to IDR 2 to 3 million of revenues per day.


    omzet tiap warung per hari

    omzet tiap warung pada saat musim

    panen ikan


    telah muncul sejak adanya jalan

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility




    1. Akses jalan yang lebih baik, membangkitkan perekonomian warga. The road has triggered better economy growth in Tanjung Pakis 2 Village.

    2&3. Kini warga dan anak-anak tidak lagi bergelut dengan jalan becek dan berlumpur The villagers and students no longer need to struggle with mud.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    The number of villagers who got ill during rainy season has become less


    Warga yang sakit saat musim penghujan menjadi lebih sedikit

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Sejak dibangun jalan lingkar dan selokan pembuangan limbah, Pak Karta menjelaskan, jumlah warga yang sakit saat musim hujan menjadi lebih sedikit. Biasanya, saat musim hujan, banyak orang dewasa dan anak-anak yang terserang diare dan penyakit infeksi saluran pernafasan. Hal itu akibat limbah dan kotoran rumah tangga bercampur dengan sampah dari laut yang menggenang di sekitar rumah mereka. Selokan pembuangan limbah ini mampu mengurangi risiko berkembang biaknya bibit penyakit sehingga potensi penyebaran penyakit menular berkurang. Dampak pembangunan jalan dan saluran air (limbah rumah tangga) ini sangat besar bagi warga kampung, kata Pak Karta.

    Since the birth of this circle road and wastewater drains, Karta stated, the number of villagers who got ill during rainy season has become less. Usually, in that time of the year, there were quite a number of adults and also children who got diarrhea and respiratory infection. That happened due to household rubbish mixed with sea waste, which were festering in their house surroundings. The waste drains are able to lower the risk of growth and widespread of infectious disease. The construction of the road and waste drains has huge impact for our villagers, Karta concluded.


    Warga yang sakit saat musim penghujan menjadi lebih sedikit

    1&2. Kini limbah rumah tangga dan air hujan tidak lagi menggenangi jalan desa, warga pun menjadi lebih sehat. Now the household waste & rain water is properly transported and make villagers earn healthier live.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


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    21&2. Jalan desa juga berfungsi sebagai bendungan penahan

    air laut di saat pasang The road also serves as a dam which is able to restrain sea water during the high tide.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


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    Dual Function, A Road Which Is Also Served As a Dam

    Berfungsi GandaSebagai Bendungan

    Jalan beton cor setebal satu setengah jengkal orang dewasa ini ternyata mempunyai fungsi ganda. Selain sebagai infrastruktur transportasi, jalan tersebut juga berfungsi sebagai bendungan yang mencegah masuknya air laut saat pasang. Dulu, sebelum dibuat jalan setapak yang mengelilingi kampung ini, air laut selalu masuk dan menggenangi kampung atau tambak ikan bandeng yang berjarak sekitar 10-15 meter dari bibir pantai. Warga selalu mengeluhkan hal ini karena pekarangan rumah dan jalan kampung yang masih berupa tanah pasir menjadi becek, banyak sampah dari laut yang masuk ke kampung, dan tambak kebanjiran. Petambak bandeng akhirnya terpaksa menanggung kerugian berulang kali.

    Sejak dibangun selokan limbah rumah tangga, kampung menjadi lebih bersih dan tidak lagi berbau kurang sedap. Selokan ini pun berperan sebagai saluran air yang mengalirkan air hujan langsung ke arah laut. Kini genangan air yang menjadi habitat penyakit pun berkurang dan masyarakat menjadi lebih sehat.

    As a matter of fact, the concrete road has turned out to have dual functions. Beside its purpose as transportation infrastructure, the road which 30 cm thicker than the past, also serves as a dam which is able to restrain sea water during the high tide. In the past, before the road was constructed, sea water would overflow into the village and fish farms, located 10-15 meters from the sea shore. Villagers would constantly complain because the sandy soils would then become muddy. Loads of garbage entered the village and the fish farms got flooded. The fish farmers would have to bear with their losses for several times.

    Since the construction of household waste drains, the village has become cleaner than ever, and it no longer produces bad smell. The drains also serve as water sewers which transport rain water directly into the sea. Now, the putrid water--a habitat of diseaseshas become less, and the villagers are able to live healthier lives.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Being healthy is a right for each and every Indonesian. However, this is not something the citizen can easily obtain, especially those who are facing mental health disorders. Not many are willing to listen and care for their right to have healthy lives. Whereas, as a nation, a part of the same body of Indonesia, no one should ever be forgotten and be left behind. Love never differs who are sick and who are not.

    Sehat adalah hak azasi manusia Indonesia. Namun, tidak semua penduduk Indonesia mampu mendapatkannya, terutama mereka yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan jiwa. Bahkan, tak banyak yang mau mendengar dan peduli dengan hak hidup sehat mereka. Padahal, sebagai satu bangsa, satu anggota tubuh Indonesia, seharusnya tidak ada yang boleh dilupakan dan tertinggal. Karena cinta tidak membedakan siapa yang sakit dan siapa yang sehat.


    PT SMI Help Nurul Azhar Health Center, Be a Better Health


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Berkat pengobatan dan terapi yang dijalaninya selama beberapa bulan di Rumah Sehat ini, Neneng dapat kembali berkarya dan bekerja seperti dulu lagi

    1 2

    dari 291 pasien yang sempat dirawat. sudah pulang dengan kondisi

    sehat walafiat



    1&2. Pasien datang dari berbagai daerah, bukan hanya dari Cianjur dan Jawa Barat saja Those patients come from various areas, not only Cianjur and West Java.

    3&4. Kondisi Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar sebelum dibangun The previous condition of Nurul Azhar Healty House

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Berkat pengobatan dan terapi yang dijalaninya selama beberapa bulan di Rumah Sehat ini, Neneng dapat kembali berkarya dan bekerja seperti dulu lagi

    Please come in, Maam, said Siti Maryam, a 25-year-old lovely looking young woman, when she welcomed us in a food stall she worked in. Neneng, is how she is usually called. No one would ever expect that this young woman from Palembang, South Sumatra, has ever had a mental health problem.

    Nurul Azhar Health Center is an independent mental health disorder recovery center which was initiated in 2006. The institution which is built in Sukamulya Village, Warungkondang District, Cianjur, West Java, is aiming to accommodate and heal people with mental health problems. According to Pak Haji, a familiar greeting for Haji Hamdan Saepul Bahri, there have been 291 patients who have been treated in the house, and 80% of them have returned home in fully recovered conditions. They come from various areas. Not only Cianjur and West Java, but also from Jakarta, Bekasi, and many others, explained Pak Haji.

    Silakan masuk bu, ujar Siti Maryam, perempuan manis berusia 25 tahun, ketika menyambut kedatangan kami di sebuah warung yang sedang dijaganya. Neneng, begitu dia biasa disapa. Siapa pun tidak akan menyangka bahwa perempuan asal Palembang, Sumatera Selatan ini pernah mengalami gangguan kejiwaan.

    Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar adalah sebuah fasilitas swadaya pelayanan pemulihan kesehatan jiwa yang dirintis sejak tahun 2006. Tujuan pondok yang dibangun di Desa Sukamulya, Kecamatan Warungkondang, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, ini adalah untuk menampung dan mengobati orang-orang dengan gangguan masalah kesehatan mental. Menurut Pak Haji, sapaan akrab Haji Hamdan Saepul Bahri, sudah ada 291 pasien yang sempat dirawat, dan 80 persen dari mereka sudah pulang dengan kondisi sehat walafiat. Mereka datang dari berbagai daerah. Bukan hanya dari Cianjur dan Jawa Barat, tapi juga dari Jakarta, Bekasi dan mana-mana, kata Pak Haji.

    Through medication and therapy she had for several months in this Health Center (Hospital), Neneng can again work as usual

    Hamdan Saepul Bahri,Pendiri dan pengelola Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar Founder and manager of Nurul Azhar Health Center

    3 4Before

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Sayangnya karena keterbatasan sumber daya, Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar hanya bisa menyediakan kamar ala kadarnya bagi para pasien. Setiap pasien ditempatkan di sebuah kamar sempit, yang lembab dan sedikit pengap karena minim sirkulasi udara. Alas tidur mereka pun hanya berupa selembar tikar tipis yang digelar di atas lantai dingin. Sesekali, aroma pesing menghambur dari deretan kamar mereka yang berimpitan di lorong gelap. Dari 14 kamar yang ada, hanya 12 kamar yang dapat difungsikan karena dua kamar lagi kondisinya rusak dan sangat tidak layak.

    Melihat realita ini, PT SMI menimbang perlunya memberikan perhatian pada fasilitas-fasilitas umum yang turut membantu perbaikan kondisi masyarakat, salah satunya Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar. Bantuan dimaksudkan untuk memberi tempat tinggal yang lebih layak bagi para pasien dan memudahkan pengobatan, sehingga pasien bisa segera sembuh dan kembali berkarya di masyarakat.

    Sejak Desember 2013, PT SMI dan PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) (PT SMF) bahu membahu membangun sebuah fasilitas pondok sehat yang lebih baik. Bangunan yang dirancang itu akan memiliki 18 kamar dengan mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek keamanan, kebersihan, pencahayaan, dan sirkulasi udara yang cukup agar kulitas hidup pasien semakin baik.

    PT SMI berharap bantuan yang diberikan bisa mendukung proses penyembuhan para pasien yang tidak mampu secara gamblang mengungkapkan perasaannya. Sebab, mereka juga merupakan generasi bangsa yang bila dibimbing dan dirawat akan mampu berkarya kembali di masyarakat, seperti Neneng yang kini sudah sembuh dan cekatan mengelola warung kecil milik Pak Haji.

    Unfortunately, due to lack of resources, Nurul Azhar Health Center could only provide very humble rooms for their patients. Each of them occupied a tiny room, which was airless and humid due to minimum ventilation. They slept on a thin mat on top a cold floor. Once in a while, the smell of urine ruptured out of row of rooms packed in the dark alley. Of all 14 rooms, only 12 were fully functioned while the two others were in an improper condition.

    Looking at these facts, PT SMI considered the necessity of providing care for public facilities which can lead to the betterment of the society, one of them is Nurul Azhar Health Center. The intended aid is a more proper shelter for the patients, which correlates with the acceleration of medical treatment, so that patients can soon be recovered and once again become productive citizens in the society.

    Since December 2013, PT SMI and PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial Persero (PT SMF) have been working hand in hand to establish a health center with better facilities. The designed building has 18 rooms which take into account the security, cleanliness, lighting, and ventilation aspects so that patients will have better living qualities.

    PT SMI hope this aid can support the recovery process of the patients who cannot literary convey their feelings. They are also the legacy of the nation, who isif properly guided and cared forcan again work actively amongst general public, just like Neneng who is now healthy and able to skillfully manage the small food stall, owned by Pak Haji.

    dari 14 kamar yang hanya bisa

    difungsikan, karena kondisinya rusak dan

    sangat tidak layak.


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility



    On Progress On Progress

    On Progress

    1-3. Proses pembangunan Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar. Rumah Sehat yang baru diharapkan dapat memberikan fasilitas yang lebih baik bagi pasien. Construction process of Nurul Azhar Health Center. The new shelter is intended to provide more proper facilities for the patients.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Empat bulan lalu, Siti Maryam (25), atau akrab dipanggil Neneng, hanya bisa berteriak, menjerit histeris, dan menangis di dalam kamar. Dia merasa bingung, gelisah, dan merasa ada suara-suara yang berdengung di dalam kepalanya, tanpa mampu dia ungkapkan dengan kata-kata.

    Namun setelah melewati proses panjang terapi doa dan perawatan lainnya yang diberikan di Rumah Sehat Nurul Azhar, kesadarannya pun mulai pulih. Hidupnya menjadi lebih tenang dan damai, mampu berdialog dengan orang lain layaknya orang normal, dan mampu mengikuti instruksi dengan benar. Bahkan, kini dia dipercaya mengelola warung kecil milik Pak Haji.

    Awalnya, Neneng dibawa dan dititipkan keluarganya karena memiliki gangguan kesadaran akibat kecanduan narkoba. Perlahan-lahan, pengaruh obat terlarang itu makin berkurang pada tubuhnya, dan kesadarannya mulai pulih. Neneng yakin mampu bekerja seperti dulu lagi, di perkebunan kelapa sawit, dan rindu untuk berkumpul kembali bersama keluarganya.

    Menurut Pak Haji Hamdan, Neneng saat ini sedang menjalani masa percobaan. Dia mulai diberikan tanggung jawab dan kebebasan. Bila kondisinya stabil hingga dua bulan ke depan, Neneng bisa segera kembali ke keluarganya dan merintis kehidupannya yang baru. Alhamdulillah sekarang sudah merasa sehat. Gak bingung lagi, dan gak gelisah lagi, ujar Neneng sembari merapikan makanan kecil yang dijualnya di warung.

    Four months ago, Siti Maryam (25), or familiarly called as Neneng, could only scream, hysterically shout, and cried inside of her room. She felt confused, anxious, and there were voices echoing inside her head, ones she could not explain in words.

    But now, after long process of praying therapy and other treatments provided by Nurul Azhar Health Center, she starts to gain her consciousness back. She becomes calmer and at peace, able to have normal conversations and take instructions. At the present, she is even entrusted to manage the small food stall owned by Pak Haji.

    In the beginning, due to drug addiction problem, Neneng was brought by her family to live in the Health Center. Slowly, the effect of drugs grows less on her body, and her health begins to recover. Neneng believes she can continue to work as before, in the palm oil farm, and again gather with her family.

    As said by Pak Haji Hamdan, Neneng is currently in her probation period. She starts to be given freedom as well as responsibility. If her condition proves to be stable in two months time, Neneng can soon come back to her family and start her new life there. Alhamdulillah, now I feel healthy. No longer feeling confused nor anxious, said Neneng while tidying up snack she sells in the food stall.

    My life should be continue

    Saya Mampu Berkarya Lagi

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  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Today, a great number of human activities no longer concerning on the sustainability of the environment. The nature is injured more than ever and there are natural disasters in many parts of the world. Drought, flood, landslide, just to name a few, are results of imbalance nature condition. Human caused disasters have generated tremendous loss to many, and they even obliterate the toil of growth and development humans have long strived for.

    B erbagai kegiatan manusia dewasa ini kerap kali tidak memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan, sehingga alam kian rusak dan timbul berbagai bencana. Sebut saja kekeringan, banjir bandang, atau tanah longsor yang terjadi karena alam terganggu keseimbangannya. Bencana akibat ulah manusia kerap kali merugikan banyak pihak dan bahkan melululantakkan semua jerih payah hasil pembangunan manusia.


    Our Home, Rinjani Forest

    Taking care earth is like taking care of our own house. We have no other planet or house except this

    -Dalai Lama-


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    NEWtrees program has actively engaged the locals to reinstate their environment, but it has also given them knowledge, skills, and another source of income


    Program NEWtrees bukan saja melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif dalam memperbaiki lingkungan hidup tapi juga memberikan ilmu, keterampilan, dan pendapatan bagi mereka



    Teluk Awang

    Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani

    Garis Lintang:8314.87S

    Garis Bujur: 1162425.94T

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Menyadari kenyataan ini, sejak Desember 2012, PT SMI memutuskan untuk berpartisipasi mendukung program NEWtrees besutan World Wildlife Fund (WWF). NEWtrees adalah program penanaman pohon di kawasan-kawasan lindung Indonesia, yang melibatkan penduduk lokal sebagai pihak yang menanam, merawat, dan menjaga kawasan tersebut.

    Program NEWtrees bersama PT SMI ini dilaksanakan di salah satu sudut Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani (TNGR), tepatnya di Dusun Kembang Sri, Gunung Rinjani, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Program restorasi pada lahan tanam seluas 5 ha ini diharapkan dapat membantu proses perbaikan fungsi Rinjani sebagai sumber mata air Pulau Lombok, yang merupakan rumah bagi ratusan flora dan fauna khas Indonesia dan masyarakat sekitar. Kegiatan mengembalikan hijaunya TNGR ini juga bermaksud mencegah degradasi tanah di kawasan itu.

    Aware of this reality, since December 2012, PT SMI have decided to participate in supporting the NEWtrees program, initiated by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). NEWtrees is a reforestation program, held in nature protected areas, which engages the locals as those who grow, nurture, and preserve the region.

    PT SMI run this NEWtrees program in an area at Rinjani Forest National Park (Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani/ TNGR), located at Kembang Sri Village, Rinjani Forest, West Nusa Tenggara. The 5 hectare reforestation is expected to help the process of restoring Rinjani as the wellspring of Lombok Island, the home of hundreds of Indonesias distinctive flora and fauna. Moreover, the program also aims to prevent land degradation in the particular area.


    1. Program Newtress bersama PT SMI ini dilaksanakan di lahan tanam seluas 5 ha di Dusun Kembang Sri, Gunung Rinjani, Nusa Tenggara Barat

    Newtress program with PT SMI is covered 5 hectare reforestation in Kembang Sri Village, Rinjani Forest, West Nusa Tenggara.

    2&3. Bantuan ini diharapkan dapat membantu proses perbaikan fungsi Rinjani sebagai sumber mata air Pulau Lombok, yang merupakan rumah bagi ratusan flora dan fauna khas Indonesia dan masyarakat sekitar

    The program is expected to help the process of restoring Rinjani as the wellspring of Lombok Island, the home of hundreds of Indonesias distinctive flora and fauna.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


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    Program NEWtrees bukan saja melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif dalam memperbaiki lingkungan hidup tapi juga memberikan ilmu, keterampilan, dan pendapatan bagi mereka. Salah satu edukasi penting yang dibagikan adalah cara merawat dan menyulam tanaman yang mati agar hutan Rinjani hijau kembali. Hingga Desember 2013, telah dilakukan 678 penyulaman tanaman. Dua tanaman utama yang disulam itu adalah 486 bibit pohon Rajumas (Duabanga moluccana) dan 192 bibit bibit pohon Kaliadem (Zyzigium polycephalum).

    PT SMI berharap, tiap pohon yang ditanam bukan hanya membawa manfaat bagi para kelompok tani di Rinjani, tapi mampu mengembalikan lagi sumber air Pulau Lombok, menyokong paru-paru dunia, bahkan mampu menyeimbangkan alam, satu-satunya rumah kita di dunia ini.

    Not only this NEWtrees program has actively engaged the locals to reinstate their environment, but it has also given them knowledge, skills, and another source of income. One foremost important education being taught is the skill of nurturing and sewing up the inactive plants for the future of greener Rinjani. Until December 2013, there have been 678 plant sewing being done. The two major plants sewn in this program are 486 Rajumas (Duabanga moluccana) tree seeds and 192 Kaliadem (Zyzigium polycephalum) tree seeds.

    PT SMI hope that each planted tree can be more than a merit for the farmers in Rinjani only; but it can also rehabilitate the wellspring of Lombok Island, help sustain the lung of the world, or even mend the natural balance of our earth, our only home in this world.

    Penyulaman Tanaman

    Desember 2013


    1. Dua tanaman utama pohon Rajumas (Duabanga moluccana) dan pohon Kaliadem (Zyzigium polycephalum).

    The two major plants are Rajumas (Duabanga moluccana) tree and Kaliadem (Zyzigium polycephalum) tree.

    2&3. Program ini juga mengedukasi masyarakat, memberi keterampilan pembibitan dan menambahkan pendapatan bagi mereka. The program has also given better nurturing skill and education for local community, which also increase their income through selling tree seed.

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  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Behind the beauty and immaculacy of Palopo City, an unsolved classic problem from the past was long hidden. It was the unavailability of sanitary closet, where people unavoidably still practiced open defecation.

    Di balik keindahan dan kerapian Kota Palopo, terselip sebuah masalah klasik masa lalu yang belum terselesaikan, yaitu ketidaktersediaan jamban sehat sehingga warga masih melakukan open defecation atau buang air besar sembarangan.


    Public Toilet, Prouder and Healthier Villagers


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    1 2


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Ati, seorang ibu paruh baya yang sehari-hari berdagang makanan ringan, kini merasa lega. Sebuah MCK umum yang dibangun di dekat rumahnya menjadi solusi saat perutnya mulas dan kebutuhan buang hajat tiba. Dia tidak perlu lagi repot ke kebun di belakang rumah atau mencari tempat yang sepi untuk membuang sisa-sisa metabolisme tubuhnya.

    Sejak belasan tahun lamanya, Ati yang tinggal bersama 21 keluarga lainnya memang belum pernah memiliki fasilitas MCK. Rumah mereka yang sederhana, terdiri dari ruang tamu, ruang tidur, dan dapur kecil, tanpa kamar mandi dan toilet. Parit dan kebun kosong yang terletak di belakang rumah, kerap kali menjadi WC dadakan yang menampung hajat dari puluhan warga sekitar.

    Alhasil bukan hanya bau tak sedap yang sesekali tercium bersama hembusan angin, bibit penyakit pun dengan cepat menyebar. Tak heran bila warga langganan terjangkit penyakit diare, flu, dan batuk.

    Kita malu lah, apalagi kalau ada tamu mau buang air tapi tidak ada tempatnya. Kalau kita ini kan sudah biasa di kebun atau di sungai, ujar Ibu Ati, yang tinggal bersama anak, menantu, dan cucunya di rumah kontrakan berukuran 4x8 meter.

    Melihat keadaan ini, PT SMI bersama Pemerintah Kota Palopo menginisiasi pembangunan MCK umum di lima kelurahan, yaitu Kelurahan Lagaligo, Kelurahan Surutanga, Kelurahan Salotellue, Kelurahan Balandai dan Kelurahan Sabbamparu. Salah satu keterlibatan warga dalam pembangunan MCK ini adalah dengan membantu proses dan menyediakan lahan. Salah satunya adalah Hj Samsiah, ia rela memberikan tanahnya untuk pembangunan MCK di Kelurahan Surutanga.

    Ati, a middle-aged woman who sells snack as her routine work, now feels relieved. A public toilet built near her house has become a constant solution whenever she feels sore in her stomach and has the urge of going to the toilet. She no longer needs to trouble herself by going to her backyard or looking for a quiet place to release the residue of her metabolism.

    Since more than a dozen year, Ati, who is raised with other 21 families in her village, had never owned a public toilet. They lived in a modest house; with a living room, bedrooms, and a small kitchen, but without any toilet and bathroom. The canal and empty backyard had always become an abrupt toilet for tens of people who lived in the area.

    Consequently, not only bad smell was arousing as the wind blew, but germs and diseases were rapidly spreading. It was not a surprise of how people were frequently infected with diarrhea, cough, and influenza.

    We were very embarrassed, especially if there was a guest who needed to go to the toilet while there were none, said Ati, who lives with her children in laws, and grandchildren in a 4x8 meter rented house.

    Looking at this condition, PT SMI together with the local government of Palopo initiated the infrastructure of public toilet in five villages: Lagaligo, Surutanga, Salotellue, Balandai, and Sabbamparu. One of the locals real involvements in building this public toilet is by helping in the process and also by providing their lands.

    1&2. Sebelum dibangun MCK, kebun belakang & parit menjadi tempat warga melakukan open defection Previously, the residents conduct open defection in the backyard or waste canal near them.

    3. Anak-anak dan orang jompo kini tidak perlu lagi pergi ke sungai untuk membuang hajat. Now the children and senior citizens do not need to do open defecation anymore in the river.

    4. MCK umum menjadi solusi bagi 21 keluarga di Kelurahan Lagaligo yang tidak mempunyai toilet di dalam rumah. The new public toilets become solution for 21 families in Lagaligo Regency who never owned in-house toilet.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Tidak apa-apa kalau tanahnya untuk umum, saya rela, orang tua pun rela. Kami malah sangat terima kasih sudah ada yang mau bangun MCK di sini

    Sama halnya seperti di Kelurahan Lagaligo, di Kelurahan Warak Utara masyarakat menyambut pembangunan MCK ini dengan tangan terbuka. Masyarakat yang mayoritas bekerja sebagai pengayuh becak merasa amat senang karena istri, anak dan orang tua mereka kini tidak perlu lagi pergi ke sungai yang berjarak 100 m dari pemukiman mereka.

    Kalau kami laki-laki, bisa pergi di sungai yang agak sepi atau menumpang di masjid besar saat kayuh becak. Tapi ibu-ibu dan anak-anak yang kasihan, apalagi kalau hari sudah malam ujar Halid salah satu warga kelurahan Warak Utara.

    Setiap MCK yang dibangun oleh PT SMI juga dilengkapi dengan pompa air manual dan sebuah sumur sebagai sumber air bersih. Bahkan di beberapa kelurahan dengan sumber mata air yang payau, warga bersedia sukarela iuran untuk membiayai pemasangan air PDAM dan listrik di MCK umum itu. Dalam hal pemeliharaan, warga membentuk kelompok kerja yang secara bergiliran bertugas membersihkan fasilitas umum tersebut.

    Keberadaan MCK ini diharapkan menjadi batu pijakan bagi warga Palopo untuk hidup lebih sehat sehingga mampu membangun daerah mereka. Tak ada lagi sanitasi yang buruk dan tak ada lagi warga yang sakit hanya karena lingkungan yang tercemar limbah manusia.

    Similar to the enthusiasm of the people of Lagaligo Village, the people of North Warak welcomes the construction of these public toilets with open hands. The residents, who in majority work as trishaw riders, are really happy because now their wives, children, and parents no longer need to go to a river which located 100m from their houses as a substitute for a real toilet.

    We are males, so we can go to a quieter river or a mosque when we work. But its such a pity for the women and children, especially when its dark at night, said Halid, a villager of North Warak.

    Each public toilet built by PT SMI is also equipped with manual water pump and a well as a source of clean water. Even in some villages where the wellspring is of brackish water, the villagers voluntarily collect money to install water from PDAM and also electricity for the public toilet. For maintenance, the villagers have assembled working groups who work in rotation to clean up the public facility.

    The existences of these public toilets are expected to be a stimulus for Palopo residents to live in a healthier environment. Therefore, they can steadfastly build their own city. No more bad sanitation and no more illness due to contaminated environment by human waste.

    We dont mind if the land is used for the public, I am willing, and my parents also are. Even, we are the ones who are very grateful that there is an institution who is building this public toilet for us

    Ibu Hj. Samsiah.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Tidak apa-apa kalau tanahnya untuk umum, saya rela, orang tua pun rela. Kami malah sangat terima kasih sudah ada yang mau bangun MCK di sini






    1. Ibu Hj. Samsiah, salah satu warga kota Palopo yang berpartisipasi dengan merelakan tanahnya untuk pembangunan MCK umum. Ibu Hj Samsiah, one of local citizens who donor her land for public toilet.

    2&3. Kehadiran MCK umum di 5 kelurahan membantu warga Palopo menuju hidup lebih sehat. The existences of public toilets in 5 Regencies are helped Palopo residents to live in a healthier environment.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Before, clean water is a treasure for the people of Malanu Village. But now, it is the luxury they can enjoy every day. Thanks to the pipelines carrying clean water from the wellspring of Malanu Hills.

    Dulu, air bersih adalah harta bagi masyarakat Kampung Malanu. Tapi kini, air bersih adalah barang mewah yang bisa mereka nikmati setiap hari. Semua ini berkat jaringan pipanisasi yang mengucurkan air bersih dari sumber mata air di Bukit Malanu.


    The Construction of Clean Water Dams and Pipelines


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Tiga tahun lalu, Mesak, salah seorang warga Kampung Malanu, merasa sangat bahagia saat hujan turun, karena bak penampungannya akan dipenuhi oleh air. Namun, saat musim kemarau tiba, dia merasa susah karena harus menghemat air dan menggunakan air tanah yang keruh untuk kebutuhan sehari-harinya. Jika punya uang lebih, warga kampung harus mengantre dan membayar mahal untuk mendapatkan air bersih. Biasanya, saat kemarau warga harus membeli air bersih seharga Rp275.000 per tangki, yang akan habis terpakai selama 4-5 hari.

    Three years ago, Mesak, one of the residents of Malanu Village, felt immensely happy as the rain came down and his barrel was filled with water. But, when dry season arrived, he would turn miserable because he should consume his water cautiously and used soiled ground water for his daily necessities. When they had more money, the villagers would have to queue up and paid a fortune to get clean water. Generally, during dry season, the clean water costs IDR 275,000 per barrel, which they could finish in 4-5 days.

    Kalau di sinisumur tidak bisa, airnya kabur-kabur, macam kita baku campur dengan lumpur

    Rp275.000Per tangki

    Harga air bersih saat kemarau

    1. Dahulu di musim kemarau, warga harus membeli air bersih rp275.000/ tangki. Previously, during dry season, the clean water costs IDR 275,000 per barrel.

    2. Sebelum adanya pipa, air hujan menjadi sumber air bersih warga Desa Malanu. Before the pipeline was established, the residents relied on the rain to get water their.

    3. Medan yang terjal dan berbatu membuat warga kesulitan untuk mengambil air bersih dari sumber air di Bukit Malanu Difficult land contour makes the water wellspring in Malanu Hills is almost unreachable by local people.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Kalau di sinisumur tidak bisa, airnya kabur-kabur, macam kita baku campur dengan lumpur

    We cannot use water from the well. Its dirty, the water being mixed with mud

    Mesak, penduduk Desa Malanu Mesak, one of Malanu Villager





  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility



  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Sejak dulu, sekitar 56 keluarga yang tinggal di kaki Bukit Malanu ini mengandalkan air hujan untuk mendapatkan air bersih. Kontur tanah yang terdiri dari batuan andesit dan pasir mengakibatkan air sulit tersimpan di dalam tanah sehingga tidak memiliki cadangan air tanah yang bersih.

    Harapan bagi 336 penduduk kampung itu untuk menikmati air bersih adalah sebuah air terjun kecil yang terletak di atas Bukit Malanu. Jaraknya yang jauh, dikelilingi hutan, dan kondisi geografis alam yang berbatu dan curam menyebabkan mereka sangat bergantung pada air hujan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersihnya. Melihat kesulitan yang mereka hadapi, sejak Desember tahun 2010 hingga 2013, PT SMI bekerja sama dengan UKiP Sorong membangun bak-bak penampungan air dan jalur pipa yang mengalirkan air bersih dari bukit menuju kampung Malanu.

    Since long ago, about 56 families who live in the foothill of Malanu relied on the rain to get their supply of water. The land contour which consists of andesite and sand makes it difficult for water to be reserved in the soil, so that it would almost be impossible to have a clean ground water reserve. We cannot use water from the well. Its dirty, the water being mixed with mud, explained Mesak, one of the staff at Papua Christian University (UKiP) Sorong, who lives in Malanu Village.

    The hope of 336 villagers to enjoy clean water lies on the small waterfall, located on top of Malanu Hills. The distance and geographical conditioncircled by rainforest and full of steep stonesallow them to only rely on rain water for their clean water supply. Considering the obstacles they have been facing, from December 2010 to 2013, PT SMI partnered up with UKiP Sorong building water dams and pipelines to transport clean water from the hill to Malanu Village.

    336penduduk menikmati manfaat kemudahan

    mendapatkan air bersih

    1. Program pipanisasi membuat kebutuhan dasar warga Malanu akan air bersih tercukupi. Now, Malanu villagers can enjoy the abundance of clean water.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Phase II(2011 2012)

    Construction of a reservoir near residences of the villagers (27m3).

    Construction of pipelines which connect the main dam with the reservoir.

    Tahap II (2011 2012)

    Pembangunan sebuah bak penampungan di dekat pemukiman warga berukuran 27m3.

    Pembangunan jalur pipa yang menghubungkan bendungan utama ke bak penampungan warga yang dibangun.

    Tahap I (2010 2011)

    Pembangunan bendungan utama berukuran 50 m3 di dekat air terjun, di atas bukit Malanu. Bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan air dari air terjun yang selanjutnya akan dialirkan ke pemukiman warga

    Phase I (2010 2011)

    The construction of the main dam (50 m3), near the waterfall, on Malanu Hills. The purpose is to gather water from the waterfall which then will be distributed into the village.

    1 2

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Tahap III (2011 2012)

    Bekerja sama dengan PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero) (PT PPA), PT SMI membangun sebuah bak induk berukuran 54m3 di kaki bukit dan 3 bak pembagi yang masing-masing berukuran 27 m3.

    Pembangunan jalur pipa HDPE sepanjang 750 meter dari bak induk ke bak pembagi yang berada dekat pemukiman penduduk di kelurahan Malanu.

    Phase III (2011 2012)

    Working together with PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero) (PT PPA), PT SMI built a major reservoir (54 m3) on the foothill and 3 dividing reservoirs (@ 27 m3).

    Construction of HDPE pipelines of 750 meter length from the major reservoir into the dividing reservoirs, close to the residences.

    3 4

    1. Untuk mendapat air yang jernih dan tekanan yang kencang, air dari sumber air ditampung terlebih dahulu di bendungan utama. To filter and get enough pressure, the water from Malanu waterfall is gather in the main dam before it is forced through pipes.

    2. Bak induk di kaki Bukit Malanu. Major reservoir in the foothill of Malanu.

    3. Air dialirkan dari bak induk menuju 3 bak pembagi menggunakan pipa HDPE. Through HDPE pipeline, the water is distributed from major reservoir to 3 dividing reservoirs near the residences.

    4. Tiga bak pembagi melayani 56 keluarga di Desa Malanu. Three dividing reservoirs supply abundance clean water for 56 families in Malanu village.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Proses pembangunan ini pun sempat menemui berbagai hambatan, seperti sulitnya membawa alat-alat pembangunan ke lokasi pembangunan karena medan Bukit Malanu yang berbatu, terjal dan berhutan lebat. Melihat kesulitan yang dihadapi pekerja, tanpa berpikir lama, warga Kampung Malanu pun bergotong royong mengangkut bahan-bahan bangunan dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan. Setiap warga Desa Malanu, bersemangat menjadi katalisator demi sumber air yang lebih baik.

    Kini warga Kampung Malanu dapat menikmati sumber air bersih yang melimpah. Kegembiraan dapat mereka nikmati setiap hari karena dengan adanya bantuan ini, mereka memiliki cadangan air bersih yang mencukupi. Anak-anak di Kampung Malanu sekarang bisa mandi dan cuci tangan sesering mungkin, para ibu bisa mencuci pakaian setiap hari dan mereka tidak perlu khawatir jika musim kemarau datang. Kami sangat bersyukur, dengan adanya bak air ini kami mudah dapat air, mau mandi, atau cuci pun jadi mudah. Tidak perlu kumpul pakaian lagi, mau mandi sepuluh kali satu hari pun bisa, ujar Mama Lourdes, salah satu warga desa Malanu.

    The construction process did meet some challenges. For instance, there was a difficulty carrying tools to the construction site caused by steep rocky surface of Malanu Hills and the heavy rainforest. Observing the hurdle faced by the workers, the villagers initiatively worked hand in hand, helping to carry the building materials and other utensils needed. Every Malanu villagers is passionate to become a catalyst for their new source of clean water.

    Now, Malanu villagers can already enjoy the abundance of clean water. As a result of this aid, they experience the happiness of having sufficient clean water reserve daily. The children of Malanu Village can now have shower and wash their hands as many times as they want, the women can wash their clothes everyday and they do not need to worry whenever the dry season arrives. We are very grateful. Because of this water dam, we can easily gain access to water; whether we want to take a bath or wash our clothes, they have become easy. We do not need to pile up our clothes, we can even have shower ten times in a day, said Mama Lourdes, one of Malanu villagers.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    1&2. Warga menikmati air bersih untuk mandi, mencuci, dan memasak. Now, the villagers have sufficient water supply for their daily needs.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Kami sangat bersyukur, dengan adanya bak air ini kami mudah dapat air, mau mandi, atau cuci pun jadi mudah

    We are very grateful. Because of this water dam, we can easily gain access to water; whether we want to take a bath or wash our clothes, they have become easy

    Mama Lourdes,Penduduk Desa Malanu One of housewives in Malanu Village

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Bak penampungan air bersih dan pipanisasi yang dibangun atas kerja sama PT SMI, UkiP, dan PT PPA bukan saja menyediakan infrastruktur yang menunjang kebutuhan dasar warga Desa Malanu, tetapi juga membangun kebersamaan di antara mereka. Warga desa bekerja sama menjaga bak penampungan air bersih agar tetap berfungsi optimal. Bila aliran air menjadi kecil, mereka bergotong royong membersihkan dedauan dan tanah yang mungkin menyumbat pipa air.

    The water dam and pipelines built together by PT SMI, UKiP, and PT PPA have not only provided infrastructure which fulfilled the primary need of Malanu villagers, but also built togetherness between them. The villagers work in harmony to preserve the cleanliness of this dam in order to make it always work optimally. If the water flow becomes small, together they clean the leaves and soil which might cause blockage to the pipelines.

    Kami sangat bersyukur, dengan adanya bak air ini kami mudah dapat air, mau mandi, atau cuci pun jadi mudah

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Flood, it is the calamity which threatens the lives of Indonesians. Jakarta, as a metropolitan city, is not spared from this disaster. Located in lowland which is passed by 13 large rivers, poor drainage and behavior of the society who still litter into the rivers have caused the capital city to often experience flooding during rainy season.

    Banjir, adalah bencana yang mengancam kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia. Jakarta sebagai kota metropolitan juga tidak luput tertimpa musibah ini. Jakarta yang terletak di dataran rendah dan dilalui 13 sungai besar, drainase yang buruk dan ditambah dengan perilaku masyarakat yang masih membuang sampah di sungai, mengakibatkan ibu kota ini kerap mengalami banjir saat musim hujan.


    Hand in Hand Rescuing Flood Victims


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    PT SMI mendukung kegiatan ini dansejak Desember 2012, dengan memberikan pengadaan fasilitas evakuasi, seperti perahu karet, kayak, jaket pelampung, obat-obatan, serta bantuan sembako juga uang tunai

    PT SMI joined in to support this program, and since December 2012, responded by contributing to the availability of evacuation facilities, such as rubber boats, kayaks, life jackets, medicines, and groceries as well as donated cash


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Pada umumnya, Jakarta mengalami siklus banjir lima tahunan, seperti tahun 2007 dan 2012, yang mengakibatkan sistem pemerintahan, ekonomi, dan aktivitas produktif lumpuh selama beberapa hari. Namun sejak tahun 2012, banjir terjadi hampir setiap tahun. Masyarakat panik menyelamatkan jiwa dan harta bendanya, sedangkan pemerintah sibuk mengatasi dampak banjir yang muncul. Mulai dari mengevakuasi warga ke lokasi aman, lokasi pengungsian, sampai dengan penanganan masalah kesehatan warga yang terdampak banjir.

    Generally, Jakarta undergoes five-year flood cycle, such as those happened in 2007 and 2012; floods which caused the government, economics and other productive activities paralyzed for few days. However, since 2012, flood comes almost every year. People got panicked rescuing their lives and their belongings, while the government got busy overcoming the impact of the flood, ranging from the evacuation to safer places, refugee camps, up to health care issues of those affected by the flood.



  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Bercermin pada banjir rutin yang masih membayangi kehidupan di Jakarta, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) bertindak cepat untuk membantu warga yang terkena dampak banjir. PT SMI kemudian mendukung kegiatan ini sejak Desember 2012, dengan membantu pengadaan fasilitas evakuasi, seperti perahu karet, kayak, jaket pelampung, obat-obatan, serta bantuan sembako juga uang tunai.

    Awal tahun 2014, bantuan evakuasi digunakan untuk mengevakuasi warga di Perumahan Pondok Jaya, Kelurahan Pela Mampang, Kecamatan Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan. Ketinggian banjir yang sampai 1,5 meter itu membuat warga harus mengungsi ke lokasi yang lebih tinggi dan aman dari banjir. Selain itu, PT SMI juga menyediakan bantuan stok makanan dan kebutuhan pokok bagi para warga yang memilih bertahan di rumahnya hingga banjir surut.

    Banjir menyisakan banyak pekerjan rumah untuk Pemerintah, juga warga yang terdampak banjir. Semoga Jakarta bisa segera terbebas banjir. PT SMI yakin, penyebab banjir bukan hanya karena alam, tapi karena perilaku manusianya. Dengan bergandengan tangan menjaga alam, banjir akan dapat diatasi bersama.

    Reflecting on regular flooding which still haunted the lives of people in Jakarta, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) acted quickly to distribute aids. PT SMI then joint in to support this program, and since December 2012, responded by contributing to the availability of evacuation facilities, such as rubber boats, kayaks, life jackets, medicines, and groceries as well as donated cash.

    In early 2014, the aid was used to evacuate the people of Pondok Jaya Housing complex, Pela Mampang Suburb, Mampang Prapatan Sub-district, South Jakarta. The 1.5 meter-height flood had caused the residents to evacuate to a higher and safer location. Moreover, PT SMI also provided food and groceries supply to those who chose to remain in their houses until the flood receded.

    Flood has certainly left much homework to the government, as well as to the people who were affected by it. Hopefully Jakarta will soon be free from flooding. PT SMI believes the cause of the flood does not rely on the nature only, but also human behaviors. Working hand in hand to preserve the nature, the challenge of flooding can surely together be tackled.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    PT SMI bersama Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) bertindak cepat membantu dan mengevakuasi warga yang terkena dampak banjir

    PT SMI worked hand in hand with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) acted quickly to distribute aids and evacuate people

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    As part of corporate social responsibility, PT SMI continuously leads an active participation in various social activities. Since 2012, we have been conducting a social movement named SMI Berbagi (SMI Cares), which is held once every three months and is involving our employees as well.

    Sebagai salah satu bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan kepada masyarakat secara luas PT SMI secara berkesinambungan berpartisipasi aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan sosial. Sejak tahun 2012, kami melaksanakan kegiatan sosial yang bertajuk SMI Berbagi, dimana kegiatan ini dilakukan rutin setiap 3 bulan dengan melibatkan partisipasi karyawan.


    SMI Cares


  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Perjalanan berbagi kasih PT SMI untuk anak-anak negeri dimulai pada 9 November 2012. Langkah pertama kami diawali dengan menyelenggarakan kegiatan menggambar dan belajar bahasa Inggris (fun english) di Al Falah, sebuah sekolah bagi pemulung yang berada di lokasi tempat pembuangan akhir Bantar Gebang, Bekasi. Pada kegiatan ini, sejumlah karyawan PT SMI terlibat mengajar bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 4-6 SD serta melatih siswa kelas 1-3 SD belajar menggambar. AL Falah adalah tempat bagi anak-anak pemulung mendapatkan pendidikan setingkat SD dan SMP. Bersama Yayasan Ummu Amanah, sekolah ini juga memberikan kegiatan belajar paket B dan C kepada warga miskin di Bantar Gebang. Tiga bulan kemudian, melalui program yang sama, kami kembali lagi mengadakan music day di sekolah Al Falah. Selain mengadakan kelas musik, PT SMI juga memberikan beberapa bantuan alat musik kepada sekolah.

    Perjalanan kami berikutnya adalah ke sebuah kelas belajar di daerah Bintaro Permai III, Pesanggrahan, Jakata Selatan, yang diasuh oleh Bapak Oky Setiarso. Kelas belajar yang dilakukan di sebuah lapak ini memberikan pendidikan non-formal bagi anak-anak kaum marginal, seperti anak-anak miskin dan remaja pemulung. Pada 31 Mei 2013, PT SMI mengadakan kegiatan menggambar dan mewarnai untuk anak-anak usia 5-10 tahun, dan memberikan meningkatkan soft skill pembuatan telur asin bagi remaja yang tinggal di pinggiran rel kereta api Bintaro.

    November 9, 2012; the date marked the first step of PT SMI benevolent journey. On that day, we carried out drawing class and fun English class at Al Falah, a school assembled for scavengers who live in Bantar Gebang, Bekasi. During this event, a number of PT SMI employees participated by teaching English to Year 4-6 students and trained the Year 1-3 students to learn how to draw. Together with Ummu Amanah Foundation, this school also conducts B and C class packages to the poor in Bantar Gebang. Three months afterwards, on February 22, 2013; within the same program, we came back to hold a music day event at Al Falah School. Beside the music class, PT SMI also granted a few set of musical instruments to the school.

    Our next step in this journey was a class in Bintaro Permai III, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, managed by Oky Setiarso. The class, which takes place in a shanty, carries out informal education for the marginal, such as the poor kids and teenage scavengers. On May 2013, PT SMI held a drawing and coloring class for the 5-10 year old children, and conducted a soft skill classsalted eggs productionfor teenagers who lived by the Bintaro railway area.

    1&2 Anak-anak di sekolah Al Falah di Bantar Gebang antusias mengikuti kelas Bahasa Inggris dan kelas menggambar

    Al Falah Students in Bantar Gebang followed Fun English day and Drawing Class enthusiastically

    3 SMI Berbagai memfasilitasi para karyawan PT SMI untuk terlibat aktif berbagi kasih pada masyarakat

    SMI Cares facilitates the employees of PT SMI to spread their love and care to community

    4&5 Pelatihan pembuatan telur asin dan bakso di Kelas Belajar Oky & Panti Asuhan Pondok Damai, Pondok Gede, Bekasi

    Soft skill training for children at Okys & Pondok Damai Orphan House, Pondok Gede, Bekasi to produce meatballs and salted eggs

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

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  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Kelas belajar Oky yang membagikan ilmu-pengetahuan dan persamaan hak ini tidak hanya berada di Bintaro, tetapi juga ada yang berlokasi di wilayah Penjaringan, Sunter, Koja, dan Cilincing. Melihat antusias teman-teman di kelas belajar Oky, tiga bulan kemudian kami kembali ke kelas tersebut untuk berbagi semangat kemerdekaan memperingati HUT RI-68 tahun. Tanggal 30 Agustus 2013, kami menyelenggarakan perlombaan dengan tema sejarah dan pahlawan bangsa. Untuk menumbuhkan nasionalisme siswa-siswi, kami pun memberikan bantuan tiang bendera pataka, serta lemari buku untuk kelengkapan belajar mereka.

    Rute terakhir kami di tahun 2013 adalah di Panti Asuhan Pondok Damai, di daerah Jatiwarna RT 013/03, Kampung Sawah, Jatiwarna, Pondok Gede, Bekasi. Di panti asuhan Katolik yang diketuai Suster Leony ini kami menyumbangkan empat tempat tidur beserta matras dan memberikan pelatihan soft skill kepada anak-anak panti yang berusia 11 tahun ke atas untuk membuat bakso. Untuk anak-anak yang berusia 5-10 tahun, kami mengajak mereka belajar menghias pohon natal dalam kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tanggal 29 November 2013 tersebut. Selanjutnya di bulan Februari 2014, SMI Berbagi dilaksanakan di yayasan Anak Langit, bertempat di Tangerang kami bernyanyi bersama dan menggambar bersama anak-anak berusia 3-6 tahun.

    Kami bertekad perjalanan berbagi kasih dan cinta untuk anak-anak negeri ini akan terus berlanjut di tahun-tahun berikutnya.

    Okys class which teaches knowledge, science, as well as equality of rights, exists not only in Bintaro, but also in areas such as Penjaringan, Sunter, Koja and Cilincing. Looking at the enthusiasm of students in his classes; three months later, we came back to conduct the 68th Indonesian Independence Day celebration, spreading the passion to the students. On August 30, 2013; we carried out a historical and national hero-themed contest. To boost their nationalism, we also took the chance to present them a flag pole and banner, and a book cabinet to support their learning activities.

    Our last route in 2013 was Pondok Damai Orphan House, located in Jatiwarna RT 013/03, Kampung Sawah, Jatiwarna, Pondok Gede, Bekasi. In this Catholic orphanage chaired by Sister Leony, we handed out four beds with mattresses and carried out soft skill training for children above 11 years old to produce meatballs. We also accompanied the 5-10 year old children to decorate a Christmas tree in an event held in that November 2013. Furthermore, on February 2014, SMI Care was held at Anak Langit foundation, Tangerang. We sang songs and drew pictures together with children aged 3-6 year.

    We are determined that this compassionate journey for the children of this country will always continue in years to come.

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility


    Kegiatan CSR LainOther CSR Activities

    Bantuan kepada korban gempa di Padang, Sumatera Barat Donation for earthquake disaster in Padang, West Sumatera.

    Bantuan bagi korban bencana banjir di Mentawai, tanah longsor di Wasior, dan meletusnya Gunung MerapiDonation for flood disaster in Mentawai, Landslide in Wasior and volcanic eruption of Merapi in Jogjakarta.


    Pembangunan MCK umum di kecamatan Tanah Sereal, BogorPublic toilet development in Tanah Sereal, Bogor.

    2009 2010

  • PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Bantuan tahap 1 (dana operasional) untuk Sekolah Pemulung Al Falah, Bantar GebangPhase 1 of donation to Al Falah School, a school assembl

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