Page 1: CSI 4500 Machinery Health TM Monitor - S&V PeakVue ® provides unique bearing fault detec- ... You have the proper

CSI 4500 Machinery HealthTM Monitor

Product Data Sheet0-4500-091306September 2006

n Automated, continuous,predictive machinery healthmonitoring of your plant’smost critical rotatingmachines

n Real-time machinery healthfeedback integrates toprocess control so you canrun your process with confi-dence

n Field-based intelligenceand event-based adaptivemonitoring transformsvibration monitoring intopredictive machinery healthalerts

n PeakVue® provides unique bearing fault detec-tion capabilities to mainte-nance personnel

n Transient analysis for turbines empowers decisions through the live turbine dashboard like nothing on the market

the machine itself and saving the production schedule. Predictionis protection for your bottom line.

The CSI 4500 Machinery HealthMonitor provides machinery prediction that complements an existing protection system providing real-time feedback toboth maintenance and operations.As part of Emerson’s PlantWeb®

digital plant architecture, the CSI4500 delivers real-time machineryhealth information when and whereit is needed. Integration with theplant’s process automation systemand AMS™ Suite: Machinery HealthManager software empowersdecision-making and reduces

Five percent of the machines in every plant have the ability tobring production to a halt. Thesecritical machines require specialattention by both maintenance andoperations–and almost alwayshave shutdown protection in placeto prevent catastrophic failure. But is that really enough to ensureproduction schedules will be met?Is the plant really protected?

Today more facilities are upgradingtheir protection systems with prediction capabilities. With prediction, the machine can beallowed to continue performingwithin acceptable parameters and repaired at the time most economically convenient to theplant. Adding prediction is the difference between just saving

Machinery HealthTM Management

Delivers real-time machinery health information so you can run your process with confidence.

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006

machinery health faults. When both prediction and protection arerequired, Emerson delivers with a complete asset managementstrategy for your most critical rotating machines.

Real-time Machinery HealthFeedback to ProcessAutomationMachinery health information is nothing new–maintenance personnel have long benefitedfrom the predictive capabilities of vibration analysis and otherintegrated technologies. But without vibration monitoring feedback to process automation,operators don’t know the effectstheir actions have on the health of rotating machines. In fact, 40% of machine faults are theresult of process variations.

The CSI 4500 and the AMSMachinery Manager send real-timeoverall vibration levels to opera-tors. If process adjustments aremade, operators see the liveimpact on machinery health. Withvibration data integrated withprocess automation, informedreal-time decisions are possible.For example, if a mill operatoradjusts a stretch roll on the papermachine and cocks the roll, vibra-tion increases immediately.Feedback to the operator is pro-vided and further adjustmentshead-off premature failure of theroll.

PlantWeb Alerts give clear, powerful indications of developing problems to anoperator at a DeltaV station.

The CSI 4500 provides machinery prediction that complements an existing protection system.

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Machinery HealthTM Management

PlantWeb Alerts provide actionable information.There are certain process variationsthat impact rotating machines innegative ways. For instance, lowtank or head levels may increase-vibration on a pump or hydro turbine. Faulty valves, incorrectprocess running conditions,upstream loads or downstreambackups may also impact machinery health.

Process event monitoring withadaptive automated vibrationanalysis will send PlantWeb Alerts,containing information about thefault, to operators at Emerson’sDeltaV™ digital automation system.As an example, when a tank levelsensor indicates the level hasexceeded a designated low setpoint, the CSI 4500 detects andautomatically adapts its monitoringstrategy to begin “watching” for acavitation parameter to exceed adefined fault level. A PlantWebAlert labeled cavitation is thendelivered to the operator at theDeltaV station. The operator cantake action such as adjusting thelevel of an upstream tank todecrease vibration and increaseefficiency on a pump, adjustingtank levels to stop cavitations, or increasingspeed of a machine to eliminate a resonance condition.

Machinery Health feedback integrates to process automation systems, such as Emerson’s Ovation® and DeltaV digital automation systems.

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006

Information for fast, accurate decision-making.As plant personnel go about theirdaily activities, the CSI 4500’s built in, exception-based proces-sor collects and distributes infor-mation to the right system or useronly when machinery healthchanges. The CSI 4500 continu-ously monitors the health of yourmachine, but sends alerts or newtrend data to Emerson’s DeltaV orOvation automation system on anexception basis when healthchanges. In addition, the CSI4500 and the AMS MachineryManager with the GT2 processoroption can deliver transient analy-sis and live views specificallydesigned for large

and critical turbo machinery. AMS Machinery Manager alsointegrates with AMS™ Suite: Asset Portal™ where machinehealth is combined with otherasset condition and performanceinformation for a plant-wide view.

Event-based monitoring links vibration information to process states.A machine that is in its normaloperating mode, or productionstate, is far from operating in asteady state" condition. With othermonitoring systems, an increasingload means increasing vibrationlevels and false alarms. This cannecessitate setting vibrationalarms extremely high to accountfor all process scenarios or events.

Much like a process automationsystem, the CSI 4500's built-inProduction State processor moreaccurately monitors process eventssuch as speed inputs, changingload, temperature, tank level orrelay closures. The CSI 4500Machinery Health Monitor process-es events, adapts its monitoring,and produces a real alarm whenmachine health changes versus afalse alarm when the load changes.Alarms are much tighter and falsealarms are decreased. This adap-tive strategy is not limited to adjust-ing alert levels; analysis types andthe frequency of analysis can auto-matically be adapted as well.

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Calendar rolls, winders, nip rolls, vacuum rolls, and changing machine speedsrequire event-based adaptive monitoring.

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Machinery HealthTM Management

Predictive Machinery HealthMonitoring for Early Warning and Planningfor the MaintenanceDepartmentException-based reportingdrives you to the problem andreduces troubleshooting timeException-based reporting allowsthe CSI 4500 to keep a closewatch on the assets, but only alert your maintenance staff when the machine healthchanges. Exception-based reporting produces specific alertsand decreases the amount of datarequired for review when it is timeto troubleshoot the alert. With the CSI 4500, troubleshootingtime can be reduced 90%

through powerful analysis toolssuch as transient analysis for turbines, PeakVue bearing health technology, and customizablereporting capabilities.

PeakVue technology is best-available bearing and gearbox anomaly detectorPeakVue technology providesearly, accurate and trendable rollerbearing and gearbox anomalydetection unmatched by all otherbearing health tools on the market.PeakVue’s patented method ofprocessing preserves the peakamplitude of the stress wave emitted from a bearing or geardefect. Preserving this peak amplitude allows trendable bearing health diagnostics.

Other bearing tools on the marketuse demodulation techniques,which subtract carrier frequenciesand use low pass filters. Theseprocesses have adverse effects onthe original peaks that PeakVuemaintains. If the carrier frequencyduring demodulation is amplitudemodulated, then the amplitude ofthe resultant bearing energy ischanging and will be less than theoriginal bearing energy collected.Furthermore, the amplitude of the bearing energy after the lowpass filter has been applied, will increase as the frequency of the defect increases.

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Through AMS Suite: Machinery Health Manager, the PeakVue technology allowsclear spikes to poke through the noise floor providing early fault detection of a Yankee dryer gearbox.

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006

When the Turbine TripsYou are comfortably home for the evening when the phone ringsand you learn the turbine justtripped. The decision to restart theequipment is yours. Although youfeel the pressure, you are confi-dent because you have two pow-erful tools to rely on–all the nec-essary data was captured toassess the event and a live tur-bine dashboard will provide assur-ance during start-up.Informationbefore, during and after the tur-bine trip is waiting for you. As youdrive to the site, you review thefacts:

1. You have the proper setup tocapture the right data surroundingthe event. With virtually no setup,you can be assured the right dataand the anomalous event will be captured.

CSI 4500T Turbine Monitor n Live Turbine Dashboardn 60 hour Data Recordern Turbine Replayn 3D Turbine Graphical

RepresentationTo illustrate the results fromEmerson’s Machinery Healthtechnologies working together to provide turbine protection, here is a short scenario.

scenarioThe AMS Machinery Manager shows live cascade and orbit plots for visual comparison provided from the GT2 Processor.

AMS Machinery Manager allows users to selectlive plots for all bearings simultaneously.

Data extraction session for post processing events orbaseline comparisons.

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Machinery HealthTM Management

2. Real-time continuous datarecording ensures events will notbe missed. With the CSI 4500, a 60 hour running history isrecorded all of the time. The CSI 4500’s continuous datarecorder will record and buffer from60 hours to over one week,depending on the number of sen-sor inputs. Auto archiving of datais also included so that small, onehour, snapshots can be perma-nently and automatically saved toa network server.

3. The live turbine dashboard willenable real-time decisions duringstart up.

When you arrive on site, they havealready found a plugged oil line tothe bearing. Now the question is“how much damage was done, and can we restart?”

Multi-channel, continuous datarecording saves you from evermissing an event and ensures theright information is available to dig

deeper into the problem. You lookat the quick views and then extractthe region of interest for moredetails, which quickly drives you to your decision.

You review the data, compare withbaseline, and confirm the vibrationis isolated to one bearing. Theshaft centerline plots tell you thebearing clearance was not exceed-ed. After fixing the oil flow issue,you advise restarting the turbineas you watch the live turbine dash-board.

The live turbine dashboard pro-vides real-time decision-making during start-up.

The live turbine dashboard, avail-able with the CSI 4500 transientsystem,provides live plots thatwere not possible before the GT2processor. Live real-time plotssuch as overall levels, orbits, shaftcenterline, Bode/ Nyquist, cascade,

waveform and spectrum, on allbearings, allow a turbine specialistto make real-time decisions.Simple Windows displays makemanipulating screens and plotseasy. Dual monitor mode helpsyou organize your views so you are staged for the startup. You can overlay baseline plots(from portable or online systems)on known good start-up plots to view the differences.

With the transient live turbinedashboard, you can make real-time decisions with operators and production staff to bring the turbine up for critical productionneeds or to shut down again to save the asset.

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In this scenario, the CSI 4500along with the AMS MachineryManager allowed the user to easily see the information to makea confident decision. Emerson’spredictive technologies, such asthe AMS Suite of applications and the CSI 4500 along with complementary PlantWeb Services, allow you to maximizeavailability and performance of key production assets to ensureoperational excellence.

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006

Chassis Options CSI 4500M MonitorThe CSI 4500M Monitor is themost common model for applica-tions in power, refining, oil & gas,petrochemical, chemical, pulp andpaper, and offshore industries.The CSI 4500M Monitor (with upto 32 sensor input channels, 16tachometer input channels and upto16 relays) offers the best choicein flexibility and cost per channel.The CSI 4500M Monitor includesthe Trip Advisory Monitor for tier 2critical machines, The ProductionState Monitor for continuallychanging machine operatingstates, and is upgradeable to theCSI 4500T Monitor, whichincludes transient analysis for tur-bines.

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CSI 4500M Monitor with G2 Processor.

For more information visit

CSI 4500MS MonitorThe CSI 4500MS ("S" denotingsmall rack size) Monitor has thesame functionality as the CSI4500M Monitor, but with a smallerrack footprint of 12 sensor inputs,2 tachometer inputs, and 2 relays.The CSI 4500MS Monitor is thebest choice for remote machinesor for machine centric monitoringapplications. The CSI 4500MSMonitor is perfect for OEM applica-tions, or when a machine needsdedicated monitoring and requiresfewer sensor inputs.The CSI4500MS is not upgradable to thetransient option.

CSI 4500MS Monitor for small channel-count applications.

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Machinery HealthTM Management

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CSI 4500 Machinery Health Monitor Enclosure SpecificationsPN A4500Mx, Where x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8PN A4500QPN A4500Tx, Where x = 3, 4, 7, 8PN A4500MSOverall System Characteristics

Enclosure Dimensions 22.25" width x 26.00" height x 11.56" depth180

oopening required for enclosure door

Environmental for CSI 4500M, 0 to 110°F (-17 to 43°C); 0 to 120°F (-17 toCSI 4500MS, CSI 4500Q 48°C) w/ fan tray accessory (PN B4500FT)

0 to 95% R.H. noncondensing

Environmental for CSI 4500T 0 to 86°F or 0 to 30°C with Fan tray (fan trayrequired) CSI 4500T is best suited for computer room, control room environment

Ratings CE EN50081-2 EmissionsCE EN50082-2 Immunity

Ordering Informationx = 1, 16 sensor input, 0 tachometer, 0 relaysx = 2, 32 sensor input, 0 tachometer, 0 relaysx = 3, 16 sensor input, 16 tachometer, 0 relaysx = 4, 32 sensor input, 16 tachometer, 0 relaysx = 5, 16 sensor input, 0 tachometer, 16 relaysx = 6, 32 sensor input, 0 tachometer, 16 relaysx = 7, 16 sensor input, 16 tachometer, 16 relaysx = 8, 32 sensor input, 16 tachometer, 16 relays

CSI 4500Q MonitorThe CSI 4500Q Monitoris a Factory Mutual,Class I Div II, Groups C and D ratedmonitor for applications in power,refining, oil & gas, petrochemical,chemical, and offshore industries.The CSI 4500Q Monitor (with 32sensor input channels, 16 tachome-ter input channels and 16 relays)includes the same functionality asthe CSI 4500M -- the Trip AdvisoryMonitor for balance of plant criticalmachines, the Production StateMonitor for continually changingmachine operating states, but is notupgradeable to the CSI 4500TMonitor. The CSI 4500Q Monitor'sonly power supply option is the24VDC source.

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006

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CSI 4500M Machinery Health MonitorOverall System Characteristics

Input Power 120 – 240 VAC 50/60 Hz

System Power Dissipation < 25 watts for 32 signals, 16 tachometers, 16 relays

< 55 watts with optional fan tray and aux power fully loaded

< 80 watts with optional transient processor

Optional Accessory Output Power -24 vdc @ 0.6A for displacement probes

CSI 4500 Chassis Dimensions 13.975" width x 12.2" height x 8" depth

Chassis Card Slots Total 6 slots: 2 slots for sensor cards, 1 slot for tachometer card, 1 slot for relay card, 1 slot for Machinery Health processor card, 1 slot for power supply card

For Latest Server Requirements click here.

OptionsPeakVue® Bearing and Gearbox PN A474504 Fault Detection Technology

Fan Tray PN B4500FT

19” Rack Mount Option D25051 (Qty 2 per rack)

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Machinery HealthTM Management

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CSI 4500M Machinery Health Monitor Processor CardSpecifications PN B4532MBG2 General

Memory Capacity 3 2 Mb SDRAM, 8 Mb FlashNetwork Communications 10/100 BaseT Ethernet NICHUB May be used for daisy chain

type network architectureLocal Communications HUB for laptop or local display, and serial portLocal Display Includes overall vibration readout and internal

chassis temperatureOnboard Test Generator All sensor channels, tachometer channels,

AC, DC amplitude and phaseCSI 4500 Rack Health Relay One relay will change states based loss of

power or rack rebootG2 Trip Advisory Monitor

Sensor Channel Scan: 16 ch rms per 500 msecOverall Vibration Scan Peak to Peak with Transient OptionDC Scan Rate Simultaneously scanned with overall vibration scan

(includes DC Gap, temperature, and accelerometer bias)

Overall Level and DC Accuracy <1% software correctedOverall Level and DC Resolution 16 bits

Data Acquisition Event Bases Relay input (polled or interrupt driven), RPM, DC, AC or software controlled

G2 Production State MonitorData Collection Event based, adaptiveData Collection Interval Event based and/or time basedData Storage Interval Exception based and/or time basedADC Resolution 24 bit, 2 channel simultaneousDynamic Range >100 dB, all rangesSpectral Resolution 100 to 6400 linesAnalysis Bandwidth Fmax 10 Hz to 40 kHz, discrete stepsSpectral Scan Rate 1 second per two channels, 400 lines,

400 Hz, 1 avg. (depends on analysis configuration)Amplitude Accuracy <1% software correctedFrequency Accuracy 0.01%, crystal basedTHD <-90 dB, all rangesPhase Accuracy 2%Analysis and Trend Types Total Energy, Energy in a range, non-sync

energy in a range, sync energy in a range, sync peak, sync phase, true peak, HFD, waveform peak to peak, RPM, gap, orbit, configurable with user defined parameter names

Analysis Setup Multiple analysis types per machine and per sensorAveraging Normal, PeakVue, Order Tracking,

Synchronous Time AveragingUnits English, Metric, Hz, CPM, OrderScaling Linear, log, dBWindows Hanning, uniform

The G2 second generationprocessor provides:

n The G2 includes a TripAdvisory Monitor and aProductin State Monitor

n An optional third processor,the GT2, is available forreal-time, simultaneous,transient data recording andtransient live display andanalysis

n Dual processors; one dedicated for protection and one dedicated for prediction

n 5 times faster processing gets you results faster

n 7 times the dynamic rangeincreases ability to detect anomalies earlier

n Twice as much built-in memory increases network and server fault tolerance

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006

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CSI 4500M Machinery Health Monitor Sensor Input CardSpecifications PN B4532MXB4532MX Specifications

Sensor Input Types Dynamic displacement probe, accelerometer, velocity probe, AC input custom definable(Flux, dynamic pressure sensor, dynamic basis weight input, etc.), DC input custom definable (temperature or other process input), 4-20 mAsignal. The CSI 4500T has truepeak to peak input.

Number of Sensor Inputs 16 inputs per card, 2 cards per rack, multiple racks linked by Ethernet

Analysis Bandwidth DC to 40 kHz and DC to 2Khz with Transient Option

AC Coupling Corner Frequency <0.5 Hz

AC Channel Accuracy <1% software corrected

Analog Integration 1 per channel (acceleration to velocity or velocity to displacement)

Analog Integrator Accuracy <2% (frequency and amplitude), software corrected

Input Ranges ±0.5 v, ±1.0 v, ±5 v, ±10 v, AC or DC rms, ±24vdc, ±24 vdc common mode auto-ranging or

software selectable

Powered Sensor Types Accelerometer and velocity probes by each sensor channel, and displacement probes by built-in aux. power supply on power supply card

Sensor Power >4 mA constant current with 22 v complianceper channel

Powered ch Input Impedance 500 KW (single ended)

Non Powered ch Input Impedance 1 MΩ (differential)

Non Powered Sensor Types Displacement, AC or DC process

RMS to DC Converter 1 per channel, 1 Hz to 40 kHz

Mux Card Analog Outputs ChX, ChY, RMS, DC/Process(Peak to Peak with Transient Option

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CSI 4500M Machinery Health Monitor Power Supply CardSpecifications PN A4532ACB4532AC Specifications

Input Power 120 – 240 VAC 50/60 Hz

System Power Dissipation < 25 watts for 32 signals, 16 tachometers, 16 relays

< 55 watts with optional fan tray and aux power fully loaded

< 80 watts with optional transient processor

Optional Accessory Output Power -24 vdc @ 0.6 A for displacement probes

Supplies Power to the Rack 5 vdc, 12 vdc, 24 vdc, 3.3 vdc, -12 vdc

Supplies Power to +24 vdc, 0.3 A output for optional fan tray Auxiliary Equipment ±24 vdc, 0.6 A auxiliary output for displacement

transducers or other

Machinery HealthTM Management

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CSI 4500M Machinery Health Monitor Fan TraySpecifications PN B4500FTB4500FT Specifications

The fan tray is intended to be used where ambient air temperature around thestainless steel enclosure of the CSI 4500 rack is between 110°F and 120°F.When ordered with a new CSI 4500 Monitor, the fan tray will be deliveredinstalled

Power to the fan tray is provided by a fan tray power auxiliary output from the front panel of the Power Supply card of the CSI 4500 Monitor.

NOTE: In conditions above 120°F ambient, active cooling or conditioned plant air should be installed.

NOTE: Fan tray required with the CSI 4500T. The CSI 4500T is the CSI4500M with the transient option. The CSI 4500T should be installed in a con-trol room / computer room environment not to exceed 86F or 30C

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006

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CSI 4500M Machinery Health Monitor Tachometer CardSpecifications PN B4532TAB4532TA Specifications

Number of Tachometer Channels 16 inputs per rack, 1 card per rack, multiple racks linked by Ethernet

Tachometer Frequency Inputs 0.1 Hz to 2 kHz (6 RPM to 120,000 RPM)

Tachometer Frequency Accuracy 0.1%

Tachometer Resolution 0.002 Hz @ 60 Hz (0.1RPM)

Tachometer Types Eddy current displacement probe, TTL, passive magnetic

Tachometer Input and trigger pulse range ±0.5 v to ±24 v, ±25 v CM

Pulse Characteristics 1 pulse per revolution, 500 µS/min. pulse width,tach divider on card

Modes Volt compare, automatic adaptive, divide by N

Input Impedance 1 MΩ (differential)

CSI 4500M Machinery Health Monitor Relay CardSpecifications PN B4532IO-x (x = 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)B4532IO Specifications

Number of Channels 16 input or output relay channels, 1card per rack, multiple racks linked together by Ethernet

Relay Types Each channel socketed for a standard Opto22 style digital plug in module. These 4 KV optically isolated modules are available in AC/DC inputs or outputs from 4 V to 280 V or dry contact outputs.

Auto Resetting Voting configurable for thrust or radial0 to 10s programmable time delay for 2 sensor voting logic

Response Time 50 µsec to 50 msec depending on module

System Interface Software polled or interrupt driven

Interrupt Output Interrupt on pattern match or changeOrdering Information

x = 1, [4] inputs IDC5B & [12] outputs ODC5 (standard)x = 2, [12] inputs IDC5B & [4] outputs ODC5x = 3, [8] inputs IDC5B & [8] outputs ODC5x = 4, [16] inputs IDC5Bx = 5, [16] outputs ODC5

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CSI 4500MS Machinery Health Monitor EnclosureSpecifications PN A4500MS

Overall System CharacteristicsEnclosure Dimensions 11" width x 16.00" height x 11.56" depth

180° opening required for enclosure door

Environmental 0 to 100°F (-17 to 50°C); 0 to 120°F (-17 to 60°C) w/ fan tray accessory (PN B4500FT)0 - 95% R.H. noncondensing

Ratings CE EN50081-2 EmissionsCE EN50082-2 Immunity

OptionsPeakVue® Bearing and Gearbox PN A474514Fault Detection Technology

Mounting Kit for 4500MS PN A4500SKWithout Enclosure

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Product Data SheetSeptember 2006 Machinery HealthTM Management

©2006, Emerson Process Management.The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort hasbeen made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, expressor implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice.Emerson Process Management, PlantWeb, AMS, DeltaV, Ovation, PeakVue, CSI and Machinery Health are marks of one of the Emerson Process management family of companies. The Emerson logo is a trademarkand service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Emerson Process ManagementAsset Optimization Division835 Innovation DriveKnoxville, Tennessee 37932T (865) 675-2400F (865) 218-1401

Online Machinery Health Management powers PlantWeb through condition monitoring ofmechanical equipment to improveavailability and performance.

CSI 4500MS Machinery Health Monitor Sensor CardSpecifications PN B4532MM-XB4532MX Specifications

Number of Sensor Channels 12 sensor inputs, specifications same as B4532MX

Number of Tachometer Channels 2 tachometer inputs, specifications same as B4532TA

Number of Relay Channels 2 relay channels, specifications same as B4532IO

Number of Cards Per Rack 1 sensor/tachometer/relay card, 1 processor card, 1 power supply card, multiple racks can be linked by Ethernet

Ordering InformationRelay Options B4532MM-x, where x = 2, 3, 4

x = 2, [2] inputs IDC5Bx = 3, [2] outputs ODC5x = 4, [1] inputs IDC5B & [1] outputs ODC5

CSI 4500T Machinery Health Monitor Transient SpecificationsPN B4532DBB4532DB Specifications (includes all B4532MB Specifications)

Number of Channels Up to 32 channelsMemory Capacity 64 Mb SDRAM, 8 Mb FlashAC Channel Accuracy <1%, software corrected, 3% Mag/PhaseFrequency Range DC to 40 kHz Production State Monitor

DC to 2Khz with Transient Monitor, Peak to Peak rectification configurable

ADC Resolution 16 bitsSpectral Resolution 200 lines - 6400 linesDynamic Range >80 dBNumber of Tach Channels 4 fixed channels from the B4532TA tachometer

card. Requires at least 1 of 4Data Recorder 60+ hoursCommunication 10 \100base-T Ethernet HUB and NIC

100 BaseT recommended for TransientCSI 4500 Rack Health Relay Relay will change states based on loss

of power or rack rebootFor more information visit

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