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Pray with us for the following areas:88. Government - The Calgary police service and RCMP in the surrounding areas have been under immense attack and vilified by certain groups and media which has resulted in very low morale. Please pray that these people who serve to protect will feel encouraged and supported. Pray that many will turn to the Lord in this time and that there will be opportunity from within to share the gospel. We have learned that plearned that prayer groups have been initiated within the police department so pray that this will gain momentum.

99. Media - In today's news media, much of what is reported is often subjective and the opinion of the reporter. Please pray for integrity to be returned and instilled so that news will be communicated objectively and without bias. Pray for the salvation of those who write and broadcast news that influence Calgary and the surrounding areas.

1010. Art & Entertainment - This area of influence has a broad spectrum of expressions. Pray for God to fill his people with skill, ability, and knowledge in every kind of craft. Pray that Godly principles and truth will come to the forefront that will be genuine and not counterfeit.

1111. Business - People are losing their businesses and jobs are being lost due to the continued shut down. Please pray for those affected that they will be able to rebuild or find new creative ways to start over. Pray against discouragement and depression and for salvation to come to those who are feeling hopeless due to the current situation.

1212. Education - Some school boards are shutting down again for the foreseen future. Please pray that students will not feel isolated leading to depression, anxiety and other emotional struggles. Pray that many will seek and find the love of God through this time and that the Lord will reveal himself to them in varying ways that cannot be discounted or denied. Pray that this will be an opportunity for kids to engage in local engage in local youth groups as a way to connect and ultimately hear the gospel.

13. Religion - Please pray that churches in Calgary and surrounding communities will see the value and need for intimate times of worship and prayer. That in this season of uncertainty, there will be deeper longing for the presence of God not only in services but in everyday routines and activities.

1414. Family - Father God is a God of reconciliation and restoration. Pray for a spirit of unity, reconciliation, and restoration to heal from unforgiveness shame and blame between husbands and wives, parents and children and between siblings.

1. Praise God for all His Mercies, Blessings, Faithfulness and Protection – Psalm 103: 1-2 Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits

2.2. 2 Chronicles 7:14 - if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Please pray into areas of repentance, acknowledge our sins, lack of humility, lack of prayer. Our repentance will lay the groundwork for restoration. 33. Pray for a great revival that would first break out within Us first, and then spread to our Churches, City, Province and Nation. Pray for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. A Fresh Wind of the Holy Spirit to blow through our churches, to move us out of our comfort zones so that we would be the conduits that the Lord can use to touch the lives of many with the gospel message.

44. Pray for those who have lost that passion and fire for God, that they would come back to their first love and be on fire for the Lord and our mission would be to introduce people to Jesus and help them become fully devoted followers of the Lord.

55. Education - Satan has a specific agenda to negatively influence and indoctrinate through the education system. Pray against a spirit of intimidation, manipulation and abusive practices that would pressure students to conform to ideologies that continue to erode the Biblical moral principles our nation was founded on.

66. Pray for increased opportunities to share Christ for our partner agencies around the world. Due to covid, needs have increased exponentially while at the same time workers have decreased along with resources. Pray for India, facing the second wave of corona virus with hospitals unable to respond to the onslaught of needs and increasing high number of deaths. The church has been hit significantly with mamany pastors passing away but are asking us to pray that God to use this pandemic to bring the greatest awakening to India that has ever seen.

7. BUILD - Praise the Lord that warmer weather has arrived and the BUILD project is able to resume outdoor work. Pray for the soon delivery of materials that have been delayed, the soon completion of the NW Campus, and safety at both construction sites. Pray that our neighbours will be drawn into relationship with our great God and Savior.

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