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GKM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYCHENNAI 63Department of Information Tecno!o"#$%G & Interna! Te't ( IYear&)em* I+&+II ,ranc* IT)-. Co/e&Name* C)0102(A/3ance/ Data.a'e Tecno!o"#Ma4 Mar5'* 61Date* 70&18&0176 D-ration* 7%6 r'9art AAn':er a!! te ;-e'tion'*7? mar5'@1. Defne ACID in transaction processing.2. List out the diferent levels in data base tuning?3. Diferentiate distributed intra quer parallelis! "ro! inter quer parallelis!.#. Diferentiate distributed database and nor!al database. $. %tate an t&o "eatures o" distributed database.'.(rite an %)L quer to retrieve e!ploee na!e and ID "ro! a table e!ploee?*. List the "eatures o" DD+?9art ,An':er an# tree ;-e'tion'*36 mar5'@1. Discuss in detail about cost based quer opti!i,ation in -D+.% &ithe/a!ple.2. (rite short notes on transaction processing in -D+.%.3. Discuss quer opti!i,ation in DD+.% brie0.#. Illustrate the several architectural !odels "or parallel database.$. Discuss t&o phase loc1ing protocol technique "or concurrenc in detail. %ub %taf %ub .entor 23D

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