
“a secret world of strange andfast-moving creatures”

An alternate reality game created by Jane McGonigal

for the American Heart Association

How to Run with the BATZEES

Leap up and try to touch the top of every doorframe you pass. One at a time, touch both elbows to the top of every bin, box or hydrant.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the DAKALOPES

Huge skipping steps, with knees and arms reaching up as high as possible to move quickly across open spaces. Take high hops when moving along large items along the path so to be safe at crossings.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the MEGA FLUMENS

Hold hands in a chain. Slalom run between any two or more things lined up in a row.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the METAL MUSERS

As you run past metal items, you have to stop and tap the “pon ponpata pon” rhythm. If you hear or see a squirrel or other tiny rodent, you show your fear - duck down and cover your ears for 3 seconds.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the MOCKING HERD

In groups of 3-5, oogle sign posts and painted street symbols –shaping yourself to mimic the symbol. A leader vocalizes approval. If passing a stairway, must arrange one on each step and hold a pose for 3 seconds. Then hold onto each other as you dash on your way.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the NINJA RABBITS

Crouch run along side all parked cars. Hop on one foot between cars. Switch hopping foot now and then.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the ROCKSQUATS

As you are running, if you see an unclaimed boulder, immediately sit on it and “stamp” ownership. Any animals that approach rocks are quickly chased away.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the SLAMINASRun backwards. Avoid all cracks in the pavement.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the SPRINGBORASRun with your arms over your head. Bounce on every parking meter or hydrant. To bounce: press down with two hands, jump up!

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the SPRINTING ARBSSprint! Camoflauge yourself as a tree for 3 seconds when someone passes you from the opposite direction.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the SQUIGBOTSFrom behind, pass people on the right side only. Pass everyone else on the left side only. Get confused? Squat and tuck for 3 seconds.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the SUMMIT MONKEYS

Swing around every pole. Run up and down any steps you pass.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the SWING DOGSSpin around 3 times on any grates or covers. Swing under any railings.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the SWING DONGEYSSpin 3 times on every grate or sewer cover you come to – novices may choose to spin only 1-2 times – professionals spin 4 times! Swing only once around telephone poles and other posts.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the TIPTREESRun a full circle around every tree. Run or jump on any raised surface you can reach! When scrambling along ledges or benches, chatter as you run.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the WEAVLES

Holding on to each other in a single file line, weave between rows of obstacles. When you spot a lone man-made object, for a circle and dance around it.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the WHIP ZANANAS

Crouch-run along side any hedges or ledges. Slalom run between any 2 or more things lined up in a row.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the WOBBLE LOPES

Spin 3 times. Run on the curb. If you fall off, spin around three times before running further.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

How to Run with the WOLF WORMS

Run in tight pack formation. Duck under anything you can. Crawl through anything you can.

Sketch by Natalie Cartwright

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