
Crossroads Weekly Newsletter Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cross the Threshold

Wanda Alger

This past Saturday night during our Sanctuary Soaking Time, I was feeling a bit disconnected. Having

been gone for over 2 weeks, I just wasn’t “feelin’ it”! I felt like I was on the outside looking in. The

Lord seemed to understand and told me to go pray “at the threshold” of the sanctuary. I looked

at the back of the sanctuary where the lobby was and decided I needed to go pray there.

As I walked back and forth between the lobby and the entrance to the sanctuary I prayed. I began

to feel my spirit stir and started to pray in tongues. I soon began to realize that I was prophesying

something and the Lord gave me the interpretation as I prayed:

There are many who are standing at the threshold of My Presence. They are not the critics, the

naysayers or the doubters. They are not hard-hearted or unwilling. They are simply hesitant to enter.

Because the “first responders” into my presence often appear more passionate or expressive, others

question whether they belong. Some have even disqualified themselves because they don’t know if

their expression or response has meaning.

But, I tell you, what you see is, as of yet, incomplete. I need ALL of you to come and none to hold

back. Each expression is unique. Every need is different and every response is valid. It’s only when

every part of my Body crosses the threshold from the outer courts into the inner courts that things

will be put into their proper place and the fullness of My presence can come. Cross the threshold

and enter into ALL that I have for you. The table is set for the entire family.

Then I heard the Lord ask, “What does Hunger look like?” As I prayed about how we respond to

God and enter into those deeper places of intimacy, He posed this question about hunger. I

immediately thought of my own kids when they are hungry. When those hunger pangs start (and it

doesn’t take long!) they usually go right to the refrigerator and rummage through it. They open the

cupboards and push things aside to find out what’s there. If nothing is there that will satisfy, they

eventually come to me and ask, ‘what’s there to eat?!’

Spiritual hunger should cause us to look, to search, to dig, to take action and push other things

aside to find out what will truly satisfy our heart longings. When we cross the threshold from

standing on the sidelines to entering into God’s Presence, we are simply telling our Heavenly Father

that we’re hungry.

"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give

him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how

much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:9-12)

The level of our spiritual hunger is what will propel us to cross those thresholds from simply

watching to entering in – from wondering to knowing HIS wonder – from feeling left out to

experiencing His love and acceptance first-hand. Let’s not leave the Holy of Holies experience to

only a few. It’s meant for all of us, just as we are.

You just have to be hungry enough to open the door.

Prayer Needs

Praise Reports!

Thanks to faithful giving, the operating expenses deficit for Crossroads now stands at only $649.61!

Word received on Sunday morning during worship: Every year the Apple Blossom Festival has a “theme”. This year’s was “Love in Bloom”.

I feel the Lord is saying, ‘My love is in bloom in this place and will flow out to My precious

town of Winchester. I will redeem this Festival, one that will honor me.

Now, bloom where you are planted for I love you!

Answered prayer and evidence of God’s presence in the streets!..... It was reported in this week’s Winchester Star that crime was down overall for this year’s

Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival, according to local authorities. “Folks really did behave

themselves,” said Winchester Police Department… (hmmm – could it be the Fear of the Lord

we prayed for?...)

Prayer Requests: Mike L: Ask God to give me a breakthrough in my job search this week. Taylor J: Please pray for finances to work out for a school I am planning to transfer to in the fall. Pray for Bron L who is currently in the hospital dealing with numerous health issues. Wanda A: Nathan is praying for a car to purchase for his move to California in June. Pray for a deal that will give God all the glory (and get great gas mileage!)

Church Prayer Focus: Worship: Continue to pray for the worship team as they lead the congregation into the Lord’s presence each Sunday. Pray for protection from the enemy’s attempts to distract or discourage them individually and as a team. Pray for fresh personal encounters with the Lord. Pray for creativity and prophetic freedom to flow. Pray for more musicians to continue stepping up to their call and gifting.

LIFE Groups: Pray blessing on LIFE group leaders to have wisdom and revelation as they lead. Pray for newcomers to find a place of belonging. Pray for new leaders to emerge and for the ministry within each group to be Spirit-led and life-giving. DISCOVERY WEEKEND: Pray that the word would go out and the vision caught about transforming revival coming to Winchester. Pray for those with hungry hearts to get the needed information to register for the weekend. Pray for those planning and leading the weekend. Pray the momentum would build in the next few weeks and we would experience breakthrough due to the coming together of unified hearts.


REGISTER for the DISCOVERY WEEKEND (May 30 – June 1)

Receive a FREE Transformations Trailer DVD

for those who register this Sunday

This DVD includes inspirational “snapshots” from these Sentinel full-length documentaries:

Transformations I and II, The Quickening, Let the Sea Resound and An Unconventional War. Use to

show at home groups or with friends to share the vision.

(limited quantity)

Register online with credit card at any time at:


Pay by check or cash this coming Sunday.

$50 per person NOW - $65 after May 22

Sanctuary Soaking – Saturday night from 7-8 p.m. in Crossroads Sanctuary

Preparing our hearts and homes for God’s presence to come!

Upcoming Events

Yard and Craft Sale THIS SATURDAY May 11, 8 am-2 pm Joint Arts and Crafts and Yard Sale Event for Haiti Youth Trip!

If you wish to donate items please contact Debbiy Bourdage ASAP at 540-931-7966

Local crafters selling their wares; Lots of yard sale bargains, too. Come and support the cause!

8-week Hebrew Introductory Class Thursday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 (Crossroads)

Meeting in the Prayer Room.

Silver Ring Thing Presents REWIND

TONIGHT, Wednesday, May 8th 6:30-8:30 pm at the Sportsplex! The national event that defies the norms of the culture and speaks honestly to teens about

sex. A great event for teens and young adults to attend. For more information for registration

and tickets go to:

Mighty Men’s Prayer Breakfast – May 18th, 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. This month will be led by John Sullivan. He shares what to expect:

Title: Finding God in your life. Finding your life in God.

Things to bring: 1) Your Bible, 2) Something that represents you and what you do (like a

tool you might use in your work, a picture of something you do with your family, a hobby you

do with others, etc.)

Who can come: Any guy ages 10 and up. Dad's - bring your sons if they are old enough! It

can make a lasting impression on your sons to just "hang out" with Dad.

Assignment from last time: To find something or someone in the Bible that reminds you

or is similar to what you do related to the "Thing to bring". (Okay, so maybe you won't find a

car mechanic specifically in the Bible - although someone had to keep up those chariots!), but

there are plenty of people who help fix things, or are related to the topic of transportation


I hope this will help us guys get the most out of our next meeting together with God and His

Word. Thanks for the opportunity! (John Sullivan)

ABBA Walk for Life, Saturday, May 18th, 9am

Jim Barnett Park, Optimist Shelter

Join Us! It’s an easy walk at the park for the whole family. Walk on your own if you can’t join

us May 18th. Register and Download your pledge form at

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