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Cross Keys Dec 2013

The Cross Keys The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone

Walking the Road / Seeking the Light December 2013 Number 171

In this issue:

Views of an older mason

New master in 242

The Battle of Salado Creek in Texas

Annual Trip to Busby

Liberal arts & sciences

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Cross Keys Dec 2013

As a PM of nearly 36 years in the East of Scotland, I decided to put pen to paper—

something I have rarely done in the past. The Scottish Craft has changed dramatically

from the 1960s when I joined—the attendances are down, the fees are up, there is less go-

ing on in lodges other than degrees (even without a candidate), lodges find it difficult to

fill all offices, social clubs are struggling for brethren to work and use them, discipline

cases at Grand Lodge have increased, there is more bickering in lodges due to fewer

brethren, the same brethren have to do more (degree work or just maintenance in their

premises), PGLs are not respected, fewer professional people show any interest in joining

and I could go on!

I went to the ICHF this year (great fun), but was taken aback when I spoke to one of the

(non-mason) researchers from a university. It would appear they are very interested in

Scottish masonry, but she did emphasise it was only up to the 19th Century—she felt

Scottish Freemasonry ceased to be of interest and of any historical use after the start of

the 20th Century. I asked why? Her main reason was that Scotland (and England in

some respects) led the way initially while taking their lodges across the empire. Social

history of most countries was tied with the Craft and unless both aspects were reviewed,

a complete story could not be told. Her view was that since WW1, nothing of interest

happened in Scotland which now lags behind—it became a drinking club for the working

class( italics are my view). Social clubs certainly increased the level of drinking (which

was essential revenue at the time), but it also decreased the quality of member and put

many off.

Today, we are still suffering from this—candidates are taught nothing because very few

want to instruct apprentices. Too many are after gongs and sliding up the slippery road

in PGL. Very few are examples to follow. We often hear about starting at grass roots in

football—we need to do this in lodges and forget about promotions if we want the Craft

to become healthy again. Some US Grand Lodges only have 6/7 office bearers—why does

PGL have so many? This usually costs the lodge more money, either from a free meal or

drink. AND that is why so many PGL office bearers attend! As well as getting a wee jew-

el at the end. The standard of their office bearers varies hugely from being very compe-

tent to utter buffoons. How can brethren be expected to respect and support such a body.

Their annual visit to a lodge in most cases is a waste of time often not seeing a degree—

do they need to? I’m sure plenty of brethren would complain to Grand Lodge if they

thought something strange was creeping into degrees. Books need audited—absolutely,

because we have too many willing to take from the Craft. And in more ways than one

without putting anything back into it.

How many of our brethren today are even interested in learning more? What percentage

read the Ashlar? Less than 5% I would guess. The ICHF was in Scotland and we had on-

ly 3 Scottish speakers (I think). Why? How many PGMs attended? How many of their

commissioned office bearers attended? How many Grand Lodge office bearers attended?

Damn few—and I think that is deplorable!! They have a nerve to hold these offices and

Are my Views in the Minority

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Cross Keys Dec 2013

preach about masonry, but don’t support a conference like this where we have a chance

to show off Scottish masonry. Or do they not attend because they are not in the lime

light? Too many are not leading by example, but use PGL to boost their egos and their


I am too old and so are most brethren in my lodge. We haven’t had a candidate for over

2 years and we rent premises—perhaps we should hand back the charter. If Grand

Lodge allowed us to affiliate to another lodge for free, I would. However, the so called

leaders of our Craft should do something—resign! Being a rugby man, I don’t keep

abreast of football, but Rangers board seems to be in the papers everyday. Perhaps the

average mason should do what their fans are doing and push for a take over to get rid of

an incompetent board? PGL has become a PMs club for brethren wishing to do little.

And now we have PMs with no experience (often as IPM or only a year in) joining PGL.

Why? Good, experienced PMs often don’t want tarred with the PGL brush of mediocri-

ty. Who can blame them?

Scotland is also unique in that we have only ever had one grand lodge. Is it time to

change that? Of course not, but we are going no where at the moment. How long do we

wait until the decline in all out standards has actually changed what we perceive to be

regular freemasonry. Am I being too critical—perhaps, but is my view shared by the


If Bro. McApathy doesn’t get a hold of brethren, I would be interested if anyone replies

to my letter.

I have asked Bro. Grant to keep me anonymous—why? I know I would get some very

adverse comments thrown at me. Let brotherly love prevail!

*Ed+: I decided to put this in exactly as it came. Often I alter parts or reduce the length,

but I felt this is an excellent article with many points worthy of comment. I am also

interested to see if any brother will reply, but I hae ma doobts . . . What about some

Provincial brethren?

Are my Views in the Minority (ctd)

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Cross Keys Dec 2013

New Master in 242

The new master of 242 is Bro.

Allan Stobo Jnr who was in-

stalled in an excellent manner

by his father Bro. Allan Stobo

Snr PM 242 and Bro. David

Grimsley PM 242. The mas-

ter can be seen with his in-

stalling masters (dad on the

right) aka Bros Stadler and

Waldorf although caught off

guard here smiling.

The OBs for 2013 –14 are

shown below.

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The Battle of Salado Creek, Texas

After the defeat of Antonio López de Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836, the

Mexicans signed the Treaties of Velasco... but it didn't take long for Santa Anna to re-

group and invade Texas again.

This time he was not going to risk being captured. Instead of leading the army himself, he

sent General Adrian Woll, a Frenchman who had served under Napoleon.

On September 11, 1842, as the thick dawn fog lifted, shocked San Antonio citizens awoke

to see hundreds of Mexican troops standing at parade rest in Alamo Plaza. General Adri-

an Woll gleamed with pride at his success: the most important city in Texas was under

his complete control.

In Gonzales,Texas, Masonic Brother and Colonel

Matthew "Old Paint" Caldwell gathered his men and

started for Seguin. Masonic Brother Alfred Sturgis

Thurmond was town marshal at Victoria, and joined his

friend and Masonic Brother Ewen Cameron's Texas

Ranger company for the trip. They united with Masonic

Brother John "Coffee" Hay's Texas Ranger company and

Masonic Brother. A.C. Horton’s Texas Ranger company

from Matagorda, and others, and headed toward San


When the Texans arrived at San Antonio, they were

over 200 strong, but were outnumbered over 8 to 1 by

Woll's forces. Col. Caldwell (commanding) reasoned

that if Woll could be lured into the open prairie, the out-

numbered Texans could give a good account of themselves

from their fine defensive position in the bed of Salado

Creek. After the long ride, only thirty-eight horses in the

Texan camp were fit for duty, thus only thirty-eight men

could go in as decoys.

Brother Masons and Texas Rangers John ‚Coffee‛ Hays and

Henry McCulloch, taking six men with them, boldly ven-

tured to within half a mile of the Alamo, taunting the Mexi-

can cavalry to come out and fight. Hays had expected to be

pursued by about forty or fifty Mexicans. Instead, as the

Texans rode into the town, they encountered Woll's entire

force of about 500 mounted cavalry, already in the sad-

dle! The Mexicans gave immediately chase.

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The Battle of Salado Creek, Texas (ctd)

As Hays, McCulloch, and their half dozen companions rode out of town, with over 500

Mexicans in chase, and approached the rest of the group

of about 30 Rangers who were hiding in ambush, Hays

yelled orders to them to mount and fall back. (Editor’s

note: I suspect he did not have to say it twice!) The

rangers fell back across the mesquite-covered prairie to-

ward Caldwell's position.

For the first four miles of the chase, the Texans had the

advantage of a lead of about half a mile. Too soon, how-

ever, the fresh horses ridden by Woll's men began to

gain on the somewhat jaded mounts of the rangers. As

the Mexicans gained ground, the Texans threw off blan-

kets, hats, and raincoats in an attempt to lighten their

horses' loads. "The race," wrote Masonic Brother and

Reverend Z. N. Morrell, "was an earnest one."

The Mexicans made a desperate effort to cut off Hays by

passing his right flank. McCulloch and his men kept be-

tween Hays and the Mexicans, sending couriers every half mile or so to cause Hays’ men

to peel off and head for the timber. Finally, when the timberline was reached, Brother

McCulloch had only one man left with him, Masonic Brother and Texas Ranger Creed

Taylor. These two had been targets of the entire Mexican force for the last half mile, at a

range of 150 to 200 yards, and it was estimated that the Mexicans fired over 200 rounds at

them. Neither man, however, was hit by a single musket ball.

By the time the battle lines were drawn between the Texans in the Salado Creek bed and

the Mexican troops, over 1,100 Mexicans troops would be involved in the fight against

just a few more than 200 Texans.

Masonic Brother Rufus Burleson, one of the combatants, wrote: ‚Their grand old leader,

Col. Caldwell, in a few words of burning eloquence, said, "Boys we can never surrender;

we must all die fighting; and although they outnumber us eight to one we can whip them

as we did at San Jacinto." He called on Elder Z. N. Morrell, who was equally gallant in the

use of the musket as in wielding the sword of the spirit, to encourage the boys. The old

hero cried aloud, "Boys, we are going into battle against fearful odds, eight to one, but

their cannon can't hurt us entrenched as we are. Keep cool. Don't fire till you see the

whites of their eyes. Shoot every man who wears an officer's cap or sword, and before

God we can whip them." Just at that moment the cannon roared and the shot rattled

among the tops of the trees and cut down the limbs.‛

Mexican cannon fire, though well directed, shot harmlessly over the creek and the Tex-

ans, while the devastating return fire of the Texan sharpshooters withered the resolve of

the experienced but outwitted Mexicans.

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The Battle of Salado Creek, Texas (ctd)

Only one Texan died along the Salado in the nearly five hours of the battle. On the Mexi-

can side, the toll was difficult to confirm. Eyewitnesses at the scene claimed over 60 had

died and at least 200 wounded. By 6.00 p.m., Gen. Woll realized that his situation along

the Salado was untenable, and that other Texan reinforcements would turn the tide of

battle against him. Cutting his losses, Woll ordered the playing of victory call by the bu-

glers, and gathering up some of the bodies of his fallen soldiers, marched "with great

fanfare and celebration" back into San Antonio. By Monday evening, Woll was marching

southwest out of the city, with Texans giving chase. Harassed by snipers, the Mexicans

nevertheless reached the Rio Grande and crossed into Mexico.

The Texans would hold up at the Rio Grande, awaiting orders from Bro. Sam Houston

to cross. This was the prelude to the Mier Expedition.

Dawson Massacre

Another company of Texans at the Battle of Salado Creek were not as successful. A sep-

arate company of 54 Texans, mostly from Fayette County, under the command of Nicho-

las Mosby Dawson, arrived at the battlefield and began advancing on the rear of the

Mexican Army. The Mexican commander Woll, afraid of being surrounded, sent be-

tween 400 and 500 of his soldiers and one or two cannon to attack the group. The Texans

were able to hold their own against the Mexican rifles, but once the cannon got range the

Texan fatalities mounted quickly.

Dawson realized the situation was hopeless and raised a

white flag of surrender. Both sides continued to fire,

however, and Dawson was killed. Within an hour, thirty-

six Texans were killed, fifteen were captured and three


Bro. Dick Brown PM

Chairman of History Committee

Grand Lodge of Texas

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From The Masonic News in June 1872. This was an old Glasgow (Masonic) newspaper

from 1872—74, but contains many fascinating topics which will appear over the next few


Annual Trip to Busby No.458

Ctd over

Lodge Thorntree

Glasgow Star


A very public


No. 103

Toasts in open


Enjoyment in


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Annual Trip to Busby No.458 (ctd)

Master’s Diary

Our master is hoping to make the following visits to sister lodges in December. If any

brother would like to attend with Bro. Allan, please contact him or just meet him at the

lodge. They are:

St. Barchan No.156 on Tuesday 3rd

Craigends No.1042 or RCK No.370 Installation on Thursday 5th

Garthland St. Winnoch No.205 on Saturday 7th

POW No.426 Installation or Glennifer No. 1219 on Tuesday 10th

St. Barchan No.156 Installation on Saturday 14th

Thistle & Crown No.1167 on Thursday 19th

Craigielea No.1218 on Monday 23rd

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Liberal Arts & Sciences

To understand why the seven liberal arts and sciences are relevant today, imagine a geo-

metric compass. The first leg, the point that anchors it, represents an approach to learn-

ing. The second leg, the drawing tool, represents the lessons themselves. The circle that it

draws represents a way of life.

In the second degree of Masonry, the candidate begins to work on the ‚approach to learn-

ing‛ leg of the compass. He is asked to reflect on the structure of learning, why learning

is important, and how he will continue to learn as life goes on. Enter the seven liberal arts

and sciences.

Like any muscle, the brain must be conditioned. The seven liberal arts and sciences are

like a comprehensive cross-training routine. Most of us probably feel a tractor-beam pull

toward some of the liberal arts over others. The left-brain thinkers are tempted to gravi-

tate to logic, the intuitive types to rhetoric, the tone-deaf give music wide berth. But just

like weight training can improve a distance runner’s speed, we improve our overall intel-

lect by studying all seven.

We also improve our ability to learn, and our inclination to ask ‚Why?‛ in the first place.

Whether we are trying to understand the importance of a word in a piece of Masonic ritu-

al or studying the interplay between dissonance and harmony in a piece of music, we are

working at problems that require concentration. Like early man puzzling over the heav-

ens, we have to struggle a bit. Just when we’ve arrived at one answer -- say, we grasp the

importance of a keystone in an arch -- we are confronted with a series of entirely new

questions: Who first invented the keystone, and when, and why? What is its symbolic


That’s the challenge, and ultimately the benefit, of the seven liberal arts and sciences. The

more we study them, the more subtle their lessons become. They require a real digging; a

commitment to noodle around with a tricky concept and hold it in our mind until, sud-

denly, like Newton and the apple, we break through to a deeper level of understanding.

This is the kind of thinking that’s supposed to happen inside Masonic lodges.

‚The liberal arts and sciences go to the core of the power of our symbolism in Freemason-

ry,‛ says R. Stephen Doan, a past grand master in California and vice chair of the Insti-

tute for Masonic Studies. ‚You join a group that is asking you to think about things in a

manner totally foreign from the way in which you’ve thought about them before. You’re

trying to look at more things symbolically. Once you understand that the tools of archi-

tecture have symbolism, you begin to realize that other processes have symbolism, too.

You are forced to look at different things and ask, ‘Why is that happening?’‛

Scottish masons would do well to think more about the Craft than we currently do.

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Cross Keys Dec 2013

Sunday 15th December, 2013—pick up Christmas parcels from Lodge Inchinnan between

11 and 12. Don’t forget extra parcels now £8 each.

Monday 13th January, 2014—PGC in Lodge 307, Barrhead at 7pm.

Saturday 25th January, 2014—Tri-Annual Communication and Annual Meeting of the

PGL in Barrhead: seated by 2.15pm

PGL News

GL News

The Broken Column

Once again the Grand Lodge of Scotland is delighted to host the Phoenix Choir for a

Christmas Concert on Sunday, 8 December 2013.

Doors open at 2.00 pm and the concert will commence at 2.30 pm. A complimentary

refreshment will be available. The concert is sponsored by W. T. Dunbar Funeral

Undertakers and the proceeds will go to the charities: The Princess Royal Trust and

Prostrate Scotland.

Tickets for the concert are available from Freemasons' Hall by telephone (call 0131

225 5577) or by calling in person. Credit and debit cards can be used for payment.

Tickets are priced at £10.00 each.

Q. Why the ‚broken column‛ in Freemasonry?

Answer: Among the ancients, columns or pillars were used to signify princes or nobles,

as if they were pillars of state. A broken column would signify a ‚fallen Prince,‛ the

weakening of the state. Thus we have the broken column as a symbol of the fall of one of

the chief supporters of the Craft. This is more common in American masonry rather than


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Continuing the series, this article entitled The Importance of Sideliners:

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Fire at Masonic temple, Massachusetts

December Events in 242

Thursday 12th December—FC by OBs

Thursday 26th—cancelled

Sir William Wallace RAC -

19th December—EM at 7.30pm

The photos at the lodge building in Quincy,

Massachusetts show the damage to this old

building. Unfortunately, many artefacts

and history have been lodge. Although in-

sured, many of these irreplaceable items are

lost. All the more reason to think about dig-

itising minute books.

From the Columns

The first meeting after the installation was witnessed by 75 brethren. The

EAD was conferred by the OBs on Candidate was a Lewis, Alistair Norman

steel Morrison, 18 years old and son of Bro. Kenny Morrison. Bro. David

Grimsley PM, as installing master, completed his duties by installing the oth-

er Installing Master, Bro. Allan Stobo PM as Chaplain.

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Bro. Archie’s 60th

Bro. Archie McGown PM 1361, Past Sub PGM of Renfrewshire East and Past Depute

Grand Master celebrated 50 years as a past master and 60 years as a member of the Craft.

There was a superb turnout from his family, brethren across the province, Glasgow, Ed-

inburgh, Fife and no doubt many other places. Bro. Archie is seen above with the Grand

Master Mason, Bro. Will McArthur master of Lodge Burnside No.1361 and Bro. John Mil-

ler PGM. Below he is with his two brothers—all smiling! It was a great evening with a

fantastic atmosphere. Congratulations once again Bro. Archie.

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Cross Keys Dec 2013

Red Apron Lodges in England

The Grand Stewards' Lodge, uniquely in the English Constitution, has no number and no real

equivalent in Scotland. It has been in this position since 18th April 1792 when it was 'placed at

the Head of the List by order of the Grand Lodge' and given the name it now holds. Since 1731

they have been entitled to wear an apron trimmed with crimson and a collar of the same colour

during their year of office.

The predecessor of this Lodge was not noted in the earliest engraved lists of 1723-24 and 1725

but the 1729 list notes a Stewards' Lodge, No. 117, meeting at Shakespeare's Head Tavern, Cov-

ent Garden. It was this Stewards' Lodge, allocated No. 47 in 1781 and meeting in the Freemasons'

Tavern, Great Queen Street, which eleven years later became the Grand Stewards' Lodge.

From the earliest days Freemasons appear to have held an annual feast. After the formation of

Grand Lodge this tradition continued and Stewards assisted the Grand Wardens in the organisa-

tion of these festivals. In 1724 Grand Lodge attempted to form a regular Board of twelve Stew-

ards but such regularity was not achieved until 1728 when these twelve led the masonic proces-

sion into the hall for the festivities. Each of these Stewards was granted the power to choose his

successor to assist at the next Grand Feast.

Shortly after the consecration of the new Metropolitan Grand Lodge in October 2003 the first

twenty recently appointed Metropolitan Grand Stewards got together with the idea of forming

their own lodge. After much work and support, permission was granted, and with the twenty

stewards appointed in February 2005 the lodge was founded.

Lodge membership is open to Brethren appointed to the office of Metropolitan Grand Steward

which means that the lodge should grow at the rate of twenty new members each year. The

Lodge's objectives, as set out in its By-Laws, are to assist and support the work of the Metropoli-

tan Grand Master and the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London, and to increase the Masonic

education and broaden the Masonic experience of its members and of the Craft in general.

One of the friends of many

brethren from 242 (and also a

recipient of the CK) can be seen

in the back row, second from

the left. The photo shows 17 of

the 20 Metropolitan Grand

Stewards who assisted (from

8am to 5pm) with escorting

brethren for honorary London

(provincial) ranks.

The Grand Charity donated

£500,000 to the Scout Associa-

tion. A well earned pint after


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Cross Keys Dec 2013

New Royal Arch Publication

Yasha Beresiner '200 Years of Royal Arch Freemasonry

in England 1813–2013' Lewis Masonic, Surrey, 2013.

Hardback 192 pages, 16 colour plate illustrations.

£19.99 from the publishers or from InterCol, 43 Tem-

plars Crescent, London N3 3QR UK. E-mail:

[email protected] (copies signed by the author

available on request).

The year 2013 has seen the publication of a number of

new books both about the 1813 union of the two Eng-

lish grand lodges then in existence as well as a similar

anniversary of the last two hundred years of the Su-

preme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.

Yasha Beresiner’s book is a little different from the

purely historical or ritual-based examination of this

Masonic order. On the one hand it draws in a critical

way on primary sources, including some newly re-

covered documents. This is as it should be, coming from the research of a Past Master of

Quatuor Coronati Lodge. On the other hand, it incorporates a more populist section, in

devoting the central twenty-two pages of the book to a ‘novella’, which, although based

on primary sources, has naturally resulted to a large extent from its author’s imagination.

Bro. Beresiner has successfully combined historical research with historical fiction within

a single volume. One appealing aspect of the third section of the book, which looks at the

history of the Royal Arch chronologically almost in diary form, is the incorporation of an

introductory sentence or two to each year from 1814–2013 summarizing the main social,

political and economic events of that year, thus setting the Masonic history within its

proper general historical context.

Yasha Beresiner has produced a very readable book which should appeal to a wide range

of both Masonic and non-Masonic scholars.

PLEASE NOTE: To order this book contact:

Mr Martin Faulks

Lewis Masonic & Ian Allan Publishing

Riverdene Business Park

Molesey Road



KT12 4RG

E-mail: [email protected].

Tel: 01986 895433

Review by Bro. John Wade, Past Master Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, Prestonian Lecturer, 2009

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Cross Keys Dec 2013

Lodge Captain Spiers Installation

The new master of Lodge Captain Spiers No. 791 is Bro. Graham Tibbs. This was a special

occasion as the lodge has just moved premises and now meets in Lodge St. Barchan

No.156 in Kilbarchan. Bro. Graham is pictured here with his installing masters Bros Dun-

can McDonald PM 791 and Barry Smart PM 791.

We wish him and his brethren every success and look forward to seeing him around the


Walk for Charity

Bro. Tony Pearson PM of Seldson Park Lodge No.5005 (EC)

walked 18 miles round Croydon in order to raise money for SADS

UK (Sudden Adult Death). So far Bro. Tony has raised over £300.

His site remains active for further donations:

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Cross Keys Dec 2013

Thought of the Month

"You know that being an American is more than a matter of where your parents came

from. It is a belief that all men are created free and equal and that everyone deserves an

even break."

Harry S. Truman, US President, Past Grand Master

1873 Advert

No advertising in public places? We perhaps the Masonic News was deemed an

exception as seen with the advert for a tailor.

Bro. Geoffrey Robert Seymour PM 5005 (EC)

Bro. Geoff was born 11 September 1944 and died 6th November

2013. He joined Selsdon Park Lodge No. 5005 on the 24th January

2004 rising to the chair of the lodge in 2007. In addition to being

the master in two lodges, he was also Almoner for both Lodges,

Treasurers for both Lodges as well as Treasurer for his Royal Arch

Chapter having rising through the three chairs of Chapter to 'Z'.

His contribution to Freemasonry was huge, as it was to the lives of

others in general, and such a large turnout for his funeral (140

plus) is testament to the number of people that held him in high

esteem. Bro. Geoff was the perfect gentleman and will be sadly missed throughout the


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In Memoriam

It is with deep sadness and much regret that we have to inform you of a loss sustained to the

Lodge in the passing to the Grand Lodge above of the following Brother:

Bro. Geoff Seymour PM Seldon Park Lodge No.5005 (EC)


Last months, wreaths were laid by lodges across the coun-

try. Top right is the wreath from 242 at the Johnstone

Memorial in Houstoun Square, top left the brethren from

Lodge St. Barchan No.156 and Lodge Captain Spiers No.791

parade after the church service to the memorial in the centre

of the village. Great turn out from all the organisations.

Bro. Stuart can be seen (just) behind the banner!

Below are the wreaths in the Grand Lodge in

London and an example of one of the crosses laid

for each lodge in Scotland.

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Thanks to Bro. Allan Stobo RWM for proof reading.

Don’t forget to support The Ashlar magazine—

Scotland’s only Masonic magazine.

Just click on the magazine to find out more.

To submit an article, contact the Editor: Grant Macleod

E-Mail: [email protected]

Lodge Website

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