Page 1: Critical Review on Steviol Glycosides: Pharmacological · Stevia leaves, steviosides and highly refined extracts of the leaves are
Page 2: Critical Review on Steviol Glycosides: Pharmacological · Stevia leaves, steviosides and highly refined extracts of the leaves are

OPEN ACCESS International Journal of Pharmacology

ISSN 1811-7775DOI: 10.3923/ijp.2017.916.928

Review ArticleCritical Review on Steviol Glycosides: Pharmacological,Toxicological and Therapeutic Aspects of High Potency ZeroCaloric Sweetener

Shaifali Mathur, Neha Bulchandani, Suman Parihar and Gyan Singh Shekhawat

Department of Botany, Centre of Advance Studies, Jai Narain Vyas University, 342005 Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

AbstractStevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a sweet tasting medicinal herb; its leaves are rich source of sweetener “steviosides”, which are up to threehundred times sweeter than sucrose, more than half of which is composed by Stevioside and Rebaudioside. Due to its sweet taste it hashigh commercial value throughout the world as sugar substitute in medicine, foods products and beverages. The increased market shareof Stevia sweeteners has established a lasting increase in the demand for constant high quality and high purity of Stevia products. Clinicalexaminations performed on Steviol glycosides have shown that it is non toxic and exert hypotensive, cardiotonic, anti-diabetic,anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions. Stevia leaves, steviosides and highly refined extracts of theleaves are now officially used as a low calorie natural sweetener and dietary supplement in many countries. In future, there is possibilitythat Stevia could become a major source of high potency low calorie sweetener for growing demand in natural food market. Thismanuscript focuses on the phytochemistry, medicinal applications, pharmaco kinetics and safety evaluations of Stevia products. Besidesthis, recent developments in agricultural breeding, biotechnological approaches through cell and tissue culture, improved extractionprocedures and biotransformation for taste improvement in S. rebaudiana have also been discussed. Future prospects for realization ofcommercial production of Steviol glycosides are critically evaluated.

Key words: Stevia rebaudiana, natural sweetener, medicinal potential, pharmacokinetics, agricultural breeding, biotransformation, extraction

Citation: Shaifali Mathur, Neha Bulchandani, Suman Parihar and Gyan Singh Shekhawat, 2017. Critical review on steviol glycosides: pharmacological,toxicological and therapeutic aspects of high potency zero caloric sweetener. Int. J. Pharmacol., 13: 916-928.

Corresponding Author: Gyan Singh Shekhawat, Department of Botany, Centre of Advance Studies, Jai Narain Vyas University, 342005 Jodhpur,Rajasthan, India

Copyright: © 2017 Shaifali Mathur et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Competing Interest: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.

Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files.

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Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a perennial herb belongingto the family Asteraceae, is become a major source of highpotency commercial sweetening agent. Stevia is known tohave originated from Paraguay1. The leaves of Steviarebaudiana possesses zero calories sweetening agent, entkaurene diterpene glycosides commonly known as steviolglycosides which are many fold sweeter than sugar. Studieshave shown that these glycosides are non-caloric and can alsoreduce blood glucose levels, protecting the organism fromdiabetes and obesity2. Moreover, the steviol glycosides hasother benefits, such as anti-hyperglycaemic, anti-hypertensive,anti-inflammatory, antitumour, antidiarrheal, diuretic andimmunomodulatory effect3. The major sweet componentsfound in S. rebaudiana are stevioside and rebaudioside A.These representing 90% weight of all sweet glycosidespresent in the leaves4. The other glycosides found in lowerconcentrations include: steviolbioside, rebaudioside B,rebaudioside D, rebaudioside E and rebaudioside F. The sweetproperty is remarkably beneficial to diabetic patients andpeople suffering from obesity. Steviol glycosides are proven tobe thermally stable, which makes them more suitable for usein cooked food and drinks. Due to sweet and therapeuticproperties of leaf, S. rebaudiana has attracted economic andresearch interests. Toxicological studies based on steviosidehave shown that it does not possess tumor inducing ormutagenic effects. S. rebaudiana is also known to possessantioxidant activity5. Antioxidant delays the oxidation of lipidmolecules by inhibiting the initiation or propagation ofscavenging oxidative chain reactions. Therefore, attempts arebeing made to enhance its leaf biomass production throughcultural techniques. Above and beyond the realization ofvarious alternative strategies (plant cell and tissue culture),improved extraction procedures and product improvement(taste and flavor improvement) are equally important. Thepurpose of this review is to corroborate different scientificresearch conducted on Stevia plant to emphasize itsremarkable potential as beneficial agricultural crop.

Botanical description: Stevia is one of 950 genera of thefamily Compositae. The genus contains 240 species of plantsnative to South America, Central America and Mexico, withseveral species found as far north as Arizona, New Mexico andTexas6. S. rebaudiana is a small shrubby perennial plantgrowing up to 65 cm tall7. The leaves contain diterpene steviolglycosides, which are estimated to be 300-400 times sweeterthan sucrose at a concentration of 4% w/v. S. rebaudiana hasa very low seed set. The conventional methods of propagation

are either by seeds or by cuttings. Since germination rates arepoor and seedlings are very slow to establish, it is best grownas an annual or perennial transplanted crop8. Stevia prefers awell-drained fertile sandy loam or loam soil, high in organicmatter with an ample supply of water and partial shade duringconsiderable summer sunshine. Long spring and summer daysfavor leaf yields and leaf stevioside contents while shortdays promote blossoming. In horticulture practices Stevia isusually propagated by stem cuttings, which root easily.Sweetness in leaves varies with the variety9.

Phytochemistry and sweetness property: The leaves are richin tannins and alkaloids, followed by cardiac glycosides,saponins, steroids, triterpenes, reducing compounds andanthraquinones10. Stevioside, rebaudioside A, B, C, D, E and F,steviolbioside and dulcoside are diterpene glycosides that arethe main sweet constituents of the leaves. Among these,stevioside and rebaudioside A make up more than 50% of thetotal glycosides11. Few new diterpene glycosides have alsobeen isolated and characterized from the leaves of Steviarebaudiana, along with the known steviol glycosides12-14.Steviol (ent-13-hydroxykaur-16-en-19-oic acid) is the principalaglycone moiety of the glycosides (Fig. 1). The diversity amongthese glycosides is due to differential glycosylation of steviolby various glycosyltransferases resulting in distinctivephysiochemical and organoleptic properties (Table 1). Eithera sugar unit or a carboxyl at C19 and either a sugar or ahydroxyl at C-13 is critical for appealing sweetness15.

Steviol glycoside preparations are white or slightlyyellowish, crystalline, odorless powders; these glycosides arefreely soluble in water and ethanol and can be easily extractedwith an aqueous solvent. The compounds are exceptionally

Fig. 1: Steviol: A glycone moiety of sweet diterpene glycosidesobtained from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana (R1 andR2 = H)



1 2

3 4

5 A B

6 7

8 9

18 19 COOR2

20 11 12






C 17 CH2


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Table 1: Structure and properties of Stevia sweeteners (modified from Prakash et al.14)Compounds R1 R2 Melting point (EC) PotencyStevioside β-Glc $-Glc-$-Glc(261) 196-198 210Steviolbioside H $-Glc-$-Glc(261) 188-192 90Rebaudioside A $-Glc $-Glc-$-Glc(261) 242-244 200-300


$-Glc(361)Rebaudioside B H $-Glc-$-Glc(261) 193-195 150


$-Glc(361)Rebaudioside C $-Glc $-Glc-"-Rha(261) 215-217 30


$-Glc(361)Rebaudioside D $-Glc-$-Glc(261) $-Glc-$-Glc(261) 283-286 221


$-Glc(361)Rebaudioside E $-Glc-$-Glc(261) $-Glc-$-Glc(261) 205-207 174Rebaudioside F $-Glc $-Glc-$-Xyl(261) NA 200


$-Glc(361)Dulcoside $-Glc $-Glc-"-Rha(261) 193-195 30

stable at pH values ranging between 2 and 10. In acidsolutions, stevioside is highly stable and does not interactwith other food components or cause browning16. Steviasweeteners can withstand temperatures up to 200EC, unlikesugar which starts to caramelize at about 150-160EC. Even thesweetness of aqueous solutions of stevioside does not changewhen heated at 95EC for 2 h. The sweetness of stevioside issuperior to sugar in mildness and refreshment and the tastelasts for a long period17.


Stevioside and Rebaudioside A, components of intensesweet taste are the predominant steviol glycosides foundin the Stevia rebaudiana leaves, serving the purpose ofnon-caloric sweetener substitute. Besides its sweet property,it also possesses therapeutic benefits.

The commercialization of leaves of S. rebaudiana forflavoring and sweetening purposes was first of all introducedin Japan. About 2000 metric tons of dried plant leaves wereutilized for the production of stevioside and other sweetenerproducts. Most of the stevioside produced from leaves ofS. rebaudiana is consumed for sweetening alcoholicbeverages18. In Brazil, stevioside and the refined extract ofplant leaves has been approved for sweetening of medicines,soft drinks, beverages and chewing gum19,20. In Paraguay, leafpowder has been used for sweetening of beverages for overa hundred years. In Japan, foods and beverages containingstevioside are easily available. In South Korea, an alcoholicbeverage “soju” is formulated using stevioside as a primaryconstituent and as dietary supplement in United States andsome Europian countries.

Despite its widespread use in different parts of the world,there are no reports of its adverse effect in human beings. Thissituation contrasted with increasing evidence of toxic sideeffects appearing in the recent literature due to the excessiveingestion of licorice-flavored candy or chewing gum (of whichthe sweet-tasting triterpenoid glycoside, glycyrrhizin, is amajor principle)21,22.


In the rat, stevioside is converted to steviol bysuspensions of rat intestinal microflora and the conversiongets completed within two days23. Stevioside appears to bepoorly transported across the cell membrane24. No uptake wasobserved in suspensions of human red blood cells25. Previouswork has also shown that little or no stevioside is absorbed inthe blood of humans instead, all kinds of steviol glycosides getmetabolized to steviol and steviol gets absorbed which is alsotrue for Rebaudioside A and Stevioside. This approach has alsobeen validated by JECFA thus, concluding the safe use ofstevioside26-28.

Pharmacological actionsEnergy metabolism: Stevioside has been found to interferewith oxidative phosphorylation in isolated mitochondrialcells29 by disrupting adenine dinucleotide translocation,which is a necessary process in shuttling of high energyphosphate groups generated in mitochondria to their sites ofconsumption in the cell. Stevioside (5 mM) was found to stopthe coupled respiration27 and it also causes inhibition ofmitochondrial ATPase induced by the uncoupling agent,


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2, 4-dinitrophenol in rat liver mitochondria. The mitochondrialactions of stevioside have not been observed on intact cellsbut only reported on isolated organelles. Apart from theeffects of stevioside observed on energy metabolism, it has avery little effect on erythrocytes that rely on glycolysis for ATPproduction27.

Carbohydrate metabolism: Stevioside is found to reduce thetransport rate of glucose into the liver to its half rate.Stevioside also inhibits the release of glucose in hepatic cells.In liver cells undergoing glycogenolysis, the intracellular:extracellular concentration gradient of glucose was found toget enhanced in presence of stevioside.

Effects on blood pressure and renal function: Differentresearch reports based on effects of stevioside have claimedvarying effects on kidney function and blood pressureregulation. It lowers mean arterial blood pressure alongwithdecreasing renal vascular resistance, produces diuresis andincreases fractional excretion of Na+ and K+ 30-33. The lack ofeffect on glomerular filtration rate implies that steviosidevasodilates both afferent and efferent arterioles31.

Chromosomal and mutagenic effects: Chromosomalabnormalities have been reported with stevioside at very highconcentrations. In a Chinese hamster fibroblast cell line,stevioside did not induce chromosomal aberrations. Nochromosomal effects of stevioside were noted in culturedhuman lymphocytes34.

Various pharmacological actions of stevioside can beobserved on isolated organs and intact cells. It impairs thefunctioning of kidney disrupting oxidative phosphorylation.Use of stevioside as a food additive has been suggested tocontrol weight gain which might also have toxic effects.However, some reports suggest the use of stevioside indiabetes related obesity. More research is needed onabsorption and metabolism of stevioside and also on effect ofintestinal microflora converting stevioside to steviol23.

Rebaudioside A: It’s structure is similar to stevioside anddiffers only in having an extra glucopyranosyl residue attachedto the sugar unit at C-13. Rebiana is a purified form of themajor glycoside rebaudioside A that meets JECFAspecifications along with strict sensory criteria established bythe manufacturer. Rebiana can be stably stored as a powder.When stored for 24 months, showed loss of only 1-2% ofrebaudioside A35. Degradation of rebiana yields steviolglycosides and related steviol compounds which present no

safety issues. Rebiana is thermally stable and is also stable inbaking products and acidic beverages as compared to othersweeteners. Thus, its stability in acidic beverages makes itmore suitable for commercial production of soft drinks.

Efficient hydrolysis of rebaudioside A to steviol has beenreported in rat intestinal microflora.

Food and culinary applications: Stevia extracts andsteviosides are primarily used as a non-caloric sweetenerand/or flavor enhancer in a wide range of food products andbeverages, like tea, coffee, soft drinks, cordials, weight watcherdiets, diabetic diets and fruit juices. As Stevia sweeteners areheat stable and do not ferment, they are used in a wide rangeof products including baked and cooked foods. It has alsobeen used as a source of antioxidants and as an alcoholicbeverage enhancer (aging agent and catalyst)36-38.

Medicinal potential: Stevia extracts have medicinal potentialas antihyperglycemic, insulinotropic, glucagonostic,hypotensive, anti-cancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidant,anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory and chemopreventiveagents, as well as for use as a digestive tonic and for dentaland skin care39.

Glucoregulation activity: The traditional use of Stevia extractincludes treating diabetes as it is found to increase insulinsecretion and sensitivity, according to a clinical study40,41. Theenhancement in sensitivity to insulin influenced by theconstituents of Stevia leaves might be linked to inhibitedhepatic expression of PEP Carboxykinase and gluconeogenesisalong with hepatic glycogen synthesis stimulation. Isolatedmouse pancreatic islet cells have also shown enhancement ininsulin production by the action of Rebaudioside A42.Stevioside is also known to promote glucose-activated insulinsecretion, without affecting fasting insulinemia43. Theseevidences support healthy glucoregulation activity ofstevioside.

Hypotensive activity: Stevioside is able to induce diuresis aswell as vasorelaxation and also natriuresis leading to a declinein plasma volume44-46. Some studies based on humans havealso suggested the role of stevioside affecting cardiovascularsystem causing hypotension reducing systole duration whichcould reduce stroke. Long term clinical trials of stevioside onhumans have indicated that its continuous consumption canreduce systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure although nosignificant side effects were observed on lipid or fastingglucose47.


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Antioxidant activity: In vitro potential assessment ofethanolic leaf extracts of S. rebaudiana have indicated thatit possesses antioxidant activity as it inhibits hydroperoxideformation in Sardine oil48,49. The antioxidant activity of Stevialeaf extract might be due to scavenging mechanism ofsuperoxide and free radical electrons50.

Antimicrobial activity: Stevia has been shown to inhibit thegrowth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum diseaseand tooth decay, making it an excellent addition to toothpasteand mouthwash for dental hygiene51. Studies indicate thatthe major cariogenic organism, Streptococcus mutans,experiences growth suppression and secretes less acid whengrown on media containing stevioside than when grown onsucrose, glucose or fructose media52.

Anti-carcinogenic agent: Stevia leaf extracts and thepresense of polyphenolic constituents have shown inhibitoryeffect on tumor initiation and promotion. Stevioside,isosteviol, steviol, leaf aglycones and other metabolites areknown to inhibit the tumor formation in several ways: byblocking Epstein-Barr virus early antigen, induction53 andalso by reducing production of tumor in two stagemouse skin carcinogenesis model following exposure to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate54,55.

Anti-inflammatory agent: Anti-inflammatory effects of stevioland stevioside have been observed on epithelial cells ofcolon56. Stevioside has been demonstrated to exhibitinhibitory effects on contraction of smooth muscle of intestinewhose inhibition is related to hyper motility-associateddiarrhea57. According to a study based on cAMP regulated Clsecretion in T84 epithelial cells of colon for observinganti-diarrheal efficacy have indicated inhibition of cAMPactivated Cl secretion in T84 cells by steviol along with itsanalogs58.

Biosynthesis: A large part of the total metabolism inS. rebaudiana is committed to the synthesis of these sweetglycosides making S. rebaudiana a good candidate for an ESTbased gene discovery effort. The biosynthetic pathway ofsteviol glycoside and its spatial organization has beeninvestigated largely by determining the sub cellular locationof several enzymes and elucidation of genes coding forvarious enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway59-61. Recentstudies using in vivo labeling with [1-13C] glucose and NMRspectroscopy reveal that the precursors of steviol areactually synthesized via the plastid localized methyl erythritol

4-phosphate (MEP) pathway and share four steps in commonwith gibberellic acid (GA20) formation62. All the steps up tokaurene occur in plastids, one of the two oxidation steps islocated on the surface of the ER and glycosylation takes placein the cytoplasm63.

Pharmacokinetics: Studies regarding once and repeated useof steviol glycosides have been evaluated in humans64-66. Theentire steviol glycosides got incompletely absorbed whenadministered orally but got hydrolyzed to steviol in the colon.Most of the steviol got absorbed and rest was excreted infeces. In liver, glucuronic acid combines with steviol to formsteviol glucuronide (Fig. 2). The interspecific difference arisesbecause of the primary excretion of glucuronide which occursvia urine in humans and in rats, via bile65,67. No other derivativeexcept for steviol glucuronide has yet been detected in humanurine which was exposed to steviol glycosides orally.

Safety evaluations: Steviol and its glycosides have beenlargely evaluated with a set of in vitro and in vivo assays,covering aspects of acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, fertility,teratogenicity, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, mutation,chromosome damage and DNA strand breakage68.Additionally, the compounds have been evaluated fornutritional value and allergenicity. Assessments of Steviaextract suggested that it contained relatively safe compoundsand that oral administration of steviol glycosides had noharmful effects in either animal models or man. Stevia extractsand steviosides have no effect on mammalian reproduction orfertility and are safe for use as sweeteners and are acceptablefor both diabetic and phenylketonuria patients. Clinicalevidence suggested that stevioside can reduce blood sugarlevels in type II diabetics and blood sugar in mildlyhypertensive patients on long-term treatment with stevioside.Moreover, steviol and steviosides are not carcinogenic norcancer promoters69. Brusick70 critically reviewed thegenotoxicity hazard assessments of various glycosides andreported that steviol glycosides have not been shown to begenotoxic either in vitro or in vivo. Steviol glycosides havebeen permitted for use in foods and beverages only in somecountries including South Korea, Japan, Argentina, Paraguayand Brazil65,71. Other countries permitting the use of steviolglycosides include China, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico (since2005), Senegal (since 2006), Thailand and Israel. In the USA,steviol glycosides have been allowed as a dietary supplementsince 1995. Furthermore, a specific steviol glycoside(rebaudioside A, purity higher than 97%) received noobjection letters from the US Food and Drug Administration


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Hydrolyzed to steviol by colon micro flora

Steviol glycosides

COLON Stevioside


Consecutive removal ofglucose by glucosidase

Excreted in faces (10%)

Excretion in humans

Absorbed in liver (90%) byhepatic portal system

In liver of human and rat





To kidney via systemic circulation

Excretion in urine

Excretion in faces

To gastrointestinal tract via bile duct

Bacterial glucuronidase


Excretion in rats


Fig. 2: Schematic depiction of the route from dietary stevioside to steviol glucuronide in humans and rats

(US FDA) (December 2008). JECFA reviewed the safety ofsteviol glycosides as a sweetener on several occasions (in2000, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009) and established an ADI forsteviol glycosides of 4 mg kgG1 b.wt., dayG1 (expressed assteviol equivalents)72. In addition to being an approvedsweetener in many countries, the World Health Organizationhas now recognized that stevioside is non-genotoxic andassigned a temporary acceptable daily intake of steviolglycosides of 0-2 mg kgG1 b.wt.,60.

Agriculture breeding: A variety of plant breeding procedureshave been used to improve leaf yield and rebaudioside Aconcentration in plants. In the wild, total glycosideconcentration in leaves typically varies from 5-10% on a dryweight basis. Nearly three decades of breeding and selectionhave increased glycoside concentration to levels as high as20%43. Reports on cultivar descriptions of various countriesconfirm that sufficient genetic variability exists to makesignificant genetic gains in leaf yield, rebaudioside A contentand the ratio of rebaudioside A to stevioside73,74. Therefore,traditional plant breeding approaches such as selection andintercrossing between various desirable genotypes is mostsuitable method for improving quality traits in crops that arecross-pollinated such as Stevia. Various plant varieties withlarger amounts of specific glycosides have been developed

from selection and intercrossing and patented as RSIT94-130675, RSIT 94-75176, RSIT 95-166-1377, T-6078 and Moritavariety (seeds deposited at the International DepositoryReceipt No. FERM BP-10353)79. Due to high degree of naturalcrossing taking place and also absence of an efficient systemof pollination control, part of available heterosis could becaptured using composites and synthetics. Synthetics andcomposites named “AC Black Bird80 and PTA-44481 have beendeveloped. Polyploidy produces individuals with betteradaptability and increased cell and organ sizes. Experimentalbreeding of triploid Stevia plants resulted in forty-two triploidplants, grouped into eight cultivars with high rebaudioside Aor stevioside content20. Moreover, the development ofmolecular marker technology and consequent identificationof marker loci linked to important agronomic traits havecreated exciting new opportunities for plant breeders,overcoming the drawbacks of phenotypic selection which isheavily influenced by environmental conditions and requiresselection relatively late in the growing season. Marker-assistedselection provides the potential for improving selectionefficiency by allowing for earlier selection and reduced plantpopulation size. A genetic linkage map of S. rebaudiana hasbeen developed by analyzing 183 randomly amplifiedpolymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers using segregation datafrom a pseudo test-cross F1 population82. Recent studies on


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molecular genetic analysis using the ISSR technique amongdifferent Stevia accessions revealed a high degree ofpolymorphism confirming the accuracy of the results. Thereare about 90 varieties of S. rebaudiana developed all aroundthe world. All these have been developed for different climaterequirements; as a result, these varieties perform strangely indifferent climate conditions67. Thus, understanding themechanism and pathway for biosynthesis of steviol glycosidescould be helpful in improvement of the glycoside profile by upand down-regulation of genes.


Stevia has poor seed germination and vegetativepropagation through stem cuttings is also limited by the lownumber of individuals that can be obtained simultaneouslyfrom a single plant. Micropropagation of S. rebaudianaprovides genetically uniform plants in large numbers and withgood vigor83. Moreover, the tissue cultured plants can beplanted throughout the year, except during the peak ofsummer. The success of in vitro plant culture depends mainlyon the growth conditions of the source material, mediumcomposition, culture conditions and on the genotype of thedonor plant84,85. Plants may be regenerated directly orindirectly through callus formation. There are several reportson micropropagation of Stevia plantlets with various explants,shoot tip86, leaf87,88 and nodal and internodal regions89,90.Protocols have been developed to enhance percentageresponse and number of shoots produced at the inductionand proliferation stages91. Several experiments have beenperformed for examining the idiosyncrasy of in vitro steviolglycoside production and understanding the way theseprocesses may function in bioreactors for large scaleproduction of this sugar substitute92. In addition, plant cellsuspension cultures of S. rebaudiana have been reported93,94.Few attempts have been made to determine the peculiaritiesof stevioside production in in vitro suspension cultures ofStevia. Striedner et al.75 reported a maximum concentration of0.4% of cell dry weight, where the media contained 100 g LG1

sucrose after 49 days of incubation. Bondarev et al.95 reporteda maximal content of steviosides of 103 g per gram dry weighton the 14th day of cultivation at the end of the exponentialphase.

Extraction of Stevia sweeteners: All manufacturers use thesame basic steps and methodology which involve extraction,purification and separation, to extract steviol glycosides fromthe leaves, despite the fact that there is some kind of variation

in subsequent stages of purification and separation ofglycosides96. Most commercial products have a total steviolglycoside content of more than 90% with the two main steviolglycosides making up about 80% of the total71. Classicaltechniques used by manufacturers for the extraction of theglycosides include maceration and thermal extraction97. Inorder to increase the yield and quality of the extractedproducts, several intensification techniques like ultrasonicwaves98, supercritical fluids99 and microwaves100 associatedwith extraction of plant compounds have been developed.Additionally, a multistage membrane process has beendeveloped that is able to concentrate the glycosidesweeteners. The bitter-tasting components were washed outfrom the sweetener concentrate in the nanofiltrationprocess55. A list of patented methods for extraction andpurification of steviol glycosides is exemplified in (Table 2).However, membrane based sweeteners can be variable andneed to be investigated further.

Biotransformation for taste improvement: Stevioside andrebaudioside A taste somewhat bitter and have anunpleasant aftertaste that limits their application in food andpharmaceutical products. Several attempts have beenmade to overcome this by modification of stevioside in anintermolecular transglycosylation reaction, catalyzed byvarious enzymes, during which other carbohydrates areattached at positions C13 and C19101-103. Transglycosylatingenzymes used for these purposes were pullanase,isomaltase104, β-galactosidase105, dextrin dextranase106 andcyclodextrin glucanotransferases (CGTases) with pullulan,maltose, lactose, partly hydrolyzed starch and cyclodextrinsused as donors, respectively. However, the bitterness wasremoved only in part due to the low yield of derivativeswith the required characteristics. CGTases produced byBacillus stearothermophilus, B-5076 and B. macerans BIO-4 mserve as effective biocatalyst in the enzymatictransglycosylation of Stevia glycosides with the use of starchas a donor103. Gtase from alkalophilic B. firmus was found asan effective biocatalyst in transglycosylation, removingthe aftertaste bitterness of stevioside and improving itssweetness index. A microwave-assisted reaction proved tobe a rapid and convenient approach. An efficient 1,4-intermolecular transglycosylation with β-CGTase in thepresence of $-cyclodextrin as glucose donor wasaccomplished under microwave conditions resulting inoptimum yields of two α-glycosylated biotransformedproducts in 65 and 25% yield, respectively. Moreover, animprovement in taste and quality of glycosides has been


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Table 2: Detailed list of patented methods for extraction of Stevia sweeteners77

Method employed

Part used



Solvents for crystallization

Leaf and stalk

One glycoside is obtained at a time and yields are less. Aqueous methanol is hazardous.


Polymeric adsorbent resin and solvents for crystallization

Leaf and stalk

Organic solvents and synthetic adsorbents for purification lead to loss in product and presence of


hazardous chemicals in the end product

Polymeric adsorbent, charcoal for depolarization and


Organic solvents (methanol, acetone) and synthetic adsorbents for purification and traces of

solvents for crystallization

hazardous solvent in the end product. At the end, only one glycoside was obtained

Tama Seikagaku

Solvent extraction changed for the feed directly onto


Solvent extraction and aquafying the extract and treating with only anion exchanger will not give


anion exchange resin only

substantial purity to the end product

Water immiscible solvent and methanol is used to purify

Not given

Organic solvents are used to purify stevioside

Daikin Ind


Synthetic adsorbent and anion exchange resin


Adsorbent resins and solvents are used to purify stevioside


Different tin salts eg stannous sulfate, stannous chloride,

Leaf and stalk

Care is not taken about the residual salts and the end product is in an aqueous phase.

Chisso Corp

stannic acid etc are used. Precipitates are removed to obtain

pure stevioside

Different Ca and Fe salts are used. Precipitates are removed

Leaf and stalk

Care is not taken about the residual salts and the end product is in an aqueous phase.

Chisso Corp

toobtaint purified stevioside

Solvents like chloroform are used to purify stevioside

Bud and leaf

Toxic chemicals are used


Non polar synthetic adsorbent and solvent used


Steviosides have less affinity to these resins and solvents are used to recover them

Sanyo Kokusaku

The extract is optionally treated with ion exchange resins


The direct extract loading on adsorbent resin will not give sufficient purity. Moreover, organic

Morita Kagaku

then with adsorbent resins

solvents are needed for desorption or elution of product. Treatment with ion exchange resins

without charging the extract will not give much purity results

The aqueous extract is treated with various salts like CaCl 2

Not given

Organic solvent such as n-butanol are used

Sanyo Kokusaku

and other adsorbents to purify steviosides

Aqueous extract is treated with acid and then with base


Acids like H2SO4 break glycoside linkages and solvents like n-butanol are used to purify stevioside

Yamada Masami

and filtrate is treated with polyamide resin and then

extracted with n-butanol

Aqueous extract is treated with Ca(OH) 2 and water soluble


Residual salts may be present in the final fraction

Mitsubishi Acetate

polymeric flocculent eg. polyacrylamide high polymer to

obtain pure steviosides

The aqueous extract is treated with Ca(OH) 2, CaCl 2 while


Calcium chloride is a toxic chemical and residual salts may be present in the final fraction

Mitsubishi Acetate

blowing CO

2 gas to remove impurities

The leaves were extracted with Ca(OH) 2 and water and the


Amberlite XAD7 treatment is a time consuming step as the steviosides are recovered into organic

Pacific Chem Ind

extract treated with Amberlite XAD7 and then with ion

solvent and solvent is removed and redissolved in water to react with ion exchange resins. Also,

exchange resins to obtain pure steviosides

Without XAD better results can be achieved

Aqueous extract treated with CaCl 2 and then with Amberlite


Toxic CaCl2 and methanol are used along with column chromatography, which is not a

Pairfir Chemical

XAD-7 and eluted steviosides with methanol and purified by

commercially viable option

column chromatography and crystallization from methanol

Aqueous extract is treated with various membranes like


Capital investment on these membrane systems is very high

Canada Nat Res

microfilter to obtain pure compounds

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reported to be increased by transglycosylation using otherenzyme systems. These include trans-a-glucosylation ofstevioside with maltose and biozyme L (crude α-amylasepreparation produced by Aspergillus spp.)107. Trans-3-2,6-fructofurarylation of stevioside with sucrose andp-fructofuranosidase from Arthrobactor sp. K-1 afforded atrans-2, 6-fructofuranosylated 19-O-glucosyl moiety in highyield from stevioside102. Treatment of stevioside with sucroseand glucosyltransferase from Streptococcus mutans affordeda better yield than that by the Biozyme L-maltose system108. Atthe same time, Dynamics of stevioside production has beeninvestigated with culture growth in liquid suspensions55.


Despite the recent research advancements and promisingresults in exploring the genes and enzymes of the biosyntheticpathway, cost effective extraction procedures, improvedmicropropagation methods and clinical evaluations requireserious efforts for improved production of sweet steviolglycosides through modern technology. Biotechnologicalproduction in plant cell cultures could be an alternativemethod which has also been reported in a medicinal herbAnethum graveolens109. Improvement of process andenvironmental conditions/or metabolic engineering is keypathways which significantly enhance selectivity and yield ofmetabolite. However, plant reaction networks are significantlymore complex than microbial systems. Pathway redundancyand multiple intracellular compartments complicate fluxanalysis efforts and manipulation of a single enzyme can leadto unpredictable results. Besides improved production, majorconcerns regarding commercialization of these glycosidesinclude the issue pertaining to their safety for human use.EUSTAS’ specification is very broad; hence additional effortsare necessary to resolve the issues regarding the permittedand safe use of Stevia sweeteners.


G. S. Shekhawat acknowledges financial support fromthe University Grants Commission (Grant sanctioned letterno. F.NO.34-255/2008, SR), New Delhi and support providedthrough Center for Advance Study (CAS) Program.


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