  • 1.London


  • 1.1 What is London?
  • 1.2 Where is located?
  • 1.3 History of London.
  • 1.4 City of London sites.

Index 3.

  • London is a city of England.
  • It is a very famous city because is more beautiful than other cities of Europe.
  • In London there are a lot of monuments and museums, statues, castles, etc...

What is London? 4.

  • London is in the south of Britain. It normally rains.
  • I dont like it because always rain!
  • There are more important cities :
  • Wales, Scotland,
  • Oxford,etc...

Where is located? 5. History of London

  • Theetymology of Londonis uncertain. It is an ancient name and can be found in sources from the 2nd century. It comes fromLondinium, ofRoman origin.

6. The Thames River

  • TheRiver Thamesis the biggestriverflowing through southernEngland . It flows through centralLondon , the river flows through several other towns and cities, includingOxford ,ReadingandWindsor .

7. Thames photos 8. City of London sites

  • The mosts importants are:
  • -Harrods
  • -Big Ben
  • -Trafagal square
  • -The British Museum
  • -Hyde park

9. Harrods Harrodsis adepartment storelocated onBrompton RoadinKnightsbridge , London, England.It has over 300 departaments and 7 floors. 10. B i gB e n

  • Big Benis the nickname for the greatbellof theclockat the north end of thePalace of WestminsterinLondon , and is often extended to refer to the clock or theclock toweras well.
  • Big Ben is the largest four-facedchimingclock and the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world.


  • Trafalgar Squareis a square in centralLondon ,England . With its position in the heart of London, it is a tourist attraction; and one of the most famous squares in theUnited Kingdomand the world.

Trafalgar Square 12.

  • TheBritish Museumis amuseumof human history and culture situated inLondon .
  • There are more than seven million objects

The British Museum 13.

  • Hyde Parkis one of the largestparksin centralLondon ,Englandand one of theRoyalParks of London , famous for itsSpeakers ' Corner .

Hyde Park 14. I hope you liked.Thank you! By: Aida i Cristina

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