Page 1: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

CREATIVITY"Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity"

“Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“

Danny Yung

Page 2: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

CULTURAL ACTIVITY"Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity"


Entertainment, Decoration and Life Style

Cultural Economics: Creative Industries

Intellectual Stimulation

Civil Society and Public Sphere

Roots of Creativity

Page 3: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

CULTURAL ACTIVITY“The Arts as Propaganda and The Propaganda as Arts“

Page 4: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung




Pushing of the boarders

Redefining Institution and institutional culture

Page 5: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung


Crossing the boarders

Physical space

Legal space

Social space

Protecting Public Sphere

Page 6: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung


Cultural Platform Cultural Perspective Cultural Strategies Negotiation-dialogue-networking-

social architecture—public sphere-civil society

Page 7: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Hong Kong Stories

Long March 1981 Chronicle of Women 1983 Wall Street Journal1986 Arts Development Council 1992 West Kowloon 2006

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Censorship Private Negotiation Let the rules be visible

Page 9: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Chronicle of Women 1983 Censorship Public Negotiation Community Organizing Challenging the cultural institutions

Page 10: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Wall Street Journal 1986

Illegal Censorship Ordinance Public media intervention Internal Conflicts

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Arts Development Council 1992 Pink Paper vs White Paper Mock Election Elected Council Member

Page 12: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

West Kowloon Cultural District 2006

Public Forum Public Education Cultural Think Tank

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Never Ending Stories

Negotiation-dialogue-networking-community organizing-social architecture—protecting public sphere-civil society

Exchanging roles and position, stories and methodologies

Experimentation (Creating New Idea)

Page 14: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Three Experimentations (Ideas)

Participatory Comics Q and A Moving Images

Page 15: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 16: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 17: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 18: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 19: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 20: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 21: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 22: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 23: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 24: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 25: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

First Experimentation:Participatory Comics

Page 26: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Second Experimentation: Q and A

To know oneself and to know one’s prejudice

意見調查填充學英語表 (首爾 ) Opinion Survey to Learn Chinese/English (Seoul)

Designing a Creative Questionnaire

Page 27: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Second Experimentation: Q and A

Of the people of cultural sector in Seoul I know, most of them have the following characteristics:

Of the residents I know of Seoul, most of them have the following characteristics:

Of the people of my parents’ generation, most of them have the following characteristics:

I believe I have the following characteristics:

Page 28: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Second Experimentation: Q and A

□arrogant 傲慢□ cynical 犬儒□ decadent 頹廢□ diligent 勤勉□ disciplined 規律□ dogmatic 教條化,武斷□ emotional 情緒化□ egocentric 自我中心□ enterprising 事業心態,企業化□ escapist 逃避主義□ Flexible 靈活□ honest 誠實□ idealistic 理想主義□ individualistic 個人主義□ innovative 創新的 有創意的□ intelligent 智慧□ moralistic 道德、衛道□ mysterious神秘□ nervous 緊張、神經質□ opportunistic 機會主義□ organized 有組織□ passionate 熱情、熱烈□ pessimistic 悲觀□ playful 遊戲人間□ pretentious 虛飾 □ provocative 挑撥性□ Promiscuous 雜交□ rebellious 反叛□ rational 理性□ sentimental 感傷、感情用事□ sensuous 感觀 感性□ sensitive 敏感□ sexy性感□ stubborn 固執□ visionary 有視野□ vulnerable易受傷害

Page 29: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Third Experimentation:Moving Images

Developing a city brand and developing a culture in the city are basically the same thing. Both are the primary agenda in constructing a city. To brand a city or develop a city’s culture is not only for economic or political propaganda in promotion of cultural tourism, but more importantly, it is to provide its citizens a platform for cohesion and identification. If the citizens do not identify themselves with their own city's brand and culture, then it will cause crisis to their sense of belonging. A city with no brand or culture is a city with no character. A city without a centrifugal force is a city in collapse. A city’s brand planning must be started with a study on its culture and its cultural vision. One of the priorities in the planning is to establish interactive communication channels with the citizens.

Page 30: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Ways to develop Story 3Moving Images

A wise development will understand the importance of cultural exchange, the importance of commentary, the importance of experiment, the importance of innovation, the importance of cooperation, the importance of education and at the same importance, understanding cultural investment is long-term. The purpose of investment is for local society, for our region and also for the global culture. For the current state, for the future society, a wise cultural development will know the major function of culture is to the urban economy, the development of a society and the political structure, at the same time, knowing the position of culture, the function of the interaction between driving the economic and political culture.

Page 31: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Third Experimentation: Moving Images

Moving forward into the 21st century, the Asia region including Hong Kong, owing to their recent rapid growth in society, economy, politics and technology, have indeed enough economic ability and confidence to independently observe and research on the current situation of worldwide cultural exchange activities and development. Furthermore, since compared with the first world, we have always been in a passive position, we can analyze detachedly the current state of worldwide cultural exchange, so that we can objectively and rationally assess the interaction of European culture with world culture. We can absolutely carry out a thorough assessment on the form and content of present cultural exchange of the “West”, and through this assessment to explore concepts of a “brand new” worldwide cultural exchange.

Page 32: CREATIVITY "Social invention enhanced and illuminated by cultural activity" “Cultural invention enhanced and illuminated by social activity“ Danny Yung

Third Experimentation: Moving Images

.On the hardware side of the city development, should we need a blueprint with a clear and long-term cultural field of vision? If we can achieve that, we will be able to develop the software side such as human resources development to operate in coordination with the hardware plans. With the blueprint, we will not be so short-sighted and speculated in a risky adventure. The reason is because we do not concern much about cultural institutions; therefore, it resulted in a lack of cultural analysis, so as to strategy research, planning tools and the talents in this aspect. When we are dealing with cultural development and construction work, we need to be confident enough to raise and discuss the problems related to the cultural management policy; hence we can reform the cultural management policy and should promote local education on different layers of aspects in order to build a strong cultural foundation with the interaction between the civil participants. We need to build some interexchange channels between the locals, global culturists and the strategies planners, to broaden our own cultural field of vision, and to have dialectics in a long-run.

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CREATIVITY“The Arts of Propaganda and The Propaganda of the Arts“

IDEA: Q and A with A

Thank You

Danny Yung

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