  • 8/18/2019 Creating a Windows 7 Setup Recovery With Clean Install


    Creating a Windows 7 setup Recovery with clean install

    Launch Windows 7 Setup

    On menu to choose language settings press [Shift+F10] to open CMD

    In CMD:

    x:\sources> DISKPART [Enter]

    DISKPART> List disk [Enter]

    DISKPART> Select disk 0 [Enter]

    DISKPART> List partition [Enter]

    Se houver parições eleminar as mesmas (delete partiton #) [Enter]

    DISKPART> Create partition primary size=4096 (Recovery Partition) [Enter]

    DISKPART> Create partition primary size=209920 (System Partition) [Enter]

    DISKPART> SELECT Partition 1 [Enter]

    DISKPART> Format fs=ntfs Label="Recovery" Quick [Enter]

    DISKPART> Assign letter=D [Enter]

    DISKPART> Active [Enter]

    DISKPART> SELECT Partition 2 [Enter]

    DISKPART> Format fs=ntfs Label="Windows" Quick [Enter]

    DISKPART> Assign letter=C [Enter]

    DISKPART> List Volume (To see wich is your cd drive) [Enter]

    DISKPART> Select volume 0 (your cd drive) [Enter]

    DISKPART> Assign letter=F [Enter]

    DISKPART> Exit

    x:\sources> xcopy F: D: /h/i/s [Enter]

    x:\sources> F: [Enter]


    F:\boot> bootsect.exe /nt60 D: [Enter]

    F:\boot> exit [Enter] (Return to Windows 7 Setup)

    (Remove CD copy of windows from your CD drive and rebot de computer)

  • 8/18/2019 Creating a Windows 7 Setup Recovery With Clean Install


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