
Created by:Lindsey Manickavasagam

The Theatre, the TheatreTheatre History from Ancient times through the Renaissance

The Theatre, the Theatre


“The Theatre, the Theatre…What’s happened to the Theatre?”

Almost as long as people have been telling stories, they have been acting those stories out. As society and culture have changed, so has theatre. While it has evolved over the past two millennia, it has not changed as much as you might think. If you go to a play on Broadway today, you will likely see influences from each of the main eras of theatre from the past 2000 years. And so as we prepare to explore the history of theatre from ancient times through the Renaissance, we ask: What’s happened to the theatre?

Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

THE TASK: Create a Movie TrailerYour group is a production team for a small independent

film company that specializes in creating non-sleep inducing documentaries. Your job is to create a compelling movie trailer for one of their upcoming films highlighting the eras of early theatre history.

Your movie trailer will zero in on four main topics: the actors, the plays, the stage, and the costumes and props of your given era of theatre history.

Remember- your object is to create an innovative and enlightening movie trailer that will have your audience clamoring for more!

The Theatre, the Theatre

TaskIntroduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

Phase 1: Research Your EraEach member of your group will be responsible to research one of four topics for your assigned era: the actors, the plays, the stage, and the costumes & props. Use the “Resources” page to find important information and video clips.

Phase 2: Preproduction of the Movie TrailerEach member will now take over a new role on the production team as you plan your trailer. Use the “Roles” page to find job descriptions for each role. Phase 3: Filming the Movie TrailerEach member will be involved in filming the movie trailer. Use the “Evaluation” page to locate thecriteria for the Movie Trailer.

The Theatre, the TheatreProcess

Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

•The Director will oversee all of the planning and make the tie-breaking decisions in case of disagreement.

•The Writer will oversee the story of the trailer making sure that all of the necessary information is in the trailer.

•The Producer will ensure that all necessary people and props are on hand for the filming.

•The Cinematographer will actually film the trailer and convert it into a watchable format.

•Everyone will participate in the filming of the trailer and see to it that their researched information is accurately included in the trailer.

The Theatre, the Theatre

RolesIntroduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

Ancient Theatre

Medieval Theatre

English Renaissance

Italian Renaissance

The Theatre, the Theatre

ResourcesIntroduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

Click for an important Message!

The Theatre, the Theatre

Ancient Theatre

Overview clip:

Brief overview:  More in-depth information of each aspect of Greek Theatre:

Additional descriptions of Greek theatre:   

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Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

Overview clip:

Medieval Theatre Powerpoint: (select “Medieval Powerpoint” file to view)

Additional information:

The Theatre, the Theatre

Medieval Theatre

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Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

The Theatre, the Theatre

English Renaissance

English Renaissance Overview:,7,6,14  Powerpoint on Elizabethan Theatre (select “Elizabethan Theatre” to view)  General Information:

Video clips:The Globe’s season trailer (gives a sense of the stage and audience) Clip from Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”

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Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

The Theatre, the Theatre

Italian Renaissance

General Overview of Renaissance:

Commedia dell’Arte: Description, History, &Characters  Video Clips: Description of the basics and importance of Commedia Clip of Commedia characters

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Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

The Theatre, the Theatre

EvaluationIntroduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

The Theatre, the Theatre

Teacher Notes

BEFORE FILMING…•You may need to review theatre terms (e.g. blocking, staging, etc.) before the students embark on their research.•When grouping the students consider the students’ interests and abilities. If a students is interested in his/her topic, he/she may be more motivated to produce a quality trailer.

AFTER FILMING…•Hold a screening party for the watching of the trailers complete with movie snacks. Afterward, discuss the similarities and differences they noticed between the different eras.

VARIATIONS ON FILMING…•If this amount of research is too daunting (or your time is too limited) you may choose to have your students team up on one or two topics for their era rather than each student following a different topic.•To change things up, you may have groups research a particular topic (actors, plays, stage, etc.) through the eras rather than examine all topics for a single era. •More advanced students could produce their trailers in the style of the era they are researching.

BECAUSE THEATRE IS MEANT TO BE EXPERIENCED, CONSIDER…•To bring their research alive, attend or watch recordings of productions of plays from each period. •After researching the history of theatre, produce one-act plays or scenes from period plays that are representative of the different eras.

Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

The Theatre, the Theatre

Biblical Considerations

“IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD,” so begins John 1:1. As we follow scripture we see that the Word, Jesus Christ, was never just an idea in the mind of God. As a member of the Trinity, he took on flesh and became a man. As a man he brought to vibrant life all concepts and heavenly realities that would have otherwise remained abstract and remote to fallen mankind. It pleased God to not just tell people about love, but to demonstrate it in its fullest expression in the life of Christ.

When we take thoughts and words on a page or in a script and act them out, we are in a small way emulating our heavenly Father. We are taking ideas that may otherwise remain intangible giving form and a kind of reality to them. Likewise, theatre also provides an opportunity to study our Father, his creation, and every imaginable relationship between them. It provides a space in which to explore and examine, to emotionally empathize and to respond.

Like all of creation, theatre is damaged by the Fall because the people who create theatre and the world in which they bring it to life are both tainted by sin. It does not take but a moment to recall some instance of theatre being used shamefully. When teaching and studying the history of theatre, it is important to keep in mind structural and direction issues. We have no evidence from scripture that theatre is inherently evil, rather when we consider it in its most elemental form we see that it is emulating the creative nature of God. That being said, the objects of its worship, the stories being told, the ways in which it is delivered, and the conclusions it reaches are often what determines whether or not theatre is God-honoring and edifying to fellow creatures.

Challenge your students to consider these issues as they explore the history of theatre. It will take a firm grasp of scripture and a prayerful attitude to wade through these weighty and often confusing considerations, but will be well worth the effort.

Introduction Task Process Roles Resources Evaluation Teacher Notes Biblical Considerations

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