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Page 1: Crash Course by zB

7/17/2019 Crash Course by zB 1/3


Page 2: Crash Course by zB

7/17/2019 Crash Course by zB 2/3

All the files, including operating system file, the IDE file, compiler file, all our document files, keyboard

software files, our C++ program file, our binary program file (i.e., our software, and other files, all of them are

stored in the hard disk. !hene"er we wish to use any of the file the microprocessor brings it into the #A$ to

e%ecute it.

&et us directly start using an IDE called $icrosoft 'isual tudio to write a program in C++ language. )o do this,

click the Start button, then click All *rograms, and then find $icrosoft 'isual tudio - in the menu  that

 pops up. After finding it, click $icrosoft 'isual tudio -, and then finally click $icrosoft 'isual tudio-. A window will open that looks like the following this is the IDE.


Page 3: Crash Course by zB

7/17/2019 Crash Course by zB 3/3

 /ow, in this IDE our coding effort is called a pro0ect and this IDE understand "ery many languages like C++,

C1, 'isual 2asic etc. )o let it know that we want to create a C++ program, we must create a C++ pro0ect for it.

)o do this we click 34ile5 command in the menu bar near the top of IDE, then we click 3/ew5 command in the

menu that pops up, and then again click 3*ro0ect5 command in the child menu that pops up. A child menu is themenu that pops up when we click a command present in the menu.

A screenshot (screen capture of this is shown below.


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