Page 1: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014





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Vol. 63, Issue 57 Proudly serving Cranbrook and area since 1951


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Every year on Christmas Eve, Dutch school children take candles to the graves of Canadian soldiers at the Holten Canadian war cemetery in the Netherlands. Now a volunteer group is seeking information about a Cranbrook veteran buried there.


Every year since 1991, the town of Holten, Netherlands gathers on Christmas Eve to honour the 1,355 Canadian soldiers buried there during World War II. An effort by the Mayor of Kingston, Ontario sought to recognize the contributions of the school children and adults that par-ticipate in the ceremony in Holten,

and that has further lead to another initiative. The new initiative is enti-tles “A Face For Every Name” and its goal is to hopefully gather photos and information on all of the 1,355 soldiers buried there. As it turns out there is a Cranbrook connection to the cemetery.

“There is one soldier from Cran-brook buried in the Holten Ceme-tery, Sergeant Frank L. Martin,” ex-

plained Mike Muntain, who is work-ing with the Welcome Back Veterans committee on the project. “Martin was killed on April 28, 1945, just weeks before the end of the war. As far as standards go, he was an old man of 33 years old. Born in the 1920s, he was a senior, a little older (than the norm).”

Muntain said “A Face For Every Name” is a significant undertaking.

As photos and info is found, it is placed at the headstone of the ap-propriate grave, which gives visitors the opportunity to put a face and bio to the name of the soldier.

“We’ve had a lot of luck with newspapers. A lot of luck with Kings-ton, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Vancou-ver,” Muntain said.

Group seeks photo of Cranbrook soldier buried in the Netherlands

Cranbrook Sergeant Frank L. Martin was killed in April 1945, just weeks before World War Two ended

See DUTCH, Page 4

Banjo’s big



The Paw Shop’s resi-dent cat Banjo is recov-ering after a big night out in downtown Cran-brook on Saturday night.

The pet store’s owner, Stephanie McGregor, said she got a phone call at about 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 23 from a customer who had driven past the 10th Av-enue store and noticed the storefront window had been smashed.

“I came down and there was a big hole in the window and Banjo was gone,” Stephanie said.

“It was awful. I didn’t know if she got cut, or if people took her, or if she got totally spooked and bolted.”

The first thing Steph-anie did was post a photo of Banjo to the store’s Facebook page, telling customers that Banjo was missing. She’d learned the power of social media about 18 months ago when a fos-ter kitten was taken from the store. Through Facebook, the person who took the kitten was found and the kitten was returned.

“As soon as (Banjo) wasn’t here, I knew I should put it on Face-book right away.”

The beloved local store pet is back home after the community

rallied to find the missing feline

See SOCIAL, Page 4

Page 2: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014

Page 2 Tuesday, MaRCH 25, 2014

LocaL NEWSdaily townsman / daily bulletin

"Nutter's; looking after you from the inside out."

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Denise's Weekly Features


















“The dynamic duo for fighting heart disease”


W. GIFFORD-JONES, MD W. Gifford-Jones, MD is a graduate of the University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School. His weekly medical column is published by 70 Canadian

newspapers and reaches six million readers.

Coronary arteries closest to the heart receive the greatest pressure. Without enough vitamin C, collagen weakens, resulting in heart attack. Now, research shows that vitamin C plus lysine can reverse this process. Join Gifford-Jones as he reviews the research and learn about this potent combination for fighting heart disease. Bring your heart health questions!

The dynamic duo for fighting heart disease

Prestige Convention CentreFor further details,

please call: 250-426-5519

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Sponsored by: Nutters Bulk & Natural Food

“The dynamic duo for fighting heart disease”


W. GIFFORD-JONES, MD W. Gifford-Jones, MD is a graduate of the University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School. His weekly medical column is published by 70 Canadian

newspapers and reaches six million readers.

Coronary arteries closest to the heart receive the greatest pressure. Without enough vitamin C, collagen weakens, resulting in heart attack. Now, research shows that vitamin C plus lysine can reverse this process. Join Gifford-Jones as he reviews the research and learn about this potent combination for fighting heart disease. Bring your heart health questions!

The dynamic duo for fighting heart disease

Prestige Convention CentreFor further details,

please call: 250-426-5519

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Sponsored by: Nutters Bulk & Natural Food

“The dynamic duo for fighting heart disease”


W. GIFFORD-JONES, MD W. Gifford-Jones, MD is a graduate of the University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School. His weekly medical column is published by 70 Canadian

newspapers and reaches six million readers.

Coronary arteries closest to the heart receive the greatest pressure. Without enough vitamin C, collagen weakens, resulting in heart attack. Now, research shows that vitamin C plus lysine can reverse this process. Join Gifford-Jones as he reviews the research and learn about this potent combination for fighting heart disease. Bring your heart health questions!

The dynamic duo for fighting heart disease

Prestige Convention CentreFor further details,

please call: 250-426-5519

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Sponsored by: Nutters Bulk & Natural Food

The dynamic duo for � ghting heart disease


Coronary arteries closest to the heart receive the greatest pressure. Without enough vitamin C, collagen weakens, resulting in heart attack. Now, research shows that vitamin C plus lysine can reverse this process. Join Gi� ord-Jones as he reviews the research and learn about this potent combination for

� ghting heart disease. Bring your heart health questions!

“The dynamic duo for � ghting heart disease”

Sponsored by:Nutters Bulk & Natural Food

W. Gi� ord-Jones, MD is a graduate of the University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School.

His weekly medical column is published by 70 Canadian newspapers and reaches six million readers.

Tuesday, March 25, 20146:30pm

Prestige Convention CentreFor further details, please call: 250-426-5519


YellowknifeWhitehorseVancouverVictoriaSaskatoonReginaBrandonWinnipegThunder BayS. Ste. MarieTorontoWindsorOttawaMontrealQuebec CityFredericton

p.cloudy -12/-24 p.cloudy-12/-23sunny -2/-16 sunny -4/-20rain 11/6 showers 10/6rain 11/6 showers 11/6p.cloudy -6/-11 flurries -6/-17p.cloudy -7/-11 flurries -6/-16p.cloudy -11/-15 flurries -6/-15p.cloudy -11/-16 flurries -4/-14flurries -9/-19 p.cloudy -5/-8flurries -9/-23 p.cloudy -7/-9flurries 1/-12 p.cloudy -6/-8flurries 0/-11 p.cloudy -2/-3flurries -2/-11 p.sunny -5/-13flurries -1/-9 flurries -2/-11flurries -4/-12 p.cloudy -2/-15flurries -1/-10 snow -4/-8

TemperaturesHigh Low

Normal ...........................7.9° .................-3.1°Record......................15.4°/1992 ......-11.6°/1996Yesterday.......................6.6° .................-5.3°

Precipitation Normal..............................................1.1mmRecord...................................24.5mm/1991Yesterday ...........................................0 mmThis month to date.........................37.2 mmThis year to date............................88.8 mmPrecipitation totals include rain and snow

Canada today tomorrow






�The Weather Network 2014

WeatherWeatheroutlook outlook


�tlantaBuenos �ires�etroit�eneva�avana�ong �ong�iev�ondon�os �ngelesMiamiParisRomeSingaporeSydneyTokyoWashington

windy 11/-3 sunny 12/3p.cloudy 26/17 p.sunny 27/19flurries 1/-11 p.cloudy 1/-2showers 7/2 p.cloudy 11/2showers 31/19 sunny 29/18p.cloudy 21/20 p.cloudy 22/20p.cloudy 18/7 showers 17/7rain 10/5 showers 9/4p.cloudy 19/13 showers 17/13tstorms 27/15 p.cloudy 22/17rain 9/5 p.cloudy 12/4showers 13/3 showers 14/6tshowers 30/26 tstorms 30/26showers 23/21 showers 24/21p.cloudy 19/9 showers 17/9rain/snow 4/-3 windy 2/-1

The World today tomorrow


-2POP 70%


0POP 40%


2POP 40%


-2POP 40%


4POP 40%


1POP 30%

Mar 30 �pr 7 �pr 15 �pr 22



Prince George-5/-13



Across the Region Tomorro w

Tomorrows�unrise� 7�32 a.m.�unset� 8�05 p.m.�oonrise� 5�08 a.m.�oonset� 3�28 p.m.



HUGE CLEARANCEMarch 27, 28, 29Save from

30% to 80%

Tamar a HyndFernie Free Press

It’s not a bird or a plane. It was the Go-Pro Bomb Squad skydivers in wing suits launching from a helicopter high above Fernie on Satur-day, March 22.

The Go-Pro Bomb Squad has travelled all over the world to places like Norway and Italy to skydive and base jump.

On Saturday the five men flew up with As-cent helicopters while the KAVU helicopter filmed near by.

The challenge Satur-day was the low ceiling of cloud as is common in ski towns, said skydiv-er Marshall Miller.

They jumped at 4,800 feet from the helicopter to the ground in their wing suits. The large crowd craned their necks to watch the two helicopters gain eleva-tion high above the Fernie Secondary School field.

Suddenly five dots appeared, shooting out from the silhouette of

one helicopter. The sky-divers eventually pulled their parachutes at 2,000 feet above the ground with orange smoke trail-ing behind them.

They sailed down into the snow-covered field, landing one by one in front of the cheer-ing crowd.

The weather cleared enough for them to jump on Saturday but it was definitely much colder than what they are accustomed to.

“We usually jump in board shorts and t-shirts,” said Miller. “It was freezing.”

The five men live in

Salt Lake City. It was their first time travelling to Fernie and all en-joyed the last two days skiing in the fresh deep powder, with Miller say-ing they could have been two of the best ski days of his life.

The athletes signed autographs and met

many curious kids and parents. The KAVU event continued into the evening with an af-ter-party at The North-ern.

All this was part of a big launch; Lance Ed-wards of Elevation In-dustries and Elevation Showcase has taken on the Canadian distribu-tor ship for KAVU, an outdoor gear and appar-el line based out of Seat-tle.  KAVU derives its name from the aviation acronym CAVU or “clear above visibility unlimit-ed”, popular with the pa-ra-gliders as it rep-resents a fun day.

KAVU sponsors ex-treme athletes and events, including the Go-Pro Bomb Squad team.

Video footage of their jumps around the world are famous on the web with fans from around the globe watching and waiting for their next ad-venture. For more infor-mation, go to www.go-p r o b o m b s q u a d .com or More photos will be posted on their Facebook page  www.facebook.c o m / G o P r -oBombSquad  early this week and video in a couple of weeks.

Fernie skydivers hit the mark

Photo courtesy tamara hynd/Fernie Press Press

Skydivers embrace after landing in Fernie from a wingsuit jump on Saturday.

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Tuesday, MaRCH 25, 2014 Page 3

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POLLWEEKLog on to to make your vote count.

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This week’s poll: “Are you concerned that Quebec may separate from Canada?”

YEs: 64% NO: 36%

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Forty people attend-ed the annual United Way Appreciation Breakfast on March 20 at the Heritage Inn. A buffet breakfast and program celebrating do-nors, workplace cam-paign supporters and the many agencies pro-viding services was en-joyed by all.

Mayor Wayne Stetski recognized the value of the good works for the community and thanked everyone for their dedication and ef-forts.

Joan Draper spoke on her experiences as a volunteer in the com-munity, as a United Way Director and her in-

sights gained as an em-ployee at the TD Bank, which is involved every year in the United Way workplace campaign.

Lori and Debbie from the Cranbrook Boys and Girls Club showed an inspiring

video of the positive im-pacts on a young man’s life while attending the Club, and recognized the tremendous contri-butions of Gord John-ston who will be retiring from his Executive Di-rector position soon.

Bev Campbell, Board Chair and Donna Brady Fields, Executive Direc-tor, spoke throughout the program, welcom-ing and thanking every-one involved in realiz-ing all of the successes in 2013.

Pictured, left to right: Donna Brady Fields; Jacqueline Schuler (second from left) received an award on behalf of Canfor; Maria Kliavkoff, Columbia Valley Hospice; Magali Larochelle, Windermere Youth Centre Coordinator; Bev Campbell.

United Way thanks supporters

All PhotoS courteSy JAnice Sommerfeld, SnAPd

Pictured, back row, left to right: Lori, Cranbrook Boys and Girls Club; Magili, Windermere Youth Centre Society; Donna, United Way; Mari, Seniors Programming; Don, Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society; Bill, Restorative Justice; Maria, Columbia Valley Hospice Society. Front row, left to right: Bev, United Way; Melanie, Community Living; Mandy, EK P.A.R.T.Y. Program and Pat, Bellies to Babies.

United Way board of directors, left to right: Gary MacPherson, Maureen Foxworthy, Pat Wray, Bev Campbell, ED Donna Brady Fields, Rob Stang.

mat the w RobinSonVancouver Sun

Drivers need to be more careful in parking lots, but that doesn’t mean pedestrians are not responsible for their own safety, according to a re-cent decision at the B.C. Court of Appeal.

A trio of justices overturned an earlier B.C. Supreme Court decision Wednesday when they found the driver of a vehicle mostly at fault when he pulled into a parking stall in a Cranbrook strip mall and hit an in-attentive pedestrian.

The decision follows a tragic 2013 accident in which a two-year-old boy walking hand in hand with his moth-er was struck and killed in a mall parking lot in Pitt Meadows, bringing into public focus the dangers of park-ing lots.

Like the Pitt Meadows accident, the Cranbrook incident began when a pedestrian stepped from a protect-ed pedestrian zone into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

According to the decision on ap-peal, on Aug. 21, 2008, Lenord Rus-sell left a bakery and started walking in a pedestrian area located between the mall’s storefronts and a row of angled parking spots.

Meanwhile, Kenneth Manson Parks was driving along a row of cars in the parking lot, looking for an empty space.

Parks noticed a free spot and started manoeuvering into it around the same time that Russell stepped over a low concrete barrier that divided the walkway and the parking lot and walked into the same spot. Parks was looking back-wards while performing a shoulder check as he slowly drove into the space, according to the original trial decision, when he struck Rus-sell, who had been walking with his head down.

The accident put Russell into a wheelchair for several months, the decision said. He suffered injuries to his right knee and left ankle, and fractured a bone in his left foot.

In the B.C. Supreme Court trial,

the judge found Russell two-thirds liable for the accident, Parks one-third responsible, and ordered Rus-sell damages of $85,000 for non-fi-nancial losses and past and future earnings.

He found that Parks could have successfully stopped his vehicle, but he also found Russell negligent in the accident.

“He was not, in my view, paying attention when he did so and, ac-cordingly, failed to take reasonable care for his own safety,” wrote the trial judge.

On appeal, Justice Elizabeth Ben-nett, writing for justices Mary New-bury and David Frankel, found that the trial judge had erred in finding Russell in violation of s. 179(2) of the Motor Vehicle Act, which prohibits a pedestrian from walking from a place of safety into the path of an oncoming vehicle that is so close that the driver cannot yield the right of way.

“The trial judge’s findings clearly indicate … Mr. Parks could have stopped and avoided the accident had he been keeping a proper look-out,” wrote Bennett.

But the justice supported the trial judge’s finding that Russell should not have been looking down as he walked into the parking stall.

“Clearly both were at fault,” she wrote.

On that basis, the justices found Parks three-quarters responsible for the accident and Russell one-quarter liable.

Bennett awarded Russell nearly $7,000 in one-time costs for rehabili-tation and physical therapy, and an-nual costs for physiotherapy, kinesi-ology, yard maintenance, snow re-moval and weight-reduction mainte-nance.

Insurance Corp. of B.C. statistics show there were 15 pedestrians killed in parking lots across B.C. between 2008 and 2012. There were 156 acci-dents in the Meadowtown Shopping Centre between 2008 and 2012, with 50 people injured, including four pe-destrians.

Driver found mostly at fault for Cranbrook parking lot accident

B.C. appeal decision overturns previous ruling that placed most blame on pedestrian

C anadian PReSS

VICTORIA - The Royal Canadian Mint has released a limited-edition silver coin honouring Nobel Prize-winning author Alice Munro.

The $5-coin, unveiled at a cere-mony at the Greater Victoria Public Library, features an open book con-taining passage’s from Munro’s “The View from Castle Rock,” as the out-line of a woman emerges from a pen that is held to the page.

Only 7,500 of the coins will be minted, and they can be purchased for $69.95 each.

The mint is also donating $10,000 to the Writers’ Trust of Canada in Munro’s name.

Munro, most well known for her short stories, won the Nobel Prize in Literature last year.

She is the first Canadian woman to win the distinction.

Collector coin honours Alice Munro

Page 4: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014

Page 4 Tuesday, MaRCH 25, 2014

LocaL NEWSdaily townsman

Special Information Supplement

New Car Dealers Association of BCProud to celebrate a 30 year relationship with Special Olympics BC

Anyone familiar with theNew Car Dealers Associationof BC knows our affinity forand connection to the SpecialOlympics BC (SOBC).

Our members are among thelongest-standing supportersof the SOBC, raising funds

through our charitable arm, the New CarDealers Foundation of B.C.

This year we are proud to celebrate the 30-year relationship between the SOBCmovementand the New Car Dealers of B.C., a partnershipthat has played a critical part in the growthof the volunteer non-profit organization. TheSOBC is dedicated to providing opportunitiesfor individuals with intellectual disabilities

and their pursuit with sports training andcompetition.

Since 1984, the Foundation has raised morethan $3.6 million for the SOBC. One of themany ways New Car Dealers support SOBCathletes and programs is during the annualVancouver International Auto Show. Eachyear, partial proceeds of the Preview Galadinner and awards ceremony go towardsthe Foundation. This year’s gala will includeawards presentation for the 2013 Salespeopleof the Year and the first-annual CommunityDriver Awards.

The 94th annual Vancouver InternationalAuto Show, which runs from March 25 to 30 atthe Vancouver Convention Centre, is also a greatfamily-friendly opportunity to check out coolnewmodels and concepts for the year ahead.

It’s the third-largest Auto Show in Canadaand B.C.’s new model showcase for theCanadian automotive industry. Leading globalmanufacturers will be onsite showcasing thehottest new models and trends, with the latestdesigns and technologies. It’s also a chance forauto enthusiasts to gain hands-on experiencewith some of the world’s most popular brands.

Visitors at this year’s show will also getto experience a bit of automotive historyat Hagerty Classic Alley. On display will bebeautiful cars from the 1950s and 1960s,including a special salute to the Ford Mustangand its 50th anniversary celebration.

Two classic cars will also be auctioned off,with 100 per cent of the proceeds going towardstwo very deserving causes. The first is a 1966

Plymouth Satellite, funds from which will gotowards the MS Society of Canada. The secondis a 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe, profits fromwhich will be donated to the New Car DealersFoundation for causes like the SOBC.

If you or someone you know is looking forvaluable career information, we also haveeverything you need to know about youroptions in our industry. And believe me,today, the options are endless, with positionsthat include everything from salespeople tomechanics, eCommerce Managers and DigitalMarketing specialists.

Formore information on the showplease visit:

Blair Qualey is President and CEO of theNew Car Dealers Association of BC.Email him at [email protected]..

By Blair Qualey

“We’re just trying to get the word out. One newspaper article generally has several responses and we’ve been able to help the Dutch collect the information and the pictures they need.”

Muntain hopes that in the local community, as in Kingston, there are still relatives, friends and men who served with those who did not come home, who may be able to provide a photo and information to the Dutch.

“It’s basically started out of the archives of the Princess of Wales Own Regiment, which is Kingston’s regiment and we were helping the mayor of Kingston with another

project and then this came about. We were asked to find five names of Kingston men to try to find a face for all 1,355 Canadian soldiers resting in Kingston,” he said.

Muntain said the Dutch look at the honouring of the soldiers as a sacred duty.

He referred to a video on You-Tube entitled “1400 Candles” which shows the ceremony that the town of Holten puts on each year to honour the 1,355 Canadian soldiers buried there.

Anyone with information on Sgt. Martin or any other of the soldiers can contact Mike Muntain at 613-888-7267 or [email protected].

Dutch hope to honour Canadian war heroes

Then Stephanie began walk-ing around downtown Cran-brook, looking and calling for Banjo.

It didn’t take long for the com-munity to respond.

“We had about eight of us – other business owners, Carla from the Playpen, Erin from Lotus Books, customers and friends.

“It made me feel really great. I was really frustrated that some-one would smash my window, but everyone coming down to help out – instantly, they were here in no time to help me look for her. That was amazing and it made up for the bad feelings to-wards whoever smashed the win-

dow.”It only took about an hour

and a half for the crew to find Banjo.

“A gentleman who lives above the York saw a cat and then he remembered that the Paw Shop had its window smashed and the Paw Shop had a cat. So he was nice enough to come up and tell us,” said Stephanie.

He took Stephanie to where he had last seen Banjo – behind Dewey’s – and there she was, sun-ning herself on the back porch.

“She wasn’t stressed at all. She wouldn’t even come to me; she would come close, to tease me, but she was really enjoying the sun.

“I was so relieved that she was there, living it up, having a night

out on the town. It was a Saturday night out for her.”

Now Banjo is back home, a little tired but no worse for wear. Her biggest complaint is that the window is boarded up so her cat tree has been moved from its reg-ular spot in the sun.

As for the store, Stephanie said nothing was taken when the win-dow was smashed, and only a few items in the storefront were de-stroyed.

Meanwhile, the original Face-book post was shared 152 times by loyal Paw Shop customers who were concerned for Banjo’s safe-ty.

“It’s so nice – it really is heart-warming,” said Stephanie. “I was just praying that it would be a happy ending.”

Social media helps find store pet

Townsman file phoTo

At The Paw Shop, cat Banjo pointedly ignores friend Lisa Tuson. Banjo is back home after a big night on the town Saturday. She escaped the store when someone smashed the front window.

Continued from page 1

Continued from page 1

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Are you in need of spring and summer reading? Starting to plan your garden and landscape projects? Dreaming of fishing, golfing, and hiking? Or bird watching? Anxious to try some new recipes, craft projects, or painting? Are you ready to curl up in your favourite patio chair to enjoy an engrossing biography?

Then come to the Friends of the Cranbrook Public Library Mini Book Sale and you’re sure to find what you’re looking for.

The sale will be located at the Manual Training School adjacent to the Library.

Friday, March 28 is for Friends members only from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

On Saturday, March 29, everyone

is welcome from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.There are loads of newer releases

and plenty of popular fiction and mystery and also books for babies, children and teens.

A wide variety of topics from gar-dening, art and health, sports and trades can be found. Come and dis-cover for yourself.

Book donations from the public have been pouring in.

It is never too late to donate items to the Friends as donations are re-ceived year-round. They can be dropped off at the circulation desk in the Library.

All proceeds from this sale will be used to support programs and col-lections at the Cranbrook Public Li-brary.

Friends of the Library ready for mini book sale

The Cranbrook Food Bankneeds your help.

Drop boxes at Safeway and Save On FoodsFood Bank office 104-8th Ave. S. • 250-426-7664 (from 10am-3pm)

Page 5: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, MaRCH 25, 2014 Page 5daily townsman / daily bulletin


SubmittedThere is nothing quite like enjoying the

serenity of your backyard, something many City of Cranbrook residents are look-ing forward to after this winter. Many of us may be looking forward to some lawn and garden maintenance or building a new deck or fence.

Along with these and many other out-door activities, there often comes an in-crease in the noise level in your neigh-bourhood. Residents are reminded that there is a City bylaw in place that is de-signed to afford all residents quiet enjoy-ment of their own property, while being considerate of others in the neighbour-hood.

“Noise is interpreted as any unreason-able disturbance not normally expected at

any given time of the day or night,” said City Bylaw Services Officer Naomi Hu-menny. “If you are running your lawn-mower at 10 a.m. that is considered rea-sonable; running your mower at 10 p.m., not so much.”

A common complaint fielded by the City Bylaw Enforcement department is barking or howling dogs left unattended in yards all day with the owners often away at work. Under the bylaw—“no person shall own, keep or harbor any animal or bird which by its cries unduly disturbs the peace, quiet, rest or tranquility of the sur-rounding neighbourhood or the public at large”.

Other common complaints include home and building construction and in some cases noisy parties. In the case of

noisy parties, concerned residents should contact the RCMP detachment, as parties tend to occur after hours.

In regard to construction, no person in the City shall undertake any type of con-struction work before 7 a.m. or after 10 p.m. No construction for profit or gain can be undertaken on a Sunday, without ex-plicit written approval by the City Engi-neer.

“Residents can carry on their normal outdoor routines during the summer months, with yard work and construction projects,” said Humenny. “We simply ask that you consider your neighbours by keeping the noise to an acceptable level at the acceptable times.”

To view City of Cranbrook Bylaw #2612, please visit

City urges residents to respect noise bylaw

Letters to the editorMLa on dCCsI appreciate very much the

letter from CAO Wayne Staudt of the City of Cranbrook and I must say I regret that City staff have been thrust into the spot-light here because in my expe-rience, government staff can-not defend themselves.

I know Mr. Staudt to be a man of honour and I also know that City staff, including the Chief Engineer, are capable and professional. There is no chance that Cranbrook City staff will lose its strong rela-tionship with the provincial government.

What the public is still wait-ing for, however, is an explana-tion from the mayor and those three councillors who spoke at the public meeting.

Why did they tell the Towns-man they were “scrapping” the DCC’s? Why did they say the B.C. government “refused to approve the new bylaw”. Why did they say the Province is to blame for an “18 month delay”?  Did they not know that a de-parted staff member had dropped the ball? Were they really in the dark about this? Or did they discuss the matter in camera before the public meet-ing and decide they could get away with blaming the Prov-ince and pretending the Prov-ince “refused” to sign off on this bylaw?  

 Bill Bennett

MLA, Kootenay East

Mine trainingIn a recent letter to the edi-

tor (March 18), Brent Bush raised questions about the Col-lege of the Rockies Haul Truck program’s student employ-ment outcomes. 

While the College would also like stronger employment outcomes, the program is new and initial results are encour-aging. The College has contact-ed about 60 per cent of our graduates to date and as near as we can tell, 80 per cent of grads have secured at least a first interview. Many have been through to a third interview at various mines in B.C. About half of those reached have been hired as haul truck opera-tors. 

Our program has only been running for seven months. We understand the hiring process for most B.C. mines can take an average of three months, while some operations in the oil sands can take up to eight months to make a hiring deci-sion.  One thing we are learn-ing is that there are many other factors in getting hired beyond completing a program, includ-ing attitude, professionalism, interview skills, as well as drug and alcohol testing to name a few. Completing programs at the College opens doors for students but the College can-not guarantee jobs. 

Having said that, there are a few things within the College’s ability to control—we can en-sure we have the right admis-sion requirements to better predict student success; we can add additional employ-ability skills to the program profile so graduates are pre-pared to present more profes-

sionally in their interviews; and we can and will continue to connect with industry to sup-port continuous quality im-provement.

Other factors are out of our control.  For example, changes in commodity prices can im-pact student employment out-comes in these occupations. As well, various parts of the prov-ince are currently experiencing temporary fluctuations in la-bour market demand as min-ing projects develop. It’s our understanding that some mines have implemented a temporary hiring freeze. The College has no control over the hiring practices of industry, nor should it. 

College of the Rockies is committed to providing quality instruction and relevant train-ing.  We recognize that our stu-dents should have clear and appropriate expectations with respect to program outcomes, and will ensure that this is clearly communicated to pro-spective students.  Finally, we will ensure that we are training numbers of students that cor-respond to industry demand.  Be assured that we will focus on these commitments as we grow our program.

 Dr. Marilyn Petersen

Acting Vice President, Education

College of the Rockies

Mine trainingI am writing to provide

some additional context re-garding the March 18th letter to the editor from Mr. Brent

Bush in response to the recent article “B.C. mining all the rage”.

Teck is proud to support training programs such as the College of the Rockies’ (COTR) Haul Truck Operator program that provide important practi-cal skills for individuals inter-ested in a career in the mining industry. These programs cer-tainly increase the available opportunities for people seek-ing work with a range of em-ployers, including Teck. To-date we have hired close to one-third of the graduates of the 2013 haul truck program that applied and are still con-sidering a number of 2014 ap-plicants.

However, it’s important to point out that completion of a training program is just one factor in hiring. We also con-sider prior experience, other skills, and overall fit with our safety culture. Haul truck driv-ers are in demand in our in-dustry—in 2013 we hired an average of 30 haul truck opera-tors per month from an aver-age 600 applications received. In each case we aim to hire the best overall candidate so that we can continue to build one of the best teams in the busi-ness. 

Applicable training is al-ways a positive step for anyone looking to apply for a role with Teck. We look forward to con-tinuing to work with the COTR to support advanced education for the mining industry.

Glen CampbellDirector, Human Resources

Teck Coal


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ONGOING The Cellar Thrift Store Open Mon. to Sat., noon to 4:30 p.m. Our revenues support local programs and outreach programs of Cranbrook United Church. Baker Lane Entry at 2 – 12th Ave. S. Cranbrook, B. C. Donations of new or gently used items welcome.Creating a bridge between Cranbrook’s Art scene and Sport scene, The Cranbrook and District Arts Council is holding an Art Exhibition for the month of March titled “Slapshot – Sport in Art”. Local artists submitted their “Sport Themed” work to the Gallery; on display to Friday Mar 28th. Free Public Skating at Fort Steele! Open 9:30 - 3:30 every day! We have a huge outdoor rink waiting for you! Strap on your skates and warm up by the � re! Call ahead for weather conditions 250-417-6000.Canadian Cancer Society- if you have spare time and would like to volunteer, interested applicants can call 250-426-8916, drop by our o� ce at #19-9th Avenue S, Cranbrook or go to www.� and register as a volunteer.Do you have the desire to stop eating compulsively? Overeaters Anonymous (a 12-Step Program) meets Wednesdays from 7-8pm at Cranbrook United Church, 2-12th St. S., downstairs. Contact: [email protected] Bridge–Senior Center in Cranbrook. Mon & Wed 7pm, Thurs & Fri 1pm at Scout Hall, Marysville. Info: Maggie 250-417-2868.Mark Creek Lions meet 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the Kimbrook. Meet & Greet from 6:00-6:30pm, supper 6:30-7:00, meeting 7:00-8:00pm. Contact 250-427-5612 or 250-427-7496. New members welcome – men and ladies!Funtastic Singers Drop-In Singing group; free to attend-just for fun! No experience necessary! CDAC O� ce&Gallery 135 10th Ave S, Tuesdays; 6.45-8.15pm 250-426-4223 / [email protected] / www.cranbrookanddistrictartscouncil.comCranbrook Branch of the Stroke Recovery Association of BC. Meetings are from 10:00am-1:00pm the 2nd and 4th Wed. in the lower level of the Senior Citizen’s Hall, 125-17th St. S. Bring bag lunch. Tootie Gripich, 426-3994. Cranbrook Phoenix Toastmasters meet every Thursday, noon -1:00 Heritage Inn. Toastmasters teaches communication & leadership skills. Roberta 250-489-0174. Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation invites anyone expecting bone and joint surgery to make contact with local volunteers for peer support. The free Ortho Connect program helps to ease the fear, stress and anxiety that go along with surgery and help patients prepare. 1-800-461-3639 ext 4, and ask for Lauralee.TOPS (Take O� Pounds Sensibly) non pro� t weight loss support group meets EVERY Thursday at 5:00 pm at the Sr Citizen’s Centre, (downstairs) 125 17th Ave S, Cranbrook. Drop in, have fun while losing weight gradually. This Chapter has won an annual B.C. Provincial Award for “BEST AVG WEIGHT LOSS PER MEMBER”. Info: Marie 250 417 2642 SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICES: Each Sunday from March 9 to March 30, 2014, from 3:00 - 4:00 PM Mountain Time. Girl Guides of Canada Hall, 1421 - 2nd St S Cranbrook. Contact: (250) 426-4791.

UPCOMINGHave Camera Will Travel.... Join Lyle Grisedale - travelogue “Hiking in the Bugaboos” at Centre 64 on Tuesday, March 25 at 7:30 pm. Admission by donation. Proceeds to Kimberley Arts Council & Expansion Project.The ESL/Adult 1-1 Tutoring Program is looking for volunteers to commit to 2 hrs per week to support adults with their speaking, writing and reading skills. If you are interested in other cultures, enjoy working with people and would enjoy helping as a 1-1 tutor please consider volunteering with us. Training will be eve of Mar. 27 and all day Mar 29th. Info: Pam Bailie CBAL Kimberley ESL Coordinator at 250-427-6027Our Open JAM & Ice-cream Social held last Saturdays at the Cranbrook Seniors HALL o� ers a variety of genres to be enjoyed by all who drop by to listen and sing along from 1:30 -3:30. Next session: March 29.Monday, March 31 - GoGo Granny Monthly Meeting at 7:00 Superstore Community Room. New members always welcome. Please call Norma at 250-426-6111 for further information.2014 FREE PUBLIC SWIM Wednesday, April 2nd, 5:00-6:00pm is sponsored by H&R Block.Kimberley Gogo Grannies present: African Dinner. Proceeds to the Stephen Lewis Foundation–African Grandmothers Campaign. Saturday April 5th, Doors open at 5:30, Dinner at 6:30 pm, at The Old Baurenhaus. 4 course African Dinner incl. co� ee & tea. No host bar. Door Prizes, Silent Auction. Tickets & info available from: Kimberley Gogo Grannies, Ruth Ratzcla� 250.427.2706, Old BaurenhausApril 9. Kimberley Garden Club April program: Basic Garden Design. Selkirk High School Library 7-9 pm. New members welcome. For more info: Nola: 250-427-0527.2014 FREE FAMILY SWIM Wednesday, April 16th, 6:00-7:00pm is sponsored by Kimberley Healthcare Auxiliary. Persons 18 years & younger must be accompanied by an adult.

Bylaw designed to afford residents quiet summer enjoyment, City of Cranbrook says

Page 6: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014


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The B.C. NDP leadership contest is officially underway, with the entry of Vancouver Island veter-an John Horgan in a reluctant reprise of his 2011 run against

Port Coquitlam MLA Mike Farnworth.Unfortunately for them, weekend cam-

paign events were overshadowed by reve-lations of flagrant abuse of taxpayers’ money by the executive and board of the Portland Hotel Society. A pair of audits fi-nally released last week on this network of Downtown Eastside social agencies  re-vealed  systematic looting of the $28 million a year in tax-payers’ money that has kept this supposed charity run-ning.

Alas for the NDP, local MLA Jenny Kwan not only failed to keep an eye on it, her recently separated husband was one of the execu-tives who took part for years, and she ben-efited to the tune of $35,000 in luxury trav-el. That’s what we know about, since much of the evidence wasn’t produced for the auditors.

When this Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous scheme finally came to light, Kwan hastily paid back the $35,000 and an-nounced she’s taking an unpaid leave of absence. Her tearful claim that she be-lieved nothing was wrong is simply not credible. She not only must have known of

her husband Dan Small’s jet-set ways, she participated in at least two trips, one to Vienna and Bristol, England to do “re-search” and attend a poverty conference from high-end hotels.

If it wants to retain any shred of credi-bility as it spouts misleading poverty statis-tics and simplistic solutions, the party must get rid of Kwan, who has two years left to max out her MLA pension. 

MLA pensions were a factor in the 2010 ouster of Carol James, who infuriated the old guard by trying to defuse a public backlash against a generous pay and benefits package worked out in private be-tween the NDP and the B.C. Liberals. Kwan would later take a leading role in the caucus revolt that forced

James out as leader.Long-time political watchers will see

the PHS abuse as a bigger, uglier version of the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holdings Society scandal. There the siphoning off of bingo funds from charities cost Mike Har-court his job as premier. In that case, NDP MLAs sat on the board, took their monthly cut and kept quiet.

There’s more. Horgan became enraged last year at the reporter who took a tip from the B.C. Liberals to reveal the NDP was skimming constituency office budgets to pay for its own “ethnic outreach” operation

in Vancouver. Horgan had rubber-stamped the plan with a since-dismissed legislature accountant, and thought he had kept it secret after the Auditor-General blew the whistle. His willingness to assess its ethics remains in question to this day.

Then there is Craig Keating, who took over as party president from Moe Sihota last year. Did he inherit the $72,000 salary negotiated by Sihota with the B.C. Federa-tion of Labour and two of its largest unions? If so, do Horgan and Farnworth think this is appropriate?

Will the party’s joined-at-the-hip rela-tionship with government unions even be discussed in the carefully staged leader-ship contest that’s about to begin?

Then there’s the policy shipwreck left behind by Adrian Dix. His plan to use envi-ronmental assessment as a weapon to tor-pedo industrial projects remains popular with the party’s urban base.

Farnworth and Horgan have paid lip service to the notion that projects like the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion should be properly assessed. Meanwhile the federal NDP fights to keep stacking public hearings with pre-selected protest-ers.

The party may wish to consider what would give its next B.C. leader any hope of governing.

Tom Fletcher is legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers.

NDP’s survival on the line

LETTERS TO THE EDITORLetters to the Editor should be a maximum of 400 words in length. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contri-bution. All letters must include the name and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. The phone number will not be printed. Anonymous letters will not be published. Only one letter per month from any particular letter writer will be published. Email letters to [email protected]. Mail to The Daily Townsman, 822 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 3R9. In Kimberley, email [email protected]. Mail to The Daily Bulletin, 335 Spokane Street, Kimberley, BC V1A 1Y9.

BC VIEWSTom Fletcher

Page 7: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014



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It seems the WHL made the right choice to broadcast the Kootenay Ice and the Calgary Hit-men in the first round of the post-season.

The two teams put on a show Monday night, scoring six times each in regulation be-fore Greg Chase ended it in overtime for a 7-6 final that put Calgary up 2-1 in the series.

The Hitmen blew four separate leads be-fore Kootenay coun-tered, and it was Calgary who played catch up in the third period to force the extra frame.

The Ice got a pair of goals from Jagger Dirk, while Luke Philp, Sam Reinhart, Zach Franko and Jaedon Deschene-au also provided of-fence.

For the Hitmen, Landon Welykholowa scored twice for the sec-ond time in as many games, while Radel Fa-zleev also tallied a pair. Adam Tambellini, Tra-vis Sandheim and Chase rounded out the goals for Calgary.

The Ice powerplay was ridiculous, scoring five times in six chances with the man-advan-tage—an aspect of Koo-tenay’s game that has certainly gotten into the heads of the Hitmen players.

“It’s pretty hard, I think we just have to make a couple of adjust-ments, but yeah, if we just stay disciplined, I know they’ll have a bet-ter chance not scoring, because their power-play is pretty deadly,”

said Hitmen forward Jake Virtanen. “If we just stay out of the box, that’s going to be really im-portant for the coming games here.”

With eight powerplay goals in three games, the Ice have certainly shown they can take full advantage of their op-portunities with the man-advantage.

“I think we’ve had the best powerplay on the road and one of the best all-around,” said Descheneau, who had a six-point night with five assists and a goal. “It’s our intimidation to other teams and we want to keep drawing penalties, because it’s a huge thing for us.”

Despite the effective-ness on the powerplay, the team needed to be better at even-strength, Descheneau added.

“There’s a lot of posi-tives in the game,” he added. “We scored five powerplay goals, we killed off a five-on-three, so our special teams were good, we just gotta

tighten up on our five-on-five and we should be fine.

“There should be no problems moving for-ward—we did a lot of good things today going into tomorrow’s game.”

Kootenay goaltender Mackenzie Skapski had a tough night, giving up seven goals in 28 shots. Kootenay had a slight edge on the shot clock, putting 31 pucks on Cal-gary netminder Chris Driedger, who made 25 saves.

For the third straight game, the Hitmen scored first on an early goal, with Welykholowa banging in a feed from Tambellini at the side of the net.

Luke Philp replied on Kootenay’s first power-play, beating Driedger with a low shot from just inside the blue line.

Kootenay also made a big penalty kill with 32 seconds of a two-man advantage for Calgary and handling the re-mainder of the five-on-four after Rinat Valiev and Dirk were sent to the box 1:28 apart.

In the second period, Welykholowa pulled the Hitmen ahead, but Franko answered back for the Ice with another powerplay goal.

Adam Tambellini tal-lied roughly a minute later, using a Kootenay defenceman as a screen.

However, the goals came quick in the sec-ond half of the period.

Kootenay’s power-play went to work again and after a big pileup outside of the crease, Reinhart roofed the puck to even the score

up at 4-4 at 13:29.Not even 60 seconds

later, Fazleev got his first of the game off a lucky deflection from a pass in Kootenay territory. That got Skapski pulled for the remainder of the pe-riod.

A minute after that, Dirk scored the only even-strength goal for the Ice to knot it back up again.

Descheneau gave Kootenay their first lead with 13 seconds left in the second frame, scor-ing the fourth power-play goal to do so.

Just five minutes into the third period, Sand-heim flicked the puck on net after entering the zone, which went off the post and in for a 5-5 score. Dirk got his sec-

ond of the game five minutes later for Koote-nay’s fifth powerplay goal, scoring top shelf stick side on Driedger to retake the lead.

After Dirk put Koote-nay ahead, Fazleev only needed 37 seconds to put it back to a tie for Calgary, which would stand for the rest of reg-ulation.

The momentum shifted both ways in overtime; Kootenay had some good early pres-sure, with a notable chance from Matt Alfa-ro, but Chase scored the game-winner for the Hitmen with a slap shot from a drop pass off the rush 5:05 into the peri-od.

The two teams will go head-to-head again

on Tuesday night for Game Four at Western Financial Place.

NOTES: Kootenay Ice defenceman Landon Cross returned from in-jury to what had been a short-staffed defensive corps, which is also missing Tyler King. Hit-man F Brady Brassart was hit into a turnbuck-le and left briefly for the dressing room, but soon

returned to the bench. After Skapski was pulled in the second period, Hoflin played roughly six minutes and made two saves. Skapski re-turned for the third frame. Kootenay for-ward Tim Bozon, who is recovering from menin-gitis at a hospital in Sas-katoon, had his 20th birthday on Monday.

Goals galore as Hitmen beat Ice 7-6 in OTWESTERN HOCKEY LEAGUE


Kootenay Ice defenceman Rinat Valiev battles with a Calgary Hitmen player during WHL action at Western Financial Place on Monday night.



Game & Ticket Info 250.417.0322Tickets available at the Kootenay ICE Of� ce and the Western Financial Place Box Of� ce.




* If necessary* If necessary


“I think we’ve had the best powerplay on the road and one

of the best all-around. It’s our

intimidation to other teams and we want

to keep drawing penalties, because it’s a huge thing for

us.”Jaedon Descheneau


They may be buddies in the off-season, but when the Ice and the Hitmen are facing each other, Calgary forward Greg Chase puts his friendship with Kootenay sniper Jaedon Deschenau on hold.

Ditto with Jake Virtanen, who is best friends with Mack-enzie Skapski’s little brother back in their hometown of Ab-botsford.

Chase put the final nail in

the coffin on Monday night, scoring the OT winner to lift the Hitmen to a 7-6 win over the Ice.

“It’s definitely cool,” said Chase, who hails from Sher-wood Park—a stone’s throw away from Descheneau’s hometown of Edmonton. “I mean, being from the same city and growing up together on the ice and at school, it definitely adds to more of a special series and he had a re-ally good night himself—I

think he had six points—so it was really nice to get that one for myself, for bragging rights.”

Chase is property of the Ed-monton Oilers, who selected him 188th overall in the sev-enth round of the 2013 NHL Draft.

Virtanen grew up with Mitch Skapski, the younger brother to the Kootenay Ice goaltender who currently plays for the Victoria Royals.

Virtanen is projected to be a first-round pick in the 2014

NHL Draft, and tallied 71 points in the regular season, including 45 goals with the Hitmen this year.

“It’s good going up against him,” Virtanen said, of facing Skapski. “It’s good for brag-ging rights after the season for whoever wins.

“He’s a great goalie, there’s nothing bad I can say about him. I think Kootenay’s a good team, but if we keep doing what we’re doing, I think we have a good shot.”

WHL opponents put friendships on hold

Page 8: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014



by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

HOROSCOPESby Jacqueline Bigar


Tundra By Chad Carpenter

Garfield By Jim Davis

Hagar the Horrible By Dick Browne

Baby Blues By Kirkman and Scott

Rhymes with Orange By Hillary B. Price

ARIES (March 21-April 19) You might think that a partner is overserious and not aware of how you feel. Be careful when handling your hurt and anger. You could feel quite off-kilter. Try to sit on your discontent for a while, and then initiate a discus-sion in the near future. Tonight: Where the gang is. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You’ll want to break precedent and head in a new direction, but a partner or family mem-ber might balk at the idea. This person is more comfortable with the status quo. You could be in a situation where someone might try to test your limits. Tonight: Take the lead. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Deal with a situation directly, and keep in mind that a partner can be demanding. This person might prefer to keep the situa-tion as-is. On the other hand, a loved one is likely to disagree. Tempers could flare, so be care-ful. Tonight: Try a new type of cuisine.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Others tend to come to you with specific demands. You might wonder what is possible under the circumstances. Realize your limits, yet be ready for a fast change. You could find that your enthusiasm turns to anger if your expectations are not met. Tonight: Dinner for two. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Get into a project immediately if you have any desire to complete it before the day is over. Mid-af-ternoon will be the time to net-work and create more of what you desire. Defer to others as much as you can when dealing with difficult people. Tonight: You flourish around the crowds. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Speak your mind and allow greater give-and-take between you and someone else. You might feel restrained at first, but do whatever it takes to let go and start this process. You could come up with a very dynamic idea that works for both of you. Tonight: Run an errand or two. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You have the foundation for a

better situation, yet you seem to be holding back. Check out an emotional investment with care -- you will love the results, if you proceed. If you are not able to move forward, you could lose your temper. Tonight: Choose to do something fun. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Seek out a friend or loved one. You might want to reverse di-rection when you feel pinned down or as if you have no other choice. Listen and think in terms of gains rather than kicking the door down in frustration. Check out an investment with care. Tonight: Head on home. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You might feel burdened by someone’s demands, and could be wondering what to do next. If you continue on the path that is not natural for you, you proba-bly won’t be able stay even-tem-pered. Tempers are likely to flare. Tonight: Out and about. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Be forthright in how you deal with a situation. You could be in a conflict with someone with whom you regularly interact. Be

careful, as what might appear to be a cushy setup could quickly degenerate. Take no one and nothing for granted. Tonight: Play it nice and easy. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Not until later today will you feel at your best. You might wonder what to do if you’re faced with a precarious situation. You’ll know that you want to integrate some innovative change, yet you also might want to play it cool. To-night: Choose to do something new. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) You are past the point of no re-turn. You’ll feel in your mind that you must follow your chosen path. Understand exactly what you are dealing with at the pres-ent moment. A partner could be contentious when you least expect it. Tonight: Out with your best friend. BORN TODAY Actress Sarah Jessica Parker (1965), singer/songwriter El-ton John (1947), singer Aretha Franklin (1942) ***

Dear Annie: I have played in a local pok-er league for 10 years and have built solid friendships with these people. Three years ago, a new crew joined our crowd. At first, they were friendly, but in the past two years, one of them began having home poker par-ties. I was completely caught off guard when I started noticing Facebook posts with all of our friends, and my husband and I were not on the invite list. I tried to be a good sport and would post comments to let them know I was glad they had a good time, but deep down, I was hurt that people I’d known for a decade didn’t seem to mind that we were not there. A few of them commented privately, saying they were not aware it was happening, but noth-ing changed. Last year, I was diagnosed with cancer and have undergone radiation. My “don’t care” quotient is at an all-time high, so when I no-ticed once again that we were not invited to a gathering, I commented that it was a slap in the face and amazingly rude to expect me to be courteous and friendly during our poker games when it’s obvious that she has no re-gard for my feelings at all. I later attempted to extend an olive branch to all of the members of our league (includ-ing Miss Rude) by inviting them to my hus-band’s birthday party, but not one of them showed up. Do I need a shrink, or should I just put all of our cards on the table and find out what I’ve done to make her deliberately alienate me? -- Royal Flush Dear Royal: This sounds like high school with the mean girls and the bullies. There could be any number of reasons why Miss Rude has isolated you -- she doesn’t like you, she wants to be in control, she believes you are competition. The real question is why your other friends go along with it. If you have a pal in your group, ask for an honest assessment. But mostly, we think you need new friends. Dear Annie My husband and I are childless, over 55 and in the process of downsizing to a smaller home. Our birthdays are coming up. We don’t want or need clothes, knickknacks or home furnishings. We donate such items to charity. While we appreciate their generosity, we have told our friends and relatives that a gift certificate (in any amount) to a restaurant is most welcome. It is a nice treat and an in-centive to get out. But few of them choose this option. Last Christmas, we were inun-dated with clothes and tchotchkes for the home we are leaving. Would you please address this so our re-quests aren’t ignored? -- Ft. Myers, Fla. Dear Florida: All gifts are just that, and no one is obligated to get you anything, let alone what you are requesting. The proper response is to say thank you and then give the items away. But we understand your frustration. If the same people keep doing this, it’s OK to ask them to stop, as you no longer need these items and will give them to charity. You can sincerely suggest that they make a direct donation to the charity instead. If they then ask what you’d actually like, you can tell them. Dear Annie: I read the letter from “Unwill-ing Son,” who refused to take a family photo for his parents’ 40th anniversary because his mother asked him to wear a white sweatshirt and he doesn’t look good in white. Several years back, we had such a picture taken. I treasure the picture because the family is scattered all over the world. Tell the ungrateful snob to put on the sweatshirt and make his parents happy. It may be the last time they are together. -- Grandparent in White Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to [email protected], or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndi-cate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syn-dicate Web page at 2014 CREATORS.COM

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Fill in the grid so that every row (nine cells wide), every column (nine cells tall) and every box (three cells by three cells) contain the digits 1 through 9 in

any order. There is only one solution for each puzzle.







Tuesday Afternoon/Evening March 25 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Peg Wild Word News Busi PBS NewsHour Story of Jews Story of Jews Frontline TBA Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News etalk Theory Person-Interest S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy News News Daily Mey % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy Mind Games KXLY Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac NCIS NCIS: LA Person-Interest News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel The Voice About- Fisher Chicago Fire News J. Fal ( ( TSN SportsCentre Hocke 30 for 30 NHL NHL Hockey SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Crashed Ice Poker Tour Euro Poker Sportsnet Con. UFC NBA Basketball Sportsnet Con. Hocke Can + + GLOBAL BC Queen Latifah The Young News News News Hour Ent ET NCIS NCIS: LA Chicago Fire News , , KNOW Olly Jelly Maya Arthur Jack Wild Hope-Wildlife Frontiers of Churchill-War Emergency Lust for Life Frontiers of ` ` CBUT Figure Skating Dragons’ Den CBC CBC CBC Cor Figure Skating Mercer 22 Min Arctic Air The National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent Chicago Fire NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour Fi ET The 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent Chicago Fire NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour ET The 4 6 YTV Side Squir Spong Chuck Par Spong Cache Japan The Next Star Young Boys Gags Gags Baby Spla Young Boys 6 . KAYU-FOX Steve Harvey Bethenny Simp Two Two Mod Theory Theory Glee New Brook News Mod Arsenio Hall 7 / CNN Situa Cross E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Special Report E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Special Report Foren Foren 8 0 SPIKE Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master Tattoo Tattoo 9 1 HGTV Listing Listing Bryan Bryan Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Canada’s Han Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Canada’s Han Ext. Homes : 2 A&E Stor Stor Barry’d Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Barry’d Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Barry’d Stor < 4 CMT CMT’s Hottest: Cash Cash Gags Gags Bayou Bayou Swamp Pawn Rules Rules Bayou Bayou Swamp Pawn Rules Rules = 5 W Let Me Call Undercover Property Bro Love It-List It Property Bro Property Bro Buying Buying Property Bro ? 9 SHOW NCIS Lost Girl A Killer Upstairs Devious Maids Continuum NCIS NCIS NCIS @ : DISC How/ How/ Daily Planet What What Licence to Cold Water Bering Gold Licence to Cold Water Bering Gold A ; SLICE Money Money Debt Debt Money Money Vanderpump Housewives Money Money Vanderpump Housewives Big Brother B < TLC Little People Little People Little People Little People Little Couple Little People Little Couple Little People Little People C = BRAVO The Listener Flashpoint Blue Bloods Motive Perception The Listener Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Motive D > EA2 Majes The Express ReGenesis Past Perfect American Me (:10) Scarface E ? TOON Loone Gum Jim Rocket Johnny Johnny Adven Camp Drag Johnny Total Ulti Ftur Amer. Robot Family Ven Fugget F @ FAM Liv- ANT Phi Dog Jessie Jessie Austin ANT ANT ANT Good ANT Win Next Good Jessie Wiz Derek G A WPCH Middle Mod Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Mod Sein Family Family Amer. One Missed Call Men in Black II H B COM Sein Sein Gas Theory Parks Theory Match Match Gags Gas Simp Theory Just/Laughs Theory Com Daily Colbert I C TCM (2:00) Doctor Zhivago Carson Carson Carson The Cross of Lorraine (:15) Black Hand The Three Musketeers K E OUT Mantracker Stor Stor Stor Stor Wild Things Stor Stor Stor Stor Wild Things Stor Stor Ghost Hunters L F HIST America Cnt. Cnt. MASH MASH Treasures America Cnt. Cnt. Pawn Pawn Cryptid: Beast Yukon Gold M G SPACE Inner Scare Castle Stargate SG-1 Face Off Jim Henson’s Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Face Off Hen N H AMC Braveheart Face/Off Game of Arms Game of Arms Friday Night Lights Game O I FS1 Foot Best of MotoGP Race Rise MLB Previews Fox 1 The Offseason FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports P J DTOUR Disas Disas Secu Secu Treasures Monumental Declassified Museum Se Monumental Declassified Museum Se W W MC1 Adv Zambezia (:05) Still Mine House Party: Tonight 21 and Over (:05) Les Misérables ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two The 100 Supernatural KTLA 5 News Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos The Matrix Mother Mother Parks Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 Fast and Furious-Drift The Captains (:10) Due South Dawn of the Dead Night of the Creeps (:15) Cape Fear ∂ ∂ VISN Road-Avonlea Murder, She... Eas Jam The Hound of the Baskervilles Con Super Elmer Gantry Twist Jam Popoff 102 102 MM VideoFlow Trial Trial Top 10 De Cleve Tosh.0 Kroll Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Conan Com Prince Tosh.0 Kroll 105 105 SRC Terre Terre Entrée prin Mange Union TJ C.-B. 30 vies La fac Unité 9 Mémoires TJ Nou TJ C.-B.

Wednesday Afternoon/Evening March 26 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Peg Wild Word News Busi PBS NewsHour Nature NOVA Secrets Easy-Water Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News Theory Mixol CSI: Cri. Scene Arrow Criminal Minds News News Daily Mey % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Middle Su Mod Mixol Nashville KXLY Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac Survivor Criminal Minds CSI: Cri. Scene News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel Law & Order Law & Order Chicago PD News J. Fal ( ( TSN SportsCentre Hocke Pardon Boxing Sports NHL Hockey Sports SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Poker Tour Hocke NHL Hockey Sports Can NHL Hockey Sportsnet Con. Hocke Rise + + GLOBAL BC Queen Latifah The Young News News News Hour Ent ET Survivor Engels About- Chicago PD News , , KNOW Olly Jelly Maya Arthur Jack Wild Engineering Canada Tea Road-Sky A Night in Vienna Nights Canada ` ` CBUT Figure Skating Dragons’ Den CBC CBC CBC Cor Figure Skating Dragons’ Den Recipe-Riches The National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent Chicago PD Survivor Engels About- News Hour Fi ET The 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent Chicago PD (8:59) Survivor Engels About- News Hour ET The 4 6 YTV Side Squir Spong Nerds Par Spong Haunt Thun Sam & As Young Boys Gags Gags Baby Spla Young Boys 6 . KAYU-FOX Steve Harvey Bethenny Simp Two Two Mod Theory Theory American Idol News Mod Arsenio Hall 7 / CNN Situa Cross E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Death Row E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Death Row Foren Foren 8 0 SPIKE Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Rambo Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo 9 1 HGTV Holmes Makes Canada’s Han Hunt Hunt Beach Island Carib Carib Hunt Hunt Beach Island Carib Carib Roadhomes : 2 A&E The First 48 Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Wahl Wahl Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty < 4 CMT Wipeout Deal Deal Gags Gags Wife Swap Private Lives Reba Reba Wife Swap Private Lives Reba Reba = 5 W Catch a-Star Undercover Property Bro Love It-List It Love It-List It Love It-List It Love It-List It Love It Love It-List It ? 9 SHOW NCIS Lost Girl Continuum Engels Engels NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS @ : DISC How/ How/ Daily Planet Bear Grylls: TBA Naked and How/ How/ Bear Grylls: TBA Naked and A ; SLICE Prop Prop Debt Debt Child Child Big Brother Save-Business Child Child Big Brother Save-Business Big Brother B < TLC Me Me Little Couple My 600-Lb Hoard-Buried Girl- Half- Face Hoard-Buried Girl- Half- Face My 600-Lb Little Couple C = BRAVO The Listener Flashpoint Blue Bloods 19-2 Homeland The Listener Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (12:15) 19-2 D > EA2 1941 To Wong Foo, Thanks ReGenesis Eve & the Fire Horse La Bamba The Buddy Holly Story Immor E ? TOON Loone Gum Jim Groj. Johnny Johnny Adven Rocket Drag Johnny Total Ulti Ftur Amer. Robot Family Ven Fugget F @ FAM Liv- ANT Phi Dog Jessie I Didn’t Austin ANT ANT Liv- Good I Didn’t Win Next Good Jessie Wiz Derek G A WPCH Middle Mod Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Mod Sein Family Family Amer. Lucky Number Slevin Speed H B COM Sein Sein Gas Theory Parks Theory Match Match Gags Gas Simp Theory Just/Laughs Theory Sulli Daily Colbert I C TCM (:15) Rhino! Little Women (:15) Meet Me in St. Louis Red Dust Men of Chance K E OUT Mantracker Stor Stor Stor Stor Be Alive Stor Stor Stor Stor Be Alive Stor Stor Ghost Hunters L F HIST Cryptid: Beast Pawn Pawn MASH MASH Yukon Gold Pawn Pawn Amer Amer Swamp People Yukon Gold Outlaw Bikers M G SPACE Inner Scare Castle Stargate SG-1 Paranormal Wi. Paranormal Wi. Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Paranormal Wi. Para. N H AMC (3:00) Die Hard Jaws Jaws 2 Cujo O I FS1 Foot Best of UFC Tonight UFC Event Can./Australia Can./Australia FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports P J DTOUR Disas Disas Money Money Collec Collec Competitions Terror Rides Structures Competitions Terror Rides Structures W W MC1 Snow (:40) Brave (:15) Collaborator (:45) Grown Ups 2 That’s My Boy Hobbit-Unexpected ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two Arrow The 100 KTLA 5 News Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Parks Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 The Neverending Story (:40) Let It Ride (:10) Due South Conan the Destroyer (:45) Troy Eliza ∂ ∂ VISN Road-Avonlea Murder, She... Eas Wine Doc Martin Downton A. Con Super An Unfinished Life Super Popoff 102 102 MM VideoFlow Trial Trial Top 10 Simp Cleve Work. Broad Burn News Conan Com Prince Work. Broad 105 105 SRC Terre Terre Entrée prin Mange Union TJ C.-B. 30 vies Épi Enfants de télé Trauma TJ Nou TJ C.-B.


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Page 10: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014


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Your community. Your classifi eds. Share Your Smiles!

Drop off your photo and name(s) of subject at the Cranbrook Townsman

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order they are received.

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Praxair Canada Inc. is looking for a Class 1 Driver for our Cranbrook, BC branch.

Major responsibilities (Duties may include but are not limited to): li r loa an unloa ig r ssur lin rs an li ui on ain rs k an la ar i l a or ing o rans or a ion of ang rous oo s

r gula ions o l s i ing or rs an r la a r ork o l ri r or s fu l i k s an o r n ssar r or s on u r an os ri ins ions no ing an laining f s or

i n i s o su r isor

uali cations ducation and Pro essional experience: ig s ool gra ua or ui al n ri n ali in i n fr a li a l ro in ial lass ri r s i ns i air rak

n ors n an ars ri n l o ani ula a ari of lin r si s an ig s as r uir rans or a ion of ang rous oo s an ork la a ar ous

a rials nfor a ion s raining kno l g of o r ss gas s an saf an ling along i ani al

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us our r su an o r l r ora air ana a nu an sour s

r n a l a a r ail us a ra air ar rs ra air o

ReporterThe Trail Times has an opening for a reporter/photographer. As a member of our news team, you will write news stories and take photos of Greater Trail events, cover city council and other public meetings and respond to breaking news stories. You must work well under pressure, meet daily deadlines and be a fl exible self-starter with a reliable digital camera and vehicle.This union position is for four days a week, with the potential for full-time work during holiday relief periods. This is a temporary position, covering maternity leave. Computer literacy is essential, experience with layout in InDesign an asset, newspaper experience or a diploma in journalism preferred. Some weekend and evening work is involved. The Times offers a competitive salary and benefi ts. The successful candidate will be required to become a member of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, Local 2000.Qualifi ed applicants should apply in writing no later than May 11, 2014 to:Guy Bertrand, managing editorTrail Times1163 Cedar Ave.Trail, BCV1R [email protected]: 250-368-8550Only qualifi ed candidates will be contacted; no phone calls please.

Help WantedHelp Wanted



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Lost & FoundLOST: BLACK Tabby cat, 2yr old male. Leonard is missing from 2nd Ave. S, near T.M. Roberts School, since March 8th. Last seen wearing black collar with a bell? Might be in someone’s garage? Please call Susan 250-489-3228.

LOST PANASONIC 2S 30 camera in blue case, possibly in Cranbrook area, in the last month. If found, please call:


Lost Panasonic ZS30 camera with blue case in Cranbrook area. (250)919-8643


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Business Opportunities


Wineworks Kimberley is ready for a new owner. It has been a wonderful oppor-tunity to build and operate such a rewarding business, and now it is time to pass it on to someone who will en-joy its rewards as I have. Building can be purchased or leased, as desired. Call 250 427 4422 or email

[email protected].

Career Opportunities

Unifab Industries in Grand Forks, BC, is actively hiring qualifi ed Fabricators and Welders/Fitters. Competi-

tive wages and benefi ts. Excellent place to raise a family and just two hours

southeast of Kelowna. (Fax)250-442-8356 or email

[email protected]

Help Wanted

Haircare Professionals

HAIRSTYLIST required for well established salon in Inver-mere. Excellent opportunity for a motivated stylist. Easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Experience preferred but will consider all applicants. 250-342-6355

Help WantedCOLUMBIA VALLEY Green-houses requires Nursery la-bourers & cashiers. Fax Re-sumes: 250-364-2369 or email [email protected]


YOUR NEWSPAPER:The link to your community



Page 11: Cranbrook Daily Townsman, March 25, 2014


Janis Caldwell-SawleyMortgage SpecialistRoyal Bank of Canada

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Help Wanted Help Wanted



Help Wanted


WANTEDVancouver Island and Lower Mainland opportunities.

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Help WantedSHADOW MOUNTAIN is re-quiring the services for a Head Chef. The Club is under new ownership and management. This position is currently sea-sonal, possibly becoming a full time position. Please send re-sumes to

[email protected]


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Real Estate

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Apt/Condo for RentLOFT APARTMENT for rent:Furnished 1 bedroom apart-ment above garage; N/S, no pets, no children. Utilities in-cluded, $600./mo. Moyie. Call Sherry @ 250-829-0593

Duplex / 4 PlexMarysville, spacious 2bdrm

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Homes for Rent3 BEDROOM HOUSE in

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Page 12 Tuesday, MaRCH 25, 2014

NEWSdaily townsman / daily bulletin

0426 RPGP RN Individualized Program Ad - Jan Zacharias - Size 10.33in Wide x 7in High CMYK - 02 Press Ready PDF

Edited and Formatted only by Gary Leung 2014 604 267 2113

Ste ve HubrecHtColumbia Valley Pioneer

The trial stemming from a fatal crash in Kootenay Na-tional Park in 2011 got un-derway in Invermere provin-cial court earlier this week, with a Vancouver man facing four counts of dangerous driving causing death.

Jaswinder Singh Bagri, the driver of a semi involved in the collision, has pleaded not guilty to all charges and was in court, more than two and a half years after the crash occurred, for the first four days of the multi-day trial this past week.

Bagri was driving his un-loaded flatdeck B-train com-mercial tractor trailer south-bound on Highway 93 through Kootenay National Park on July 22, 2011, when, according to the testimony of several witnesses on the tri-al’s first day, near Olive Lake Bagri lost control of his vehi-cle, which skidded, then jackknifed and crossed the centre line.

Although none of the wit-nesses could see it, a north-bound Dodge campervan towing a Suzuki SUV was now in the path of the jack-

knifed semi.In the camper was a fami-

ly of four — Robert Howard, 48, his wife Ana-Maria Dias, 50, and their two children Veronica, 9, and Samantha, 11 — from Palo Alto, Califor-nia on vacation in B.C. The tractor trailer smashed into the camper and SUV, pin-ning the two smaller vehicles against the highway barrier, which ignited all three vehi-cles and trapped the family inside the blazing camper. All four died in the fire.

On the morning of the third day of the trial, RCMP collision analyst Corporal Jeff Burnett testified about investigating the crash scene after the collision.

Cpl. Burnett testified that tire marks from the scene indicate that of the three lanes on the highway at the crash site (two in the direc-tion the camper van was driving and one in the direc-tion the semi was driving) the camper van was in the slow lane or possibly even on the shoulder at the time of collision and that the semi was across the centre line.

Using toy trucks to visual-ly reconstruct the incident,

Cpl. Burnett testified that based on his analysis, the truck of the semi initially hit the camper van on angle, catching the left front corner of the camper van and push-ing it back from the exact spot of first impact. The semi continued jackknifing, with its two trailers then contrib-uting to pushing the truck and the camper van out as well, which according to Cpl. Burnett, is why the barrier was pushed out back from the point of initial contact.

Court heard testimony from truck driving school owner and instructor Rocky Korchinski on the trial’s sec-ond day. Korchinski de-scribed the process of check-ing brakes at designated brake check stops and was then asked by Crown prose-cutor Lynal Doerksen how long a check should take.

“It should take 10 min-utes,” said Korchinski. “We make them do it fully and completely at the top of every mountain pass, not just once as they go through a mountainous area.”

Korchinski also testified that drivers should not really use their jake brakes at all if

conditions are snowy, slick or wet, and should use jake brakes minimally if their trucks are unloaded. He also testified that a yellow speed advisory sign reading 60 ki-lometres an hour — the last such sign before the curve in which the collision occurred — gives the recommended speed for cars during good conditions.

“It’s the fastest you should go,” said Korchinski.

One of the witnesses on the trial’s first day, Guy Dai-gle, testified he was driving behind Bagri on the day of

the crash and said he noticed Bagri pull into and out of a brake check stop before be-ginning the descent down from the pass near Olive Lake — the same descent on which the crash occurred.

Bagri pulled into the brake check stop, some lights on the semi flashed and then the semi came back out on the road quickly, according to Daigle.

“I don’t think he stopped. I can’t imagine he did. We saw some lights flashing as if he had hit the brakes, but I don’t think he stopped com-

pletely,” said Daigle. “I was chatting with my wife and we said, ‘That’s strange, I don’t know what a truck stop is supposed to be, but that seemed quite quick.’”

Daigle and other witness-es travelling in his car and in another vehicle parked at the side of the road at the time of the crash testified that the weather the day of the colli-sion was wet and rainy, and from their best estimates that Bagri had likely been driving about 60 kilometres an hour to 70 kilometres an hour just before the collision.

Collision analyst takes stand at Bagri trial

Columbia Valley Pioneer file Photo

Firefighters deal with the aftermath of the July 2011 crash, for which Jaswinder Singh Bagri is now on trial.

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