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Covid 19 Injection

“Whatever power wishes to subjugate a person will have to exert an influence that

imprints itself in his blood…That which possesses a person's blood possesses that

person, and possesses the human ‘I’” – Rudolf Steiner 1861 – 1925 Supersensible

Knowledge, Lecture 2, Blood is a very Special Fluid

“– Our Operating System – Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we

set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an

operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play

interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our

mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.” – Moderna

“We think of it as information therapy” – Tal Zaks Chief Medical Officer of


Computers are information processing machines; the mRNA and DNA injections can be seen

as rudimentary biological computing systems running within the body. The reference to

storage, software and applications is not metaphorical, we are dealing here with synthetic

biology an aspect of which is biocomputing.

The development of gene-based logic circuits forming CPUs, bio-censors etc, fabricated

using living materials instead of silicone is already well advanced.

“Controlling gene expression with sophisticated logic gates has been and remains one

of the central aims of synthetic biology. However, conventional implementations of

biocomputers use central processing units (CPUs) assembled from multiple protein-

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based gene switches, limiting the programming flexibility and complexity that can be

achieved within single cells. Here, we introduce a CRISPR/Cas9-based core processor

that enables different sets of user-defined guide RNA inputs to program a single

transcriptional regulator (dCas9-KRAB) to perform a wide range of bitwise

computations, from simple Boolean logic gates to arithmetic operations such as the

half adder. Furthermore, we built a dual-core CPU combining two orthogonal core

processors in a single cell. In principle, human cells integrating multiple orthogonal

CRISPR/Cas9-based core processors could offer enormous computational capacity…

Each single cell can be considered a single-bit core, and multicore bioprocessing with

millions or billions of cells may have even more potential for scaling than electronic

computing systems.” – A CRISPR/Cas9-based central processing unit to program complex

logic computation in human cells

Is this kind of technology used in the current mRNA injections?

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“First, we would like to introduce to the vaccine community the concept of synthetic

gene circuits and how they could help create more effective vaccines with

sophisticated programmable behaviour. Second, we would like to challenge the

mammalian synthetic biology community to engineer sophisticated gene circuits for

vaccination by using the emerging modified or replicating RNA technologies….

Nucleic acid vaccines have been gaining attention as an alternative to the standard

attenuated pathogen or protein-based vaccine. However, an unrealized advantage of

using such DNA or RNA based vaccination modalities is the ability to program within

these nucleic acids regulatory devices that would provide an immunologist the power

to control the production of antigens and adjuvants in a desirable manner by

administering small molecule drugs as chemical triggers…

Advances in synthetic biology have resulted in the creation of highly predictable and

modular genetic parts and devices that can be composed into synthetic gene circuits

with complex behaviours. With the recent advent of modified RNA gene delivery

methods and developments in the RNA replicon platform, we foresee a future in

which mammalian synthetic biologists will create genetic circuits encoded exclusively

on RNA… smart vaccines will revolutionize the field of RNA vaccination…

Synthetic biology is a radically new style of genetic engineering in which living

organisms are “programmed” using genetic circuits to systematically engineer novel

and useful biological properties. The earliest accomplishments in the field included

the construction of simple genetic circuits such as oscillators [1]and toggle switches

[2]in bacterial species using mathematical modelling and rational network design.

Since then, increasingly more complex circuits have been engineered…” – Synthetic

biology devices and circuits for RNA-based 'smart vaccines': A propositional review.

January 2015

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“You can basically do anything with synthetic RNA/DNA, it’s like a computer

program, with effort that’s not too crazy you could probably stop aging/reverse it…

you could probably turn someone into a freakin butterfly if you wan,t with the right

DNA sequence, caterpillars do it.” – Elon Musk

“DNA is highly programmable, just like a computer. And we can program a whole

range of complex behaviours using DNA molecules.” – Microsoft

The experimental mRNA and DNA Covid 19 injections are a form of gene therapy.

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“The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial

ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.” – Greg Hunt Minister for

Health Australia

There is no proof, evidence or concrete claim from the manufacturers, health experts or

governments that the injections impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2.

Therefore they do not meet the medical or legal definition of a vaccine in relation to disease.

They only claim to reduce symptoms. If they are not vaccines then what are they and what

are they for?

“I.G.T. (immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer) is altogether different from traditional

vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that

produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial

versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually

muscle. The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic

gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes

instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.” – Carl Zimmer New

York Times March 2015, Protection Without a Vaccine

Only three of the available ‘vaccines’ are discussed in this article, specifically the

mRNA/DNA types. The Astrazeneca Oxford vaccine is a viral vector vaccine (I.G.T.) and

deals with DNA payloads. The Moderna/Pfizer vaccines deal with mRNA payloads. So, we

have two delivery methods, viral (Astrazeneca-Oxford) and chemical (Moderna/Pfizer). The

result of both injections is that the person is genetically altered to to produce the Sars-CoV-2

spike protein. The delivery method is known as transfection. In the Moderna/Pfizer vaccines

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) nano particles (or similar) are used to encapsulate the mRNA and

transport it to the cell. In the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine a chimpanzee adenovirus virus is

used to transport DNA to the nucleus of the cell.

“You now become like a genetically modified organism and your body is expressing

the viral protein.” Professor Dolores Cahill

Professor Dolores Cahill and Dr Sherri Tenpenny are both highly qualified experts warning

about the injections, one of the most respected microbiologists in Germany Prof. Sucharit

Bhakdi raises similar concerns. More info here: 1

So, to be clear. The AstraZeneca/Oxford injection delivers the genetic information to make

the spike protein in the form of DNA which is then incorporated into the nucleus of the

recipient’s cells (DNA Data Storage), which then produces mRNA (Software), which then

produces the spike protein (Application). The Moderna/Pfizer injections skip the first two

steps and introduce mRNA (Software) which directly programmes the cell to produce the

spike protein (Application). Normal DNA expression is hacked.

“While epigenetic processes involving DNA methylation and histone modifications

are known to be critical in learning and memory, the role of RNA modifications in

cognitive function has been less well characterized.” – Neural activity controls

mitochondrial transfer of RNA modifiers to the nucleus

Our neural activity (thinking) alters RNA expression. When we hack our RNA we are

inserting something that sits between the normal mind-body relationship. How will this

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artificial insertion affect the interaction between the physical and finer levels, etheric, astral

and higher spiritual layers of the human being? Biocomputing is still in its infancy, where is

it all heading?

“Imagine a biological computer that operates inside a living cell…Here we are talking

about molecular systems…that run in a test tube or maybe in the live cell…the type of

work that they are doing is essentially that they are trying to sense, analyse and

control molecular information.” – Microsoft

To help address these challenges we have developed the DNA Strand Displacement

(DSD) tool, a programming language for designing and simulating computational

devices made of DNA. The language uses DNA strand displacement as the main

computational mechanism, which allows devices to be designed solely in terms of

nucleic acids. DSD is a first step towards the development of design and analysis

tools for DNA strand displacement, and complements the emergence of novel

implementation strategies for DNA computing. – Microsoft Programming DNA


According to Moderna those who have taken the injections already have an operating system

running the basic spike protein app in their cells! Will these ‘information therapy injections’

and future software updates begin the process of completely cutting human beings off from

the higher aspects of themselves?

“The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate

bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to

develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive

with the senses.” – Rudolf Steiner The fall Of The Spirits Of Darkness, Lecture 13



“The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties

to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions

like the Wellcome Trust.” Whitney Webb

The viral delivery, genetic engineering method similar to that used in the Astrazeneca-Oxford

‘vaccine’ has been used to produce light sensitive neurons within mammals. The combination

of biocomputing within the body and external silicone-based technology is foundational to

the implementation of transhumanism, a new data driven economic system and complete


“A minimally invasive optogenetic technique that does not require brain implants

successfully manipulated the activity of neurons in mice and monkeys…The

researchers first genetically engineered neurons to produce a newly developed,

extremely light-sensitive protein called SOUL. They then demonstrated that it is

possible to shine light through the skull to alter neuronal responses throughout the

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entire mouse brain, and through a thick membrane called the dura to reach superficial

regions of the macaque brain.” – Implant-free optogenetics minimizes brain damage

during neuronal stimulation

“It is a technology that enables researchers to stimulate cells with light, thereby

allowing for the direct control of behaviour. Until now, this technique has been

applied in animal research only but, as we argue, it holds promise for research in

humans as well.” – Optogenetics as a neuromodulation tool in cognitive neuroscience

A more recent study using ChRmine-enhanced cells gives some idea of applications this and

similar technology could be used for.

“The study suggests that with an injection of a virus carrying the ChRmine gene—

either through the eye socket or through veins—it’s potentially possible to control

something as integral to a personality as sociability with nothing but light.” –

Singularity Hub

There are other ways to remotely control neural activity.

(DREADDs) “These are designer receptors that can be remotely controlled, you can

create a cell, you can put it somewhere in the body and you can remotely activate it.

So, you have the capacity to create any product as long as you know the DNA

sequence, you can insert it into a living system and you can remotely control it. It may

affect the way you think, the way you act. So once you know that technology is there

to edit, splice and program a cell, and the technology currently exists to administer it

to somebody and have it go park anywhere you program it to go park, proliferate and

do its function, you can have things activated in other people’s brains…

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…From the human drone technology standpoint you can attach the human brain to

another human brain, you can direct motor activity or you can send communication

and information.” – Dr. Charles Morgan Psycho-Neurobiology and War April 2018

Is it possible to control neuronal response and create two-way communication using a

combination of the technology mentioned so far and directed electromagnetic fields from

phased antenna arrays?

“Remember—the winner in the AI superpower race is the AI system with access to

the most data. Accessing your body and my body on a 24/7 basis generates a lot of

data. I believe that Gates and the pharma and biotech industries are literally reaching

to create a global control grid by installing digital interface components and hooking

us up to Microsoft's new $10 billion JEDI cloud at the Department of Defense as well

as Amazon's multibillion cloud contract for the CIA that is shared with all U.S.

intelligence agencies.” – Catherine Austin Fitts The Injection Fraud, Its Not a Vaccine

So, we arrive at probably the single most important question facing humanity both now and

for the future. Will we connect ourselves to the machines we make in the right or wrong

way? The Battle for Humanity article attempts to show why the integration of

binary/quantum-based technology that uses electricity and magnetism is the wrong way. The

Covid 19 injections pave the way to that very outcome. There is an alternative path open to

us, one that uses a wholly different technology based upon the etheric life forces. We can

develop conscious machines based not upon the duality of electricity and magnetism but on

the threefold life processes. The alternative counterpart to the transhumanist technology that

is being forced into our bodies is not to go back to the dark ages, it is to develop highly

advanced technology based upon the etheric life forces.

The point where your body begins to undergo genetic manipulation using bio computing

technology is the line in the sand, the fork in the road. Do you want to be a natural human

being or begin the process of merging yourself and your life with the artificial world of the

internet (and World Wide Web), something that was from the beginning designed as a

weapons system of surveillance and control?

“The internet was developed, from the outset, as a weapon. Conceived as a

surveillance tool by ARPA to control insurgents in the Vietnam War…”

…military and intelligence agencies used the network technology to spy on

Americans in the first version of the Internet.” – Yasha Levine Surveillance Valley

Can The ‘Vaccines’ Change Your DNA?

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“Once inside the nucleus, DNA vaccines have a risk of permanently changing a

person’s DNA.” – Moderna White Paper

Anyone who has looked at all the evidence will have been struck by the hugely differing

options about SARS-CoV-2. There is evidence that it is an engineered virus and there is also

evidence that it has never been properly isolated and so has not been proven to exist in the

real world. There is also the germ vs terrain theory debate etc. What we can say is that there

are sequences of genetic code on the NCBI database that represent what is referred to as

SARS-CoV-2. Also, that reverse transcriptase, an enzyme found in retroviruses, is

successfully used to transcribe RNA to DNA. The following section is based upon that code

as it is the bases for the development of the ‘vaccines’ and also the various research papers

referred to below.

The accepted dogma is that the mRNA gene therapy discussed (Moderna/Pfizer)

would not, unless the enzyme reverse transcriptase is present, permanently alter the DNA of

the recipient. Reverse transcription is a defining feature of a retrovirus such as HIV. There

are also :-

“viruses that are hard-wired into our genomic DNA called endogenous retroviruses

(ERVs). These ERVs harbor instructions to produce reverse transcriptase. In addition

to ERVs, there are mobile genetic elements residing in our DNA called LTR-

retrotransposons that also encode for reverse transcriptase enzymes. To top it all off,

reverse transcriptase is naturally used by our cells to extend the telomeres at the end

of chromosomes.” – Science with Dr. Doug

The genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2 from which the therapies were developed, found on

the NCBI database contains what appear to be HIV inserts.

“We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-

nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in

all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag.

The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity

/similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be

fortuitous in nature." – bioRxiv Paper Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV

spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

The work of Dr. Montagnier and his co-researcher Jean Claude Perez also found Human or

Simian retroviruses fragments related to HIV.

“18 RNA fragments of homology equal or more than 80% with human or simian

retroviruses have been found in the COVID_19 genome. These fragments are 18 to 30

nucleotides long and therefore have the potential to modify the gene expression of


This article shows how 16 fragments (Env Pol and Integrase genes) from different

strains, both diversified and very recent, of the HIV1, HIV2 and SIV retroviruses

have high percentage of homology into parts of the genome of COVID_19. Moreover

each of these elements is made of 18 or more nucleotides and therefore may have a

function.” – Jean Claude Perez, Luc Montagnier

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Within the genetic sequences on the NCBI database they also found:

“Possible HIV1 EIE with a crucial Spike mutation.”

Why does the source code used for the development of the gene therapy injections contain

sequences from a virus that’s fundamental characteristic is reverse transcription?

“in order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and

that can only be done in a laboratory.” – Luc Montagnier

There is also evidence that the sequences mentioned may have the ability to be transcribed

into the genome.

“we describe evidence that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse transcribed in human

cells by reverse transcriptase (RT) from LINE-1 elements or by HIV-1 RT, and that

these DNA 26 sequences can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently be

transcribed” – SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human


HIV 1 is considered a lentivirus. A lentivirus is characterised by long incubation periods.

They have certain characteristics that make them ideal for delivering genetic information to


“Numerous viral vectors have been developed for the delivery of transgenes to

specific target cells. For persistent transgene expression, vectors based on retroviruses

are attractive delivery vehicles because of their ability to stably integrate their DNA

into the host cell genome. Initially, vectors based on simple retroviruses were the

vector of choice for such applications. However, these vectors can only transduce

actively dividing cells. Therefore, much interest has turned to retroviral vectors based

on the lentivirus genus because of their ability to transduce both dividing and non-

dividing cells. The best characterized lentiviral vectors are derived from the human

immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).” – HIV-1-based lentiviral vectors Ying Poi

Liu 1 , Ben Berkhout

Covid 19 gene therapy trials were abandoned in Australia after some of the trial participants

tested positive for HIV. The stated way that the mRNA vaccines work is to elicit an immune

response from the release of a spike protein, the genetic sequence for which is derived from

the NCBI database sequences. The fact that people were testing positive for HIV suggests

that the mRNA in the injection is programming the recipient’s cells to produce aspects of

retro viruses or the vaccine contains parts of a retrovirus. As a side point there is also much

debate regarding the AIDS-HIV connection and the testing methods used. This highlights

something important, true science involves many different ideas and hypothesis from

scientists across the world. The single narrative presented to the public regarding these issues

is not at all scientific and represents a view so limited that it makes a mockery of science.

“Retroviruses are named for an enzyme known as reverse transcriptase… Reverse

transcriptase transcribes RNA into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a process that

constitutes a reversal of the usual direction of cellular transcription (DNA into RNA).

The action of reverse transcriptase makes it possible for genetic material from a

retrovirus to become permanently incorporated into the DNA genome of an infected

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cell; the enzyme is widely used in the biological sciences to synthesize genes.” –

Encyclopaedia Britannica

In genetic engineering HIV inserts would be used for very specific purposes. Why are they

there? (Thanks to Anthony patch for the HIV connection)

There are other studies that suggest possible RNA-DNA interaction.

“Nuclear sphingomyelin is a key molecule for cell proliferation. This molecule is

organized with cholesterol and proteins to form specific lipid microdomains bound to

the inner nuclear membrane where RNA is synthesized. Here, we have reported the

ability of the sphingomyelin present in the nuclear microdomain to bind DNA and

regulate its synthesis, and to highlight its role in cell proliferation induced by partial

hepatectomy.” – Nuclear Lipid Microdomain as Place of Interaction between

Sphingomyelin and DNA during Liver Regeneration

Polyethylene glycol (lipid) is used to encapsulate the mRNA in the Moderna/Pfizer injection.

“Nowadays we understand cell membranes not as a simple double lipid layer but as a

collection of complex and dynamic protein–lipid structures and microdomains that

serve as functional platforms for interacting signaling lipids and proteins.” –

Membrane lipid therapy: Modulation of the cell membrane composition and structure as a

molecular base for drug discovery and new disease treatment

There is a great deal of evidence that EMFs (Electro Magnetic Frequencies) can cause DNA

damage. New studies have found that RNA can take part in the repair of DNA.

“The recent discovery of DNA:RNA hybrids, or R-loops, actively forming at DNA

double-strand breaks (DSBs) has unlocked fresh insight into how RNA participates in

DNA repair.” – DNA:RNA hybrids form at DNA double-strand breaks

Interestingly the connection with the SARS-CoV-2 genome does not stop there.

“In areas of DNA where RNA binds to one of the DNA threads in such a way that the

complementary DNA thread becomes the sole thread (R-loop structures), the DNA

stability will change if RNA is chemically modified by m6A.” – Modified RNA Has a

Direct Effect on DNA

M6A is very much connected with many functions in relation to genetics and experiments

using the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

“There were four confident m6A peaks at the SARS-CoV-2 genome at 24 hpi

(Fig. 1c), whereas nine additional confident m6A peaks were detected spanning the

full-length genomic RNA of SARS-CoV-2 at 56 hpi (Fig. 1d; Supplementary

information, Table S2), suggesting m6A modification occurred at the late stage of


We also found that SARS-CoV-2 infection alters the host m6A methylome,

suggesting that m6A is involved in the host–virus interaction. Altogether, our results

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report the host and viral m6A methylome during SARS-CoV-2 infection, highlighting

the potential roles of m6A during SARS-CoV-2 transmission and pathogenesis. – The

m6A Methylome of SARS-CoV-2 in Host Cells

“M6A has also turned out to be critical in the brain. Through its readers, it controls

the precise timing of new neuron formation during development in mice and enables

axons to regenerate after nerve injury. The modification also enhances memory.

When He’s team knocked out the gene for an m6A reader in mice, the otherwise

normal animals had memory defects. Injecting a virus carrying the normal reader gene

reversed the effect. And when the researchers chemically stimulated the neurons to

mimic the addition of a new memory, they saw a burst of protein synthesis that

depended on m6A, they reported last year in Nature.” – Hidden layer of gene control

influences everything from cancer to memory

Looking at the history of science there is one thing we can say for certain, there has been

much we did not know. Are we now at a point in history where we know everything? If there

is any risk at all of the procedure permanently changing the genetic code of a large part of the

human race should we not at least proceed with extreme caution?

“AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine uses a replication deficient chimpanzee adenovirus

(ChAd) as a vector to deliver the full-length SARS-CoV2 spike protein genetic

sequence into the host cell (Van Doremalen et al, 2020). The adenovirus vector is

grown in a human cell-line (HEK293) (see chapter 1). ChAd is a non-enveloped virus,

and the glycoprotein antigen is not present in the vector, but is only expressed once

the genetic code within the vector enters the target cells. The vector genes are also

modified to render the virus replication incompetent, and to enhance immunogenicity

(Garafalo et al, 2020). Once the vector is in the nucleus, mRNA encoding the spike

protein is produced that then enters the cytoplasm. This then leads to translation of the

target protein which acts as an intracellular antigen.” – UK Government Greenbook

mRNA once delivered can enter the nucleus.

“Using molecular beacons to track single mRNA molecules in living cells, we have

characterized the diffusion of mRNP complexes in the nucleus. The mRNP

complexes move freely by Brownian diffusion at a rate that assures their dispersion

throughout the nucleus before they exit into the cytoplasm, even when the

transcription site is located near the nuclear periphery.” – Mechanism of mRNA

transport in the nucleus

Has it been shown that the gene therapy injections being used do not alter someone’s DNA or

the DNA of a recipient’s offspring?

The Astrazeneca Oxford and Moderna/Pfizer injections all use different forms of gene

therapy, if they really do not permanently alter the hosts DNA then it is a matter of how long

the person is under genetic manipulation/modification? Days, months or until the point that

every cell in the body has been renewed? If it is the latter and people are required to have

gene therapy every six to twelve months or even more often then really what is the


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The work of Bruce Lipton on epigenetics shows that our genetics are far more flexible and

sensitive than previously thought. The truth is that we do not know the long-term effects of

the experimental gene therapy that is being given to people.

Are They Safe?

The videos linked in the first section by Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi are a good starting place for investigation. The Family Financial

disclosure Form For Covid-19 Injections from Solari raises important questions for

consideration and also has comprehensive links to evidence.

Here you will find a large database of scientific studies showing some of the consequences of

genetically modifying food. Studies have shown that: “Complete Genes May Pass from Food

to Human Blood”

Here is a study showing antibody dependent enhancement in relation to the Covdid19


Here you will find a presentation that gives a good overview of the future of vaccines.

Even the W.H.O. admits that they do not know the long-term implications for those given

such a vaccine.

“Many aspects of the immune response generated by DNA vaccines are not

understood. However, this has not impeded significant progress towards the use of

this type of vaccine in humans, and clinical trials have begun.” – World Health

Organisation Technical Report Series No 941, 2007

Is the experimental gene therapy taking place worldwide in breach of the Nuremberg code in

regard to medical experimentation?

The latest VAERS data shows 44,606 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines,

including 2,050 deaths and 7,095 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 19,


There is good reason to think that this is the tip of an iceberg. This CNA nursing home

whistle-blower explains that they had no deaths in 2020 and that 14 people have died since

being injected and many more injured. The deaths are being attributed to Covid 19. As other

links in this article show, this is by no means an isolated case.

“46 Nursing Home Residents in Spain Die Within 1 Month of Getting Pfizer COVID

Vaccine” – Childrenshealthdefense

“Whistleblower: 25% of Residents in German Nursing Home Died After Pfizer

Vaccine” – Childrenshealthdefense

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Many of the nursing home deaths are registered as COVID deaths.

Early data from the CDC showed significant numbers of health impacts from the Pfizer


Here Dr Coleman discusses the report. It can be downloaded by clicking the diagram. His

report on how many people may be dying from the vaccines can be found here.

The following links are to a few of the many stories of immediate harm caused by the

injections. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Video examples of severe reactions can be found here and here.

You can see for yourself the damage being done by the vaccines using the Vaccine Adverse

Event Reporting System (VAERS) system. OpenVaers shows an easier to see summary.

The UK MHRA has released the data for reactions from the COVID vaccinations up to Jan

24th. In total it reports 22,800 cases of adverse reactions to the vaccination with a total of 153


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Here you will find a discussion that presents the idea the gene therapy outlined is not a

vaccine but a medical device, more information can be found here.

David O’Hagan

February 2021


March 2021 April 2021

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