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    God's Covenant of Increased Blessing

    The prophetic is really important isn't it? Someone said "Would it happen if someone

    didn't prophesy?". Well - I don't think so! I think the prophetic releases that creative word

    that brings it into reality. So we need to prophesy over one another! The Bible says that

    we can all prophesy. There is not some with the gift of prophecy and others don't have

    the gift. The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 14 that we can all prophesy! We are not all

    prophets! But we are all priests of God and all priests of God can prophesy. The gift of

    prophecy is different to the office of the prophet. Prophecy encourages and exhorts andcomforts and builds up so prophecy is really powerful.

    Please open your Bibles to Genesis chapter 1. How many of you are going to make a

    date with God this week and spend some time alone with the Lord and refresh

    yourselves? It is so important you know! The Bible says that those who wait on the Lord

    will mount up with wings like eagles! They renew their strength if they wait upon God.

    We all need to break free from the gravitational pull of this earth. Some people say that

    you are so spiritually minded that you are no earthly good.

    Some people are so earthly minded that they don't know how to touch heaven. We need

    to rise up with wings like eagles and move into the heights in God. I had some issues

    this week and they looked so burdensome and so impossible and so difficult that I didn't

    know how I was going to cope! So I ran up into the mountains to pray and when you get

    up there you are so tired that you cannot pray anymore! But in that time with God He

    began to address my heart and refresh me and release me from things and as I waited

    on Him mounting up with wings like eagles and it is amazing on the heights with God

    how your problems DIMINISH the HIGHER you get with God!

    And God is magnified! God is so big that He cannot go anywhere because He is

    everywhere! God doesn't increase but we magnify the Lord. In other words He becomes

    increasingly bigger in our understanding as we go up to those heights. I remember that

    wonderful message that Ern Baxter preached one day on the eagles. And he came out

    with this little song on the eagles and I tell you what it is so corny and cheesy but there is

    an anointing on it! It goes something like this;

    " Rise into the sunl ight rays - using bo th your w ings o f prayer and p raise, r ise l ike

    eagles high er in the sky. Things w i l l look so dif ferent wh en you f ly!" .

    Maybe I should have done the junior church today! I want to talk about "God's Covenant

    of Increased Blessing for our Lives". This is not a prosperity cult - we don't focus on

    prosperity but we focus on Jesus! We don't focus on healing - we focus on the Healer!

    We don't focus on anything but Jesus. So we are going to look at the covenant that God

    cut with His Son Jesus Christ to increase the blessing on our lives. Satan is a poverty

    spirit. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 28 that God will bless our coming in and our going

    out. Our barns and livestock and credit accounts. Be the head and not the tail. Those

    who rise against us will flee in seven different directions. He goes on and on and on!

    You will lend to many but borrow from none! The opening verse says that if you will obey

    Me and do all My commands then these blessings will come on you and OVERTAKEyou! You can't even run away from them! Then He goes on and says if you don't keep

    these commands and laws then all these curses will come upon you and it is sickness

    and disease and poverty. And He said because you did not serve Me with joy in the

    times of prosperity then so you will wear a yoke of poverty.

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    So part of the curse of the law is p overty but Chr ist ians tod ay take oaths of

    pov erty and thin k that is holy and no t know ing it is part of the curse of the law!

    People think i t is acceptable to l ive in d efeat - no it is part of th e curse! The

    blessing is v ictory and ou r enemies f leeing in seven dif ferent direct ions!

    The one stumbling block for many Christians is; "If you keep all My commands and

    laws". So they think they must earn it and if they keep all the laws then they will earn the

    blessings. But Galatians 3:15 says; "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law

    by being cursed in our place that the blessings of Abraham can come on the Gentiles by

    faith". This is not earning it - this is by faith! This is a better covenant with superior

    Mediator based on better promises! The covenant of grace says you receive the

    promises by faith in the finished work of the Cross and not by you trying to keep the law.

    If you try and keep the law then you will come under curse because if you don't keep it

    perfectly then you will come under curse! You break it in one area and you come under

    curse! But if you step out of law keeping and into faith and the finished work of the Cross

    then the blessings will come on you and overtake you!

    Faith is based pr imar i ly not on a know ledge of God's ABILITY but on a knowledg e

    of God 's WILL. Even the devi l know s God is able! It doesn ' t take great fai th to

    know that the One who created the heavens and the earth is able to do awesome

    thing s! Faith is based on a revelat ion of God's w i l l ingness.

    If I was a multi-billionaire and I said to everyone of you that I am able to give each of you

    one hundred million pounds British! There is no basis of faith for you - just because I am

    able doesn't mean I am willing! The question Christians are asking is - is He willing to do

    this for me? If I said I am a multi-billionaire and I am able to give each one of you a

    hundred million pounds but today I am only willing to give three of you it - you couldn'thave any great faith! You could only hope that you are one of the lucky ones! Hope will

    never get your prayers answered! So many Christians say "I am hoping so!" - well forget

    it, nothing is going to happen in your life!

    Hebrews 11:1 says "Faith is the substance of things hoped for". Without faith your hope

    has got no substance to it! It is just empty wishful thinking and weak human optimism!

    But with faith that comes by revelation of the will of God that faith will add substance to

    your hope and your hope will be made manifest with the substance of your faith! So if I

    told you I was a multi-billionaire and I was able to give each of you a hundred million

    pounds but I am also WILLING and here is an attorney and here is a document and I am

    able and willing! Then you would jump up with substance in your hope because you

    know that my will is to give you one hundred million pounds!

    It is guaranteed! Now your hope has got substance to it which is the basis of your faith!

    Without a knowledge of God's will there is no basis for faith - there is just empty hope.

    Now we will look at the Word of God because the Bible says in Romans 10:17 that "faith

    comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God". So when you know what God's will

    is for you then you know that you can put your faith in God's covenant of increase and

    blessing and you know that He will bless you! Why do we want to be blessed? Because

    we are selfish and greedy? No we want to be blessed because the qualification for being

    a blessor is that you first have to be blessed! It is from the innermost parts of our being

    to the outer most parts of the earth - that is the call of God. The nations are our

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    inheritance! But the innermost parts of our being ought to be blessed and overflowing

    with love otherwise we will export bondage to the outermost parts of the earth. We need

    to be free on the outside then the sufficiency and supply of God Almighty will flow to the


    Genesis chapter 1. Let's pray;

    "Father we ask for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to open the eyes of our

    understanding and our hearts as to the hope of our calling and what is your exceeding

    power towards us that same power that worked in Christ when You raised Him from the

    dead. So You have worked that same power in us and we are the very glorious

    inheritance of You Father. Open our understanding to see that we are very joint heirs

    with Christ and heirs of God! Thank You that through the abundance of grace and the

    gift of righteousness we are ruling and reigning in life through the Lord Jesus Christ. I

    pray today Lord that I would not preach a euphoric triumphalism - a false hope or a false

    pretence or a pretended victory. Our victory today is a genuine one because it is not

    based on our performance or our ability but it is in Him. Open our eyes! May the grace ofGod come on everyone's employment that the blessing may come on us all. Thank You

    that our businesses are not the source - You are the source and You can supply way

    more than our businesses can! In Jesus Mighty Name".

    Now we will teach today so hang in a bit and stay open to God's Word and lets receive

    this impartation. Here at the very beginning of creation God announces out of the

    generosity of His heart great blessing on man and woman. The theological principle of

    "first mention" is a very powerful theological principle. The first mention of something

    shows that it is God's intention to go on and on and on. Let's read this. Genesis 1:27. He

    has just created man and woman and this is the first thing that comes out of His mouth.This is the heart of God for His people! (v27); "In the image of God ... that moves on the


    Now folks I want you to do warfare with me today in the Spirit. I don't believe we attack

    principalities and pull them down into the basement of the church and lock them up in

    plasma bottles - no we pull down strongholds that are in the mind! That are in opposition

    to the Word of God!

    Do you know that's what 2 Corinthians 4:10 says? Our weapons are mighty through God

    to the demolishing of strongholds ... bring it into the captivity of Christ! The enemy has

    fought me all week to stop me preaching this message! There is excesses in this

    message and people have backed off from this thing and the devil doesn't want the

    church blessed - he doesn't mind if we just have enough and a survival mentality! But

    God has cut a covenant of increased blessing that should keep on increasing daily,

    monthly in our lives! So you are going to need to fight with me okay! The devil tried to

    take me out before I preached this message! Take the Word of God and suck it out of

    me! Let's all be Americans today!

    The Bible says that EVERY prom ise God has made (no m atter how many p romis es

    there are) they are al l YES in Chr ist Jesus and thro ugh us the AMEN is spoken to

    the glory of God!

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    There is a biblical purpose for saying "Amen" because as you say "Amen" then you seal

    that truth to your heart with a golden nail that seals it to your heart! God's desire was to

    bless Adam and Even and give them increase! And for a while they walked with

    authority and anointing and dominion. There is a first Adam anointing. The last Adam

    being Jesus. Here is the federal headship of the human race in first Adam and first

    Adam walked with such power and authority under freedom in God and then he is

    seduced by satanic lies that tell him in deception (starting with Eve and then him

    because he made Eve his goddess instead of God his God and he let Eve manipulate

    him and deceive him as well because he chose Eve instead of God and that is a

    pressure that comes on anyone) - Adam rebelled and received the deception that he can

    be "like God" which is the teaching of the New Age! Satan wanted to exalt his throne

    above the throne of God - he was jealous and envious and wanted to be God but he

    cannot be God because there is only one immutable transcendant God.

    So he was seduced into believing that he didn't need God and that he could become

    God and as he did that he committed high treason and died spiritually. He was cut off

    from the blessing and increase and he had to labour by the sweat of his brow. He

    entered into a "works ethic" mentality that was cursed. The ground and his life wascursed! And he was cut off from the covenant of increased blessing! The world today

    and many Christians still labour under the curse instead of the covenant of increased

    blessings! The world outside of Christ is labouring and working hard for the blessing and

    as much as they accumulate and they get through the sweat of their labour they find a

    vacuum of emptiness and they lose it in bankruptcy over and over again. But we are in

    last Adam and a covenant of increased blessing! So God looks on mankind in sweat and

    labour and confusion and curse and He has mercy and grace and so He decides that He

    is going to get back into the earth realm through a man called Abraham from Ur of the

    Chaldeans. He is an Iraqui man actually who then becomes the founder of the people of


    So go to Genesis chapter 12. I love the people of Israel and the Jewish nation but I also

    love the Arabs! Look at Genesis 12:1 - this is the first encounter that Abraham has with

    God. "The Lord said to Abram ... so Abram left as the Lord told him".

    You know that word "blessed" in the Hebrew there is the word "Hasad" and it literally

    means this; "favour - the dispensing of goods and favours in abundance - good will -

    special liking, special kindness - in hot pursuit of you - coming on you - blessings coming

    on you". That is God's promise to Abraham! One condition - leave your father's house

    and leave the old ways. Now I do not believe that necessarily means we all have to

    geographically leave our families and children. I believe more of a cardiological change

    than a geographical change. There has to be something where we come out from the

    conditioning of the influence of our past - the conditionings and limitations of people's

    ideologies that we grew up under. I believe we have got to connect with a covenant of

    increase and to do that we have got to leave the influences of our past that leave

    limitation on our lives. I do not believe that all of us have to leave our families and friends

    and children. We have had to do that by coming to Hong Kong. Some are called to

    relocate to nations in the purposes of God because God wants all nations to be saved

    and touched with the gospel!

    But not all are called geographically and permaemently. All are called sometime to go for

    the gospel's sake but we are called to leave the mentality that conditioned us when we

    were growing up. We are to honour our parents but we do not need to take things from

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    our lives if what they gave to us made us cynical and skeptical about the gospel. The

    very idea that the gospel is only relevant for heaven but on earth it is irrelevant and

    Christians are a joke and they walk around begging for everything with pastor's

    discounts and they are as poor as church mice and this mentality where the world

    patronises and condescends to the church because the church is always begging and

    poor and needs more and more! But when we have a covenant of increase! You have

    relatives in this room who think you are crazy when you come to church and they think

    you are wasting your time and they think Christianity is something one day when you get

    to heaven. Instead of understanding that this is a covenant that God has cut of

    increased blessings in our lives.

    Go to Mark chapter 10. We are warring well here! We must leave the influences and

    leave the things behind that have put limitations on your life. (10:29); "I tell you the truth

    no one who has left home or ... will fail to receive a hundred times as much in THIS

    PRESENT AGE". I don't know what that means! Is that a hundred homes? "Homes,

    brothers". Glenda and I have got hundreds of thousands of friends and I am not talking

    about they are just vague - we know hundreds of thousands of people! 20, 000 churches

    that we are working with! We just can't remember their names! "with them persecutions".You get blessed like that you will be persecuted! It won't be the world attacking you, it

    will be some church people! The Pharisees and Sadducees and wouldn't sees and

    couldn't sees! This is blessings in this present age! This is leaving behind the poverty

    thinking and limitation thinking and have no power or authority but one day when you get

    to heaven it will all be worthwhile.

    That is NOT what this Bib le teaches!

    (Genesis 13:1) Abraham had become very wealthy in livestock and silver and gold!

    When did Abraham become very wealthy? When he had LEFT his family, his home, hiscountry where they worshipped idols! He followed El-Shaddi - the God who is more than

    enough! God's promise was true! It didn't just say he was rich - it said he was VERY rich

    in silver and gold! I don't have silver and gold! But I have always turned salaries down in

    the church because that is too much! It is not about driving around in Rolls and smoking

    cuban cigars! It is that God's people get blessed!

    Because the more we have the more we can do! In Hong K ong m oney is their god

    and it is a devi l ish go d! The love of money is the root of AL L evi l ! People think

    that i f I have got enoug h money th en I don ' t need God ! I want to tel l you th at

    mo ney is a great servant bu t a terr ib le God! You can' t do a thing w ithout m oney!

    Money says you c an buy that land, buy that bui ld ing, send f ive thous and pastor s

    out o n the f ield and plant 20, 000 churches in Ch ina! That 's what mo ney says in

    the r ight hands o f the r ight stewards ! Money takes on th e character of the hands

    that i t is in! Under Hugh Hefner and Playbo y it buys more and more porn ograph y

    and dest ruc t ion! Under r ighteous hands that mo ney takes on a r ighteous purpose

    and our m oney represents our hours and o ur t ime!

    You can be as anointed as you w ant but i f you do n' t have money then that

    anoint ing can' t get to wh ere it needs to g o!

    No one says to m e when I get on a plane; "Oh yo u are a pastor? Don' t worry abo ut

    i t ! This air fare is free!" . You can' t take the gospel anyw here withou t mo ney! This

    idiot ic thing that mo ney is not impo rtant is insane! Jesus said i f you are not

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    fa i thful with wor ldly w ealth then you c annot be faithful with true r iches.

    I f you are st ingy and smal l-mind ed with money then you wil l be the same way with

    the anoint ing! But wh en you are free with m oney and releasing m oney then you

    are free in releasing pow er and th e grace of God into the n at ions!

    So Abraham became very rich after he met El Shaddi! Some people in Hong Kong need

    to understand this that when you walk with Him leaving the old influences behind and

    walk with God you can become very rich! We may not all become multi-millionaires but

    we call all LIVE like multi-millionaires! I don't have millions in the bank but I live like one

    by the blessing of God! Everything we want it seems God does it! Genesis 15 - now this

    is a long reading but stick with this! Every verse here is a whole series but we will only

    make a comment on the main one. (Genesis 15:1); "I am your shield and your great

    reward". Now I want you to see that is covenant language. The enemy cannot destroy

    you! (v2); "A son coming from your own body will be your heir ... so shall your offspring

    be". A covenant of increase! Abraham believed the Lord and He credited to him as

    righteousness! "I brought you ... to give you this land so you can take possession of it ...

    oh sovereign Lord how can I know?".

    Faith is based on kn ow ing the wi l l of God no t just His abi l i ty .

    "How can I know I will take possession of it .. birds of prey came down but Abraham

    drove them away". You have got to keep the demonic off your inheritance! "As the sun

    was setting Abraham fell into a deep sleep". That is the Hebrew word again "Radam"

    and it means to fall under the power or be under the influence of the Spirit. You can hear

    things going on around you but you are caught up in the Presence of God. "I will punish

    the nation they serve ... you will go to your father's in peace and live to a ripe age ... a

    smoking fire with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces ..". This

    would have blown Abraham's mind and we cannot understand it if we don't live in Africaor North America. "Covenant". Many people in the sophisticated Western world don't

    understand what covenant is. "Covenant" was well know throughout the world. Dr

    Livingstone was able to penetrate into Africa because he made covenants with powerful

    chiefs and the sign of the covenant was a cut on the wrist or the palm of the hand. He

    walked through dangerous areas and held up his hand and they would see he had a

    covenant - there is more to him than we see with our eyes.

    We touch him and are touching a whole backing of many tribes that are powerful and

    stand with him. A covenant was an alliance where they cut an ox in half or would

    exchange coats and belts and would walk through these slain split oxen and as they

    were doing it they would recite the terms of the covenant; "Everything I have is yours -

    everything you have is mine". Anyone attacks you and they attack me - if we break this

    covenant these are the things that will happen. That was known throughout that world.

    What would have blown Abraham's mind was when God said "I am going to make a

    covenant with a human". All My resources are yours! Anyone who fights against you

    fights against Me! How many know who got the better side of this bargain!?

    Here is the revelation of the New Testament. When God cut this covenant with

    Abraham, He said; "I don't want man's abilities in this. It is not by your righteousness or

    by your human effort. Man's performance is too fluctuating! So we need a covenant that

    is so secure that it is above and beyond reproach! That even when we fail and mess up

    this covenant stands constant" and sure and God said; "You won't walk through the cut

    halves of the ox with Me. I will put you to sleep under anaesthetic. You can see what's

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    going on but you will sleep. The preincarnation Christ - the Angel of the Lord - walks

    through the calf and God the Father cuts a covenant with His Son on Abraham's behalf.

    So for this covenant to be broken Jesus would have to backslide. John 8 - Jesus said

    before Abraham was - I AM. He said "Abraham saw Me and He rejoiced!". Abraham saw

    the Son of God walk through and God the Father cut a covenant with His Son. That's

    why God required Abraham to be willing to give up his son so God the Father could get

    His Son into the earth to die and that was the ultimate cutting of the Abrahamic covenant

    and sealing it and finalising it here on earth.

    So for you to constantly be taking your spiritual temperature and be worrying am I hot

    enough? Am I righteous enough? He wants us hot but to get the blessing is NOT based

    on your efforts or your righteousness or your strength! This covenant is as perfect as the

    Father is perfect, the Son is perfect! They cut the covenant with each other on our

    behalf! We are in Christ! And if I put a piece of paper in this book, even if that piece of

    paper has got a few little blotches in it then whereveer the book goes so does the piece

    of paper even with it's imperfections! And the Holy Spirit is the administrator of the power

    of the blessings of the finished work of the Cross!

    We are just con demn ed to victory! We are vict ims o f victory! Truth sets free!

    God cuts His covenant and now Abraham knows that he has got it now! God can't back

    out! Imagery of stars - increase! Genesis 17 - now Abraham has got substance for his

    faith! Now his faith lept into another dimension! Let us see how long the Abrahamic

    covenant is for! (v1); "When Abraham was 99 years old ... walk before Me and be

    blameless". He didn't say be PERFECT. He said be BLAMELESS. A very big difference

    between the two words! Blameless is that you have got no big problems in your life! We

    are perfectly righteous in Christ as a gift and we are becoming more and more

    blameless, sinning less and less and less. It doesn't feel like that some days Rob! I know- we all have days like that apart from Glenda! (v2); "My covenant between Me and you

    and will GREATLY increase your numbers!". I don't understand people who say they just

    want a small church of 20 people and just want inner healing and to hell with the world!

    We are on a covenant of increase and there are 7 million people in Hong Kong who

    don't know their right from their left and are on their way to hell! It is wrong to have a

    concept of smallness! Is it wrong to have a relational drive? Not at all! We must have

    relationship before we function! We must have such good relationships that we can

    speak the truth in love! It is grace and truth! You don't speak one without the other! First

    with God and then each other!

    But we must understand that we can grow as a New Testament church into thousands

    and still have intimacy with each other and with God! There is just a wineskin the Bible

    gives! (v3); "Abraham fell face down ... father of many nations ... name will be Abraham

    ... I will make you VERY FRUITFUL". (v7);

    " I wi l l establ ish My cov enant as an ever last ing cov enant between Me and you and

    you r descendants af ter you for the generat ions to come to be your God and the

    God o f your d escendants af ter you !" .

    This is not a temporary covenant! 430 years after this covenant was made the Mosaic

    covenant was inaugurated where God's finger wrote the Tablets of stone. This Bible

    says that this covenant is an eternal one! The law covenant was a temporary covenant!

    It lasted for 1,700 years and the book of Hebrews says that the Old Covenant is now

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    obsolete! It is now redundant and we do not have to take bulls and goats into temples

    and we are not under law but under grace. It is not how many hours a day that earns

    you the blessing! It is FAITH in the finished work of the Cross!

    In that kind of faith you want to pray, you want to be a blessing! This is an eternal

    covenant - not temporary like the law! You say; "Rob is the law of God still relevant in

    the earth?". Yes - to every unbeliever and to every unsaved person is under the law

    (Romans 3, 7) - the law was not there to SAVE you but to LEAD you to Christ! The law is

    to show you can't save yourself! The law was brought in because of sin! So we can

    come to Christ with faith that we are not under the law, not under the supervision of the

    law and we are dead to the law, redeemed from the curse of the law that the blessing of

    Abraham may come on us!

    Go to Genesis 24:1; "Abraham was now old and well advanced in years and the Lord

    blessed him in everyway". He was increasing in blessing! To be blessed iean every way

    meant there was no area in your life where you are not blessed! You are blessed in

    every way! Abraham got what God said He would do! Go to Genesis 24:34; "So he said... the Lord has blessed my master abundantly". Go to Psalm 105. Remember God told

    Abraham that his descendants would be in slavery and come out laiden with many

    possessions. (v37). This is the prophetic word God gave Abraham happening. "He

    brought out Israel laiden". How many Christians do you see today laiden with the good

    stuff? "laiden with silver and gold. No one was feeble". After years of slavery! The power

    of God came down on that place and I believe healed the whole 3 million! This is the


    We must NEVER get to the place where we say "I am going to lower the Word o f

    God down to my c urrent exper ience" . Say; " I want to have the faith to raise myccurrent exper ience to the Word o f God!" .

    Look what he says in (v38); "A cloud of covering and fire at night ... He opened the rock

    and water gushed out .. He remembered His promise to His servant Abraham .... He

    gave them the lands of the nations ... ".

    Go to Psalm 115 and read from (v9); "Trust in the Lo rd . .. He is their help and

    shield . .. He is their help and s hield. The Lo rd rememb ers us" . The Hebrew word

    there means; " You are on the foref ront of His thinkin g" . God is plo t t ing and

    planning and scheming ways that He can bless you!

    "Small and great alike". It doesn't matter what your station is! "May the Lord make you

    increase!".Go to Isaiah chapter 60. You are always going to have in every church

    someone saying; "Yere but Rob ... !". It is a goat religion! Sheep follow! But Rob! But

    Rob! You don't know how small I am! We are so narrow minded we can look through a

    keyhole at the same time! We have poverty over our generations! Someone sinned back

    there and we are going to be punished! I know God is great but look at me! Look at the

    promises of God and know you have NO excuse! You have substance for your faith!

    (60:21): " Then w il l ALL " . Hebrew means it in clud es EVERYTHING and exclud es

    NOTHING! It means that in th e Greek too . ALL m eans AL L!

    "Then will ALL your people be righteous". It is announcing the New Covenant! "The
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    least of you will become a thousand - the smallest a mighty nation!". God cannot lie! He

    cannot exaggerate and get carried away! Is this possible?! There are 7 billion people on

    the planet of which 6 billion are not born again! That is enough to go around! I believe

    this church can grow to 20 000 and it is still too small!

    When w e stay in unity that we are in a covenant of increase then God can add to

    our n umb er daily those being saved!

    "But that was for Abraham and the Jews". I am just a Gentile! All I have got is the Gospel

    that saved us from going to hell! Abraham got the blessing and he didn't have the

    gospel! The Jews didn't have the gospel - we get the gospel! That's what maybe 98% of

    Christians in the world believe! They wouldn't tell you but that is exactly what they

    believe! Go to Galatians chapter 3. This is foundational for next week! Let's read! "I am

    just a Gentile with the gospel not the blessing!". (v6); "Consider Abraham!". Well we

    have been doing that for an hour! "He believed God ... those who BELIEVE are children

    of ABRAHAM ... the gospel in advance to Abraham". This is not the law covenant which

    was temporary! This is still the law covenant! (v8); "Those who have faith are blessed

    along with ....". Not hope! Faith is based on a knowledge of the willingness of God to doit for you. "Those who have faith are blessed along with ...". Why are believers so afraid

    to be blessed? The main thing is justification by faith - sure! "But all who rely on

    observing the law are under a curse". Too many Christians are under law. "Do this and

    get blessed". "ALL who rely on observing the law are under CURSE". Crippled with

    condemnation and negativity and can't even think of God wanting to bless them!

    God is NOT pleased wh en we crawl into the thron e room! I f my c hi ldren came to

    me l ike that then I would slap them! " Oh Dad I am no t worthy to have a cho co late -

    can I just have the paper?!!" . I wo uld say; "What 's wrong with yo u!?!? Have the

    ent i re fridge!" . "No I am n ot worthy I did no t take the garbage out !" . I wo uld say;" Have the ent i re fr idge and then take the garbage ou t !" .

    (v10); "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to EVERYTHING written ... Christ

    redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us ... He redeemed us" -

    in order that we would go to heaven? No. "In order that the blessing given to Abraham

    might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we might receive the

    promise of the Spirit!". (v24); "Now that faith has come we are no longer under the

    supervision of the law ... Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise". Covenant

    of increase! Let's quickly look at 2 Scriptures. Acts chapter 2.

    Let 's see the church that began 2000 years ago and lets ask ou rselves is that the

    way that the church is to day? This was the baby ch urch and we have had 2000

    years to grow into the ful l stature of Chr ist ! But w e went into th e Dark Ag es 500

    years after this and for 1000 years the chu rch w as in rel ig ious su perst i t ion and

    hierarchial control , demons and do ctr ines of demon s. You c an trace the last 500

    years in waves of restoration as the churc h com es out of rel ig ious tradi t ion ! The

    church is coming back to her aposto l ic and p rophet ic cal l ing! God is ra is ing up

    the Ephesians 4 Minist r ies again! It wo n' t just be an evangel is t run ning a crusade!

    Evangel is ts wi l l preach the gospel and then apost les wi l l com e and establ ish

    foun dat ions and raise up elders and bibl ical pat tern and w e wil l go fur ther than

    the book of Acts !

    I have been to fraternals for 20 years and will continue with God's leading to associate

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    with all the pastors in the city I can - I believe in the spirit of unity! But the Bible says we

    have the five fold ministry to move us from spiritual unity to a unity of faith and come to

    the full measure of the stature of Christ Jesus!

    That is wh y we m ust NEVER meet on the lowest commo n denom inator not

    want ing to of fend each other! You can' t read that passage - we don ' t bel ieve that

    here! No the covenants m ust be taught clear ly and yo ur tradi t ions nu l l i fy the the

    Word o f God! I have work ed and led fraternals for 20 years! But I know that is not

    wh ere it is going ! Get into u nity and w e wil l have revival!? We have been in " uni ty"

    for centur ies! We have got to move tow ards the ful l stature of Chr ist by apost les

    and p rophets g et t ing up and SAYING it like i t is! With love! There are too many

    pol i t ic ians in pu lpi ts today being p ol i t ical ly correct ! That wi l l never take us to the

    rugg ed, author i tat ive chu rch that paralyses pr inc ipal i t ies and pow ers and

    admin ist rates the power of the Cross into the nations and p lants church es!

    This church is where we are going! Ride the bus Gus! Some want to get to what I have

    just described but they are on the wrong bus! You can sit on the wrong bus and pray

    and fast until you have got no flesh left and pray in tongues but you won't get to the rightdestination! You can sit in religious traditions of men and say I am being faithful! But the

    Bible says you must be faithful to your leaders and submit to their authority and if they

    are preaching stuff that you don't believe in the Word of God then you must believe that


    There is an apostol ic bu s that took of f in the earth and it is gather ing momentum !

    I t is local chu rch b ased! Apost les circu lat ing and relating to elders! They do n' t f i re

    elders or ow n bu i ld ings! The local church own s the bui ld ing! Apost les don' t come

    in as execut ives or super intendants bu t as fr iends w ith af fect ion and lov e and

    bui ld fou ndat ion into that churc h! That is bibl ical !

    (Acts 2:42). Do they have a covenant of increase? Everyone was involved! "All the

    believers were together and had everything in common ... every day they continued to

    meet together ... and the Lord added to their number daily those who are being saved!".

    INCREASE is the will of God!

    Not ice they didn' t add to their numb er by their relig iou s evangel is t ic programmes!

    The LORD added to their num ber DAILY those who are being saved!

    (Acts 4:32) "All the believers were in mind ...much grace was upon them ALL ... no

    needy person among them ... distributed to everyone as they had need". Acts 6:7; "So

    the Word of God spread ... increased RAPIDLY ...". Now let me close with a practical

    application. This covenant is based on faith. But something that can short-circuit your

    faith is a lack of thankfulness for what you have currently got. I don't understand why

    God has blessed some of you in areas He hasn't blessed me in! I don't understand why

    He hasn't blessed you in ways He has blessed Glenda and me.

    But al l I know is that i t is His wi l l to bless me in EVERY WAY!

    I have got to be thankful for what I have got right now! If God is blessing you and I start

    getting jealous and angry and bitter then people will start manipulating and turning

    Christianity into communism. Christianity is not communism but anointing sacred holy

    righteous capitalism! Those who invest their talents get more! Those who take risks get

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    more! Those who bury their talents lose it! That is capitalism! The Church is not socialist!

    They act lazy and are there to beg! As God blesses the church and we give to the poor,

    the Bible says we are lending to the Lord and we will get repaid! There is no needy in

    our midst! People in Coastlands gave their cars! There is NO manipulation here! You

    don't have to give one thing! People gave cars to those who didn't! People paid for

    others to go on holiday! We were seeing dozens saved and added! If I get bitter and

    twisted and beat myself up - I have had pastors all over the world tell me about buildings

    that can seat thousands! I felt a funny feeling and God said I should celebrate what they

    have got! If you don't thank God daily for what you have got then that jealousy will cut off

    your faith!

    God CANNOT bless you if you are jealous b ecause Galat ians 5:6 says that fai th

    operates throu gh love and i f y ou d on' t have love f lowing in your l i fe then you r

    fai th wo n' t work .

    If God wants to give you something then you don't have to hint! "Faith-hints". God can

    put it on someone's heart to provide! But don't be too proud to ask for help! We will try

    and find a way to provide! Walk around your small apartment and thank Him that the raindoesn't fall on your head! Thank Him for the bed and the toilet! And then tell Him about

    the covenant of increase and ask Him for a bigger one! We need to be increase minded!

    If your salary is such and such then thank Him!

    But God d oesn' t want u s to SURVIVE - He wants us to THRIVE!

    He wants us to thrive with an increase mentality! You may be just making ends meet but

    thank Him that the ends are meeting! Now ask Him for a salary you believe in! "Just

    have faith". We thanked God that we had two months of savings when we went to

    Australia! But then we asked for the figure we wanted and that was the salary I wasgetting! Then in a short while it was doubled!

    Your comp any is too sm al l to give you al l that God wants to give you! He can

    prov ide through your com pany but through plenty of other sources too!

    He can kill some of your rich relatives! Joking! When we brought our first house it was so

    small that even the cockroaches had claustrophobia! But don't despise the day of small

    things! Glenda could tickle me in the ear from the kitchen while I was in the bedroom!

    But I praised Him for the little house and reminded Him of the covenant of increase! I

    don't want to live off the church or the state! But in a covenant of increase I can own

    several houses and live in one and sell the rest and live when we have to retire! I believe

    we should be so blessed that we can have more than what we need so we can resource


    The local church should b e the most power fu l Kingdom resource on the planet .

    God's agency is local church!

    There must be affect through local church and for it to function it will take finances!

    Giving to local church is investing! This church is very generous for it's size! The

    Christians in South Africa and Australia resourced us here in Hong Kong! But last month

    I told them to cut it by a third because you guys are coming through here and soon I

    want to tell them to cut it by 100% because we are increase minded! I thank God for the

    six or seven people saved here! But now we want 30 or 40 and then to a thousand!

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