

Character Trait ChapelCharacter Trait Chapel

November TraitNovember TraitCreated by E. Van De KerkCreated by E. Van De Kerk

Courage: A Lesson from the

Life of David

1 Samuel 17

What is courage?



1. PHYSICAL COURAGE: being willing to put your physical well-being at risk to accomplish a mission.

EXAMPLES: Saving Private Ryan (or other similar movies) show soldiers bravely facing bullets for their country no matter what the cost.


Those currently serving our country in Iraq and other foreign countries.

2. GODLY COURAGE: having the integrity to make the right choice or do the right thing, even when it’s not popular, in honor of our Savior.

EXAMPLES: Saying no to drugs (Red Ribbon Week)

What is courage?

Admitting when you’ve sinned

and showing that

you’re truly sorry.

GODLY COURAGERefusing to go to an inappropriate

movie with friends.


Respectfully asking someone to stop misusing the name

of the Lord, or asking someone to stop disobeying Him.

Godly Courage: David and Goliath

1 Samuel 17

GOLIATH*Over 9 feet tall.

*Bronze helmet, leg armor, javelin

*Bronze coat (weighing 125 lb.)

*Spear with an iron sprearhead (weighing 15 lb.)


*Son of Jesse

*Youngest of 8


*Takes food to his brothers

Godly Courage:

David and Goliath1 Samuel 17

Valley of Elah

Brook Elah

Godly Courage: David and Goliath

1 Samuel 17

(verse 32)

“Don’t worry about this Philistine,” David told

Saul. “I’ll go fight him.”

Read through vs. 51.

And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people,

but not with the sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and He will give you to us!

I Samuel 17:47

David ran to the battle lines.

Why did David take on the

Philistine giant Goliath?

1. Goliath had dishonored his God.

2. Goliath had dishonored his nation.


Godly Courage:

How about you?

A person filled with Godly courage does not tolerate ungodly speech

and ungodly behavior…

Godly Courage:

How about you?

A person filled with Godly courage feels no intimidation when it

comes to standing up for God…

Godly Courage:

How about you?

A person filled with Godly courage does not doubt the power of God when fighting the Christian fight…

A person filled with Godly

courage has:

The 3 NO’s• No toleration for the ungodly.• No intimidation when standing up for

God.• No doubt and completely trusts in God’s

total control.

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