



CONTENTS Board of Trustees 2013- 2014 2

Structure, Governance and Management 3

Purpose, Values and Method 3

Trustees’ Report 4

County Treasurer’s Report 6

Financial Review 8

Auditor’s Report 16

County Assets and Property 18

County Development Project 18

County Commissioner’s Report 19

County Chairman’s Summary 24

2014 Census Figures 25

2014 Adult Awards 26

2014 Youth Awards 27



GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Greater London South County Scout Council is an unincorporated association constituted in accordance with the Rules of The Scout Association (Registered No. 139, Charity No. 303883) covering the London Boroughs of Lambeth, Lewisham, Royal Greenwich, Southwark and Wandsworth. The Scout Association (Registered Charity No. 306101) is incorporated by Royal Charter to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. The Charter of The Association provides for the making of Bye-Laws approved by Her Majesty in Council which, in turn, authorise the making of the Rules referred to above (known as ‘Policy, Organisation and Rules’, or ‘P.O.R.’). The County’s charity trustees are the County Executive Committee, who cannot act outside the Royal Charter, Bye-Laws and Rules of The Scout Association. County Headquarters South London Scout Centre, Grange Lane, London, SE21 7LH President William M. Stern Vice-Presidents Howard B. Strong Peter James Roger Cooke Gordon Carr Trustees County Executive Committee June 2013 to June 2014 Ex-Officio County Chairman Jeffrey Tetlow ** Vice County Chairman Robert Crow County Commissioner Paul O’Brien County Treasurer Philippa Clayton County Secretary Samantha Diggins Nominated William Compton, Amber Cox, Robert Ludlow, Andrew Melia, Christopher Field and Paul Shannon Elected David Attenborough, Robert Crow, Peter Evans *** Russell Jones, Daniel Stoddart and Mario Gomes Co-opted George Phipson - Chairman of Development Steering Group. Ian Cunningham – Health and Safety * also Chairman of County Appointments Sub-Committee ** also Chairman of County Finance Sub-Committee *** also Chairman of County Sites Committee Principal Bankers C.A.F. Bank Auditor Latham Lambourne, Chartered Accountants and Registered

Auditors First Floor, East Wing Priory Buildings, Church Hill Orpington, Kent, BR6 0HH



STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT. The members of the County Executive Committee are appointed in accordance with Policy, Organisation and Rules (P.O.R.) of The Scout Association. The County Chairman, County Commissioner, County Treasurer, County Secretary and the County Network Commissioner are ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. Other members are elected or appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Greater London South County Scout Council. The members of Executive Committee, who are its trustees, have met on six occasions since the last AGM in June 2013. There are four sub-committees that undertake specific responsibilities within the County and the Executive Committee receives their reports.

The sub-committees are:

- County Finance Sub-Committee - County Premises Sub-Committee - County Appointments Advisory Committee - County Development Steering Group

The Executive Committee has continued to work in partnership with the County Commissioner to provide both support and resources to contribute to the development of Scouting within Greater London South Scout County.

Charity legislation makes the trustees responsible for budgetary control and to keep accounts that disclose the financial position of the County, including the assets and investments held. The Trustees therefore determined that a full audit of the 2013 – 2014 annual accounts would be required which John Lambourne FCA has undertaken for the County.

PURPOSE, VALUES AND METHOD. The Purpose, Values and Method of Greater London South County Scout Council are the same as those contained within Chapter 1 of the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.

Purpose Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

Values As Scouts we are guided by these values:

Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.

Respect – We have self-respect and respect for others.

Care – We support others and take care of the world we live in.

Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.

Co-operation – We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.



Method Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

• enjoy what they are doing and have fun • take part in activities indoors and outdoors • learn by doing • share in spiritual reflection • take responsibility and make choices • undertake new and challenging activities • make and live by their promise.

TRUSTEES’ REPORT Appointments The County Appointments Advisory Committee (CAAC) is a panel of three advisers (drawn from a larger pool within the County) to interview adults who have been recommended for a variety of County appointments and in doing so determine their suitability for the role. They have met on a number of occasions recently and are pleased to have processed many new appointments. The CAAC have also had to determine the suitability of some adults to continue in their roles and have achieved this difficult task with sensitivity. Chris Field is the Chairman of the Committee and Reina O’Brien the County Administrator has taken on the duties of the role as County Appointment’s Secretary.

County Secretary Samantha Diggins tendered her resignation and this was accepted by the Trustees four months after the AGM. I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank Sam for all her hard work and service to the Greater London South County Scout Council.

Finance Review and Support The Finance sub-committee is lead by the chairmanship of Jeff Tetlow (County Chairman) and includes the County Commissioner, the County Treasurer, the County Secretary and the South London Scout Centre Warden. During the year the sub-committee oversaw the preparation of the annual budgets by the expense holders which where subsequently approved by the County Executive Team. The finance sub-committee continually monitors expenditure against budgets and reviews cashflows and reserves at each meeting. The team has recently taken on the responsibility for the review of the Fort’s lease renewal due to expire in 2018 and they continue to prioritise the future financing of the county’s activities to ensure sustainability.

Investment and Reserves Policy The work of the Executive Committee involves issues concerning financial control, particularly in the budgeting of events, activities and building maintenance as well as regularly monitoring the financial risks to which the County may be exposed. The income to the County is generated from investments, donations, grants and the membership subscription paid by members of the County. The Investment Policy of the County is such that our reserves continue to be held in low risk managed portfolios; the Executive Committee has reviewed the investments to ensure we are able to achieve a fair rate of return on the capital reserves held. The Reserves Policy was declared by the County Executive Committee to be the ‘maintenance of available funds, excluding known commitments and contingent liabilities, equal to a minimum of one year’s budgeted revenue

expenditure’. For the 2013/14 annual subscriptions the County early adopted a change in


the pricing structure expected to be implemented by HQ shortly. The annual fee for all adult members was lifted and the County levy was only charged to youth members. We feel this new pricing structure recognises the significant work of the volunteers within our County. Total income of £23,088 was generated. In line with the County Plan, the County Executive Committee have approved a transfer of £75,000 from unrestricted reserves to restricted funds to support the work of the County Development Steering Group.

Financial Support Don Broome Scout Trust

The Don Broome Scout Trust has continued its policy of working with District Commissioners and local development officers to assist in the provision of better Scouting for more young people.

During the year under review grants have included support to Lewisham District to fund recruitment and marketing materials, to Royal Greenwich via the County to cover the cost of hiring the Scout Association’s Mobile Display Unit for adult and youth recruitment at the Royal Greenwich Armed Forces Day and to the County to support the cost of employing a local development officer, to support Indaba and renew some of the County’s stock of caving equipment.

As always we also made a number of start-up grants for new sections. Please do not forget that start-up grants are also available from the Scout Association through the Development Grants Board. New sections can – and should - claim both the Don Broome grant and the Scout Association Grant.

All Groups are now considering the challenges of making the Association’s Vision for 2018 a reality in their local area and the 2014-18 Strategy provides Groups with targets which will help to make this happen. If you need financial support for proposals to develop Scouting within your Group arising out of this work the Don Broome Trust may be able to contribute. To get things moving you can talk to any of the Don Broome Trustees or access the Trust’s support through your District Commissioner, local development officer or the County Development Service. Don Broome’s generous bequest is there to make things a little easier in achieving what we all want - helping more young people to get as much as possible out of the experience that Scouting can offer.

Jack Petchey Foundation

Last year we did not run this scheme but after many meetings and finding someone to facilitate it full time we are now back with 36 awards being presented from January to June 2014.




It gives me great pleasure to present the audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014. The net assets at the balance sheet date total £245,108. The results of the County are shown in summary on page 9. The South London Scout Centre continues to be profitable, attributing a net surplus of £33,211 to the County. These funds where used to support countywide activities with a total net expenditure of £17,211 which results in a net operating profit of £16,000, confirming the county operated financially during the year under review without decreasing unrestricted cash reserves prior to the transfers approved as discussed below. In addition, a net outflow of £50,577 was paid from the restricted funds representing activities of the Petchey Fund and Development Officers for which some of the income and donations have been received and recognised in prior years. These movements total a net outflow of resources of £34,577. After accounting adjustments representing depreciation on assets previously capitalised and the unrealised gain/loss on the County's share of activities in the Joint Venture and investments held, a total net loss for the year of £50,064 is reported. Detailed income and expenditure schedules are shown on pages 14 -15 In line with the County Plan the Executive Committee have approved a transfer of £75,000 from unrestricted reserves to restricted funds to support the work of the County Development Steering Group. I would like to take this opportunity to thank John Lambourne FCA and all at Latham Lambourne Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors for their continued support of the County throughout the year. Finally, many thanks should also be noted for Gordon Carr who continues to run the operations of the Greater London South Scout Centre exceptionally. Philippa Clayton County Treasurer


GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities

Law applicable to charities in England & Wales requires the trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the charity's financial activities during the year and of its financial position at the end of the year (unless the charity is entitled to prepare accounts on the alternative receipts and payments basis). In preparing those financial statements, the Trustees are required to

- select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently; - make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; - state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any

material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements - prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to

presume that the charitable organisation will continue in business.

The Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and to enable it to ensure that the financial statements comply with applicable laws and regulations. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Jeff Tetlow Chairman Signed on behalf of the Trustees’



GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Statement of Financial Activities for the Year Ended 31st March 2014 Unrestricted Restricted Total Funds Total Funds Note Funds Funds 2014 2013 £ £ £ £

Income and Expenditure

Income 13 Incoming Resources from Generated Funds Voluntary Income 688 0 688 29,749 Investment Income 1,019 258 1,277 3,542

Incoming Resources from Charitable Activities County activities 28,480 11,607 40,087 31,742 Greater London South Scout Centre Activities 105,684 0 105,684 101,065 Total Incoming Resources 135,871 11,865 147,736 166,098

Resources Expended 14 Charitable Activities Petchey Fund 0 514 514 12,735 Development Officers Fund 0 61,928 61,928 58,262

Costs of Generating Funds County activities - Governance Costs 20,968 0 20,968 24,528 County activities - Programme & Training 26,430 0 26,430 51,974

Greater London South Scout Centre Activities 72,473 0 72,473 65,986

Other Resources Expended Share of Joint Venture (Profit)/Loss -96 0 -96 -28 Depreciation of fixed assets 13,237 0 13,237 13,237 Total Resources Expended 133,012 62,442 195,454 226,694

Net Incoming/(Outgoing) Resources 2,859 -50,577 -47,718 -60,596 before other recognised gains

Other Recognised Gains/ Losses Gains/losses on investment assets 4 -2,346 0 -2,346 117

Net Movement in Funds 513 -50,577 -50,064 -60,479 Transfers -75,000 75,000 0 0 Balances Brought Forward at 1st April 2013 190,353 104,820 295,173 355,652 Balances Carried Forward at 31st March 2014 115,865 129,243 245,108 295,173


GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2014

1 Accounting Policies

a) Basis of accounting These accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention (modified to include the revaluation of quoted investments) in accordance with applicable accounting standards and the Statement of Recommended Practice "Accounting by Charities" (SORP 2005). Investments are quoted at middle market value as at 31st March 2014

b) Donations are accounted for when received.

c) All other income and expenditure is accounted on the accruals concept. Where these are identifiable in respect of the individual section activities they are allocated to these activities.

d) Until 1st April 1996 all fixed assets, including the lease of the property, were written off when purchased as part of the income

and expenditure account. Since that date all assets greater than £1,000 have been capitalised and are being depreciated at the following rates:

Property improvements over the length of the lease (6 years remaining at the Scout Centre) Equipment 15% on cost Fixtures and fittings 10% on cost

e) Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

2 Joint Venture

Greater London Scout Region The County, together with five other Counties in the Greater London area, has an equal interest in the Greater London Scout Region. This was set up to provide a forum for co-ordination and discussion at a London wide level, and the organization of regional activities. The project is accounted for on a joint venture basis, each County including one sixth of the Region accounts within their own. These accounts were independently examined.

A summary of the financial result for the joint venture is included below.

Greater London Scout Region 2014 2013

Turnover County Contributions 3451 4511 Events 0 0 Donations 0 0 Total Income 3451 4511

Administration costs 300 312 Events 1875 3030 Accommodation charges 0 333 Other costs 701 670 Net receipts 575 166



GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2014

1 Accounting Policies

e) Basis of accounting These accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention (modified to include the revaluation of quoted investments) in accordance with applicable accounting standards and the Statement of Recommended Practice "Accounting by Charities" (SORP 2005). Investments are quoted at middle market value as at 31st March 2014

f) Donations are accounted for when received.

g) All other income and expenditure is accounted on the accruals concept. Where these are identifiable in respect of the individual section activities they are allocated to these activities.

h) Until 1st April 1996 all fixed assets, including the lease of the property, were written off when purchased as part of

the income and expenditure account. Since that date all assets greater than £1,000 have been capitalised and are being depreciated at the following rates:

Property improvements over the length of the lease (6 years remaining at the Scout Centre) Equipment 15% on cost Fixtures and fittings 10% on cost

e) Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

2 Joint Venture

Greater London Scout Region The County, together with five other Counties in the Greater London area, has an equal interest in the Greater London Scout Region. This was set up to provide a forum for co-ordination and discussion at a London wide level, and the organization of regional activities. The project is accounted for on a joint venture basis, each County including one sixth of the Region accounts within their own. These accounts were independently examined.

A summary of the financial result for the joint venture is included below.

Greater London Scout Region 2014 2013

Turnover County Contributions 3451 4511 Events 0 0 Donations 0 0 Total Income 3451 4511

Administration costs 300 312 Events 1875 3030 Accommodation charges 0 333 Other costs 701 670 Net receipts 575 166


GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2014

3 Tangible Assets Fixtures Leasehold and Improvements Equipment Fittings Total

COST or VALUATION Bought forward 147,311 61,574 37,118 246,003

Additions 0 0 0 0 At 31 March 2014 147,311 61,574 37,118 246,003

Depreciation Brought forward 107,429 50,378 37,118 169,923

Charge for year 9,973 3,264 0 13,237 At 31 March 2014 117,402 53,642 37,118 208,162

Net Book Value At 31 March 2014 29,909 7,932 0 37,841

At 31 March 2013 39,882 11,196 0 51,078

The land and buildings at the South London Scout Centre are held on a full repairing lease for thirty years from 24th June 1988. During 2002 a revaluation of the Scout Centre fixed assets was completed. The land and building known as the Scott Chard Centre at Biggin Hill is held on a 15 year lease from 3 June 2003

4 Fixed Asset Investments

2014 2013 Quoted Investments Market Value 1st April 2013 28,405 28,288 Sold in year 0 0 Net unrealized investment gains/(losses) -2,346 117 Market Value 31st March 2014 26,059 28,405 Other Investments Scout Association Short Term Investment Service 0 470 Income Bonds 10,000 10,000 CAF Platinum / Fixed Deposit 76,743 76,226 Buckinghamshire Building Society 0 0 86,743 86,696

5 Debtors 2014 2013

Prepayments and accrued interest 1,454 3,606 1,454 3,606



GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2014

6 Liabilities: Amounts Falling Due Within One Year 2014 2013 £ £

Accruals 1,800 1,800 Deposits in advance 63,757 81,530 PAYE 0 0 Other creditors 8,058 1,054 73,615 84,384

7 Analysis of Net Assets Between Funds Net Tangible Current Joint Assets Investments Assets Ventures Total £ £ £ £ £

Unrestricted funds 37,841 112,802 -35,292 514 115,865

Restricted funds 0 0 129,243 0 129,243 37,841 112,802 93,951 514 245,108


GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2014

8 Joint Venture Greater London Scout Region Total Share Net Income 575 575 Net Payments -479 -479 Brought forward balance 418 418 Balance written off 0 0 Value 514 514

9 Employees Remuneration 2014 2013 £ £

Salary 68,034 51,441 Social Security Costs 6,295 4,814 74,329 56,255

At 31 March 2014 there were 3 employees (2013 - 3)

10 Trustees Remuneration and Expenses 2014 2013 £ £

Remuneration paid to Trustees 0 0 Expenses Reimbursed to Trustees 6,172 5,396 Number of Trustees Reimbursed 5 3

Trustees were reimbursed for necessary out of pocket expenses spent on Council business at agreed rates, and for expenditure made by them on behalf of the Council.

11 Auditors Fees 2014 2013 £ £

Audit fee 1,800 1,800 Fees for other services 204 170

2,004 1,970



GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2014

13 Detailed Incoming Resources

Unrestricted Restricted Total Funds Total Funds Funds Funds 2014 2013 £ £ £ £ Investment Income Interest & Fund Raising COIF 252 0 252 306 CAF 134 245 379 159 Gilts 629 0 629 1,665 Fixed Rate Bond 0 0 0 875 Other Interest 4 4 537 Bank Interest 0 13 13 0 0 1,019 258 1,277 3,542 County Income Voluntary Income, Donations & Grants 688 0 688 10,230 Membership Levy 23,088 0 23,088 20,484 Fees, Grants etc - courses 1,908 0 1,908 3,268 Air Activities 2,184 0 2,184 1,280 Caving 584 0 584 0 County Shop 716 0 716 3,480 29,168 0 29,168 38,742

South London Scout Centre Income South London Scout Centre 105,684 0 105,684 101,065

Jack Petchey Funds Awards and expenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

County Development Funds County Development Grants 0 11,607 11,607 22,749

Total Income 135,871 11,865 147,736 166,098


GREATER LONDON SOUTH COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2014

14 Detailed Resources Expenditure

Unrestricted Restricted Total Funds Total Funds Funds Funds 2014 2013 £ £ £ £ County Operating Costs Governance Costs Office costs including stationery & printing 3,618 0 3,618 891 Office Holders Expenses 0 0 0 353 Professional Fees & Licences 3,483 0 3,483 3,690 Bank Charges 0 0 0 0 Payroll Expenses 13,267 0 13,267 7,474 Office Refurbishment 0 0 0 12,120 Moot donations 600 0 600 0 Programme & Training Courses 1,840 0 1,840 1,170 Equipment & Resources 3,871 0 3,871 4,164 Air Activities 1,766 0 1,766 1,701 Caving 1,087 0 1,087 551 County Shop - adjusted to write off stock in 2013 0 0 0 9,579 Support For All Districts 4,956 0 4,956 7,586 County Leadership expenses 3,775 0 3,775 3,878 Conferences/AGM 5,549 0 5,549 23,249 Mail Shots/Website 0 0 0 96 Jamboree event expenses 3,586 0 3,586 0 47,398 0 47,398 76,502 South London Scout Centre Operating Costs South London Scout Centre 72,473 0 72,473 65,986 Jack Petchey Funds Awards and expenses 0 514 514 12,735 0 514 514 12,735 County Development Funds County Development costs 0 61,928 61,928 58,262 0 61,928 61,928 58,262 Total Resources Expended 119,871 62,442 182,313 213,485







South London Scout Headquarters and County Office The land and buildings at the South London Scout Centre are held on a full repairing lease for 30 years, from 22 June 1988, from The Dulwich Estate.

Although the lease will be up for renewal in four years repairs and maintenance continues to ensure that standards are maintained and improved to meet the increasing demand. The kitchen, toilets and showers have also had a makeover and with day-to-day use made of the site by local groups and Scouts the facilities meet the ever increasing high standard expected by users.

The County Office The County team and Development Service have now a base of operations where the old County shop was. This provides administrative support for all the County team and members of the Development Service.

Scout Aviation Centre Ian Piper is the ACC for Air Activities as well as the Chairman of the Air Activities Committee and County Adviser. The base used for these activities is the County’s own building, formerly known as the Scott-Chard Centre at Biggin Hill. This is situated on land held by Biggin Hill Airport Ltd on a 15 year lease from 2003 The committee continues to offer a wide range of ‘air’ related Scout Badge courses as well as public tours around historical parts of the old Biggin Hill Airfield.


The County Development Service (CDS) remains central to the County’s approach to recruitment and development, overseen by the Development Steering Group. There have some key changes in the team over the last year, with the County Administrator joining the CDS. This is ensuring that all support offered by the County is focussed on encouraging growth, the key element of the County’s new Strategic Plan.

Matt Butterfield continues to support Royal Greenwich and Southwark Districts. Sarah Morris, the Development Officer for Lambeth and Wandsworth, stepped down in September 2013 having successfully secured a new role with Great Ormond Street Hospital, and the post was re-advertised. Jack Gibson was appointed to replace Sarah in November 2013, on an 18-month contract, and has successfully settled into the role. Reina O’Brien, the County Administrator, has now formally joined the team, and focusses on administering the running of the County and offering support to Development Service activities. In addition, the Lewisham Development Project continues to employs Garry Leach as a Development Officer for the District, and has recently been successful in securing funding for an additional officer, and Reece Ludlow has recently been appointed to the post. The development officers continue to meet regularly to discuss and share best practice, significantly strengthening the support offered to groups.

The work of the Development Officers has been instrumental in supporting growth across the County. The Team’s priorities include recruitment of new adults, undertaking health checks with groups and opening new sections to ensure that all groups offer the full family of Scouting. Evidence has shown that where the team works directly with groups on targeted recruitment and support activities, the groups are successful in recruiting new adults and young people and delivering a more effective programme.

Special thanks goes to Linda Hurford, who manages the CDS on a day-to-day basis, and Richard


Morrison who manages the Lewisham project. Their time and effort is essential to ensuring the effective management of the development officers, and on behalf of the County Development Steering Group we would like to offer our thanks for their commitment to support our employed staff. Thanks must of course also go to the development officers themselves – Garry, Jack, Matt and Sarah for their hard work in supporting growth and development across the County.

Challenges for the future include retention of new volunteers recruited by the development officers and securing longer-term funding for the Service. In line with the County Plan, the County Executive has confirmed that it will underwrite the cost of the CDS for another year, and will review this again in the middle of next year. The Steering Group is looking at models for ensuring the long-term sustainability of the project, to enable the County to continue to provide quality support to groups

COUNTY COMMISSIONER’S REPORT I look back at the last 4 years and I do wonder where the time has gone. It has been a rollercoaster of fun and excitement and some up and downs (mostly ups) I am so pleased that we have grown again. This is down to the hard work and commitment of the leaders and supporters around the County who have built on their successes and delivered a wonderful programme.

Let’s have a look at some of the work that the County support teams have achieved over the last 12 months


DCC Adventure (Bill Compton) ACC Air Activities (Ian Piper) ACC Creative Activities (Denise Pritchard) ACC Land Activities (Billy Ford) ACC Water Activities (Paul Wotton) County Nights Away Adviser (John Sweeney)

Air Activities

The Air Activities Committee has had another busy year providing opportunities for all sections and members in GLS, based on the County’s unique facility at the Scout Aviation Centre (SAC), Biggin Hill Airport. Here are some highlights:

The SAC was well used and welcomed nearly 900 users during the year. This was slightly down on the usual average due to a number of late cancellations of bookings. New procedures have been introduced to limit the chances of this happening in future. The year saw a welcome return of flying for Scouts at Biggin Hill. Whilst places remain limited due to CAA restrictions, we are gradually building capacity through the generous provision of free seats by local pilots. And we are keeping our fingers crossed for better weather this year! We ran 12 badge courses at the SAC, as well as some in Group HQs. Some 14 individual Groups from across GLS used the SAC, not counting events such as District camps. We have continued to recruit new helpers at the SAC, at the same time spreading the word amongst GLS Groups that air activities is open for all. Three new simulator instructors have



joined our rota following training, and an ‘air activities for leaders’ event was well attended. In addition we ran tours for visiting Groups; sessions on our aircraft simulators; and historic tours for the general public. The hard working members of the Committee, and colleagues in GLSE, have put in long hours to make all this possible so all who have enjoyed air activities during the year owe them a debt of thanks.

Creative Over the last year we have run a craft area for the adults attending INDABA. Most recently, we arranged for twenty different crafts for a craft tent for The Fort is Fifty Funday, which was very popular and was busy for the whole day. In the autumn I am looking to run a gang show workshop day. The Fort

The Fort has had another record year generating lots of income for the county (Thank you Gordon and your team).Over the past year there have been 15807 camping nights at the Fort many of them have come from abroad from places like Czech Rep, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, South Korea, Ukraine & USA.

Nights Away

We have over the past year trained a number of nights away assessor in District so that we can support leaders in groups in getting nights away permits so that we can get more children out on over night events.

Can I say a big THANK YOU to all members of my team for all there hard work in the past year and hears to another great year of adventure in 2015.

Bill Development and District Support: DCC Development & District Support (Andy Melia) DC for Lambeth (Rachel Mayes) DC for Lewisham (Tom Nixon) DC for Royal Greenwich (John Sweeney) DC for Southwark (Liz Fricker) DC for Wandsworth (Gavin Ferguson) ACC Development (Linda Hurford) ACC District Support (Trevor Quinton) ACC Impact (Sarah Morris) The work of the Development & District Support Team has continued to strengthen throughout the year, ensuring that Districts are managed and supported effectively to instil a culture of growth and development across the County. Key to this has been the development of the new County Strategic Plan to 2018, which will embed an outcomes focussed approach to delivering consistent quality Scouting across the entire County. The Plan has been developed in consultation with DCs and the County Senior Management Team following last year’s County Conference, and is aligned to the new national Scouting for All Strategy.


The team has grown again this year, with the appointment of Gavin Ferguson as District Commissioner for Wandsworth, and Sarah Morris as the Assistant County Commissioner for Impact. These appointments are ensuring that the right people are in post to effectively deliver the County’s vision for high quality scouting in all groups accessible to all members of our local communities.

Districts are working closely with the County Development Service to provide support to GSLs, with a focus on understanding individual group needs and putting plans in place to address issues and encourage new adult and youth members. The County has grown again this year, with adult membership up by almost 10% over the last 5 years which is a testament to the hard work and effective collaboration between groups, DCs and their teams, and the County Development Service. Group-level support remains one of the key priorities, to ensure that management is effective and groups are reaching out to all our communities.

Thanks must be given to all members of the team, particularly to the DCs. We are lucky to have such a great team of volunteers managing our Districts, and look forward to continuing to support them over the coming year to ensure that South London Leads.

Andy Youth Programme:

DCC Programme (Robert Ludlow) ACC Beaver Scouts (Gemma McGill) ACC Cub Scouts (Reese Ludlow) ACC Scouts (Darren Lodge) ACC Explorer Scouts (Alex Ward) ACC Young Leaders (Vacant) ACC Scout Network (Vacant) ACC Top Awards (Alan Gregory) ACC International (Simon Emmett)

The past twelve months have been very busy for the Youth Programme Team with lots of support and guidance being provided to Groups and Districts by the ACCs. They have continued to work especially close with the ADCs and Districts giving assistance where required.

The Youth Programme Team has continued to provide a great supplementary programme to compliment that provided by Groups and Districts. The County programme has helped to build new links between Groups from opposite ends of the County and bring people together to learn and experience new things. Among the many activities and events that have been organised, the Scout section organised a very popular trip to Disneyland Paris, another oversubscribed Mechanics Badge Course, while the Cubs Global Challenge Day was also very well attended and very successful.

The highlight of the year regarding the County programme was the Fort Is Fifty Funday. This event attracted over 1,200 visitors, including the Chief Scout himself, Bear Grylls arriving at The South London Scout Centre by helicopter accompanied by Steve Backshall.

The Jamboree Boot Camp went ahead to select the young people for the County Jamboree contingent – SOLO. The event was very successful with a record number of participants



taking part over the weekend, with an incredible amount of talent and determination being demonstrated making the job of selecting the members of the contingent all the tougher for the Jamboree leaders. The whole county team wishes all those in our Jamboree Contingent the very best for their involvement at the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan in 2015.

Since the last AGM we have welcomed Peter Lillie back to the County team, he has taken up the role of County Advisor for Programme. Peter is a very knowledgeable and experienced member of the County Team having previously been ACC until just a few years ago. The County Team would also like to take this opportunity to express thanks to Amber Cox who stepped down as ACC Young Leaders. Her contributions to the County Team are greatly appreciated.

The forthcoming year promises to be another great year of Scouting for all our young people within the Greater London South Scout County. The Youth Programme Team are concentrating on providing another packed year full of achievement, enjoyment and adventure.

In conjunction with Matt Butterfield of the County Development Service, the Youth Programme team have successfully launched a range of brand new resources to assist our adult volunteers throughout the County. The launch of the ADC’s Handbook, Programme Toolkit USB stick, and the Young Leaders Handbook have all been very well received and are making a positive contribution to supporting the delivery of programme within scout groups and districts.

Rob So what does this year ahead hold in store for us?

We are looking at appointing a new Deputy County Commissioner for Adult Support so if you feel you could give some time to support the leaders of this County let me know.

This year we will launch the County Commissioner Cypher standards programme this will be a County wide recognition for scout groups and districts to show that they have met a number of key points in the development. I hope that everyone will embrace it as it will really help to achieve the 2018 Vision.

We launch compass in the next few months this will totally change the way we support scouting. (I am very excited about this.) Thank you to all the Scouters and Supporters of South London for what you ARE about to do this coming year.


Yours in Scouting,

Paul O’Brien County Commissioner



THANK YOU FROM THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN I would like to thank everyone involved in Scouting in our Greater London South County for their tremendous efforts in the continuing development and growth of scouting. On his recent visit to us during the ‘Fort is 50 Funday’ , the Chief Scout, Bear Grylls, was very complimentary of GLS and thrilled at the reception you all gave him. It was literally a flying visit - by helicopter - a new experience for the Fort. Our purpose at the GLS County level is to support the five districts, all of their scouting sections and all members of the Scout community. Paul O’Brien, our County Commissioner, aided by his team of Deputy and Assistant Counyt Commissioners, never stops in his leadership of the County. On behalf of the Trustees, may I say thank you to Paul and his team. The numbers of people enjoying scouting in the County is at its highest level in over 10 years, having grown by nearly 10% in 5 years. Finally, a big vote of thanks to the Trustees for their dedication throughout the year and I look forward to working with them as the new year continues to bring excitement to all our members. Yours in Scouting    

Jeff Tetlow County Chairman



Male Female This Year Total

Last Year Total


Beaver Scouts 933 332 1,265 1,260 Cub Scouts 1,257 468 1,725 1,770 Scouts 995 342 1,337 1,319 Explorer Scouts 236 119 355 318 Network members 5 11 16 16 TOTAL YOUTH MEMBERSHIP 3,426 1,272 4,698 4,683

LEADERSHIP Sections leaders 281 259 540 525 Sectional Assistants & Skills Instructors 61 78 139 164 Group Scout Leaders 58 30 88 82 District Skills Instructors 1 0 1 1 District Advisers 1 0 1 0 District Scouters 1 2 3 1 District Commissioners 11 4 15 12 County Skills Instructors 0 0 0 3 County Advisers 0 0 0 0 County Scouters 0 0 0 2 County Commissioners 3 2 5 1 TOTAL LEADERSHIP 417 375 792 791

ORGANISATIONAL SUPPORT District Administrators 40 49 89 19 District Office Bearers 10 4 14 10 County Administrators 2 1 3 0 County Office Bearers 1 2 3 3 Active Support 57 56 113 105 Individual Members and Associate Members 36 32 68 57 TOTAL ORGANISATIONAL SUPPORT 146 144 290 194


Members 3,964 1,765 5,729 5627 Associate Members 25 26 51 41

TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 5,780 5649 5649



St. GEORGE’S DAY AWARDS This year our County had some very deserving recipients of awards for extraordinary service to Scouting and we are very proud of them and grateful for the time they give to Scouting in South London.

Silver Acorn Joan Eminson John Harris Tony Mills Dave Fricker Pat Battern Alex Bienkov David Attenborough

Bar to the Silver Acorn Geoff Morriss Richard Morrison Roy Mansini



Queen’s Scout Award

Alex Ward Caroline Gregory Theo Rutherford Robert Lamb

Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award Alex Ward Caroline Gregory

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