Page 1: Cosmic Awareness 1981-14: The Awakening of the Avatars (cont'd)

"No man is truly tree as long as any man is bound . "

The spirit of the Avatar


Cosmic Awareness Communications, P .O. Box 115, Olympia, Washington 9850 7

In previous readings, Cosmic Awareness has indicated that Bill Sheppard was a Wanderer, who has traveled far, gathere dinformation, and returns to share much which can assist hi the work which shall soon be entering a new and powerfulphase for establishing the New World, as has long been prophesied . Awareness indicated that Bill is one of the key membersof a group of Wanderers who have been working through many lifetimes for the lifting of the vibrations on this planet .After many years of searching for God, Bill is now capable of pure surrender, able to open his Crown Chakra to allow hi ssubconscious access to the Super Consciousness to witness through his charnel . As a channel for Cosmic Awareness fro ma different frame of reference, Bill's letters to the staff of C .A.C, and his channelings are now being published regularly .Although some of his channelings may appear to conflict with previous information from Awareness, Bill's frame o freference is from 'the Plane of Oneness'--the true Reality that views the illusion . Awareness has indicated that It seesno contradiction in 13111's frame of reference and in his ehannelings . Examining other frames without judging is wha tCosmic Awareness has encouraged entities to do for many years : this is how entities become `aware' .

No. 81–14 moo

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April 5, 1981


Dear A.vaton---ai-

Thanks for sending the `Duck Book ' and the other material. I wento into paroxysms of ecstasy and rapture sreading the `Duck Book' . It shows that Lights are truly coming on even in the grassroots patriotic and fund-amentalists camps of America, energized from the Light filtering down from the higher planes . Entities resp-ond to that Light at their own level of consciousnes, "working where they're at" . The new groundswell o fpatriotism, fundamental morality, and Conservatism is a move back toward the "positive pole of duality" i nthe karmic arena---back toward the principles on which America was founded, and which were derived fro mthe Spiritual Hierarchy. This move back toward Light is a divine allegory or "Living Scripture " of the comingof Higher Consciousness to the race as a whole . All things in fundamentalism can be seen in this way--a smetaphors of the coming Christ Consciousness . That is why I get such raptures and ecstasies seeing the pat- •riots awaking—it is a cabala, written in the planes of duality, but picturing the Higher Reality . Thanks forpermitting me this `Cosmic Trip ' via the Duck Book .Alice Bailey was truly a conscious Avatar, and wrote from the Hierarchy level . She tells of the `Coming One' ,which is actually a metaphor of the new Avataric Company . But her writings still express the Cosmic Dualit ythat runs throughout all the levels of the Hierarchy . All the way to the 7th plane, there is a sense of good-and-evil in the universe, a sense of being "against" one thing and "for" another, which leads to attacking . And thi sis precisely why the Hierarchy failed to defeat the Luciferians, and why the Hierarchy is being preempted b y888, which recognizes no duality .By the way, you can go ahead and use my full name from now on if you want. It becomes kind of silly afte rawhile, when you stop to think about it. It's like the ego saying, "look how humble I am", when a perso ntries to hide his name. Namaste, Q,a'

THE ATLANTA KILLING S* E'er information on theDuck Book, please nee range 8.

asar e / _ r.


To understand why there is still violence and turmoil and bloodshed in the world in the wake of the GreatIntercession, entities must realize that the world is still full of rebellious and violent souls . Intercession ventedoff the planetary karma that would have sunk continents and decimated the human race in all-out nuclear war .And that huge "karmic bloat" of the world was brought down to the manageable level, so that the earth nee dnot experience its full-scale Armageddon .

But now that "Phase 1" of the Intercession has been completed and sealed, "Phase 2" is being energize dand accelerated. The new incoming Light intensities, bathing the earth in a new sunlight are "making th ekettle boil" . This is the boiling off of the dross, a purging of consciousness, as some entities embrace the Lightand begin to move with it, while other entities rebel against the Light . The incoming Light, for a time, is goin gto produce the effect. A "mini-Armageddon" will be seen, as polarities become more sharply defined. This isthe separation of the tares from the wheat, or the separation of the goats from the sheep . The "goats" are re -acting against the Light energies which make them feel more "itchy" or ill at ease, and spurs them into mor ecrimes, violence, and senseless savagery like the case in Atlanta . This senseless violence is seen on the nationa lscale also, in El Salvador, Afghanistan, and other trouble spots . All this violence is the disjointed, uncoordin-ated spasms of the dying Beast., as it withers and writhes under the rising sun of the New Age . These dyin gconvulsions of the Beast are also the birth-throes of the New Era .

COPYRIGHT 19411 by Cosmic Awareness Communieations, Olympia, Washington. . Reproduction however, is permitted .

Page 2: Cosmic Awareness 1981-14: The Awakening of the Avatars (cont'd)

And so the individual cases of violence may be likened to single bubbles among many other bubbles in aboiling kettle . All these "bubbles" form the dross or the scum as it separates from the clear nectar of cons-ciousness. The entities involved in the violence will eventually have to repent and come under Grace, for Go dis ready and willing to forgive them as he did Rhyee ; or else, by their own choice, they will be burned righ toff this planet. For unless they do turn and embrace the Light, the Light will eventually destroy them . Andthis is not God's judgment, but their own . The New Age cannot be stopped . Yet repentance and Grace arestill open to all---from the obscure street junkies and sadists right up to the arch-fiends themselves . the Roths-childs and all their astral cohorts.

But the escalating crime rate and senseless violence in the world is the "boiling of the pot" under th ecleansing rays of the New-Age Sun . This "mini-Armageddon" in the consciousness of the world should b eseen and understood for what it is . For it is only a temporary state in the transition to the New Order-- anecessary cleansing and purifying action .

Individual crimes and cases of violence may be analyzed best by psychics . Psychics operate in the astra land mental, which are closest to the earth-plane . And they are best equipped for dealing with these cases i nthe literal . But from the `Grand Overview' (the spiritual planes), there is not much profit in trying to dea lwith individual eases. Each case is simply one among many in the bubbling kettle of the world . The Avatarsand Light Worker are in this world primarily to energize from the plane of Spirit and radiate the entire eart hwith Light, not to try to prick the individual bubbles . The individual cases should be left in the hands of th eworldly authorities and the psychics, who are best equipped to deal at that level .

When you try to analyze an individual ease from the spiritual level, it comes through as an allegory of th eworldly consciousness as a whole, which of course isn't much profit at the literal level .

Phase 2 of the Intercession, which is the awakening of the Avataric Company, is also their mission of rad-iating the planet with Light, using spiritual magic . The Avatars operate on the world scale ; many classes ofLight Workers and "Intermediates" are equipped to beam Light into individual nations such as Poland, Afg-hanistan, El Salvador, etc. And the psychics and worldly authorities are best able to deal with the individua lcases that need attention .

The term "psychics" as used here refers to those seers who deal mostly in worldly phenomena and relat-ionships. There are other seers who are erroneously called psychics who are true mystics and operate in theplanes of Spirit as well as the astral and mental . Examples of the latter would include Cayce, Ingo Schwann ,and Paul Shockley .]


In the C .A.C. general reading `''Ile Truth', it was pointed out how truth is relative and variesgreatly from one plane of consciousness to the next and from one frame of reference to another . The Aware-ness reading also stressed the need . for entities to learn to see truth from different perspectives and from differ-ent frames of reference . And this would Iead to greater harmony and understanding among individuals an draces .

Awareness pointed out that entities should learn to see and appreciate truth through the eyes of other ent-ities whose standpoints are different than their own . Awareness was speaking of Oneness . To the entity whoseconsciousness is evolved to Oneness, there is no more division, no more sense of being "for" one thing an d"against" another . All things, in all their diversity ; are merely the forms and faces of the One, like a diamon dwith infinite facets. This is the Immaculate Concept, the Law of the One .

*Even Lucife rWhen your consciousness is the One, you see that there can never be a Second ; there can be nothing opp -

osed to the One except separation itself. When separation or Maya ends, so ends duality and karma, for allthat is is of the One. The entity established in Oneness is able to see truth through the eyes of any other ent-ity, whether of the karmic worlds or cosmic worlds . He can see what is truth to the Communist or the Cap-italist, to the Liberal or the Conservative, to the dove or the hawk, to the fundamentalists or the mystic . Hecan go "into their minds " so to speak, and see truth as they see it, from their myriad different viewpoint sand levels . For in all their diversity, they are of the One, just as the many parts of the body are of one body .He can see truth as it is known to the pygmy of the Rain Forest and to the gods of Great White Brotherhood .He knows Reality through the eyes of an Einstein or an Aborigine . He knows the endlessness of Infinity an dthe smallness of Brahma . He is the Guru, the One without a Second . He is the Christ within you .


It may be the contention of some entities that these concepts are too radical to be practical-- "cutting offfrom the world", "no compromise " with the world just aren't rational or logical things to consider ; entitieswho break off so completely with the world are dreamers and utopianists, not much use to themselves o ranybody else in any practical way .

But this channel would like to ask you---unless somebody dreams these dreams and energizes these vision sof an Ascended world, how is the world ever going to ascend ?

The Ascension of the world cannot be energized by entities living in Maya, compromising with the energie sof the fictitious world . There has to be found a nucleus or core of entities whose total allegiance is to Reality- -to the Law of the One and to the world's Ascension . These entities are the `agents of 888' . There should be a tleast 13 of these agents in the world. If they can be found and awakened, their Magic can help raise this worl d

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into the Resurrection very quickly . Just as this world was held in the grip of Maya by 13 agents of 666, th eworld can be accelerated into Light by 13 agents of 888, working with the Avataric Company .

The awakening of these agents, as well as the awakening of all the Avatars and Light Workers, is vital . With -out a full awakening of all the Avatars, agents, and Light Workers, making up the New Age Pyramid govern-ment, there is not much hope of a planetary Ascension . The world would just go on its merry way as before ,building up another karmic log and heading into another Armageddon . Only next time, there's little chance o fanother Intercession being put together . Right now, the world is still standing at the fork of the road, an dcould still go either way . Right now, it is incumbent upon the agents and Avatars to get off their cans an dclearly and solidly "throw the switch" that will re-rail this world into the path of Ascension .

This full-scale awakening of the Avatars and agents is "Phase 2" of the Great Intercession . "Phase 1" wa scompleted and sealed in December, 1980, with the final defusing of the New York crisis . All this is why thi schannel gives little credence or significance to the affairs of `this world' . 'This world' is a farce, and is no trooted in Reality .

Why can't entities see that the whole human race is a race of gods who've embraced a cheap, shabby, count -erfeit reality? Why shouldn 't this planet become a paradise-home for humanity, a home befitting the godsthat they are? Why should humanity be relegated to anything less than an Ascended, free world? Is ther eany reason why this planet can't once again be the home of Christed Humanity, in love with the earth, th eCosmos, and with all that has breath ?

If this New World is to be, there have to be those visionaries and dreamers whose Reality lies in a worl dbeyond this mundane one, who are willing to ground their Light and their Magic in this plane, and boldlyproclaim, "The earth is Ascended and Free" .

The New World has nothing in common with the old, and has no compromise with it . The anti-christempire--the kingdom of Maya, administered by its own `Council of 13', allowed no compromise with th eLight . Well, the Kingdom of Light, coordinated by another `Council of 13' and 888, has no compromise withthe old empire . The New World is totally of the One and recognizes no `second' . That is why these channel-ings will never be particularly concerned with the petty affairs of Maya .

****Paraphrased from the writings of Thomas Merton- -"Withdrawal from the mainstream of humanity can be (and is) a special form of love for humanity . It

should never be a rejection of man, but of the falsehoods that man lives by . It is a quiet and humble refusa lto accept the fiction and illusion that characterizes the social order . To despair of the artificiality and unrealityof society is certainly not to despair of man . On the contrary, it is a sign of love and hope . For when we lovesomeone, we refuse to tolerate what maims and destroys them . If we love humanity, can we bind ourselve s

was: to man's predicament? You will say, "we must do something about his predicament" . But there are some i nthe Body of Christ whose vocation is not to help in any overt, social way . Their contribution is a mute wit-ness, a secret and even invisible expression of love which takes the form of solitary, effectual, fervent praye rfor humanity, rather than outward social functions . For is not our involvement in fiction, in the illusion an dfacade of society, an open confession that we despair of man and of God?"

[This is from the frame of reference of a Trappist monk, who incidently was also enlightened to th etruth in Eastern religions and true mysticism . ]


It is true that some drastic measures were authorized during the `Straits of Transition' to keep humanit yfrom destruction . These measures preempted for a time the normal karmic laws of society, simply as a `lesse rof two evils' to bring the world through a life-or-death crisis .

The Fundamentalists do not understand this, and probably never will for many years to come. So it's nat-ural that they should react as they did, in typical "1st grade" fashion . The loosening of morals, the prolifer-ation of pornography and dope and so on serve a higher purpose from the cosmic perspective . Granted, itprobably was the added empetus that turned the tide and preserved humanity to this day .

But these things were stop-gap, emergency measures . They were temporary expedients, a patchwork tohold the world together until the permanent repairs are made . There were many healthy gains made unde rthese measures in the direction of Higher Consciousness . Like bandages, these things promoted a degree ofhealing and restoration of life . But the bandages and patches are not the final end of the healing process.

Higher Consciousness bids all the Avatars and all of humanity : "Come on out into the Light, into the clearrays of the sun, where you can see your First Love again . That is the true `High' and the real `Trip' that is th egenuine healing of this world" . The conscious Awakening, rooted in the overriding love of God is the ingred-ient still needed .

The healing that took place under the `emergency measures' is an added foundation now for the next step :the leap to Higher Consciousness and Grace, under the Law of the One . There is no doubt that the strippingoff of the old bandages can really hurt, as Providence begins the painful crucifixion of the ego . But as the egofinally lets go and says, "not my will but Thine be done", a new Avatar walks forth to light the world wit hGod. The Grace that was first seen only dimly, through drugs, free sex and so on, now becomes a livin gReality . As all things are spiritualized as "Living Scriptures" of God, they become liberty without license, th eImmaculate Concept .

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To entities who have made use of the bandages and crutches, Higher Consciousness does not blame yo uor condemn you. But Higher Consciousness does challenge you to take the next step, to come on out of th eshadows now, and walk as men and women surrendered to God instead of remaining little children in th eplaypen of the ego . As Awareness has said, inspired from Ecclesiastes, . . ."there is a time to hide and a tim eto shine" . You are Avatars, descended from heaven ; you are the descent of Light, and now is the time toshine. Now is the time to raise the world into Light, and to enshrine God in everything that is . God is HigherConsciousness, a Reality far grander than the temporary expedient found in drugs . There is a time and a placefor all things. There is a time to be children, and a time to grow, a time to play and a time to walk in Ligh tas living channels of God .


As with all other aspects of life, sex can be experienced in its fullest potential only under Grace or Pur eSurrender to God. Then it is free of the legal and moral restrictions of the karmic world .

You don't go to the Godhead via sex, or for the motive of sex . The only way to the Godhead is by Pur eSurrender as the very first priority in life . Surrender to God is absolutely conditionless, with no strings o rpersonal motive attached . And then, as the scripture says, "all these (other things) will be added to you"--i ntheir fullest divine potential . Sex then becomes pure and holy and cosmic, as it was with Jesus and Mar yMagdalene--who were not married by the laws of men, but in the courts of heaven . The same example is seenwith Krishna and his many ` gopis ' or Consorts, tumbling and romping in the groves of Vrindavan, in theperfect liberty of Grace .

When there is Pure Surrender, the Crown Chakra can be opened . This is the 8th chakra, or the `8-1' not eof the octave . The cosmic ecstasy that appears in the Crown Chakra is sometimes called the "higher orgasm" ,because the sex-force of the Godhead is focused in every 8th `note' of the Grand Octave throughout Infinity .Thus it appears in the 8th plane and also in the physical plane, or 1st plane. So the primary focus of this Divin eForce in embodied entities is in the Crown Chakra and the gonadal chakra--just like 2 `C's ' in the scales ofmusic . The lower, or gonadal center is the `1-8' note of the Grand Octave . (The other intermediate `notes 'resonate to the other chakras in the body, and are not primary centers of the Universal sex-force of God . )

Sex becomes Cosmic and Divine when both the gonadal and Crown Chakras are opened simultaneously .This is the highest and holiest transcendence and the purest Magic---the ringing of both ends of the octave sat once, and can only be attained when there is Pure Surrender to God first, as the first priority in life . Andthen the deepest secrets of the Universe are known and experienced .

When the "First and the Last", the one and the 8 are energized at once, this is the "completing of th eoctave". The Goddess Kundalini, rising from the lower chakra, is embraced by the Father-God descendin gfrom the 8th chakra . Their union is balanced and whole . It is not lop-sided as it is when trying to raise Kund-alini alone . In fact, all other spiritual disciplines, Togas, and drug experiences (except Bubba Free John's) ar elop-sided because they begin with the lower chakras and try to work upwards . The truest yoga, the Way o f888, begins with the Crown Chakra, in Pure Surrender to God . Pure Surrender gives instant liberty in regardto sex, and so the gonadal chakra can be energized simultaneously with the Crown Chakra . This is pure liberty ,the highest Magic for bringing God into the earth and raising man into God . It is not the false "freedom" o fthe worldly liberals, who are still playing blindly in the powder keg of karma .

Pure Surrender to God is the Grace and liberty wherein "anything goes" in the realm of sex . For sex simplyis, just as God is, and just as life is . With the Crown Chakra open, physical sex becomes cosmic sex, the pures tworship of God and the Universe. It is truly the dropping of the "fig leaf" that has held humanity in ignoranc eof the most beautiful and sacred Truth of God .

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When Alpha and Omega are brought into union from both ends of the octave, all the intermediate chakra sare much easier to bring into resonance . Furthermore, the complete union of God and Goddess occurs withinthe individual entity, which is the androgenous nature of God and the soul . The closer consciousness approac hes to pure Essence, the less polarized it becomes, and the entity becomes the "Fulness of the Godhead bodily" ,channeling the full spiritual character of both God and Goddess . From this frame of reference, there is trut hin the statement "the sex of the body makes no difference ; the polarization into male and female bodies wa smerely to provide vehicles for the soul's descent into matter" . But from another frame of reference, the sexof the outer body is important since it is the sacred form of God or Goddess, the two poles of creation .

But in the perfect liberty of Grace, once the biases and conditioning of the `rational mind' are transcended ,there is no condemnation or judgment regarding sex . For in Grace, sex becomes cosmic and holy and is apure worship of the Creator and Sustainer of all that is .

ED's Note : this dirty picture was drawn by Bill to illustrate thi sreading . So ladies, please don't write those letters to me this time .Thanks . (Avaton)


There are lots of prayers being offered up to God by many people for the healing of America and Earth .Most of these people, though patriotic and well-intentioned, do not have the cosmic contact, the HigherConsciousness necessary to really "punch their prayers through" to the Heart of the Universe .

That is where we can help ; when we hear, when we see, that which is good, that which is right, we can ac tas a "relay" . We can take those prayers and petitions and "punch them through" to the great Hearer .

That is why wherever there is Light, wherever there is Truth, wherever there is sincere yearning after right -eousness and liberty, we must take it for what it is, and not be concerned so much about the form . When we"relay" the words of another, the universe hears not the words, but the spiritual concept behind the words .

Even sitting in a protestant prayer meeting, you can discern the spirit of what's being said . Sometimestheir prayers are genuinely altruistic and pure of motive . When you hear these sincere selfless prayers, you rown ecstasy working through the Crown Chakra speeds those prayers on to God . And you have the joy o factually serving as a `relay' or advocate between man and God .

(They don't know it, of course. It's known only to God and the angels . )

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The relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was disclosed to demonstrate the principle of Grace . Grace ,or Pure Surrender to God, is the state of Transcendence which Awareness has touched on many times . Graceor TranscendenLe is beyond karma, and is not hound to the laws and regulations . Aware-ness has channeled the concept that "anything goes" when entities are under Grace . St Augustine summed u pman's whole duty in life, saying to " love God above all else, and do .what you will" . Clearly, Grace is no tregulated by the ethics and mores of the old kal;mic system .

Jesus and Mary Magdalene were both under Grace, or Pure Surrender to God . And their relationship waspure and sinless even though it was not sanctioned by the laws of orthodox society . But if Jesus or Mary hadnot been under Grace, that is, still acting at the level of ego and self-will, they would have been under karma ,and their relationship would have been adultery .

So this is the reason for presenting the story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene at this time . It sets the ground-work for bringing entities into the concept of Grace wherein they can receive the cosmic teachings of sex .Without Grace, these teachings could never be presented, because they would fly in the face of karmic law .But as it was with Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Grace is True Freedom in God, established by total, condition -less surrender to God as the very first priority in life. And this alone is Transcendence of the karmic law, whic hAwareness has called Freedom of Morality . It is liberty without license, and all things done under Grace ar edone by God, not by the separative ego .

Jesus and Mary Magdalene did not go to God with a motive of "getting" liberty to do what they please(a la Meister Crowley). They went to God because they loved God above all else in life and wanted to b eemptied, surrendered vessels for God's use . And their relationship was the perfect example of surrendering th eego to the High Self, of "not my will but Thine be done" . And their love became the pure conjugal love o fGod and Goddess in flesh, just as it was with Krishna and the gopis .


This channel would like to clarify the term "Soviet noose" that was used in an earlier reading. This referredto the regime that is known to C .A.C .'s readership as Bolshevik . No slur was intended or implied against th eRussian people, who are innocent victims of the Bolshevik regime . Russia, before the Bolsheviks took over ,was beautiful and free, a great light to the world in terms of culture and the arts and all the fine things of th ehuman spirit . And that light is still there in Mother Russia, and will shine forth again soon, even greater tha nbefore. Russia and the Russian people are certainly one of the beautiful and unique assets to Planet Earth .And they make up part of the beautiful bouquet of flowers in the garden of God .

The `Soviet noose' referred only to that dark dictatorship which was fastened on the jugular vein of bot hthe Russian and American people . *

ED's Note : C,A.C. received a lot of flack from the membership for publishing Bill's channeling with that particular reference .However, from yet another frame of reference, Awareness has reminded us in readings such as 79-24 and 79-21 that the U,S ,is now a Russian satellite, and although the Russians behind the scenes may have come to liberate the U .S . from the Beast ,there is no guarantee they will go back home and allow us to continue "business as usual" . In fact, Awareness indicated thatwhen the truth surfaces, these entities may very well flex their muscle in a manner that free men are not used to experiencing .Displacing the population, for example, to the Midwest to increase agricultural production to feed the Russian people etc .From this frame, there are many who would consider this action a `noose' around the peoples of this nation .


It is true that some years ag osome of the U .N. member nationsdid censure Zionism. They mad esome statement to the effect that"Zionism is racism" .

But these remarks were directed at the outer ,visible Israeli Zionists . And the remarks werecalculated to increase U .S. support and sympathyfor "Israel" all the more .

That 1 'censure" of Zionism in no wise changed the fac tthat the U .N. belonged to Rockefeller and Rothschild a stheir enforcement arm of one-worldism . The censure of visible Zionism it no way changed the U .N.'sstatus as a conspirational agency of the power elite .


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Breaking the wheel of karma is not something that can be `earned' . The only way to `earn' freedom fro mkarma is by perfect obedience to the karmic law . Every entity would have to become a Perfect Master ofkarma before he or she could gain the Ascension . Every entity would have to become virtually a Krishna i norder to `earn' freedom from karma . And this is why the Law of Grace or Bhakti was instituted .

Grace, or the `Law of Liberty' as the Apostle Paul calls it, is a free gift---unearned and unmerited . It is be -stowed on the condition of pure surrender to God, and "not by works (or karma) lest any man should boast ."

Now there is also what is called the "51% Law" which was instituted in recent times by the Hierarchy .Under the `51% Law', any entity who has expiated 51% or more of his karma is eligible to become a Maste rand fill a seat in the Hierarchy . Instead of requiring 100% karmic mastery as before, the 51% requirementopened up Mastership to many additional entities . Entities who ascend under the'51% Law' are generally 4th -planers such as the great Saints and karmic champions who have forged their character primarily in the crucib lof `works' . Their karmic mastery is what qualifies them for their position in the Hierarchy . But they still hav enot earned their ascension, because their karmic mastery is not 100% . And the Law of Grace still has to mak eup the balance, to permit the Ascension .

But the Wanderers and higher-plane Avatars who are in the earth now are not karmic masters, and they ca nregain the Ascension only by Grace, or pure surrender to God . That was the only way they gained the Ascen-sion in the first place,—not by karma or `works' . And in the miraculous workings of Providence, it is precisel ythis Grace of the Avataric Company which permits them to reject the karmic system and begin dismantlin git for the New Age . These Avatars ' working of Magic, as they move consciously in Grace, is the Force that wil lraise this world into Light, eventually bringing all of humanity into Grace and nullifying the old karmi csystems of Lucifer .

It has been said that karma is the "law of God". Well, it is not . It is the law of Lucifer, the law of dualityand the separative ego. Karma was the `Law of God' only in the sense that God allowed Lucifer to have hisday administering the Great Experiment of separateness and karma . But that system proved only to be adismal failure, and is being scrapped. That is why the Avatars and agents of 888 need not have any qualm sabout dumping the karmic system . Karma is an outworn, archaic system that proved itself useless as a mean sof bringing man back to the Godhead . Even the great Masters of karma (save for a bare handful) could neve rmake it on karma alone, and had to have the karmic law amended by Grace . Otherwise their Ascensio nwould ' ve been impossible .

It is significant that the great Masters of the Hierarchy, the Karmic Giants, have never seen the ultimat eGodhead. Even the Galactic Chiefs of the 7th plane realize that there is a "Great Central Sun" that they havenever seen . They know that there are planes beyond the 7th and there is a "Hidden Hand" from beyond thatinvests them with their authority . How strange it is to the `rational mind' that this should be so . Yet that`Beyond' is readily accessible to entitites who have no karmic mastery–who are pure in their surrender to God .

This is why Grace is the `Better Way', far superior to the karmic system and the only means of access tothe ultimate Reality of God . This is why it is written "the last shall be first and the first shall be last" in th eCosmic scheme . In the New Testament, the book of Grace, Christ says, "the meek shall inherit the Univers e" .Those who inherit the 8th plane may truly be the lowliest and least worthy in the karmic system . Yet it isthey who are forgiven the most because their love and pure surrender to God is the greatest . It is these meek-est and lowliest ones who say, "Lord, I have no virtue or strength or mastery in this world . I'm a karmicfailure and a wash-out by all the standards of this world . Please take me and make me a totally empitie dvessel of Your will, whatever it may be" . This is the unearned and unmerited Grace, the absolute "Forgive-ness of sins" and the Resurrection to the ultimate Reality of God. it transcends even the great stations andempires of the Hierarchy. It is pure surrender, the pure Grace of God, and cannot be earned . It is a free gift .

KtTTIE'S LITTE R(Another apology from Bitl )

This channel would like to apologize for any offense that was taken at the term ` coverning up cat shit "in a previous reading. This channel had no idea that the reading was going to be published, or it would havechosen a different term . But basically, there is a moral in the fact that the reading was published. Spiritualitydoes not consist in a hollow sactimoniousness as is common in Fundamentalism . Grace is able to call a spadea spade in the common vernacular of the times ; you don't have to be overly concerned with forms that ar ealways nice and polite at the expense of s pirit .

Jesus and the Apostles, in addressing certain entities of the Pharisaic camp, called them "snakes" an d"vipers" and "sons of the devil" on various occasions. This was nearly tantamount to calling them SOB 'sin the language of that day . (The words"bastard' and `piss' are also used in the Bible . )

Again, apologies for any offense that was taken . But always look at the deeper intent of a message, eve nif the surface language might seem lacking in couthness. Fundamentalism deals in surface niceties, for tha tis their karma and dharma. But God is not a prude, and the maturity of Grace is not always restricted t opleasant conventionalism .


Page 8: Cosmic Awareness 1981-14: The Awakening of the Avatars (cont'd)

ED's Note : Your faithful editor deliberately left that dirty, nasty, filthy word in BilI's reading. I was feeling at the time, aftersetting all that type of his channelings for hours on end, that his stuff was just toe lofty, cosmic and spiritual and it would b ea good thing to remind the readers that all channels for Cosmic Awareness are also human beings . They can 't be channeling allthis lofty stuff all the time, they have to come down to this physical plane most of the time and relate with us other humansand animals and deal with things like "pooper scoopers" (it' we love our animals). After all, the same God who created ou rsouls also created the rear-end of our pets .

(And the words that describe their functions) .

'The Duck Book' we sent to Bill is purportedly put out by Robert White, a Redneck Georgia cracker who recently discovered the Beas tconspiracy Rockefeller, the Trilsteristu etc . andgoes after them with a 'no holds barred' attitude . However, after reading several copie sof the Duck Book put out by White since his orinal one several years ago, it is the opinion of this editor that ho in contributing nothingnew in this publication . Dr. Beter and Cosmic Awareness and other sources have been releasing the came material for years . lnterestia .l yenough, the Ruck which is White 's symbol of tut entity with open eyes as opposed to the ostrich whose head is busied in the sand, 11 wSheppard has always used a cartoon duck in his illustrations and the 'WV of the duck when signing his name.


When man regains Consciousness, when he again "walks with God" in the Garden, with the chakras full yopen, that is the true condition of man . In this condition, you are awake as Buddha said when he was asked ,"What are you?" You are simply conscious instead of dreaming . You are awake instead of sleep-walking as aZombie. With the chakras open, the energy of the Universe is your strength and sustenance . There is no crav-ing for physical food, yet your strength and stamina axe multiplied many times over . You find that depend-ence on food was a great "drug addiction", like an alcoholic's dependence on the bottle . You can still eat foodand enjoy it, but you're not "hooked" on the physical substance like a junkie any more .

In the fully-awake state, you can see into all the planes of the Universe by direct perception . This is becausethe chakras are the "power stations" or "windows" into each of the hyperspatial realms. With the chakra seach tuned like the strings of harpsichord, you are literally at one with the Universe, in perfect ecstatic comm-union with Infinity, with Brahma, and with all life.

In the Transfiguration of Jesus, there was an example of such an Awakening . A great Light shone there o nthe mountain, and Moses and Elijah, who were in the 6th plane of Hyperspace, appeared directly with Jesus ,who was still in the flesh . Yet all three were denizens of the same space in that moment . They were Radian tBeings, Shining Ones, gods, tabernacling in the Cosmos yet they were old friends who had walked the eart htogether many times. The scene was so powerful and real that it was witnessed by the two disciples who ha daccompanied Jesus on the mountain .

In the life of Krishna, such hyperdimensional encounters were commonplace . He walked and talked wit hthe gods just as readily as with embodied entities . For there is really no difference between God and man ,save for the unconscious state of those in the flesh right now .

Yet wondrous as these God-encounters may seem to the "rational mind", they are the natural, native stat eof man. Man has fallen so far into the illusion, into the narcotic spell of Maya, that when he sees Reality, h ecan't believe it .

The great Avatars and Masters who came to show man his native birthright were put to death for heresy .And that is the mentality of "this world" which man has come to accept as reality .

Yet now, as the Luciferian Experiment of the Great Separation draws to a close, all human entities will b efree to walk again as the Luminous Ones, the Gods that they are . And the earth itself will glow in the light o fthe Transfiguration, literally outshining the sun, as the new Freedom Star in the firmament .


Each of the many camps and factions and societies of `this world' has its own mass mind or collective con-sciousness . Within the mass mind of each society are recorded the karmic patterns of what constitutes goo dand evil . Each mass mind is a "bits computer " in the astral and mental planes of each society . Each mass mindis a Karmic Elemental ; each mass mind is the "God" of that particular society . That is why a society survivesonly as long as it adheres to the "good" recorded in its mass mind biocomputer . If it begins following th e"evil" path of greed, decadence, and crime, then it is destroyed by its own karma .

Each mass mind uses the name of God in defining its concept of good . Thus there are many divergen tfactions all using the name "God" to define what is right and good . So you have the Skoptsis, the Moral Righ tof America, the Zionists, the Underground Church, the Catholics, the Mormoms . and a hundred others al lserving the will of "God". But each one is serving its own Karmic Elemental, its own mass mind . And oftenthe mass minds themselves are pitted in war against one another, each one serving "God" .

Some of the mass minds are truly more benevolent than others, such as the mass mind of America, whic hwas founded on very high ideals drawn directly from the Spiritual Hierarchy . The Christian Underground o fRussia is also truly benevolent. It is the Karmic Elemental of Christian, pre-Boishevik Russia . Some of theother Karmic Elenaentals (or mass minds) are not so tolerant of others and want to rule the world, such a sthe Skoptsis and Zionist Elementals .

A particularly obnoxious Karmic Elemental is Jehovah . This is the self-same entity that was the mass min dof ancient Israel, and perpetuates itself today as Zionism, in cahoots with Rothschild . The Karmic Elementa lof the Catholics was pretty intolerant of the Arab "infidels" and the Aztecs .

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Page 9: Cosmic Awareness 1981-14: The Awakening of the Avatars (cont'd)

And so this is the way the karmic world is set up . Each mass mind has to strive for its concept of "good "even if it has to be arrayed in battle against other mass minds also striving for "good" . That is the way of"this world". That is the way of karma .

Of course the overruling god of all the mass minds was Lucifer, Ahriman and the Rothschild empire . Theseabsolutely controlled the astral and mental planes of this planet, and pitted the different Karmic Elementalsagainst one another . Thus the Lucifer/Ahriman/Rothschild combine was truly the god of "this world" .

In Ekankar, the god of `this world' is called Kal Niranjan, the grand master of error and confusion and th eseparative ego . In Hunduism the god of `this world' also has a feminine side--the goddess Kali, fierce and veng -eful and exacting a terrible penalty of all who violate the laws of karma .

So out of this menagerie of karmic eementals, how, pray tell, is this world ever going to find salvatio nthrough karma? Karma is the law perpetuating the Luciferian condition . Karma has to be transcended . Thenand only then can this world know salvation . The consciousness of the world has to be raised into Grace, i nPure Surrender to God. That is the only way to transcend the karmic "gods" of this world . The One true Go dis the God of Grace .

The True God is the High Self of all who have truly surrendered the ego . The true God is YAHWEH o fDavid and Moses and the Prophets . He is the Christ of Jesus, the true Allah of Mohammed, the Buddha o fGautama, and the Great Spirit of the Aborginines and the Indians . The true God is Atman, the Self wh oshines as the One Light in all that is.

As Jung so succinctly pointed out., God is the one Great Ego of the Cosmos . When we learn to surrender al lthe petty, separative egos into the One, that dissolves the antichrist and all the Karmic Elementals . The massminds of all the e'arth ' s societies: and cultures become the Mind of the One . As it is written, "the kingdoms o f`this world' are become the kingdoms of God and his dear Son"--the Christed humanity .


WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE E .R . A . 7dtrfgt o

The Equal Rights Amendment, or ERA, is basically a campaign of the separative ego seeking to have its ow nway against the prevailing karma of society. The ERA, in the guise of promoting equal treatment of women inthe workplace, is in fact seeking to destroy the very concept of womanhood . It blurs the distinction betwee nthe sexes, and seeks only to liberate women from being women. And this is a perversion and a blasphem yagainst the true Spiritual Androgeny of. God. The ERA and its 1st cousin, "gay" rights are tools of the separat-ive ego, which is the false self, or Antichrist ,

This society is predicated on a clear-cut distinction between the sexes . `This world' is set up that way . Themarriage vow, the sanctity of the home and the family unit, the clear-cut roles of the male and the female ar ebasic and vital to the survival of society in `this world' . In this world, this `kindergarten' of human unfoldment ,the ego has to develop its capacity for self-denial and self-discipline, for this is its karma and its dharma an dits reason for being. As long as there is a sense of separateness, there is ego and there is karnxa . That's what`this world' is made of . And anything that blatantly and openly defies the karma of `this world' is a force o fdeath and evil . Anything that seeks total license for the separative ego is sounding the death-knell for tha tcivilization . This is exactly and precisely what destroyed Lemuria, Atlantis, Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome .the exalting of the ego on a mass scale . Sure, it was the hidden power elite that was the root-source of all th ecorruption, but it was the mass, wholesale corruption of the entire population, rolling in their orgies of self -gratification, that brought on the actual destruction of those empires . The mass karma of a nation is the coll-ective karma of all its citizens . The ponderous juggernaut of karma that was rolling onto America six yearsago was the karma of greed, pride, lust, sense-gratification, and self-indulgence of 200 million egos .

This channel violently condemns this . The Intercession of the Avatars was a one-shot, all-out cosmic effor tthat successfully detoured the world's returning karma . There will not he a 2nd chance for an Intercession o fthis magnitude, not for thousands of years . That is why humanity must now sink or swim . It was snatche dfrom the jaws of Armageddon this time, but this was the last chance--the very last . And this channel mustdenounce all that is Antichrist in this world, all that seeks to exalt the small ego ahead of the True Ego . Thischannel must denounce the entire liberal philosophy for this reason . The ERA, "gay" rights, drug use, occult-ism,–all that is geared to serving the small ego ahead of the Cosmic One, is blasbphemy and abomination . Andto the Light Workers who are under Grace, this channel must remind you to keep your relationships discree tand circumspect, and don't flaunt your liberty or let it be an affront to our `weaker brothers' of `this world' .They're working where their consciousness is at . They can only respond to Light at their own level of comp-rehension . They cannot comprehend Grace yet. And we need to support and commend the true overcomer sand giants of `this world'--the Fundamentalists and Conservatives who are willing to stand on the positiv epole of duality for a greater ideal than just personal sense-gratification .

Let's try for once to see reality through their eyes . The Saints of the Underground Church, the Patriots,the Freedom Fighters, the Capt. Birches, the Senator McCarthy's and Phyllis Schlaffleys of `this world' aretruly the Lights and beacons to all who are still under karma . For these are the ones to whom character, hardwork, high ideals, and denials of the self are the highest virtues . In `this world' these are truly the servants ofGod as they understand Him .*

ED's Note : I almost `threw u p ' while setting this one up in type . But like we said at the beginning—this is anotherframe of reference and undoubtedly a true one to many entities.

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Page 10: Cosmic Awareness 1981-14: The Awakening of the Avatars (cont'd)

From the plane of Grace, which is not of `this world', we can see the Reality of God that the karmic worl dis only a shadow of.We see the Great Ego, the Cosmic One, to whom all living must eventually surrender, Con -servatives and liberals alike . That is "graduation day" . The true Spiritual Androgeny of the soul, the fullnessof the Godhead, is the liberty that ERA and `gay rights' are only a worldly counterfeit of . Pure Surrender t othe Great Ego, the Light Above, is the only liberation that there is .

To the worldly liberals, we can only say this : The Law of Love does not give you freedom to do as youplease against the karma of society, any more than it; gives a 2-year-old freedom to run loose in the street .

As long as you are in `this world', there are Iaws of morality and ethics and decency that if you break them ,they break you . These laws are bigger than you are, and you cannot change them . If you would live and sur-vive in `this world' . you will learn to abide its laws and develop the muscles of character and self-restraint . TheLaw of Love does not give you license to indulge every lust and pull of the flesI . simply to pacify your ownego. If you would know true liberty, the Law of Love bids you either abide the laws of `this world' or els ecome out of this world altogether . You really have no choice in this if you are ever to know the meaning offreedom. Serving the whims and lusts of the ego may give an illusion of "freedom" for a little while, but it i sself-destruction and suicide in the long haul---for an individual or a nation or a world . This is the law of karma .And this is what is wrong with ERA and the entire liberal philosophy .

But there is a great alternative to the entire karma and dharma of `this world' . This great alternative is th emessage of the Bhagavad Gila, the New Testament, and the works of Carl Jung . Pure surrender to the greatCosmic One, in total abnegation of the personal ego, is that alternative . It is the return of man to the nativ estate in which he was created . It was the state of man before he "fell" into Maya, the concept of a self apar tfrom God .

Pure surrender to God and the death of the ego is not loss of individuality . Quite the contrary, it is th efulfillment of every individual's maximum potential . In pure surrender to God, you are led into the vocationand work that you are perfectly suited and equipped for . In doing this work, which is your true life's calling ,you find the perfect peace and happiness that you could never find in all the dead-ends and alleys of `thi sworld' . Yet it is not "your" work but the very work of God being done through you . This is Grace. But itnever comes cheap . It often costs you all that you've "lived" by as a separate ego in the world .

This channel does not hate or condemn the ERA activists, the "feminists", the "gays" and the liberals . I tonly points out to you the suicidal course of trying to enforce these concepts against the karma of society .This channel bids you and bids the world "come and stand beside us" in Grace . For this is the "Better Way" ,the true alternative to the ERA .

ED's Note : Some 'Liberals' could point out that the Moral Majority' and those 'born gainers' who represent the conservativ e'Right ' are trying to turn the clock of social and Humanistic progress back a hundred years . One example, they are hell-benton taking over our schools and replacing education with indoctrination . This is one of the first things Hitler did . Those whotry to enforce concepts such as this, could possibly find themselves on the same `suicidal' course against the karma of society .Until the awareness of these entities rises to the point where they can discern and embrace the 'better way' which Bill advocates,(which indeed is the better wav), they might be wiser in imposing their evangelical zeal on their own life and lifestyle instead o flaying such a strict, joyless and wrathful trip on the entire population of this country .(Senator Joseph McCarthy, one of the 'Lights and beacons' of the 'Right' was also a demagogue who rose to power by destroyin gmany entities in the name of 'America' . Authors, researching his life, allege McCarthy was also a drug addict and a sexual perver tamong other things, and was not at all what he uppeared to he to the public, representing many of the very attributes the Right 'is so evangelically 'against' these days . He died of cancer at an early age, penniless and friendless .)

HOW TO LOVE GOD ( A Letter to Bill )

( From C .A .C . member, Juan Lobaczewski of the Republic of Argentina )

Dear Bill . ..In your letters 3 to h, you speak about making God the First Love in our lives, about absolute surrende rand fulfilling His Will : but you don't explain what is this love to God and the symbolism of the word "God" . In thisway many ignorant: people may not understand this, or misunderstand it ail together .

Love God, Who is not a person and Who cannot be explained, Who is PERFECT LOVE, which is an abstract thought ,must be explained to be able to become your first love :

LOVING GOD, THE GREAT UNIVERSAL AND TOTAL "I AM", we realize this love, therefore we should love :

1. Eternal Life, Creative Manifestation, every kind of vibration from the highest to the lowest .

2. His Creation : Spiritual World, astral, etheric, atomic . mineral, vegetable, animal and our fellow men ; also everysingle spiritual being .

3. Ibis Will with which we wish to identify .

4. His Cosmic Harmony, all worlds, planets, suns, constellations, galaxies, and nebula, blessing every one and every thing .

6 . All His Cosmic Laws about Universal Life .

6. His Perfect Knowledge that holds the Truth .

7. His Intelligence that solves everything .

8. His Limitless and Unattainable Perfection .

9 . His Beauty revealed throughout His Creation .10 .

Page 11: Cosmic Awareness 1981-14: The Awakening of the Avatars (cont'd)

10. His Power, which is limitless.

11. His Mercy with which we wish to identify and be merciful to all, forgiving and forgetting offenses .

12. His Impersonality, also wishing to be impersonal , to make happy and joyful all our cosmic brothers .

If we fulfill the above 12 steps we love God and completely forget our personality, even our identity, wishing to unite wit hHim, and in this way fulfilling His Creation's Ideal .

Dear Bill, could you please confirm this, or add, or rectify something? Best regards, Juan .

Dear Juan :

Your communication is 100% totally accurate . You have seen enlightenment .There is nothing more I could possibly add or amend. 1 have learned from you .

In love of the One who is All, Bill Sheppard.

( Avaton . . .you ought to publish Juan's letter ) .


The space shuttle program has been looked upon by some entities as a tremendous financial boondoggleand waste of funds that could've been better spent on urban problems, care for the needy, etc . And no doubtthere is merit to this argument . And from this same frame of reference, we can also say that space vehicles o fthis type are enormously archaic and primitive, being in about the same class as the hollowed-out log in whic hthe cave man began his seafaring adventures . The "advanced" technology used in the space shuttle and it slaunching system is really not advanced at all when compared to the technologies of other races . Earth's"science" is still in the hollow-log stage of development when you consider the inter-dimensional beamship sand gravitic-levitation vehicles that are commonplace with other peoples in the Universe . These entities wouldbe amazed to see the primitive efforts of earth's "science", in exactly the same way that we're amazed to di gup the spear points and relies of the cave man . Earth's scientists do not yet understand anything but the `brut eforce' method of traveling into space , that is, rocket engines burning chemical fuels, which is enormousl ywasteful and inefficient, requiring vast, complex ground support systems just for one launch . And the com-puters used in these chemical-fueled vehicles are really nothing but souped-up adding machines compared t othe psionic "holistic-brain" computers used by other races across the Cosmos .

So in terms of real value, does the space program and the shuttle have any merit at all? Scientifically an dmaterially, no, none whatsoever . It is just more Maya, more effort of the separative ego to grasp the universewithout first surrendering to God. Like all of earthly science, it is an effort to understand the universe o feffects without first considering the cause of all effects .

But the shuttle is of great value as a spiritual symbol, an allegory . Its whole value, and only value is spirit-ual. Seen from the Grand Overview or plane of Transcendence, it becomes a `Living Scripture' or divine alleg -ory of Risen Consciousness, And this is what many Americans and many entities throughout the world sa wand felt in the Columbia mission . They saw it not for what it is materially (a flying scrapyard)* but they fel tthe rising of Columbia, the rising of the True America into the High Country of space . They felt an accelerat-ion in Light, an acceleration toward Oneness as they watched Columbia ride the thunder into the Risen State .It was the same spirit that rode the tall-masted clipper ships and the Viking longboats into the Country bey-ond the seas . The Spirit sees in terms of Risen Consciousness, not in terms of literal hardware and technology .

And so to the eye that can see, and to the heart that can feel, the Columbia became a Living Scripture o fLight . Like the rising of Atlantis, it became another cabala or holy metaphor of the Resurrection .

This is what is meant by the Immaculate Concept---seeing the spiritual Reality behind the physical symbol .In "this world", there are precious few things of man's creating that can be seen as `Living Scriptures .That i swhy the Spirit, as it casts about through `this world', instantly seizes on things that can symbolize Highe rConsciousness---things like clipper ships, the Columbia, a church steeple, or even a skyscraper can be seen spiri t .ually, once the analytical, reasoning mind is put aside . Soon, when all humanity is risen in Consciousness ,everything that man creates will automatically reflect the living Christ within . All the things of man's creatingwill be works of art and craftsmanship, totally in harmony with earth and nature, and glorifying the Creato rof all . There will be True Science and True Religion, the twin pillars of the New Age .

Very recently, since the sealing of `Phase 1' of the Great Intercession, the lifewave of the earth has under -gone distinct boosts and accelerations . The first was the worldwide moment of silence held in tribute to Joh nLennon ; the next was the release of the hostages on the 444th day since their capture ; the next was the thw-arting of the Illuminati's assassination attempt on President Reagan and Reagan's brilliant rally ; and thencame the successful flight of the Columbia, launched on the 20th anniversary of the first Soviet-manned spac eflight . These are just some of the more obvious and visible signs of the Coming of Light and the crumblin gof the Kingdom of Darkness on this planet.

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Page 12: Cosmic Awareness 1981-14: The Awakening of the Avatars (cont'd)

And as the Avatars and Light Workers move on into `Phase 2' of the Great Intercession, the lifewave of th eplanet will continue to accelerate, moving, climbing up-scale into Light, into the Resurrection . We will con-tinue to see more and more spontaneous outpourings of joy and renewal in the human spirit, as Columbi arises into the Crystal Sea of the starry firmament . The old tall-masted frigate Columbia inspired the song ,"Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean'", which to the Spirit's eye, is the Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, th enative Home of man and God .


ED's Note : Bill's cosmic view of the Columbia fro mthe plane of Oneness which recognizes no illusion ,is a good example of what Awareness meant whe nIt told us the secret of transmutation is to energiz ethe positive aspects of a situation, bringing dow nupon it the White Light of love . Getting this Gran dOverview of Bill's into consciousness could be th every means by which the more negative aspect ofColumbia could be overcome. (Those of you wh ohave been fallowing the revelations of Dr, 13eterare aware that the primary mission of Columbi ais to attempt to destroy the 'Cosmospheres' ofthe Skoptsis in order to further the Bolshevikscheme of creating a `first strike' in a planne dnuclear war against Russia . Like the Beast ;whose main intent is to do evil against humanitybut finds its very own energies turning agains tit and using those energies for something mor epositive, Bill's Grand Overview of the spaceshuttle Columbia could be the energy neede dto reverse the evil intent of the war machineby making Columbia a positive symbol fo ra peaceful destiny of America . Such a channeling ,as Bill would say, is like the Immaculate Concept–i tacknowledges only the positive and spiritual andenergizes only from that frame of reference .

Those interested in the Dr . Baer Audio Letterscan receive information by writing to :

The Dr . Beier Audio Lette rSuite 50921629 K St . NW, Washington DC 2000 6


The `dark night of the soul' which seems to be the condition of many of the Avatars, results from limitin gour consciousness to just the immediate concerns, personal circles, etc . This is like keeping your head clampe din a vise . We came down on a planetary mission, and when we can let our consciousness go, let it expand fullyto encompass the world and all of humanity, then we have our native freedom and serenity, no longer stifledby the headaches, nervous fits, despair, and sufferings . It is true that that suffering served to "vent off" largeamounts of pressure from the world, preventing a literal Armageddon on this plane . But now that the plane thas "come through the straits", the Avatars can begin their awakening, letting their consciousness expand t oits natural, native state, letting go of the little petty mundane things that constituted their whole world andheld them in pain and bondage . Letting go of this Maya and illusion, they can let their consciousness expan dto enfold the world and actually heal the world, and in so doing, find their own peace and serenity and reaso nfor being .

This has got to be God 's will for the Avatars who haven't been able to find peace and serenity any otherway. They are the "called-out ones", called out from the "nets" and karmic entanglements of `this world' .


For an introduction to the channelings of Bill Sheppard, please refer to ` Revelations of Awareness' No . 81-2 (A Search for God) ;$3 .00 from C .A.C . "Letters from Bill" has been a regular feature in the CAC Newsletters since the beginning of 1981 and wil lcontinue as space permits .

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications ,P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (A non-pi otit erganizatian) . Subscription information is available upon request .

"What's wrong, haven't you ever see nan emancipated woman?

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