Page 1: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of

Corporate Pro�le 2017

The company names, company logos, and product names herein are trademarks or

registered trademarks and the property of the respective companies.

1-6, Yaesu 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8284, Japan

Head Office

Osaka Branch Office

Nagoya Sales Office

Utsunomiya Sales Office

Tel: +81-(0)3-3279-0771 Fax: +81-(0)3-5205-2030

Tel: +81-(0)6-6399-9771 Fax: +81-(0)6-6399-9781

Tel: +81-(0)52-772-2971 Fax: +81-(0)52-776-2559

Tel: +81-(0)28-678-9117 Fax: +81-(0)28-638-5380 JQA-EM4908 JQA-QM8795TOYO TECHNICAL CENTER

English Version

Page 2: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


TOYO Corporation has been contributing to Japanese industries

through the provision of the world's most advanced “Measurement

Technologies” as its core competence. In order to play a role in

enabling Japan as a technology-driven nation to demonstrate its

technological prowess to the world, we introduce the latest

measurement instruments and technologies from around the world

in such areas as Information and Communications Technologies,

Mechatronics, Noise & Vibration, Materials, Energy, Electromagnetic

Compatibility, Antenna Systems, Ocean, Defense & Security, Software

Quality and Productivity, Nano Imaging and Medical Systems. In

conjunction with such endeavors, we also provide our in-house

develop e d pro duc t s incorp or at ing the k now -how we have

accumulated over many years.

Fur thermore, in order to prov ide e ven more sophis t ic ate d

technologies to a greater number of customers, we are tackling

various new challenges, among which is “Security & Lab Company,”

an in-house company established in November last year speci�cally

for service-based business rather than product-based business. In

addition to these, we are striving to build a structure to develop and

grow promising solutions with no delay, actively making investments

required for their realization. At the same time, we are placing an

even greater emphasis on customers in overseas countries, especially

in China and the US through our local subsidiaries there. Besides, to

accelerate these diversi�ed challenges, we are reinforcing our

personnel education programs aimed to foster human resources who

will contribute to the further growth and expansion of our business

in the worldwide market.

We assure you that our commitment to liv ing up to - or even

exceeding - your expectations will never waver or wane in 2017.

Creating the Futurewith Measurement Technology


“Measurement Technologies” Help Create a Flourishing Society.We Are a Technological Bridge Tying Japan with the Rest of the World.TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of the world's most advanced measurement instruments and systems to the industrial arena. The various cutting-edge solutions we provide have paved the future for a wide array of industry and research �elds.

In addition, we in recent years have actively engaged in the development of original measurement systems using the unique technologies we have been honing for decades in order to address customer needs even better.

In order to help develop the industries not only in Japan but also in other Asian nations and North America, we will continue to push the boundaries of the latest measurement technologies.





Through collaboration with overseas manufacturers

As is the case with many other things, not

all the latest technologies are per fect.

Developing products into something

excellent that addresses the market needs

by joining forces with overseas manufacturers is

also part of our mission.

Searching for the most demanded leading technologies in view of the latest global trends

Having partnerships with over 180 manufacturers

from 20 di�erent countries, TOYO constantly

researches and evaluates measurement

instruments developed in various nations.

Using our information gathering abilities, we

discern the products with the highest quality

from the rest of the world that would best

match the latest market trends, and introduce

them to Japan.

Discerning the most promising “Measurement Technologies”

Our engineers are skilled professionals in

appraisal that can single out the best products

f rom the latest technologies around the

world. This serves not only to sell the products

we have carefully selected but also to provide

t h e k n o w l e d g e a n d t e c h n o l o g i e s t o

e�ectively utilize them. We capture the needs

of tomorrow and turn them into something

concrete as a reliable, good partner to our


All our engineers who collaborate with our customers have a scienti�c or engineering background (with a M.E./M.S. degree or a B.E./B.S. degree). These engineers, who gather technological knowledge on products directly from manufacturers overseas, introduce to you the latest products from various �elds. Additionally, they conduct technical seminars on the latest technologies we disseminate, localize overseas software into Japanese, and prepare presentation materials which address individual customer needs. We are con�dent that these activities by our skilled engineers help customers learn about our products down to detail in an easy-to-understand manner. In the event we cannot satisfy the needs of our customers with the products we have in our product line, we meet their requirements by forming strategies to resolve the issue through close communication with the manufacturers overseas and having our engineers devise new solutions. We believe these precise measures bring our customers a sense of security and this is why they have faith in us.

Commitments We Make for Our Customers









Product SupportContinuously providing thorough technical

support to our customers is the key concept

that lies at the core of our technical activities.

The biggest reason our customers trust us is

the comprehensive support structure our

company has in place even for the products

we import from overseas.

Development / CustomizationWe select the right measurement instruments and

develop new products to swiftly resolve any issues

you may have. To this end, we have secured a

manufacturer-quality level facility environment

and skilled engineers, as well as accumulated

knowledge attained from experiences without

omitting even the smallest detail.

Education / ServicesW e h o l d t r a i n i n g s e s s i o n s f o r o u r

customers so they can better learn how to

operate our products. Additionally, we

provide extensive seminars and demos

that provide our customers with the latest

information and knowledge. It is part of

our service to provide these educational

support services so that our customers

can enjoy maximum business e�ciency

with the solutions we provide.

Only the Best Solution for Each CustomerWe propose and provide the solutions best suited

t o o u r c u s t o m e r s b y f u l l y m o b i l i z i n g o u r

knowledge and know-how. TOYO is the navigator

of the latest technologies across the globe that will

always be by your side.


Masaru GomiPresident and Chief Executive O�cer


Noriyuki KatoDirector, Senior VP

Toshiya KohnoDirector, Senior VP

Mitsuru OnoderaDirector, Senior VP

The transportation equipment industry, with the automotive sector at its core, is a broad-based mainstay industry of Japan. Over the past 50 years, TOYO has contributed to this �eld mainly through measurement and analysis of Noise and Vibration.

Going forward, while sustaining our e�orts to help develop the transportation equipment and machinery industries, we intend to expand our target to cover a whole mechatronics measurement. For this purpose, we will proactively introduce excellent solutions in a wide range of �elds, which include measurement and analysis of mechatronics control, measurement data management, measurement for autonomous driving development, IT fusion technology, and material development, in addition to measurement and analysis of Noise and Vibration, which has been our area of specialty.

The ocean measurement is another important category for Japan, given that the country is not blessed with abundant land resources but is surrounded by the sea. Recently, the importance of the ocean measurement has been increasing also for the defense and security purposes. TOYO will contribute to Japan's defense and security operations through measurement, o�ering an expanded range of marine and other lines of solutions.

More than three decades after the �rst introduction of Internet into Japan in 1984, ICT now constitutes an integral part of the infrastructure for business operations and is applied to the communication tools connecting individuals with society. In the meantime, we have been continuously providing a diverse array of tools that Japanese network engineers have sought after, the �rst of which was the then industry standard Sni�er LAN Protocol Analyzer we brought into Japan in 1987, followed by the SmartBits LAN load test systems and the Avalanche server load test systems.

The Synesis, our self-developed network packet capture/analysis system launched in January 2016 has already been in use at quite a few customers. Our mission of providing valuable tools to make networks and services in Japan safer and more secure will remain unchanged in the future.

Networks are growing increasingly diverse and sophisticated as they address mobile, cloud, virtualization, IoT, security and other challenges. Our quali�ed engineers stand by to provide the tools and services each one of you requires, taking a lead in developing and innovating technologies for making use of such advanced networks.

The state-of-art solutions we provide have been serving to carve out new futures through the measurement required for the development and innovation of a wide range of devices and materials, such as the blue LED and other semiconductor devices, LC panels, superconducting and other new materials, environment-friendly secondary batteries, and fuel cells and other clean energy sources.

Also, home appliances, mobile phones, automobiles, medical equipment and other electronic devices in our daily life are seeing rapid technological advancements, shifting from analog to digital and from wired to wireless, with their data communication speed increasing exponentially. At the same time, these technological innovations also have brought the need to control more complicated unintentional electromagnetic waves emitted by them. Our EMC measurement and radio wave observation solutions have been helping build e�cient and safe electromagnetic environments.

In order to further contribute to the society globally as well as domestically, we are expanding our overseas markets aggressively with the measurement systems we develop based on these unique technologies.

Mechatronics / Noise & Vibration Ocean / Defense & Security Nano Imaging

ICT / Security & Lab Company Software Quality and Productivity

Materials / Energy Electromagnetic Compatibility / Antenna Systems Medical Systems

With the most advanced measurement technologies, TOYO has assisted the development of such industries as aerospace,

marine science, automotive & railway, communication, medical, sof tware development, semiconductor, biochemistry,

nanotechnology, and renewable energy. We will continue to contribute to the technological innovation of these

industries by providing solutions and services with added values that only we can o�er.

TOYO ’s “ M e asu r e m e nt Te c h n o l o g i e s ”,Co nt r i b u t i n g i n Va r i o us F i e l ds


Our Core Competence :

The Most Advanced Measurement Technologies in the World


Nano Imaging


Ocean / Defense & Security


Software Quality and Productivity


Medical Systems


ICT / Security & Lab Company


Mechatronics / Noise & Vibration


Materials / Energy


Electromagnetic Compatibility / Antenna Systems

TOYO will contribute to Transportation Equipment, Mechatronics, Marine, and Defense Industries

Create the future with our leading-edge measurement technologies in the global society

TOYO – your expert partner for testing and monitoring needs ranging from the development through the operation of diversifying ICT

Scanning Electron MicroscopesFIB-SEM (Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron

Microscopes)3D Nano/Micro-CT ScannersSPM (Scanning Probe Microscopes)

Multibeam EchosoundersAcoustic Video CamerasUnderwater Vehicles (ROV/AUV/Glider)Sub-Bottom Pro�lersSidescan Sonar SystemsAcoustic Positioning SystemsInertially-Aided GPS Positioning and Orientation Systems

Software Con�guration Management Tools Software Architecture Analysis ToolsApplication Lifecycle Management ToolsMulti-Issue Tracking ToolsSoftware Static Test Tools

Bone Suppression Software for Digital Chest X-ray Images

Digital RadiographyMedical Image Enhancing SoftwareMammography Image ViewersOrthopedic Digital Planning ToolsCMOS X-ray Flat Panel Detectors

Hydrographic Survey and Processing SoftwareForward Looking SonarsHydrophones/TransducersWater Side Security SystemsUnderwater Data Communication SystemsAcoustic Doppler InstrumentationOther Ocean/Defense & Security Solutions

Software Dynamic Test ToolsOSS Security Risk Management ToolsVulnerability Static Analysis ToolsSoftware Development Automation & Acceleration ToolsProfessional Services

Image Acquisition, Processing and Display Boards for X-ray Detectors

Custom 3D Viewer Toolkits/SDKMedical Image Display Systems Medical Image Registration ToolkitsSterilizer for Infectious Waste 

NGN/IP Network Test SolutionsHigh Speed Optical Network Testers

(400G/100G/40G)Mobile Telecommunication Stations/

Terminal Test Solutions (3G/LTE/WiMAX)Packet Capture/Analysis SystemsVulnerability Assessment Tools

Accelerometers/Impact Hammers Microphones/Particle Velocity SensorsSound Quality Evaluation Noise and Vibration Analysis Systems/Pass-by Noise TestingPressure Sensors/Force Sensors Multichannel Real-time FFT AnalyzersData Acquisition Systems

Fuel Cell Evaluation SystemsSecondary Battery Evaluation SystemsElectrochemical Measurement SystemsPhotovoltaic Module Test Systems Semiconductor Material Evaluation Systems

EMC Measurement Systems ESD, EFT Burst, Surge Test Systems RF Power Ampli�ers EMI Test ReceiversEMC Measurement SoftwareGTEM Cells Antenna Measurement Systems

Measured Data Analysis Software/Motion and Deformation Analysis Software

Torque Meters/Brake SystemsASAM ODS Server SoftwareStatic and Dynamic Door Characteristics Measurement SystemsHub-Coupled Dynamometer SystemsDriving RobotsOther Mechatronics/Noise & Vibration Solutions

LC Flat Panel Test SystemsUltra Low Temperature Measurement Systems Magnetic Material & Magnetic Field Measurement SystemsGeneral-purpose Measurement Instruments & Power Supplies

Antenna Systems for Ground StationsAmpli�ers for Antenna Systems Parabolic AntennasFilters and Diplexers Frequency Converter ProductsIsolators and CirculatorsOther Electromagnetic Compatibility/Antenna

Systems Solutions

Virtual Infrastructure Performance Management Tools Wireless LAN Analyzers GPS/Galileo/GLONASS SimulatorsSecurity Performance Test SolutionsThreat Management Systems for DDoS MitigationNetwork Vulnerability ScannersOther ICT Solutions

Hardness and Young's Modulus Measurement Systems3D Image Analysis SoftwareSecondary Ion Mass SpectrometryCantilever for Scanning Probe Microscope


Page 3: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


TOYO Corporation has been contributing to Japanese industries

through the provision of the world's most advanced “Measurement

Technologies” as its core competence. In order to play a role in

enabling Japan as a technology-driven nation to demonstrate its

technological prowess to the world, we introduce the latest

measurement instruments and technologies from around the world

in such areas as Information and Communications Technologies,

Mechatronics, Noise & Vibration, Materials, Energy, Electromagnetic

Compatibility, Antenna Systems, Ocean, Defense & Security, Software

Quality and Productivity, Nano Imaging and Medical Systems. In

conjunction with such endeavors, we also provide our in-house

develop e d pro duc t s incorp or at ing the k now -how we have

accumulated over many years.

Fur thermore, in order to prov ide e ven more sophis t ic ate d

technologies to a greater number of customers, we are tackling

various new challenges, among which is “Security & Lab Company,”

an in-house company established in November last year speci�cally

for service-based business rather than product-based business. In

addition to these, we are striving to build a structure to develop and

grow promising solutions with no delay, actively making investments

required for their realization. At the same time, we are placing an

even greater emphasis on customers in overseas countries, especially

in China and the US through our local subsidiaries there. Besides, to

accelerate these diversi�ed challenges, we are reinforcing our

personnel education programs aimed to foster human resources who

will contribute to the further growth and expansion of our business

in the worldwide market.

We assure you that our commitment to liv ing up to - or even

exceeding - your expectations will never waver or wane in 2017.

Creating the Futurewith Measurement Technology


“Measurement Technologies” Help Create a Flourishing Society.We Are a Technological Bridge Tying Japan with the Rest of the World.TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of the world's most advanced measurement instruments and systems to the industrial arena. The various cutting-edge solutions we provide have paved the future for a wide array of industry and research �elds.

In addition, we in recent years have actively engaged in the development of original measurement systems using the unique technologies we have been honing for decades in order to address customer needs even better.

In order to help develop the industries not only in Japan but also in other Asian nations and North America, we will continue to push the boundaries of the latest measurement technologies.





Through collaboration with overseas manufacturers

As is the case with many other things, not

all the latest technologies are per fect.

Developing products into something

excellent that addresses the market needs

by joining forces with overseas manufacturers is

also part of our mission.

Searching for the most demanded leading technologies in view of the latest global trends

Having partnerships with over 180 manufacturers

from 20 di�erent countries, TOYO constantly

researches and evaluates measurement

instruments developed in various nations.

Using our information gathering abilities, we

discern the products with the highest quality

from the rest of the world that would best

match the latest market trends, and introduce

them to Japan.

Discerning the most promising “Measurement Technologies”

Our engineers are skilled professionals in

appraisal that can single out the best products

f rom the latest technologies around the

world. This serves not only to sell the products

we have carefully selected but also to provide

t h e k n o w l e d g e a n d t e c h n o l o g i e s t o

e�ectively utilize them. We capture the needs

of tomorrow and turn them into something

concrete as a reliable, good partner to our


All our engineers who collaborate with our customers have a scienti�c or engineering background (with a M.E./M.S. degree or a B.E./B.S. degree). These engineers, who gather technological knowledge on products directly from manufacturers overseas, introduce to you the latest products from various �elds. Additionally, they conduct technical seminars on the latest technologies we disseminate, localize overseas software into Japanese, and prepare presentation materials which address individual customer needs. We are con�dent that these activities by our skilled engineers help customers learn about our products down to detail in an easy-to-understand manner. In the event we cannot satisfy the needs of our customers with the products we have in our product line, we meet their requirements by forming strategies to resolve the issue through close communication with the manufacturers overseas and having our engineers devise new solutions. We believe these precise measures bring our customers a sense of security and this is why they have faith in us.

Commitments We Make for Our Customers









Product SupportContinuously providing thorough technical

support to our customers is the key concept

that lies at the core of our technical activities.

The biggest reason our customers trust us is

the comprehensive support structure our

company has in place even for the products

we import from overseas.

Development / CustomizationWe select the right measurement instruments and

develop new products to swiftly resolve any issues

you may have. To this end, we have secured a

manufacturer-quality level facility environment

and skilled engineers, as well as accumulated

knowledge attained from experiences without

omitting even the smallest detail.

Education / ServicesW e h o l d t r a i n i n g s e s s i o n s f o r o u r

customers so they can better learn how to

operate our products. Additionally, we

provide extensive seminars and demos

that provide our customers with the latest

information and knowledge. It is part of

our service to provide these educational

support services so that our customers

can enjoy maximum business e�ciency

with the solutions we provide.

Only the Best Solution for Each CustomerWe propose and provide the solutions best suited

t o o u r c u s t o m e r s b y f u l l y m o b i l i z i n g o u r

knowledge and know-how. TOYO is the navigator

of the latest technologies across the globe that will

always be by your side.


Masaru GomiPresident and Chief Executive O�cer

Page 4: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


TOYO Corporation has been contributing to Japanese industries

through the provision of the world's most advanced “Measurement

Technologies” as its core competence. In order to play a role in

enabling Japan as a technology-driven nation to demonstrate its

technological prowess to the world, we introduce the latest

measurement instruments and technologies from around the world

in such areas as Information and Communications Technologies,

Mechatronics, Noise & Vibration, Materials, Energy, Electromagnetic

Compatibility, Antenna Systems, Ocean, Defense & Security, Software

Quality and Productivity, Nano Imaging and Medical Systems. In

conjunction with such endeavors, we also provide our in-house

develop e d pro duc t s incorp or at ing the k now -how we have

accumulated over many years.

Fur thermore, in order to prov ide e ven more sophis t ic ate d

technologies to a greater number of customers, we are tackling

various new challenges, among which is “Security & Lab Company,”

an in-house company established in November last year speci�cally

for service-based business rather than product-based business. In

addition to these, we are striving to build a structure to develop and

grow promising solutions with no delay, actively making investments

required for their realization. At the same time, we are placing an

even greater emphasis on customers in overseas countries, especially

in China and the US through our local subsidiaries there. Besides, to

accelerate these diversi�ed challenges, we are reinforcing our

personnel education programs aimed to foster human resources who

will contribute to the further growth and expansion of our business

in the worldwide market.

We assure you that our commitment to liv ing up to - or even

exceeding - your expectations will never waver or wane in 2017.

Creating the Futurewith Measurement Technology


“Measurement Technologies” Help Create a Flourishing Society.We Are a Technological Bridge Tying Japan with the Rest of the World.TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of the world's most advanced measurement instruments and systems to the industrial arena. The various cutting-edge solutions we provide have paved the future for a wide array of industry and research �elds.

In addition, we in recent years have actively engaged in the development of original measurement systems using the unique technologies we have been honing for decades in order to address customer needs even better.

In order to help develop the industries not only in Japan but also in other Asian nations and North America, we will continue to push the boundaries of the latest measurement technologies.





Through collaboration with overseas manufacturers

As is the case with many other things, not

all the latest technologies are per fect.

Developing products into something

excellent that addresses the market needs

by joining forces with overseas manufacturers is

also part of our mission.

Searching for the most demanded leading technologies in view of the latest global trends

Having partnerships with over 180 manufacturers

from 20 di�erent countries, TOYO constantly

researches and evaluates measurement

instruments developed in various nations.

Using our information gathering abilities, we

discern the products with the highest quality

from the rest of the world that would best

match the latest market trends, and introduce

them to Japan.

Discerning the most promising “Measurement Technologies”

Our engineers are skilled professionals in

appraisal that can single out the best products

f rom the latest technologies around the

world. This serves not only to sell the products

we have carefully selected but also to provide

t h e k n o w l e d g e a n d t e c h n o l o g i e s t o

e�ectively utilize them. We capture the needs

of tomorrow and turn them into something

concrete as a reliable, good partner to our


All our engineers who collaborate with our customers have a scienti�c or engineering background (with a M.E./M.S. degree or a B.E./B.S. degree). These engineers, who gather technological knowledge on products directly from manufacturers overseas, introduce to you the latest products from various �elds. Additionally, they conduct technical seminars on the latest technologies we disseminate, localize overseas software into Japanese, and prepare presentation materials which address individual customer needs. We are con�dent that these activities by our skilled engineers help customers learn about our products down to detail in an easy-to-understand manner. In the event we cannot satisfy the needs of our customers with the products we have in our product line, we meet their requirements by forming strategies to resolve the issue through close communication with the manufacturers overseas and having our engineers devise new solutions. We believe these precise measures bring our customers a sense of security and this is why they have faith in us.

Commitments We Make for Our Customers









Product SupportContinuously providing thorough technical

support to our customers is the key concept

that lies at the core of our technical activities.

The biggest reason our customers trust us is

the comprehensive support structure our

company has in place even for the products

we import from overseas.

Development / CustomizationWe select the right measurement instruments and

develop new products to swiftly resolve any issues

you may have. To this end, we have secured a

manufacturer-quality level facility environment

and skilled engineers, as well as accumulated

knowledge attained from experiences without

omitting even the smallest detail.

Education / ServicesW e h o l d t r a i n i n g s e s s i o n s f o r o u r

customers so they can better learn how to

operate our products. Additionally, we

provide extensive seminars and demos

that provide our customers with the latest

information and knowledge. It is part of

our service to provide these educational

support services so that our customers

can enjoy maximum business e�ciency

with the solutions we provide.

Only the Best Solution for Each CustomerWe propose and provide the solutions best suited

t o o u r c u s t o m e r s b y f u l l y m o b i l i z i n g o u r

knowledge and know-how. TOYO is the navigator

of the latest technologies across the globe that will

always be by your side.


Masaru GomiPresident and Chief Executive O�cer

Page 5: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


Noriyuki KatoDirector, Senior VP

Toshiya KohnoDirector, Senior VP

Mitsuru OnoderaDirector, Senior VP

The transportation equipment industry, with the automotive sector at its core, is a broad-based mainstay industry of Japan. Over the past 50 years, TOYO has contributed to this �eld mainly through measurement and analysis of Noise and Vibration.

Going forward, while sustaining our e�orts to help develop the transportation equipment and machinery industries, we intend to expand our target to cover a whole mechatronics measurement. For this purpose, we will proactively introduce excellent solutions in a wide range of �elds, which include measurement and analysis of mechatronics control, measurement data management, measurement for autonomous driving development, IT fusion technology, and material development, in addition to measurement and analysis of Noise and Vibration, which has been our area of specialty.

The ocean measurement is another important category for Japan, given that the country is not blessed with abundant land resources but is surrounded by the sea. Recently, the importance of the ocean measurement has been increasing also for the defense and security purposes. TOYO will contribute to Japan's defense and security operations through measurement, o�ering an expanded range of marine and other lines of solutions.

More than three decades after the �rst introduction of Internet into Japan in 1984, ICT now constitutes an integral part of the infrastructure for business operations and is applied to the communication tools connecting individuals with society. In the meantime, we have been continuously providing a diverse array of tools that Japanese network engineers have sought after, the �rst of which was the then industry standard Sni�er LAN Protocol Analyzer we brought into Japan in 1987, followed by the SmartBits LAN load test systems and the Avalanche server load test systems.

The Synesis, our self-developed network packet capture/analysis system launched in January 2016 has already been in use at quite a few customers. Our mission of providing valuable tools to make networks and services in Japan safer and more secure will remain unchanged in the future.

Networks are growing increasingly diverse and sophisticated as they address mobile, cloud, virtualization, IoT, security and other challenges. Our quali�ed engineers stand by to provide the tools and services each one of you requires, taking a lead in developing and innovating technologies for making use of such advanced networks.

The state-of-art solutions we provide have been serving to carve out new futures through the measurement required for the development and innovation of a wide range of devices and materials, such as the blue LED and other semiconductor devices, LC panels, superconducting and other new materials, environment-friendly secondary batteries, and fuel cells and other clean energy sources.

Also, home appliances, mobile phones, automobiles, medical equipment and other electronic devices in our daily life are seeing rapid technological advancements, shifting from analog to digital and from wired to wireless, with their data communication speed increasing exponentially. At the same time, these technological innovations also have brought the need to control more complicated unintentional electromagnetic waves emitted by them. Our EMC measurement and radio wave observation solutions have been helping build e�cient and safe electromagnetic environments.

In order to further contribute to the society globally as well as domestically, we are expanding our overseas markets aggressively with the measurement systems we develop based on these unique technologies.

Mechatronics / Noise & Vibration Ocean / Defense & Security Nano Imaging

ICT / Security & Lab Company Software Quality and Productivity

Materials / Energy Electromagnetic Compatibility / Antenna Systems Medical Systems

With the most advanced measurement technologies, TOYO has assisted the development of such industries as aerospace,

marine science, automotive & railway, communication, medical, sof tware development, semiconductor, biochemistry,

nanotechnology, and renewable energy. We will continue to contribute to the technological innovation of these

industries by providing solutions and services with added values that only we can o�er.

TOYO ’s “ M e asu r e m e nt Te c h n o l o g i e s ”,Co nt r i b u t i n g i n Va r i o us F i e l ds


Our Core Competence :

The Most Advanced Measurement Technologies in the World


Nano Imaging


Ocean / Defense & Security


Software Quality and Productivity


Medical Systems


ICT / Security & Lab Company


Mechatronics / Noise & Vibration


Materials / Energy


Electromagnetic Compatibility / Antenna Systems

TOYO will contribute to Transportation Equipment, Mechatronics, Marine, and Defense Industries

Create the future with our leading-edge measurement technologies in the global society

TOYO – your expert partner for testing and monitoring needs ranging from the development through the operation of diversifying ICT

Scanning Electron MicroscopesFIB-SEM (Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron

Microscopes)3D Nano/Micro-CT ScannersSPM (Scanning Probe Microscopes)

Multibeam EchosoundersAcoustic Video CamerasUnderwater Vehicles (ROV/AUV/Glider)Sub-Bottom Pro�lersSidescan Sonar SystemsAcoustic Positioning SystemsInertially-Aided GPS Positioning and Orientation Systems

Software Con�guration Management Tools Software Architecture Analysis ToolsApplication Lifecycle Management ToolsMulti-Issue Tracking ToolsSoftware Static Test Tools

Bone Suppression Software for Digital Chest X-ray Images

Digital RadiographyMedical Image Enhancing SoftwareMammography Image ViewersOrthopedic Digital Planning ToolsCMOS X-ray Flat Panel Detectors

Hydrographic Survey and Processing SoftwareForward Looking SonarsHydrophones/TransducersWater Side Security SystemsUnderwater Data Communication SystemsAcoustic Doppler InstrumentationOther Ocean/Defense & Security Solutions

Software Dynamic Test ToolsOSS Security Risk Management ToolsVulnerability Static Analysis ToolsSoftware Development Automation & Acceleration ToolsProfessional Services

Image Acquisition, Processing and Display Boards for X-ray Detectors

Custom 3D Viewer Toolkits/SDKMedical Image Display Systems Medical Image Registration ToolkitsSterilizer for Infectious Waste 

NGN/IP Network Test SolutionsHigh Speed Optical Network Testers

(400G/100G/40G)Mobile Telecommunication Stations/

Terminal Test Solutions (3G/LTE/WiMAX)Packet Capture/Analysis SystemsVulnerability Assessment Tools

Accelerometers/Impact Hammers Microphones/Particle Velocity SensorsSound Quality Evaluation Noise and Vibration Analysis Systems/Pass-by Noise TestingPressure Sensors/Force Sensors Multichannel Real-time FFT AnalyzersData Acquisition Systems

Fuel Cell Evaluation SystemsSecondary Battery Evaluation SystemsElectrochemical Measurement SystemsPhotovoltaic Module Test Systems Semiconductor Material Evaluation Systems

EMC Measurement Systems ESD, EFT Burst, Surge Test Systems RF Power Ampli�ers EMI Test ReceiversEMC Measurement SoftwareGTEM Cells Antenna Measurement Systems

Measured Data Analysis Software/Motion and Deformation Analysis Software

Torque Meters/Brake SystemsASAM ODS Server SoftwareStatic and Dynamic Door Characteristics Measurement SystemsHub-Coupled Dynamometer SystemsDriving RobotsOther Mechatronics/Noise & Vibration Solutions

LC Flat Panel Test SystemsUltra Low Temperature Measurement Systems Magnetic Material & Magnetic Field Measurement SystemsGeneral-purpose Measurement Instruments & Power Supplies

Antenna Systems for Ground StationsAmpli�ers for Antenna Systems Parabolic AntennasFilters and Diplexers Frequency Converter ProductsIsolators and CirculatorsOther Electromagnetic Compatibility/Antenna

Systems Solutions

Virtual Infrastructure Performance Management Tools Wireless LAN Analyzers GPS/Galileo/GLONASS SimulatorsSecurity Performance Test SolutionsThreat Management Systems for DDoS MitigationNetwork Vulnerability ScannersOther ICT Solutions

Hardness and Young's Modulus Measurement Systems3D Image Analysis SoftwareSecondary Ion Mass SpectrometryCantilever for Scanning Probe Microscope


Page 6: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of

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NGN/IP Network Test SolutionsHigh Speed Optical Network Testers (400G/100G/40G)Mobile Telecommunication Station/ Terminal Test

Solutions (3G/LTE/WiMAX)Routing Monitoring SystemsPacket Capture/Analysis SystemsVulnerability Assessment ToolsVirtual Infrastructure Performance Management ToolsWireless LAN Analyzers GPS/Galileo/GLONASS Simulators

Security Performance Test SolutionsMulti-Factor, 2-Routes Secure AuthenticationThreat Management Systems for DDoS MitigationNetwork Vulnerability ScannersStorage Performance Validation & Testing

Unauthorized Intrusion Simulation Services Security Risk Assessment ServicesAsset Management/Vulnerability Testing Services

The information communications technologies (ICT) of the new generation, as represented by the Internet and mobile phones, are used not only for communication between people and businesses; they are also being utilized within new �elds including automobile and social infrastructure control. In any of these environments, testing performance and visualizing operation, both requiring measurement technologies, are essential to ensure the quality and security of these technologies.

TOYO provides a wide range of solutions, including test systems that have swiftly incorporated future benchmark technologies and technical standards, analysis/monitoring systems for production networks, information security test systems, technical assistance provided through professional services, and even product customization performed to satisfy individual requirements from our customers. We are prepared to serve all kinds of needs with a portfolio of various products and services.

To add to it, TOYO has established an in-house company, “Security & Lab Company” and started o�ering cybersecurity test services and lab test services for wireless communication devices.

ICT / Security & Lab CompanySupporting the Sophistication of Information Communications Technologies

Produc ts

Accolade Technology, Inc.Acme Portable Machines, Inc.Arbor Networks, Inc.AT4 wireless, S.A.Garland TechnologyGTB Technologies, Inc.iBwave Solutions, Inc.J3TELKeypasco, ABMicro Computer Control CorporationMRV Communications, Inc.Packet Design, LCCPolaris NetworksPrisma Engineering S.r.lSANBlaze Technology, Inc.SerialTek

Gemalto K.K.

SevOne, Inc.Sifos Technologies, Inc.SPECTRACOM CORPORATIONSpirent Communications N&ASpirent Communications PAWTelchemy IncorporatedTenable Network SecurityUila, Inc.ULINK Technology, Inc.Virtual Instruments


Domestic Pr incipal

Contributing to the Development of Transportation Equipment IndustriesFor the research and development in the transportation industries (automobile, railway, marine, and aerospace), combined measurement and analysis that can look into the following three key factors at the same time are indispensable: noise and vibration, performance (e.g. controllability and ride comfort), and safety and durability.

With automobiles and railways, measurement of noise and vibration is required not only to simply reduce them but also to help explore and design better performance, such as the coordination between comfortable ride and pleasant sound. Furthermore, the measurement of performance and durability requires the automation of data acquisition and analysis that e�ectively utilize electronic control data. To address all these needs, we provide the latest solutions with high added values.

In recent years, test methods and test data management/sharing have become important in reinforcing the correlation between CAD/CAE-aided hypothetical vehicle design and real data-based vehicle development in model-based development. We also are working on proposing new solutions that will achieve these goals.

Accelerometers/Impact HammersSound Quality EvaluationPressure Sensors/Force SensorsTorsional Vibration AnalysisTelemetryMicrophones/Particle Velocity SensorsNoise and Vibration Analysis Systems/Pass-by Noise TestingTransfer Path Analysis/Sound LocalizationMeasured Data Analysis SoftwareTorque Meters/Brake SystemsDriving Robots

Produc ts

Axon Systems Ltd.Boulder Innovation Group, Inc.CAEMAX Technologie GmbHData I/O CorporationDrive Test GmbHEZ MetrologyFBGS International NVGenesis S.A.HBM GmbHHI-TEC S.r.limc Meβsysteme GmbHKlippel GmbHLOUDSOFT Ltd.Magtrol SAMagtrol, Inc.MB Dynamics, Inc.Micro�own TechnologiesMTI Instruments Inc.Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH

Nikon Metrology NVOES, Inc.OPTEL-THEVON S.A.ORMEOROS S.A.PCB Piezotronics, Inc.Peak Solution GmbHPRIAMUS SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES AGRototest International ABSmart Eye AB.SMETEC GmbHSpectrum SoftwareTEXYS InternationalThe Modal Shop, Inc.Xcite Systems CorporationZiegler-Instruments GmbH


Mechatronics / Noise & Vibration













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Data LoggerVirtual Infrastructure Performance Management Tool Synesis, 100GbE Packet Capture/Analysis SystemSpirent TestCenter Noise and Vibration Analysis System Sensors for Acceleration, Acoustics, Force, Load and Pressure

Quiet Excitation Systems for Buzz, Squeak & Rattle Noise TestingModal Analysis Excitation EquipmentCalibration Systems for Accelerometers and MicrophonesMotion and Deformation Analysis SoftwareASAM ODS Server SoftwareHALT Test SystemsData Acquisition Systems with Online Calculation CapabilityCombustion Analyzers/Fiber Optic Spark PlugsStatic and Dynamic Door Characteristic Measurement SystemsHub-Coupled Dynamometer Systems

Page 7: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


Fuel Cell Evaluation SystemsSecondary Battery Evaluation SystemsElectrochemical Measurement SystemsPhotovoltaic Module Test SystemsSemiconductor Material Evaluation Systems

We help countless researchers and technical experts �nd the best solutions they need for precise material analysis and performance tests in research �elds as broad as to encompass renewable energy generation (such as photovoltaic (PV) batteries, rechargeable batteries, power semiconductors, and electricity conversion apparatus) and the entire development process for energy conversion apparatus (from the fundamental research phase to development testing).

In addition to the latest instruments by manufacturers overseas, the products we have developed based on the measurement technologies we fostered are also used for these purposes.

Materials / EnergyAssisting the Generation and Utilization of Renewable Energy

Produc ts

AMETEK Programmable PowerAndeen-Hagerling, Inc.Bio-Logic Science Instruments SASChroma ATE Inc.comemso GmbHData TranslationDL INSTRUMENTS, LLCElectroChem, Inc.FLC Electronics Inc.GE SensingGMW AssociatesGW Instruments, Inc.Instec, Inc.Kepco, Inc.Labortechnik Tasler GmbH

Eritech Advance Corp.Merck Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Merck Ltd., Hong KongSungmoon Systech Corp.

Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.Maccor, Inc.Matesy GmbHMicrostar Laboratories, Inc. Neocera, LLCNexcerisNovonix Battery Testing Services Inc.NorECs Norwegian Electro Ceramics ASOECOScribner Associates, Inc.SolaronixTabor Electronics Ltd.Teledyne Hastings InstrumentsWayne Kerr Electronics Ltd.XiTRON Technologies, Inc.


O ve r s eas Ag encies

Eretec Inc.JS Denki Pte. Ltd.JS TOYO Corporation (Shenzhen) Ltd.Quantel Pte. Ltd.

O ve r s eas Ag e ncies

High-tech solutions for increasingly complicated electromagnetic environmentsFor decades, TOYO has provided superb test and measurement systems in the EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) �eld. In this way, we have assisted our customers both at home and overseas in performing EMC compliance tests on various types of electronic equipment, including household appliances and automobiles, as well as information and communication, and medical equipment. As for the overseas markets, there has been a rapid increase in demand for EMC tests in countries other than Japan, and we have established TOYOTech LLC in the US and TOYO Corporation China in China to address the EMC markets in the respective countries, while deploying EMC businesses in other Asian countries mainly via agencies.

For over 30 years, we have operated in the �eld of large parabolic antenna systems for ground stations, and have delivered a total of over 20 of these systems. We propose the antenna system optimum for your needs and budget, whether it is small or large in size.

In addition to the proposal, sale, and installation of products, we also are fully prepared to provide such post-installation support services as system maintenance, calibration, and overhaul.

EMC Measurement SystemsESD, EFT Burst, Surge Test SystemsRF Power Ampli�ersElectric/Magnetic Field SensorsEMI Test ReceiversEMC Measurement Software

GTEM CellsAntenna Measurement SystemsOTA Measurement SystemsMIMO Measurement SystemsAntenna Systems for Ground StationsAmpli�ers for Antenna Systems

Parabolic AntennasFilters and DiplexersFrequency Converter ProductsIsolators and Circulators

Produc ts

Audivo GmbHBLUETEST.seBONN Elektronik GmbHCombinova ABCom-Power CorporationDipl.-Ing.G.SchwarzbeckETS-Lindgren, L.P.Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.Index SAR Ltd.Keysight Technologies, Inc.Microwave Technologies GroupMILMEGA Ltd.(Ametek)MT Mechatronics GmbHNARDA STS S.r.l (PMM)National Geographic Institute (IGN)

Omnisys Instruments ABRTW GmbH & Co. KGSEIBERSDORF LABORATORIESSonoma Instrument Co.TEGAM Inc.Teseq AG (Ametek)Teseq GmbHViaSat Inc.York EMC Services Ltd.


Electromagnetic Compatibility / Antenna Systems



e En











Fuel Cell Evaluation SystemAutoPEM Series

EMI Test ReceiverNS9038A-MXE

Radiated Immunity Test System

EP7/RE EMI Measurement Software(3D Time Domain Analysis)

Electrochemical Measurement SystemSP-300

Hall Measurement SystemResiTest 8400

Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Test SystemsUltra Low Temperature Measurement SystemsMagnetic Material & Magnetic Field Measurement SystemsGeneral-purpose Measurement Instruments & Power Supplies

Page 8: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


Multibeam EchosoundersAcoustic Video CamerasUnderwater Vehicles 

(ROV/AUV/Glider)Unmanned Surface VehiclesSub-Bottom Pro�lersSeismic Survey Systems

The Japanese archipelago has entered a seismic active period, with some forecasts predicting that the chances of the Kanto region experiencing an earthquake of 7.0 magnitude or higher within the next 30 years are over 70%.

On a global scale, extreme weather caused by global warming is becoming a serious issue. Simultaneously, the resource depletion issue is forcing Japan to work on marine electricity generation and submarine mineral resources development as top priority tasks. Furthermore, due to the current unstable world situation, the importance of underwater security and defense is growing signi�cantly. In the midst of such situations, with the key theme of “Measuring the Ocean” in mind, our Marine and Ocean Measurement Technology Division has been providing multibeam echo sounders and many other varieties of marine measurement instruments together with installation and other technical support, all of which strongly help our customers in the broad sphere of marine science.

Ocean / Defense & SecurityProviding the Latest Technologies to “Measure” the Ocean

Produc ts

AML Oceanographic Ltd.Applanix CorporationApplied Acoustic Engineering Ltd.ASV (ASV Global, LLC)Blueprint SubseaC-MAX Ltd.DOER MarineFarSounder, Inc.4Deep Inwater ImagingGNOMHPI (High Pressure Instrumentation)HYPACK


Measurement technologies are indispensable also for quality improvement in sof tware development, and our “Measurement Technologies” are used at various software development �elds. With our solutions, software developers can develop products of high quality and reliability, and the users can use these products without any concern. We provide products and services that fully support software development, from quality enhancement to productivity improvement. We also provide development solutions for “Secure Software” required by the recent spread of IoT technologies.

Software Quality and ProductivityAssisting Safe & Secure Software Development

Scanning Electron MicroscopesFIB-SEM (Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopes)3D Nano/Micro-CT ScannersSPM (Scanning Probe Microscopes)Hardness and Young's Modulus Measurement Systems3D Image Analysis SoftwareSecondary Ion Mass SpectrometryCantilever for Scanning Probe Microscope

The imaging technologies for enlarging, observing and analyzing minute areas are indispensable to study, evaluate, and prove the phenomena in basic and applied academic �elds. For the scientists who need to win worldwide competition, it is imperative to understand speedily and accurately the information obtained with the cutting-edge imaging technologies and to guide the research in the right direction. Given the globalization of the economy, imaging technologies are used and play important roles in various �elds such as R&D, commercialization, quality control, and quality assurance at the companies that target global markets.

We support Japanese technologies by providing such leading-edge and unique imaging tools as scanning electron microscopes, nano-/micro-CT scanners, scanning probe microscopes, and optical imagers for small animals.

Nano ImagingCutting-edge Imaging Technologies Bolstering Various Scienti�c Fields

Produc ts

AFMWorkshopBruker BioSpin AGBruker MicroCT N.V.Bruker Nano GmbHCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbHFraunhofer IWSImage Metrology A/SKeysight Technologies, Inc.Nanomechanics, Inc.nanotools GmbHNanoWorld AGScienti�c Analysis Instruments LimitedsQUBE


Software Con�guration Management ToolsMulti-Issue Tracking ToolsSoftware Architecture Analysis ToolsSoftware Static Test ToolsSoftware Dynamic Test ToolsApplication Lifecycle Management ToolsOSS Security Risk Management ToolsVulnerability Static Analysis ToolsSoftware Development Automation & Acceleration ToolsProfessional Services

Produc ts

Black Duck Software, Inc.Checkmarx Ltd.Electric Cloud, Inc.ExtraView CorporationImagix CorporationPerforce Software, Inc.Programming Research Ltd.QA Systems GmbHSiemens PLM Software, Inc.


Change Vision, Inc. eXmotion Co., Ltd.

Domestic Pr incipal IBAC Corporation

Domestic Pr incipal

The state-of-the-art measurement technologies that we disseminate are also used actively at medical sites, and we provide various solutions proven useful in the �lm-free medical sites of today. Examples of such solutions range from hardware like display systems for medical systems to specialized software including orthopedic digital planning tools and digital mammography image viewers, and even to image processing technologies to help interpret chest X-rays, which are frequently used for medical examinations. In regard to modality development, we support further development of medical services with leading-edge technologies including image �ling and image quality improvement software. In addition, we actively participate in the proposal and modi�cation of Japanese medical standards where we utilize our accumulated knowledge and technologies. We will continue to convey our years of experience to Japanese medical practitioners through seminars, academic conferences, and workshops.

Using our technologies to measure your health, we will continue contributing to the progress of medical imaging and preventative medical science.

Medical SystemsRapidly Progressing Medical Imaging Technologies

Bone Suppression Software for Digital Chest X-ray ImagesDigital RadiographyMedical Image Enhancing SoftwareMammography Image ViewersOrthopedic Digital Planning ToolsCMOS X-ray Flat Panel DetectorsImage Acquisition, Processing and Display Boards for X-ray

DetectorsCustom 3D Viewer Toolkits/SDKMedical Image Display Systems Medical Image Registration ToolkitsSterilizer for Infectious Waste 

Produc ts

BARCO N.V.Blackford Analysis Ltd.ContextVision ABIBMInternational Medical SolutionsIntrasense SAMX Imaging, Inc.Riverain Technologies








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Sidescan Sonar SystemsForward Looking SonarsAcoustic Positioning SystemsInertially-Aided GPS Positioning and Orientation SystemsInwater Holographic Microscope SystemsHydrographic Survey and Processing SoftwareInteractive 4D Geo-spatial Processing and Analysis Software

INNOMAR Technologie GmbHiXBlueKongsberg GeoAcoustics Ltd.MSI Transducers CorporationMicro�own AVISA B.V.Nortek ASOceanic Imaging Consultants, Inc.Patriot 3, Inc.Quality Positioning Services, B.V.R2 Sonic, LLCSafran Electronics & DefenseSALT (Subsea Asset Location Technologies Ltd.)

SIG FranceSea�oor Systems, Inc.SEAMOR Marine Ltd.Sercel Marine Source Business UnitSonardyne International Ltd.Sound Metrics CorporationSyQwest Inc.Teledyne CARIS, Inc.Teledyne Gavia ehfTeledyne TSS Ltd. Teledyne Webb ResearchWärtsilä ELAC Nautik GmbH

Hydrophones/TransducersSensors for Oceanographic SurveyWater Side Security SystemsSpecial Equipment for DiversUnderwater Data Communication SystemsAcoustic Doppler InstrumentationOptronics Sights

Page 9: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


TOYO Technical CenterTOYO Technical Center, sta�ed by over 100 engineers, is located at our central Tokyo headquarters campus - just 2 blocks from Tokyo Station. This facility plays a central role in all of our technological activities, including instrument calibration, customer device testing and characterization, technical support, product development, product customization, and technical education and seminars. Our investments in facility infrastructure dedicated to calibration and conformance testing laboratories, incoming inspection and test, technical and application support, and formalized technical instruction have made TOYO Technical Center a world-class facility. In addition, Development Division within the Center creates original products and customized solutions using state-of-the-art products from our overseas partners, combined with TOYO's unique knowledge of the applicable technology discipline, the customer domain, and Japan speci�c challenges.

Customized Systems Developed by TOYO

Synesis 100Gbe Packet Capture/Analysis System

Automatic EMI Measurement System

As a development and monitoring solutions provider specializing in measurement instruments for many decades, TOYO has introduced advanced technologies to Japan from all around the world.

Presently, we are able to customize products by advanced measurement instrument manufacturers in the U.S. and Europe, as well as to develop original products by combining our accumulated know-how with the new technologies acquired by our skilled system engineers. Through such an amalgamation, we can address any kinds of customer needs by building advanced foreign measurement instruments into a system that matches the needs, and even by combining superior products to achieve high-level measurement impossible to accomplish with a single piece of instrument and by developing measurement systems currently non-existent overseas by ourselves. Such measurement system development capabilities are unique to TOYO, and we are equipped with technical abilities that are comparable to those of a manufacturer.

In recent years, we have been further expanding our scope of activities through provision of our self-developed products and systems to other Asian countries and North America.

Multi-Channel LC Material Characteristics Measurement System

Hideyuki OkazawaDirector, Senior VP, CTO

As is exempli�ed in the information communication �eld, science and engineering technologies in various areas have been picking up speed in their advancement ever more increasingly during the recent years. As a result, researchers have come to be expected to yield some results in a much shorter time than before.

In line with this, “Measurement Technologies” have also been progressing as fast to help these researchers ful�ll the expectations.

Closely monitoring the cutting-edge technologies around the world, our technical engineers spare no e�ort in fur ther brushing up their technological capabilities and skills to continue providing the most advanced products along with unrivalled technical support.

Only these strenuous yet untiring endeavors allow us to be a reliable partner for our customers who count on our value-added solutions which come with comprehensive technical support services with no exception.

We assure you that we are fully commit ted to continuing to come up to your expectations under the exhaustive technical support structure we have long established within our organization.

To ensure high-quality technical support and thorough customer satisfaction, TOYO Technical Center has obtained ISO9001 certi�cation in the �eld of “design, development, manufacture, inspection, installation, calibration, and repairs of electronic measuring instruments.” JQA-QM8795


TOYO's engineers strive to provide meaningful solutions in response to our customers' questions and requests. We introduce, sell, inspect, and install products satisfying the rigorous requirements of Japanese industry, while providing maintenance, repair, calibration,

and technical support services for every solution we sell. Our greatest satisfaction is the knowledge that our customers can - and do - rely on TOYO as a trusted partner to assist in the solution of technical challenges.

Product SupportIf our standard products do not satisfy the specialized requirements of a customer's application, TOYO's engineers will develop a customized solution to meet or exceed our customer's needs.

In-house Development / Customization

“Technical Support” is a key distinction of TOYO Corporation

Technical SupportCombining a keen understanding of the application domain, with the collective expertise of TOYO's engineers and the engineering departments of our overseas partners, TOYO is uniquely positioned to propose optimum solutions to resolve our customers' test, measurement and monitoring related issues. In addition to providing usage instructions for the products our customers have purchased, TOYO extends technical support services to include consulting services speci�c to system construction, technical seminars and other forms of formalized training.

After-sales ServicesAll of the products delivered by TOYO have undergone meticulous quality examinations and stringent performance tests before shipment to our customers. Moreover, TOYO has implemented a thorough after-sales service structure to swiftly respond in the event of a malfunction or should a technical inquiry arise.

Quality ManagementTOYO conducts exhaustive evaluation tests on ever y product from our overseas par tners before introduction to the Japanese market. These evaluations include testing product reliability in the harsh, high-humidity environments of Japan and with Japan's various power sources (100 VAC, 50/60 Hz), as well as product compliance with Japan's various emission and safety standards. Where necessary, we work with the manufacturer to improve product reliability, durability, and operation consistent with Japan's rigorous quality standards. As part of TOYO's ongoing quest for quality improvement, we provide a detailed monthly “failure report” to our overseas partners, as well as work with them to investigate the root cause of each failure and determine the proper mitigation and/or process change required for quality improvement.

Calibration LaboratoryTOYO provides calibration services for most major brand instruments using recognized industry standards and procedures. Instrument calibration enables our customers to con�dently employ instruments they have purchased for long periods of time, by verifying and maintaining an instrument's “precision” - a factor vital to measurement reliability. TOYO's Calibration Laboratory has obtained ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, and employs sophisticated technologies performing calibrations from DC to 40GHz.

• Multi-Channel LC Material Characteristics Measurement System

• LC Ion Density Measurement System• LC Voltage Holding Ratio Measurement System• LC Elastic Constant Measurement System• TFT-LCD Panel Measurement System• EMC Measurement System• Automatic EMI Measurement System• Automatic Radiated Immunity Measurement System• Hall Measurement System• Fuel Cell Test System• Secondary Battery Charge/Discharge Test System• Impedance Analysis Support Software• Packet Capture/Analysis System

• Motor Torque Test System• Power Booster

(for electrochemical measurement system)• High-Performance Ampli�er

(for LC & ferroelectric substance evaluation)• Ferroelectric Substance Evaluation System• Antenna Pattern Measurement System• Noise and Vibration Analysis System• Engine Test Bench Measurement System• Control Stability Analysis System• Driver Monitoring & Stimulation System• Precision Gear Noise Measurement System• On-Vehicle Brake Evaluation System• NAND Flash Memory Tester

Page 10: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of

Technology Interface CenterAt our Technology Interface Center, we have ready-to-use seminar rooms, of which the two largest ones measure approximately 200m2 (2,100ft2) each, where we hold various information and knowledge sharing seminars. The Center also houses a showroom where our customers can see demonstrations of the latest measurement instruments and have their samples measured as a trial. Additionally, the Center is a venue for our operation training courses which o�er practical classes using actual instruments.

Net Sales (Bi l l ions of yen)

TOYO Corporation and Consolidated SubsidiariesYears Ended September 30

Billion is used in the American sense of one thousand million.

The development of the Japanese industry can be characterized by such keywords of the times as the globalization of the automobiles, prevalence and improvement of networks, new energy development, and intensifying environmental consciousness. TOYO has been a supplier of measurement equipment and service support, which have sustained R&D in each development phase. As a result, measurements in various �elds are the source of revenue for TOYO. In recent years, IoT, big data, AI, self-driving cars, etc. have become the focus of attention. As long as such R&D activities are conducted in Japan, TOYO will be involved in them more actively. Besides, since the overseas market for R&D is much larger, we are aggressively pursuing opportunities for an expanded revenue stream on a global scale.

The internal reserve, which we have accumulated, will be used with the utmost care and bold determination for recruitment of personnel in and outside Japan, personnel development, improved facilities and equipment for customer support, and investments in companies that provide synergy e�ect. As a new venture, we have established an in-house company called “Security & Lab Company” and we intend to grow it as a core towards the next generation.

Concerning the return to shareholders, we increase the dividend by an unspeci�ed amount in view of the revenue forecast and �nancial situation based on the minimum dividend payout ratio of about 60%. TOYO will also consider repurchasing treasury shares �exibly.


Financial Operating Highlight

Shuuzou TotokiDirector, Executive VP, CFO

Even after delivering products, we continue to back up our customers by o�ering seminars and operation training so they can utilize our products to their fullest potential. We also provide consultation, analysis and testing services to address the customers’ measurement challenges and requirements.

Education / Services

Basic policy on environmental activities ISO14001 certi�cation

On the understanding that the conservation of the global environment as the basis of human existence is the utmost priority across the world and

that it is one of the most important concerns for the management, TOYO promotes active environmental conservation activities with a view to the coordination between the socio-economic development and the global environment through sound business activities.

Environmental E�orts

SeminarsAs part of our e�ort to ful�ll our mission as a technically-oriented trading �rm, we keep a close eye on the latest technology trends, and actively engage in keeping our customers up-to-date on such trends along with actual use cases through seminars for which we invite eminent Japanese professionals and engineers of overseas manufacturers as speakers. For the convenience of our customers, we hold these seminars in such other regions as Osaka, Nagoya, and Kyushu in addition to Tokyo (at our Technology Interface Center).

TrainingWe hold training courses as needed in order for our customers to acquire such knowledge as the basic operation and application methods of the products we provide. This is to help our customers master the usage of measurement instruments which are becoming more multi-functional and complex, thereby reducing the time they spend on research and development. Not only do we provide knowledge and skills to our customers, we also hope to grow with them as their strategic partner.

ConsultingUtilizing the optimum tools for the issues our customers are facing, we propose solutions that best match their needs. In this way, we o�er high quality services by fully utilizing the measurement knowledge we have accumulated over the course of many decades. For example, we can identify network problems and provide support from diagnosis to resolution.

HALT Technical CenterWe run our HALT Technical Center with an aim to help our customers gain a correct understanding of HALT methodology and various measurement techniques involved. Testing services and technical training sessions of HALT/HASS/HASA, which are indispensable to reduce time-to-market and the time to reproduce �eld failures, are also o�ered at this Center. JQA-EM4908

NanoImaging CenterImaging technologies play a large role in accelerating the advanced academic research, product development and quality improvements for industries. We have established the Keio-TOYO NanoImaging Center with the Faculty of Science and Technology of Keio University. The Center has assembled the latest imaging tools from across the world, including scanning electron microscopes and Nano/Micro CT scanners. We also hold technical seminars and provide contract analysis services.

Investments for growth and return to shareholders

[1] We promote natural resources saving and energy saving for the conservation of the global environment.

[2] We comply with the environmental laws, regulations, conventions, and voluntary control standard.

[3] We identify the environmental impact of our business activities, set the environmental objectives and targets for the entire company, review them, and proceed with continued activities.

[4] We promote recycling and the reduction of waste materials. [5] We contribute to the conservation of the global environment through the provision of the most

advanced measurement equipment representing the technical capabilities we hold as a leading “measurement” technology provider.

ISO14001 certi�cationTOYO Corporation was certi�ed under ISO14001, an inter-national standard for environmental management, in September 2005. Through our environmental activities in compliance with ISO14001, we strive to improve the environment continuously. As their distributor in Japan in particular, we communicate our policy to our over-seas principals and ask for their coopera-tion in order to spread the environmental improvement activities globally.

20.8 20.0


20.9 21.6







2015201420132012 20160.0







2015201420132012 2016

Net Income (Bil l ions of yen)








35 32.2 30.8 31.7 30.1 28.7

2015201420132012 2016

Total Shareholders' Equit y(Bil l ions of yen)

Page 11: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of







































TOYO Serving as a “Technology Interface”

180 Partners in more than 20 Countries

Through partnerships with 180 manufacturers in more than 20 countries across the globe, we introduce the Japanese industry with no delay to the latest and the most sophisticated overseas measurement solutions together with global standard technologies and know-how. Our mission as a “Technology Interface” is to facilitate further growth and development of the Japanese industry with these world-class measurement technologies we provide.

Established as Kowa Trading Co., Ltd., engaged mainly in import and sales of industrial machinery Set up Osaka Satellite O�ce

Changed the English company name to TOYO CorporationBrought in the D600, which was the world's �rst protocol analyzer and was the �rst such equipment for Japan

Brought in the world's �rst oscilloscope (then called “transient recorder” ) incorporating an IC memory, which was the �rst such equipment for Japan

Set up Nagoya Sales O�ce

Brought in the 810D, which was the world's �rst logic analyzer and was the �rst such equipment for Japan

Brought in an electrometer, which was indispensable for semiconductor development and was the �rst such equipment for Japan

Set up an engineering section called “Electronic Shop” (which has developed into the current Engineering Department)

Elevated the Osaka Satellite O�ce to Osaka Branch O�ce

Concluded exclusive distribution agreements with Kieserling (a secondary steel processing machinery manufacturer in Germany) and other leading overseas manufacturers


Changed the English company name to TOYO Trading Co., Ltd. Concluded an exclusive distribution agreement with EMI Factories (in the UK) and started addressing the electronic measuring equipment market

Brought in the ESVP, which was the world's �rst automatic test receiver

Set up a branch of TOYO Corporation China in Beijing

Established TOYOTech LLC in California, USA

Technical Center obtained ISO9001 certi�cation

Set up Utsunomiya Sales O�ce Launched Germany-based Carl Zeiss's SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)

Built TOYO Corporation Technology Interface Center in Nihonbashi Hongokucho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, where the head o�ce had formerly been located

Set up Security & Lab Company as an in-house company Established the Keio-TOYO NanoImaging Center jointly with the Faculty of Science and Technology of Keio University

Developed and launched the Synesis network packet capture/analysis system

Obtained ISO/IEC17025 and ISO14001 certi�cation

Assisted with the development of a next-generation application �ow analyzer and launched it

Developed and launched the TS9949 full-automatic EMI test system

Set up TOYO Calibration Laboratory in Technical Center

Established TOYO Corporation China (consolidated subsidiary as of now) in Shanghai, China

Bo HanTOYO Corporation China CEO

TOYOTech LLC President & CEO

Set up Technical Center Went public on the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Upgraded to the �rst section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Consolidated the Headquarters, Technical Center, and Electronic Sales Departments into a single building in Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Disseminating Japan-grown Measurement Technologies to the World

TOYO Corporation has been contributing to the Japanese industries by providing the world's most advanced “Measurement Technologies” in various �elds for more than 60 years.

In addition, we started to address the Chinese market in full swing by establishing TOYO Corporation China in Shanghai in 2010 and a branch o�ce in Beijing in November 2014. We have since been o�ering to customers in China and other Asian countries our self-developed EMC, fuel-cell, LC and other test and measurement solutions incorporating the technical know-how and skills we have accumulated over many years.

Furthermore, we have been globally providing the very �rst “100Gbps” wire-rate network analyzer in the data communication industr y, which we developed by integrating Japan's histor y-proven manufac turing techniques with the innovations of a Silicon Valley (US) start-up company we acquired.

Aiming to be a global solution provider, we will continue accelerating our business overseas.

Page 12: Corporate Pro˜le 2017 - 東陽テクニカ · TOYO Corporation is a leading company in measurement technologies who bolsters Japanese science and technology through provision of


Registered NameHead O�ceDate of EstablishmentCapitalNumber of EmployeesStock Exchange ListingsURL

Board of Directors

TOYO Corporation1-6, Yaesu 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8284, JapanSeptember 4, 1953Paid-in: ¥4,158 million471 (as of September 30, 2016)Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Division (Code: 8151)

President and CEODirector, Executive VP, CFO Director, Senior VP Director, Senior VP, CTODirector, Senior VPDirector, Senior VPOutside DirectorOutside DirectorAuditorAuditorAuditor

Masaru GomiShuuzou TotokiNoriyuki KatoHideyuki OkazawaToshiya KohnoMitsuru OnoderaNobuyoshi AkiyamaNobuyuki OkuboKazuhiko NozakiKiyo MorikawaShigehisa Horinokita

Corporate Data Organization

Shareholders Meeting


Board of Directors

President and CEO

Nano Imaging & Analysis

Physics and Chemistry Measurement Division

Mechatronics Measurement Solutions

Ocean Measurement Technology Division

EMC & Microwave Systems

Information, Communication and Computing Technologies

Software Solution

Sensor Solutions

Medical System Sales Division

Security & Lab Company

Osaka Branch O�ce

Nagoya Sales O�ce

Utsunomiya Sales O�ce

Technical Research Center

Engineering Division

Research and Development Division

Quality Assurance Division

Accounting Division

Human Resources Division

General A�airs Division

Logistics Division

Information Systems Division

Overseas Communications Division

Marketing Communication Division

Corporate Planning Division

Audit Division

Overseas Subsidiaries § TOYO Corporation China[Shanghai]Room 310, Enterprise Square, No.228 Meiyuan Rd, Jing'an District, Shanghai 200070, ChinaTel: +86-(0)21-6380-9633 Fax: +86-(0)21-6380-9699

[Beijing]Room 301, Building C, Yeqing Plaza, No.9 Wangjing North Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, ChinaTel: +86-(0)10-6439-2938

§ TOYOTech LLCFremont Business Park, 42840 Christy St., Ste. 209, Fremont, CA 94538, USATel: +1-510-438-9548 Fax: +1-510-438-9653

§ PolyVirtual CorporationFremont Business Park, 42840 Christy St. Ste., 209, Fremont, CA 94538, USA

Overseas A�liates § PROGRAMMING RESEARCH GROUP LTD.Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

§ Uila, Inc.2905 Stender Way, Suite 76E, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

Domestic O�ces § Head O�ce, TOYO Technical Center and Calibration Laboratory1-6, Yaesu 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8284, JapanTel: +81-(0)3-3279-0771 Fax: +81-(0)3-5205-2030

§ Technology Interface Center1-2, Hongokucho 1-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0021, Japan

§ O�ce for Industry-Academia Collaboration between TOYO Corporation and Keio University Central Service Facilities for Research

Keio University, Yagami Campus3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan

§ HALT Technical Center11-1, Wakamiya, Morinosato, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0124, Japan

§ Osaka Branch O�ceShin-Osaka Brick Building, 1-6-1, Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0003, JapanTel: +81-(0)6-6399-9771 Fax: +81-(0)6-6399-9781

§ Nagoya Sales O�ceIssha Chuo Building, 1-263, Takayashiro, Meito-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0095, JapanTel: +81-(0)52-772-2971 Fax: +81-(0)52-776-2559

§ Utsunomiya Sales O�ceUtsunomiya Otsuka Building, 2-4-3, Higashishukugou Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0953, JapanTel: +81-(0)28-678-9117 Fax: +81-(0)28-638-5380

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