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Coriolanusgreat amphitheatrical drama with music in 5 actsby tragedy of W.Shakespeare



Gaius Martius Coriolanus (tenor)

Lartius and Cominius - generals of Roma (tenor, bass)

Menenius Agrippa - friend of Coriolanus (bass)

Sicinius and Brutus - plebeian tribunes (tenor, barytone)

young Martius - Son of Coriolanus (spoken role)

Volumnia - Mother of Coriolanus (alto)

Virgilia - Wife of Coriolanus (soprano)

Tullus Aufidius - General of the Volscians (barytone)

Aufidius adjutant (tenor)


patricians, plebeians, soldiers etc...

Tribune IITr. 2Althorns 2Trbn. 2T.Cb.Timp.+T.picc.+Piatti.Tribune IIITr. 2Althorns 2Trbn. 2T.Cb.Timp.+T.picc.+Piatti.

Orchestra:Fl.picc.Fl. - 4Ob. - 4Cl. - 4Cl.b.Sax. - 2Fg. - 2C-fg.Tr. - 3Cor. - 4Trbn. - 3T.Cb.TimpaniT.picc.G.C.PiattiGongTrgl.HarpArchi: 12+12+8+6+4

Tribune I

Tr. 6


Coriolanus by William Shakespeares tragedy is great drama with music that means it is not an opera or musical, but specific dramatic form which might be called as comprehensive artwork where music still flows and actors are singing or speaking or just playing, but music never stops, what sustains permanent dramatic tension. Additionally, music is based on main motives (leitmotifs) which are characterizing individual persons or situations, so the music as such is also psychological element of drama.

Regarding the orchestration, there are 4 orchestras: the main orchestra and three tribunes (brass instruments + percussion) situated in the auditorium, which are joining the main orchestra mostly during mass scenes. The spectators thus have feel like they would be in the middle of scene as they are surrounded by sound. Players of the 1st tribune are during drama also moving behind the scene, what gives another sound effect in the most dramatic actions (battle, etc...).

Drama in this form has not been created never before !

Duration: approx. 2 hoursActors: approx. 150 performersOrchestras: 105 players


1st scene Roman square:

Outraged indigent plebeians are going to revolt against senate for obtaining more grain for themselves; subsequently Martius (later titled as Coriolanus) comes in, not hiding his scornful attitude towards cowardly and unknowing plebs. Into the conflict between Martius and plebeians the senators, tribunes and messenger arrive announcing the danger of incoming Volscian army led by redoubtable Tullus Aufidius. The senators with Martius are immediately going to Capitol, the plebeians quickly scatter to their homes, on the scene stay only tribunes Sicinius and Brutus, who begin to make political intrigues against hated Martius.

2nd scene - Corioli:

Aufidius announces to senators of Corioli that their war plans were divulged and the Roman army led by bold Martius has begun the offensive against them as first. Then Aufidius stays alone with his adjutant whom he swears that he will destroy Martius, his biggest and long-time rival: if not in a honest fight, then by using a ruse.

In front of the gates of Corioli Martius encourages the army to attack the city. He passes the city gates as the first, but the gates shut behind him. Lartius with warriors are trying to go to help him meanwhile Martius fights with Aufidius face to face behind the closed gates; Aufidius retreats before him and then finally runs away. Roman army has broken the gates and already occupies Corioli. Ceremonial fanfares announce the victory of Rome and Gaius Martius gets the title Coriolanus.


1st scene Roman square:

Menenius Coriolanus faithful friend accuses plebeian tribunes of hypocrisy and characterless careerism based on the naivity of plebs. All at once Coriolanusmother and wife come in bringing the news of the war triumphs, but Virgilia is not able to hide her fear for the life of her husband Martius and his wounds.

Within the sound of trumpets Herald comes to announce the victorious arrival of Martius Coriolanus with the army. After the welcome Coriolanus by his mother, wife and Menenius, the procession continues to Capitol. On the scene stay only jealous tribunes arranging political intrigues against Coriolanus again.

2nd scene Capitol (in the temple):

Senators, Cominius, Lartius, Menenius, Coriolanus: Gaius Martius Coriolanus is unanimously accepted as worthy to become the new Roman consul. But he must submit to old habit in which he should show plebeians his wounds to deserve their votes, what proud Coriolanus refuses: I cannot put on the gown, stand naked, and entreat them for my wounds sake to give their suffrage.... At the insistence of his friends and his mother he then unwillingly complies.


1st scene Roman square:

Coriolanus undergoes the ritual and with dislike begs for plebeian voices, but doesnt want to show his wounds. Despite it he wins their voices just thanks to accepting the old habit to beg for the votes and plebeians recognize him to be worthy to become their consul.

After Coriolanus leaving the square the tribunes begin to convince plebeians to recant their vote. Stupid plebs gets manipulated easily and turns against Coriolanus .

2nd scene - Capitol:

During the sound of fanfares the senators accompanied by military elite arrive in Capitol to declare Coriolanus as Roman consul. The ceremony is stopped by tribunes and by manipulated plebeians.

Coriolanus again verbaly attacks plebs and accuses them from blind unknowing; tribunes then from their thirst for the might and from their uselessness. After that almost civil war has broken out, Coriolanus is condemned to exile by tribunes and by manipulated plebs. Coriolanus leaves with the words: There is a world elsewhere.

His mother, wife and friends with tears bid farewell of Coriolanus; mother then damns the tribunes and whole Rome.


1st scene - Antium, Aufidius camp:

People in Antium are rejoicing : Aufidius got informed about Coriolanus exile and about the threat of civil war in Rome. So there is a rejoining, drinking in his camp, cheerful music sounds...Into it Coriolanus comes in, issuing himself at the mercy of his rival. Aufidius welcomes him warmly and asks him to lead his army against Rome; Coriolanus agrees.

Aufidius then confides to his adjutant with his plan to destroy Coriolanus after winning Rome.

2nd scene- Roman square:

In Rome, there is a huge despair: just outside of the city gates is great army led by Coriolanus himself and all provinces are on fire already. The only one hope for Rome remains just on Coriolanus mother and wife, whom they delegate to ask for mercy in Antium.


1st scene tent of Coriolanus :

Volumnia, Virgilia and Coriolanus son young Martius come to beg Coriolonaus for a mercy for Rome; Coriolanus succumbs to their entreaties and promises Rome the peace.

2nd scene in front of the Roman gates:

All Romans are awaiting with hope the return of Coriolanus mother and wife. Messenger announces the ceasefire and people welcome with great joy incoming women whose mood is in foreboding of the Coriolanus end in big contrast to the mood of joyful plebs.

3rd scene Antium:

Aufidius and conspirators promise the revenge on the traitor Coriolanus. He then comes accompanied by exulting people who glorify him for finishing the war and bloodshed.

Aufidius accuses him of the betrayal and with the participation of conspirators kills him. He himself then with another three men grabs and carries away the dead body of the great, brave and virtuous man Coriolanus...

At the end, behind scene appears the figure of Coriolanus son Martius with big shiny sword in his hands...

Main music motives (leitmotifs):Coriolanus

Coriolanus (extended)


Death of Coriolanus

Victorious Coriolanus

Young Martius son of Coriolanus

Tullus Aufidius

Plebeians mass

Tribunes of plebeians

Roman nobility



Volumnia (extended)

Virgilia (+ motive of the kiss)

Ceremonial entry to Capitol click

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