

Considering that we need to extract the core and cavity for the model below, we have to follow this process.

Go to Extract Geometry option

In this dialog box Go to Option Region. Set the required options.

Especially timestamp.

Cavity Extraction

Lets extract cavity first. Pick the seed face and click enter,

Then pick Boundary face , click enter twice.

The following will be the result.

Your cavity surface is going to look like this

Now for Core extraction:

Pick the same options of going to Extract geometry. The while picking the seed face, pick the following.

The boundary should be the following;

Hit enter twice and lo! There is your core.

That completes your core cavity extraction. This will give you two single entities of the core and cavity surfaces in the model tree. This depends upon how you want the parting line.

This feature can also be Wave linked etc. with other files. This is entirely parametric.

Happy Core-Cavity Extraction!!!

NAV Region

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