
Core Area: PLANT SCIENCE Unit Title: BASIC BOTANY Topic: PLANT PARTS PLANT PARTS Roots Leaves Stems Fruit Flowers PLANT PARTS Types of root systems Fleshy roots Taproot Fibrous roots ROOT PARTS Root hairs Root cap Meristem Leaf parts blade petiole midrib apex base margin stomata LEAF PARTS LEAF TYPES simple compound needle simple leaves Leaf arrangements simple leaves Leaves compound leaves STEMS central support structure of the plant STEM PARTS buds nodes internodes bark lenticels leaf scars scale scars FRUIT TYPES Simple: derive from a single pistil Compound: form from several ovaries at one time Accessory: develop from parts other than the ovary Simple fleshy fruits Simple dry fruits Compound fruits Multiple Aggregate separate flowers fused into a single structure many ovaries on a single flower FLOWERS sepals petals stamens pistils Flowers usually contain four main parts: FLOWER PARTS A complete flower has all four main parts. A perfect flower has stamens and a pistil. FLOWER PARTS The stamens consist of: Anthers: contain the pollen Filaments: anther support The pistil is composed of : Stigma: structure at the top for collecting pollen Style: support structure below the stigma Ovary: enlarged part holding the ovules (eggs) FLOWERS PLANT CLASSIFICATIONS A monoecious plant has male and female flowers on the same plant A dioecious plant has male and female flowers on different plants a pistillate plant has only female parts A staminate plant has only male parts A hermaphroditic plant has a perfect flower Plants are classified by flower and type:

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