Page 1: CORA Quarterly · CORA patients have consistently reported a 98% satisfaction rate with our clinicians and they re-turn to work and their lifestyles more quickly. Our clinicians provide

basis. Referral sources and pa-

tients appreciate our personal

approach to care and regular

feedback on patient progress

because it promotes better out-

comes and makes it easier for

the referral sources to manage

their cases. Simply put, our ther-

apists are the best around and

the support staff is second to


Everything we do as a company

begins with our clinicians, so we

thank them for their profession-

alism, skill and dedication to

helping our patients say, “I’m


Dennis R. Smith

CEO, CORA Health Services, Inc

A t CORA, our mission is

to provide rehabilitation

services in a professional and

caring manner and to return our

patients to their jobs and life-

styles as soon as possible.

CORA delivers a broad range of

clinical services with respect and

consideration for the needs of

our patients. To assure the best

outcome, we use proven clinical

practices, cost effective treat-

ment protocols and communi-

cate with our patients, their phy-

sicians and case managers.

We have earned a reputation of

excellence because we hire the

best therapists and deliver excep-

tional results through proven

clinical practices and cutting-edge


Our team is passionate about

helping patients achieve their

recovery goals. We recruit the

most qualified clinicians in the

country, with advanced degrees

and certifications. Then, we em-

power them with cutting edge

facilities and a full spectrum of

clinical programs.

Every CORA clinician is trained

to create individualized treat-

ment plans based on the specific

needs of the patient and motivate

them towards achievable goals.

CORA patients have consistently

reported a 98% satisfaction rate

with our clinicians and they re-

turn to work and their lifestyles

more quickly.

Our clinicians provide progress

reports to patients, physicians

and case managers on a regular

CORA offers free screenings for

injuries associated with extreme

workouts or Crossfit training;

sports-related injuries, injuries

related to slipping and falling,

and nagging aches and pains

that are part of an active life

style. One of our licensed pro-

fessionals will evaluate your

injury and provide treatment or

make a referral if needed. Call

866.443.2672 to schedule your

free screening and to find a

location nearest you.

University High School captured the

trophy in the 9th Annual Athletic

Training Olympics sponsored by

CORA. Fifteen Orange County high

schools participated in events such

as Blind Ankle Taping and Crutches

Relay. The day was capped off with

a huge dance party and great ca-


A Message from the CEO


T H I S I S S U E :




Rosen Part-



New Deland



Employees of

the Quarter


OT Corner 4

CORA Offers Free Screenings

CORA Quarterly A P R I L 2 0 1 2 I S S U E # 1

CORA is on Facebook!

Athletic Training Olympics

Brings Home the Gold

Page 2: CORA Quarterly · CORA patients have consistently reported a 98% satisfaction rate with our clinicians and they re-turn to work and their lifestyles more quickly. Our clinicians provide

P A G E 2

“Five million

Americans suffer

from Fibromyalgia—

90% are women.”.

CORA Partners with Rosen Hotels & Resorts

Managing Your Fibromyalgia There are an estimated 5 million

Americans that suffer with Fi-

bromyalgia—that is roughly 1 in

50. Did you know that 90% of

people diagnosed with Fibromyal-

gia are women, that is 7 times

more common in women than in

men. Yet the awareness and

treatment options are not as prev-

alent as they should be. On aver-

age it takes about 5 years to get

an accurate diagnosis for those

who suffer from Fibromyalgia and

treatment options focus on only a

few symptoms when the majority

of suffers have 6-7 different


Although the cause is unknown it

stands to be the second most

common diagnosed musculoskel-

etal ailment, after osteoarthritis.

Fibromyalgia is a common syn-

drome which causes long -term,

wide-spread pain and tenderness

in muscles, tendons and other

soft tissues. These painful and

tender areas are most likely found

in the soft tissue along the back of

the neck, shoulders, chest, lower

back, hips, shins, elbows, and

knees. Most people describe

their pain as a deep ache, or a

shooting, burning pain.

What are your treatment op-

tions if you are diagnosed with

Fibromyalgia? There is a wide

variety of treatment options for

Fibromyalgia published over the

years with varied success since

there is no current cure. The goal

of treatment is to help relieve the

pain and improve function. The

common types of treatment pre-

scribed may be:

Physical Therapy: Gentle

stretching and massage tech-

niques, pain management modali-

ties, strengthening exercise,

Aquatic Exercise, sleep guide-

lines, pacing skills, ergonomic

training , dietary /vitamin / nutri-

tional supplement counseling, and

information on support groups.

Each patient’s program will be

individualized based on their

specific symptoms.

Stress-relief methods: May

include light massage and relaxa-

tion Techniques.

Cognitive-behavior therapy:

May focus on recognizing what

makes the symptoms worse,

keeping a pain diary, setting lim-

its, learning how to deal with

negative thoughts, and seeking

out enjoyable activities.

Medications: May be prescribed

to improve pain tolerance and

sleep regularity/quality. Medica-

tions should be used in conjunc-

tion with exercise and behavior


Other recommendations may

include: Eating a well-balanced

diet, avoid caffeine, practice good

sleep routines, acupressure, and


Physical Therapy at CORA

Rehabilitation Clinics:

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condi-

tion that at present time has no

cure. The Fibromyalgia Program

at CORA gives patients the tools

necessary to manage their symp-

toms and thereby improve the

quality of their lives. Quality of

life improvements require time,

commitment, discipline, and an

open mind. The Program is indi-

vidualized to teach each patient

how to take control over aches,

pains and fatigue that typically

prevent many from enjoying their


A CORA-run clinic

inside the new facility

on International Drive

is open three days a

week to provide care

for almost 5,000 cov-

ered lives.

CORA is proud to partner

with Rosen Medical Center,

A Place for Healing and

Wellness, to provide physi-

cal therapy and rehabilita-

tion services to Rosen Ho-

tels & Resorts employees.


Page 3: CORA Quarterly · CORA patients have consistently reported a 98% satisfaction rate with our clinicians and they re-turn to work and their lifestyles more quickly. Our clinicians provide

Deland CORA to Have a New Home

P A G E 3 I S S U E # 1

The current CORA Rehabilita-

tion clinic in Deland is moving

into a new, state-of-the-art Medi-

cal Complex in conjunction with

West Volusia Family and Sports

Medicine. The



day on January

21 marked the

beginning of

construction for

the new medical

complex in


The new location

will allow for a


approach that

will address both

preventative and

disease manage-

ment healthcare.

Services will include family med-

icine, sports medicine, physical

therapy, and a new Wellness

Clinic that will provide custom-

designed weight loss manage-

ment programs.

The Sports Medicine facility will

have an Aquaciser, outdoor

training area for athletes and an

Astro turf track to cater to West

Volusia athletes from high

schools and Stetson University.

Clinic manager Summer Taylor

(PTA, CEAS) has been with

CORA for 10 years. She has

specialty certifications in Ergo-

nomics, Equine Rehabilitation,

Mulligan Techniques, Pediatrics,

Aquatics and Sports Medicine.

Athletic Trainer John McFarland

has been with CORA 6 of his 20

years experience. He is a certi-

fied strength and conditioning

specialist and Kinesiotaping

practitioner. He

has worked with

big name ath-

letes in profes-

sional sports,

including NAS-

CAR, the Balti-

more Orioles

and Stetson

Baseball .

Andrew Mills

(DPT) is a recent

graduate of Uni-

versity of St.

Augustine’s Doc-

torate program

with an under

grad in Athletic

Training and joined our staff in

June of 2009. Andrew has been

training for his Strength and

Conditioning Certification and

will sit for the exam in mid 2012.

Employees of the Quarter

“The new

location will

use a


approach that

will address


and disease



Central Florida: Mike Ferguson

The Titusville Clinic Manager, Mike earned an AS as a Physical Therapist Assistant from Seminole State Col-lege in 1997. He spent four years at a Michigan specialty spine rehab clinic and eight years in Idaho mentoring with a certified manual therapist. Mike specializes in improving core stability while helping patients with proper body mechanics relative to functional mobility, daily living and sports specific recreational activities.

An extremely hard worker, Mike was selected because he is an excellent clinician who possesses the skill, creativity and enthusiasm to get the patients excited to come to therapy and keep coming. He motivates peo-ple and creates an energy in the clinic that makes our Titusville clinic stand out among our competitors.

Tampa: Lloyd Ignacio

Lloyd received his BS in Physical Therapy from De La Salle University in 1995 and joined our CORA family in the Lakeland clinic in 2004. He specializes in orthopaedics, sports and geriatrics. Lloyd is also a Kine-siotaping Practitioner and has training in MFR (Myofascial Release ®) and Mulligan Techniques.

A very dedicated and strong team player, Lloyd works hard and makes every effort to help our clinic suc-ceed. This not only includes being aware of budgeted goals, but also taking those patients who walk in very late or squeezing in an eval and al-ways giving his best. Our patients love him; appreciate his skill, his crazy humor and his occasional sere-nade. Believe it or not, sometimes he really does whistle while he works!

South Florida: Daphne Ardizon

Daphne graduated from Florida Inter-national University with a Masters degree in Physical Therapy in 2006. She joined the CORA team in May of 2007 as a staff PT in the West Dade clinic and in July 2010, became Clinic Manager. Daphne enjoys working with a varied patient population and a variety of diagnoses, and her special-ty is in manual therapy, where she is a Clinical Orthopedic Manual Thera-pist certified from the Ola Grimsby Institute in 2010.

Her focus is on providing quality patient care with special attention to psychosocial influences and setting realistic and obtainable goals. Daphne has been providing excellent custom-er service and has gone above and beyond by pioneering the “weekly clinical tip of the week.”

Michigan: Sharon Hladik

Regional trainer Sharon Hladik has been with the company since June 1992. She is a huge asset in every aspect of her role, cleaning up ac-counts receivable in Michigan as well as in Florida. A constant resource for all of the MI PSC’s as well as Clinic Managers, She has taken several roles upon herself without the request of her superiors to keep us updated on the newest regulations.

In addition to being the first to attend any company function, Sharon always gives quality feedback regarding any matter when approached. We recog-nize Sharon for her commitment, flexibility, vast knowledge of insurance guidelines/AR, as well as for her ability to handle difficult patient com-plaints with grace and ease.

Page 4: CORA Quarterly · CORA patients have consistently reported a 98% satisfaction rate with our clinicians and they re-turn to work and their lifestyles more quickly. Our clinicians provide

Rheumatoid Arthritis and OT

Hand and Occupational Therapists are uniquely qualified to treat patients suffering from RA. After two decades of working with this population, Lynn Agnew, CORA’s Hand Therapy Program Director, believes that every patient with RA would benefit from annual visits to an Occupa-tional Therapist who is familiar with his or her case. As the hands and wrists change, new splinting and exercise recommendations can be made. One of the most im-portant jobs of the OT/CHT in treating patients with arthri-tis is EDUCATION. Take a look at a few of these helpful hints, proven strategies to help the RA patient to manage pain:

1. Avoid forceful or prolonged pinch or grip.

2. Use the strongest joint possible for the job.

For more information, ask your physician how OT can help you!

CORA Health Services, Inc.

April is National

Occupational Therapy Month!

Occupational Therapists help peo-

ple of all ages participate in the

things they want and need to do

through the therapeutic use of eve-

ryday activities. OTs “Help Others

Live Life To The Fullest!”

Occupational Therapy Corner

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