
Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006






19-21st November,2006

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006


1) Characteristics of ICT

2) ICT for Education- Applications of ICT

3) ICT initiatives in Kenyatta University

4) Main Challenges


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

1) Unique Characteristics of ICT ICT is pervasive and cross-cutting

From personal use to business and Govt.

Can be tailored to meet personal, local, diverse needs.

 ICT creates networks

Those connected benefit from the network

The Network externalities increases as it grows


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Characteristics cont’ICT disseminates information and


Separates content from its physical location

Makes knowledge available to remote communities

ICT allows for zero or declining marginal costs

Replication of content is free

Distribution of marginal cost is near zero

ICT reduces transaction costs4

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Characteristics cont’ICT enhances efficiency

Has power to store, retrieve, sorts, filter and distribute information 

Makes processes and transactions leaner and more effective

ICT reduces the need for intermediaries

Links consumers directly to producers

Allows users to acquire products and services directly


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Characteristics cont’

ICT is global

Transcends cultural and linguistic barriers

Allows local communities to be part of the global network


These characteristics suggest that ICT can be a powerful enabler of development


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

2) ICT for EducationApplications of ICT

Distance Education Affordability and geography have been barriers to


ICT has enhanced the quality of distance education

Six largest Distance Learning Universities are located in developing countries: Turkey, Indonesia, China, India, Thailand and Korea

Distance Education facilitated by ICT has mainly been applied to tertiary education

ICT has enabled cross-border education 7

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Applications cont’

Scientific Research

Development of networks over the internet empowers indigenous research & development (R&D) in developing countries

Existence of virtual research groups allows databases and information to be shared

ICT enhances North-South and South-South collaborations


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Applications cont’

Technical and vocational training

ICT is being employed to train workers in many functional areas e.g Health care,IT services, teachers


Education Administration

Enhances day-to-day management of institutions


•Student admission &Tracking

•Financial Management

•Medical services

•Procurement & store management

•Data distribution & management

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006


UNIVERSITY Open LearningBefore 2003 Kenyatta University offered residential programmes only

In 2003 an Open Learning programme was launched

Eight Regional Centres were established

The Learning Management System (Blackboard) was procured to facilitate e-learning

Open Learning Centres have access to internet

Open learning programme has enhanced access to university education 10

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

ICT Initiatives cont’

Kenyatta University is a member institution of the African Virtual University

Programmes are offered collaboratively between Kenyatta University and other universities,e.g. Curtin University,Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Courses are delivered through chat rooms, email, bulletin boards, tele & video conferencing

Kenyatta University’s AVU is well equipped: internet connected computer rooms, video and tele conferencing halls, VSAT etc 11

Virtual Learning

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

ICT Initiatives cont’

University Management

Kenyatta University recently recognized the need to make key administrative and management activities more efficient

With financial support from Rockefeller Foundation,the following areas are being computerized:

•Student admission &Tracking

•Financial Management

•Medical services

•Data management

•Networking 12

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

ICT Initiatives cont’

Other initiatives

University Strategic and Vision Plan

• Plan Targets a computerization programme that will support all the activities of the University

University ICT policy

• ICT policy acts as framework for ICT initiative in the University

• Operates under the umbrella of national ICT policy 13

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

ICT Initiatives cont’

Increased Bandwidth

• For e-learning to be effectively used, there is need for increased bandwidth of internet access

• Bandwidth has been increased from 1mbps to 2mbps this year

• This has enhanced up loading of e-learning course materials and faster downloading


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

ICT Initiatives cont’

Increased number of computers

• Kenyatta University currently has 1,787 computers

• The projection is to have over 2,772 by 2008

• Laptops to be provided soon to members of senate to facilitate e-senate meetings


ICT training for staff and students

•Training to target all students and teaching and non-teaching staff whose work require computers

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

ICT Initiatives cont’

Building a University internetwork

•Project for networking all the campuses developed

•Proposed network will create an intranet to enhance information sharing within and outside the University

•Project to reduce paper work and increase efficiency

Security of ICT

• A unit to be established to deal with:

•Data security

•Data network security

• Software development & Systems administration 16

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

4) Challenges


Limited Infrastructure

Africa has only 2% of the global telephone network with over half of the lines in cities

In Africa, telephone density is less than 2 lines per 1,000 inhabitants, compared with:

• 48 per 1,000 in Asia

• 280 per 1,000 in America

• 314 per 1,000 in Europe

• 520 per 1,000 in high-income countries

Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Challenges Cont’

Low speed & frequent breakdowns of servers

Sometimes it takes too long to download a single big document

Frequent internet interruptions

Frequent power interruptions


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Challenges Cont’

Inadequate ICT skills

A percentage of teaching staff do not have adequate ICT skills for teaching and research

Some staff unwilling to try out the technology

Inadequate technical support

Inadequate technical support in areas of installation, operation, and maintenance of technical equipment (including software), network administration, and network security.


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006

Challenges Cont’

Prohibitive costs

ICTs require large capital investments

Universities in Africa generally have limited budgets

This leads to high student and staff computer ratio

Even where basic infrastructure has been provided by development partners, sustainability is still a problem


Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006Copyright © Prof. Olive M. Mugenda 2006



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