Page 1: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the
Page 2: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Ltd All rights reserved. Published by Kevin Richardson Notes to the Reader: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under U.S copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering medical advice. All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made. Readers are encouraged to verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions or anything else contained within these pages before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read herein. The author of this e-book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions made by purchasers of this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. Individual results may vary.

Page 3: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



Table Of Contents PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... 4

How To Use This Book .................................................................................................... 8

The Principal of Superfoods ......................................................................................... 10

Important Nutrients In Superfoods............................................................................. 25

Wake Up To A Super You: Pre Breakfast Elixirs ......................................................... 47

Nuts, Berries And Grains ............................................................................................... 57

Power Lunches For The Powerful You ........................................................................ 79

Guilt Free Pick Me Ups ................................................................................................ 106

Dining And Winding Down .......................................................................................... 114

A Seven-Day Plan .........................................................................................................124

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................155

Page 4: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



PREFACE Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a

young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the

door to this magical land, an interesting encounter with food is depicted. She finds

a cake that is simply labeled eat me. When she takes a nibble she blows up to the

size of a house and cries inconsolably until she finds an elegant bottle of liquid

that is directing her to drink it. When she takes a swig, she shrinks to petite


What does any of this have to do with food and eating?

Today we are bombarded by all sorts of products with similar

labels. They often tell you that they will help you lose weight or

can keep you from aging faster than what you really are. Much

like the naïve Alice, we throng health counters and pop

multivitamin supplements that we hope will magically transport

us to the league of the slim and toned.

This book is an attempt to cultivate a more mature attitude towards food and

nutrition in general. They say that we are what we eat and this is definitely the

truth. Our cells are heavily influenced by the foods that we ingest every day.

Therefore, when we eat something it should be a well informed choice made with

the objective of promoting not only the generic idea of a disease free and healthy

body but also with improving one’s well being in mind.

Incorporating certain types of food habits will help you fine tune your health and

consequently make you feel happier about yourself. This process requires changes

but bear in mind that these changes will be worth it because they will help you

redefine your relationship with food.

Page 5: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



The industrial revolution fostered the division of labor and in doing so established

the idea of all things being manufactured piece by piece rather than as a whole.

This permeated every aspect of our life and continues to do it to this very day.

Food started being manufactured on these assembly lines in sterilized

environments, going through several chemical processes before we pick it off the

shelves in a supermarket. It’s a common practice that is being used in many homes

and restaurants in all spots around the world

The human body too came to become a commodity and the ideal dimensions of

the ‘parts’ – waist size, height, weight – all came to be standardized. The human

‘being’ was thus hijacked by these generalized notions of what the ideal person

should look like. Meanwhile, any deviation from the ideal was perceived as an

anomaly and a ‘defect’. This is a cautious and dangerous way of looking at the

human body.

Do not let these images usurp your sense of who you are. Listen to your body and

think about what it really needs. It’s time to take a more organic and humane look

at your body. This book will tell you what no other kind of diet book will. It will tell

you that you are doing something right and that you may already be eating things

that are good for you. This book is simply a set of signposts in the food map you

live in. It also points to some new paths you might want to explore.

In order to reeducate ourselves about the right food, scientists have actually

looked to the past. Cultures have tested the nutritive values of food over the years

not in a laboratory but by genuine empirical study. The scientific community has

taken these culturally recognized ‘good foods’ and identified the specific qualities

of each that can add not only health but well being to a person’s life. This book is

as much about food as it is about reformulating the way we perceive our foods

and their contributions to our bodies.

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We will begin with a brief look at a more holistic image of a human body. Then we

elaborate on why the nutritive value of certain types of food provides

comparatively higher health benefits than others. These certain foods are known

as superfoods that you should aim to use in your diet. The need to incorporate as

much of these foods into your diet as possible is important for your general


These foods are arranged with several unique health benefits dedicated to giving

your body the support you deserve when it comes to keeping it under control.

You’ll learn that many of these foods are arranged with a series of different

substances like fiber, antioxidants and a number of healthy fats.

To start you off, we have handpicked a few dozen superfoods that you should eat

so you can live your life to the fullest. These foods are arranged in many

categories dedicated to all of the different kinds of foods that you can get in your

diet. These foods include everything ranging from berries to nuts to many other

products. These include many options dedicated to helping you get something

that fits in perfectly with your diet.

You will also learn about a variety of ways how you can adjust your diet in

accordance to these foods. This includes seeing how your daily meals should be

used with these foods in mind to give you the best chance of possibly losing

weight and to also improve your body’s appearance in general.

You’ll particularly get a seven day guide that lists information on how you can

spend an entire week with these superfoods. This can be found near the back part

of this book. The schedule for getting these superfoods in your diet is interesting

to see because it has so many different foods for you to choose from. You can find

a variety of different foods dedicated to keeping your body healthy and capable of

Page 7: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



receiving all the antioxidants, fiber, protein and healthy fats that you need among

many other nutrients and features in your diet.

Several recipes are also included in this guide. These recipes relate to all of the

different superfoods that you can add in your diet every day. Many of these

recipes are very easy to prepare but some others will require a little more of an

effort. The benefits of these recipes will be worth it after you get started with

your diet.

This book has been made with the intention of giving you a clear idea of what your

body needs so it can feel healthy and capable of doing what you feel. Be sure to

refer to this book often during your diet so you can get a better idea of what

might work out right for your general health needs.

Page 8: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



Chapter 1

How To Use This Book

What is the most important thing to you in your daily life? Is it something that

relates to your job or your work life? Maybe it’s something relating to other

people in your life like your kids, parents or even someone you are dating.

It doesn’t really matter with regards to who is the most important person to your

daily life or what you really want to get out of it all. The fact of the matter is that

you might end up spending more time trying to get your body to feel its strongest

depending on your particular condition. Every single activity that you get yourself

into requires a certain level of energy, dedication and nurturing. This nurturing will

come through the hours you put in and also by the effort you exert in growing

these aspects of your life.

However, the time you have to do all of these things in is very limited. I wish that

all of us could live forever so we could all do the things that we have always

wanted to do in our lives but there is no real way how we can pull it all off. Each

day is important and maintaining an optimum level of health and motivation is

crucial for you to use so you can realize your goals.

The human mind is a wonderfully malleable entity that can be adjusted in any way

you see fit. It can be trained, conditioned and reconditioned as often as you need

it to change and can involve all sorts of ways how your body can be adjusted.

Think of the human body as the ultimate solar cell – the energy from the sun is

synthesized through food. Our body is the sophisticated end product of years of

evolution in that it carries in it all the ingredients required for the body to be

efficient and healthy.

Page 9: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



Once you tell yourself that each day is precious and that each day must be one

devoted to living life to the fullest, you are well on your way towards investing in a

healthier eating habit. The very fact that you have downloaded this book is a

positive indicator as it is the first step towards reclaiming your body and

reclaiming your life and structuring it in a way that brings you the most happiness

and satisfaction.

Page 10: Copyright © 2016Lewis Carroll’s much celebrated children’s classic Alice in Wonderland follows a young girl’s adventures in an unknown and exciting world. Before she finds the



Chapter 2

The Principles Of Superfoods

What is it about the superfood that makes it such a special thing for your diet?

The concept of the superfood is interesting because it creates a healthy sense of

control in the body. You could particularly benefit from the use of superfoods in

your diet when you consider how these are made with so many advantages in

mind. This section is dedicated to giving you all sorts of details on everything you

might get out of these superfoods.

Once you see how well superfoods can work for your body, you will begin to

realize just why these superfoods are so critical for your general health needs.

Let’s take a look at some of the best principles that relate to how these

superfoods can be used every day in your body.

1. The superfood will give your body more for your general health needs.

Have you ever tried eating foods for health purposes and failed to actually feel

better? The problem with so many foods is that they don’t contain the critical

things that you need in your daily life in order to stay healthy. This is a real hassle

but it is a problem that must be understood if you actually want to keep your body

running as well as possible.

There are so many different dangerous products out there that it can be a

challenge for your body to feel it's best if you are not careful enough. The world of

processed and artificially prepared foods only makes it harder for the average

body to actually get everything that it needs. Fortunately, the superfood will give

your body a natural series of supports from all sorts of critical ingredients.

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These include such features as the following:





Various vitamins and minerals

Take a look at the next chapter in this guide to get an idea of the many things that

you could be getting out of your superfoods. The odds are they might be things

that could improve your body in the long run or even some things that you might

not be getting enough of as it already is.

2. Superfoods may help you control the cholesterol levels in your body.

Have you ever had that tense feeling in your body where you feel like it is stiff?

Maybe you might feel worn out in certain parts of the body while other parts are

staying comfortable. Sometimes you might even feel chest pains every once in a

while. The pains could prove to be dull and difficult to maintain because they can

keep showing up at random times.

The odds are that these might occur around your body because your blood is not

flowing properly. This could be due to an excess amount of cholesterol in your

blood vessels. This will get in the way of your arteries if it is not controlled in an

appropriate fashion. It could particularly lead to heart disease unless you are able

to control it in an appropriate fashion.

Your cholesterol levels are critical to your body. While it is true that cholesterol

may produce hormones and cells within your body, an excess amount of

cholesterol may also clog up your arteries, thus inhibiting a natural sense of blood

flow around your body.

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This is especially important considering how there are two different forms of

cholesterol that your body may experience. HDL cholesterol is needed for

supporting the development of cells around your body. LDL cholesterol will harm

the body by blocking its blood flow. Be sure to take a look at these two and that

you understand what they can do; we’ll be referring to these later on.

It’s a necessity to watch for your cholesterol intake every day. You have to not

only avoid eating saturated fat or foods that are high in cholesterol but also make

sure you are eating foods that can control cholesterol levels. This includes foods

that are actually useful for HDL cholesterol levels above all else.

You might be interested in learn later on in this report about how almonds and

beans can control cholesterol levels in your body. These can increase the amount

of HDL cholesterol that you have while also lowering the amount of LDL

cholesterol you are dealing with. This benefit should assist you in having a

healthier body after a while.

3. Some superfoods may control blood sugar levels.

Are you aware of how diabetes can be a risk at any point in your life? Even if you

do not have diabetes you could still be at risk of getting it if you are not careful

with your body. Anyone who is overweight will be at risk of developing diabetes.

This is regardless of your family’s prior history with this condition or how healthy

your body might have felt a while ago.

Your body has to control its blood sugar levels if you want it to stay healthy. Blood

sugar levels can become especially dangerous if you are not careful enough

because they will cause you to develop diabetes if they do not stay under control.

This is particularly the case if you are overweight.

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People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from serious issues relating

to diabetes because they cannot control their blood sugar well. Your body will not

be likely to burn off its calories or fats as well as it should if it is not capable of

maintaining its blood sugar levels.

A high blood sugar level will only cause your body to resist insulin. This often

makes it harder for your body to burn off fats and other materials that get into

your body after a while. Therefore, you will be more likely to suffer from diabetes

if you are not able to keep blood sugar levels under control.

In addition, it might force you to become more reliant on some medications for

the treatment of changes in your blood sugar levels. These include medications

that you’d have to inject into your body. It is an extreme inconvenience that

requires plenty of blood testing just as well. This testing procedure involves

sticking something into your fingers to draw out blood. It’s a messy process that is

inconvenient and sometimes painful.

Fortunately, you could protect yourself from diabetes if you are careful with

whatever it is you are trying to do with it. Several superfoods can help you control

your blood sugar levels. They can even minimize its levels after a while, thus

supporting the body’s natural ability to produce insulin. You may end up being less

reliant on diabetes medications if you use the right superfoods in your diet.

This is very important for your general health because it will influence the way

how your body will respond to diabetes treatments and how you are naturally

able to burn off calories. You have to use this the right way if you want your body

to stay healthy and under control.

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4. Superfoods may even help you to control your likelihood of developing


Many people worry about cancer and how it can spread in just about any spot

around the body. This does not mean that you have to stay in fear of this condition

all your life. You have to make changes to your diet in order to protect yourself.

It’s especially important for you to do this if you have a family history of cancer or

if you are seen as being at risk of a certain form of cancer due to some key feature

in your genes. This is not to say that you are guaranteed to develop cancer after a

while but it is still best to stay on the cautious side of things if you want to stay


Some superfoods can help you to keep from developing certain forms of cancer.

They may also be used by cancer patients alongside other treatments to control

the spread of cancer so it will be easier to remove from the body when the

appropriate treatments are being used.

These foods specifically target apoptosis, a condition where cells begin to die off

around the body. These cells will start to mutate and can cause other healthy cells

to die off just as well. This is a part of cancer that can quickly spread into more

places around the body and may be hard to control unless you can adjust your diet

and receive the appropriate treatment to keep this from being worse than what it

might already be like.

Apoptosis has to slow down if the cancer in your body is to be treated. It is easier

for the appropriate medications and treatments to be utilized well enough to limit

the growth of cancer cells if you take part in the process by using a healthier diet

with the right superfoods to take care of it all.

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The considerations about superfoods that control cancer are interesting to see:

Many of these superfoods will contain more fiber, thus removing old


These foods are also made with less fat and cholesterol. A low-fat diet is

strongly recommended among those with cancer.

They can even contain a number of antioxidants that are commonly used to

help remove old wastes in the body. These include mutated cells that may

become cancerous.

It is true that you may reduce your likelihood to develop cancer when you

consume the right superfoods. But what if you already have a particular form of

cancer? Is it really too late for you to use superfoods to control your body?

You can still use superfoods to improve your body’s ability to respond to the anti-

cancer drugs you are taking. The dietary support that you will be getting out of

this will end up being strong and useful.

Just make sure you take care of your body while recovering. A healthy diet with

the right superfoods will be great as long as you pair it with your current cancer

treatments. Always be sure that you listen to your doctor when receiving the right

treatment for your condition.

This is a big point to see because it is estimated that close to about a third of all

cases of cancer could end up being preventable depending on what your diet is

like. You have to keep your body under control with only the right sense of

support with a healthy diet that uses the superfoods that you will read about in

this guide.

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5. Superfoods are known as whole foods.

I know what you’re thinking – are you sure you are allowed to mention a brand

name supermarket in your report? Did you not get clearance to use their name for

this report?

Well, stop thinking that way because the fact is that whole foods are a real thing.

They’re foods used to improve your body’s ability to stay healthy without all of the

harmful things you’d normally find in your body.

The problem with so many foods in today’s environment is that they are made

with so many procedures relating to processing and artificial modification that

they often lose their nutrients. Artificial substances often make things even worse

on your body by creating allergens and even artificial sugars that can force you to

gain weight.

This is where a diet that is rich in many superfoods may be useful. Superfoods are

whole foods that are not adjusted in any artificial manner. They are prepared with

real ingredients in mind and are not altered to where you might feel something

different. In other words, the people who make these whole foods are actually

making some kind of an effort to give you a food that is healthy and suitable for

your dietary needs.

Think of it as though you were eating foods on the Paleo diet. Of course, using

more superfoods in your diet does not mean that you actually have to get on the

Paleo diet. It just makes it a little easier for you to take advantage of foods in your

diet because they are foods that haven’t been artificially adjusted by anyone.

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There are many benefits of whole foods that you should take a closer look at.

These are proof that you can use them in your daily routine to keep your diet

under control and as healthy and useful as it can be:

Whole foods are not processed with any artificial ingredients. Any of the

ingredients that are added in your foods are made with organic materials in

mind and are naturally occurring to keep the foods under control.

The foods are prepared in an organic environment without any pesticides

or other substances that might artificially enhance what is in the foods. In

other words, they are naturally organic foods. (Whether or not organically-

grown foods are guaranteed to have more nutrients than non-organic

foods is unclear.)

The nutrients and other health-related parts of whole foods will be kept

intact. Traditional processing procedures often remove some of the

vitamins and minerals that you would traditionally get out of these foods.

This is a part of your diet that you have to notice if you want to get anywhere with

it. You will be more likely to stay healthy and enjoy the best possible results out of

your diet if you have superfoods that are organically made or whole in nature.

It does not take much for you to get into a diet with these superfoods in mind.

Many people like to assume that diets that feature superfoods and other

naturally-occurring health foods are going to be a challenge to get into. They

often feel that their diets will be too restrictive and therefore harder to actually go

along with.

The truth about superfoods is that they don’t require you to stick with only a few

foods each day. The fact is that superfoods can be found in a variety of forms for

just about every meal in the day.

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As you will see later on in this report, the world of superfoods is incredibly vast.

It’s large enough to where you can legitimately enjoy a healthy diet that features

several unique foods for every meal in every day during the diet. The odds are you

will find a variety of different foods that can cater to your general needs at

practically any time in the day. It’s especially useful considering how there are

many foods available for your general health needs.

Here’s a look at the simple variety of products that you could be getting out of

your diet:

You can use fish a few times in a week but it’s especially beneficial if you

use more oily fish. These are made with a number of healthy fats in their oils

to keep your body under control. You’ll learn more about these healthy fats

later on in this guide.

Fruits and vegetables can be enjoyed in a variety of styles every day. They

are especially useful if they have not been processed in any form. For

example, fresh tomatoes are much easier for you to handle than canned

tomatoes. They will be more organic in nature and will not have been

treated with a bunch of harmful preservatives that might compromise the

natural quality of whatever it is you want to enjoy.

Nuts are particularly useful in a variety of forms and can even be prepared

in several entrees as well as enjoyed on their own. These healthy foods that

can be enjoyed in moderation include peanuts and almonds for the most


Whole grains are especially helpful at any time because they aren’t

processed like white bread grains. This is especially helpful when it comes

to finding a healthy solution for breakfast so you can control your appetite

during the day.

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These can all be used with plenty of water in your diet. You have to stay

hydrated but it also helps to use water to keep your body from feeling worn

out. In fact, the wastes in your body will be easier to clear out if you use

enough water in your daily routine.

There are obviously a number of rules to follow when using this diet. Then again,

how many diets out there don’t have restrictions that have to be followed?

Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer from too many hassles when getting into

this particular diet. The restrictions that come with a diet that is rich in superfoods

are not too hard to follow:

You have to avoid consuming excess amounts of fats in your diet. These

include such harmful fats as saturated fats and even trans-fats (even

though trans-fats are harder to find these days).

There’s also the need to avoid consuming foods that have artificial

ingredients in them. Always check the ingredient label of whatever it is you

are buying if you aren’t looking through any organic sections of your local

market. If you find an ingredient that you’ve never heard of or can’t even

pronounce, the odds are very good it’s an artificial ingredient.

Anything that is processed in an artificial environment has to be avoided.

This is especially the case with foods that are pre-packaged in some form.

You also need to avoid sugars in your diet. These often slow down the

body’s processes after a while. Some organic superfoods might have some

sugars but those are naturally occurring. In addition, they may be extremely

minimal when compared to what you’d see elsewhere.

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You will learn more about some of the many specific superfoods that you can use

later on in this guide. This includes a closer look at the many different recipes that

you could be using in your daily life to keep your diet running well. The things that

you can use in your diet are interesting and important to think about because they

will add to the quality and functionality of what goes on with your body.

6. Your dependency on medications may be reduced if your diet is healthy.

Many people who have serious physical problems often have to use a number of

different medications to keep them in check. These include diabetes medications,

high blood pressure medications and even supplements for the treatment of


You could benefit from these medications if you have to use them,

but do you really need them all the time? And aren’t you tired of

wasting all that time in your day planning around those

medications? The schedules for them are so convoluted that it can

be a challenge just for you to actually use them all without

forgetting about a single one of them.

Don’t forget that there is always the problem that comes with using medications

in general. Sometimes medications might come up with side effects that are so

bothersome that you’d have to use other medications just to get rid of those side

effects. There’s also the worry about how some medications might interact with

others and could even influence what you are actually able to eat on a daily basis.

This is a serious hassle that often keeps your body from being safe and under


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Now, you have probably heard plenty of stories about the expenses that come

with medications and how so many companies are trying to mooch you out of

your money. It’s just proof that these medications are more than just annoying.

They can also cost a great deal of money based on how many you are using and

what you need them for. This is even in cases where you are using generic

prescriptions. This can be even worse for those who don’t have health insurance

and can’t afford to pay them off as normally as they could.

You can use superfoods in your diet to control your body’s conditions relating to

blood pressure, blood sugar, inflammation and more. This should do one of three

things to your body with regards to how you are using your medications:

It should make you less dependent on your medications after an extended

period of use. The effects of superfoods are used to keep your body from

dealing with issues relating to fats in your blood, blood pressure levels and

many other things.

It can make any medications that you do take more effective. After all,

many medications work best if you live with a healthy diet and exercise

program to go with those medications.

The potential for you to require additional medications in the future will be

reduced. Your body will be a little easier to control when you use the right


It is a great idea to see what makes these superfoods so helpful to your body. It is

all important to consider if you want to keep yourself from the ongoing cycle of

having to use medications every single day just to keep your body healthy and

under control.

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7. Superfoods can also make your body less acidic.

Acids in your body might be more dangerous than you might think they are. In

fact, most people have bodies that are already acidic as they are. This means that

they are suffering from more stress than others.

A person who has an acidic body will be more likely to suffer from digestion

issues. In addition, it is also harder for a person to lose weight when the body is

more acidic. You may also be more susceptible to a number of diseases if you have

too much acid in your body.

You have to keep your pH level under control if you want to keep your body

healthy. Part of this involves the consumption of more alkaline foods that will give

you a neutral pH level without worrying about the acidic issues that often come

with your body.

Many of the superfoods that you can eat will protect your body by making it less

acidic. This can be done in many forms to protect you from the problems that

come with your body:

Some foods will give you a reduced acidity through the assistance of

calcium. Calcium is often used to not only improve bone health but to also

stabilize pH levels in the body, thus making it a little healthier and easy to

use after a while.

These foods can also keep your body healthy with hydration in mind. Some

of these foods are naturally hydrating and will keep you active.

These foods are also used with a few natural stimulants used with effects

that are similar to caffeine but without the rush that comes with caffeine.

This should protect your body to keep it as safe as possible.

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8. Your glycemic index will be easier to control.

Your glycemic index is an important measurement of how well your body’s blood

sugar levels can adjust themselves over time. The glycemic index in your body is a

general measurement of what happens to your blood sugar levels after eating. It

is a measurement that is utilized in a number of different diet programs and even

through a few companies that offer their own diet services.

This specifically uses a measurement of how each individual carbohydrate in a

food can raise your blood glucose levels. A specific consideration is that a food

with a higher GI rating will be more likely to create a significant impact in your

blood sugar levels.

This is especially risky because your body has to operate with a lower GI in order

to facilitate weight loss and healthy procedures. It will be harder for the body to

support glucose on its own if the GI level is too high. This is particularly important

for those with diabetes because people who suffer from this harmful condition

are often more likely to suffer from damages to the body as a result of high blood

sugar levels brought on by GI changes.

Fortunately, a variety of superfoods in this guide are made with low GI levels.

These include items that have a GI rating of 55 or less. (This is based on a scale of 0

to 100 with 0 containing the lowest amount of impact on blood sugar levels and

100 being straight-up glucose.)

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You might be amazed at the foods that come with low GI ratings:

Just about every type of bean in your diet has a low glycemic index rating.

These include beans like black, pinto, kidney and soy beans.

Nuts also have low GI ratings that you can take advantage of. These include

almonds, peanuts and walnuts for the most part.

Grains can have low GI ratings provided that they are refined and whole in

nature. This is particularly the case with barley, millet and wheat.

Most fruits and vegetables have low GI ratings. Not all fruits have low

ratings because some might contain sugars even if they are naturally


Foods with vinegar may also have a lower GI rating. These include foods

where vinegar is added after you prepare them or as they are being made.

So, what have we learned about superfoods out of this chapter?

Simply put, you need to strongly consider a diet with these particular foods in

mind if you want to stay healthy. The odds are you will have an easier time with

controlling your body if you use these foods to your advantage. They are all useful

foods that give you the most out of whatever it is you want to do with your body.

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Chapter 3

Important Nutrients In Superfoods

You’d be amazed when you see just how many quality nutrients can be found in all

of these superfoods. It used to take all day to get these nutrients in your diet but

now you can use a simple plan to make it easier for you to body to get more

nutrients through these simple foods.

It’s a real value considering just how many of these nutrients you might run into

during your daily diet. Many of these foods that feature these nutrients will be

discussed in full detail later on in this report. You should be aware of what you

could get out of superfoods. These are made with a number of quality nutrients

that are used to improve your overall health.

Fiber Fiber is a part of food that is necessary for your general health needs. It is a

common substance that is naturally found in plants.

The big point about fiber is that it is a part of a plant-

based material that your body will not digest. Rather, it

will move through your body by going through the

stomach, intestines, colon and then out again through

your bowel movement.

This is often used in many forms to protect your body as well as possible. You can

find some forms of fiber in plant-based foods or in many fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes the fiber will be soluble in water and will get up in your body.

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In other cases fiber will be completely insoluble. This means that it will not be

likely to dissolve as it moves through your body. This part of fiber will simply move

out of your body while improving your stool quality after a while.

Why Use Fiber?

There are several reasons why fiber can be so valuable for your dietary needs:

It improves bowel movements around your body. Fiber will help you

increase the weight of your stool, thus making it easier to pass through

your body. In addition, it also helps you soften your stool so you will feel

less constipated while also having an easier time with using the bathroom.

This is important because a healthy stool is needed for energy purposes and

to potentially remove old waste materials from your body.

It can absorb sugar so your blood can operate appropriately. The sugar

content in your body can be taken in by fiber. This makes it easier for your

blood to operate properly without being at risk of losing control after a

while. It may even reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

It keeps cholesterol levels in check. Fiber is made to absorb cholesterol

deposits in some forms. This is particularly the case with LDL cholesterol, a

form that you have to control if you want to stay healthy. This is made to

keep your body under control without risking any future damages after a

period of time.

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Your colon will also be protected when you use fiber. Your colon is the key

to a healthy digestive system. Fiber will protect the colon by clearing out

old materials while also relaxing the area. It can also tone the colon to the

point where you are less likely to develop hemorrhoids or other serious

problems that might develop in the area. This may be the key to protecting

your body so it will feel a little more comfortable.

Fiber is especially helpful for keeping you from gaining weight. Fiber has

the natural ability to prevent your body from gaining more weight than

what it can afford to handle. Much of this is because it takes a longer

amount of time for your body to digest fiber. This makes it harder for your

body to feel empty. You will be less likely to overeat if you have a diet that

is high in fiber because it will have taken so longer for your body to

consume everything that you are taking in.

Overall, a diet that is rich in fiber will truly help your body achieve its weight loss

goals. Superfoods that contain fiber can be particularly beneficial to your daily

diet. In fact, you might be amazed at some of the superfoods that have fiber:



Split peas



Pistachio nuts

This is a very valuable product to use for your general diet needs. There are so

many foods that offer fiber for your dietary needs that it’s no wonder why so

many dieticians often recommend that people use fiber in their daily lives.

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Be sure to take a look at this highly impressive food when finding ways to make

your body feel as healthy and strong as it can be.

Antioxidants Antioxidants have become very popular among people who are

looking to find healthier ways of living. It’s practically become a

buzzword in the world of health foods over the last few years.

However, most people are not fully aware of just what they are and

how they can be used in the body.

An antioxidant is a molecule that can protect your cells. It will take in molecules

that are created from oxygen known as free radicals. They can spread into a

variety of different spots around your body.

These free radicals are often tough on the body because they can keep you from

feeling as healthy as you should be. Much of this is due to these free radicals

impacting your body with a series of harmful problems that could negatively

impact your body:

Free radicals are able to harm skin cells, thus making you look older than

what you really are.

Free radicals may also cause your arteries to harden.

Your immune system can be weakened by free radicals.

It’s also easy for your body to feel tired after a while. Free radicals often

keep the body to taking in enough energy for your daily needs.

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Although it is not completely certain as to whether or not this is the case,

some forms of cancer may develop in people who have developed too

many free radicals in their bodies.

The threat of free radicals is a very real consideration. That’s why it is so important

to see how you can use superfoods to keep them under control thanks to the

antioxidants that often come with these foods.

Antioxidants are used to do the following to make it easier for your body to feel

its best after a while:

They will bind to free radicals to cancel them out. These will eventually be

removed from your body through natural procedures involving sweat,

bowels and other actions that may come from your body after a while.

They may also fight off the effects of inflammation. This means that the

effects of arthritis may be kept under control. In fact, some antioxidants

may even control inflammation in the brain, a common concern that often

triggers dementia.

They also prevent free radicals from oxidizing after a while. This is needed

because free radicals that are not treated will end up expanding in their

reach and cause many other spots around the body to feel weaker than

they already are.

Your immune system should improve. Free radicals often cause your

immune system to wear out, thus making you more susceptible to a

number of damages. Your system will be treated by having old free radicals

cleared out before they can cause your body to wear out.

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Antioxidants are particularly useful because they are found in a large variety of

superfoods. Here’s a look at a few of the most popular superfoods that you can

use to get these nutrients:


Most types of berries




Antioxidants are clearly popular and should be used well if you want to keep your

body healthy and running as well as it can. You should make sure you find more of

these foods in your diet. In fact, you will learn later on in this guide about some of

the most popular types of antioxidants that you could be adding in your diet.

Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are particular compounds used in many superfoods. A

phytonutrient is a small type of compound that can be found in plants. These are

constantly used in plants to protect them from germs and other common things

that can threaten them in their natural habitats.

These nutrients are found in several forms and are dedicated to protecting your

body in a variety of forms. The odds are you can find plenty of these nutrients in a

number of different superfoods that you can add in your diet.

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Ellagic Acid Ellagic acid is a phytonutrient that is commonly found in berries. It is used to kill

off cancerous cells around the body. This is often used for the prevention of

cancer although many doctors prescribe this to people who are undergoing

treatments for the earliest stages of cancer that they often fall into after a while.

In addition, the liver can neutralize the development of chemicals in your body

when you use more ellagic acid. This can particularly help you neutralize the

effects of some chemicals that might cause cancer to some people.

Catechins Catechins are compounds used to protect cells around your body. They are used

to control free radicals before they can split and move around even further in your

body. In other words, they are essentially antioxidants that work with a few

special functions that make them a little more important than most other

antioxidants that you might use for your body.

These compounds may support the cells around your blood vessels. This is to keep

tumors from developing in those areas.

In addition, catechins will improve the ways how the body can handle insulin. It

reduces the likelihood of the development of insulin resistance.

Some studies have found that they may be able to control the development of

cancer cells around the body. These include cells that develop from free radicals

around your body. It’s not fully clear as to whether or not they are actually

capable of preventing cancer from ever occurring but it is already well known that

they are able to keep your body from developing more cancer cells after a while.

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This could give you more of a benefit after an extended period of time. This

phytonutrient is more likely to be found in teas above other products. It is

especially prominent in green tea. You might also find them in some berries and

even chocolate albeit in much smaller amounts. It’s a smart kind of antioxidant

that might be beneficial for your body.

Hesperidin Hesperidin is an antioxidant that is particularly found in

most citrus fruits. This is made for the treatment of

controlling circulation around the body. It does this by

reducing the effects of inflammation all around the

body. This protects it from serious damages that might occur in any spot including

not only damages from arthritis but also problems that come with dementia from

inflammation in the brain.

There are a few other benefits to see with regards to this special material for

whatever you might want to use:

Hesperidin may also be used for the treatment of varicose veins. More

studies are required before it can be determined if this is viable.

This may also prevent bone loss from occurring at a rapid rate.

Hesperidin can relieve the development of hemorrhoids and also keep their

effects from being worse than what they might already be like.

While this is not known to prevent cancer from actually occurring, it does

prevent cancer cells from spreading. This has particularly been found in

studies relating to prostate cancer and breast cancer.

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It is used as a means of forming the body’s natural ability to absorb vitamin

C. This makes it easier for the body to take in this vitamin and therefore

improve your immune system.

This is traditionally found in supplements that you might find elsewhere on the

market. It may also be easy to find in citrus fruits thanks to how it is so closely

related to vitamin C in terms of how it may be used within the body. You should

use this when finding something that works right for your general health needs.

Carotenoids Carotenoids are used to protect the body. They are made with a series of controls

to keep it at ease and relaxed because they are often used as antioxidants. These

will take care of the free radicals that often develop in your body. In fact, you

might be amazed at the variety of different carotenoids that you could be using

for your general health needs:

Lycopene can improve your body’s prostate and prevent prostate cancer

from developing.

Lutein is used to target the eyes and can prevent macular degeneration

from developing.

Zeaxanthin is used to protect your eyes from cataracts.

Several individual carotenoids are able to convert themselves to vitamin A,

thus improving your eyes and immune system. These carotenoids include

alpha and beta-carotene among several others.

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You don’t have to remember the exact scientific names of these features but it is

clear that your body could benefit from all of them. These benefits are amazing

considering how these carotenoids are traditionally known to simply create the

colors that you often see in fruits and vegetables.


Calcium is one of the most popular nutrients that anyone can use

in a diet. Calcium is a mineral used to strengthen bones and

support their hardiness.

It is even used by your muscles to keep your body protected as

safely as possible. It can assist the nerves in the brain to transfer

messages from one part to the next. This is needed so blood will actually be able

to move around your body.

There are several reasons why this has to be used in your diet. These are

particularly important based on who you might be and what your general bodily

needs for it are:

Bone loss will be prevented when using such a solution. You will not be as

likely to suffer from osteoporosis and other serious bone issues when you

consume more calcium each day. This is especially important if you are older

in age and your body becomes less likely to naturally absorb calcium.

Your potential for developing high blood pressure will be reduced. This

may lessen your potential for developing cardiovascular disease. It can even

help you keep from having to use medications used to control your body’s

blood pressure rate.

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It particularly protects the bones from postmenopausal issues. Women

who experience menopause often have harder times with absorbing

calcium. Therefore, superfoods that contain calcium are required in your

diet so you can protect your body.

You may want to particularly take a look at superfoods that contain calcium if you

are aging quickly. The ability of your body to absorb calcium will decline as you

age. Therefore, a diet that features an appropriate amount of calcium should be

utilized if you are to protect yourself from serious issues.

There are several superfoods that contain calcium for your daily body needs. Here

are a few of the most popular options for you to take a good look at:






Collard greens

You have to use calcium if you want to protect your body. After all, there is an

increased chance that you will develop bone loss as you age. Calcium is needed to

keep your bones from becoming weaker than what they might already be.

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Zinc Zinc is a mineral that you might find in a variety of different superfoods. Zinc is

commonly found in seafood, whole wheat cereal, dairy products, nuts and seeds.

Zinc is considered by dieticians to be an essential mineral for the body’s daily

needs. However, the body cannot produce zinc on its own. It must receive zinc

from outside sources if it can take advantage of the benefits that come with this


Speaking of which, the benefits of zinc are among some of the best features of

this mineral that you should see. These prove that you need zinc in order to keep

your body from struggling with different health issues.

It improves the body’s reproductive system by making it work harder. This

is the case for both men and women in that they will be more likely to stay

fertile when they use zinc each day.

It is a necessity for your immune system. Zinc has antioxidant properties

made to refresh your immune system so it will be less likely to suffer from

colds and other illnesses.

Zinc can also improve your heart health. It specifically strengthens the

endothelial barrier, a spot around the heart that will control the ways how

the body can absorb cholesterol. It can particularly prevent inflammation in

the area as well, thus keeping your blood pressure levels down to a healthy


It encourages the development of healthy cell all around your body. These

include cells that are less likely to die off or mutate and become cancerous.

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The best part of superfoods with zinc is that they can be utilized by all sorts of

people. People who are allergic to dairy products can use seafood and nuts for

their zinc intake needs. Meanwhile, people who follow vegan diets can use seeds

and beans to take the zinc that they might otherwise not get.

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Resveratrol Resveratrol is a very popular part of superfoods that includes more than just the

traditional benefits that you’d come to expect from antioxidants. While

resveratrol is an antioxidant in its own right, it is also capable of protecting your

body from damages that are often caused by cancer and heart disease.

In fact, the things that resveratrol can do for your body will be amazingly varied.

Here’s a look at what you will get out of your body:

It can prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing in your body. It will reduce

the potential for your blood platelets to stick to each other.

Your nerve cells may also be protected. This is important because damages

nerve cells can build up into a plaque that often prevents circulation in the

brain from being as healthy as it should be. This is often a cause of

dementia and other mental issues.

Resveratrol can help your body to control its natural support for insulin. It

particularly prevents your body from refusing or rejecting insulin, thus

improving its ability to stay healthy after a while.

Resveratrol also prevents apoptosis, or cell death, from occurring. This

means that the development of cancer cells should be limited.

Resveratrol can be found in a number of superfoods like berries, peanuts and

grapes. You can even find it in dark chocolate. It’s a real topic to think about and

should give you something interesting for whatever you might get out of it all.

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The Right Kinds of Fats

Although a typical diet might involve avoiding fats, the truth about fats is that

they may also be beneficial to your body if you are aware of the fats you are using.

The truth about fats is that not all of them are dangerous. You just have to avoid

using the wrong ones if you want to keep your body protected for as long as


Superfoods are known to contain all sorts of fats that might be beneficial to your

body. Here’s a look at what you could be getting out of your diet:

Monounsaturated Fats Monounsaturated fats are fats that are stable even when exposed to high

temperatures. These fats can reduce LDL cholesterol levels while also increasing

HDL cholesterol levels.

In addition, monounsaturated fats are able to regulate the

production of hormones in your body. These include

hormones used to support your immune system and to

prevent blood from clotting.

These fats are traditionally found in nuts for the most part. They may also be

found in avocados and olives. You should see these options if you want to enjoy a

quality diet for whatever you need out of it.

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Polyunsaturated Fats Polyunsaturated fats have multiple unsaturated carbons in their molecules. They

are found in liquid forms in regular and chilled temperatures, thus giving your

body an easier time with taking in the natural benefits that come from it.

These fats are traditionally found in two important forms that you will read about

in many of the foods you’ll see in this guide. These are omega-3 and omega-6 fats.

These fats are traditionally found in fish. They may also be found in a few oils

including corn, soybean and sunflower oil.

Omega-3 Fats You’ve probably heard the term omega-3s in loads of different advertisements.

It’s like a buzzword of sorts these days because it entails a variety of different

nutrients. Omega-3 fats are fatty acids that are used with several benefits to keep

your body under control as well as possible:

They can reduce inflammation around your body. This is used to keep the

blood from feeling too thick. It can also protect your joints to keep them

from being irritated or likely to suffer from serious physical problems.

They feature several fatty acids that the body requires for normal

functions. These include the ALA and DHA fatty acids. These are necessary

because the body does not naturally produce them nor is it able to easily

get fats that the body takes in converted into these necessary fatty acids.

Omega-3 fats can reduce triglyceride levels in your blood. Triglyceride is

known as blood fat. It is a common risk for heart failure.

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They may also improve cognitive functions. Omega-3 fats are believed to

support an improved amount of circulation in the brain. In fact, many

psychiatrists believe that these fatty acids could control the development

of Alzheimer’s, dementia and even ADHD. Some additional studies may be

required before seeing if this is actually the case.

These fatty acids are very useful but you should also take a look at the other side

of the coin. This relates to the use of omega-6 fatty acids. These are a little

different but they are important to think about just as well.

Omega-6 Fats Omega-6 fats are also essential fatty acids that you can use in your body. These

are often found in organic or unprocessed meats. These have a number of

particular benefits that make your body easy to control without too many

pressures coming out of it:

They are used to reduce blood pressure levels around the body. This can

particularly keep anyone from developing hypertension.

They are also able to control the symptoms of menopause. These

symptoms often include hot flashes.

People with cancer often respond to treatments better if they use omega-

6 fats in their diets. For example, women with breast cancer who use

omega-6 fats are more likely to benefit from the use of tamoxifen to

control breast cancer that is particularly estrogen-sensitive.

Arthritis may also be treated. The pains and inflammation that accompany

arthritis should be controlled to where the body will be less likely to suffer

from pains as a result of this condition.

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You will still need to keep a balance going between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty

acids. You have to use a ratio of fats that feature more omega-3s and fewer

omega-6s if you want to keep your body healthy.

People who have more omega-6 fatty acids in their bodies than omega-3s tend to

suffer from obesity, depression and even hyperactivity. In addition, the body may

be more susceptible to inflammation if there are too many omega-6 fatty acids

when compared to omega-3s.

You need to concentrate on a diet that has more omega-3 fatty acids than omega-

6 fatty acids. You can find omega-6s in nuts, vegetable oils and some sweets.

However, omega-3s can be found in fish, walnuts and flax seed. You should adjust

your diet accordingly to make it easier for your body to get the most out of

whatever you are trying to get from it.

EPA and DHA EPA and DHA are two other unique fatty acids that you can add in your diet. These

are both omega-3 fatty acids but they have their own particular differences to

make them interesting. This is particularly unique considering how these two fatty

acids are just about always paired together when people talk about them.

EPA is a fatty acid that is naturally found in oily fish and from fish oil supplements.

DHA is also found in fish oil but it is also easier to find in microalgae than with fish.

DHA can also be seen in human breast milk but it is at a relatively reduced rate

compared to other contents in human breast milk.

In addition, EPA has fewer carbons in its body than DHA. This is not very easy for

the body to notice but it is still a part of its composition that creates a noticeable

difference between each individual fatty acid.

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The benefits of these fatty acids are important because they show just how your

body can benefit off of EPA and DHA. These two critical omega-3 fatty acids will

do the following for your body:

EPA can improve the body’s response to chemotherapy. This is a necessity

for all cancer patients to take a look at.

EPA can also control the development of neurotransmitters in the brain.

This is used to not only keep your brain from being impacted by

degenerative conditions but to also reduce the likelihood of you developing


DHA will reduce the level of triglycerides in your blood. The effect of this is

that your body will be less likely to suffer from heart disease because the

inflammation in the area will decline and the vessels will support a stronger

sense of blood flow.

DHA may also improve your eyesight. This has been found to be the case

among pregnant women. Additional studies are needed to see if this

benefit of DHA is real but the results of this on pregnant women have

proven to be relatively promising.

You will have to check and see if your diet includes both of these fatty acids. EPA

and DHA might be different in terms of where they come from and what they do

but they can work well together.

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The Nine Key Amino Acids

There are nine very important amino acids that you have to add in your body if you

want it to feel as strong as possible. Fortunately, you can find these in a number of

superfoods including some of the foods that you will read about here.

Here’s a look at the nine key amino acids that you can get in your body. These

amino acids are divided primarily by individual classes and have to be analyzed one

group after the next to give you a better idea of what might be included:

1. Lysine.

2. Methionine.

3. Threonine.

These first three are all similar in that they are in the aspartame family of amino

acids. They are used to facilitate some of the metabolic processes in your body to

keep it running as well as possible. Threonine particularly has an added benefit to

help activate the processes of proteins in your body so they can burn off different

procedures in your body as well as possible.

4. Valine

5. Leucine

6. Isoleucine

These three are all in the pyruvate family of amino acids. They are used to support

the build of protein in your body. This is to keep your body running right. In fact,

these are even used to support different procedures relating to keeping your

body’s proteins from losing their healthy structures.

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7. Histidine

This is an amino acid that used to create many important chemicals for your body

to function with. However, it can also create histamines. These are used to create

allergic reactions in your body to different things that you might be sensitive to.

8. Tryptophan

9. Phenylalanine

These final two amino acids are in the aromatic family of amino acids. They are

used to facilitate the development of several important chemicals in your brain.

These include serotonin and dopamine among many others.

Isoflavones Isoflavones are compounds found in some superfoods. They originate from a

number of plant-based foods and are made to act in the same way as estrogen.

The big difference between estrogens in your body and isoflavones is that

isoflavones do not create as many negative effects to your body as estrogen

might. This is particularly important for men when it comes to keeping their

hormones in check.

Isoflavones are particularly beneficial in that they will keep the effects of PMS and

menopause from being worse than they could be. They are used to replace the

estrogen that the female body loses when suffering from these annoying


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These isoflavones are also capable of controlling the body’s skeletal system. These

isoflavones are used to kill off the tumor cells that cause osteosarcoma, a

common skeletal disease that causes the skeleton to weaken after a period of

time. This benefit may keep your body from suffering from serious risks as a result

of what you are using in your daily diet.

As you can tell by this chapter, the things that you’d get out of these superfoods

are amazing. You have to see this to give yourself a great series of ideas dedicated

to giving you the best possible options for whatever it is you might be interested

in getting.

The next part of this book covers the many different superfoods that you can use

each day. These superfoods will contain many of these different nutrients to give

your body a healthy sense of control. It is all to give your body control without

risking what you might have. They should be used appropriately if you are to keep

your body safe and under control.

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Chapter 4

Wake Up To A Super You: Pre Breakfast Elixirs

The body powers up as the first rays of the sun kick start the physiological

processes of metabolism in the body. In order to ensure a good start to the

morning, you really need to forego the coffee and choose from the following

options for your diet. These are all useful foods that you can start at the beginning

of your day to keep it all healthy and protected no matter what you are using.

Green Tea Green tea has been a staple in Chinese culture for thousands of years. While it has

been popular in China for all that time, its benefits have only just caught on

outside Asia. It has become a hugely popular choice among all sorts of foods for

your health needs.

Green tea is a product loaded with antioxidants to reduce the total amount of free

radicals in the human body. The boost it provides far exceeds the caffeine kick of

your morning cup of joe and is therefore highly recommended as a morning drink.

As a solution for your diet that is more than just plain healthy, green tea is known

to have anti-carcinogenic effects that reduce the risk of cancer thanks to the high

level of antioxidants that it provides. Moreover, green tea also contains a series of

components that reduce cell death.

In addition, green tea is known for its ability to speed up the recovery of heart

cells. In other words, it’s a youth elixir that features many anti-aging properties

that your body can quickly utilize.

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Lastly, green tea boosts metabolism and thus helps in burning

calories. This is used to support the reduction of weight in your

body. This is a smart option to take a look at when finding

ways to protect your body from the hassles that come with

trying to lose weight.

It’s amazing to see just how many companies have begun selling green tea. You

can find bottled green tea products from places like Kuchika, Schincha and Lipton

among many others. However, it is often better to find green tea that has yet to be

brewed. Green tea leaves that you can steep and brew on your own are often the

best products to take advantage of.

How can you get green tea for your body? It’s not all that hard for you to do. You

just need to get 16g of green tea leaves from any natural source. Here are a few

steps dedicated to helping you out:

1. Heat four cups of water in a pan until it gets close to boiling.

2. Move the tea leaves into a strainer and keep it over a tea pot.

3. Pour some hot water from the pan into the strainer. This is used to wash off

the tea leaves.

4. Pour the remaining hot water and steep it for a minute.

5. You can pour this into a series of individual cups. This is best when you

serve it hot.

Just be sure that you do not keep the tea in the water for that long. It will taste

bitter if you keep it in for too long. In addition, you should keep the tea leaves

with about two grams of leaves for every 100 ml of water.

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Lemon and Honey Honey and lemon in water sometimes helps to loosen the

effects of congestion while also preventing dehydration.

However, there are so many things to take a look at with

regards to how well lemon and honey can be used. These have

to be seen carefully because they relate to the many benefits

that come with what happens as they are combined together.

Honey is made to improve your immune system by increasing the total

amount of antioxidants in your blood. It has been found in a variety of

studies that honey has polyphenols. These antioxidants are used to help

you control the development of cardiovascular disease before it could

potentially get worse.

Honey and lemon are also used to improve your body by controlling blood

sugar levels. This may prove to be healthy for you because it will keep your

sugar levels under control for about two hours on average. In fact, you can

use this with about one or two teaspoons of lemon and honey to give

yourself something healthy and easy to control.

Lemon and honey are also used to clear out your body. In fact, the use of

honey often makes it easier for you to keep your body from feeling


You may develop a lower blood pressure level when you use this mixture

for an extended period of time.

Your cholesterol levels might also go down after a while if you use lemon

and honey on a frequent basis during your diet.

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In fact, it is not only one of the most advantageous superfoods to use but also one

of the easiest to prepare. You just have to do the following to get a simple recipe

arranged for any purpose you might have for it:

1. Gather one and a half tablespoons of lemon juice and mix it with two

tablespoons of honey.

2. Pour the mixture over one cup of boiling water.

3. This should all be mixed evenly to create a smooth texture.

Lemon and honey are great to use because they are naturally occurring items that

are made to give your body the best benefits that you can enjoy. You should

strongly consider this option when finding ways to keep your body healthy well

after you start a diet program.

Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is a substance that is produced by bees in their natural habitats. It

contains about 60-70% water, 12-15% proteins, 10-16% sugar and a small amount of

fats, vitamins, amino acids and salts.

The amounts of what goes into royal jelly will vary based on where you get this

royal jelly from. It’s a real challenge to actually measure what will go directly into a

single royal jelly application but most places that do harvest it will create

estimates with regards to what’s in your royal jelly.

So, what is it about this product that gives it the name of royal jelly? It’s because

royal jelly because it comes out of the queen bees in a hive. Bees will use it as a

means of supporting queen bees to keep a hive running as well as possible.

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This is a popular product that can be found in drink mixes and can even be added

into a series of shakes or smoothies alongside skimmed milk.

So, why is it such a good idea for you to use this product? Here are a few things to

see when finding royal jelly for any purpose in your dietary needs:

It may control a number of common issues like asthma, pancreatitis, liver

disease, hay fever, PMS, stomach ulcers, kidney diseases and skin disorders.

You can also use this for the treatment of many sleep disorders. It is

particularly noted for being a treatment for insomnia.

It may also support your bones. This could prove to be effective when it

comes to the treatment of bone fractures and in helping you to recover

from this problem after a while.

There are cases where it might be able to control your cholesterol levels.

This includes keeping the HDL cholesterol levels in your body up while

reducing your LDL cholesterol levels at the same time.

This is all thanks to how royal jelly contains vitamins B5 and B6 alongside a few

other amino acids. This is all made to keep your body from being too much of a

hassle thanks to how it promotes muscle growth, tissue growth and even support

for the repair of cells around your body. It can be one of the smartest natural

products around.

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But Can You Use This As A Replacement For Coffee?

Royal jelly honey can be used as a healthy coffee

replacement. Royal jelly honey is a chilled drink that has a

sour flavor to it. It consists of royal jelly with honey water

to keep your body warm. This is especially useful because

your body will be less likely to suffer from the same negative effects of caffeine as

what you might get out of a traditional cup of coffee.

This is especially useful seeing that it features 10-hydroxy decenoic acid. The

bacteria that you see here are used to keep your body healthy while limiting the

growth of bacteria around your body.

This is a popular product but it has been tough for some to consume during the

sour flavor that it comes with and the odor that comes out of it. Fortunately, it will

not take that much for you to get this product to run for your general health


You might find some products in a variety of organic forms or even through a

series of capsules that are a little easier for the body to use. They are not only

appropriately measured but also arranged to where your body should have an

easier time with absorbing their contents.

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Steel Cut Oats Steel cut oats are different from what you might get

out of traditional oats. These oats are made with whole

grains that are cut into a series of pieces. The inside

parts of oat kernels will be cut by machine without very

little processing involved.

This takes longer to prepare than other kinds of foods. That’s because it has not

been processed to make it easier to cook after a while. This might sound

inconvenient to some people but the fact of the matter is that these oats are

made to work with more benefits than what you might expect out of it all.

The big part of steel cut oats is that they are made with more iron and fiber than

what you might find elsewhere. There are also fewer sugars and fats in these oats

than what you’d get from another source.

Of course, the fiber is combined between both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

This is all arranged to give your body a healthier sense of control for both your

bowels and for your arteries.

In addition, it takes a little longer for you to enjoy steel cut oats. That is because

these oats are a little thicker in size and easier to enjoy in any diet. This should give

anyone something that is enjoyable and easy to consume quickly no matter what

might be available. This is a smart point about the oatmeal that allows you to

enjoy it for a little longer than what you’d get elsewhere.

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One recipe to use with these steel cut oats in mind is an option that uses pecans.

This is another superfood that you will learn about a little later on in this report.

1. Mix one third of a cup of steel cut oats with one tablespoon of pecans, half

a tablespoon of brown sugar and one eighth of a teaspoon of cinnamon.

2. Add one third of a cup of milk when everything is mixed together.

3. Cover and refrigerate for eight hours.

4. Add one tablespoon of milk into the recipe before it is ready to be served.

This steel oat feature is made to give you something that is enjoyable and easy to

consume without having too many ingredients processed as it is being made. It is

one of the smartest things for you to find when getting something ready for your


Egg Whites What Is The Difference Between An Egg White And An Egg Yolk?

Seriously, the difference between these two parts of the eggs is very different

from what you might expect to find elsewhere. The egg yolk is the part that

contains a large amount of cholesterol and might be harmful to your body if you

are not using it in moderation. The egg white, on the other hand, is a little

healthier for your body and should give you more for your nutritional bang.

The egg white clearly does not have as much cholesterol or fat in it as what you

might find elsewhere. In fact, the egg white will not be a threat to your arteries

like an egg yolk that might contain an entire day’s recommended amount of

cholesterol in it.

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The fact is that egg whites contain protein and fiber. An egg white from one egg

should have around five grams of protein on average. This is a very sensible total

that will give your body some sense of support for whatever it is you are trying to

consume for you general health needs.

In addition, egg whites don’t contain very many calories. An average egg white

should only contain about twenty to thirty calories on average. This should give

you plenty of support for your diet to make it feel as strong as it could be.

You can also find egg whites in one of two ways. First, you can choose to get egg

whites directly off of the eggs.

Second, you can get them from a properly prepared container. Egg Beaters is by

far the most popular brand of egg whites that you can find in your local store.

So, what kind of recipe could you get out of an egg white? There are many things

that can be done with egg whites to give you a rich and healthy breakfast. For

example, you can use this simple recipe to create an egg white omelet.

This is made to work like a traditional omelet but without the cholesterol and a

little around 150 calories in a single serving.

1. Mix two tablespoons of chopped onion, two tablespoons of green pepper,

two tablespoons of mushrooms and a small bit of pepper into a loaf pan.

2. Add about thirty-two ounces of egg whites.

3. Cook in a microwave for around three minutes and then stir. Cook for three

more minutes after that.

4. Adjust the pepper after you cook it to prepare a thicker texture.

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This should prove to be a healthier option for your dietary needs. Egg whites will

certain be better for you from the perspective that you will not be at risk of

consuming more calories or cholesterol than what you might get out of the yolks

with these same eggs.

So, did you enjoy your breakfast? There are a few nuts, berries and grains that you

could add to your breakfast to make it more enjoyable. You’ll learn about these in

the next chapter.

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Chapter 5

Nuts, Berries And Grains Are you aware of how different nuts and grains can be added into your diet to

keep it healthy and running well? This is a smart feature that gives you something

that is enjoyable and easy to eat no matter what you want to get out of your diet.

Here’s a look at a few of the different nuts and grains that you can use in your diet

to make it feel as strong as it can be.

The same can be said for berries. Berries are known to help the body out in a

variety of forms. The odds are one of the berries you see in this guide is one that

might provide you with the right nutritional needs that you might have for your

daily life.

You can use these foods in your breakfast meals for the most part. You can also

add them to your lunches or your snacks if you prefer.

Quinoa Quinoa is a traditional whole grain that actually comes from a seed. It can be

prepared as a whole grain just like rice or barley.

This grain is popular in that it does not take as much time for you to cook it as it

would for you to cook other whole grains. It takes about fifteen minutes to cook

on its own.

In addition, it has a better flavor to it. It doesn’t have to be too tough on your

taste buds like millet. You could add some sea salt or olive oil to make it more

enjoyable or to add a little bit of texture to whatever you might enjoy.

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So, why is it such a good idea to take a look at this product? Here are a few things

to see with this in mind:

It contains plenty of proteins. It has the nine essential amino acids to

protect your body. In fact, the protein balance is close to what you’d get

out of milk. It has about 20% protein, a total that is much higher than what

you might get out of wheat or rice.

It is also a strong source of riboflavin. Riboflavin can keep migraine

headaches from being too much of a hassle. It makes it easier for the brain

and muscle cells to metabolize.

Your body will have an easier time with recovering. This is a feature that

has been used by a number of people throughout history with the intention

of making your body feel a little more likely to say active.

Skin injuries are easy to control. This is thanks to the use of saponins.

These are chemical compounds that are commonly found in nature. They

have often been known for reducing cholesterol levels in your blood but it

may also be used as an antiseptic.

The caloric content is safe. You will only get about 172 calories for every

quarter cup of quinoa. It also contains more healthy fats and dietary fiber

than most other types of grains.

It is a gluten-free material. It is not considered to be a grain. It doesn’t even

have any relationships to wheat. Therefore, it should be safe for those who

have gluten allergies or are trying to stick with a gluten-free diet.

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It is also alkaline-forming. It does not have a strong alkaline process but it is

similar to what you’d see out of wild rice or amaranth. This should be made

to reduce the acidity of your body.

This has a low glycemic index. This means that it has carbohydrates that

are easier to control. You will not end up suffering from spikes in your

blood sugar when you use quinoa in your recipes.

You do not have to get this all controlled with a tough process either. You can use

this by covering quinoa with water and boiling it for about fifteen minutes. In

other words, the process for preparing quinoa is practically the same as what

you’d do when preparing rice.

Goji Berries

The goji berry, which is also known as the wolfberry, is a

Chinese berry that has an orange-red appearance to it. It is

noted for being used by many people with the intention of

trying to live longer. However, it has been discovered over

the years that it features a large amount of antioxidants to keep your body active.

This is a product that can be combined in many foods with cereals being the most

popular items for you to use for your dietary needs. It is also available in many

teas, wines, juices and other quality products.

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There are a few different things that come with what you might get out of it:

It may particularly help you control diabetes. This includes type 2 diabetes

although it may also be used for type 1 diabetes depending on whether or

not you are overly dependent on medications to control this condition.

You might also reduce your blood pressure when using it. The antioxidant

support from this product is a key part of what makes it work this way.

Age-related eye issues are often controlled by this product just as well. This

is particularly thanks to the strong amount of vitamin A that comes with it.

The berry is rich in antioxidants, thus helping you to control your body’s

free radicals. This particularly helps you out with keeping your cells healthy

while avoiding DNA damages to the area. In addition, this might prevent

some forms of cancer from developing.

The extract from the goji berry may also improve your brain’s health while

preventing various age-related problems like Alzheimer’s.

Your body may also develop a better sense of sleep after a while. You are

more likely to experience the more restorative effects of sleep when you

have a diet that is rich in goji berries.

You might want to be careful when seeing how something can be used. For

example, you should avoid using this if you have an allergy to pollen. This is

because the berry is known to develop pollen. It should be safe to eat if you use it

in moderation if you have a minimal reaction to pollen.

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Also, this is known to interact with medications used for blood pressure or

diabetes. In fact, goji berries can interact with warfarin, a common blood-thinning

medication. You have to avoid using these berries in the event that you are using

warfarin for any purpose.

Here’s a look at what you can do to mix this food into a quality recipe. This uses

goji berries in a strong mixture that features chia seeds to create a comfortable

oatmeal-like product for whatever it is you want out of your body:

1. Prepare about two cups of Chia seeds and one cup of goji berries.

This should be mixed with one quarter each of coconut flour, coconut milk

powder, maca powder, carob powder and even some cacao nibs for

texture. You can also add a few vanilla beans and a small bit of cinnamon

powder if you wish.

2. All of these ingredients have to be mixed in a bowl.

3. Mix a quarter cup of the total mixture with one cup of hot water. This water

does not have to be boiling.

4. Stir and let it sit for a minute.

5. Top with almond milk and a natural sweetener. Honey or stevia can be used

so you can use a comfortable solution that contains less sugar in it what

you might traditionally use.

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Blueberries Blueberries seem to be neglected when it comes to

different superfoods on the market. People have a

tendency to forget about the berry because it isn’t as

strong as some of the other berries that you might elsewhere like the acai berry

(which we will get to later on in this chapter).

However, you should not ignore the power of the superfood for what it is worth.

The fact is that the blueberry is a fruit that features a large number of benefits

that are made to keep your body in the best possible shape that you can get it


Blueberries have more antioxidants than most other fruits. It particularly includes

vitamins A and C as well as copper, an antioxidant used to control the

development of bacteria around the body.

Blueberries can also reduce the total amounts of belly fat in your body. Studies

have found that people who use blueberries in their diets tend to have lower

abdominal fat totals after a while.

They are also known to control vision loss and other issues that come with an

average person’s vision. This can be used with lutein, a common compound found

in blueberries to preserve the health of your eyes and to prevent cataracts from

developing around them.

These berries also contain plenty of fiber. This is used to keep your bowels healthy

and running as well as possible no matter what you are trying to get out of them.

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But Are All Blueberries Really Alike?

You may have to check and see if the blueberries you buy are fresh and preserved.

They have to be chilled properly as well. Any blueberry that is bruised or damaged

or is worn out will not be as likely to give you the same health benefits that you

would expect to get out of the diet.

With that being said, you can still use a healthy diet with blueberries when you use

the right ones and make sure that they are safe and easy to use for any purpose

you might have. One option for a recipe for your needs is a recipe that comes in a

simple salad. It is a salad that can give you a great texture that you will certainly

enjoy. This special recipe particularly uses gelatin to give you a delicious and low

fat taste that is easy to use at any time during your diet.

1. Add two cups of hot water and six ounces of gelatin mix together.

2. Stir in about twenty ounces of blueberries. This may include a pie filling but

it’s better for you to stick with fresh blueberries if you want to experience

the most out of the meal.

3. Pour into a dish and chill in a refrigerator until the contents are firm.

4. Beat in about four ounces of cream cheese and half a cup of white sugar.

Spread over the gelatin and blueberries.

5. Everything should be chilled once again. This should take an hour to

complete. The contents of this recipe should last for as long as needed

provided that you are careful with them.

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Hemp Seeds Hemp is a high protein seed that has all of the nine essential amino acids for your

body. This is practically the same as what you might get out of flax.

This also has a high amount of fatty acids and fiber

alongside vitamin E with a number of trace minerals. It also

has a 3 to 1 ratio of omega 3 to 6 fatty acids. It is not going

to correct your omega balance if it’s off but it will give you

the right balance to keep your body under control. It particularly contains more of

these fatty acids than what you might get out of flax.

The protein content is also digestible. This will not cause bloating or gas like whey

or protein shakes might. This makes for a safer option to use for your dietary


In addition, hemp does not have phytic acid, an anti-nutrient that can keep you

body from absorbing minerals. Therefore, it is a little stronger than soy, a product

that does actually contain phytic acid.

There are a few other benefits to find. For example, hemp seeds are made to keep

your body from suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This has particularly

been known to treat cases that involve tuberculosis. This product is also easy for

your body to digest. It is a naturally vegetarian product.

Finally, hemp is rich in phytonutrients. This will protect your body from damages

to your blood, cells, skin, organs and other important parts that you need to use in

order to keep your body safe and under control. It does not take that much to get

a recipe with this product going either.

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This recipe involves hemp seeds mixed with a series of fruits to create a crunchy

delight you can use as a breakfast or as a snack:

1. Mix two tablespoons of hemp seeds with two tablespoons of softened

coconut oil, half a cup of almond butter and a quarter cup of raw honey.

2. Slice up one banana and one apple and mix into those ingredients. You

could use a different fruit other than a banana if you prefer to use

something else.

This recipe is simple but it’s a great option to see. It doesn’t take much for you to

prepare hemp seed.

Almonds T he almond is one of the best foods for you to see for

your general health needs. This has been a staple among

a number of homes around the southeast but it has

become particularly popular in the west among other

places around the country.

These nuts are designed with a series of healthy benefits for your general needs.

You will get about ten percent proteins from these almonds and enough calcium

to cover about one quarter of a cup of milk per serving.

In addition, almonds are made with mostly monounsaturated fats. This is used to

ease your body and to prevent your body from taking in unhealthy fats.

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You can find a number of different benefits that come with this unique type of


Almonds can reduce your LDL cholesterol levels. This has been found over

time to make your body more resistant to the buildup of LDL cholesterol. It

both controls what you have right now and reduces your potential to

develop anything further after a period of time.

You will be less likely to suffer from a heart attack. Almonds are capable of

supporting your blood vessels with the use of flavonoids around the bodies

of the almonds. These are particularly found on the skins of these almonds.

In fact, the almonds feature magnesium to keep your blood vessels under


Phosphorous is included in these almonds. This is needed in order to

improve the brain and muscle tissues around your body. In addition,

phosphorous is made to improve your teeth and bones by making them


Riboflavin is used to improve your brain functions. Riboflavin is naturally

found in almonds to assist in improving the quality of your brain functions.

This is made to protect your nervous system from wearing out after a while.

Almonds also create an alkaline effect in the body. This is very different

from what you might find with some other foods in your diet. You have to

use an alkaline sense of support in your body in order to protect yourself

without risking your immune system or bone mass. In addition, you need to

keep your body alkaline in order to prevent yourself from gaining more

weight than needed.

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Almonds also contain more antioxidants for your general needs. You can

use about as many antioxidants in almonds as what you’d get out of most


It is easy to get almonds to work in your diet. In fact, there are a number of

recipes that you could use to keep your body healthy and intact.

Here’s a recipe you could use for almond pork:

1. Prepare one pound of pork tenderloin and combine with one teaspoon

tarragon and one teaspoon of garlic powder. Everything should be

refrigerated for about an hour so the ingredients will be appropriately


2. Melt one tablespoon of butter and brown the tenderloin pieces in the

butter for about three minutes per side. You should do this with all of the

individual pieces that you have to prepare.

3. Melt two tablespoons of butter over medium heat in the skillet and stir in

one tablespoon of flour and one cup of white wine. Let this sauce boil for a

minute and then add in a quarter cup of heavy cream.

4. Stir in about half a cup of almonds into the mix. These almonds will be used

in this batter to cover up the pork pieces.

5. Pour the mixture of almonds and the other ingredients into the pork pieces.

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Another recipe that you can use with this quality nut in mind is a delicious heated

almond recipe that adds to the flavor of the almonds without compromising the

nutritional qualities that come with them.

1. Heat an oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 175 degrees Celsius.

2. Mix two cups of almonds without salt with two tablespoons of olive oil,

two cloves of garlic and about one teaspoon of sea salt.

3. Bake for ten minutes to roast the ingredients.

4. The almonds can then be served at any time you desire.

Almonds are truly useful for any purpose you might have when it comes to feeling

healthy. The antioxidants and heart-healthy properties of almonds make them all

the more useful for whatever you want for your dietary needs.

Peanuts Peanuts have been some of the most popular nuts for your body for years.

Peanuts are made with a large variety of different features designed to give you a

nice and flavorful taste while also giving your body a better sense of support for

your health needs. In fact, it will not be all that hard for you to find peanuts

considering how so many peanut crops are capable of producing hundreds of

peanuts in a single plant.

Peanuts have long been known for being able to support your body with plenty of

healthy fats. These include oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid that is used to

control your cholesterol levels. They have also been known over the years to

support your body with protein for energy. However, there are a number of health

benefits of peanuts that you might not be fully aware of.

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Peanuts contain plenty of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that

protects you cells from oxygen damage.

Niacin is also prominent in peanuts. Niacin will provide your body with a

sense of brain support and will improve the way how your brain can handle

its blood flow without any risks.

Resveratrol is also found in peanuts. This is used to protect your body from

nerve and heart damage and may control the ways how cancer cells spread

around your body.

P-coumaric acid is also commonly found here. It is an antioxidant that has

been researched in recent years for its heart benefits and has been found to

prevent stomach cancer.

One of the best parts of peanuts is that they can be prepared in practically any

way that you might be interested in. You can find peanuts in a variety of forms

ranging from raw to roasted to boiled. In fact, roasted peanuts often have more

health benefits because they are prepared with less aflatoxin.

Aflatoxin is a harmful substance found in traces in some raw peanuts but you can

use a roasting process to keep this substance out of your nuts. Roasted peanuts

may even feature higher p-coumaric acid levels than most other kinds of peanuts.

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It’s easy to prepare peanuts in a variety of forms. Here’s a look at two recipes that

you could use to keep your body healthy. First, here’s a healthy salad option to


1. Mix two cups of brown sugar with two tablespoons of flour and two eggs.

You can add a small bit of salt if you would prefer. Everything should be

mixed until the eggs move in well and the sugar has been completely

dissolved. It may take about thirty minutes to get everything to blend in


2. Add one cup of chopped peanuts to the mixture alongside a few sliced

fruits. You can use bananas but other fruits like apples may be added if you

prefer to use those instead.

3. Everything then has to be chilled so it can cool off. It will be ready to serve

as soon as you are done chilling it.

The second recipe to take a look at is a peanut soup recipe. This also utilizes real

peanuts in a healthy mixture that you can use.

1. Melt four tablespoons of low-fat margarine and add three tablespoons of

onion, one garlic clove and one cup of peanut butter.

2. Stir the entire mixture listed above until it has been prepared.

3. Add four cups of chicken broth and simmer for about twenty minutes.

4. Stir in half a cup with ground peanuts and add one cup of whipping cream if

you prefer to use that in your meal.

5. You can add some peanuts on the side to the soup if you are interested in

doing so.

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It does not take too much time for you to get peanuts into your diet. The variety

of ways you can enjoy peanuts in proves just how valuable this food may be in

your general life.

Soybean The soybean is a food that comes from a legume plant. You can definitely notice

the soybean with a round texture and a small black spot on

its body to go alongside the circular white arrangement

around it all. This is a quality food to see for any purpose you

might have for your dietary needs.

The reasons why soybeans are as valuable as they are for your health needs are


Soybeans contain all nine of the necessary amino acids for your dietary

needs. You can use this to your benefit considering how your body is not

normally able to synthesize these amino acids on your own.

Soybeans contain plenty of unsaturated fats. These are used to control

your cholesterol levels. In fact, soybeans particularly contain linolenic acid

and linoleic acid to control your blood pressure and the keep your muscle

contractions from being too much of an issue.

Soybeans have soluble fiber. These are used to prevent your body from

developing more cholesterol. They may also regulate your digestive system

after a while.

Insoluble fiber is also included here. This is made to control your digestive

system by keeping it healthy with larger stool sizes, thus giving you a

healthier series of bowels.

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You can even find calcium in a number of soybeans. Soybeans are made

with calcium to keep your bones healthy.

Isoflavones are used to prevent menopause from being worse than it

could be. Isoflavones are found in soybeans to simulate the effects of

estrogen in the body. These are not exactly like estrogen but it will be good

enough to prevent your body from suffering from too many signs relating

to menopause.

So, what kinds of recipes can you get out of soybeans? You can use many foods

that go well beyond just eating soybeans straight-up. You can use a soybean

succotash, for example, to give your body the benefits of soybeans alongside a

number of other healthy vegetables.

1. Heat four tablespoons of vegetable oil over a skillet.

2. Add about twelve ounces of soybeans with about eight to ten ounces of

corn and half a chopped onion.

3. Cook until everything has a slight brown texture to it.

4. Add a bit of sea salt to it for taste. This is an optional part of preparing it but

you could add this to create a nice texture to whatever you have.

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Soybeans can also be prepared in a soup for lunch or dinner. Here’s an option for

what you can do when getting soybeans ready in a soup.

1. Heat two tablespoons of olive oil over a skillet.

2. Cook half a chopped onion in the olive oil for about five minutes.

3. Add one can of tomato sauce and four cups of vegetable broth and simmer

for ten minutes.

4. Stir in four cut carrots for about ten minutes.

5. You can add the soybeans into the soup at this point. You should get about

a cup of soybeans but you may choose to add more if you wish. You can

also add two leaves of kale or one cup of sliced okra if you are interested.

6. Simmer for about five more minutes.

7. Salt and pepper can be added for taste but that’s according to whether or

not you want to use them.

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Acai Berry The acai berry is a real buzzword in the world of superfoods. It’s a good food that

it being used in a variety of different supplements and drinks. This is a type of

berry that can be found in South America.

This has been interesting to see because it is being used in so many different

products on the market. The berry itself is extremely expensive but that’s

primarily because it costs so much to ship. The fact that it has so many nutritional

benefits attached to it certainly helps.

The berry has become one of the hottest superfoods in the world thanks to these

quality benefits:

The acai berry has more antioxidants than most other types of fruits.

It particularly has more flavonoids used to target oxygen atoms around

your body, thus making it extremely suitable for your health needs.

It also contains a natural amount of fiber. This should keep your body from

feeling full too quickly, thus facilitating your general weight loss needs.

Your skin may even feel better. It’s no wonder why the acai berry is used in

so many skin care supplements. The berry’s ability to remove old free

radicals from your skin makes it a popular product to take a closer look at.

The antioxidant properties alone make this a popular product to find on the

market. It’s something that is being prepared in so many forms that it can be a real

challenge for you to just compare each individual acai berry product on the


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You should be aware of the lack of recipes that come with this berry. That’s

because the acai berry is known to die off not long after it is harvested. Therefore,

it would be next to impossible for you to get the health benefits off of this unless

you prepare it in a capsule or drink form.

Fortunately, the acai berry market has grown to where you can find a variety of

foods prepared with acai berry powders as well as a few straightforward drinks.

The selection of foods that you can choose from with this berry in mind will take a

while to go through but it is a huge selection that is worth taking a look at


Be sure to also take a look at the standards that come with using these products.

Sometimes you might need to use just one capsule of an acai berry supplement

each day depending on what’s included. The concentration of antioxidants and

other nutritional features in the acai berry is so strong that it won’t take all that

long for you to benefit off of this product.

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Hummus It’s tough to brag or boast about anything that might be as strong from a

superfood perspective as hummus. This is a quality product that might give your

body several strong benefits. You should think about where hummus can come

from and what it is such a popular product for mini-toasts and other snacks.

Hummus is a type of food dip or spread that can be made from

cooked chickpeas and olive oil. This is a popular product in the

Middle East but it has evolved to where more people can find it

in a variety of spaces. In fact, you can find a number of

different containers that feature hummus dip on their own. These containers are

not as fresh as straight-up hummus but it is still a great thing to find when

enjoying snacks for all sorts of different events.

Part of what makes this so unique is that it is a combination of so many foods that

have their own specific benefits for people to enjoy just as well. There are a few

great reasons why hummus is such a popular superfood:

Hummus uses chickpeas as its key ingredient. Chickpeas are made without

any saturated fats or cholesterol. In addition, you can get more protein off

of this than with other types of foods.

Tahini is also included in hummus. It features more calcium or protein than

chickpeas. In addition, it has plenty of unsaturated fats to keep it healthy

and easy to enjoy.

Olive oil is naturally found in hummus. Olive oil is made to give you plenty

of monounsaturated fats.

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There are also a number of antioxidants in hummus. It comes thanks to the

garlic and lemon juice contents in hummus.

Garbanzo beans are also added for fiber. Fiber is a natural part of just

about every kind of bean. The garbanzo bean is definitely no exception to

the rule here.

Hummus is easy to prepare at home when you get all of the right ingredients set

up for the recipe. While it is true that you could get hummus set up for your needs

through an easy to use container from any supermarket, you are more likely to get

the physical benefits of hummus when you use this simple recipe for creating

hummus. Fortunately, it has never been easier than now for you to get these

ingredients ready for your general dietary needs.

1. Mix two cups of garbanzo beans, a third cup tahini, a quarter cup lemon

juice, one teaspoon of salt and two cloves of garlic.

2. Blend all of the above ingredients until they are all smooth.

3. Add olive oil over the entire mixture. Add about one tablespoon of olive oil

to make this useful.

4. Add one teaspoon of paprika and a bit of parsley to keep the recipe fresh

and detailed.

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Hummus is quite an impressive food when you take a look at it. This is made with

so many great benefits relating to how well the food can be made by adding all

sorts of interesting points relating to your diet to make it feel a little more detailed

and likely to feel refreshing.

The variety of healthy ingredients in hummus will certainly make this food worth it

when it comes to keeping your body running with plenty of health and support in

mind for whatever you want to get out of it.

Isn’t it amazing to see how many of these foods can help you out for your daily

dietary needs. Keep reading to see more about what you can get for your diet.

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Chapter 6

Power Lunches For The Powerful You

When it’s time for lunch, you are often pressured into a number of unhealthy

foods. The problem with lunchtime is that it is so easy for you to fall into a trap

with something that is fast and easy to process and eat. The fact is that processed

foods are unhealthy for you.

These foods can be used in your lunch to give you a healthy body that you can feel

a little more comfortable with. Here’s a look at what you can eat to keep your

body running right well into the middle part of your day.

Broccoli Let’s start talking about broccoli by being honest for a moment. You probably did

not enjoy broccoli when you were growing up, right? Well, who did in the first


The fact is that broccoli is nowhere near as bad as you might think it is when you

take a look at the health benefits that come with it.

The truth is that broccoli could be used as one of the most important foods for

cancer prevention purposes. Much of this is thanks to the use of glucoraphanin.

This is a compound in broccoli that can remove the body of the H. pylori bacteria,

a bacterium known to increase the body’s risk of gastric cancer.

This also contains indole-3-carbinol, a common antioxidant used to prevent the

development of cervical, breast and prostate cancer. It also improves the

functions of the liver.

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T he anti-cancer benefit that comes with this product is useful but there are many

other parts of broccoli that are worth taking a closer look at.

Broccoli contains plenty of soluble fiber. This should help you to improve

your bowel movements while also removing old cholesterol deposits from

your body.

Broccoli also has omega-3 fatty acids. You will not only use this to improve

your cholesterol levels but to also reduce the level of inflammation around

your body.

This vegetable is high in fiber. Therefore, you should have an easier time

with sticking to a diet when using this product for your health needs.

You can also get protein off of it. Broccoli has about as much protein as

rice. The only difference is that broccoli has fewer calories than rice.

It improves your heart health over time. Broccoli features sulforaphane, a

compound used to reduce inflammation around the heart. This makes it

easier for your body to stay healthy and to keep your blood vessels from

being ruptured from an excess amount of stress.

There are a number of useful recipes that you can take advantage of when getting

broccoli into your diet. In fact, broccoli is a staple that can be used in a variety of


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Here is an example of a particular broccoli recipe that you could use in your daily


1. Cut about two heads of broccoli into a bowl and mix with one red onion.

2. Mix with half a pound of bacon that you’ve heated up. Be sure to clear

the grease out of the way and to use only lean meat bacon if you want

this recipe to stay as healthy as possible.

3. You can mix this up with a cup of chopped almonds and another cup of


4. Mix one cup of mayonnaise and two tablespoons of white wine vinegar

to the top of the recipe.

5. Let the recipe chill before serving.

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Another recipe to use is a soup that incorporates broccoli with cheddar cheese.

1. Mix two cups of chopped broccoli with two cups of potatoes, one cup

celery and one cup carrots.

2. Add three cubes of chicken bouillon to the recipe with two quarts water to

keep it all arranged right. This should be enough to give you a good sense

of cover. Heat the entire mix for about twenty minutes at a simmer.

3. Melt butter over a separate container and stir six tablespoons of flour into

the butter to finish it. Stir about ¾ cup of milk and cook for about five to

ten minutes until you can get a good sauce off of it.

4. Stir the sauce into your heated vegetables and then add about two cups of

shredded cheddar cheese. You should be doing this progressively so you do

not overload the recipe with more cheese than you can afford to use.

This recipe should be served hot for the best results.

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Grapes Grapes are appealing for lunch because they are simple

fruits that are easy to enjoy. All you have to do is take them

and eat them, right? You could also peel them if desired,


Well, are you also aware that there are many different kinds of grapes that you

can enjoy in your diet?

You can use one of many different grapes in your diet including red, purple, green

and white grapes. These all have their own flavors attached to them but they are

all alike in that they will provide your body with a number of useful health benefits

made to keep your body as comfortable as possible.

Grapes contain plenty of flavonoids for removing free radicals from your

body. In fact, the darkest grapes tend to have the most antioxidants of

them all.

Grapes also contain resveratrol to protect your heart. This is from the heart

being controlled by the compounds to keep LDL cholesterol out of the way.

Quercetin is also included here. This compound is made to protect the body

by removing old blood clots and to keep blood cells from clumping

together as they move around your body. This is needed so your body can

continue to stay as healthy and controlled as it possibly can.

Grapes also contain iron. Iron can replenish your energy during the course

of an entire day.

It also has some antibacterial properties. You can use grapes to control the

development of the herpes simplex virus, for instance.

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Grapes are also used to control indigestion. It prevents the development of

dyspepsia, a condition where the stomach can easily become irritated and

worn out.

Grapes are commonly added in many meals. They are used in salads for the most

part. One such salad recipe that you can prepare when getting grapes ready is this

unique option. This uses feta cheese to go with grapes.

Add one head of iceberg lettuce and one head of leaf lettuce and mix with

two sliced carrots, eight ounces of broccoli florets and three diced


Add one pound of seedless grapes to the top of the recipe.

Sprinkle in about one and a half cups of feta cheese onto the top of the


You can also add Greek vinaigrette dressing to the top of the mixture but this is

based on what you might prefer to get out of it.

You should definitely use grapes in your diet in order to keep it healthy and under

control. Grapes are made to give your body more out of it all with a series of

useful nutrients made to keep free radicals out of your body.

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Fatty Fish Fatty fish isn’t as dangerous as you might think. While it is

true that fatty fish contains a good number of different

fats, the fact of the matter is that these are healthy fats.

These include a number of omega-3 fatty acids that cannot

be produced by your body on its own.

You can use all sorts of fatty fish options in your diet. You can use salmon,

anchovies, herring, mackerel and many other types of fish.

Omega-3 fatty acids are clearly useful because they are made to keep your body

healthy and to even prevent cancer in some cases. They may cancel out a number

of dangerous saturated fats in your body just as well.

These fatty fish options are more than just beneficial for these processes that you

will get out of them. Here are a few of the other benefits that you might find out

of fatty fish:

You should be less likely to suffer from diabetes. You might be able to

keep your body from suffering from issues relating to blood sugar.

You can also receive relief from inflammation. Fatty fish will give some

support for your joints and other tissues that are suffering from this serious


You might even develop a reduced likelihood of depression or other mood

or sleep disorders. More research has to be done to determine if this is

definitely the case but the preliminary studies about this have been

extremely promising.

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There are far too many recipes to think about when it comes to finding a good

fatty fish entrée for lunch. We can give you this recipe for grilled salmon.

This takes a few hours to complete but you can use this on a good-sized salmon

and can consume it over the course of a few days if you wish.

1. Take about one to two pounds of salmon and prepare them with lemon

pepper and any other garnish you might prefer to use.

2. Mix a third of a cup of soy sauce, another third cup of brown sugar and a

third cup of water. Add a quarter of a cup of vegetable oil and allow

everything to mix in together. This should be used as the marinade. You’ll

have to keep this sealed with the salmon inside and placed in a refrigerator

for about two hours.

3. Heat the grill at a medium pace and cook the salmon for about seven

minutes on each side. You can stop if the salmon starts to flake up quickly

when you rub a fork around it.

The process you use for getting such an item ready can vary based on what you

might prefer to do with it. You should be careful when finding an appropriate

option for grilling fish.

Of course, grilling fish is obviously a good way to keep the nutrients in the fish

intact. Frying fish is never a good idea because it will add to the caloric and

unhealthy fat content of the fish. It might even cause some of the nutritional

features of the fish to be lost in the process.

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Watermelon The watermelon has long been a fruit that has been used in many picnics. The

massive green body of the watermelon and its juicy taste and black seeds all make

this a popular fruit. While watermelon is good on its own, it can be added into

your diet in many ways. The reasons why you need to add watermelon into your

diet are reasons that prove that this fruit is very dense and prepared with all sorts

of quality nutrients made to keep your body running as well as possible.

You can get at least 10 mg of vitamin C off of a watermelon. This is useful

not only as an antioxidant but as an ingredient used to prevent heart


Watermelon also contains plenty of lycopene. This is made to protect your

body by reducing the risk of many forms of cancer that might develop in

the area over time.

You can also get loads of potassium off of a watermelon. Potassium is

needed to not only keep your blood pressure levels under control but to

also prevent your body from experiencing negative effects from kidney


Watermelon is enjoyable when it is consumed on its own but it can also be

enjoyed in a few other forms to make it more interesting. For example, you can

use watermelon in a refreshing drink. Any good watermelon lemonade is always a

treat to enjoy during the summer.

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Here’s how you can get this watermelon lemonade recipe set in up your own


1. Blend four cups of watermelon and strain to keep any seed fragments out

of the way.

2. Boil half a cup of water and half a cup of sugar for about five minutes. The

sugar should dissolve after a while.

3. Add three cups of cold water alongside the watermelon.

4. Add half a cup of lemon juice. Stir this in to create an even texture that is

easy for all people to enjoy and use.

Most of the recipes that you’ll find relating to watermelon involve the use of easy

to handle salads. It only takes a bit to add watermelon into a salad to make it taste

a little better. You should certainly try this out when finding an option for

whatever it is you want to enjoy in your diet.

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Mangosteen The mangosteen is a fruit that has an unusual name to it

but the benefits that come with this fruit are anything but

unusual. The mangosteen is a fruit found in much of

Southeast Asia and has become prominent in other parts

of the world thanks to how it can be prepared in a variety

of different supplements.

The mangosteen is physically notable for its white interior with a series of puffy

spots that make it look somewhat similar to a pumpkin. The fruit is also paired

with a series of green leaves on the top to cover up the dark husks.

However, the white part on the inside is the only edible portion of the

mangosteen. The strong exterior of the fruit is what keeps it protected as it is

growing. This should prevent the fruit from losing its qualities as it is being

prepared for any purpose.

So, why is this fruit that not many have heard of so beneficial to the body?

There are many reasons why the mangostreen is being used in many supplements,

nutritional drinks and other recipes.

The mangosteen contains xanthones, a series of compounds used to

control the development of free radicals in the body.

Xanthones can also improve the body’s immune system and protect the

joints from inflammation.

The body will also be more likely to heal itself from bruises when these

compounds are used.

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It can be a challenge to actually find the mangosteen fruit on its own. That’s

because the fruit is hard to ship outside of its native habitat unless it is prepared in

a supplement or juice form.

Still, you could find the mangosteen if you look hard enough at small markets. It

costs quite a bit to get when compared to other foods in your procedure section

but the health benefits that come with it are clearly worth it.

You can use mangosteen in a simple clafouti dish. Clafouti is a pastry dish that is

made with fruit. The mangosteen can be incorporated into this unique type of


1. Heat an oven to 350 degrees.

2. Grease a 1 ½ quart casserole dish to get the dish ready.

3. Prepare five moderately-sized mangosteens by cutting them with a strong

knife. The skin has to be removed so you can get to the white fruit for the

recipe. Just make sure that you keep any stones that you find in the area

under control. These stone should not be added into your recipe.

4. Toss the fruit with a teaspoon of cornstarch and another tablespoon of

sugar for the coating. Try and use a natural sweetener like stevia if you can.

5. Whisk four eggs with your sugar and a small bit of salt. About a third of a

cup of flour can be added as well.

6. Add a cup of coconut milk and one teaspoon each of vanilla and coconut

extracts. This and the other ingredients used should be poured into the pan

over the mangosteens. The best recipes will have the mangosteens floating

in the mixture after it has been poured into the area.

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7. Bake for about an hour.

8. You can serve it after it is all prepared. Try and serve this warm if possible.

In addition, you may be able to find this fruit in a capsule or liquid form through

some health food stores. It might be easier for you to get the most out of it by

eating the fruit directly as it is or with a recipe like what was just listed above. Still,

a liquid or capsule form might be just as useful for your body in the event that you

aren’t able to find this special type of fruit in your local grocery store.

Olive Oil Olive oil is a type of fat that is naturally obtained from the

olive plant. It comes out of olives by grinding them and

extracting the oils that come out of them. This is a material

that is commonly used in parts of Europe where the olive is

particularly found in. However, you can easily find olive oil in a

variety of different stores.

Sometimes you can find standard olive oil that comes from the olive plant. You

might also find extra virgin olive oil that features a thicker texture and a free

acidity to it. In addition, it is made without the use of any solvents to keep it

running right. It is one of the smartest options for you to take in when finding

something that is healthy and easy for you to use.

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Olive oil can be used in moderation in many different recipes. The benefits of this

product are particularly essential to see:

It can control your body’s blood pressure levels. Oleic acid is a key part of

what makes this benefit of olive oil possible. Oleic acid is a fatty acid in olive

oil that is used to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in

your body. This is particularly advantageous for those who suffer from


Your cognitive functions might be easier to operate. You should not suffer

from issues if you use olive oil because it contains a large amount of

monounsaturated fats. The key part of monounsaturated fats is that they

are used to protect the blood vessels around your brain. In fact, people

who consume more of these fats tend to have better cognitive functions

than those who consume other kinds of fats.

It will reduce LDL cholesterol levels around your body. Much of this is

thanks to how olive oil is less likely to experience oxidation than other oils.

In fact, the oleic acid content in olive oil is used to absorb LDL cholesterol

and prevent it from oxidizing. Be aware though that this might be better if

you use extra virgin olive oil instead of a standard form.

You can use olive oil in a number of convenient recipes to improve your body over

time. One such example of an effective recipe to use involves a bread recipe that

utilizes olive oil directly in its body.

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1. Mix half a cup of warm water with 2 ¼ teaspoons of dry yeast, one

teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and four tablespoons of olive oil. Add

two cups of flour to create a soft ball to knead.

2. Knead the dough that is created and please in a small bowl. It should be

covered and left to rise.

3. Push the dough down and place it onto a greased cookie sheet.

4. Cover the dough and let it rise for 15 minutes.

5. Bake the dough at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes. The recipe

should have a strong golden brown texture to it as soon as you are done

making it.

Another recipe option to use is a dip that can be used for bread.

1. Pour a quarter of a cup of olive oil into a salad plate and press five garlic

cloves into the mix. Be sure to move them into as many separate spots as

possible for the best results.

2. Add two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar over the mixture.

3. Add Parmesan cheese with one tablespoon of oregano.

This will be useful as a dipping sauce for any kind of bread recipe you have. It will

give you a healthy alternative to some of the other dips you might use for bread.

Needless to say, a large number of recipes that you will read about later on in this

book are made with olive oil. This can be used as an appropriately replacement for

vegetable oil and other harmful forms of oil that might contain more fats than

what you can afford to use.

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Fish Oil Fish oil is another substance that is commonly used in a variety of different

materials. This oil comes out of the tissues of fish. This is used in many

supplements because it is often tough to get fish oil out of a fish’s body and to

then maintain it the right way.

Fish oil is special primarily because it contains more omega-3 fatty acids than most

other superfoods on the market. There are many fatty acids that these can come


You can find EPA and DHA in shellfish for the most part. Meanwhile, ALA can be

found in non-protected fish as well as some plants. These are all different kinds of

omega-3 fatty acids but they are all important to your diet nonetheless. After all,

your body will not be able to produce these fatty acids on its own. You have to use

them in your diet if you are actually going to benefit off of them.

This is particularly important when it comes to treating inflammation in your body.

The problem with the average human diet is that it contains more omega-6 fatty

acids, thus making it easier for your body to develop inflammation. The omega-3s

that you’ll get out of fish oil are the key to keeping inflammation from being

worse than it might already be.

Of course, you might hear people talk about fish as “brain food.” This is actually

sensible because the oils from fish contain DHA, a fatty acid that is known to

prevent cognitive disorders like dementia from developing in the brain.

The benefits that come with using fish oil in your diet are strong. In fact, you can

use fish oil with many different recipes in mind. This option here utilizes mussels, a

form of shellfish that is known for being oily on its own.

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1. Cook one third of a cup of sausage (you can use any kind you want but do

find a lean meat sausage or a vegetable-based option if possible) for about

three to five minutes.

2. Add one diced onion and stir in the mixture for about three minutes.

3. Stir in one small diced tomato, one teaspoon of cumin and half a teaspoon

of ground pepper. Cook for about three minutes. The tomato should start

to break down after a while.

4. Add a seasoning agent to add to the flavor. You could use one cup of beer if

you are comfortable with doing so.

5. Stir about two pounds of mussels into the recipe. Make sure that the

mussels are clean before you add them into it so the recipe will be as safe

as possible.

6. Cover and cook until the mussels open up. This should take about five to

eight minutes to do.

7. Remove from the heat and get rid of any mussels that fail to open.

You can serve this with an olive oil-based sauce if you wish. It may be used on the

side if you prefer to go with it.

You can also make a curry recipe that uses salmon with an appropriate vegetable.

Eggplant is the best option to use for this particular recipe but you can easily go

along with another vegetable like squash or zucchini if you want to go that route.

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Here’s a look at what you have to do to create this curry recipe:

1. Heat one tablespoon of olive or canola oil. Add one tablespoon of curry

paste and two garlic cloves to create a smooth flavor. This should be

cooked for about one minute.

2. Add one medium vegetable of your choice. Again, you should go with

eggplant for the best possible result. The vegetable should be cut into a

series of cubes and mixed for about two minutes until the eggplant ends up

mixing in with the rest of the food.

3. Add one pound of salmon that’s been cut into a series of pieces. Cook for

about five minutes along with two cups of snap peas.

4. Add three tablespoons of lime juice to the entire mixture.

You can use this to give yourself a nice treat that features plenty of fish oil off of

your salmon. It’s an enjoyable option that should add to the nutrients but it can

also provide your body with plenty of protein to keep it healthy and sturdy.

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Pomegranate The pomegranate is a fruit that has become a popular

choice among people looking for antioxidants. This is

practically like the acai berry in that it is used with this

benefit in mind but the fact is that the pomegranate has

many other benefits used to give your body some strong


The thing about the pomegranate is that it features a sweet texture to it with a

series of small seedlings coming from it. These seedlings are made to add to

the texture of the fruit and can even be edible in some cases.

The skin on the pomegranate will especially help because it contains more

antioxidants than the rest of the fruit.

There are a number of different health benefits that come with the pomegranate.

These are made to give your body something that is a little more refreshing and

capable of keeping you from suffering from too many pressures.

It is known to prevent cancer cells from spreading. This is particularly the

case with lung and breast cancers.

PSA levels in men with prostate cancer can stay steady when they use

pomegranates in their diets. This should keep a man from having to use

chemotherapy or other intensive treatments while controlling this


Your arteries will be less likely to develop plaque. The pomegranate is

known to reduce the development of plaque and can even reverse any

plaque that gets in the way.

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It also prevents dental plaque from developing. This is needed for your

general dental needs so your teeth will be protected for as long as possible.

The biggest thing to see about the pomegranate is that unlike the acai berry, you

could legitimately find it in a typical grocery store. That’s because it does not

spoil quickly like the acai berry would.

This can be prepared in a strong jelly substance. Here’s what you can get out of it.

1. Take four cups of pomegranate juice alongside two juiced lemons and

seven cups of white sugar.

2. Boil over heat and stir in about six fluid ounces of liquid pectin. Be sure to

take the foam off for the best results.

3. Get everything set up in a boiling water canner for about five minutes.

Another choice to see involves the use of a spinach pomegranate salad. This is

incredibly easy for you to prepare.

1. Mix about ten ounces of spinach leaves with one quarter of a red onion and

half a cup of walnuts.

2. Add one peeled and sliced pomegranate with its seeds spread out and

separated from the fruit.

3. Mix the pomegranate all around the top of the salad while adding four

tablespoons of balsamic vinaigrette.

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Tomatoes Is the tomato a fruit or a vegetable? I’m not going to bother putting you through

that silly debate. What I can tell you is that tomatoes are capable of giving your

body some of the best benefits that you could possibly enjoy for your general

health needs. This is a beneficial food that offers many different benefits.

The big part of tomatoes is that they include vitamins A, C and E. These are all

used to protect your body from the dangers that come with free radicals. This is

particularly important considering how well your body can feel when you keep

your body from suffering from too many hassles from free radicals.

In addition, tomatoes contain lycopene, a compound that is known to prevent

heart disease while also controlling many free radicals around your body. This is

used to keep your body healthy and safe.

You can create many recipes with the use of tomatoes. One of the best choices to

use involves tomatoes with salmon, one of the many oily fish options that you

have read about earlier in this guide.

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Here are some steps that you can use to give yourself an easier time with getting

your tomatoes set up with this recipe.

1. Boil one cup of white rice in two cups of water. Reduce the heat after it

boils and cook at low for twenty minutes.

2. Heat two tablespoons of garlic oil and season twelve ounces of salmon for

salt and pepper. You can also add one quarter of a teaspoon of paprika.

Cook everything for about one to two minutes.

3. Break the salmon down and mix in two fresh tomatoes and one teaspoon

of lemon juice.

4. Keep cooking until the salmon can be flaked.

5. Mix some parsley and butter into the recipe and cook for about two

minutes. Serve everything over the cooked rice from the start.

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Garlic Garlic is used in a variety of different recipes. The odds are you have already seen a

few recipes here and there that list details on how you can use garlic to keep many

superfood recipes running as well as possible. What you might not know about

garlic is that it has its own series of benefits made to give your body a strong

feeling that adds to whatever you want to get out of it.

Allicin is found in garlic. This is a sulfur compound that is used as a strong

antibiotic in the body. This is about as strong as penicillin in some of its

most effective forms.

Garlic can also reduce cholesterol levels in the body. It works by keeping

the body’s blood cells from sticking together and by clearing out old

deposits that are stuck around the body.

Garlic also supports the immune system. It can prevent cells in the immune

system from weakening after a period of time. This is made to protect the

body from further damages as it is being used.

Garlic is a very effective nutrient that should be utilized in many recipes. One such

example involves a garlic chicken recipe that you can prepare at home.

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1. Heat an oven to 425 degrees.

2. Mix a quarter cup of olive oil and two teaspoons of garlic together.

3. Mix a quarter cup of bread crumbs with another quarter cup of Parmesan

cheese in a separate container.

4. Dip four skinless chicken breasts into the olive oil and garlic and then into

the other mixture with bread crumbs and cheese.

5. Bake for 35 minutes or until the pink parts of the meat are gone.

You can also prepare garlic steaks with plenty of cloves of garlic attached to it all.

1. Whisk twelve cloves of garlic with one tablespoon of olive oil and pour into

a bag. This can be used as your marinade.

2. Add one or two twelve ounce New York strip steaks into the marinade. Seal

it up with the air removed and refrigerate for about eight hours.

3. Add twelve more cloves of garlic and heat with another cup of olive oil.

Cook for about thirty minutes.

4. Oil a grate for a grill and remove the steaks from the marinade bag.

5. Cook the steaks on each side for about five minutes. They should be at least

130 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature before they can be served.

6. A few garlic cloves can be added to the top if you wish to add to the garlic


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Spinach is a flowering plant that has a leafy green appearance

to it. It is a little thicker in texture than most other forms of

lettuce. In addition, it also has a fiber-like flavor to it.

Spinach has become a popular superfood over the last few

years thanks to the many health benefits that it provides to people who use it.

This food contains the following advantages:

Spinach can provide your body with more vitamin A and K than most other

leafy green vegetables. A single serving particularly covers close to half

your daily recommended need for magnesium.

It is also low in calories. A single cup of spinach will have about 30 to 40

calories in it on average.

The antioxidants in spinach are soluble in water. They can absorb

cholesterol deposits and clear them out with consistent use after a while. In

fact, spinach has a little more than a dozen different flavonoids to keep

your body strong and active.

It may also protect your brain cells. It prevents oxidative processes from

occurring in your brain, thus supporting the brain cells to keep them intact

for as long as possible.

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Spinach is also popular for being a highly versatile food when compared to others

that you could be adding in your diet. There are many different recipes that you

could be using in your daily diet when it comes to using spinach. One such recipe is

this following option for garlic spinach. It is made with an easy to use procedure to

keep it all running right.

1. Heat one tablespoon of margarine and stir in six garlic cloves.

2. Cook the garlic and stir on occasion until the garlic begins to create its

unique smell. This should take about two minutes for you to do this all the

way through.

3. Add about fifteen to twenty ounces of spinach over a period of time. You

should add it progressively and stir them in with the garlic and butter over

the course of about five minutes.

4. Add half a lemon to the recipe at the last part. This should not involve the

entire lemon but rather the juices that come out of the lemon.

You can also mix spinach up with rice to create a more textured recipe. Here is a

special recipe that you can use to prepare spinach with rice.

1. Boil 2/3 cup of water with one third of a cup of white rice. Cover and reduce

the heat to low so you can simmer it for about twenty minutes.

2. Preheat an oven to about 350 degrees.

3. Mix one can on cream of chicken soup with a quarter of a cup of milk and

two chopped jalapeno peppers.

4. Melt two tablespoons of butter over a skillet and cook half a chopped

onion until it becomes fully tender.

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5. Mix in the rice along with about ten ounces of chopped spinach.

6. Pour the soup over the rice and spinach and keep on heating.

7. You can add four pounds of cubed cheese to the recipe if you want to use


8. Bake for about 25 minutes. The food should become hot and start to

bubble after a while. You can also tell that it is done when the texture

appears to have a slight brown tint to it.

All of these foods are great to use for your diet. The next part of this guide will

cover the world of guilt free products that you can add to your diet without

worrying about breaking that diet after a while.

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Chapter 7

Guilt Free Pick Me Ups

You don’t have to limit your diet to only using a few foods that might be healthier

than others. You can easily add a number of useful pick-me-ups to your diet. Here

are a few of the most popular choices for you to use.

Cocoa beans The cocoa bean is a seed that comes from cocoa plants. It is considered to be the

main basis of chocolate.

People often assume that chocolate is not something to use on a regular diet but

the fact is that cocoa beans can be helpful during any diet. In fact, it is not all that

hard to find cocoa beans on the open market these days. These benefits that

come with these beans are very plentiful:

They improve your body’s mood. These beans are prepared with

phenylethylamine, an antidepressant used to assist the body in controlling

its dopamine levels. This is used to control depression in some cases.

You can also improve your adrenaline levels. The phenylethylamine used

here will be responsible for increasing the level of adrenaline in your body,

thus giving you the energy you need in order to stay active throughout the

entire day.

This improves your energy without causing you to crash later on. Cocoa

beans do not have as many stimulants as coffee or other products that

include caffeine. In fact, these beans hardly have any caffeine in them. They

do create effects similar to what comes out of caffeine but they will not be

as intense as what you might get elsewhere.

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It contains more antioxidants than some berries. In fact, these beans might

contain more than most types of fruits or vegetables.

The beans may also be able to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

This is not fully clear but it is still an interesting and promising point to take

a careful look at.

The great part of the cocoa bean is that it can be prepared in a variety of different

recipes. These are arranged in many forms to support your body and to give you a

sweet flavor that is easy to enjoy. The most common recipe to use involves a

warm cup of hot cocoa.

1. Combine about a third of a cup of cocoa beans and grind them into an

appropriate powder. Add about half a cup of white sugar and a small bit of

salt to it.

2. Add one third of a cup of boiling water and stir for about two minutes.

3. Add three and a half cups of milk to the recipe. You can heat this up and stir

it in but make sure that it does not boil as you are preparing it. The recipe

will lose its texture if you boil it at this point.

4. Add ¾ teaspoon of vanilla extract to the recipe.

5. This entire recipe should create about four mugs of hot cocoa for you and

your friends.

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You can also mix cocoa beans into brownies. This recipe will give you a delicious

recipe that is not only rich in cocoa beans but is also easy to use without any dairy

or gluten ingredients added into it. This uses black beans as a primary base for

keeping the brownies intact.

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Mix about one can of drained black beans with three eggs, one quarter of a

cup of ground cocoa beans, one teaspoon of vanilla extract and ¾ cup of

white sugar. You can also add one teaspoon of instant coffee to the mix but

that is only if you wish to do that.

3. Blend all of these ingredients until they are smooth and pour them into a

lightly greased baking dish.

4. Add chocolate chips on top to add to the texture and flavor. About half a

cup of chocolate chips will be good enough.

5. Bake for 30 minutes or until the top part of the recipe is completely dry.

Cocoa beans are great to use in your diet because they will give you energy and

antioxidants that you can use for you daily needs. The fact that these beans are

delicious and sweet on their own will certainly be of use for you.

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Walnuts The walnut is a nut that has become a staple among southern cooks and can be

used in many recipes today. It is a nut that comes out of a thick shell. You can find

walnuts in many packages or you can find ones that are still protected by their


These walnuts have to be opened up to get to the edible parts but the inside

materials of these walnuts will be better preserved when you find them the right

way and use them carefully in your diet.

There are many reasons why the walnut has long been considered to be a

superfood in its own right:

The walnut is often used for weight management purposes. It has a high

fiber content, thus making the body feel its’ fullest in a shorter period of


It can also control the body’s cholesterol levels. This nut can reduce LDL

cholesterol levels when calories in your diet are replaced with calories from

the walnut.

It improves metabolic procedures in the body. Part of this is thanks to the

high amount of polyunsaturated fat in the walnut. This is particularly

important for those who are not able to control their fat intakes as well as

they should. Of course, this form of fat is also known to control the

development of cholesterol and can help you to reduce your total

cholesterol levels after a while.

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Walnuts may also improve your brain’s functions to make it capable of

operating appropriately. Regular walnut consumption has been linked to

improved test results in cognitive testing procedures.

The advantages of walnuts are clear as day. You can easily take advantage of

walnuts with a series of useful health benefits made to keep your body running as

well as it can. In fact, the recipes you can use for preparing walnuts can go a long

way towards your enjoyment of this amazing superfood.

It’s true that walnuts can be enjoyed by themselves but you could also use them in

a quality recipe. One such option to use is a recipe with walnut brownies. This can

be mixed with dark chocolate, another superfood that we will get into not too

long from now.

1. Heat an oven to around 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Melt one quarter cup of margarine and pour into a bowl with six

tablespoons of dark chocolate powder, one cup of sugar, a quarter

teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of vanilla extract and half a cup of flour.

3. Add two egg whites and one cup of chopped walnuts in the next part.

These can be mixed in and spread around a lightly greased baking pan as

soon as everything is together.

4. Bake for thirty minutes and let it all cool off for about fifteen minutes.

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You can also use walnuts in a bread recipe. This recipe shows you how you can

add walnuts alongside cranberries for a delicious treat.

1. Mix about three cups of flour, a quarter teaspoon of baking soda, two

teaspoons of active dry yeast, a quarter cup of water, one cup of buttermilk

and one egg into a bread machine. The process for loading these

ingredients into a bread machine will vary based on the specific model you

are using. Be sure to follow its instructions carefully if you want to prepare

your bread the right way.

2. Add about ¾ cup of chopped walnuts and ½ cup of dried cranberries after

the bread has been kneaded properly. You might want to wait about five

minutes after the kneading is done.

3. Merge the walnuts and cranberries around the recipe as evenly as possible.

This should give you a smooth and clear texture for the entire recipe that

gives you a nice taste to it all.

4. Heat in an oven for an appropriate amount of time. You can spend about

ten to twenty minutes heating it but you should check and see that the area

is dry and is pushing along a pan to tell if it is done.

You need to try walnuts in your diet if you want to get the most out of your body.

The health benefits of walnuts are impressive no matter whether you choose to

enjoy them as a part of a recipe or if you want to use them on your own.

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Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate is a form of chocolate that has more health benefits than other

forms of chocolate. This is made with fat or sugar added to cocoa. It creates a

dark texture but that is just a small part of what makes dark chocolate different.

Dark chocolate contains a thicker taste than what you might expect out of milk

chocolate. This is because it does not contain a strong amount of milk in its body.

The fact about dark chocolate is that it is a type of chocolate that will give you

more health benefits than most other forms of chocolate. Dark chocolate contains

more antioxidants than other forms of chocolate.

In addition, dark chocolate can lower your blood pressure. This is provided that

you have a mild level of high blood pressure.

The benefits of this superfood are clearly strong and interesting but you have to

be sure that you are careful when consuming dark chocolate. It has to be used in

moderation due to the fat content that comes with it.

In addition, you have to avoid eating other calories that contain substances that

are similar to what you might get out of dark chocolate. You need to be cautious

or else your body will be at risk of gaining more weight than what you can afford

to handle. It is a problematic issue but it is also one that must be understood if you

are going to keep your body as healthy and under control as possible.

You can prepare a few different recipes with dark chocolate in mind. These

include a number of dessert options for the most part. One option to use is a

recipe that features dark chocolate combined with a few other sweets to create a

delicious bark.

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1. Heat about two cups of dark chocolate morsels in any way you see fit. You

can melt the chocolate over a stove top but a microwave will work just as


2. Stir in about a quarter cup of peanuts, a quarter cup of pretzels and one

more quarter cup of potato chips.

3. Pour onto a baking sheet while spreading it around as much as you want to

create a thickness that you might feel more comfortable with using.

4. Add one more quarter cup each of the chips, nuts and pretzels that you

added earlier. This should be used as a cover for everything.

5. Refrigerator for about thirty to sixty minutes. The entire mixture should

become solid and easy to break off.

You should try and enjoy this recipe within twenty-four hours after you are

finished preparing it. The flavor might be lost and the ingredients might become

stale if you leave it out for too long. Also, keep everything chilled if possible so you

can avoid the risk of the ingredients losing their textures after a while.

These are simple treats used to give you a little something to enjoy after dealing

with so many challenging foods. It’s all made to help you hang in there while you

are on a healthy diet with all these foods. Of course, they can also be used right

before dinnertime. This brings us to the next chapter of this book.

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Chapter 8

Dining And Winding Down

There are a number of foods that you can enjoy for dinner in your superfood diet.

These foods include many options that are made to give you more nutrients than

what you might expect elsewhere.

The best part of finding these foods is that they are easy to get at a variety of

restaurants. You should check on these popular choices when finding foods of

interest for your dietary needs.

Miso Soup Miso soup is one of the most popular Asian foods in the world. Originating out of

Japan, it is a soup made with tofu, wakame seaweed and some additional

ingredients like potatoes, fish or shrimp. The ingredients that are used outside of

tofu or wakame seaweed can vary by each entrée.

This soup is made with a special stock known as dashi. This features miso paste

alongside materials like dried sardines, dried kelp or tuna.

The miso used in the soup is a traditional seasoning that also comes from Japan.

It is typically made with soy to add to the texture of the soup so it can taste its


Miso soup has been a traditional staple in many Asian kitchens for years. Much of

this comes from more than just the versatility of the miso soup and the many

flavors it can come with. It also includes several key ingredients used to improve

your general health.

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Miso soup contains a high amount of zinc. Zinc is needed in your body for

supporting your immune system and the division of cells in your body.

It also contains manganese, one of the most important antioxidants for

your body. Manganese can protect cells around your body from oxidative


Vitamin K is particularly found in miso soup. Vitamin K is used to create

proteins that your body can use in order to facilitate the flow of blood into

the right parts of your body. It is especially used with heart health

considerations in mind.

Miso soup is particularly easy to prepare in your own home. While you can find

miso soup at a number of different Asian restaurants, it is often a challenge to find

it elsewhere. Fortunately, the ingredients that you need to use when preparing

miso soup should be easy to find in just about any kind of market. Here is a quick

recipe that you can use at home.

1. Mix four cups of water with two teaspoons of dashi granules. These should

be boiled together so they can mix properly.

2. Add three tablespoons of miso paste after everything boils. You should turn

the heat down as well as possible.

3. Separate two green onions and add them in a series of pieces. Use pieces

that are about half an inch each in size for the best results.

4. Stir in about eight ounces of tofu. The best tofu will be prepared in cubes to

make it easier for the tofu to mix itself around the body of your recipe.

5. Simmer for about two minutes before serving.

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Beans Beans have long been known for being a staple on many dinner tables. It is easy to

grow beans, harvest them and then prepare them in a variety of forms.

One part of beans that you might not be fully aware of

is that they are foods that can be prepared in several

forms with a number of quality features used to make

them all the more enjoyable and healthy for your diet.

The most prominent benefit by far is that beans contain plenty of proteins for

your daily needs.

Beans contain proteins to support your body’s tissues and to help you build

stronger muscles. They are also made with fewer fats than other sources that you

might get proteins out of. In fact, beans can be paired with brown rice, corn or

wheat to create a better series of proteins that your body can easily utilize. This is

one of the most popular parts of beans that you can use in your daily diet.

In addition, beans contain more fiber than most other foods. This is especially the

case with dried beans. You fiber consumption is the key to keeping your bowels

healthy while also reducing the total amounts of cholesterol that your body might

be dealing with at a given time. You have to use this to keep yourself healthy and

safe while also preventing your bowels and digestive system from suffering from

damages or even some forms of cancer.

Don’t forget that beans also contain isoflavones. These are used to simulate

estrogen without creating some of the negative effects that come with estrogen.

This could prevent you from suffering from heart disease if you are careful enough

with these isoflavones.

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The best part of beans is that there are all sorts of different kinds of beans that

you can enjoy in your daily diet. You can use soybeans, pinto beans, black beans,

kidney beans and soya beans just to name a few choices. The options you have

with regards to using beans in your diet are valuable and have to be used properly

if you want to keep your body as healthy as possible.

So, how can you prepare beans in a recipe? The fact is, there are all sorts of ways

how you can do this. Beans are incredibly versatile and can be easily mixed in

many forms to create some enjoyable flavors and textures.

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One solution to use for beans is a quality bean soup that utilizes a variety of beans.

This will take a few hours to prepare but it will give you a nice recipe that speaks

volumes about just how versatile beans really are.

1. Place about sixteen ounces of rinsed beans into a stock pot. You can use

practically any form of bean that you prefer but it is best if you use kidney

or pinto beans for the recipe. Navy beans can also be added to the mix. In

addition, these beans should be dried because they will contain more of

their nutritional features than other types of beans.

2. Add about seven cups of water and bring everything up to a boil.

3. Boil for about two minutes and then turn off the heat. The pot should be

covered for about an hour.

4. Add two cups of diced ham, a quarter cup onion and a bay leaf to your

recipe. You can also add salt and pepper in order to add a small taste to it.

5. Boil again and then reduce to a simmer. Keep everything covered at this

point for about 75 minutes. Try and stir every once in a while to make sure

the soup is going to cook itself evenly.

6. Add half a cup of sliced carrots and another half cup of sliced celery.

This recipe should be enough to create about eight servings of bean soup. Again,

you can use this with just about any kind of bean you would prefer to use in your

diet. Just try and keep the beans dry before you prepare them.

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Sweet Potatoes Potatoes are already great for your diet but sweet potatoes might be even better.

The sweet potato, which is also known as the yam, is a potato that has an orange

color and texture to it. It is often easier to break apart and will have a narrow

arrangement to it when compared to other potatoes.

The sweet potato does include fiber like any other ordinary potato would.

However, there are a few benefits of sweet potatoes that make them different

from what you might expect from other food sources. Here is a peek at what you

can get out of these potatoes in your daily diet.

Sweet potatoes have more antioxidants than other potatoes. These sweet

potatoes contain vitamin C and beta-carotene among a few others.

Sweet potatoes also feature a low glycemic index. This should keep your

blood sugar levels under control.

Sweet potatoes have more than your daily recommended need for vitamin

A. This is obviously beneficial for eye health but it may also support lung


You can also use plenty of vitamin C in these potatoes. This should improve

your immune system over time.

The health benefits of sweet potatoes are impressive but you also have to be

aware of the oxalates that come with sweet potatoes. These compounds are

known to cause damages to the kidneys if you use too many of them at a given

time. Therefore, you are practically going to risk your body if you use too many

sweet potatoes. This could be worse if you already have kidney issues to deal


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You have to be aware of your kidneys and if they are healthy before using sweet

potatoes in your diet. This has to be used carefully so your body will not be at risk

of suffering from damages after a while.

The benefits that come out of sweet potatoes are clearly important to see but so

are the recipes that you can use when getting these potatoes set up for any kind

of meal. One such example of a recipe that you can use with sweet potatoes in

mind involves the creation of your very own sweet potato casserole. Here’s how

you can get this enjoyable casserole set up.

1. Heat an oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Boil five peeled and cut sweet potatoes in water for about ten minutes.

They should become tender after a while.

3. Mix the sweet potatoes together with about half a cup of brown sugar, 2/3

cup of milk, two tablespoons of butter and a quarter cup of flour.

4. Sprinkle about one cup of coconut flakes over the entire recipe.

5. Bake for about 30 minutes.

This recipe is a simple one used to give you a quality dish that features one of the

most impressive superfoods that you can enjoy. It should be safe for you to use

provided that your kidneys are healthy enough to take advantage of this quality


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Fermented/Probiotic Yogurt Fermented or probiotic yogurt is one of the most interesting kinds of foods that

you could add to your daily diet. You might be interested in seeing what this

yogurt can do for your body.

Fermented yogurt is made to where it is cultured over time with a series of

beneficial bacteria. These include probiotic bacteria that can be found in many

forms. Lactic acid is the most common type of bacteria that you could find among

different yogurt options on the open market.

Lactic acid is a probiotic that will support the production of glucose in the liver,

thus providing your body with energy and the support it needs to burn off


In addition, it is known to improve your body’s energy levels. You will be more

likely to feel active when you use lactic acid in your daily life.

This is a brilliant material that can do many things to your body.

Here’s a look at the other solutions that you might get out of fermented or

probiotic yogurt:

You may be less likely to suffer from constipation, gas or other issues in

your bowels when you use foods that are high in probiotics.

Cholesterol levels in your body may also decline after a while.

It will synthesize a number of important nutrients that your body needs so

it can stay healthy. These include such common nutrients as riboflavin,

niacin and folic acid.

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Probiotics may also be used for weight loss purposes. It is not fully clear if

this is definitely the case but it is a smart consideration to see for your body.

Studies have also found that the symptoms of arthritis may be reduced

when consuming probiotics on a regular basis.

These are all great benefits but you may want to be aware of some of the risks

that often come with probiotics. One such risk is that it will not implant itself into

your GI tract as well as other materials would. Therefore, you have to keep using

probiotics every day if you want to actually get the health benefits that come with


In addition, you need to make sure that your body uses probiotics in moderation.

This is to make yourself healthy and under control without creating any serious

problems with regards to losing weight or controlling your body’s general


So, where can you find probiotic yogurt from? You can find this in a variety of

grocery stores that sell organic foods or yogurt products. It seems as though the

word “probiotic” has become a buzz word that might not mean all that much

towards some people who offer these yogurt products for sale though. Therefore,

you have to be sure that the product you have is actually healthy and suitable for

your body. It should contain an appropriate amount of lactic acid if it is actually

going to give you some kind of benefit.

You should see how this may be used in your diet if you want to keep yourself as

healthy as possible. Fermented or probiotic yogurt will give you a better body

after a while provided that you use it as carefully as possible without creating any

issues over what your body feels like.

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Well, you now know about the many different superfoods that you can use in your

daily diet. These are amazing foods made to keep your body running well and to

stay healthy without creating any serious hassles over how your body is going to

feel. These foods are made to be enjoyed well with plenty of health benefits and a

variety of ways how you can prepare them.

The only question is, how are you going to tell when you want to have them? You

should get an appropriate plan set up where you will have a series of foods set up

for you during different times of the day. These foods can be arranged in many

forms to give you a better sense of dietary support with just about every single

nutritional benefit that you could get out of one of these superfoods.

The next section in this guide is dedicated to giving you an idea of when you

should be using these foods in your diet and how well they can be added after a

while. This section should let you know everything that you ever wanted to

understand about how you can get your diet running with a healthy series of

nutrients to keep it healthy.

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Chapter 9

A Seven-Day Plan

You need to be careful when finding out what you can do when getting a seven-

day plan going for your general health needs. A good seven-day plan can let you

use more superfoods in your daily diet. You can use all sorts of different options

for your body to keep it running.

As you may have seen in the last few chapters, there are plenty of different

superfoods that you can add in your diet. Needless to say, it might be a challenge

to keep track of every single option that you could use in your daily routine.

Fortunately, it does not take much for you to get into a daily plan that utilizes as

many different superfoods as you can get. You can use this simply seven-day plan

to get as many of these superfoods in your diet as possible.

This is a solution that has to be used if you want to keep your body as healthy as

possible. The guide that you’ll see here is proof that you don’t have to spend too

much time trying to gather an idea of what you can get out of your diet.

Here’s a simple seven-day solution that includes foods with several different times

of the day in mind. These include foods that are useful for breakfast, lunch and

dinner as well as some desserts and even a snack that you can use during the

daytime. (After all, you do have to keep your body’s metabolic rate going if you

want it to stay healthy.)

Each day is divided in five parts. These five parts are dedicated to different foods

that are appropriate for the situation at hand. These five parts that you will come

across in this guide are as follows:

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Breakfast – What’s right for starting the day?

Lunch – It’s not as strong as what you might get for dinner but it is good enough

to give you something before dinner.

Snack – A good snack can tide you over for a bit.

Dinner – This is the largest meal of the day. You can easily find superfoods to use

in your diet at this point in the day.

Dessert – It’s easy to enjoy a nice dessert at the end of the day. Your dessert

doesn’t have to be fattening like what you might find in some spots. It just takes a

bit for you to get one of these foods set up right.

As you will learn here, it does not take all that much time for you to get a good

dietary plan going. You just have to know what foods you have to consume each

day if you want to stay on a healthy diet. The fact that the foods that you can eat

will change each day should help you out just as well.

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Day One Breakfast – Blueberry Oatmeal

It’s easy to combine both oats that are high in fiber with blueberries that are high

in antioxidants to create a healthy breakfast to start your day.

Boil two cups of milk over a stove.

Stir in one cup of oats with a pinch of salt.

Cook for about two minutes.

Stir in one cup of blueberries with a third of a cup of brown sugar.

Lunch – Black Bean Burger

You can prepare a black bean burger that is made with these beans instead of

traditional meat. This can be made with four patties in about half an hour.

A burger like this should have 40% of your daily fiber needs and about 11g of

protein. It also contains only 5g of fat, a number that is much lower than what you

might find elsewhere. You might even find this to be less than 200 calories per

burger depending on what you add to it.

Mash sixteen ounces of black beans and mash with chopped onions, garlic

and pepper. You need half an onion, three garlic cloves and half a bell

pepper to mix with your beans.

Stir 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of chili powder and 1 tablespoon of cumin. Mix the

egg mixture into the beans and add about half a cup of bread crumbs.

This is needed to keep the texture of the patties under control without anything

crumbling after a while.

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You can choose to grill or bake the patties. You can use a grill to cook the patties

for about 8 minutes on each side or you can bake for 10 minutes on each side at

375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Snack – Chicken and Nuts

A quick mix of chicken and nuts can be added to your diet.

Mix 2 ounces of chicken with one medium apple.

Add a few nuts to the mix. You should use about a quarter cup of nuts for

the total meal. It is often best to use almonds for this part of the process.

You can cook everything in about 8 ounces of water until the water has


Dinner – Quinoa and Chicken

Quinoa and chicken can be compared with a number of different vegetables each

to use. This can give you about half your protein needs for the day alongside

plenty of foliate and niacin.

1. Mix 1 cup of quinoa and 2 cups of chicken broth together to a boil.

2. Simmer the meal until the quinoa absorbs the broth. This should take about

15 minutes for it to do this.

3. Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat and then stir your

chicken breast pieces in hot oil until the pink touches are gone. This will

take around 5 minutes to complete. In addition, you should use 2 or 3

skinless chicken breasts in this part. Either way, this recipe should make

about 4 servings of this.

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4. Stir in 8 asparagus spear and cook for 3 minutes.

5. Mix the quinoa, chicken and asparagus and heat for about 1 to 2 minutes.

Dessert – Lemon Bars

Lemon bars are made to where you can enjoy a single bar

with just 100 calories. In fact, you can use this recipe to

create at least 20 bars that can be shared with others or

frozen and stored for later use.

In fact, these bars have about 10g of sugar each. This makes it easier for you to

enjoy the taste of lemon and the nutritional benefits that come with it while also

avoiding the risks that come with too many sugars in your diet. Here’s a sensible

and easy to use lemon bar recipe that you can prepare in your own home.

1. Heat an oven at 350 degrees.

2. Grease a nine inch baking pan with a safe and easy to use cooking spray.

3. Add 2 cups of flour with one teaspoon of baking soda and set this aside.

4. Mix ¾ cups of shortening with about a cup of brown sugar.

5. Add 3 tablespoons of lemon zest and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

6. Mix the ingredients together and bake for about 30 minutes.

7. Sugar icing can be added but this may not be suitable if you want to keep

your caloric and sugar intake down.

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Day Two Breakfast – Sweet Potato Casserole

You can use a breakfast casserole that utilizes sweet potatoes to give you

something healthy.

1. Heat an oven to about 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Add 8 ounces of vegetarian sausage in a skillet and grill with about a

quarter of a cup of water. You can also use lean meat sausage if you prefer.

3. Cook the sausage for about 15 minutes or until it becomes brown.

4. Mix 4 cups of sweet potatoes with a quarter cup margarine and spread

around the bottom of the dish that you will place in the oven.

5. Stir 8 ounces of reduced-fat cheese, half a cup of onion and 1 cup of spinach

6. Mix into the casserole and bake for about 1 hour. Cool it for 5 minutes after

you are done baking it.

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Lunch – Peanut Butter Sandwich with Strawberries

You can create a peanut butter sandwich that is easy to use but highly detailed. A

sandwich like this will feature about 17g of protein and 23g of fat with most

coming from monounsaturated fats. You should also get about 80% of your daily

niacin needs off of this recipe.

1. Mix about 2 tablespoons of chunky peanut butter onto 1 slice of bread.

2. Add a quarter cup of chopped apple and 1 tablespoon of raisins over the

peanut butter.

3. Use about 2 tablespoons of strawberries over the mix. You can use

straightforward strawberries or a simple strawberry jam over this spot.

4. The second slice of bread can be added on the top.

This is better when you use whole wheat bread. Whole wheat bread will add to

the fiber content of this recipe. This can give you about 8-10g of dietary fiber as

you prepare it.

Snack – Chicken Salad with Fruit

A small chicken salad can be prepared with fruit to give you a nice taste that is

easy to digest. In fact, this salad with fruit can give you about 250 calories in a

typical serving. This recipe is used with about 8 servings.

Mix 1 apple with half a cup of grapes, half a cup of pecans and half a cup of

mayonnaise. You can use less mayo if desired to reduce the fat and caloric

content in the recipe.

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Stir everything together and add 4 skinless and bone less breast chicken

halves to create a healthy mixture.

Let the recipe chill for about an hour.

You can chill this recipe and use it for as long as needed after you are done

preparing the entire recipe.

Dinner – Garlic Parmesan Chicken

Garlic Parmesan chicken can be mixed with a series of vegetables

to give you a meal that features less than twenty percent of your

daily fat limit. This also has about 30g of protein.

1. Heat an oven to 400 degrees.

2. Mix 2 garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese and one

teaspoon of oil.

3. Mix 3 ounces of chicken breast with these ingredients and place it on a

baking sheet.

4. Toss together 3 cups of chopped vegetables. You can use broccoli or

potato, for example.

5. Mix the vegetables with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and place them on the

same baking sheet.

6. Cook everything for about 20 minutes. The foods should be completely

tender at this point.

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Dessert – Skim Milk with Carrots

A glass of skim milk will make for a good item to use because it does more than

just provide your body with calcium. It is also made to help you out with adding

calcium to your diet.

You can add vitamin A to the mix with carrots to go with your skim milk. Here’s a

recipe relating to how you can get this taken care of.

1. Boil 5 peeled carrots in two cups of water. Boil this for about five minutes.

2. Puree the carrots and water in a blender.

3. Heat 3 quarts of skim milk over medium heat and add in the carrots with 3

cups of sugar and one teaspoon of ground cardamom.

4. Chill for about 2 hours.

This should result in about a gallon of skin milk with carrots. This can be used for a

while and shared with others but you might want to watch for how long this is

stored for. It should not be stored for longer than 2 weeks. You can always use

this on multiple days during this diet in lieu of some of the things that you might

find on this guide.

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Day Three Breakfast – Pomegranate Smoothie

A pomegranate smoothie is a great way to start your day with a nice and chilled

beverage. This beverage contains about 295 calories and about a third of your

daily recommended amount of fiber. It also offers most of your daily vitamin A and

C needs.

1. Add 1 cup of pomegranate juice with one apple, half a carrot and ice to chill.

2. Prepare in 1 blender to keep it all arranged right.

3. You may choose to add some water into the area if you wish to get this

running right.

Lunch – Black Bean Burrito

A black bean burrito will give you plenty of fiber and protein. You can get 15g of

fiber and 21g of protein off of this recipe. It does contain about 700 calories on

average. Also, you might be better off using a whole wheat tortilla for the burrito

to keep the fat content down.

1. Wrap 2 ten-inch tortillas in foil and heat them in an oven at 350 degrees for

15 minutes.

2. Heat oil over a skillet. You should use 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil but you

might benefit off of 2 tablespoons of olive oil instead of this to keep the

recipe healthy and safe to use.

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3. Add 1 chopped onion, half a bell pepper, 1 teaspoon garlic and 1 teaspoon of

jalapeños and cook for 2 minutes in a skillet over medium heat. These

should be used with the oil.

4. Add 16 ounces of black beans and cook for 3 minutes. Be sure to stir every

once in a while as you are getting this going.

5. Cut 3 ounces of cream cheese and add to the mixture. Cook this for 2 more


6. Mix everything directly into the tortillas after they have been cooked.

Everything should be rolled up and served as soon as possible. This should

be enough for both you and another person. Remember to eat them as

soon as possible because they taste better when they are fresh.

Snack – Hummus with Whole Wheat Chips

You can use hummus in your diet with a few whole wheat chips on the side.

Hummus can be prepared for these chips with an easy to use dip. Hummus should

contain less than fifty calories in its entire serving and will have foliate for your

body to use.

1. Mix about 14 ounces of garbanzo beans with 2 tablespoons of sesame seed

paste, a juice lemon and 2 garlic cloves.

2. Mix the ingredients and add two tablespoons of liquid from garbanzo

beans to the mix.

3. Cover the mixture as it sets and let it chill until you are ready to serve it. This

can then be used with whole wheat chips made with a safer design without

too many processed items around it all.

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Dinner – Roasted Cumin Chicken and Broccoli

Roasted cumin chicken is made to give you more protein while broccoli will

provide you with a number of antioxidants. This recipe is easy to make in that it

can take about an hour to prepare. The antioxidant quality of the food should not

die out if you use this recipe the right way.

1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of cumin.

3. Add 2 cups of broccoli with about another teaspoon of olive oil.

4. Bake for 30 minutes. Make sure you turn the chicken and broccoli once in

order to get everything to cook itself up carefully. This should be done in

order to keep everything the same on each side.

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Dessert – Dark Chocolate Brownies

Dark chocolate brownies are made to give you more antioxidants. Just be careful

when using it because a typical serving may contain about 10g of saturated fat.

1. Heat an oven to 325 degrees.

2. Melt 8 ounces of dark chocolate with 2/3 cup margarine. Beat with a mixer

and add 4 eggs, half a cup sour cream and one teaspoon of vanilla extract.

About one cup of flour should also be added.

3. You can add nuts to this recipe at this time if you want. This works best with


4. Pour the batter into a pan and bake for 35 minutes.

5. Let it cool off in the pan for about ten minutes before you move it into

another spot.

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Day Four Breakfast – Steel Cut Banana Oatmeal

You can use a different oatmeal recipe at this point in the diet. This diet should

include steel cut oats with bananas.

1. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter over a skillet.

2. Add 1 cup of steel cut oats and heat while stirring. It takes about 3 minutes

to heat them up.

3. Add 3 cups of water with one cup milk, half a teaspoon of salt and 3

tablespoons of brown sugar.

4. Cook for about 20 minutes.

5. Stir in one sliced banana. You can add other fruits if desired but a banana

will be good enough.

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Lunch – Miso Soup

A good miso soup entrée can be used for lunch. This recipe is a little different from

what you read about earlier in that it features mushrooms. It’s good for about 10g

of protein and 100 calories for a serving.

1. Boil 3 cups of dashi stock.

2. Add a quarter cup of mushrooms and cook at a medium temperature for 3


3. Mix 1 tablespoon of miso paste with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce in a separate

bowl. Stir this into the stock as soon as you are done with it.

4. Add about one-eighth of a cup of cubed tofu.

5. Simmer for 5 minutes and serve.

Snack – Raw Chocolate

You can always use a bit of raw dark chocolate as a brief snack. A small bar that

might be half an ounce in weight is good enough because it will give you the

antioxidants that you’d come to expect out of dark chocolate.

Just be sure that you are careful with this. While it is true that dark chocolate

contains antioxidants and fiber, you might want to avoid using it too often.

A single serving of dark chocolate will have around ten to twenty percent of your

daily recommended limit of fat and saturated fat. Just keep it from being too

much of an issue and your body should be just fine in the long run. (Of course,

there are many other snacks in this guide. Just keep reading to see more!)

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Dinner – White Bean Pasta

White beans can be added to a pasta entrée to add to the iron content of the

recipe. This recipe has about half your daily need of iron and close to half your

need for protein.

1. Cook about 2 ounces of pasta. You should cook it according to the

instructions on the package. The key is to find whole grain pasta so you will

not have anything processed in your meal.

2. Add ¾ of a cup of white beans. These should have been rinsed and drained

before you consume them.

3. Add 1 cup of cherry tomatoes, a quarter cup of basil, 2 tablespoons of

vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

4. Mix the cooked pasta with the beans and add some shredded cheese to the

top. You do not have to cook the beans. You only need to cook the pasta to

make this recipe useful and easy to run.

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Dessert – Whole Grain Biscotti

Whole grain biscotti can be a simple recipe that can give you plenty of brilliant

flavors with a recipe that is less than 100 calories per serving. You can get plenty

of biscotti slices to use.

1. Heat an oven to 375 degrees.

2. Beat half a cup of olive oil with 1 egg, half a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of

anise extract.

3. Combine with 2 cups of whole wheat flour and stir in the mixture from the

last step. Mix all of these onto a cookie sheet.

4. Bake for about 25 minutes.

5. Slice the biscotti after they cool off and place the biscotti back into the over

to bake it for about ten minutes. Everything should be a little toasted after

a while.

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Day Five Breakfast – Base Fermented Yogurt

It does not take much time to get fermented yogurt set up with any kind of food

you want to add to it. This recipe should result in a yogurt that features about half

your daily recommended value of vitamin D alongside about a third of your daily

calcium needs.

1. Mix 4 cups raw milk with 2 tablespoons of live buttermilk.

2. Place a cloth over the jar and ferment for about 12 hours.

3. The buttermilk cultures should go through the milk sugars, thus creating a

healthy yogurt texture.

4. Add whatever fruits you want to the mix.

Be sure that you start this recipe out the day before you have it. It will take a while

for the fermentation process to work but it should be worth it as the yogurt is


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Lunch – Watermelon Soup

You don’t always have to eat watermelon by itself even though it is so easy for

you to do this. While watermelon is good on its own, you can get a watermelon

soup recipe to be used for your diet. In fact, you can get about a third of your daily

needs for vitamin C off of one serving of watermelon soup. This works well

alongside the hydration that you’d get off of this soup.

1. Blend about 4 cups of cubed watermelon. You can use this with the seeds


2. Blend the watermelon alongside 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon

of mint and another tablespoon of honey.

3. Refrigerate everything for about 2 hours. The soup should be smooth at

this time if you are careful enough with it.

Snack – Yogurt with Granola

Fermented or probiotic yogurt can be made with granola to give you a refreshing

and textured snack. A sweet parfait can be a great option to use in your diet to

give you the probiotics you need to keep unhealthy bacteria from adding up all

around your body.

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This could give you about fifty percent of your daily recommended intake of

calcium and about twenty-five percent of your daily need for potassium. It can

also be chilled for later use if you are not able to finish it all the way in just one


1. Add 1 cup of yogurt to the bottom of a cup.

2. Add half a cup of granola to the top.

3. Bring in a few blueberries to the mix if desired.

4. Repeat the layers a second time to add to the things you can enjoy here. It

should not take too much time for you to get this set up.

Dinner – Barbeque Salmon

It’s true that you have not heard anything about barbeque so far but the truth is

that you can use barbeque recipes when you are careful with them. One such

example for you to get is barbeque salmon.

Barbeque salmon is made to where you can use a small bit of salmon to get about

eighty percent of your daily niacin needs. Also, a majority of the fats in barbeque

salmon come from monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids.

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This recipe will involve sixteen servings of salmon. Fortunately, you can use this

for many people and can even secure it in your fridge for as long as needed.

1. Heat a grill to a high heat level.

2. Mix 1 cup of brown sugar, half a cup of honey and 1 dash of liquid smoke

flavoring. You can also use half a cup of apple cider vinegar.

3. Brush 1 side of a four pound salmon filet with the mixture you just created.

4. Place the basted side of the salmon down on a grill for about 7 minutes.

5. Baste the top and turn over the salmon. You can cook this for 8 minutes.

6. Brush more of the basting sauce on top and turn the salmon over again.

You can cook it for only 2 minutes.

Whew, that sure is a lot of turning. It will be worth it after you are done. Just be

sure that you are careful when getting this ready. You cannot just use the salmon

for too long or else the salmon will lose its beneficial juices and its flavor. Also,

watch for bones within the salmon as you serve it. These bones are extremely

small and tough to pick out on their own.

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Dessert – Dark Chocolate Chips

You can use a few dark chocolate chips to keep your body comfortable. This can

be great for your general antioxidant needs but you should watch for what you

are doing here.

A typical serving with about 20 to 30 chips can be good but it will contain about 4-

6g of fat and around 100 calories. This should be good enough to keep your body

healthy and comfortable without suffering from any serious weight gain issues.

You should see this when finding a solution dedicated to keeping your body under


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Day Six Breakfast – Oat Cereal with Bananas You can get an oat cereal set up with about 5g of fiber and 200 calories per

serving with this simple recipe. It also contains only 10% of your daily fat needs per


1. Mix 1 tablespoon of quinoa with a quarter cup water and a quarter cup milk.

2. Lightly boil the ingredients you mixed here.

3. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes or until you start to get the

quinoa to soften.

4. Stir in half a diced banana, 2 tablespoons of rolled oats and 1 pinch of


5. Cook all ingredients for about 2 to 5 minutes. The mixture may also thicken

after a while.

6. Remove from heat and stir 1 tablespoon of walnuts in there.

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Lunch – Grape Salad

Grapes can be added to your recipe to give you a nice texture that is easy to enjoy.

This recipe uses about 15% of your daily needs for potassium along with half your

needs for vitamin C each day. However, it does contain fat from cream cheese and

sour cream. You can always reduce the total amount of cream cheese or sour

cream in your recipe to make it a little easier to enjoy.

This recipe is made to make about 8 servings. You can divide this up over the

course of a few days to make it more enjoyable and easier to enjoy.

1. Wash about 4 pounds of seedless grapes.

2. Mix about 8 ounces each of cream cheese and sour cream. You can always

use less if desired.

3. Add half a cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

4. Everything should be evenly mixed after a while. You can add 2 tablespoons

of brown sugar after a while alongside 4 ounces of pecans if desired.

5. This can be refrigerated after you are done using it. Again, this can be used

as often as needed and should not expire provided that you keep

everything covered the right way.

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Snack – Whole Grain Popcorn

You can use a simple serving of whole grain popcorn during this part of your diet.

It never hurts to relax with a light serving of something like this. After all, many

companies have begun to make their own whole grain popcorn products with all

sorts of quality ingredients in mind. These products are useful for your diet and

should include plenty of fiber.

Just be sure that you watch what you are doing when using this. Make sure the

popcorn you get does contain whole grain ingredients and does not have any

saturated or trans fats in it. Also, try and keep your serving size to 1 standard

cereal bowl’s worth of it. A single bowl like this will certainly go a long way for a


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Dinner – Barbeque Chicken Sandwich

You can extend your barbeque dinners for a second day with a barbeque chicken

sandwich. This is a food that should just about complete your entire daily protein

need with about 48g of protein. This does contain 29g of fat but only 5g is

saturated fat. Most of the fat is unsaturated.

You can also add coleslaw to the top of your sandwich. However, this is not

always required.

1. Place 2 whole chickens in a pot. An average whole chicken will be about 4

pounds in weight.

2. Boil the chickens and cook them until they start to come off of the bone.

This may take about 3 hours for them to be properly cooked. You can spend

this time making the sauce that will be used in the recipe in the next step.

3. Mix 3/2 cups of ketchup and ¾ cup of mustard with a quarter cup of steak

sauce and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice.

4. Boil the entire mixture and simmer for 10 minutes.

5. Set the mixture aside to keep the flavors under control.

6. Remove the chicken off of the bones as soon as it is done. The chicken

should be cut into several pieces at this point. Place the chicken in a pan

with the sauce you got and let the flavors soak into the chicken. It should

then be cooked for about 15 minutes.

7. Move the barbeque chicken onto buns. This recipe should be good enough

for about 10 to 12 sandwiches.

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8. You can add coleslaw onto you sandwiches but that is only if you wish to

use it. It does add to the flavor but it will also add to the fat content.

Dessert – Blueberry Shake

A delicious blueberry shake can give you antioxidants and nutrients from

blueberries alongside a bit of calcium. In fact, you could get a full day’s worth of

vitamin C off of a single serving of a blueberry shake.

1. Add ice cubes in a blender. You should stick about three-quarters of a

blender with ice cubes.

2. Pour in two cups of milk, a third of a cup of white sugar, two cups of

blueberries and one teaspoon of vanilla extract.

3. Blend all ingredients until they are smooth. They should be ready to use

after they are all ground up well.

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Day Seven Breakfast – Cereal Bread

Why use cereal for breakfast when you can enjoy cereal bread instead? This recipe

features just 200 calories per serving and 5g of protein.

1. Mix about 1 cup of wheat cereal. You should aim for a straightforward

shredded wheat cereal but you could use something that is lightly frosted if

you prefer to go that route.

2. Add 1 cup of brown sugar and half a cup of shortening to your wheat cereal.

3. Add 2 packages of active dry yeast. You should have about half an ounce of

dry yeast in this case. This should sit for about 10 minutes before it can

become creamy.

4. Combine the yeast and cereal and add 2 cups of flour and 2 eggs.

5. Beat the mixture with an additional half cup of flour added every few

minutes. You should have 6 cups of flour altogether as you use this.

6. Oil a bowl and place the dough in that bowl. Cover it and let it stay in a

warm spot for about an hour.

7. Deflate the dough and merge it into 2 separate loaves. These should be 9 x

5 inches each.

8. Cover the loaves and let them rise for about 40 minutes.

9. Bake in an over at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes. Let

everything cool off as soon as you are done with it.

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Lunch – Pinto Bean Tacos

Pinto bean tacos are relatively related to burritos except that the tortilla is a little

more open. This recipe should give you about half your daily needs for fiber and

about 15g of protein and less than three grams of saturated fat.

1. Heat up half a cup of pinto beans and add 1 juiced lime with a quarter

teaspoon of chili powder.

2. Mix with lettuce and tomatoes if desired.

3. You can use this with a series of taco shells but it might help if you use soft

taco shells that are heated in an oven at 350 degrees for ten minutes.

Snack – Egg White on Toast

An egg white on toast can be used as a breakfast food but you could also add it to

your diet as a snack food. This should provide you with the protein that comes

from an egg white without all the cholesterol and fat that comes with the yolk. It

is especially useful if you enjoy this alongside a slice of whole wheat bread.

1. Toast a single slice of whole wheat bread.

2. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the bread.

3. Fry a single egg on a skillet.

4. Remove the yolk from the egg and serve the whites on the slice of bread.

5. Add half a cup of fresh spinach to the top.

6. Add a second slice of whole wheat bread to the top. This slice obviously

needs to be toasted first.

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Dinner – Spinach Pizza with Olives

Spinach can be combined with olives to create a healthy and delicious pizza. This

should provide you with a number of healthy fats including some omega-3s.

Here’s a step by step process of how you can get this spinach pizza set up for

anything you want out of it.

1. Heat an oven to 450 degrees.

2. Place a pizza crust, preferably a whole wheat pizza crust, onto a cookie

sheet. An average pizza crust will be about ten to twelve inches in size.

3. Mix half a cup of mayonnaise with four garlic cloves, half a cup of feta

cheese and half a cup of chopped tomatoes around the pizza crust. You

should spread it around as evenly as possible.

4. Add a quarter cup of diced olives to the entire recipe.

5. Bake for about ten minutes.

6. Add two cups of chopped spinach leaves. Place about half a cup of feta

cheese to keep the spinach leaves from falling off.

7. Bake for two to three more minutes.

8. Remove from the oven and cut it in any way you see fit. You can get six to

eight traditional slices off of this recipe. You could also cut this in a series of

squares if you’d prefer to go that route.

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Dessert – Goji Berry Rice Pudding

You can end your week’s worth of healthy eating with superfoods by using goji

berry rice pudding at the end of it all. This can be prepared in about five minutes

but it will clearly take much longer for you to get this all set up. It will still be worth

it when you find a solution to give yourself something enjoyable.

You will also need to get eggs for this recipe. You can still use only egg whites for

this recipe to keep the cholesterol and fat contents of the rice pudding under

control. You can still get about 4g of dietary fiber in each serving of this recipe

when it is appropriately done.

1. Boil a quarter cup of water and add one eighth of a cup of whole grain rice

to it.

2. Cook for about twenty minutes.

3. Add half a cup of skim milk and a small bit of sugar. Cover the same mixture

and heat for an hour.

4. Whip one serving of egg whites and add one quarter of a teaspoon of

vanilla extract and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Add a bit of the mixture to this

to temper the egg whites.

5. Add half an ounce of goji berries and half an ounce of raisins.

6. Add some powdered cinnamon to the mixture to make it complete.

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So as you can tell from this unique recipe, the ability to get a good recipe going is

smart for whatever it is you want to get out of your diet. You have to use this in

order to give your body a strong sense of control when taking advantage of

whatever it is you might like for your dietary needs. Be sure to schedule this diet

properly if you want to keep your body as healthy and under control as possible.

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Chapter 10


You should definitely take a look at the use of superfoods in your diet if you want

to keep yourself healthy and comfortable. It’s a great idea to see how these are

made with all sorts of quality benefits used to keep you from suffering from too

much stress when you are trying to enjoy a good diet.

The point is that superfoods are all made with the intention of giving your body

support in many forms. These are used to give your body control with a series of

useful nutrients made to keep your body healthy through antioxidants, nutrients

and many proteins. It’s all used to give your body something that is suitable and

easy for you to utilize.

The most important point about these products is that they are all easy to use in

your diet. You can prepare them in a variety of forms with many different styles

ranging from a few foods that use fruits or nuts to some meat-based dishes.

Let’s be honest – there’s no such thing as one singular food that is able to cure

people of every single ailment that they might have. Nothing can be done to fully

protect the body from all sorts of different physical issues. However, superfoods

can at least give your body the support that you need to get out of it all. Be sure

to take a look at the ways how these superfoods are made so you can enjoy

something that is appropriate and helpful for whatever it is you might be

interested in getting.

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